HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-20, Page 1J -R IURT E E Til, EXETER, ONTARIO, Ti . URSI)AY, JANUARY 19, 1899. 0, IL, SANDERS,. E D,I .J, OR.. : L TTC ' 'EI SALE Ellmmile, OF 3oote, S oee During' the next three weeks we want to turn $2000 worth of Boots, Shoes and Harness into cash, and will, hold a Slaughter Sale We will offer Boots and Shoes at cost prices in order to reduce the stoek, The goods are first dao, have been well bought and carefully selected and it will pay you to buy now. Here are onto of. the prices:— Men's Felt, from ex.eo to $z.00 Women's Felt, Bal or Congress, $I.00 1i omen's Dongols Kid. bal or button, $t 00 lieu's Dongate Kid. Congress, ,n1.a5 Men's Heavy Rubbers, $1.00 Men's heavy Overshoes. 75 Wotgen's Heavy Bats, -75 liARNESS We have a number of sets of light and heavy iaavuese, silalgle sn which we will also Fell at greatly reduced prices. They are wade be of sto^k, and by cowpeteut workmen.... 'ur ue, double, om the Call, and see the goods and test our Prices, J. TREBLE, Exeter Ur Mr, Thos. Veal, who has ably filled the position, of Mayor for the town for so many years past, bas been re-elected for 1699. No better, abler or capable [Hatt could have been chosen for tbe of see and we extend our beartyeongrat- ulations to Mr. Veal. May he be long spared to enjoy the position for many years to come is our wish, Beat, rd's full ge �a. and ER. ti.. bu yo ant eed, ;est. of wn. lee ,000 ,000 3q., heir;' nt7. '3p`;. :ted ,on 'at 8,? ger Eyesight is Precious. Days are getting shortery-.0.."- -'-Nights are getting longer, Therefore it is necessary that you have spectacles that are exactly suited to your eyes. Our optician is home again and prepared to give you the best expert'attention at T. FITTON'S t.TEIMELtERY STORE. Mornings preferred for testing. ..,..rte,. SERVANT WANTED._ A servant'wanted to take charge or a it ease hold on a farm. Apply to non. DEAVER. A fONEY TO mmLOAN, 1 We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or yillage property, at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a row good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms; JOHN SPACK1,1AN, Samwell's Block Exeter MONEY TO LOAN. A large amount of Private Funds to loan at LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST on reasonable terms of payment. ELLIOT & GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, etc„ Main St., Exeter, Meeting Huron County Council. The Council of the" Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, Goderich, on Tuesday, the :tth inst, at 3 o'clock, p. m. W. LANE, Dated Jan. n)th,18')9. Clerk VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE, The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable and valuable property, situated on Enron Street, being part of Lot Si, contain- ing over five aures. There is on the premises a good brick house, containing seven rooms, with. stone cellar, frame kitchen and wood- shed'attached• a frame stable and other necessary out-ituildings; as choice fruit trees, a good well of water and other conveniences. Terms reasonable, apply at this office or to SAMUEL P1aESZCA'POR,Exeter 50 TEAMS WANTED Fifty teams wanted by the SUTHERLAND INNES CO., to draw Elm Logs from .Lot 8 and 9, Concession. 5,Hay, to the Company's Mill Apply to GUS WAGNER Manager. At Gound' s Saw Mild. Centralia One of theof the London managers age h L ondo n Pork Packing House has been bore' making largo purchases of live hors The price has gone up 35c a hundred in this section, which is a great ad cant ago to, our farmers —Miss' Margaret Coterie, of London, is visiting under the parental roof. -Mr. Malcolm Dempsey delivered to the Seaforth horse buyers two very; fine horses for Messrs Hand- . ford & Elliott,—Mr. and.ford&Elliott,-Mr. Wtn. Parsons has closed up the foul business for another season, he having shipped froth here some 14 .carloads of poultry. There,. were also some fifty hogs shipped from this depot on Mouday last for Lou on. COMING COMING! Seiontieio Eve Specialist, Graduate New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optical. Colleges. Call early and avail sourself of hie services, as this is a ,rare opportunity to have your enmet perly tested free of charge. No guess work, but a scien- tific certainty. D-fficult cases aceurat ely fitted. All work guaranteed. :!-- " Never Calls at Private Houses, Will be at COMMERCIAL HOTEL, EXETER. —on - January 27, and 28, 1899, Usborne DIED.—This week the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. &ernick, of the 4th con- cession, has been saddened by the death of their little sen, Archibald Ed ward, who died on Sunday morning Last at the age of 1 year and 5 days. The little fellow had been sick only a few days with what was thougnt a cold, hence the death, was quite -un- expected. The remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery Weduesday. Biddulph DOIJBLE WEDDING.—On Wednesday. afternoon, last week about one hundred guests presented themselves at the residence of Mr. Robert Cooper, conces- sion _ the ovrntbein, the marriage f hi,, two daughters, Miss Sarah Jane, to Mr Wilbert McFalls, of the same town ship, and Miss Mary Ida, to Mr. Wm. Pincombe, of Usborne. The ceremony was performed at 5 o'clock by the Rev. W F Brownlee. After the ceremony had been performed, the brides duly kissed and congratulated, the attention of the guests was attracted by the to bles in the next room groaning under the hospitality of mine host. Several. relief parties were organized with the result that the moaning was transfer' red from the former to the latter. Af- ter the eatables had been disposed of in the m v net approved fashion the younger members of the circle began to initiate themselves in the mazy intracicies of a social hop, while the older people settled. themselves down to various other amusements. This state of affairs existed until the wee sma',hours of the morning when ; alt departed for their respective homes wishing the happy' couples prosperous and happy wedded lives. Tho respective brides were the recipients of many useful and costly presentsshowingthe esteem in which they are -held. \Ji'. and Mrs, Pincombe left next morning to spend their honey' moon in North Branch, Mich , while Mr. and Mrs. McFalls will spend theirs at Niagara Falls. They have the best wishesof the community and may their lives be smooth and happy ones. Clalldabaye.. Colwell Brothers, the evangelists, are here, They are working hard, but there are not malty going to the front, Quite a number were oat to beer theta last Sunday, They intend remaining nntii. Friday everting —Miss Burns, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.), Jones, here,—l,Vallter Jell, son of the etation agent here, is improving and was out tor a drive on Monday.—Mr. Fred. Atkinson, of ;wean, was iu the village on Sunday last. -.Mr. Wm. Fraser, of West McGillivray, paid the village a visit ou Sunday.—Mies Ida Elliott went to London Monday.—Mr. Uri Cunningham, who has been here for the past week, went Away on Tues- morning.—Misses ues•morning, •Misses Marta Mcllbar- gey and Martha Coltisou are visiting, in Detroit and other places... -Mr. and Mrs. Clark went to London. Saturday ening to see their son, who took a flying trip from Moutreal.—Mr. Fred. Smith, brother-in-law of Dr. Sutton, is suffering from pneumonia, in Napanee. -Miss Ardell, of Corrie, is visiting friends around bore—Mr. Wm. Rep- burn, of Centralia, says he would like to live in Clandeboye, and there are others from the same place who say it is noted for its beautiful drives --We hope Mr. McLean will have a geed night for his carnival. Remember the date, Thursday, Jan. leth; Ira Bice is attending the big shooting tourna- ment at .Iiarnilton. Crediton One of our eligible and worthy citi- zens has been caught in the act of fig. nring the rolatiye and proportionatecost of married versus single life, and cone eluded that it will not cost much more to keep house for two than to pay for board, lodging and trimmings for one Consequently a hum in the mammon ial market may be legitimately antic- ipated, Mr. Geo, Mantle having decid- ed to desert the ranks of bachelor life about the 25th Inst, and take unto him• self a wife, in the person of Miss Annie Duncan, daughter of Mr, John Dun. eau, of Usborne.—Mr and Mrs. Daniel Sweitzer, who have been visiting friends in Mayville, Mich, returned home last Monday —Revival meetines have started in the German church.— The Dr. is having a busy time since the past few weeks. The following are on the sick list: Mrs. John Staek ler, Mrs Oestreicher, Mrs. Geiser, Mrs, Robert E. Walker, Mrs. Jacob Eilber and Lydia Finkbeiner.—Mr. and Mrs. Winer, of Morriston, are visiting Mr, and Mrs Matthew Winer, Sr.—Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers,, after spending a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto and Lon don, returned home last week.—The workmen in the flax mill are on strike, consequently the mills are closed.— Mrs Krien, of North Dakota, is here visiting her father, Mr. Drier.—Mr, and Ivirs, T. B. Lawson spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs John F. Braun. RECORD BROKEN.—Messrs. &lump & Smith, threshers, broke the record in clover threshing, the other day, they having threshed for Mr. Jos. Marten,•. of the 9th concession of Stephen, 9. bushels of clover in an hour. Who can beat this ? Hay Council Council met on Monday. The follow - hest members having duly subscribed to the declaration of office, took their seats as follows:—A Ehnes' Reeve: Conn- cillors, P. Lamont, W. B Battler, Wm. Consit, Wm. Stelk. The following officers, were appointed :—Clerk, F. Hess, aalary $125.00; Treas., Fred Kibler, $90.00; Assessor, Henry Lipphardt, 60 00; Taxo t to C 1 et, r 0 Troyer, . 6 0 Y $ , tJaretaker, Mrs. Keinhardt, $20.00; Medical Health officer, Dr. Cam;,hell; Member of Board of Health for three years, Jos. Snell; Sanitary Inspectors, Eastern Division, Jas Bonthron; Wes tern Division, Hy Zimmerman. -Board of Health to receive $2 for each meet ing.—The council is asking Huron County Council to discontinue supply- ing blank rolls for local Municipalities, leaving purchase of same to the Muni-, opal Councils. Application of Hay Branch Agricultural. Society for a grant was laid over.—Application of John. Laporte for aid for Jerry Carovoe, was not entertained. -The printing for 1899 was awarded to White & Son.— The following accounts were paid:-_. William Tianey overcharge in taxes $4 01; J C Kalbfleisch, lumber $1':40; John Foster, file $i,70, Hy. Kalbfieisch, lurcher;$L5 40; Election expenses, $60; Sarn'i'Staniake lumber$1o 65• ,stsar lac 1, Township expenses, re Parson award $266;J. H Schnell, rep five culverts $3,50; Tuckersmith, Tp. culvert L. R. $1.42; Warren Dignan, Reps culvert. C. R 75, Wm: Stella rep two culverts. con 14 $5 00; J. A 'Williams & Co., fiber for indigents' $2; J, A 'Williams & Co., ploughing snow, C. R. $7 00` Municipal World, Minute book and 8 copies Municipal World 12.15—Council will meet again Monday, March 6th at 10 o'clock a, m. F, Hess, Clerk. Zurich, Mr, D. McCormick has put the a.eetys lene°.light into his hotel, which, ,Hakes a great improvement in lighting up his house, ---Lasa Wednesday afternoon the annual meeting of the. Hay Branch A gricultsrel Society was held in the Town Hall here. Mr. F. Hess was ap- pointed chairman and D. S, Faust, sec retary. The annual report as read by the treasurer, was adopted, and show ed a balance on hand of $$331, watch speaks well for the society. The mem- bership is nearly SO. The following are the ollleers: Pres., Fred. Seignsr: 1st, Vice Pres., W. T. Caldwell;2nd Vice Pres., Henry Lippert; directors, W. B. Battier, John Decker, Jacob Haberer. C. Oswald. F. Willert, J. H. Schnell,. Edmond Troyer, Mr, Btaekwell, Ernest Gies; auditors, J. A. Williams and Sol - own Reedy ; Scc'y Trews, D S. Faust. A committee of five was appointed to matte the necessary preparations for building an addition to the agricultur- al hail.—We notice in the report of the Christmas examinations, .at Osgoode Hall,Toronto, that G. E. Buchanan, B. A., of Zurich, headed the list in the second year. The examination was a very severe one, and as Mr. Buchanan had over 65 students to compete with, mauy of whom are honor graduates of Toronto University. his stand at the head of his class is highly creditable. I'I l.I't iLX Wnn—The Saginaw Even- ing News of December 26th, has the following: " Miss Miuna Mueller and Dr. Robert Steinbaek was united in marriage at the residence of the bride's parente, Mr. and Mre. Carl Mueller, 246 South Fourteenth street, at 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoeo. 'the ceremony was performed by Rev. W.11, Gallag- her. The bride was attended by Miss Nellie Green, and Mr. Richard libeller brother of the bride, was best man. The wedding was wituessed by the im- mediate relatives and friends, and was followed by the usual festivities. Dr. and Mrs. Steinbach will spend the holidays in tate city, after which they will go to Richville, where the „room is a prac- ticing physician." Dr. Steinbach is a sou of aur worthy townsman, D. Stein- bach, Esq , and his numerous friends here will ,loin in wishing Dr, and Mrs, Steinbach a long, happy and prosper- ous married life. L. O. L. Meetina& At the annual meeting of the Stan. ley district L. 0. L., the following offi- cers were elected and duly installed for the ensuing year: --Chas, Foster, D.M.; Robert McClinchey, Deputy D. M.: Joseph Foster, Chaplain; D. 0. Gal bratth, Rec. Sec, George Beatty, Fin. Sec ; James Campbell, Treas,; Wm. Pollock, D of C.; Wilson Armstrong and J. L. Parke, Lecturers., The annual meeting of Goderich Dis- trict L. 0. L., was held at the hall of 189, on Tuesday. After the usual routine of business the following offi- cers were elected: Jas. Cox, re-elected D. M; James Connolly, re-elected Depu ty D M.; Jut). Wood, Chap :Chas John- ston, Ret Sec.; Alfred Netted, Fin. Sec,; Adam Cantelon, Treas.; R. Tichbourne, D. of 0.; R. Y. Cox, Lecturer; John Shepherd, Dep. Lect. The annual session of the Biddulph District Orange Lodge, met at Park- hill on Tuesday, January 10th. The meeting was opened in due form by District Master, William Lewis, in the chair. Minutes of former meeting read and adopted and then the follow- ing committees were appointed :—Fin- ance, taro. Nevins and Bro. Gray Cre- dintial, Bro. Coursey and Davis; sus- pensions and expulsions, Bros. Paterson and Clerk AFTERNOON SESSION. The District Master gave an address, speaking loyally of the association wed different masters gave an account of their lodges, showing that they were in a most prosperous state There were eight Lodges represented. The Officers elected are as follows—D. Master, Bro. Wm. Lewis, Crediton; Dept. Master, Bro. James Kenistan, Parkhill; District Chaplin, W. Turner, Biddulph; Rea Sec ,V.Anderson. Step- hen; to -hen; Treasurer, T. A. Ryan, Luean; Fin. See., A. Gray, Parkhill; Lecturers, Bro. Deacon, Lucan. Next place of meeting will be at Centralia. Mr. Wm. Lewis was elected represei.tative to Grand Lodge. A Thousand Tongues Could not experts the rapture of Aunie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard et., Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years bad made life a burden, All other remedies and doctors could.give ive her no hep, hut, says of this Royal Cure— " it ure"it soon removed theP ain in my chest aad'I can -now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing le fore. I feel nee `sounding its praise through- out the Universe," So will every one -who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs Price 50 cents'and $1.00 at any Drug: Store;' every bottle guar. aiiteed, 'It is expected that the United States Government will advance '$40,000,000 to pay the Cuban army. Children Cry for CASTOR X11 Itkiustice. TO TUB EDITOR ADVOCATE; DEAR SIR, beg, through the medium of your columns, the privilege of snaking a statement which may prove of inter- est to the people of Usborne township, at the preseut. time. Not being an adept in the art of writing for the public press, you will kindly coot notice. any errors which ,you may notice in composition er otherwise, and. I will try to deal with the matter in hand itt as few words as possible. To begin. then, the matter which I wish tobring to the notice of your readers, is the road on the fourth and fifth concession, Usborne, commonly known as tbe swamp read, extending south from Lot 11 on the St- Marys road to Lot 2 an the same concession,', two miles in all. We, rile Quinton Bros, have with very little asaietanee made the greater part of the road fairly passable; we commenced at the south end and we are now within two lots, one-half mile, of the St. Marys road For townsbip assistance we saw the futility of asking, of statute labor we got not a day even from those whose land lay direetly an this road, our own statute was all on winch we had to de pend, we were thoroughly side traeked and have been so for a number of years. we bore it all without grumbling and this would not now have appeared in print if we were let alone. We did all our, statute labor for a .number of years under the Path-11laster of the beat ie which we lived, and we were never preventedsfrom doiug the labor for the swamp wherever we thought it would be of most benefit to the toad through it But this state of things was not to last evert at this slow rate of speed. The swamp road was getting along too fast. It would never do to have it connect with the St. Marys road in a passable state; something had to be done, Was there not other roads', which stood more in Hoed of work be- ing dorm on them than that? Of course there was, and not far away either: all that was necessary was to', bring the matter before the council and have the road work put on the narrow road list;; if the Quintons refuse to work en that heat, it can be made hot for them; they will have to pay the cash; it can he expended where it was placed and it will all be the same to the end. Well, this plan was adopted; the case was brought before the council h3T, I believe, a member of the conned, and I also believe that it was there repre- sented that we could not be got to do our road work, that was why the change was wanted. If it was so rep- resented, I charge the party doing so with uttering what was untrue, with- out giving us the opportunity of de fending ourselves. I am not a little surprised just here how the council could not or did not see through his little scheme, for it seems according to Mr, Keddy's nomi nation speech that there was not a dissentieut word among them on this or any subject which came before them for discussion. However, we were not consulted on the matter, the change was made and we were put on what Is called the nar- row road list. When warned by path master of that division we refused to do the weak on that read and instead did it on the swamp road; the path master returned the work undone and it was put on the roll of 1897 for col- lection. tit hen I paid our taxes for 1897 (which was a little over $155S00) I did not happen to look over the items no the receipt and so was not aware that I paid the nomination money and did not discover my mistake until about the time the taxes becotne due; but our friends were on the watch for this money, I drew it with the consent of the council and laid it out when they saw fit ar.d never made Quintan Bros the wiser until questioned about it. Next comes the road work for 1898. Vire were warned by the path master for the same beat; we refused to work thethe onit•wedadwa•l.oih swamp s ..m P road, sixteen days; the work was re- turned undone by the path master of this narrow road division and we were char_ ed on the roll for $16.00, comtnu tation Inoney We ref used to pay it. and it became the duty of the collector to seize and sell for that amount with costs. It seems that the law does not admit him to do this in the same, year in which the commutation money is placed on the roll for collection, if there is any dispute over it, but it shall be collected in the following year. When I caned upon the council, I think it was at their Nov, meeting, to whywewereto ._ find out being treated t h this manner, I was very plainly and cooly told that there was no redress for us; we would have to. .pay the money: So united were the council over this matter that not a word was spoken by any one of them in ee r fa, or: the subtle influence which had been in stilled into them bad a`pparentl'y thor- oughly done its work. And this is the stateof t he case as t present. For my own part I cannot. believe that this law was ever framed to assist such a gerrytnandirina 'coer- cive, selfish scheme as'this, Ilowever. the law is on the sett tiTtt httok 'Hud all it needs is the men to enforce it, , This money has got to: be t:aket, From us and we will have an auction sale at our place in this year of 18ele As it will be the first thing of its kind which will haveoeeurred in the annals of the • township of Usborne, we ex pest the at, tendance co be large, and we extend to'. every :man in tee township a eordial invitation to be present, be be Irish, Scotch, English, Grit or Tory, and we will zaso you as well as we know how, As it will he of e early .occurrence, 'we wish the first sale to be a success. And now, my dear readers, I wish to call your attention to a few masters ir. connectors with the above subject. Has Usborne got so fivancialiy low that she has got to resort to such ques- tionable weans as this to raise a few do=tars? Why is it that every dollar laid out an those swamp roads islooked upon as so much laid out for the aole benefit of Quinton Bros? Are the roads tbrongb this place their private property? Are we not as much era, titled to consideration as any otter ratepayers, and if nut, why ? $ave wtt not paid aur taxes and. I was going to say, have we riot done our road work, but setae will even go so far as to assert that we have not, behind our backs of course. We should like to know who is their authority for such assertions as those; do they not know the eousequeihces to us? Do they not know that it concerns ne more than aught else in connection with: the sub- ject ? Our character is at stake; it snakes of us liars ah,d thieves as Our word has beet, taken more than once with regard to this statute labor. 11 we did not do as we staled, were we • not lying, and cheating the municipal. ity, as well, of that which belonged to it. 13ut, gentlemen, our conscience in clear in this matter; we have faithful- ly done the statute labor, and not only; did it but did a large amount of work besides, which directly benefitted those roads for which we got no credit. We challenge any person in this towtasbip, or out of it, to point to one single shady transaction in which either of us have had a hand, no mat- ter what our calumuiators may say to the contrary. If they have any charge • to make against us, why in the name of common, sense do they not do it openly and to our face, if they dare, and give us at least a. chance of de- fending ourselves. With regard to the respective merits of those rival roads and their claiwa on the public, much might be said, but I refrain from doing so, lest I might incur the displeasure of some whom I am far from wishing to injure or offend' by word or deed, and be at the same' time supposed to be writing in our awn interest. Having said tbis much we wish to publicly thank those geuttemen who on nomination had enough of the spirit of British fair play in them to say a few words in our favor. "Thanking you also. Mr. Editor, for the use of your valuable paper, I remain Your Obedient Servant, WIT. QUINTON. It is said Mr, Rochefeller made over $S,000,000 by the rise of Standard Oil liquidating certificates. The house of Mr. Paul Parker was • burned at Plantagenet, and Mrs. Park- er and two children perished in the fire. soon Left Her. " I was taken with a swelling is feet and limbs. I was not -able to walk for four months. I read about Hood's Sarsaparilla and procured a bottle. Before 1 bad taken it all the swelling left me. I .00lt three bottles of Hood's and have not been troubled with swelling since." REBECCA SER- VERS, Chatham. Ont. Hood's Pills cure ail liver ills. Easy to take, easy to operate; reliable, sure. 25e. fSIIITsIS HODGINs .—In McGillivray Con. 14th, 1 he wife of Wm. Hodgins of a son. GurNAN,-In Mount Carmel, Jan. 14th, the wife of Josepb Guivan, of a son ECiAN-13EANEx—In St Marys, 's Jan. 9, in the 11. C. church, by Rev Father Brennan, M.Egan' and Agnes Hea- ney. Baowrr-KaniN.--At the residence of Mrs Mary Brown., Crediton, on Wed- nesday, January 18th, Mr. Geo. W. Brown to Miss Martha M. Krien, MCFALLS-CooPER.-At the residence of the bride's parents, • Con. .2, Btd= dulph, on Wednesday, Januar;- llth, by the Rev. W. F. Brownlee, of Gran- ton, bit Wilburt McFalls to Miss Sarah Jane, daughter of Mr. Robe, Cooper, all of Biddulph. PINCOMBE—COOPER,—At the residence of the bride's parents, Con, 2, Bid- dulph, on Wednesday, January lltb, by the Rev. W. F. Brownlee, of Gaanton, Mr. Win. Pincombe of Us - borne t ` Mies Mary�& p,, to Ida; ganga- ter of Mr. Robt, Cooper, trite. Y 'iLa, KIRK -1n Kirkton, Jan. 10, William Kirk, aged 4n years. iV oN1Y.—In Brussels on Friday,Jan, la , Grh, Ann r Carter, relict of the r late Wm. Mooneaged S3; •ears =2 wand 18 days. l EnNIcR.—T,n'Usborne,-January: 15th, , Archibald Edward, son of ..Edward F and "VictoriaIZernil i+, aged 1 , nae 5 days.