HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-20, Page 8/Ceneral,-
sTwaTFotib, Q1 r..
?t Wait fvr somerhth
to stir., up
Get a business educa.ticau and tura some-
thing up. Active cttueat, d and well trained
young men and woolen are wanted every-
where. We admit students at any time.
Write for eiroulars,
The population of °uteric is 2,263,492
The County Council meets on Jan
nary 24.
Try the ADvoc TE for Wedding
statiouery. Latest designs,
A debate wall take place at Sodom
on Wednesday evenitag, January 25.
Mr, A S. Davis has moved into the
house recently vacated by Mr. W.
Johns on John street.
Mr. R 1:1. Mins, who underwent au
operation last week, is improving hut
still unable to attend to kits office
The hockey team made their first
practice on Thursday night and give
promise to iaatadle to puck well this
The annivcrsery services of Thames
Road Presbyterian church willbe held
on Suuday and Watley, Jauuary 22nd
and 23rd.
Rev. Rice, of Linen, preached tnissi-
onarl; sermonsiu the James street Meth -
o .
odist church, on Sunday last, both morn -
o rn-
log acid eveuinog.
Try 'Finan'a eough balsam for
coughs, colds acid brouchial ;roubles,
Sole age*tit for Dict: s Lung Syrup.
0,. Li z, Druggist
Rev. Cauou R ichardsou, rector of the
Croups Memorial Church, London, has
leen ofi'e ed the rectorabip of St,Jokiu's
(peva), :w. well endowed Crown rno-
Au Oyster Supper and coneart wi.l
take place* at Eden School House, S. S
No. 4, Fa -borne, ten Friday Jan 27th
Supper from 5 to S. Admission adultsl
50 Children Also
Mr, Jgiaii Mitchell, while eugagL°d in
Mr. W. G. iiirseatt'aa grain wars house
Tun' day, aeetdentafty ,got his hand
caught in the elevator and sustained
a very painful wound to his thumb,.
Owtug to sudden illness 'Miss Edith
Brown was unable to fill her position
as organist at the James street Metho
dist church on Sunday evening last.
Tier place was very acceptably filled
by Miss L. Howard.
Purchasers of G. T. R. tickets can
hereafter have their personal baggage
checked from their house or hotel to
any private house or hotel in any city
in *he country, Arrangements to this
effect have been announced.
A. load of young people from here
drove out to the residence of Mr, Geo,
Etherington, LJsborne, on Tuesday
night and spent a very pleasant even-
ing, notwithstanding the long walk
experienced on their way out.
%1r. and Mrs. Lochs Day entertained
the hell ringers of the Trivitt Me
mortal Church, together with their
wives and a number of their most in
timate friends, to an oyster supper on
Thursday :night last. All report a
most pleasant evening.
The postoflice people report that let-
ters are posted, prepaid only two cents
and addressed to France, Germany,
Italy and .all sorts of places, quite ir-
respective of the frequent notices given
in the press that the reduced rate ap
plies only to Great Britain, the United
States and such of the colonies as bave
consented to reciprocity in the matter.
The grip is sweeping over the conti
nent in epidemic form. Fortunately
it bas assumed thus far this year a
comparatively mild form, but the grip
is not to be trtiled with. Relapses are
common and often dangerous. An ex
posure to wet, to draughts of cold air
or excessive exhaustion by labor or
worry render the system especially li-
able to it. Such unfavorable conditions
should be avoided as muchas possible.
Mrs, Slee,, who sustained serious in-
jury by failing on the sidewalk on
Huron Stient last week, is threatening'
the town with. damages to thx amautst
of $1OCO
The aitnuai'eotieregational meetin
of Cavell Presbyterian chureh, was held
on Monday evening, Jan, 16th, when
full reports from all the different or
ganizatious of the church wasread,
approved and accepted. Managers'
report showed a total of $1472 77, col-
leered for all purposes; expenditure
$1394.97 The following officers were
appointed for the year. Managers to
serve for two years:—F. W. Gladman,
Dr Lutz, W D Weekes; Messrs. G.
McLeod and Wm. Bowden being al-
ready on the board; Secy, J. Senior;
Trees, Jas. Murray; Auditors, J. A.
Stewart and. Henry Smith. After busi,
ness being finished, the Ladies' Aid
provided a very inviting lunch for all
Mr. John A. Gregory, of Yorktown,
Man„ who Left here soma months ago,
in renewing his subscription to the
ADVOCATE, sayse---" You will tied en
closed $1 in payment of uiy sabscripti
ou to the ADVOCATE. We learn to ale,
preciatettur borne papers, when we
get a few thousands of miles away
from home. It comes to us like an
immense letter with gleauiugs from
the various local points of interest
He also informs us that after arriving
there last fall he articled as a law
student, but as new legislation was
being passed affecting the legal pro
fession, decided to attend the Normal
College and await proceedings. At
the end of the term the principalship
of the Iorkton Public School was of-
fered to hits; at a salary of $750. He
nesepieti the position and is now teach-
ing, and is also studying law,
Evangelistic,. Serviees.
Miss Kathelene Mortou, the Evan
geelist, will commepee her work in
James Street Methodist church next
Sunday morning. She has an excel-
lent reputation bethasa preacher and
earnest christian character. The ser-
vices during the next week will be con
ducted in the large church. Very
large congregations are exxpeeted, The
ushers will welcome all strangers and
provide them with seats.
Qom b,
a shoot.
` 1 'Udal l
On ruesday last a shooting match
took place bore between Mr- James
Westools, of Douglas, Man,. and Mr.
John Wood for a gold medal. The
day was not ac all favorable to rite
shooters, hence the score was low, telt:
former killing six and the latter 7.
surprise to J. W. Broderick,
The Goderieh Signal bas the, follow
ing which speaks for ieself z--" On
Monday evening the members of the
Victoria st. Methodist church choir met
at the residence of their pastor, Rev.
W. Godwin, to enjoy a social evening,
and to do honor to their leader, J. W.
Broderick. The early part of the even
ing was spent in games, music, stng •
ing and recitations, after which Mr,
Godwin was called on for a fen re
marks, iu which reference was made
to the high esteem in which Mr, Brod
erice is held, and their some of indebt
edness to him for his generous and
of8'icient services, Miss Stokes then, ou
behalf of the choir, presented Mr.
Broderick with a beautiful ebony
baton, bearing upon a silver plate the
initials of the recipient, Mr. Broder-
ick, although taken entirely by sur
prise, replied in a neat and encourag
ing speech. Refreshments were served
and all departed feeling that the pas
toe and his family had succeeded iu
giving to the choir a pleasant evening,
leresbyterma Eatertajutrteitt,
The Christian Endeavor concert of
last Friday °veuin,g was patronized iu
a liberal manner, On account of pew
programs having been brought by the
Toronto people, Rev. Mr- Martin acted
as chairman and anuouoced the parts
Webb's S1 ebb,s readings were goad and
were eucored after almost every part
Every attendant was plotted and gra-
tified with her, but Mr. Uodsdon, the
tenor soloist, was suffering from La
Grippe so severely that his voice fiat -
toned on every solo, but he contiuued
trying until he could sing no more.
lIa did not do fair for the Endeavor.
He carne highly recommended, and
when he found he could not sing, he
ought to have informed them of such,
itastead of imposing and paining the
audience as he did. baster Alfred
Davidson gave a trombone solo "Rocked
in the Cradle of the Deep." His rend -
lug of this diMoult selection in vaaria
tions shows him to be a musician, the
egnal of which, taking his age of IS
years into consideration, cannot be
had in Canada. ;Master John Spaek
man was his accompanist and gave
good execution en the piano part,--
Miss P. Hamden is visiting friends in
John Spackmrn, Jr., spent Sunday
with friends iu Landon.
Miss Etta Horton, of Strathroy, is
the guest of Miss Edith Beer.
Mrs. W H. Lovett, who has been
quite ill, is slowing recovering.
Mr. William Cann, visited in Wing.
ham and Gerrie last week.
Adolphus Evans is visiting his sister
Mrs. Robt. Barnes at Loudon,
Councillor Evans spout Friday and
Saturday with friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb elitcholl are con-
fined to the h use with la grippe.
Mr. T. W. Acheson and daughter,
Lily May, spent Saturday in London.
Miss Eya Piper, who bas beou in
London, returned home sick last wook.
Miss Clara Hedges, of Loudon, is the
guest of Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Stephen.
Messrs. E and W.=Walper, of Dash.
wood, returned to Dakota Wendesday.
Mr. Wm Dunsford, of Stephen. who
has been sick for some time, is improv-
Herb Trevethiek has returned home
from Wingham where he has been en-
gaged at tailoring.
Mr. Jas. Westcott left Monday to at
tend the big shooting tournament at
Hamilton this week.
Mr Wm. Hodgins who has been
visiting his parents hero, returned to
Winnipeg. Man., Wednesday.
Mr. T. J. Lockhart, Principal public
school, has been confined to his board
ing house since Monday through i11-
Mr. John Thomas, who has been
visiting friends in town for several
days, returned to his home in Burling-
ton Monday.
The Alyinston municipal council
have passed the following resolution;
" Moved tey A. McKellar, seconded by
Cummings, that A J, Trolley be ap
pointed chief constable, truant officer,
caretaker of cemetery, sanitary in-
spector, overseer of highways, janitor
cleaning streets and crossings, cutting
weeds, collector of poll tax and dog
tax, ringing curfew bell and cleaning
snow opposite lire hall, at a salary of
The Clinton News -Record says rumor
is busy with the names of several ap-
plicants for the vacant registrarship
of Huron, among the number being
Lawyer Holt, of Goderich; Editor Mc-
Lean, of Seaforth; and Mr. Gipson, ex
M. L. A. The latter's years should put
him out of the race, though his now
deceased brother received the appoint-
ment at seventy, an age when civil
service officials are beingsuperannuat-
edas a rule. The office is worth $2,500
a year. The News.1.ecord thinks Wil-
liam Coats, of Clinton, is a likely suc-
cessor to the office.
The Hamilton' Herald says there
will be no more tive cent whiskey,' but
that commencing on Monday next, the
pries of a horn of whiskey in every
betel in Ontario will go up to ten cents.
and there will be, no .reduction for
small borne. Tele has been: decided et)
by the Licensed Hotel Keepers Protect.
ti adhered
ave Association, arid will be a dh red
t;r. . -S - as'modic efforts bave been made
to esr.ablish .the ten' -cent ratoo on fnrm�'r
OrCSSlOnri, butthey were not general.
arrd failure overtook 'them, ;but in :this
ii. stance stops have been taken to : en=
sore the permanenev of the higher
price,'wbich the hotelmen say is ne
eeasary toi prevent them transacting
;basin -ma at a loss.
The February Number.
All presents a variety of illasf'ratious
and descriptions of present and pros
pective styles in every department of
dress, a number of literary features
that make the Magazine oue of the
most readable of the mouth, together
with discussions of great household
interests. No lady should be without
it. Besides all the leading fashions it
contains many useful articles on the
household and various other subjects.
Order from the local agent or the De
llneator Pub. Co. Toronto. Price $1,00
pur year.
Exeter Council Vroeeedtng$.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, Jan. lGth, alt pres
ent. Minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed. Applications for As-
sessor were received from A. E. Fuke,
J. G. Smallacombe and Wm. Trove -
thick, lliuir—Taylor, that A. E. Fuke
be assessor for the year 1899. Evans—
Armstrong, in ameudment, that Wm.
Trevethiek be assessor for the year
1899. The Reeve declared the motion
carried. Applications were received
from J. Creech, Thos. Bissett, Sr., and
A. S. Deavett for the position of road
commissioner, etc, Taylor—Muir, that
James Creech he road commissioner
with same duties and same salary as
last year. Securities to be satisfactory
to the council.—Carried Evans—Arm
strong, that the appointment of eight
watch be laid over for furtberconsider-
ation.—Carried. Taylor—Evans, that
eamuei Sanders be treasurer with
same salary and same security as last
year.—Carried, Muir—Evans, that by-
law, No. 3, 1899, to appoint an assessor
as read be now read a second and third
time and finally passed.—Carried. Evans
—Armstrong, that by-law No 4, 1899,
to appoint Jas. Creech to certain offices
and define his duties, as read, be now
read a second and third time and finally
passed.—Carried. Taylor—Muir, that
by law No. 5, 1899 to appoint a treas-
urer, as read, be now read a second and
third time and finally passed.—Carried
Taylor—Armstrong, that the following
accounts be passed and orders drawn
on treasurer for same: Hospital for sick
cbildren, Toronto, $10; Municipal World
subscription $1; S. Sanders, postage,
43e; The Clerk, rent post office box, $l;
Dr. Amos, salary as M. H. 0 , for 1998,
$5; ADVOCATE Printing CO., balance of
printing contract, $3.85; G. H. Bissett,
election expenses, $29 90.—Carried,.
Evans, Muir, that the communication
of Mrs. Slee, re R. H. Collins, solicitor,
be filed, -Carried, Armstrong—Muir,
by law No. 6, 1899 to appoint a Board
of Health, 'Medical Health Officer and
Sanitary Inspector as read be now read
a second and third time and finally
passed.—Carried. Taylor -Muir, that
the clerk be instructed to ask for ten
ders for printing. -Carried Armstrong
—Evans, that the clerk be instructed
to ask for tenders for cedar.—Carried
Evans— Muir, that the clerk correspond
with the management of the Orillia
Asylum in the matter of the removal
of the drag and dumb mute Fulton. to
that institution -Carried A commun-
ication from Rev. Smith asking for an
additional marriage register was laid
before the council and on motion of J
W.'Tavinr; seconded by J. Evans, the
communication was filed.—Carried.
t'aylnr— Armstrong, that the request
.>f :John Hinds for permission to cut
down an PIM tree in frnntr of his 'resi
deuce he left with, tee road commission
•'r' • Carri d Taylor-- Evans, that the
rr ad commissioner examine culvert at
flawkshaw's shed and have the laces.
NurY .sirs ` re made --Carried,, Taylor—
l'a P vlr—
Moir, that the clerk ask for tenders for
stogie —Carried, F•vans - Taylor, that
the council j
,ateourn to mets Friday, Jan.
eCtb, at 7.30 p.m --Cat rind,
G. 11) Bissell', Clerk.
Mrs F Cody, of Brandon, Mari., and
Mrs. 11. Mulviu, of Woodstock, are the
guests of Mrs. H. Samuell. Her mothe
Mrs. H. White, of St. Mars is also
visiting her.
Mr. M. Morgan. who came here on
a visit from Killarney, Man., received
word this week of the death of his
grandmother in Lindsay. He and his
wife will attend the funeral.
We understand that Mr. Alex Tait,
who has been connected with the Ex-
eter foundry for several years, has
severed' his connection therewith and
in all probability will remove from the
Philadelphia: Mr Joseph Dawson
met with a sad accident one day last
week, !White engaged in ha 'tees.
wood hornet from the bush, the horses
became unthanageahle and ran away,.
throwing him: out of the sleigh, break
lug his left leg abate the ankle.
Kirktou: Miss Sarah Gtiptu bas re --
turned home from New Brunswick,—
J Robinson has purchased the Tarin iu
Usborne owned by 1) W Dulmage —
Robert Fteteher his bought R, Shier's
arm, 00 Mon, 2, Btanshat•d,--Mr. and
Mrs Jos. Shier and daughter, of Mani-
toba, are visiting relatives in this
Seeforth; Mr, William Edmonds,
foremau of the finishing depart went Int
the Broadfoot.Box furniture factory
met with a ptitr,ful accident no "i"ues
day, Ho was mixing some ingredients
in a glass bottle when the t,tuff ex plod
ed, breaking the bottle and a piece of
the Mass struck his hand i,,ilietiug a
severe wound which will lay him up
for some time
Lucan ; Mr C. 0. Ifodgins found a
carrier pigeon on his front door step a
few days ago, It had evideutly been
flying a long distauee as it was com-
pletely exhausted On its leg was the
usual silver band, with the numbers
WS, 97, and the initials R. S. or Q. S
Mr ROdgins took the bird in, and did
everything to revive it, but it died in
an hour or two.
Mitchell: A very pretty wedding
came off at the Catholic Church on
Monday forenoon last, when Rev, Fat-
her Downey united in marriage Mr.
Louis L Longeway and Miss Mary
McCarthy, both of Logan. The bride
was very nicely attired, and was given
away by her uncle, Mr. Thos, it, Keyes,
of Chicago In the cveuina,g nearly
three hundred invited guests assembled
and an enjoyable time was spent unlit
an early hour in the morning.
Goderieh; Last Saturday evening
a very serious accident befell Mrs Ed
ward Armstrong us she was attending
to some household duties at her horn•:
on Brock street, The trapdoor leadu g
to the cellar was open olid the lamp
which she had been Using had blown
Mit; and iti the dark, although she
thought she was keepiug away from
he eellarwat;, ehe walked into it and
fell into the eellar below, breaking both
bones of one leg just below the ankle
Clinton: It was a quiet and pretty
home affair at the residence of 1). 'Tip
lady, on Jan. 11th, when his twice, Miss
Barbara Ellen, daughter of Geo. Tip
lady, of Hornsea, Eng., was united tit
marriage to Thos. D. Sthutheambe, of
Toronto, late of Clinton, by Rev B.
Clement. The brides was assisted bv
her sister, Miss Emma, and Amos Cas-
tle was the groom's attendant. A large
array of presents wore received by the
bride which showed her popularity
among her friends. The happy couple
left for their future home in Toronto
Brussels ; It was a matter of great
surprise last Friday morning when it
was reported that Mrs. Wni Mooney.
Mill street, had passed away. She was
away vlsitiug oil Monday and able to
attend to her washing on Tuesday, but
catching cold on the lase mentioned
day she took seriously ill and her sud-
den demise was due to heart failure.
The funeral took place on Sunday
morning to Egmondville cemetery after
a short service by Rev. S. J. �Allin,
Mrs. Mooney was in her 84th year, but
was remarkably active for a person of
her years,
Hensel]: We have to chronicle this
week the death of the eldest and most
respected pioneer resident of the town
ship of Hibbert, in the person of Mrs.
Jane Taylor, relic of the late James
Taylor, which event occurred on Fri
day afternoon of last week at the home
of her son, Mr Jas Taylor, of this place.
She was a remarkably smart woman
for her age, 85 years. She came from
Hibbert about six weeks ago to visit
her son here, and was going around
quite smartly until within a day or
so of her decease, when she passed
away very peacefully, and as she has
always desired, with a short illness
She leaves her daughter, Mrs, Robert
Newell, of Cbiselhurst, and her son,
James Taylor, of this village, to mourn
her loss. The funeral to the Cromarty
cemetery, on Monday forenoon was
Largely attended,.
Around:, About Us,
Biddulph: A pleasing event took
place on Wednesday, at the home of
Ephraim Langford when his daughter
Fannie was united in marriage with
Georgie Stewart, of London township.
Seaforth:, The death of Mr Matthew
Robertson, 00 Frilay evening last, re
moves one of the pioneer business men
of Seaforth. The deceased had been in
poor health for a couple of . years, and.,
for the past few months had been bed
ridden, so that death was a relief to
him from the sufferings of this world.'
Deceased was born in London, Ont., 67.
years ago: In 18C6 he came to Sea -
forth and started the furniture and
undere' kin° business, which he con
tinned Datil a few weeks ago. He
leaves a widow, four sons—John, Her-
bert, Charles and Albert --and one
daughter, Arabella, to mourn his de.
aving purchased the Exeter mills,
we are now prepared to do
general gristing and chopping
Flour, Wholesale and Retail.
Grain delivered at first elevator paid
for. at Mill office.
delivered to all parts of town free of
(El:ard or Soft)
< new
The udersigned has o
ened up a new Meat Market.
1 QU H.
where he will keep the choic-
est of meats constantly on
hand. ,
T. leanztini
S+ock Paking
Stock Taking is now going on. Big
Bargains in every department. All Winter
Goods and odd ends must go out. Come
quick for best snaps. ,
Marmalade Oranges, best unlit 180, 5 only, Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur
per dozen. Bu right awn , y, Capes, extra quality, big value,
p Y g away.
They he Must g o o u t,
Stores el
w°''` ---J. A. STEWART.
se 5:3o p. m. except Wednesday and Saturday,
All 1898 goods, best
makes and new styles,
at Cost and below cost
to clear. .. .
-daimmi--'The Big Clothier.
"The Hang -dog Expression"
looks of a " ready made," hand-
me-down " suit of clothes Is
enough to disgust the Prince of
A tailor•made suit cut. made
and fitted to the contour of your
form is certain to look right.
Parts of machinery which
accurately fits withstand se-
vere service and parts that do
not fit wear out quickest.
Same with clothes. Choose
your cloth and we do the rest.
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight
Having opened out a well equipped
Shop I am now prepared to do all kinds
of repairing such as
In fact everything and anything,' We
make a specialty of remodelling Iitey-
clee and sharpening Lawn Mowers at
this time of the year.
One door north Mr. Stewart's store
.R,i�s and'Hor-
- asHorses
First s;l s
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
'l or . at. the Livery
n Y
1 a
to le Christ a s,a d Stand
will receive prompt
tention. '
r �' 'ielephone.' arms .l Oonnectioz
To the opposite side of the street,
one door north of R. Pickard's
store, where he will keep a full
selection of all kinds of
Fresh and Salt Meats,
Poultry and game in
season, Sausage
and Bologna.
AIso Dealer in hidesW,eep and
Calf Ekins.
One door North of R. Pieliard's store.
Yes, Websa:r's dictionary con-
tains a store of knowledge. but
you may read it from start
finish, and it won't tell you
where you can buy cheap and
the best furniture
We have everything you need,
from a bat ped to the largest
piece of furniture, "and best of
it is that prices are away down,
TJ'ndertaking a Specialty.'
R. H. 'OWE,
TheRR,e Icons. Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1853.1.
Paid up Capital.— , , , $2,000,000
Rost Fund.. 1500,000
SIaad office Montreal.
Money advaneed ry good Farmer's.on their
own notes with one or more endorsers et
percent,per annum.
Exeter Branch.'
Open e•e:.lA 'lawful d from 4 WA ro O
p y m .i a., *.to S
m.,Saturdays 10 a.In. 'to 1 pro 1T"
A general:ian ing business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mons
or on Deposit Receipts. Savings bank at 3,