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The Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-27, Page 5
THE I Healthy Baby e ler burfratg, js published every Thursday Morning, enB at the °Mee, LLL yrI n 1 MAIN -STREET, EXFTER, ----- Sy the- - ADVOCATE Poet.ISHiNi .COMPANY' TERMS OF sueso II'T Q . One Dollar per aunt= if paid til Advance. $1.50 if not so paid. Je ac=ts• u = atoq, ori eleepple :, tepee. No peperdiscontinued until all erre atrag o Lee paid. Advertisements without seeei�dc directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal aiscountmade for traosekent advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINI'ING turned out in the ienest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord* ere. &e. ffer ad vertieing„snhaoriptions.ete-t ie be meds eavai,le to Chas. H. Sanders, EI) LOitAso PROP Profess *ona el. KINSMAN, , P. D, s. 6 Dit. A. R. KINSMAN;, L D. S., D. L. S., honor graduate of Toronto University. Dl''- NTISTs, Teeth extracte,,l without any rale, ar any bad off tee Office in Fanson'e Clock, west elle plain Street, Exeter. )�'�' R, I). ALTO'. ANDERSO ,(D.D.S.SeeD S.,) *' 11 honoreeGra,Iun,teofthe 'Toronto T,*rni. rsity and Rieval College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted \vitbott. ate, All PIMPS 't' . of Dentistry up to ,late. O bee over Elliot, ,e;. leiliot'e lag: office -opposite Cantrell Hotel -heeler. llledeeal [ teal J t' • 1i'LLIN & T A. AMOS. aas�� tteeilenees,xame ati terminrl, 'Fli'ICES,Speeftinnn, budding,!+lainAt Ar, Robina' office; =tame as formerly --north door. lir. Amoei ofhco. satno building -south door. May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins. ht, n. T• A. Amee. M. D 1\It.T.1'. M f,,MelJ111,1x. blE5111Rif O1' the Coliege of Phveic eueendSUrgeone Unterio Physician, Surgeon and Acoaueti. our. office, 1).i twoa,i, eiekt • 1 p. IL ('RLI,INS. i A RI'.TFR,SOLTCIT OR, (:onver eeteer, Notary Public Anise,• -Over ee:4,,11'a Maines, l xeter,tlntarie Money to Teran. 1 eeee a\ $. ('.Lit AM , BARRISTE114 sesel'itor Xoterte ', ('qnk Nt „tIC°,•r9. t'o^i mil • +:t, r.. a t ehbl ,; to leant at 4'i an o per eon': 9eecieetectuiored Doer• :Sail: es , i:.x� Chir. I it i�t,tsl.tsor,li. A. L. H. IiteaeoN t.. eeeatter fie the tartan wilt to at ileueall an Ti'hor' lay ,i: east tveele 1?L. I ab "' MADMAN. ],1ARil.leTERS 1.1 Ne t•o:i, e,w i'te`m+, and Money t B. V. RS,t"H • 1 . II', (1r..ti[•it1t�. .eatee 10 steers 1 tlioose .Wittets.,1•ie�a. Licensee react 3 . n ane+ •r for the Cmtntli�e of Perth and 1tleeex,rti:t,i for the tosinebie eiffl'ebornt• Rahe Morn titl.v n.tten•le 1 teasel terms rem- seohe,le.;alca arranged at Poet alike. IPin- chokes. t*ttlrttttee. tnenrene+, agent. Mein et Neater pleasant font Work 11, Men end Women; ds or evenly Por fie Y $6 to $ta weekly; no cauvassia or ex. perieace needed; plain instructions and work mailed on application. Address a MEMORIAL COMPANY. LONDON,'Ont. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Lsdle9 ask your drug,gist for Gooks Cotton Root Coup ironed. Take no other,as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 per box, No.2,10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. No. 1 or 2 mailed on receipt of .ice and two 8•eent P price stem's alto -Cook Company Windsor,.Ont. lerI� C responsible Druggists inn. Canada handed by all NO 1 awl No •' soil in Exeter l;y J. W browning. Ilruggi.t, 1:einar1,able ete;0 u(. Mrs Michaiel Curtain, Plainfield, I11 makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of con sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sowed and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Sold by all Druggists, large bottles 50 cents and 11 00. Driven Crazy by Brain Fever. Jeremiah Kelly, son of James Kelly. wbo lives on the town line between Us ' -- borne and Biddulph, died at hi- father's; home from a serious attack of brai, fever, which came on him in a suddei' and peculiar manner The other morning he started away in the wag onto Lamfield's farm, on the swamp line, four miles from home. He was. there until early afternoon, and left ..for home still in seeming good health About four o'clock his father was sur prised to see the young man bringing the team up the road towards de - e house at a breakneck speed. and lash ing the beasts into further efforts, In to the barn yard he drove, and around by the barn, narrowly escaping the •smash-up in a dozen places, until :fin ally he ran the horses into a stray' stack, and they he were For a e stopped. p Y p time his parents could not make cult what was wrong but as he complained of a terrible pain in the back of hie head, Lang, of Granton, was -sen for and d by the time he arrived tht, sufferer was tossing on his bed in' the wild` delirium of brain fever. Otl•• Bathetic feature of his death is worths of note. Last Sunday at St. Patrick's church, Rev.made Pallier Noonan' special prayer for the yonrkg man. It is said that if it bad not been for this deat,iz, the banns g were a s of his w to a h add to have been announced at the .time that his recovery' was made the sub- ject of prayer. In Tree Months Humor Spread Over His Forehead Into His Eyes and All Over Hite Hands Ouch !Itching, $urn Torture - How It Enti. When :a child is cured of the itching torture and burning intialtllnatiolt of eczema or salt rheum, it is no wonder that words fail to express the joy of the grateful parents, and that they gladly tell in as strong terms as pos- sible the plain stork: of suffering re- lieved and health restored. Many testimonials relate the wonderful suc- cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla in such cases, even after all other prescription: and medicines fail. Here is one: "C. I. heed & Co., Lowell, Mass,: member the good Uoed Sarsaparilla y Rill re- member Pear Sire: -Oar bo 'ii SarsapuriIla dia hits as long as he lives. He was a healt by baby when. he was bum, but before :t.k Wee three =oaths old a. breaking out ap- peared en both aidee. oI his fake. ague did him little good and said but fee his strong constitution be could not have lived through hie dreadful suffering, The humor spread over his forehead, into bis eyes, and came out en his hands. It was indeed pitiful to witness the peer "child's fferinga, It was very paiefuh for him open or shut bis eyes, and we had to ais little bends to prevent him from scratching the itching, burning skid. ;thy =titer urged lee to try 11Qod'a flar- patina. We did so, and a abort, titre ter be began to take this medicine we a. change for the better. We con- ued until we bad given him five bot - and then the eczema had entirely e-apreered, and be has ever since been perfectly cured of this dreadful disease. I1Is eufferiega extended over two and e 1ls 1;4'm s. i?eaple tor moles around. knew hie dreadful voltditioat and snow that 1loeir Sarsaparillacured lain. ielsnow a bright, boy, perfcetly healthy and hc:a the°met skin of tiny of my five children." Mer. L. K1.aveine nre,I, t cilte,;evillcs, Pe, Reed's Fe:separat 1 sold by all drug- gists. t¶1;sizteri$. Ile sure te get Hoodte. °Fig :,'fie' Inf:11th and Ohild.Ten, tier,.,ate Gf .rt sit ca ouse 'Visas lens. Elected. The melt WIPE will dire: n e ever tl1 -It.iiheratieus of the County Council ire as fellows: Lambton-->Johu Dewar, Plympton. Bruee-D. M. Jenny re Marton, 1Vel}ington-A. Stewart, Puslineh, Wentworth -A deadlock. Carleton -Councillor Boyce. Lanark ---Jos Cram, Carleton Place. Prescott and Russell D. Sabourih. Ste Anne de Prescott. Ontario -Walter Coulthard, Norfolk --Oliver Austin. Welland --,lames lienderson, Crown Land. lri ' ,- F ldtrnatld �. ' H �� l I.o t ' c t York. FirerConk, , ie Fierotl, J nil. P. 8 Co Io eke Lent'ox and Addington -S. R. Alli- son. South Fredericksburg. Hastings—Jas English, 1ladnc. Frontenae- Gen. Wright, Kingston. Leeds and Grenville -Richard Green, Oakleaf. Simcoe-Pat Ronan, Adjala. Prince Edward - N. Sprague. Waterloo -•-M. Hallman. Brant -J. I Collins, Burford. Victoria" R. En ans. Lindsay. Perth -T. E. Hay, Listowel. Halton -Geo nacelle, Acton. Peterboro E. Hawthorte. Kent -A. Tiverton, Zone. Elgin -Not decided. Balloting will he continued on the assembling of the council this morning. York -Councillor Woodcock, New market Peel -T. Nory:,l, Brampton. Oxfnrd-Wm. Schell, East Oxford. asst"tttetet tettleletletfaCetetteltnt s eeriX Tested and Tried J le X DC DC hr 25 Years X I,Mould you feel perfectly safe to , put all your money <': in a new bank ? One you have just heard of? But how about an old fie � RE bank ? One that has done � Ibusiness for over a quarter ee of a r. entury ?. One that has t always kept its ypromises ? misled you in an y way? You could trust such abank, couldn't you ?311 St a Z oao aouR�cHoso�s PIJLLED T11E TRIGGER Lend in st, John, A.B., and then Fat:bark EXETER PARKETS •Changed every Wedl.eadry) With a String After Placing Muz- zle of Shotgun in His Mouth. ASKS FOR $10,000 FROM GIPIR. Report That the Pilipino Xnsurguats leave Set Free the Spanish Civil Prisoners in Their .Fiends -The Almldsk Out 33 Bays -Bev - r. It. I5ndd Tet ADC*. MVO crises of diphtheria have developed in Ameliasburg, about six mike from ltossmore, .Btastings County. A ease of smallpox developed on Mon- day at the St..I3onifece, iylanicoba, Hos- pital. It came from one of the French settlements, .Agulnaldo is said. to bava requested the Pope to send a cornmiseian to oe o- tiate rot the release of the iinpr,•:oak e priests in than Philippines. Among the pafsengers wha will s e�1 for New York on Wednesday mixt on ia�ard the White Star Line ateamer Ai.tjestte are Mr. and Mrs. Bnoyard Kipling. The 13ritisu freight steamer .Almtda 1113 basil mit 33 days Irene Shields tar New York, and her agents are genii nZfeus. Nee ban a craw of 25 tl:ea. The sixteenth annnel meeting of the eloleteia�-I'riesian Aesoci ttlon of Canada Will as held ar the Albion i.'at.rl, Tarots - on Tuesday, Feb. 7, .150e, ate o'cloals Robert hugger of 1ti tgetown, a collie n 011 a construetlan car in the Craw's pleat Palle, has lamed a writ for $10,000 against the O.P.R. Hit loot his lel;, sad alleges negligence. Rev. k dward IL Budd, wile was thought to have been lose on the yacht Paul Jones, is found to be alive, he hav- ing got tired et waiting for the fog to lift, and left the boat. It is reported tram Manila, by Fay oI Madrid: that the Spanish civil prisoners n the hands et the Fillpinoa have been released, and that the military prisoners viii abortly be flet fres, At a spek'ial meeting et atoeltheldors of Rutland etaiiro;ul on J�fonrl w it seas' oil unanimously to approve the acaiou directors in purchasing tho Ogdens- rg & Puke Chemplmn ltallrcad and to taranteo its bunds. tieingo Scbnlidt, a re,,l�lunt of Cock - 'eland, while hie wife wee out I tet the nuzzle of a shotgun in his mouth and with a string pulle.l the trigger. leo was an employe for years of the Iskind Cedar Co. Judge Horne, at Sandwich, Ont., on Monday sentenced henry Ronald and Walter Webber to five years' inrprison- saont oauh at Kingston Penitentiary for stealing a horse from Jerome May of Belleville last December, It is said that President McKinley desires to have the American side of the high commission complete when the labors of the commiseton close, anal that Representative Tasvney of Minim:Iota will succeed the late Nelson I)ingioy on that body. Howard Smith of Toledo and 7. ler- pont Morgan of Now York have en- gineered a deal which brings 39 bridge manufacturing firers of the United Status into a combine, with a capital of $50,- 000,000. Tho details will shortly bo made public. Although the health of Klug Oscar of Sweden continuos to Improve, his physi- alans have ordered him to take a com- plete rest, 'Therefore, His Majesty has entrusted the Government, provisionally, to Grown Prince Gustaf, and bas gond to altoja-Baden, The dealings in tbo New York Stock Exchange on Honda showed g iv the enorm- ous figure of 1,020,010 shares, and the total sales of bonds $0,040,000 The sales of stooks were the largest in the history of the exchange, not excepting the creat record node in 180:3, during the excite- ment over the Reacting issues. The Pbllippine Junta in London. has received advices that if.Agonoillo, Again- aldo's agent at Washington, is not re- ceived by the United States Government soon, be will he recalled elo Manila and relations suspended. The Junta also re- ports that a largo number of American troops are engaged to Philippine girls. The colonial commission to undertake the administration of matters of detain In Cuba, Porto Bice, and the Pbi]ippines, is composed of General Robert P. Ken- nedy of Bolfontaine, 0., Curtis Guild of Massachusetts, and George W. Watkins of Grand Rapids, Mich. They will be charged with settling all the minor troubles that are vexing the islanders. The commissioners sent by the Cuban Assembly to Washington to learn what the United States Government will do about paying the Cuban army, sail on Wednesday for Havana General Goinez's secretary, Capt. Kohly, said that the Cubans were all willing and ready to help the United States authorities; that no difficulties would arise between the two interests which could not be settled in a peaceable way. The trial of Sydney 0, Slocum, on a charge of indecent assault was com- menced on Monday before Mr. Justice Robertson in Toronto. The prisoner is an ex -private detective. He was sentenced at the last iee,g±�rt to five years in Kingston Penitenti:for inciting witnesses to commit perjury in the trial of Dr. East- wood on a charge of procuring an abor- tion. The alleged victim in the present charge is Mrs. Sadie Cnllerton,. One that never failed • never ee MORE EARTHQUAKES IN GREECE. In One Pillage Fifty Children 'Were Injured by a Collapsing Building. �Athens Jan 24.. -There here "were fresh p earthquake shooks yesterday€in the prov- EMULSION 13.7,94 3i -oponnesus, partioular]y in the Kyparissla and Phillatra, in $ ,, TT'S ' 1$ • the Department of Messenia, on the Ion- sn const. In the town of K arissia a yP , number of houses damaged by shooks nollapsed yesterday afternoon, injuring many. In one village 50 children were in- jured. of COD-LIVER OIL WITH g E- is just - PSIT S HOS POP 3 >;IY tK' like you, never 'will.ike such a bank. It has never It has never deceived you, never "will.' ]Y Look out that someone j,N. X' does not try ,N to make you invest- your health in a new pi it tonic, some new medicine st h of know nothing X oil g • Y 5oc. and $aloe; all druggists. Es • . iit SCOTT el BOWNB, Chemists, Toronto, a a gadetiatiuutdiittottlt tta a8tatitt iii Toronto Exposition for 1S9,. Toronto, Jan. z4.-Frorn� A.n T 28 to g Sept. 9 has been decided on by the board of directors as the date of the Toronto Industrial Fair for this year. The nue-- tion of extending the time to three weeks was mooted,, but the board decid- ed not to make anychange at pi•esent: sat the Trains for the. West -A Peculiar People. Si, John, N,B., Jan. 24. -•`the e?teamer Rayon,with the Doukbobors on board. arrived, here yesterday at 4 p.m„ and, although it Was deed low water, the steamer came right up to her wharf. The train crews for five trains, with, locomotives, coaches, were at Sand Point rind vicinity from early morning, and the: passenger train. which was to leave first for the west was placed on the wharf trsoits, while the box cars, to carry the Doukbobors' effeots, were placed on the traok in the rear of the warehouse, The colonist oars eontalned sleeping apart- ments, plenty of fresh water, ete., and were very comfortable, while the tourist ears. besides having all the above con- veniences, are fitted out with a neat and serviceable cooking stove. In the centre of each train of eight passenger coaches is a large baggage car, wbleh is used for the provisions. In the provision care, which arevery aleau, were role's of cans for coffee and: tea, piles of new tin plates, knives, Jerks, spoons, cups, eto., for the Peek. bottom while there was fresh water in abundance This ear also cautains brooms, palls, soap, etc., while in the provision line there Is eheeso, tea, sugar, milk, salt, vegetables and a large amount of trash bread. Nothing bus been left Undone by the (Qovernmeni and the C.P.II. oillelals for the muter* of the new settlers, who aro en route for the great Canadian Northwest. The upper dock of the steamship was alive with the Deukhobors, who, in their sheepskin coatumnes, presented a sight never seen an this city. 11 'ben the large steamship was slowly moving towerda the pier, shoat two dozen citizens, eaub armed *with a camera, were busily en- gaged In taking snapshots of the vessel and her. Passengers, and same Very lino picture+ were secured. The I)oukbobors were received with cheers, which they duly acknowledged In their peoullar fasbiou, and, after singing a sang of tbankegiving and praise, the lending commenced. As .they passed through the sheds to the train, the ladles of the Women's Council peel/Mee each child with a bag soutalning Candy, oraugea, ate., which were gratefell: received. The trains were Ailed up rapidly despatched promptly, Five In all fiver made up and went out The appearanr clad reannee ct the Russiaua impres a; the people of St. Jelin. Sliest favorably. SANTIAGO dfoRPIIl MAT co rani:. Exciting raee is,.tweru rnole Sn,n,r, Matte and International Lite. Wilhingtors, .Tan. 24.-Tbere will he a notable race against time In the effort of the Mexican authorities to seeuro the person of Santiago Morphy, the Mexican. National Bank employe who Is wanted on a ahaxgo of forgery, amountit.g to $70.000. AIorphy Is now bold under arrest in New Orleans, and as the extradition treaty expires today, there must bo some lively work on the part of the Mexican authorities to got their man across the boundary Thio before then. Saturday last tho State Department .louvered to Senor l3odoy, the Mexican charge hero, the papers eteecestu7 to 8001.1re the delivery of Morpby to the Mexican pollee agents, but ae these papers were entrusted to the snails it is doubtful whether or not they will arrive in time to secure the roan. Another Teacher at rare, Paris. Jan. 24, -The police believe that a second \rachor is at large, who, without mative, stabs young girla on lonely roads on their way home from work, During the last week two cases Lave been reported of girls being suddenly met by the assassin, who sprang from behind same tree and stabbed them. Neither of these was fatally Injured, but yesterday 14 -year-old 3 1 - a3 gained Ernestine Lo 8 r m b rdini on her hon a , a way home near the Place Saint Louie, was stabbed and killed. There were ten wounds in her body. Her purse, which contained a few francs. had not been taken. Ring Is to no Extradited. Walkerton, Ont., Tan. 24. -In the King, alias White, forgery case. judgment was given yesterday committing the prisoner for extradition. He nowremains. in jail here for 15 days further, during wbich bo may appeal. The evidence in the meantime is reviewed by the Minis- ter of Justice at Ottawa, wbo bolds the prisoner as long as may he necessary to dispose of the appeal proceedings. Pri- soner's counsel has gone to Toronto to see what further steps can be taken in his behalf. Bar the Mormon, Washington, Jan 24. --Representative Clark of Iowa yesterday introduced a bill, "providing that no polygamist shall be a Senator or Representative." It pro- vides that "no person living in or prac- tising polygamy shall be eligible to be a member of either House of Congress of the. United States, nor shall such person be permitted to hold a seat therein." It is further provided tbat the evidence of polygamy shall be "af whatever na- ture that establishes the fact." Miss Whiteway Dead. Montreal, Jan. 24. -News bas reached the city of the death of Miss Whiteway, eldest daughter of Right lion. Sir Wil- liam Wbiteway,K.C.M.G., at Middle- burg. South Africa, on Saturday last. As a consequence of the delicate state of Miss Whiteway's health, the familyware spending the winter in England in obedience to medloal advice, which pre- scribed a long sea voyage. The Invalid, with Sir William and Lady Whiteway, took passage last November for Cape Town. As to Private Bills. Toronto. Jan. 24. -Eleven' more private hills were registered istered by the clerk ot the Houser yesterday, y ay, to be presented at the coming session; The clerk of the House gives notice that regarding private bills, Monday, Feb, 13, will be the; last day for receiv- ing Monde 0 ing p y, Feb. 2 , the last day for introducing private bills; Friday, Marsh 8, the fast' day for receiving re- ports of committees on private bills. Tiro in the. tCoal LCI. C a Shed. Moncton, N -B. .T n. 24, --A hoot 10 o'clock last night tiro broke out uoar the engine in the coal shed of the I C 13 „ yards and soon spread, It almost totallyy destroyed , the building, which was of wood. The loss will be about $1,500. wheat per bushel...... , ., 63 to 69 )'1on par cwt 1,85 to 2.00 •Barley ...._.. .t0 to 43 oats ..., .°T to 2S Peas ... ........ s3 Oorn 46 4 Eggs r l4 :I:0600664i P tatoo ea obp5bHayfezton •i.5o Dzfe Apples per iii 5 Ducks 7 Qeese 6 Chicken 6 Turley 9 ijers 1 Mair vigor What does it do? It causes the oil glands in the skin to become more active, making the hair soft and glossy, precisely as nature intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great Causes of baldness, It makes a better circu- lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out, 1 P eveiCa CURS �rUl W BONRCSS Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there is any lift~ remain- ing em in-ing in the hair bulbs. It restores color to gr g-. or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap- pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. 11 you o do not obtain all the benefits T9vorlte me l w•ior aero t cat tike T15" Address, DR, J. C. ATEn, Unveil, 31,ss The ferry Niagara a 3 wascaught }t in alt tco floe between Buffalo and Fort Erie. .She was swept down under the It t•r- national Bridge with nineteen paseen gurs an board and was in danger of going over the Falls, hut managed to get into clear water below the l+ridge. Ali her upper works were torn off by c't miug iu comet with the bridge limn b +rs, • iklora. o'er. Wood's Phoap'llodino, :The Great English Remaly. Sold and recommended by all druggists is Canada. Only retie able medicine discovered.S !x ?o , packages guaranteed to care all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six. $5. One tetilptease, six emit cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. 8a' W ood s Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning, druggist. The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT, 250,000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS r Nothing ;.r,. ba more demoralictng to A, young or middle-aged men than the pres- eneo of these "nightly losses." They y,+4 producewoaltnosa nervousness, aafeeling 0.,;)of die�srtstaudawholetrainofsymptom,. Ther unlit a. man for business, married p ," •irneeher cause by es habits in youth, tpi• , .+R intoes, eakuers or sexual excesses, our ''' b.'v Method Treatment will positively eturxou.. P, 1, l^1,' 'LIE't' NO PAT "'Brasier, y„: t need help. Early abuse or later excesses inlay have weaken,•d von. Baposure may have diseased yon. 'You are r,, •• rfo till cured. *Jur New Method c ,':,'� will care. YOU .ran nc Tisk. e...,3 iii 0 CURED Yannk t+:"*m-.• ou are pale, feeble and hag an, • a,,,•voe. irritable and ex- citable. ;You �e••ume forgetful, morose, a and dcapondest, blotches and pimples. sunken eyes. wrinkled fano, . stooping f form and downcast countenance reveal rl lJre 1 Li;ht of your existence. r. WECJ VARICOCELE r� j',,1 , To matter hew fierions your case may `•'' :chem", how .r )u" RYEA9 E13Tit, will 1ry,� oars i+ Tho o w n:g veins" return to 'lee them norm 1 OCs,. ilOU and aianeo the 1 c c it o proper rourish- }ii r 1 i ncro.aio vital .d, alt '1 l u los.,as cease and 4 �I I '"' L -:1 No 't lxlporare sea cat cure x aro a LrOd. "x'A -. tTO Ol PER ! , EY y NO DLTEid- .,,-:..ti, .. aNw,.wl terq. ,. t;�l +.111 Ii e,3 t 'K l' al� , 1. :1 els: 7 A 1' ; v-,.. area +r,d cure " SX P11,i.1k1S. l'.411,1...711. ii 'TONS, IB POTE+N`,lr, ".'i1l110T 1' 1tICOOELE, SE XI - NAL dieeareLOS, , L, ADleitat AND Rib- s is Bee CONSULT AT Rib- s 1+e{ ,la. DOt tee FREE. CHARGES MODERA'i.1 J2 uatihle to call, vette for a• QUI ,ST ON ELAiT1 for ROPE Topeezeae l48SHELl3:y STET, �c witkProverbs but dont think you can patch clothes to look like new,. 'Then again it would not pay you when, you can buy clothing at the prices we sell. Wants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits t9.i Overcoats 8,09 Mack Worsted: suits a spec- ial,. $ /2.90 Our 820 blacks beat all others at V 23., Corse and see for yourself. PATRONIZE US5 • People patronize us because they realize that we alvays sell clothing that is strictly, up -t© -date.... . • GPIEVE Opposite Post office Bicycles! Bicycles!! s. Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good. wheel. We eau furnish you any o€ the hest wheels made at lowest prtees Musical. Do you want anything in tie' musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and omens, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, ate. etc, Perkins & Martin THE �IRAL Dftijc STORE., Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We 31anuf'aetnre-- a WiNER'S LiNAAAENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The 01d. Reliable, Winau°s Con- dition Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scrateh :s on horses and Condition Powder for same SOLE AGENT., 1,01i DIX. LUNG SYRUP. C. LUTZ, DRUGGiST. NERIMEIBMINUMINEE atic/Sc$ozvesaec Acme/ IT PAYS To read the big stores' ad- vertisements.. . dvertisements... , STOP! T - INK ! For whose good are we in the furniture business ? For yours and ours. If we are not 4 useful to you we cannot be use I. 11 ful to ourselves. We have got14, tocarrythe goods you want at the prices you want or we can• not make success of ourbusi- ness. ce u t ness. But we have been doing business rigbt along for years, which preves that we are the inpeoplewith right kind of this right quality of furniture re at the right prices. Come and see for yourself... S.-GIDL Y & SON. Furniture 'Undertaking- OPERA ndertakin-•OPERA HOUSE CLOCK.