HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-20, Page 5THE
Is published everthye.OfiThiuursday Mornings
AovoGATE PUe .ISkl1
OneDollax per reunion, if paid ire Advance
set.50 if not ee Paid.
x.cim. extScixa,e, M ateaa oxo .21)1p7.lcix,
eeo paper diseoutinued oo kil ollarra Aram.
are paid. Advertisements without eeeoiiic
directtous will be published till forbid land.
char edaacording1y. ibexxl discountneed0
for i ra,nsaieut advertisements inserted for
lona per,tods. Every deecriptiou of JOB
PittNTINt.* tasted out in the truest styles
and et r Cerate rates. Cl%eques, money ord.
ere, Ova for adv art icing, subsariptions,ete.to
be made page ble, to
Cftas.11. ttl• ic lr ,
rtnF OP
roresstoual Cards
il. KINR51a7.1, L. D. S. a. DR. A. R.
I INSBieN, L D. Se D.D.S., Hotter
graduate of Toronto University,
Teeth, eotraeted without arav pale, or any
Mata , a , ExOffice iSx nBlBock, ~west
D.A ALTON ANDi:lit',ON,(Fe-1) S,.I,•7D.S..)
hottare trrra4note of"tlte Toronto t'tai-
reity r►nd Royal College of Dental Surgeons
ot Ontario, Teeth ea.traetel w-tthout pgeain.
Old modes of Densbetcs tai, to date. Ufeiee
over Elliot es l:lliot's Iaw ofneer—opposite
Cep t sal Hotel—Exeter.
re, J A. lislr.r iNA $y T A. A,etOs.�
aeo tteeeteenecs, sa tae as forraerie
OFFICER,opeel:mc.n, hndldUtg, Mein Ot
Dr, hotline' °Mee; same ori formerly --north
door. Or. Amos office, sante, bungling -south
door. .']fav est. Leos
LA, Rollins. M. le
Ti. A. Amos, al- Ir
.T. P. McLAITG11IaIN. 1,1RIsfliER OF
the College ot•Phveusieusau'lSurgeons
t).tltario Pitein'iari3OurgooH one Moynflh•
efface, ire,, hwoo,f, ]tut
#+a 113. a onveveneee. Nester P hii[
iver [i :,Nit's ]haul:, t,xetsr.Ontarin
env to Loan.
410 laoalof lt CA7tLJN'1s 1 AR1;USTk rd!.
_ n.q`it'it4r,. Nett•ariei, Co eveyaso r-,
Coattail mere. eta. nInVi- to 1031; at • 7.,
rani �a
vent.. , ,.•-e+a-•1'aneote Mose;
main. *t t v ,ter
1• R t•urt ext ll :i, 14• R. Plcs$aX
r4 „Riser et tie -dem wilt be at li.,ts all
an rim .>l.i ,.t•eaelt. west...)
a i.%Ira & ('d!1 fiN. R#Ri31�TFrbfi.
s.i abyss., Conv+ y:plc.:le. and Money to
it, x. ilt.ttor. F. W. sleegts:ee.
llt,a°t0Y ,Winchet:iea• Licensed Alert
I a, Wieser for /lie Counties o4f Perth ata.]
S es.. nos nettle etfthe lti to kill terms lex
aoaheeteeerlel arrenatel at Post office. Win
oboisoa, --_--
treHrtrearee Nemo.
loasant kame Work
vn in
• n or u
d ,
a 4 Woman Y S
For a .n
F it
l6 to $rx trcekly•no canvassing or ex-
perience needed; plain instructions and
work malted op application. Address:
Horrors of Dyspepsia
Sour Stomach, Heart Palpita' Ten Points Which He Puts
Forward for Consideration.
tion, Nervous, Sleepless
AU ' eutc r
Now Able to Po A t the Hsbtl3 o k
—What Cured. 1 err
The excellent qualities of Hood's
Sarsaparilla as a stoluaeh tonic end
appetizer enable it to relieve and cure
dyspepsia even when cure seems hope-
less. Read Airs. Willett's letters
ceC>� Hood
Co.,C .L Lowell,
at t entlemew--I have been sick for
about six years with dys-
Letter pepsia with all its horrible
nightmares, such as Four
NO. 1 stomach, flatulency, palpi-.
tatioi of the heart, insotn-
rria, eta., and alt that time I have tried
almost every known remedy and the
best doctors in the state, but nothing
did tele any good. I was very
Weak and ctiervpua.
About five Inoxltirs ago I commenced
taking flood's Sarsaparilla, and anter
Pave bottles I am able to do
all my housework and feel better
than I have in several years. .Also,
my husband had pneumonia last win-
ter and his blood got 'very bad; he
bad rheumatism, and could scarcely
walk. Ile commenced to take Hood's
'z:trraparillar and ill e. short time he
was better in every way, Ills 3 het mo-
tisut has lett ]lits. anti is in better
health than for a long tittle." Mita.'
l9. . WILTeLrr, Il1t.:l1olly, N. 0
Stilt Praising ',wows,
O. I, Hood $c co., Lowell, >Fltlss,;
4' esr ate still praising
Hood's Sara arilia for the
great benefit birth myself
and husband derived from
its use alta I do not hesitate
to say it is the best medicine
we have ever used in our family."
Mns. W, 3, Wri.1 l rr, 3tt. holly, T. 0.
No. 2
Conk's Cotton Boot tomponutl
• Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladles, Safe, effectual. I.udtesask
your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Coot-
ootr♦a ted. Take no eater, as all elixtures, pills and
:imitations are dangerous. Price, No. e, $1 er
box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No.
lora a
O. mailed d on receipt to! p rlceandt two ce
stamps Th. Cook Company v'indsor, Ont.
Me-iiviaeianmeudedby all
responsible and
n Cand
N.e s An Vn 1 Mold 1111 Eeeter by d•. W
Brows,bee ltrnggIst,
In pitying seeds
"econouty is extrav-
u•g4uwe,» because the cost
of cultivattdn wasted on inferior
seeds always largely exceeds tho
original Cost of the best seeds to
be -had. The best is always the
cheapest. Pay a trifle more for
and always get your money's
worth. iriVO cents per paper
everywhere. A1tvaYy the
best. ne.
DA. Lil&co ,
St. Aim's li.ete.an Cat 01 on. ,; e .
Digby, N S„ was. totally destroyed by
The White Star steamer Oceanic, the
largest ship ever built, was launched
at Belfast.
The family of Mr. W. H Horton.
New Dublin, had a narrow escape from
the fire whichdestroyed their dwell
iia ing
Mr. James Cummings and famil
of Ottawa Ear, were aim st aeptiyxi
ated After attending the coral stove
late in the et a iitlg the family r*stired
ran however,
early in the tno u g,
house became till' d with coal gas, and
had it not been that the fumes awoke
one) of the sleepers serious ,results
Might have occurred' a As it is several
of the family are quite ill from,' the
effects of the gas.
Sarsaparilla harx a°
x'ttrlflrn: Suitt by alllets. $1; six for V.y ,.., dru^„
cr:re all Liver ills anst;
eAK/ S PHIS $:el:liead:.tclid. :+a.
*�tritestic Servant Arreste.i on a Charge
er 4ttereptlrer to poiser, the Wi$e
of P•ormee Employer.
fC district military school is to has
established at Belleville,
Charles Halliday, 77, a London bar-
rister, ha died of starvation.
� �d � _ tltrn
Bll ,Titeir Pt •e 7lese Pr<t asittons. ia
Dar. Rudyard Hlplirxg and ]lie famfl
very Well, Duo or Course, Moet be leave London on Jan, 25 fox' America.
Qeneideree by this Pawera as Ttaewf Thornes Greene of Paris was run otter
Will ledittet Raab andivi4ually ' The int st thaefoot, G•R. yards et Brantford. He
Czar and Tolstoi meet and Talk Over The i?ottton: 4efen4o ig 4d Under Lha
the 01snt•maxnenx Proposal. lnanagernrent Ot T.. E. Iiollalass, Napan0ei
St, Petersburg, Ta.n. 1?. --The circular has reaabe[T X335.?5:
The United States . authorities at Man -
Lotiut alTttlrawie�', lltinietor of
Foreign Afl`airs, regarding the coming ilaar.9 new exercising a celtSorallip over
meeting of ropreseatatives of the 'nitro- despatcttas sent ono;
peen Powers, in htrswer to the Czar's The Turkish Government has ordered
apical for ea.zrrnament, suggests that it 16a Krupp field guns and x0,000 shrapnel
is destreblo in arrive at an undcrstaadrug °betas from Cerumay,
on the fullow1ug points, namely: i Premier l='reenwey of Manitoba is aro
First—To agree t toHelens° navel -r a
T.'fra To ►� 89 n4.. l . TOrocto, bot is non -committal in eg rd
or u.ilitary foreee, and the aorrespoelding to any political easiness on heal,
budgets for a fixed period, i Mrs. David Goo" of London, Ont., cried
Bei:end—To endeavor to findHretenN or un Suoday, aged 100 years, The old lady
reducing the forces and budgets in the , wits in good health alnoost to the last.
Forty natives from the east coast who
ro lepers have been discovered working
a the Witwatersrand mines in the Trans -
Fourth To restrict tete use of the most .alai.
terzibief exiSttn* eaplawlwe, wed there,. Sir Richard Cartwright was le Termite
by forbid the throwing of any explosives on htouday, and ""-1 au interxiew wle>b
from balloons or similarly. t Premier Hardy. He left te sane evening
h'ifth--!io forbid the employment ori for Uttawa,
gabntartne torpedoes awl similar eontde % The tl.T,l . earnings for tlle'ivrel Wea-
tes. p ` leg Jan. 7, ]girl, show an increase of
Sixth—To undertake not to contitruot t CiSsdeti ever those of the same verist]
assets with rants,last year:
Seventh—To apply the Geneve Conven- ! It Is execeted that tbrea weeks will
tioe to naval w,trharo. ' elapse before den hearing of the Dreyfus
Eighth --'Vo neutralira vessels, saving • naso will begirt In Faris before the Const
those wrecked in ueval battles.
Ninth—To revise the declaration con -
corning the lave :a ld ad terns of war
;borated as Brusersis in 11374
Tenth --To accent the principle eaf
ittO:tiation and arbitration in such vases
as lend themselves thereto.
The efreulet reaflirme that nethinu
tonebing existing polltieai relations shall
be diseus.Sed.
Anoqu'e nutirrtvllc of hos cholera is
e'ispmrtt•d in 1;*Rltx.
Mr (ats+ergee Mair Manager of th
"rad'rrs' Birth, •%Vntdeinr, fell on the ice
powwow tilt tate wily t4 bis t+art:•
Sated°° ratites to those who preeervc
if you'al: s lienid'a SosopuriUa faith
lulls tied persistetatly, you will boreal.
3rr bene•lire d,
In the libel suit of Mil; Beterley
:nhinsnn against .tire Es e tinh Tait,.
°rale 'f hursdaE the plaintiff was awar
led damages ter:,,.,
Itobbed.tor drruva.
A startling iui id •tit', of which Mr
dcsll,,n Oliver Of F tttl+edrlphia, as th•,
subject, is narraet;d by him as 'wfoilntus:
" I was in a most dreeditul coedit -Lou
Day skin was almost vrllnw, +areassunhti
toegue Boated, pails ctettiusi;tlly is
back and sides, noaepeiite grad trail
growing weaker di,y by day. Three
physicians had given rise up.= 7e'ortes,
maty, a friend advised trying Elscty, c
Birteers; and to my great joy and sur
prise,the first b4itle made a d'cidet
itnprovetnent. I coiiti:turd. their us,
for three weeks, it ed iitn now a well
malt I know they safired rny life; and
robbed ._ v i
a „ra e of n not. for %detail '.
'Nn one
should fail to Iry them. Otl;v
h0 Cts: -a bottle, every bottle;;uarantced,
at Claw D • e• S •ti.
2el:' Wants and Children.
,. •+ I, pia
Third --Te fnterdiotthe uro of any new
weapon or explosive more powerful than
now made.
Died of a Broken Heart.
' , +v.
• v ie a 22.•-- R I..
\ltirritk Il Jan.
Aston, Prestty t+•rillti minister, tilerr'sct -
died lustier very sad and brut; I
esi.rctams:ar c It Seems that 8006, year,.
.tgn a. m"tntier of his COP greget tirtn
a damaging rhrtrge against the Bev.
1' ntl.•man, which waw rtfrt•rwae do nae it
drawn. O.r this evening e•f December
-23rd a Public SChool eutertalumen t war•
ewe's in the hell at its rriekilile. Tt,
sills is1r. Astute enenre'd rs tadv frtew11
ae•d vn „ pplsing for a seat to thr,usher
e ho pros* d to be der. Astou'sold enemy
was greet' d with wnsst insulting and
brutal language Mi' Aston was na
'uratly agitated at ibis place, of bu
milintion, and rink a seat in the rear
of the. hall. Shortly afterwards le
kneeled ov.r in an epileptic fit, And.
,vas ta.ktit• hotae uucoescious He re
vived, and dnrin • his cnmsdate§ me
silents referred to the • persecution he
had been subjected to, and also' sa d
W ti'1 cIvie.sr or '1 hi -niters heitl't,
What Shall
Be Done
Done D®
You have tried • iron. and
other tonics. But ' she ]seeps
pale and thin. Her sallow'
complexion worries you. Per
haps she' has a Little hacking
cough also. Her head aches;
and she cannot study. Give her
The it will feed
body; the glycerine will soothe
her cough, and the hypophos-
phites will give new power and
vigor to her nerves and • brain.
Never say you " cannot
take cod-liver oil" until you
have tried Scott's Emulsion.
You will be obliged to change
your opinion at once. Children
t O
not know
it;andinfants d
x it food..
to their when it is added
all druggists.
j00.aad •,Si.00 r br[
SCOTT & BOW NE, Chemists, Toronto,
Iters tlin 1:rt%perer and tirr <'e 1art-1'e:tetant
Novella. Cancers<ed Aimee the
• lib:;,ratnttn•nt Primmest.
London. Jan 17. -,,Tho Dally stall
Otter the following despateh from
"While journeying north from Idvadia,
Hansom Nfabola., during a bruit; for
tun heotl at `Loolab (e .ltal c•t the goy-
erutueut of the rafre name In Central
Buevia,) sent a della-40y weeded ono.,+•8 0
exproe.lug bis deAlro to son Count Leo
Tolstoi. Contrary tc, expectation, Tolstoi
accepted the invitation and soon appeared
at the railway staoi.tn. In his peasant's.
atarb he pre anted It striking contrast to
the richly -dressed entourage of the Czar.
letuperor Nioholes kissed bin on the chapel st Church Point, Nova Scotia,
were totally destroyed by Are ou Alon.iay
morning Thu students bad n narrow
esafpa, Leas, $fif,,wIU
The Greuoh Chamber of Deputies on
Monday voted by 422 to 72 to susta.n
of Cassation,
It is sold that General >agan, who 00
sillionmusly :t awe the lis t:+ Ueneea), stiles
before the war lnvastlgatliag coulnn1ttee,
Will ho COarI 1a ]retailed
alorrill•e general store an .ranatlol'nte.
Onles was buttiir.1rizsd Sundte.y target, a
tluantity of knisae,e, jewelry and money
]Cato; among the artioles stolen.
The fortyftrst annual meeting et the
Cauattien I'rei�s Ahsociation velli be held
le he i erni of T,.:.ie but: sloe. 9eroure,
Feb 2 and 3, `.i:bera wlil to a ban::met at
A 15 a=bington de spetelt sere roassuriug
news La, b, -en t'' al 1rt:nt ti'..tt Ot,:. itt
Meanie itl:ticetinn Cott 1.e had eon petite
euniru of the eituaelon, irath there and.
at I1Lf1e,
'rba steam lichter Potomae, owned by
this 13- S: 0. Rat.r.t:td, sank Suntlay at
her pier in the North ]liver. `i•wo deck
hands ore nafa,ir.,;,, and they nay have
been drowned.
The Prue -tam Diet opened en Monday.
Emperor William dottared that the
ilnauelei situation continued favorable,
and he looked forward to the future
with eontidente.
St Aura's College and the tae-- ooliogo
(changed every Wednesday)'
Wheat per bushel,. t9, 30
o 2.09
Barle per cwt 1$4e.0 to 40
Oats y .... 47 to 28
Peas ee to ea
Coral 4.0 to 48
Butter to to: le
Potdatces, pee ba 55 to • 110
Hee per ton 4,00 to Sao
Detect Apish;!° pee Re ,. .,,, ,,.. 7
Decks 7
tree 0
•Chiekeu 5
'rushee.-,-,.,. a
mouth and both cheeks.. Tolstoi readily
"Then a conversation commenced, the
Czar asking his finest for an °pluton upon
the Imperial proposal for the limitation
of armaments. Count Tolstoi replied that Prat}.ins Dupuy It, shelving the trial Ly
he a ultl only believe 1n it when His court-narteal of Col. }Aegean far a
]majesty should sot the example to other , mouth, ane wont on with the budget do-
natious. . bate.
"On the Ozer mentioning tho diflionl- The Cuban army oxpoters its three
ties of the problem and the necessity for years, back pay. $1U.00t1,u00 being ed.
the united ald of tate ]treat powers, the vases ed by the United .�tntes. with the
Count settuned is Majesty
t aim expressed eastern house receipts of Cuba as setsurity
the hope that His Slajesty would be able for he repayment.. There aro 47,00.3 men
to attain some definite results ur, at any to h9 Raid off.
rate, to torinulatc some workablo plan at . Baroid doff. 1, an Oxford University
for Conference. Thu Czar, thanking him.. student, has just hanged himself without
for hie good wishes, said ho would be •'
pleased If Tolstoi could be Induoed to nay known cause, He was 14t years old
lona his genius to the solution' of the and bad a promising career. He hanged
question, and Oat Count rejoined that hinfsalf with a sills pocket handhorohlef
the Emperor reigbt count upon bls oo- fastened to the bed rail.
operation for he was already engaged y T' ao Erenob steamer Versailles, from.
upon a work dealing with the question St. Nazairo for Vera Cruz, ran saber°
hi point, which Would soon see the Sunday night between Bahia Monde and
light." • . Cabanas, on the northern share of the
Rio,Cuba. The
i rd ] 4
of Pinar del
vessel is in a bad position.
A battle between coal operators nod tbe
United Aline 'Workers is expected at once
over the later -State agreement regarding
The Itmpteror Trains Goats.
Pekin, Jan. 17. -- Palace reports
describe increasing ill -fooling 'between
the Dowager Empress and the Emperor.
On several occasions recently the Em- wages, The operators will resist an ed
peter, it is claimeea,. disobeyed ti,o Dow- vane°, while the minors will insist on an
.ager Empress. The abief amusement of advance in ply and the eight-bbur day
the Emperor at present, the palace re- The Queen bus contributed TOO in snp-
porte also say, is training goats and port c,f tee: effort now being made for
doRepor. tbe re -acquisition of the Royal Normal
Reports from Shan Tung Province College and Academy of Music for the
say the populace there is almost in a Blind Tipper Norwool, a. a national
state of bloellfaa. The missionaries anted- institntlon for tbo blind of the British
pato trouble. It is added that'Franch war- I,m ire
shps have been ordered to F,00 Chow. Li >L+lakim Stowe, known half a century
Hung Chang is suffering front swollen ago as "Lige" Stowe, is dean at Fort
legs. I Wayne, Ind., acted 30 years Ile owned
Queen victoria in France. i one. of the first travelling carouses in the
Paris, Jan. 17.--Tn the event of the United States He amassed a fortune in
Queen corning to Franoe estraorainary the business, but lost the bulk of it in
precautions will be taken by the Su eta- the Plinio of 1173.
Generale. Not only will •she be accent- The Plctou eharoual works at Bridge-
psnied by deteotives disguised, but a vine, N. S., were destroyed by fire Sun-,
battue of suspected persons will be car day night, They were established by a
rind out before her arrival, and a verit- Swedish engineer named Sjoestedt seven
able cordon of detectives will prevent years ago, and produced iron of a bigo
Anarchists_ arriving in her neighborhood. grade. The loss le from $20,000 to $80,
The French system of registration of 000, with insurance of $10,000.
visitors and residents enables the work A, domestic servant named Elizabeth
I'u l' Essex,
of security- to be more easily Performed. 'Milford of Wickham, St. u s, g ,
The French detectives will be aided by late in the employ of John Marlar, aham-
experiettced officers from other countries, 1st, has been committed for trial as the
of attempting
and the xnowementtr of suspected parsons; Essex Assizes on -a uhart;e p g
will be signalled. to poison Mrs. Marlar by putting strych-
nine on her toast for breakfast.
An leash peer Dela. The French papers are doing their best
London, Jan. 17,—John W. Plunkett, 40 work up a teodng agaiiest America
Baron Dunsany, ropresentati' a neer for over the Spanish wan They are magnify -
Baron Ireland since 1893; died yesterday in his Ing ;bo diffioulties in the Bhilippines, and
46111 year. The deceased poet .at ono time -gay the oomplicatione area just reward
sat in the House of Cornmous for the of American bad faith. The London
1 o st busshould at
Thornbury' division •ot (i ou o ere ]saes says tbe ,States
in the Conservative interest. 73e is sus_ once put an end to the present 'Philip-
oeeded 1»' his son, Hon. Edward John pine situation.
Moreton Drax Plunkett, now in his 21st
Do Not believe It.
London, Jan. 17.—The officials of .the
Foreign Office do not credit the alleged
defeae on Deo 28 of the Anglo-Egyptian subject to the contirmatton of the United
gs forces on the Blue Nile by the Dervishes States Senate, het will be named under
r' of the
President and
under Emix Fadil, and the total tleatrua- reserved authority ,
tion ot the 10th Soudanese Battalion.. - its expenses will be paid out of the war
iexpected to cony -
s. It is not ea
appropriations. o rlatioHP
!•mit the United States Government to
- The:Angelina Disaster.
eo nition: of the- •ndependence 01 the
re g 1.
Tacoma. Wash., ino,Jan. 17.—Ofwiobthecrewnor le It to frame a scheme of
et the ship Andalina, �laioh capsized natives,
1r .here Saturday morning, three were Cana- government for the Islands, as was the
dians-,Captain G. W. Stalling of Ann- ass wieb the Hawaiian commission.
® olle N.S.. E..11. Crane'of London-
deny, N.S,, and Mersey Jossalm of evbnt the Spaniards say.
Vintorle B.O.' The vessel is 138 feet Madrid Jan. 17. -The ansonee of news
Manila S
il' i attributed
by_tho ti an<
will probablybe ban a s .aP
gp under water, and she from l
g,, raised, and the bodies of the dead sailors cards here to censorship due to the fact
1 authorities at Washington "fear.
r000vviod.. , that ire
bad effects which a revelation of the
would create,
i r a'inn at
Owen Gillean 60 years old, without a true
✓ :'riend In Canada, is dead in London jail,' th° Americans being completely beset on
• 1-1.8 was, oonrinitted for drunkenness, . i the land side by the insurgents."
The Philippine Commission.
Wasbingtoni Jan. 17.-The'commission
which the President is about to appoint
to proceed to the Philippines, will not be
When the •children get their
feet wet and take cold give there
a hot foot bath a bowl of bot
drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and put theta to bed.
The chances are they will bo
all right in the morning. Con-
tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few
days, until all cough has dis-
Old coughs are also cured;
WO mean the coughs of bron-
chitis, weak throats and irritable
lungs. Even the hard coughs
of consumption are always
tnadeeeasy and efrequently cured
by th continued use of
Every doctor knows that wild.
cherry bent is the best remedy
known to medical science for
soothing and healing inflamed
throats and Lungs.
PIO enra Of
►r. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
over vat 'rr° yew- lungs
The Beat Medical
Advice Free f
Wo awe have sono of the mast end -
nest physicians iu the United Status.
Unetteo a atnsrn6 y tittttea ,am for giving rot
medical std•rtce. Write freely telt Lha
particulars in our case.
Address, Dr. 0. O. ATLowell. E Rs's.
but don't ill nk you can patch.
clothes to look like xleew,.
.'hen again it would not
p you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants s nl t t order,all
� a.it made o
wool heavy tweeds $2.04'
Suite $9.80
Overcoats 8.09
Black i'5roxsted wits w 1?,Irt>c-
ial, 8 , 2.00
Our 820 blacks beat all
others at 823. isle° acid see
for yourself.
People patronize us l °cause
they realize that we p. a s
sell clothing that is strictly
(Ap;pt.yite: Post f1iue
Alhert E. Mira -ten, clerk in the Mer
chews' Batik at b.tn,t eat. byte been itr
rested. His shortage is said tet ho al
most' $110,000
Mr Wm.'1'airhurn tats fixing th
°'mutely° at St {'cent;° equareeGuelph
when the statrlre fell, partly on his
l>tCls, breaking some of the boats is
his shoulder..
`- - r- Wood'S Phosihoaine,
The Great English 2temectp.
Sold and recommended b,;. all
] reli-
s Canada, On e
ru • ist in C
i,S p
eed. Fx
discay r S
medicine ahl me
packages guaranteed to cure all
f • ams of Sexual ]weakness, ell effects of abuse
or excess,Mental Worry, Recessive use of To-
bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six. $5. One wiftestcasa,
six will cure. Pamphlets free to any. address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
imeeWood s Plrospbodiee 1., sold in Exeter by
J. W. Browning, sruggi,t.
0, 0 oc t � D
v1 it 5' " ` a $ets simle[1
E.i c u1h. , s. cmc �� - -tax fro?
s, t: hen ignorant oft.iete xhtecrmeyea',
remelt mtttieg 3) dyontuneconsider
tho fses ueting,t„rt. ereeetli('ttausavii'.
dL?,� hebii t When. too Este to arid. Om tsr-
n rible results, wore rota eb,ee opened to
s° ,n ,ri apo n�'1ttV4FS or33IdC
k d rr,.ia'o? 4i` ere 3'0110111'0d Do you now
Haid then eee some alarming symptoms?
Dare vow marry lin sato enreveot con-
clition't Yotrknow,"T,Iiuit FATi3EB,
LIKE SON." If married wee you ecn-
staiatlYlivinf;,'rn dread? 7s nmriiage a.
failure with -yeti on aceoun t of arty woo is-'
nets mused by earIy'abuee or later ex-
cesses? Lave you been drugged witle
mercury? • This booklotwillpeint out 'to
you tharesnits of these °niece sled Feint
out how our NEW •METI•i01) '.121tF,AT-
MEAT will positively Cure you It
Mimes bow thousand ahavo been seveclbe
our NEeir TREATMENT. It moves
bow we can e)TIA1>ANTE111 TO CURE
We • treat'and, care—EMISSIONS,
Cltl!,T ])It�;.1Iv6 NATiTILAL A1IS-
CI1A1:•GES, KIDNEY and l3LA,DDEil.
"Tho Wages of Sin" sent free is
enclosing 25 stomp. CONSII .TATiO3
ERNE. rnxo�rl3Tf unable te call. write, for
S T,ANli for ROME
Gorr Michigan Ave,
{ , anti SOiUlU St.
DE 8Oli'T,,` MOH.
Bicycle Pleasure.
Are you Nei king Bicycle pleasure
if so, you sheuld seek first a good
whys], We can furnish you any of
the hest wheels made at lowest price
Ito you want anything in tlt •
musical linea We have a choice tot
of Pianos and organs, call and in-
, rr
N t r [i 1
Fp c them before buying elsetchera,
A. full stock
Of sewing machines, baby ear•
riages, ate. etc.
Perkins & WAIL
gEyiRA i E�R�/�
STC) : E.
for Coughs, gold; and Bronchial trouble
to old or young.
'f'o Alan utete ture--a
which is an excellent remede for
Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia,' Sore Throat
and Influenza.
The Old Reliable, Riinan's Con-
dition 1Powdere,
edit holds first ptace in tat market.
Also Lotion for scratch is on horses
and Condition Powder for same
t'iOLie AGtelta k On
,t.,,tom,.r,.•fit.,.,Ars 4ir,tr.
To read the big stores' ad-
w f
For whose good are we in
the furnit ure ' business ? For
yours and ours. If we are tot
useful to'you we cannot be use 11+
ful to ourselves.`' We have got to
v .t
to carry the goods you want a
the prices you w ant or we cantil
not make a success of our busi-
ress. But we have been don g
business right along for years,
which preys that we are the a�
right kind of people with the
right quality of fureiture at the
right prices. Come and see for
yourself... .
Furniture, Ulldertakirg'
Leos s..ri r L Sea