The Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-20, Page 6Snbseribers who de not receive their paper
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TTBUBSDAY, JAN. 19. 1899.
what Itt'ato's.Body Coutal=s,.
A bowlful of curter.
Tough salt to provide a dinner party.
Enough gas to till a gasometer o1
II.C49 feet.
Enough iron to make Ave carpet
leenouihi carbon to make 9,365 lead
Brough hydrogen to 611 a balloon that
would lift himself.
There is enough fat to make from
$our to eight pounds of candles.
Chinaal+.a I-revert:me
.A great talker never wants enemies.
The man of sense speaks little and nears
Do not entertain a mart who bas east
neoeived a disappointment with an no.
aaaupt at your own success..
The most iguorane nave knowledge
*novel to discover the faults oe others;
the moat altar•eighted are blind to their
When a man says "Let roe wait a lit-
tle; when I nave trammelling to suare,
will relieve the pear," Ole plan will
never Pensive the neer.
What Could it Ile?
Ettael--..:got feeling well, Tommy? Per -
Imps you haven't had enough suppers'
Tommy -Note. 1 don't thiel; it's tbat.
I've been dawn to supper neon tlmeel---
.a.lin aleper.
lite i'oc nndram.
Merry Aced es---i:':tn you tell me thc
ilifterenee tatvienn a man and a monkey?
Dan- ?l::tti rae:lr lnuell chi you weigh?
Merry etsteirew-.,S. hundred end forty -
Bit 1 el .:1 -en hundred and forty-eigbtI
T we>i a Iti3. Teo,' d „'t'r+anee is lust 16
pounds.--4levelarut latter.
Grapes t'vim Cat
Di/ t't vt erley Syitll wrong'. is not childishness.
Sin 15 never disposed of at less thanooct.
God's providence wall never place. Fon
ie r'eIISgracea.nnot keep you.
Lin -service is vain without ileaxt oon-
The reign et righteousness will ,right
nil wrongs.
It God knows when you are in trouble,
He Meows when to help,
When Gad is a;tt'1 ing our rough block
Into AA angel we weep over the chips.
The best physician, ,peals well of slid_
er'a Compound Iron 'Pills.
hL1'aM1V for Pavements.
mem ats.
A. Dcrlrn patent agency announces that
N. Polish en(;i11c r has Annul a method of
chemically treating straw in such a way
that it can be pressed ssed into a substance as
beret us stone and cheaper than wood l;av-
leg, for wh:eh it is expected to prove a
New life for a quarter. :1i11erei Com-
pound Iron Pill;.
The Largest Flower.
The largest flower in tbo world, it is
said, is the bolo, which grows on the island
of :Mindanao, one of the Philippine group.
It bas five petals, measuring nearly A yard
in width, and a single flower has been
known to weigh 2'3 pounds, It grows on
.be higheStpinnaele of the land, about 2,000
feet above the level of the sea..
Death of the Hon. Nelson Ding-
ley, Jr., on Friday Night.
So rapidiy floes lung irritation spread
and deepen, that often iu a few weeks a
simple tough ettlmivates in tubercular
consumption. tie heed to tt cough,
there is always danger in delay, get a
bottle of Tickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup, and cure yourself. It is a medi-
cine unsurpassed for all throat and lung
troubles. It is compounded from several
herbs, each one of which stands at the
dead of the list as exerting a wonderful
influence in curing consumption and all
lung troubles.
Sketch of, the Career of This Oretat
American Pinbllo;lia,t-$first a Teacher,
Theo A• 'Newspaper Man, Lawyer
arid Statesman -kits Congres-
sional Record stud. l)otalled.
.'eceeta,tt or flat Work,
Washington, Jan. 14: -Hon, Nelson
Dingley of Maine, leader of the Republi-
can side 0] the floor oe the ilouse of
Representatives, and representing the
Seemed Congressional District of Maine
In that body, died bare last night at belf-
past 10, of heart failure, resulting front
extreme weakness due to doable pnau-
monia. He was unconscious During most
Of the day, and death came quietly with-
out consciousness being regained. There
were present at the time liars Dingley,
Mies ndith Dingley, Messrs. E. II. and
A. H. Ilr gley, sons at the deceased; Mr.
Jawea C. Howe, an intimate friend of the
family; Mr. Deal°, one: of the phyelelans
who bane been attending him, and two
nurses. To within a few hours before his
death the family firmly believed, as they
have throughout his illness, that ler,
T1lttgley would recover, and it was out/
when it became apearei3t that he wee
dying that tbey gathered at his bedside.
Sketch. of 11 is, career.
telsoa Diegley, jr„ E'aovereor of Moline
874.75. end }rte tmltt'r tit t.'•e?ngyrese from the
sa i'en reeve "Incl" I) ver:, ; of ii:ltae
sirxs lien, WAS bcrn n 1hlrltzm, thine,.
lir lri �
iter ! a
, »t' s Niner f , ni t !
the e,thee aP t til "tri a>s o a It+vt'r,
ke-b• 15. lerer eon of \c;s.,ltl ;td rane
tlaarnlbeen 1111. ky,
•tt li be ninglit a winter nelieel to the
$#nett 1 ale , It ,.lata t:n,.tl ,aG a.' .it`d
.c rrtr+''i1 to t4';iv t 11''itila i 1v2:1:0 ft -
tn+vp f'Mi college. lereetteg nine nle tent
Origin of Honeymoons.
An early Anglo-Saxon custom, strictly
followed by newly married couples, was
that of drinking diluted honeyfor 80 days
after marriage. From the custom comes
the word honeymoon, or honeymonth.
Broken down systems, shattered nerves,
and emaciated forms are rapidly restored
by Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
"Robert, dear, how do you supposethose
dozens and dozens of empty bottles ever
got into the cellar?"
"Why, I don't know, my dear. I never
bought an empty bottle in my lite."
itinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
The Final Test.
She -They held a mirror over her Pace
to see if she was alive. I don't understand
1{e --Why, yon see, if she was alive she'd
open her eyes and look in it.
Health fes' the children. Miller's
Worm Powders.
Sonne Motions to. Beep Joints Limber
and Pleat' rim).
To remain young a woman must keep
her joints nim ver; it neglected tbey be-
come painful and stiff. Women groan
with rheumatic pains, when, U they
exercised properly, rhotunatism would be.
unheard of. Women sit by a fire and
shiver with oold, when, if they encour-
aged gylntiast]cs, the blood would elem.,
late vigorously through the body.
The following four simple exercises
Will greatly help to develop and preserve
physicist symmetry':
1. Stand treat, with bands out-
stretched, on a level with the shoulders,
and slowly raise yourself on your toes as
fax as possible. Retain this position for
an instant, and then sink back on the
entire foot, Do this twenty times a day
at first,, and increase ciao, flay to a seer
equable limit,
2. Plage the betide on the :hips. ind,
resting all the weight of the body .,q the.
right foot, slowly raise the left leg, and
The Experience of a Lady Who
Had• Given Up Hope;
Tortured With Pains In the Stomach for
Four Years -Doctors. and It ospt ta1 Treat
meet Belled to Iletp iter -fn Her ] z.,
trentitr D. Wittianap' Pink Pi11s Re-
stored Her to health.
From the Pembroke Observer.
Wherever man is to be Found there also,
side by side with hint, is disease .and sun
tering. Those who have devoted their
lives to the alleviation of the suffering
and bodily weakness of human organizae
tio are surely benefactors of their kind,
to 4 deserve the praise of all mankind,
Fur dial honors in thi line nixie be
pointed out the discoverer of that wonder-
fu1 remedy, D,^, Williams' Pink' Pills for
extend it in front of the ' r dy. Then l Pale People, Recently the case of Mai..
bend at the knee, pointtn;g .sae toe down- Maggie ,Brunette, of 0 iohester, Que.,
ward and bringing foot up. Repeat this calm ormoluntly under the no ice of the
ten times at $rah. Then staled on the. Observer reporter. He felt it to he his.
left foot and repeat the exercise fn ro duty, on hearing of '.firs. Brunette's res-
verse. toration from prostrate illness to health,
3, Stand erect and lean over at the
hips :wtthoue bottlingthe vknees snail to interview filo lady and ?ecoid her eg-
try to touch the floor With tqe lingers,
Day by day you will eolne defier and
nearer the floor. This *remise will nlake
the body supple and strengthen the
back, and will encourage grace,
4, Extend the right arm, and placing rentau Mountains, he reporter visas
tae letton the gip, bone to right side as wululy �releonletl and Mrs, Brunette said
tar as p which
s @, ittd befog reverse the times
rho was ver laid tee have an. opportunity`
ate tint,
t, h like allbrepeatedohr feu times to testis' to the graatheaeh:tUr,Wililants'
at !list, and,tay athe others, increased kink Pills bad conferred upon her. She
front day to day as muvh us tztrtttttnatnuc4ss
311 permit, This is an excellent gym, is 42 years of fano now. Her husband, the
perienee for the benefit of others who may
need the healing iniiueneee. of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. hire. Brunette's farm
home Was found to be very comfortable
and even elegant, located near the base of
an imrnense hill, an outguard of the
asti0, tee wetnait should lentis a in flu late Chas. Brunette, died 14yeereag•m,and
eerc]se to such an extent that even tee atter lira dearth slut wornea very herd tor
elightest strain is poesibie. Fifteen one, some rears: with the insult that she he-
at a day span in exeeees at home came coni )lately .run down, so nMeli ao
Should result in tunseuler development that, although quite tell, slue weighed
and treacly bolp to retain health, only about 110 pounds. After Minna, the
slightest fond she felt such distress that
no You lteion ? she was. compelled t lie down for hours,
110N.:t1iLSO DI:COLEY.
lege, now Colby I'nivelteity, in 1551, he re.
maiued there a year and a halt. aril then
bee= a student at 3)arttuo'tth Cottee,
from winch 1ust:tetion lie graduated in
R'" After �" tai , c 1' . )in f..
l ., m. afar let .., . lr 1
ti' ,
studied hew -In 1 ,,, 0, and In the tut er
year be was .tdaui:ictl to for liar, lu>'ea'i
of enath:lag non the practicer of taw, be
derfeied to become a jouru'illst, for w i tit
prole: ion. he anyone nt.enifteiteil a dt'am'Lii
late. In September, :Mite be purcna ted
The T.ewlstoa Jon -gal, of which ht bad
been practically: 'the teeter. wltili' etn1Y'
leen .amt•4 to wbtelt 10 1.`ftil Ile added a daily
In Mil, at the nge of 23, he was eieeeed
representative front Auburn to the State
Legislature, in wlriell b,*dy ler at onee tool:
10.lq l rank; was re -elf -f'e'el In 1802, and 'ilu8.
en Spe-tkttr of the Mouse at the sesslan
or 1603. In 1863 he removed to Lewiston•,
where a few inouth.4 after lie list; clewed
to the Legislature, and with the tlpeeIng of
the legislative seeereu of 1804 Wile unaalm.
only re-elected Speaker. Ile wens eleetod
to tate Rouse twit's subsequently, but de.
tuned tate Speaker help, ;ireferriutg to be en
the !loos,
In 1S73 Mr. Dingley was elected Gov-
erner of Maine by about 10,000 majority.
In 1874 he was re-elected by over 11.01).)
mojoarity, declining a third uomluation In
In 1881 Mr. Dingiey was nominated by
the Republicans of the Second Congres.
stoma District of .MMaive. lie wee encetel
by a majority of over 5000, nearly twIce as
large to crier *fore given to any candidate
in that district, IIs was re-elected nine
times. His first speech in Congress was
made April 25, 11452, on "I'rotection to
American Shipping."
President MerOinley tendered tbe position
of Secretary of lane Treasury to Mr. Ding-
ley, but he declined the offer, preferring to
remain in hie po.dtian ;ms eeiairrnarn of etre
Ways and detains (4nh15nitt,e and fle r lead-
er of the Republican majority of the
Leder his leadership the House. within
16 days after the 33rh Congress was con.
vened In extraordinary session, passed a
bill revising the tariff.
Mr. Dingley was a Con,gregmtlonalist in
religion. He was married June 11, 1S7.7,
to Miss Smtomre MeIienney of Auburn,
Maine. They have had six children, of
wlmosn five survive.
Guest (at anniversary dinner) -"You
belong to one branch of the host's family,
I believe?"
Poor Relation -"Yes. I belong to the
branch that never had any plums onit."
Not Afraid of the i! utare.
Benedict -Does your friend believe in. e
future punishment i
Bachelor -No; he says he never expects
to marry.
Miller's Worm Powders for restlessness
-and peevishness.
Grouch -No, I shan't have any door -bell
OH my new house. I am going to put on
lied old-fashioned knocker in bronze.
SIouoh-Designed after yourself?
1541) 'tons.
"The new neighbors are
and esthetic,"
"Are they?"
"Yes; the:/ doll"r, horr3zv anything but
our silver and sheet music,"
_ being o weal: that She 1s:1'. unable to sit
This tncldant I giro to yon. A Clhrie
Ilan gentleman was rifling thrs:Mb A UP. At last she thought she must have
certain State of this 'Coign in the cars Leen atracked b; tetuue"T of the Stottstvh,
for bone. At ons of the stations two so violent were the Nine that constantly
men boarded the trait* and sat down in harassed her. the eonsulted the best
the ladies' car. It wasn't more than Live physicians and spent more than a hundreei
i.Mnutee baforo enc of thea, pulled out A tiolhlrs In treatment triad Inedie1.n°, is
Rattle They both opine it tip and addition to whioh elle spent nine weeks in.
drank, and soon corulnenced enneelen the hospital a't Pontitre:ea. Il ,t wanes
and enrsina and talking load in their elle W45 ill our ,'tars: and despaired of
prafauity in the car, to the disgust of ever Doing well. linage slip dt•4Md ed to
everybody in it, The Christian gentleman give Dr. \4 i111anis' kink Pills a trial, and
looker& an and said to himself; ' Well, e.ceordingly she procured six loxes. Al-
thorn fellows didn't sit in the car more though they bo le:Moe& her almost from
than live minutes before they let us know
Who they ware and wno they belonged to,
but nobody in the whole train knows
who I nolung to. Just see bow the devil's
crowd proclaims who they belong to.
They say: 'We belong to the devil, and
were not ashamed of it, either;' " and
the good man got truly ashamed of him-
self and exclaimed: `'Lord! Lerdl For-
give us! Thou art the best Master a roan
ever had, and yet am ashamed eo let
anybody know that I belong to thee."
As soon os the taint rolled luto a station
andecoppad, tho ehruitlen man began.
sine from the bottom of bis soul and at
the top of hie voice, "I'rn the child of a
king." The whole car turned their oyes
and ears toward him, abet nobody, when
he had titlishod, had any doubt that he:
was the Lord's sorvnn -. Ono of the
drunken fellows walked bank to him
and said:
"Frush that singing."
"You hush that cursing," Was the
"Car's no place to be singin'."
"The ladies car Is no place to be curs-
ing and drinking in."
"Want yet to dry up."
"I want that cursing to bo dried up,"
"Nell, we don't want any wore o'
tbat single' d' yer hear?' And they sat
down, took another drink, and began
pursing again. When the train stopped
again the Christian gentleman struck up:
"0 bappy day, when Jesus washed my
sins away I"
The drunken couple stopped their curs-
ing and slid:
"We told yer to qult yer cingin'."
"I told you to quit your °ursine. You
let these people know that you belong to
the devil, and why shouldn't I lot them
know that I belong to God?"
Tee train rolled on and at the next
station the two drunken men were put
off the car. Look at what leen aro per-
fectly willing to do for the devil. They
Wil] submit to being thrown icnonminiops-
ly off tbe train and be doomed and
damned for the privilege of serving him.
Who ever heard of a Christian being put
off a train Sot serving God? Here are old
sinners in this town by the thousand who
love to publish who they belong to, and
you folk have been here for ten Tears,
and not one in 20 knows who you belong
to. I would be heartily ashamed of it.
You are a fine type of Christian so•called
-an honorary member of • the church,
may be. -Saw Jones.
A Bigamy Case at London May Yet Take
Another Turn.
London, Jan. 14. --The examination of
John W. Drennan, :alas Harry Johnston.
who is charged with having married
Georgina Griffith, daughter of Colborne
Griffith of London Township, while his
lawful wife was alive, was continued
But one witness, a sister of the girl
who is alleged to havebeen misled, was
examined, when Deputy Crown Attorney'
I11c]i11op asked for a further adjourn•
meat to enable bin ;o procure additional
information bearing on the case. The
case was in acoordan000 with the request
of the Crown adjourned for two weeks,
and the prisoner bailed for .that period.
Mr. McKillop said that It would in ail
probability be necessary to ohange the
information from bigamy to feigned
ONF Tut7ST 1SE(.11NS, TO $QtlitEZN,.
Standard -Olt Company 'Now - Chartres
Si ore for. Coal Oil and tinsoline.
Cincinnati, 0., Jan,, 14. -The Standard
011 Company since .fan. 1 has advanced
the price 1 o a gallon on gasoline and
coal oil'. Coal oil Is now sold at go and
gasoline at 10e a ' gallon, The advance
came without warning and the reason for
it is not given. The retailers told cus-
tomers yesterday that the trust had sim-
ply put up the price on them and that
was ail they knew about it. Cincinnati
housewives 1n .January alone will pay
$12,000 more to the Standard 011 trust
than they word if the price of oil bad
notbeen raised.
Peet Ter at4ol, Pias Atonev ow.
London, T
an. 14 Willin
in Watson,
Who is acknowledged to be the leadiva
poet of England, has just received a
legacy which relieves him of all anxiety
as far as irlcomb goes.
;hu time she began inking them, she kept
sett taking the pills until she had taken
sixteen boxes, and ellen felt that she was
Cempletely cure r, the pills accomplishing
in three luonths Whitt four years of motif'
Cal treatnient hied foiled to do. Front
that time, nearly three years ago, Mrs.
Brunette has been In good health, neodiug
no medicine. "You ean see," said Airs.
13rutt.•tte, as the inverter was departing,
"than 1 am in perfect health. 1 attend 10
all my houseituld Work and the dairy and
poultry, and have a large number of cows
I never to 1 toagood w
to/nine say
for Dr. Williams' fief. Pills when I have
an opportunity, for they did wonderful
things for Ine," Mrs. Brunette Is a well.
educated lady, spealtillg french and 1i ug-
lish fluently.
Moving Staircases Are Coming.
Every visitor to the Grande Magasins
du Louvre at Paris has been up the won-
derful moving staircase, says London
Sketch. You put your hand on a rail,
yon stand still and you find, by a de-
lightful movement, which is both eghil-
arating and fascinating, that you are
carried from floor to floor without the
least effort, and without any of those un-
pleasant thrills which lifts -or, as our
American cousins call theta, "elevators"
always succeed in giving to nervous
persons. It Is worth while shopping at
the Magasins du Louvre for the sake of
going up that moving staircase, and now
-a long way behind our French friends
-we have gotone in Landon. The enter.
prising firm that has started a moving
staircase on this side of the water is Dar -
rod's stores, in the Brompton road, and
I think they will find 11 so popular that
there will scarcely be a Store or a great
trading butiiness 0 London that wilt not
be glad to institute the same invention.
Its carrying capacity is upward of 3,000
Ghent an Islami City.
The famous old city of Ghent. Belgium,
is built on 20 islands, which are connected
with ono another by 80 bridges, Three
hundred streets and 20 squ .res aro con-
tainedin these islands. Uh,'nt Is fatuous
because Charles V. and ..1eh of Gaunt
were born there. it has !even the scene of
many battles, insurrections and revolts,
and it was there the treaty was made ter-
minatla s the war of 1512 between England
and the United States.
Take Laxative Bronco Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refu, d the money 114 falls to cure. 250
A Distant Cousin.
At the wedding anniversary of a railway
magnate one of the some-
what lonely -looking d nd rather shnoticinabbllyat.
tired Ulan in one corner of the parlor,
walked over and sat down near him, says
The Youth's Compantoli.
'I was Introduced to you," he said, "but
T did not catch your name."
"vMy &name," replied the other, "Is Swad•
'Oh, t:heam, you are mradative of our host!"
"Yes," rejoined the "poor relation." with
a grin "1 am his cousin, $500,000 re•
n Miller's Worm Powders cure fever in
`• Slaictly .a -Native.
Are you a native of thisparish?"
asked a Scotch sheriff of a ''witness who
was summoned to testify in a ease of
illioit distilllug.
"Maistly,, 9'er honor," was the reply..
were you born in this perish?"
I mean w e p+t ishP
"Na, yer honor. I wasna born in this
parish, but I'm maist a native for a'
"You .came here when you were'a
child, I suppose you mean?" said the
sheriff. •
"No, sir, I m just hero about sax year
sin: I jutt weighed ,eight stane, an' I'tn
17 stane nog, sae ye see that about nine
eitane o' nae belong, to this parish and
the ither eight comes free t7amlacbie"
The Mrhlte 31nit l,i 11,0 Trot* les,
The attempt to acclimatize the White
main in the tiePics must be recognized
to be a blunder of the fiat magnitude.
A11 experiments ]stied upon the flea
are inure idle and, empty: enterprises.
foredoom ed to failure. Excepting only
the deportation of the Afrie:tn races
ander the situation of slavery, probably
Me other idea which has held the t,iiilil
of our civilization during the last three
hemline years i:;ts led to so mneh phy-
sie'a1 and moral suffering and degrada-
tion or has strewn the world With the
wrecks of so many gijantio enterprises,
]h the tropics a white nian lives and
works tender water. Alike in a moral.
is an ethical and in a political sense,
the atmosphere he breathes nitist be
that of another region than that which
produced him and to which he betones.
Neither physically, morally nor p,d 11•
calla Can be be sceiiwatized in The Lre-
piee,--I3enjnm•in 8, Iijdd..
Shutting Oil a Bore.
Once, on a NISH at a country house, e
bore asked Richard BrInaley Sheridan to
take a long walk with him. Sheridan made
ult eX<:use of tato e . tither, saying It was
scarcely .pleasant enough for a walk. An
hour later the bare Intercepted Sheridan as
he was about to escape from the house.
"1 see it hes cleared.' be said, persist-
Why, yes." said the wit, doubtfully. "It
'hat cleared enough for tone, but has 11
Cleared enough for two?"
P15. Destiny, llnshnnnable as Death.
Mrs. Yawlor-Oh, if I were only a maul
Yawlor-And if you were you would do
like the rest of us -marry some cross tem-
pered old woman, I beta dollar. -Brook-
lyn Life.
A Fixed habit.
Mr. Glum -I really believe your now
turns up. I never noticed it before.
Mrs. Glum -I presume it has got to
turning up since I married you. -Nuggets.
Kinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
"Why buy imitations of doubtful.
merit when the Genuine can, be pure
Chased as easily
The proprietor's of MINAIuD'S DTI-
I LENT inform us that their smit, the
pa,5t year still entitle their preparation
to be considered the I3Ea'i' and nobte
iII the, hearts of their countrymen.
' . 0,***ik'!`ir•kitirlkt ****'lt**ltvYtlrtk*
i 7
Cures Rheumatism
t ST
.>� JACOB „
Street Ctrr • Acctel: tet. --•Mr. Thom 1s
Sabin, says: M1' vie vc•n year tee etee fru)
his foot badly injured by in : rt rem ter, et.
by ae.'t*oft the Street !t•tilway. Wt al
0004' Colnntene4.1 1)`ts; tl.t" font W:tl
t '
m.t)' Wtt m kc11!--
C tt. m 1i,t
l'T1101114$'r 1
color a ion and sllelli0 s w4i ry mnr:•,t, a....:1
hi nine days he could nett 1)., toe, 1t'r
always -4;01p ei u:;ttir its the Ruta,e toady
for any entetgenty.."
peed to It:andle.
"Beware of the we n::t a who does not
earn for beauty," &'tit] the man of experi-
"Why, }way?" inquired the youth.
oleecsausc you e'au'r get nrannd her by
flattery, and that .;erlunely weakens your
pos1tien avert time. "
Millard's Liniment Wein kstemp2r,
No lei ;tit' to ',pain.
In Spain Hebrews are not Permitted to
erect or maintain ,owes of worship, They
have no civil rights and exist in the king.
dom only as aliens.
LoOotnetion of it natttte,itatp..
Mrs, Lubberty (loolting up from bot
nowspaper)-01 do be t''ndin that ut testa
11,500 a day to run at battleship,
4r. Lubberty-R'ull. av that's so 01 amlr
afeared av Oi hod de runnin' es' a battle-
ship utwud hov to walk aftlter de first tin
Bliss a Yard Wide.
"Is your daughter happily married, Mrs.
Plump?" ,
"Oh, yes; her husband has beught her
e sealskin cloak Which comes down to her
A new back for 50 cents. Miller's
lidney Pills and . Plaster..
Mow* AI niuTat.
= v
If von call a man a lion
lee wen always be your friend,
But just hint that lee's a boat, and.
ITo w111 Irate you 10 tite end.
"Eatnlot" has Hoole more money than
foray other play in the language.
The Whole Truth.
slippose Mrs: Jones made a oommur
nicative witness P"
"Very. She did: her best to make the
witness box a :latter box."
Slienttly Dftrerent.
Mr. Wagger -My wife is much given to
throwing unpleasant facts up to Ivy face.
Mr. Nagger --lithe uses teblewa> e.-•-
'lbwn To'iiee.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury,
ate mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole system
when entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should pow be used except on
dreseriptione from mountable physicians, es the
amage they will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. flail's Catarrh
Curti menufaeturec by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and Is taken
internally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. Itis
taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohlo, by
F. 3. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
ilarSold by Druggists, price 75e. per bottle.
Terrible at
.t a Dilemm
"Nan is worried to detth. "
"What's the trouble?"
"She can't tell whether she is in love
with Lieut. ;limber or With bis uniform:"
Miller's Worm Powders for sallow skin;
The Pacific ocean covers 78,000,000 square
miles, the Atlantic 2$,000,000, and the
Mediterranean sox 1,000,000.
Somewhat or sin Epicure.
Mrs. Hayfeed-How strange Towser did
not run at you. Ile generally seems to
divine in some way that you fellows get
the food reserved for him.
Tatter de Malion-You wrong de faith-
ful animal's sagasserty, mum. He evi-
dently deduced from me genteel appear-
ance dat I wuz not after dat class uv food,
The Flagging Energies Revived, -Con-
stant application to business is a tax up-
on the energies, and 11 there he not relax-
ation, lassitude ttud depression are sure to
intervene. These conte from stomachic
troubles. The want of exercise brings on
nervous irregularities, and the stomach
ceases to assimilate food properly. In
this condition Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
will be found* recuperative of rare power,
restoring the organs to healthful action,
dispelling depression, and reviving the
flagging energies.
OIL �t sciatica
K ,, Sprains
e Bruises
K ST. „ Sureness
JACOBS ,, Stiffness
K „ Bachac1e
K li Muscular aches
1**i*****al•**•1!.*ht 444#1•-#•.;?, ?ter
Sleepiestuese.-when the nerve, are un•
Argun and the whole body given up to
wretchedness, when the mind is filled
with gloom and dismal foreboditmia, the
result of derangement of the digestive
trgaus, sleeplessness comes to add to the
iistress, If only the subject could sleep
;here would be oblivion for a while apd
temporary relief. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills will not only induce sleep, but. will
ice so beneficially that the subteee will
mike refreshed and restored to happiness
He. Has Her Then..
"Why is it that an engagement ring
usually has a diamond, while a wedding
ring is a plain gold affair?" asked the in-
experienced miss.
"Because." replied the experienced mat -
eon, "if things are not up to the girl's ex-
pectations it is a simple matter to break
en engagement, whereas, when the wed•
ding ring is produced the g'roont knows
that it will be too lathe far her to heck out.
Tito engagement and wedding rings mark
the diiferenee between expeetttion and
realization, promise and fulfillment,
----- r „ r ' ,,
0' a and ':,•Tomtit-llanti.
Lange Cala:0' it.' twee-,
'I IIs 1111TD Mos., tis , ',7 Hung West, Tcllonto,
Sea''4Star ir: S11var Sot:d Grid 1ergap
11 1 iiracatat taum aatl roads and Garnet
• t . i11thw-ileaSatergs,
atAR ';'=1,1ehIsdso
to your friends 24 Sliver Alma.k
tiIntim Thimbles at 10 eepts each.
-- ' They Are more durable than
od ntet steed or atcrlinar sliver. Tape
Go par. measure or paeltans of needles
given free with each thimble. Every lady buys
es soon as elle sees them, No money rcqul
Sondem year name and address and we vi
send theoods and catalogue of premhl
lostpaid. Thimbles to be returned if net sold,
Iuen, women, boys and girls are selling thous.
studs-•-whynatyou 1 Try. When sold send no
our money` and we wall send the premium you
select. Mention this paper.
O l r.sN- ` . - iii , t l {l �A�
SET, J�1,.. Y Jai
4 ev
To Introduce 0.. weston's 1niprvod Fink Iron Teat li l
brunching the blood, tor pals poopto, dentate Iadto:,,, ava
MI ktdnev dlaesa,,, rhaumetlun. bor%nc14. nocondu a,
5 t;eral ,l -bititr. rte., Ave Kira FREE a 141 R°'' Ph' ++99
watch. la illor or CratM1 ratlabto [• t,tna•l iwner, arh
ranted. The ribs aro Leo, per box, *Ito ter s boxaa, sent 1114
amount and you receive shoves and the watch, grants 1a.
Particulars. shim is s renins ober.
THE f R.WE TON onts St. Toronto, L O. .
T. N. U. 202
.----..--...--.. SI
Everything for
the Printer.
0000 0 00000000
I Made by the celebrated firm
of Ault & Wiborg.
N Ks
TYPEThe latest and best.
Serials, e. Best as
PLATES News, Miscellany,
by the "'hate
ling" Process. The
only plant of LW
ROLLERS kind in Canada
PRESSES ki das-ll new amakesnd and
coed hand,
Unequalled by any other in Canada
in matter, paper and presswork.
Promptly and effectively executed.
One Cure.
"Doctor, I am troubled with failing
"My rule, as you know, is pay in ad-
Kinard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
The first advertisements ever known
were placed on the doors of St. Paul's"
Fine deep shells, and clear working
guaranteed. �.
10 10 10 10 10 10 , 4;4r 101 4f 10
44 Bay St., Toronto.
646 Craig St., Montreal,
176 Owen 81., 1\'lnniprg.
500 Cordova St., Vancouver,
140 Lower Water St.. Halifax.
1 Eoys' A4nerlcalt ♦VtiIc fes, i.adit9'
Swiss ivattcltes, Soud Gold and
Sterling Silver JewelleMy, Mani-
R (])ure Sets,A.I.ADaisy Alt' lttiles
Cameras, Spring anti Itocl:ey Skates, MIMIC
Lanterns, Motors and I►yaninos, musical Iu-
strnnients,Toot Sets, etc.-Forsellirag our -White
Topaz and hard Enamel. Scarf ries at 15 cents
f/�each. The White Topaz is a true gein, and has
almost the brilliance of the diamond; is Austrian ground, and
mounted in in Amsterdam settings, Our Maple hoar and 'Flag Pius are
v o \ in Florentine Enamel, etre glazed; very flue, These pins sell themselves.
With every watch we send a %1YIILTTEN GUA1tA.NTEE to
Repair or Replace. Good for one year.
Free with Chain .2 Charm,
for Selling•20 Pins.
We ask no Money. We Trost you. Simply
send your name and address, and we forward you -_
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complete prize list. Sell the pins, return our -.1"._t.-',1
money, and we at onceforwardyour prize, :' -r ..,
all charges paid by Us. lion ren no
Perred. Don't let others getahei�ot. on.We' allow a cash commission If pre.U'e bsl1, hrisk. Unsold Pins are Returnable.
Write at once,and when you write mention
this paper and the prize "u: want. • Free, Snaps st
GEM PIN GO. Toronto, eampfete, for
A.1. Daisy Air Rifle, with 500 Rounds of•-
_Ammunition g 1�
P. r'9 4
0 r
air 5 Ir
Skates with Screws 1.
Best Hockey 40 Plns.
for Selling 20 Pln,li
With 20 Pine, With 20 Pins.