HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-13, Page 7DAVIDS ARE WANTED.
Not Only the Nations But Each Community
Needs Leaders,
Dr. Tall -nage POIntS Out the Way in WhiOh. One Man May Make
HirilSelf Worth Many, as the Old PrOPhetS
Did --A Lesson fOr US.
ward will reveal the self seCrifloe and the
fidelity of thousands who rover in all
their Beres received one word of praise.
Washington, Jan, 8„ --From a text
probably never before discoursed upon
hie Talmage In title sermon ows bow
Ing oue man in * hattaliou, by your
faith ea God aud new consecration be a
Wbole regiment
Tied deity peelers say Meetrny pld
friend Jeremiah 0. Lanphier of New
York le need ae 90 years of Age. But thee
Ate mistaken, That man can never die.
U e will live as long ae beeven lives. ao
was the father of vitaliztd
ed, vleed wed•
arousing prayer meetings. geeetatelthed
the neondey Fulton street prayer meeting threoue tbroughput Christennom ao
'rere bonoreel of GO than auedeyetioesti
meeting sinli
ge the Wend began. e Intro'
tweed the little bell ed tbe preyer meet-
ing thele width, alwaye tapped When
prayer* were tee prefix Or eXliartatiOliS
winded. Finding that Malty
business man are from le noon to 1
o'clook at coneparetive. leisure', he widely
announced that at Le oteleck or 23r4 of
September, 1867, there would, begin a
prayer meeting of one hexer In the small
',lee People neuittply their resouroee tor OhYe knOwn, ye thtbful and Chris
upper room of the Reformed Cberch, on
usefulnese and in a noYel way urges the tian and all -enduring Stay at homes. Fulton street, New york, Lanpbier went
putting forth ef more energy in right 'neve no power now to do yo tt iteseice, to tat vane at le eitileek and sat alone.
directioes; text, IL Samuel ;edit, 8, but 1 tell you of wee who hats the power, .&t. 1e,30 a mart eutered an1 ethos came
Tbou are worth 10,000 of ps." and cif the day 'whole be will put it forth, , until there were Me worshIpeers presene
It will be tbe day when ehe thimble), end The meeting on the following nagneety
the ladle, and the earning needle, and numbered ele and the next day 40. Then
the waehtub, and the spinning wheel, the meeting became WO large for tbe
anel the eeYthe, and the thrashing Men. and Wives takep i»ta the Main
niathiete, and the natnener, and the melieeritem, aed for 41 years that eervica
bee been the religienie center of Chritten,
dom. Requeats for prayer from all porta
of the earth bath come there and the
prayers offered been answered sometimee
With a resoend that was heard Wench -
Mat Chriatendem. lieudreds of theingentia
a souls helm stepped into thee Betnesda
aud been bettled, Thee meeting etarteal
One of the most wonclroue characters
of his time was David. A red haired
boy, he could shepherd a flock er carry
"ten loaves and ten slices of milk. cheese
to big Inothers 10 the regleneut." or witb
leethern thong, stone loialed, bring donne trenvel, and the plow, well count to lee
giant aruose armor weighed tWo hand- !high an appreolation as a 74 -pounder, or
redweignt ot metal, or cause Alien whieh the sword, or the battering ram that
roared at him in rage th roar with pain Pounded down the walk or the flag that
tie he flung it, dying, to the roadelele, or Was heisted on the scaled parapets.
could marshal a best, or rule an empire, Tb e warrior David of my text *Showed
or thumit lunp so skilitnlle that . Mara Self control and moral prowese
oared tt'aill'a dementia—a harp from StAYIng SO IMMO then he conk* ineeee
WhOS0 strings, dripped pastorals, elegies, ' oomrotiogitli ehe tiold* rat
tritIMPhal Mambas, neueslictiong, a natural warrior. Menial Urs Stirred
Now, tide entire a combination of musks him. Tbe glitter of opposing shields fired
and berobs, of ditityramns and nettle. him. lie was one et thote tneu who 'feel
of coontry tinietudes and stetee- hoolo to the saddlos Pittting the nook
inantihip, IS to lit out a military expedi. a a pawing cavalry berme But be sup
tion. Veer tbetleana troops, aceordIng to Preeeed hiMeelf. Re obeyed the commend
Josephue, were seat into the field. The ot the treePs 'wheel Ita Woilld like to have
etstitalee were it in oosilmand Of the . velllinended•
cempanies and the oolonela in command ' Some people think it is a brigbt thing
er refeilleente: wideh Were dispoised tee pet theneselvee in Uneeceseary neriI,
into right eviug, left wing and center. They like to Walk up to the edge of a
General Jottb, General Ablshai and. Gen- Preciplce and look off, nefying vertigo,
end laid are to lead these three MO- or go araoag contagious when, they can
along. liat who shall take the field as be of no use but to demoustrate their
cestozeauder-in cbief? David offers his own bravado, or with glee drive horses
services and prepeeee to tee to the trent, Whitsil are enly barneesed whirlwinds, or
Re will lead them in the ammo, charge, SOO bole close tbey Call Wails ill treat Ot
for be hos net a 00Wardly nerve In all * trelley car Without being ere:deed, or
his body. He did net propose to have bis oprieg on A Will train after le leas started,
ttoope go into perils whiele be htueseet or leap off a Mel trelo before it bits atop-
woolci not bravo, and the 'Attie:geld re- Ped. Their 'Ilte le a aerthe ot narrow
;mired as much courage then as now, for *Milne., careless at what predicament
the appesing foram remit, in -order to do titer eamily would euffer at their sudden
any execution at all, cones up to Within taking off, or of the misfortune theft
positive reach of saber ad spear. But 'night corns to their In:Illness nartners,
there came up from the troops and Imo or the complete failure of their life work
(+seinen' a mighty protest agansst if a aoronsee jury ilatiSt be called in te
David's taking the field. His eire was too deelde the style of their exit. They do
important to the nation. et he went not take into eunsideration what their
down, the empire went down, whereas if life is worth to others. Taken off through
the whole 4,000 of the ranks were slain such reeklemenees they go criminals.
another army might be marehailed and There was not: one man among those
the defeat turned luta victory. The arsny four full reglinents of 4,000 Israelite.;
and the nation practically cried out; that would have so MU011 enjoyed being
"leol e,'01 You cannot on tO tbe front. in tbe as Devlin but homer that he
Wu estimate you as 10,000 mole Thou could serve bill nation best by tiot putting
art worth 10,000 of usl" on helmet eild shield ante sword, and so
Tito Lessons for Xis. bo took the advice at the armed men and
said, "What seemeth to you best I Will
That army and that nation then and do," I warrent that you evill die soon
there reminded David and now remind thougl. Without teasing and bentorIng
us of the fact that we fortet or never casualty to sae if it can launch you into
appreciate at all that souse Humes are the next world.
steamily or spiritually wart t ;far more
Elvin; of neekteeeneen
then others and some worth 1 loss, The
consuls and istatistice of peighborboods, nib° oases out et ten fatnbeiee
of churches, of nations, item their pur. every day reported ure not the fault of
pose, but they oan never aces:irately ex- engineers or brakemen or conductors or
press the real state of things. The pram cab driver,, but of the stupidity and
Ideal subject that I want to preseut to- rookleseness of people at street or railroad
slay is that those wee have especial oppor- crossing. They would like to have the
tunity, especial graces espeolal wealth, Chicago limited (manes train, with 300
especial talent, eve:nail eloquence, ought paseengers, and etivertised to arrive at a
lo make up by especial assiduity and eertairt hour in a eartein city, slow up
consecration or those who have lees to let them get two minutes sooner to
opportunities and less gifts. 'Yon ought their destination, not one farthing of
to do ten timer more for God and human their own or any ono else's welfare do -
uplifting than those who have only a pendent on whethee they arrive ono min -
tenth in your equipment. The rank and ute before 2 o'clock or one minute after.
the file of the 4,000 of the text told the You ought to get permission from a rail -
truth when they said, "Thou art worth load superintendent to mounts beside the
10,000 of us." engineer on a locomotive to realize how
many evils of reokleeeness there are in
What night Ito Done.
the world—funeral prooeseions en:lipping
I admit that this thought of my text, up to get across before the cowcatcher
fully carried out, would change many of strikea the hearse; man of family, with
the world's statistics. Suppose a village wife and children beside him In a wagon,
is saia to have 1,000 inhabitantsand that evidently having made close celculation
one-lialf of them—namely, 500—bave for as to wbether a stroke from the l000nm-
yeare been becoming less in body, and Sive would put them look:ward or forward
through niggardliness and grumbling, in the journey to the village grocery;
lees in soul. Each 0138 of these is only traveller on a railroad bridge hoping that
one-half of what be once was or one-half
, be could get to the end of the bridge be-
ef what she once wee. The °rig -Itch' 5 -e -e fore the train re:lobes it. You have no
have been reduced one-baif in moral right to put your life in peril unless by
quality, and are really only 250. Suppose euch exposure something is to be gained
that the other 500 have maintainee tteir or others. What imbecility in thousande
original status and are neither better nor
worse. Then the entire population &that
village is 750. But suppose another vill-
age of 1,000, and 500 of thorn as the
years go by, through mental and spiritual
culture, augment theineetven until they
ire really twice the then and women they
origimilly were, and the other 500 remaie
unchatigee' and are , rieitber hotter nor
fees-isse;'` then' tins -population thee Sil1.
age is 1,500. Meanness is subtraction and
nobillte iee %Mitten. According as ran
ise itt tins Eisele listilisese aud generosity
Wei Odeseoration, you are worth five or
sn or 50 or 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 others.
eNotitie, my friend, that this David,
warrior, strategist, minstrel, master of
blank verse and stone slinger at the
giant, whom the soldiers of the text
estimated cigar up into the tbousandfeed
of usefulness, on this particular ocoasion
-staid at home or in his place of temporary
residences. General Joale, General Abiehai
and General Ittai, who commanded the
Inv in the right wing and left Wing
aini center, did their work bravely and
lifee25,000 of the Lord's enemies (lead
ameba geld, and many of the survivors
"geeentangled in the woods of Ephraim,
lurd' mixed up in ihe bushes, and stuni-
bled over the stumps of trees, and fell
infO bogs, and were devoured of wild
bethts which seieed theca in the thickets.
But David did his work at home. We all
Ingheis for hero,' who have been in bat-
tbneend on their return what processions
wellorns, and what triumphal arches we
teeing, and what banquets we spread,
airrimhat 'garlands we wreathe, and what
ettition.:S we,delivert,,' and. what ':bells we
nog, and what cannonades we fire! But
sio.We do justice to the stay at homes?
Dated who was worth 10,000 of those
who, went out to meet the Lord's eneinies
in the Woods of Ephraim, that day did
his work in retirement.
Stay at Home illerotti.
, .
' Oh, the world needs a. day of judgment
to give many of' the titay at homes proper
reiegnition. In the different waif; the
seuette Went to the front and on ship's
decilh.or batdefield exposed their lives and
earned the admiration of the enuptry.
Butdeow about the mothers. and fathers
'eh() 'ethrough long . years taught those
,soese the noble sentiments thee inspired
these to ge.and then gave tome up veli n
;aphelia a few worde of earnest prot
evened have Iteet them on the farm
to, $he homestead? The day of final.
:santiago, and the veesele ef the
enemy began to slut, and their crew
were struggling in the waters, w bens
from this abip I speak of the raters and
sailors negen to threw aVer chairs,
planks, Wenn, to belp the drowning gave
themselves. After eyebile every tbing amen
Able had been thrown overneeed exeept
the pulpet to the shape ei a mese. Aft.T
objeetion by scene thee ie was tee beauti-
fui and vedueble to be Asast Into pbe
water, tbe gross, eves dropped eett, the
sea. One of the drowning men seized it,
hut tot go, and another seized mad the
thou; went trent many on cleele to tbese
etroggling in tbe waves.; "Cling to the
cross i ("nag to the cross!" Several ef the
drowning took the advice awl held on
until they were rescued and isroughe la
Wet,* to deok, one shore, and Immo, and
I say to all the smile to -day Sinking in
sin and sorrow, now awept this stay and
new that; Toone, the guns qt Ornate
;ion and disaster may splinter and. lingo*
from under you ail other standing, and
everything else goet down, take hold at
Sae cross and clieg to it for your present
and everlasting safety- Cling ee the
cross! For Ile who ellen upon it Will eesve
to the uttermost, and he le Sa good, and, .
so 'ovate', 404 SQ InigheY that he is
wore!" infinitely mom then 10,00 0 use,
.reeh unseen,'
,A snob is a prlvate parte who oteratee
himeelf nand underates others
The man who has na phyeikal cenrego
bee nlit very lietie moral ceurege.
T.bo men who to win iz
were tat there ain't had luk eauff in the
the great revival at 18ed, In 'Whittle it le ',Ube siteeyese man I kilo QV hen -
estimated 400,040 Poula wee() oortverted, peaked hnsbontl—when he is away from
When .hlontley morning, Deo 20, LIS name. •
testi remenden, I think be welt met at the A careless roan in it faintly Ix simply a
gate of heaveu by it weleonaing throng As noissance, but a elnillees and eluttleh
Mighty AS that widob has greeted any woman iz wuggs than it nlister,
admitted geni for live minatea. Rumble Inee Sea uhuneineuen; it karst be de -
Ana withant any pretenalen, arid witbout ailed nee ereetreelea, mid too often, Hat,
anything brilliant 10 bis snake up, tins -wild rose, 444 wane% le eweeteess on
thieaugh faith In eod and coecerittated, taa eteaeat eaerz
prayer he shook the eerth and enrepttutel We nil or sae think, if we could live
the heaven° Ile was worth 20,000, yeas our lives over again. WO Shoilid make
100,000, orglinaty Christian worker, fewer blunlere, This probably ain'e so,
Hear o01 rriena Ilauphier, how I loved we etteeiti only make different ones,
you! A sedate Christian I letutt sendetstand
mosque of St, Sophia. be One who primps eropperly enud
Wheu the aerosol -general Carnet in his Prctete the ahadslowa or piety to the sou,
*moue rowboat ee tato us oer our give; shine; but the Sad and iller011a Chrletdea
inventor in the tweets' et Cenetantiteeple 1-4 te Peril` Whe hue mieteltell hie Callitsg,
there were meny things 2 wanted to see
in that eitr multitortu onehantmente,
hut moat of all 2 was anxioue to see that
aroldtectural Omni ut the eyes, the $4,
Soptda—oece a church, but now *
ore Truth Than leletion About a 8ettme
inter lestiestone etorer.
From some 0 the uewer countries, Sts
mosque. 1 slo not wonder tent Wool]
Lamartine saw it he thanked bed, and 'called op aecauat °t tha Inak at d'analt°
1,0tscraewitio $elt nieheat ihth some knowledge regordthg ehern, reports ef
other world. 1Vhee pillars ut porphyry, Pang° traahs an° cu4"tle° °°13"tant17
g annear' and. as it rule" Sbey laushad
and wall of malachite, and hoTerIn
archer", alleries but onCe In a while they torn out to
uhe angbod from beann inneal 0 be, be the truth, It is tble way with A
seemed to k and gwhiob at
ing bat up tram e„ehl mmti„ and setrenge freak of nature eailed tlie But -
"Tell Cesterpillar, width indigenous to
mother of pearl, and seraphim with
wings bediamontlee, und dome tebloh New Yealand. This report, which stated
scoops the sky aud stegsers with its l!l't.aetrapiellaererteewionuldenabsuenrys aitielargieu Matt
height aud circumfernece all times who e
grouud, mei be converted into the root
gave lute it until they cian look no more,
but oath succeedlug time yam look it et hulirlieb, was leughed at, like the
memo higher and wider and grander, aral "at' hat now an tilnglimrt 8aientle't who
recently RIM an exhaustive investigation
more supernatural—ell the thou known
world taxed to furnish the splendor of at the grrawr° Phemneunn• .tilted theh in
many respeots the statement," are ntrlotly
true. From his report it has been learned
Mutt the caterpiner grown to about three
And one-half iniehee long, and when about
to assume the chrysalis state buries itself
In the ground, and in doing so it Is fro.
gauntly infected by the spore' ot some
fungus, which become involved in the
scales in its neck. These the larvae is
unable to expel, and the vegetation thus
tot up tepidly extends throughout the
entire body, replaoing each animal cell
thus destroyed by vegetable wetter, and
flually converting it into a comparatively
dense vegetable structure, whieh retains
the renegue, and many at the great
blooks of stone braught from Alexandria,
trout Athens, from Thebes, from Beattie°.
Marbles veined, and starred, and Striped,
and interlaced. But atter all I can-
not forget that It is a destroyed
church, and that oas day that building,
Whioh had been dedicated to God, was
transferred to that religiose which has
Mohammed for its prophet. One day,
e,enturies ago, 100,000 people had fied
betwoeu its vralis frorn the devastating
war of the Turk, but all in vain, tor
Mohammed IL, on Isorseback and tallow -
ed by infuriated enobs, rode into that
every detail of the body, even th the legs,
church, the hoofs clattering the sacred
mandibles and minutese claw. From the
floors, while the conqueror shouted the
victory of superstition and invoked neck, the portion first infected, there then
Allah, the god of Arab* and Turks, 50 shoots up a single Atone whith grows to
accept the stupendous pile in dedication, the height of eight or ten inohes, rovembl.
What a desecration, and what worldwide Ing very closely the clubibeatied builrusis
in miniature. It has no leaves, and it the
despair! But 'that which the nations now
most need is a hero, a leader, e nem. &et stem he broken off another rime in
ITO lace, though two steme never grow
pion, an incarnated God, to turn all the
mosques of superstition and all the
ei.multaneoasly from the mine "cater -
basilicas of sin into temples of iighteous-
ness, and to rededicate Ole wore], so' Don't Re Soft.
long given up to wickedness and sin, to
the God wbo in the beginning Some people don't know the differenee
nounced it very good. Such a hero such betvveon meekness and weakness. Tbele
a leader, euch a chatupion, suchn in-
is a auod deal. .A Ineek man is not an
haveBe rttg e
ass that lots everbody 'saddle and bridle
cataloged God WO . comes
nota doormat that lets every clod -
in upon the white hares of eternal vlc-I
hopper wipehis bouts on him. The oroep-
tory, and we can in more exalted same ,
n wobbling creature that adapts his
than that which the soldiers of David "-s,
locomotion to every new surrounding is
felt cry out, "Thou art worth 10,000 of
not a meek negro, but a weak man. A
meek man has backbone stiff enough to
keep his head straight and pliant enough
to get through an ord:nary doorway. '''.)
one admires the aggressive nuisance echo
tinent, but here is one wbo is to he a disturbs and demoralizes eterybody anti
Conqueror of hemispheres. Otber ltpgs everylbing with whgcb be comes in con -
have Tided wide realms, but here ia a a.ing ta0,, V
e felt ine huve no patience with the
tbat will yet reign in all the earth as he simpleton, who hasn't enough confidence
now reign 3 in heaven. There have been ,n himself .0 wipe bis v ipe s own nose without
otheir historians who told the story of ,b
ng let. Don't go around apologizing
nations, but here is one Who tells us a . f
ear being on the earth. If you are a Idall
things that oeourred before the world
Shat is excuse enough, tand out for the
was. There have been other generals
treatment: a inah shetild receive and get
Who connuanded men, but here was a
it. Beware of being made a tool of by
General who coninianded SCAS and hurri•
those who will traino in your innocence
canes. There have been other prophets,
and softness if they got She least chance,
but here is one out of whose life and
Ilemember "the simple believeth every
career Moses and David and Jeremiah
word, but the prudent man looketb well
and Ezekiel and Micah and Malachi and
to his going." This does not mean that
Zechariah dipped their inspiration. There
have been other merciful hearts all up yon t keheeopulycluubre wseuastphieclinuuysu oufueeiv) efruyrbvoduu-er,
and down through the ages, but here is
own interests. Don't be fooled with sugar
one who loves tis with an everlasting
sticks or fox talk. Ile meek in the sense
of Americans during our recent Americo- us.
Spanish war disappointed because the " The 31*irhty Chorus.
surrender came so soon and they coeia The world has had other conquerors,
not have the advantage of being shot at yet they subdued only a namon or a con -
San Juan hill or brought down with the
yellow fever and carried on a litter to
transport steamers already so many float-
ing leearettos, instead of thanking God
that they get no nearer ea the slaughter
than Tampa or Chattabooga ...or the en-
oampinent at their own state capital,
mad at tbe Government, mad at God,
because they could not get to the front
in time to join the 4,000 corpses that are
now being vranspoeted from the tropics
to tbe national cemeteries ot the 'United
States! Exposure and daring are admir-
able vvhen duty calls, but keep out of
peril when nothing praotical and useful
is to be gainee for your thirdly or our
country or your God. I admire the David
0 my teen as he suppresses himself and
enter, the gate of his castle as much as I
admire him when with hts four lingers
ane thumb clutched into the grisly look
ot Goliath's head, which be bad decapi-
tated, and Satil adiniringly asks, "Whogge
son art thou, yeune man?" and David,
bInshing With genuine modesty, re-
sets: de, "I *in the son of thy setvant,
Jesse, the Bethlehendie."
kakis Yourself a Doyle.
Now, hero is another important point.
As there are so many people In the world
who amount to little or nothing, you
ought to augment yourself, and If not
able like David to be Worth 10,000
times more than others, you can com-
mand God's re -enforcing grace to make
yourself four times or threseeimes or
twice as much as some others'. Pray
twice as much, read twice as muck, give
twice as much. go to church twice as
neueh. Instead of spending your time
ending fault With others, substitute your
superior fidelity for their dereliction And
default. In any church there are ma here and now as your pardon for all sin,
useineers worth all the other 1,000. In and your whoa for all grist, and your
leve and whose mercy antedates the birth
of the tirse menetain, and the wash of
the arst sea, and the 'radiance of the tirst
aurora, and the chant of the morning
stars at the breetten, and will continue
after the last rook has melted in the float
confiagiation, nand Atlantic and 'Paoitio
oceans have rolled out of their beds, and
the lase night shall have folded up its
shadows, and our Lord shall have cried
out in tbe mune words that sounded
through the night of John's banishment
on Patmos, "I ton Alpha and Omega,
She beginning and the end, the first and
the last." 'then all the mightiest of hea-
ven Will gather around the incarnated
Used .,of. whom I proaoh, each one saying
It fenehiSimelt, but ail; together ludo/dug
15 Id nilighty chord*, "Them 'Son of
David, thou Son a Mary, thou Son 0
God, thou art worth 10,000 of us!"
But I must not close without own
mending to you this wonderful Christ
every great business firin there le one triumph in all struggle. Down at Norfolk,
.man worth the other three partners. In Va., a fow daja ago, a gentleman was
every legislative nail, statn or national, telling me of one et our 'warships in
there are five men worth all She other ea fenhan waters. Before inieft a northern
or 100. Take the stiggeetion of my text' harbor some Christian, laeles at much
and augment yourself. Make your one, expense and with fine taste bought anti
talent do the work of two, or your five furnished for that war vessel * 'pulpit
talents do the work of ten, or gour ten, from which the chaplain might read tba
talents ao the work of 20. Multiply yaw, service and Preach while on shipboard,.
words of encouragement. Multiply, the The pelpit we' made in the shape of a
number of boosts. you .can give to those
who areeerying to climb. Instead Of !At-
cress, .and it was beautifuliy damasked
and Wasted. The ship got Into the battle
of heinn above or receiving wrong, but
beevare of being weak. There t is all tbe
differeime in the world between the two,
Hee se Teri Sente.ene.
"If you'd been half an bour later,"
she said, "I clote't know what 2should
have done.
"Wbat's happened?" nonsked.
"Why, Mrs. Gadding next door has
been in here with such an extraordinary
tale, which she made me promise I would
never breathe to a living wee that it
ha* seemed as. it I positively couldn't
welt for you to conic hone to tell you
about it."—Chicago Poet,
twin in tutt NI ttOem1 nntrisittent,
.A new use for' all -instilled] ie reported
from France, whore attempts to con-
sume& violius, bass fiddles and other
etring bastrumentts of the metal have
been entirely s000estful It is stated that
these instruments produoe a richer sound
Gnus those mannfgaitered of wood, and
that this is especially the oaSe With higher
REE1 rit1,-,:rztv„...44014 414*
a illeolint Waver Jeweller'', eeenie
•• • ie ewe Nees, 1.1. Daisy Adr Slam
eneemie.Van ugthelleY *eases.
lirseieterelse Sere eatt lierienasee Muskat lie
eireeceaue Teel Soma etee—fer ;Oleg Oar Wblir
Tepee ewe /WA Emmen* amen Face, at 111" amiss
I/ "wk. The White ToS-t ti * tree Plat WA
tb iniiihaire 0 the ahalica4; Aairtilee groentl. end
set nog
flenettlee Ineaieel.rhre ; yen. glite„ Thine Pins tell ttarsr
•=esterated Jtatagerdszn maple e
Xar see nos
larr"Cth *SW' ISO 1404 witirk*.olx,014,1-ir
Repair or Replete. Goodfor ege rar.
e askew, Mersey. We Triut yu. sealer
year ewe aed addr,. aed we forward est
eire, pestpain, with iestrectieste
townie rem tiete hell the Piree MUM;
ritliarirt VS ea WO iarraiiti Par wit%
all 0*Mo Pahl Zrit wi, Ton rall no
risk. kissold feint are ilitternahle.
We allow a cash onasolialen Ir pro.
revved. Deal bet ethera get sherd el Yee.
Write at eace,s44 when yeawriteneenttha
tads paper and the Prise yell Wait. roc,
GEM PIN COit Torontoiligto
A 81/1v, WO 400 Raw* of
A min#40PN
bee ApIth MN 4 Mem -•
fee Mang 2.9 Plea
gegeafeL WIteRePese.
Th..ir Toes.
People in lodia wears rings on tbeir
toes as well es upon their fingers, and
hake much pride in :le doing. They look
queer to travellers, but no more a than
do some al] tile travellers' attachments to
the natives.
A SUDDEN CH 1:\*(‘ E
SiI Rie 'Thought* Wat der Rack to
the Seveallee. Whoa the IdereurT
'nook liesuarkahlo Drop an ece
Ohio River, Wash Ste:Allen Effects.
One afteleloon, when tbe mercury was
skylarking in the neighborhood of thei seta
entice, a perky of sea doge of the Obio river
species Wee sitting on tho :Weenier of oue
ot the packets. Ut course the wants and
balmy weather was tho theme ter talk.
Won't lest, though," said one. "1
ste by this here paper that e cold wave'e
a-comiu; says the thermometer% drop 80
or 40 degree's 'fore tomorrow menthe"
" That bain't much ot eltop. nor it Wu'
so very sudden, either."
"Well, It's pretty much ot a cold spell
an a sudden drop, too, when it changes In
a night from weather Ilke thle to snow an
"Yes, but I remember e chimp one
time that went ebunge. It was %soy back
in the tieventles if 1 rockets rigid. Cap
Campbell was on the Telegraph. I thine..
The river WAS gettln low, an there want
much over Straka:ton Your Mlle. We came
in on Tuesday moods), an the day stns as
nice as this, every bit, but maybe imt, EU
warm, quite. They didn't have any
weather bureau then. YUll bad to take
your chu.nces with the weather an he glad
to get it, whatever kind ‘ailLO alung
"Well, as I was myth, tbe weather was
nice, though 'twee along In December,
Long toward 2100/3 it gotrlght smart void-
er. In fact, yen couldn't set on the guards,
au the tires in the seribin felt abutit right.
There was a lelef spline -lin of people regie-
toile, an it looked like wo were goin to
have a good passenger trip up fur that
"About 4 o'clock the ice este ronuin
little In the river in a keel et ettins, hO
the clerk's thermometer registered merle
nigh zero. Ho solo it was On to he
cold night, but everybody ktueved that
when they stook their 110505 OUL the door.
•'We pulled OUL 81.011t 5:30 an etarted
up the river. Tee tui.s 0 ite ut.:x
bigger an bigger every minute, but it was
thin Ice, an we didn't have much trouble
gettin along, though it was mitten the
buckets bad. After a little we slowed
down some, as the travelin waz gettin bad.
Them we run into a big (sake of ice up
nigh New Richmond, an we had It time
gettin out of it, but we did. The old luau
went an looked at the therinonicta an
saw that it was nearly 20 below. Of course
ice maims mighty fast when it's that cold
an the river dead low.
"Be cense up an the roof an hollered
to me. I was at the wheel.
" he says, 'you'd better turu her
around. Ien goin to take her back to
Cincinnati. We'll get cut down If we go
through this bee much longer, an it's
gettin so heavy that we'll git caught right
out hero in the river the first thing you
"texell, 1 run her in near shore under a
bend an backed out an started down.
An it was a good thing, for after we had
started down we had to float or pretty
near it, anyhow. The cakes of ice came
pretty near reachin from shore to shore,
an if we had kept on up the river we
would have got fastened right out in the
river inside of two hours.
"Along about midnight or maybe a lit.
tle later we got back,an It was a devil of
a job to svving an make a landln. But
we did, an I was glad to get back te the
wharf. The next usornin the river froze
tight as a drum an staid closed till after
New Year's. If we had been up the river,
tbe boat would have been lost sure. Now,
that was a drop 'Of about 60 degrees In a
day. Wasn't that enough?" ---Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune.
Be Didn't Like n crowd.
Mrs. Gotrox—Mabel, dear, are you sure
Mr. Woodby loves you for yourself alone!
Mabel—Yes, I'm sure he does, manure&
He is always so restless when you are In
the r00110
The “ilmakiur," a Finnish stone, which
becomes almost whitehefpre the approach
of fine weather and darkens when storms
are at hand, is used by the natives as a
barometer in which they repose the high-
est confidence.
Occupation is one great source of enjoy -
anent No man properly occupied was
ever miserable. ---L. E. Landon.
Boston laims to have the longest paved
street of one /141110, ill the world, VsTashing-
ton street, which is 17,1/;,; miles in length.
Miller's "Worm Powders make tbe
eltildrert healthy
At the Powolsraiser'sk.
iluron—Hy watch allies very much.
Wreyan—Se dove talkie.
II oyes—Ulna fiaina volnuree ewe,'
2aerreats---t4ine gelue a he'pertne oak
Ware Me Up.
Iltoosehold edema*.
“Stobbeinit thinka be I= an ocesnomical
"What le
"Re is going to light his house witlt
octricity generated by lala coVo fur,"
hioago Record
A Story Told by a Well -Known
Salvation Army Captain,
lila poet, Reeked 'From etasd 50 West
With it intuntasio seed Neoralele Palest--
1Vould }'refer Asatli to Vosloroonsil
Stlffsrlus Again.
From the Post, Lindsay, Ont.
It Is the lot of but it limited number at
people to enjoy the conildence 0 set% an
excealingly large circle 0 friends and.
comrades as does Capt. Joirn A. Prole-
enshire, %vim WAS recently interviewed
ley a Post reporter at the hoine.
of his p irents at liosedale, it pretty -
hamlet eitueted at the heed of., ;We
sem river in Victoria county." whin*
the elder Mr. Brokenshire, Whe
ed the three -score years and ten, has held
the position of iookmaster for the past
twenty-two years. Capt. Brokentextre,thei
'object of the. article, is 04 yeers of age,
Is well known and highly respeeted
throughout many of the leading cities and
towus of Ontario, where, during hi seven
years' vervice in Salvation Army work he
came in contact with a 1 age number of
people. He has been stationed at Toronto -
Montreal, Pete:Theme, Otte:evil, Mir is
burg and minor 'places, aial at one time
was a member of a travelling S. A. string
band. The following is Capt. Broken-
stire's OWIl statement e--" I had been
slightly troubled with rheumatic plane for
several years and had to give up the Army
work on differentoecasione on account of
my trouble. "When statiorterl in Morrie -
burg four years ago, I became eouipletely
unfitted for work, as I suffered terribly ,
with pains in the back of my peek, down
my shoulder:: and terms and through my
body. In fact I bad pains 0 a stinging
muscular nature from the baek of my head
to my toes. I could not bend Iny head
forward if I got the whole of Canada to
do so, and when iln 0.4 10. only slight rest
I got was with a large pillow under my
shoulder, thus letting isty head hang backe
ward. I could not get up, but had to, roll
or twist xiayself out of bed, as my 'Meths
seemed to be affected. My inedicar ad-
viser pronounced my trouble neuralgic
and rheumatism combined, whiali he said
had gone through iny whole system. Ho
prescribed for me, but the medicine gave
me no relief. I tried various other reine,
dies, but they were ot no avail. Bellevinill
my case to be hopeless, I determined te
start for my borne in Rosedale, but the
jarring of the train caused such terrible
agony I was conapelled to abandon the
trip at Peterboro, where I was laid up foe
thr,e weeks, when I finally made a heron.
lean effort and reached home. As ray
mother says, 'I looked like an old man eg
00 years of age when she saw me straw.
gling with the aid of two heavy canes Is
walk from the carriage to the house.' Al
home I received every poesible attention
and all the treatmente that kind friends
suggested. but I was constantly going
from bad th Worse. In January, 1890,aftee
many months of untold agony, I deter -
rained to try Dr. William' Perelt Pills,
haying read so much in tlae newspapers of
he great benefits recelved by others from
their nee. To make sure of getting the
genuine article I sent direct to the Iles.
Medio ne Co, Brockville, foe
the pills:, After taking two' boos 1 notes.
ed a slight improvement in inyeetnidetteath
which gave me SOM0 encouragement, aria
I kept on until I had taken twelve boxel‘
although before I got through wit,lk the
statla I could go to besi and enjoy a good
night's rest' such as I had not done for
years. I never at any time enjoyed better
health than I am doing at present. Sines
my recovery. I have induced several friends
to take Pink Pills for varione troubles
and in each case they have elected cures.
"The above is a voluntary and come*
statement of tbe fools of my case, aria X
trust that many others may by reading
this receive the blet,sing that I have. I/
necessary I would rmike 531 allidaVit
the above facts at ztr* time."