HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-27, Page 4THE
!k i hh Abrocatt,
Chas. H. Sanders, Hdztor and Prop
THURSDAY) January 26, 1899
The question of allowing the school
children to give presents to their
teachers at Christmas tithe, will be
discussed at a meeting of the Galt
school board. Quire a number of pre
seats were gieeu this Christmas, and
it is said that the parents of some of
the children who could not afford to.
contribute awe -thing toward the pre-
sentation complain that their .children.
feel ve:y sensitive about it, and are
ashamed to go to school, The resoled
on forhiddirg the prat:deo is overcome
by the eltildrteu going to the teach -r
after school hours and wakiug the pre-
The Postmaster General is receiving
petitions in favor of the adoption of a
one mut postage tax cin drop letters.
Am")ngst other reasons urged iu favor.
of this course is that the farmers have
their letters carried maty miles, in
starve cases hundreds of miles, for two
wets, the s.iu amount as is paid in
cities ou letters frtou one block to an
otter. This. it is pointed out, is uo ar•
gument. as the farmers do not have
their lettere delivered whilst the resi-
dents in cities do, Apart from this,
however, it is learned that it is exceed•
iugly unlikely that eve- reduction will
be made iti drop letters Iu England
the same" rtitit is charged ma drop and
loug distauce letters, the short distance
paying for the long, anti this has been
so since the introduction of penny pos-
tage• The areurneut that it cost as
much to send a lever to friends in the
city as to frier:ds a the other bide of
the cantit,eiar col.id just is Ioiieany be
applied to all domestic letters as to drop
letters, breauee the charge for sending
a letter to the other side of the Contin-
erlt is the ;amo as for sending one to
the ether ewe of the world Oa these
grotualsa: i,• ualil•ely that the petitions
will have at effect, even if revenue
e',ol elderae ioee did die: also interfere.
in our last issue a few obvious er
rors crept into the cetumueication from
Mr. Quieten, tied in order to correct the
paragraph we puhlieh it as it was
written, as follows.
%Vbeu I paid our taxes for 1897
(which was a little over $13S09) I did
not happen to look oyer the items on
the receipt and so was not aware that
I paid the commutation money and did
not discover my mistake until about
the time the taxes for 1SJS became due;
but aur friends were on the watch for
this money, drew it with the consent of
the council and laid it out where they
saw fit, and never made Quinton Bros.
the wiser until questioned about it."
"Figures Talk "
It is said that the Family Herald and
Weekly Star Company of Montreal,
buys one sixth of the entire white pa-
per of Canada. This will give some
idea of the magnitude of that wonder
ful paper. There are over one thous-
and papers in Canada, and the Family
Herald uses one sixth of the entire pa;
per used to print them. The circula-
tion of that is growing by thousands
every week and before long their per-
centage of the consumption of paper
will be much larger, The picture,
"Thin Red Line," has added thousands
of new subscribers this season. The
publishers, we are informed, have de-
cided to issue a last edition of twenty
the usand for those who subscribe dur-
ing January and February. This will
be welcome news to those who have de-
layed renewing and to those who are
desirous of securing it. The Family
Herald and Weekly Star one full year,
with the picture, "Thin Red Line," is
the greatest snap of the century for one
South Huron Liberals.
The annual meeting of the South
Huron Reform Association, as constitut-
ed for Dominion purposes, was held in
Dixon's hall, Brucefield, on Wednesday
week. The attendance, on account of
the very bad state of the roads, was
not very large, but there was, not
withstanding, a very pleasant meeting.
The following were elected officers of
the association:President, A. Mustard,
Brucefield: vice-president, J. C. Kalb-
fleisch. Hay: secretary, Thos. Fraser,
Brucefield; treasurer, ,lohn Murdock,
Brucefield; municipal chairmen,—Bay
field, Dr. Stanbnry, McKillop, George
Murdie; Seaforth, D. D. Wilson; Hay,
Fred Kibler; Hullett, Robert Scott;
Stanley, John :Ketcben Tuckersmith,
Hugh McCartney; Hensall, Dr. McDer-
Messrs. George :McEwen, Hensall; J.
A. Wilson, Seaforth, and James Lock-
hart, McKillop, were appointed a com-
mittee on resolutions.
Story of a slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams,
of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was madefree.He says: "My
wife has been so helpless for five years
that she could not turn over in bed
alone. After using two bottles of
Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully im
proved and able to do ber own ; work."
This supreme remedy for female dis-
eases quickly' cures nervousness, sleep
lessness, `melancholy, headache, faint-
ing and dizzy; spells. This miracle.
working medicine is a godsend to weak,
sickly, run down people. Every bottle
ga;iranteed. Only 50 cents, Sold by
all Druggists.
Dead1arcoiios. 1 Mff.ELL1so INTENDED
To. Have Given Hon. Joseph
Martin a Bad Thrashing
Drag a Lady to the
Depths of Despair.
Death Longed for as a Re-
lease front Suffesrin g,
Paine's Celery Compound Res-
cues the Victim and Builds
Her lip. Physically
and Mentally.
WL••'Li s & RICHARDSOrr Co,
Geutlement I am happy to tell you
that I have completely recovered my
health through the use of Paine's Cel-
ery Compelled For some years past
me nerves and system were almost
wrecked by rareotie used to alleviate
pain The doctors could not help me,
and I thought I would forever have
to remain a slave to deadly drugs. I
often longed for death as a release
from my sutferings After endurit g
pains and agonies that were terrible.
I deterwh:ed to try Paiue's Celery
Vorepouud, without any full hope how.
ever, that it would cure me. When I
had used a part of the second bottle I
thought it was doing me good;I could
sleep well and did not faint so often,
and 1 decided to routinite the use of
medicine. After the use of fifteen boar
les I am completely cured, I feel so
strong awl well now, and have such
perfect health that I s metimes think
it is too good to bo true For the bene
tit ai thousands of poor souls suffering
from the e)7'eets of deadly narcotics I
give my Statement as an encourage
meat to them--ar, assurande that
Paine's Celery Compound will cure
incerely and gratefully,
.,itn. LOVISA li 411tNr:lt,
Moutogomery, N. W. T.
Grip's Greeting.
I am La Grippe,
Grip for short.
But I get there ,just
And the way
get there
Knocks the stuffing
Out of the annals of pathology.
I atu no respecter of persons,
And sill: or sattn or broadcloth
lies no more influence
With me
Titan a width of
Brown muslin has.
I lay for the woman
Who runs around bareheaded
t In shod;.
And the way I swipe a man
Without an overcoat
Is perfectly astonishing.
The air is full of me;
And as .a Microbe incubator
I may say without fear of
Successful coutradicttan
That I am bcyoud competition.
I've got a corner on the
Human system at present,
And I'm working it
For all it's worth;
I and the doctors
Aro having a picnic,
And the doctors are
Getting all the gate money.
However, I'm not in it
For boodle,
And I don't care a cent
What I'm here for;
People find out
When they take me,
And there's no telling
How many have found out
The past few weeks
It's a pretty warm day
When I get left,
And we are not having
Many warm days this winter,
But why multiply words?
You know me,
And if you don t you can learn.
All you want to know
By reference to the families
Which and in which
I have worked;
Mighty few of them
Don't recognise me socially
And blame me for
All the crimes in the calendar;
But I ain't saying a word,
I simply
Let her go Gallagher.
Bismax1rc'rt Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous en-
ergy are not found where Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of
order. If you waut these qualities and
the success they briug, use Dr. King's
New Liver Pills. They develop over
power of • brain and body. Only 25
cents at any Drug Store.
The Ottawa Electric Railway Com-
pany will ask the Dominion Parliament
for, power to operate its cars on Sun-
Oshawa ratepayers have voted in
favor of a by-law to raise $110,000 for
waterworks and sewerage by the issue
of debentures. •
Judge Ardagh has declined to give
any decision in the Situcoe.County
Council recount on account of the con-
fused state of the ballots
The dead body of an infant was found
in a room at London just vacated by a
woman, who gave her name as Mrs,
MacDaniels, An inquest was held,
Mr- Hall Neville, of Spring field, aged
about 45 years of age, was struck by a
freight train and instantly kilted at
the M,C R. station at Tilsonburg Fri-
day white waiting for the r xpress go-
ing east.
Ory for
Exciting Scene in the British Coleambia
Lobby — A:ttorney-General Martin's
Meeting With Mr. Price Ellison*
Ellison'sversion of the 7%n-
counter—It Is Said Prosecu-
tion Will 'oitaw.
Victoria, B.C., Jan. 24,—H'on. Joseph
Martin created a scene in the lobby of
the Rouse on waturday by making Mr.
Price Ellison, the Opposition member
from Okanagan, the subject of several
uncomplimentary remarks. It seems Mr.
Ellison at a bye -election meeting took
occasionto deuy a Government report
that be was disqualified, and be repudi-
ated the rumor that be proposed to flop
to the treasury side• Ile declared himself
loyal to the Turner party and policy, and
Observed that be would ever be found
supporting those who bad labored for
years in the interest of British Columbia,
and had staked their all In the province,
in preference to coating under the byp-
, notio spell of a new arrival who came
WW1 his possessions in a carpet bag, and
could easily leave thein- Moottug Dir,
Ellisnu in the lobby Ale, Alartln aeked
bine if he bad been correctly reported.
Mr. Ellison replied affirmatively, and
was then infern.od that bo was a liar
and several other things. "I can pay hay
debts," continued the bead of the apart-
ment of Juatiee, "and that's more than
you do," This Dir, h ninon denied. "1
exp3oted every moment he would strike,"
meld the member for Okanagan, "and if
be had I intended to ghe him the worst
threabinp a elan ever had. He kept hie
bands to himself. however, and I kept
I my temper '• 'Ibe Premier and Finance
Minister finally got Mr. Martin away. It
is everywhere looked upen as more thou
m personal matter, and the intention is
to report to the Speaker in the House,
and also praeeeute the Attorney-Generrl
before Police Magistrate Hall under the
' criminal node,
Ant31,1ai,#'rio I:EsCUED.
The Grand Trunk- and its Telegraphersr
in the Pi,tal StageS.
Toronto, Jan. 84, --Tho arbttratlou be-
tween the telegraphers and the Grand
Trunk Beltway, which was oponel in
Montreal, was mutated in this city yes-
terday. The conference chamber was the
otbco of Air. B. 13. Oster, Q.O., and here
tibia Justice Sir W R. Meredith sat to
bear the arguments.. The tele;rabera
were represented by Mr, F. P. Sargent
and Grand Chief Powell of the Order of
Railway Telegraphers. The company's
side was supported by Mr. Osler, Q C.,
General Manager Bays and General
Superintendent McGuigan...
The question in debate all Clay was that
of wages, the tolagraphers wanting a
minimum salary of $40 a month, work-
ing day of 12 hours and payment of Ino
for each hour thereafter,
Grand Chief Powell spoke all tbo
morning and Mr, Plays replied during
the afternoon.
No deoidion is likely to be reached be-
fore Wednesday, and in the meantime
1 the profoundest secrecy prevails.
Archeologists Are Excited Over the
Recent rinds at Dade,t.
Strasburg, Jau.24.—German archaeolo-
gists aro excited by the news of daily
finds in carious parts of the country,
but notably at Baden-Baden. Excava-
tions in that city baro rosu]tod in the
disclosing, , only seven feet bolew the
surface of Roemernlatz, of a Roman
Votive altar bewn from sandstone. The
altar bears the inscription, "Devoted to
the divine honor of the Imperial Roman
house." Another find at Baden-Baden
with the qualities of wbose waters the
Romans are known to have been well
acquainted, which greatly delights the
German antiquaries, is an extended series
of Boman baths, each bath connected
with a canal, through which the water
might be discharged.
Explosion in Stratford.
Stratford, Ont..Tan. 24.—The resi-
dents in the vicinity of the gas works
Were startled by an explosio,a which tools
place between 4 and 5 o'clock Sunda3
morning, The brick annex to the gener
ating building was completely demol
fished, the walls being levelled to the
ground. Fortunately, no one was hurt
though the men in oharge.bad a narrow
escape. The cause of the explosion is no
deflniteIy known, but is supposed to b
connected in some way with a new pro
cess for the production of ammonia
whiob is being tried • The damage is be.
tween $1,000 and $2,000.
What Gen. Eagan Mast Plead To.
Washington, Jan. 24.-Tha Ohara:
and specifications upon which Consmi
sary-General Eagan is to be tried th
week have been given to the press. The
are as follows:
Charge 1—Conduct unbecoming a;
officer and a .gentleman.
Oharge 2-0ondnot to the prejudice e
good order and military discipline,
The precise nature of General Bagels'
plea to these chargee andspeoiiioanc
has not yet been determined upon.
That Anarchist Plot Was, Serious.
Berlin, Jan. 24 —In the Diet yester'l;.
Count Posadoweki, Minister ,of the 1.
terior, declared that an investigation no
being made, by the Italian Court at t'•
Oona would show that the Anaroh,
plot to kill the Haider, which was »
earthed at Cairo last October, was of
most serious character.
Tisdale by Acclamation.
Vancouver, B.C., ,Tan. 24,--C.. E Ti
dale, senior representative for Vanoouv
in the Provincial Parliament, who ba
to resign his seat on accountof a'elor
in his employ selling 70 cents worth
cartridges to a provincial polioonlal
was re-elected by acclamation yesterda,.
Commissioners Dad a Day Oft:
Washington, Jan 24 --The high joie
Anglo-American commission did n
meet yesterday, but different sub -nor
mittees held sessions in the forenoc
The commission will bold a session t.
A Ridiculous and false Claim. 1
Asa rule, modern newspaper ad-
vertisers endeavor to make their state-
ments clear and truthful; they know
that an intelligent public --especially
the women portion—quickly coudemo
untruths and deception
Some advertisers, intending to soar
high, suddenty fall from, the sublime to
the ridueulous in their statements
Such errors are promptly detected by
the class op people the advertisers
would influence,
Imrgine an advertiser of dyes for
home dyeing, after giving a long list
of the virtues possessed by his prodncti,
remarking, "They cleanse and dye
at the sante time This statement
made to tens of thousands of iutelligent
women is so contrary to truth and ttor11-
rnon sense, that the advertiser is, with-
out loss of time condemned as a simple
ton or decetver.
Ciamond Dyes, the standard home
cid-es of the world dare not take any
such claim. In their valuable book on
Home Dyeing (sent free to all who
•lend for it) they specially mention that
"all goods should be cleaned. before
'Flet: are dyed.'' A. Solon, however,!
arises In the land and formulates a
new doctrine by asserting that----
lives " eleausa and dyes at the .same
rilne," Soon we will hear of some new
stares manufacturer making a claiitt
that his starch will cleanse and stiffen.
At the same timet
No wonder that tnany of our women
show temper and suffer disappointment
when they make use of dyes that pre
tend to take oat dirt and re -color at
at the one operation, No wonder that
deceived women conplain of muddy
anti dismal colors after using aeiulter-
tited dystuffs,
Let it be distinetiy understood that
he invertus genius of roan has tot
t devised a dye that will take out
rteasespots, stains alae dirt, and at
• hi' same time give a decent color
The Diamond Dyes—the worlds po
polar home dyes—give tkee fullest awl
aitht'st.colors on all materials whrn the
goods are clean. They are the roily
warranted dves on the marl et Arid, :11
ways do what is elaimed for them Do
not allow the false claims of any mann
"acturer of common does to lead sou
into trouble and financial loss.
Mayfield, Jain,. 31st, '99,
At one o'elocl.. m. Meeting will be ad.
•fr, seed by A. %,olle•fi, Wal ken sold, et
tate condition of soil in relation to crop
reeves" -A. C. Mailman, New Dundee, eab-
j,•et-"Praetieal bints on swine Industry","
liacnn line Ilinetratt'di; A. W. Campbell,
Provincial .Road Instructor, snhject---"ciood
R ands"; A, Innis. Clinton,subjects—•" bore,
mewling in general"; A. ltlustard, Druce
field, aria ethers will also address the meet-
ing. EVENING SE 'ION, 7:41p.m.--A. Me.
Ertl, subject-- The See tab aide
of Perm Life' A C. Hallinan, NOW Dundee,
snl;i,.ct--"Tbo Wfunereare of idle Horses"I
A. W. Campbell, P. It I.,--" Good Beads,"
.loser's HaII,
Dashwood, Feb, 1st,
,f, one o'elook p. m, A. McNeil. Wallctr-
villa, subject—••' Fruit Growing as a Spee-
,.lity or with general tuna" A, 0, Hallman,
a+,w Dundee,eubjeet—'•Cultivation of Poli-
ter Corn and the Silo "• A W. Campbell, P.
Good Roads" P. ;Baker, Dashwood.
t 'rurnbnll, Browater,11, Smith, Hey, and
etllerswill addressthe meeting. EVENING
4lSBION,7:30 p. m. A. 11IcNei1, Walkorvillo,
--'• The Public Schools from a Farmer's
Aland point "; A.C. Hallman, New Dundee—
•• Clover "; A. W. Campbell, P.11, I.—" Good
Farquhar Feb. 2nd,
At one o'clock p.m. A. McNeil, Walker-
ille,—'' Under -draining" ; A. C. Hallman,
auw Dundee,—" Cultivation of Fodder Corn
'd the Silo"; A. W. Campbell, P. R. I,—
•`Good Roads" W. W. Cooper, Kippen,—
t'are and Management of Live Stook in
'simmer"H. Smith, Bay, W. 131. Doig and
'.hers will address the meeting. R VEN-
G SESSTON, 7:8o n.m. L..liolloil, Walk-
rvillo,-"Fruit and Flowers for Country
ones"; A. C. Hallman, New Dundee,—
Farming as an Oceupation "; A. W. Camp -
ell, P. R. I,—" Good Roads."
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
). McInnes, It, GARDNER,
President. Seo'y.
'&9 fdY9T6E NAVY
u: aq`•-..t•:,,!t•:,.'d''da �'.. {.t4�'ia'• 1� otl a .S," .. x:'+1CF.itC:;:AWdw'�w ' I;"-' :7`�''two?ni
What is
Castoris, is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. it contains neither Opium,.
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Milhous of
Mothers. Castoria. destroys Worms and, allays Feverish—
ness. Castoria, cures Diarrhoea and •W ind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulittes
the Stomach and Bowels of infants and Children, givin •
healthy and natural sleep. Castt1riu, is the Children's
Panacea ---The Mother's Friend.
"'Conto'rla, is ant exc.neut medicine for e• Casteria la . w -ptetd t'n c oOdreu
children. mothers halm rapeaiecdty- told rue, t:r.,t 1 recommend -. -riot 1 s ;my Fre-
er its geed effect upon their children. " ' actii tines /mewl; to s•.a.
De. fa- e. ancon, lea 6. a .a- 11. A. Aetc::iT., at. ix...,. ;,-:,►n,S. 1.
,r r TR,14 C c , a
77, f :,i' aY ti'T'i"'.! IC W Yp9K erEV.
.•. -•. •.. �».+..aa�r..5'var.ea,iw,ee�an.AM»xn+i,>�'
is the I lis' ilii' J tl;.o„:iiLlr.
We have to ill a
large ste •k oi' .. .
Second -1 and, Heating and Cooking S" "OV E
(Al*o a big stork of new ones;;
Lamps,Skates (Greatly Reduced Prices)
Axes, XrCUt Saws, etc.,
41Z1 these goods 7nl?t' t be sold beAre
spring. Come and et a bargain.
Parties building, be
sureget our
Prices... .
L Bis0
,9 --se- -to- � T''1L"'Q ' "its $ '8 s�irx�ca11
�4►lwi�►i= �� r l L
- Oh, where is my baby? Where is
child ? " cried Mrs. Austin, of, Am-
eetburg, as she started up in bed Sun -
Sr morning. The little one was not
;geed up at her side in its ,accus-
<,id place, Feeling around in the
k riess she found it on the edge of the
I, but cold in death. The family : is
well off arid Mr. Austin works' out
the day. The baby was five months
solei had been ailing for some time..
to day Mrs Austin performed an ex
hen vy day's work, and being very
d, slept heavily. If the little one
egged she did not hear it.
Volcanic . Eruptions
l re grand; but Skin Eruptions rob
of joy, Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
ass them; also. Old, :Running arid
ver Sores, Ulcers, `: Boils, Felons,
ns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns,.
hi c, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
•' Pile cure on earth. Drives out
nes and Aches. Only 25cts. a box
guaranteed. Sold by all Drug-
Agent, Exeter.
The Buffalo A11 -Steel Disc Harrow.
This is the only Disc. Harrow made or sold
in Canada, having independent, adjustable
spring pressure upon the inner ends of the
gang discs, allowing any amount of pres-
sure to be thrown upon the inner ends of
the gangs by the foot of the operator. By
this means a Perfeetlyfexible action is se-
cured and the ground can be worked to a
uniform depth. Examine this Machine
carefully and compare with others.
The No. 12 Cultivator
Cultivator made that both lines of teeth
will cut an even depth in the ground. Ex-
amine it and you will see why. The only
utngleet etegttotleaof thteeth movable bset
su it any condition of soil. Pressure can be
regulated to act differently on every section
requiring it. The teeth are carried between
the wheels instead of trailing behind, as in
other machines, thus securing lighter draft.
This machine is furnished with grain and
grass seed box when required- It has re-
versable diamond steel points fpr the teeth;
also, extra wide thistla-cutting points can
be furnished, Examine it and you will . buy
no other.
The Rooster Needs ldo Introduction.
Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders of our manu-
facture in use in Canada. Tho only Drill
made with a lever for instant and perfect
regulation of depth of hoe in all kinds of
soil, while team is in motion. Sows abso-
lutely correct to scale; saves seed, as every
kernel is deposited at a proper depth to
ggrow. Purchase only the best and you will
be satisfied.
We also manufacture Binders, Reapers.
Mowers, Rakes, Cultivators and Pnlpers, as
good as the best.
Send for illustrated eatalogue.
Ingersoll, Ont., Canada.
Agent, Zurich.
Three' Indians, and a white man will
be hauged at Dawson on March' 2.
While logging' at Eardly Alex. Gibe
sori had his Ing smashed by a log and
Miss. Eva Bach, of Montreal, who has
passcd,tho last twenty-eight days in a
letbargie sle;wp,,was awakened Wednes-
day by the doctors applying a cautery
to the neck
lino German Silver
Reyleea Watch,gnaunteed
for 0 years, with Chahn; or s
"Snap•Shot^:camera with .ail :at.
tachmenteready to take rcturee.
gluon tree for seeing .roans 25
heminum Thimhlei at iec each-
mune and ddresa 250255,forward
goodowltliout monoy.'
Can : Supply Co., Tor onto
The funeral of Wits John S d f
L ecnr o
Catharines was postponed owing to
Children Cry for the death of her husband, which ind
vent :a
acl•rred at the very hour an-
c A $TO ' unced for the funeral services.