HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-13, Page 5T. THE Jt er b i at re published AaePer Thursday a dux arntng, at the Unice, MAIN -STREET, EXETER: -Sy the - ADVOCATE. PUBLISHINQ COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Dollar per annum if paid in A, Lvauoe s>t.15.0 if not so paid, 3daerCseasz& Tatem or_ .'B. v,lice.. tion. No pa per discontinued until all erre araga are paid• Advertisements without epeoiti:e direetione will be publiehed till forbid and eharge(1 ceordingly. Liberal disconntmade for trauseieat Advertisements inserted for ). n rte is liver de+so ' ot JOB o S ne .v r. tionJ 13 P PRINTING turned cutin the finest style, and at mod a rates. Cheques,moneyord. ers, &o. for .^.d , , . clamp, subscriptione.ete.to bemade paveleo to ' l> tlS. '.3. i'�tluder Si EDI Alin PROF 11.0. Profess 300101 00111 N, el. KINSMAN, L. IL S. & Oft. A. R• KIXteti:ON. f, U. S. D. U. S„ Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS. 1111 Teeth extract:: t without • lent peen, or a4ny bad efforts. 4 °thee in F:en,sou'Q Bloat, weet exec stain Street, Exeter. ▪ honors t1 arae of Toronto L`.i Teeth t a tit Elliot �, Fl)- 1 � •t R. IX AI.Tf1'1 A �i1)P,1:10N,(n;p,S.,I..D.s.,'i r •1 e o n. oro r - ratty awl Rovnl College of Dente) Surgeons of 4 nt:Ario. ee• -n eetrac e• without out a iii. All iw e' of I•entietr-v up to date, thee over l 4o ..tot a 41w o ce-oppo4 i i, • Coutral tut I-Exerer• ►itc lite i r1re. J A. Velf.iieNe. $4 le A, Aelenn J iteeeleneue..leen.., a•i formerly • ellefefes '..xaeY.t la,n., d,ni1bU g.',rein et Dr, Rollin," off'it et Nemr ate formerly •-north deny- Dr. Amite' Mace. salUe baffling -south boor. erav 1st. 0+93 J. A Rollins. M. ll. T. A. Amcor;. al 11 retner.F, ?tit i.A1'eirf I.T. \'. AF,MISER O1 11 tee tee Fee., & t '4 , °kine elle Surgeon!" Ontario., Pl,.,i41 U. tug'vm an.i Accouoh• ear. (dove,. l4 dehwou 1 t+t,t max.:,.., P fift'iSTER•eoLieleT- s .4ii, a o'dv,r.t,;,n'er. N., to=v Pn}tele fl4itn, '). o' et :t r:'-, Pane. Feerrrr fe4,tari,1 lxonee s„ a_a:Va, 1 t ,,_,, art .•4. AiAAA, V tax 1.� a I,tC t 8 #,a At r k L. 2l gill t +e?ti 1 ,, a era get e • ;.t tineetiti' ▪ E'ltaa , ace:. ,tit t'nt•,a week z, r:aurea, ot t. i.9aCtt. 4t ij1T ii 1, 1:)12:11. 1'e:1^.l•.eiT4'1:'• S, ! Ca^:•, 4o)nCe.••:��"r�. 10001 ili(d)3'V Un. V, iI:41.10T, P. W. e;r..%rta . 12t*rlonPt�rtt Il;mow \l•1r4,•1:einem i.iee4:44(1 Auet .• tit.(•c,rtee tit,.Countaoi of porn, Ana hit ile,ren al , for the town -dill of t',4borne flag e+ :,r'i n; tet et*en.lee to a,t 1 terms ren• soP'etl O.lctie> lex:thee:1 at Poet office.\'ilrt• ehelse4A. 17 rl.r,I(1T. Insurance &cent, 1lfcarr F1'atee PItasant Home Work For rten,nd Woman; daor evening; $5 to $n weekly; no canvassing or ex. pericnce needed; plain inseruettuasand wort: retailed on application. Address: Inf:ttORWA4 COMPANY, LONDON, Ont Cooley Catton Root Compou . Is sacecesinlly used monthly be over 10 OOOLadies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. 'Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box, rio.'«,10degrees stronger,esper box. tio. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of pride and two $•cent etata elia +'xoi (ru 4 i VindAOrp Ont. rep_xrns.land» rend ana recetidedy alll onsibleDruggists inCanada. ell e 4411 ti» •t sell in lexctrr l;v J. \*'r l4rut�nixt.. drrn„;ti,t. A big yield of both profit and satisfaction wilt result if you plant FERRY'S Seeds They are nivvays the best. Do not accept any substi- tute -buy none but Ferry's. sold by au dealers. W4iite for the'99 Seed Annual -free. DJt.FERRY& C0.,Windsor,ont. t ri .AxeC Apple:ninon h been tri• cie 444 '+Vudtl- legton for the extradition of Y. F. Rut. 'lii,sou, tbii Ottawa iusura+ re agent, ar- rested at Adrian, Mich., for forgers. Edgar Ballenger, leader of tete Seventh Day Adventists, Brantford fell down a flight o€ 'tairs on Thursday, v is his recovery ' ret his spine, and c inju „ p , oubtful. It a.ppaars unitkely that. the United Stars authorites will interfere in the. ease of Marion Brown, who is held at Loudon ou the charge of shooting P. C. Toohey. A sack containing dy narnite ckuh'• fire from Mr. i1lcGoutrys pipe, -near: Mr. Me Vpulpmtlls. ,1c, the.ilsecN$ p , Gourty attempted to throw the sack levee stream near by. but was not m quick enough,.the dynamite exploding in his arms and blowing him to pieces, U)iscovered by a. Wolman. Another great discovery has been made, and thatt too, by a lady in that core try " Disease lastenei-its Clutch es upou her and, for seven years the withstood its severest tests, - but her. vital oegaus wer d undermined and' death seemed imminent., For three mouths. she coughed iueessautly, and could not sleep She fleetly discovered a g way to recovery, by urci ,twin of s , ), P 1 „u a bottle of Dr. icing's New Discovery for Qntesumptiou; and was so much re- lieved 04) taking, first dose, that she., slept all night;;and with two bottles. bas hien ahtiotutei;y cured. tier name. is Virs Luther Lutz, Thus writes. t'4/, (, f3aTnick Se CO, of -Shelby, N. C. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cents aed $1,00. Eyery bottle guaranteed. A Veteran's Voice Gives High Praise to Hood's. for Health Blood Petrified -Strength Built up - Tobacco Habit Toga rib .t Ct;+rsd• Many a veteran of the war, whose. healthwas wrecked by wounds, ex- posure and privation, has found in Hood's. Sarsaparilla just the tonic and blood reviving effects be heeded. The following is one out of hundreds of of letters from G. A. R. boys prais- ing Hood's Sarsaparilla for health re- stored and strength renewed in de- clining years. /e O. I. blood &. Co., Lowell, *Mass,; "Dear Sire: a t? a' a• t tee -tit CM cc all © great benefit Hood's Sareapa*ilia has been to me, I gladly write this, that others simi- larly afflicted may Learn of the success of the medicine in my ease and a positive cure for them. I had been A Physical Wreck since les!, and fend also beim: a constant smoker for 35 years. My wife purabased the first bottle of Hood'tl, eareaparflle au.d I commenced to tale Le more to please her than anything else. One bottle after another was taken with increasing benefit• The effect was of a etrengbening nature, toning up my v. hole *restore. After I had been taking the medicine a short Uwe 1 bid away ray pipe meat have not bed any desire for the use of tobacco siuce, Roed'tr Snrsapsril n hes thoroughly purified my blood and driven all poiaou out of ray synte)m, It has also done me A Power of Good Iihyaieally, end I feel like a new and free 2aein. Previously, I lied tried a good many difftirent times to stop einol.it.ga", and to regain my health, hut I was tenable to ac- complish the former, 50 that my attem e for the latter was each. tirno a failure, .1 am pleaae;i to *eeopzuiend ilood's Sarsap a- rilla asg blood purieer. " J.B. MCFADDE , Tex-Connearinee :v4:?1 Pose, No. S1, (. A. R., Dent- a f geieias, 13rawraville,Wasli. N.1 D. If you cleeille to take Hood's. Sar - sagaritle do rat. Taltlizeirl to buy any h.9 i. f i>•,• eo ,. t' Bu .. cacti.., na..:,t upea n iko( �. < and only ood'$ aavaaparillE The tine Trite ine:ee Purieer. livid by al Pr:e, "t per beetle; six for _._..._. _se :let. rmini°nsl)" t:it: a `00(115 PIUS Meccas Sereap.;r111•a. harry Cote fit Ottawa, who aveide'nt- ail+ shot \l''m lluhhell of it iveieelt °ear 148\lls'eitt 1;14d week, bas been teen Initte'd for trial. Edward Brown. 0. young man of Raleigh Toe °ship. was thrown from 141 f hug s oral re'ceive'd iajurii s to hie ntail) %%hid, it is feared will prove fa t,41 AsT\:.74:7 Li sae 2'm Thr uta tauO Children. „e" is eta Neale ese/g eeePett. Cheese and Butter Convention to be IIeid Next Weck, We bavtx received be offitanl pro „ro.nl of the 'I hirty Sewed Armin: t'u)Ivttiltion of the Cheese ,cud Butter -1erneiatem Of 'Western Oetario, to le noel in Guelph next ' ui'.clne, Vlt'uttt•tt clay ;led Thursday, the 17th, isrh and 19 h. This is the one reunion of the , ear fir .a11 interested in l'airying, a: d aOther, at the prop am shows chat -he I)rtnisiU11S made for ge'ttit.g the hest at'd latest i.:formation, 'tumuli addresses at,d discussim4s, on subjects -41Teetirtg the interests of dairymen, ft, ee 015d$ those of any past year Snxn .,f the ablest and hear posted PIM) prov'Mee will addle. es those m('etit,ge which tt 111 he of nn usual interest to farmers arid milk producers We an r. roosted to state that those Yielder.: t�uelnh any times from Jan 12 to 111, should procure from the ticket aartir -Standard Certificate." When this hes been sig'ad at Guelph, by the Seery 4ary of the Con veto but, a nit urn lick*+t can be precured free of charge; :env time up tn,Ja'. 24th. The Secretary Geo Elarelt, Brantford, will gladly an ewer any il.gnit ies. re You toss Easi ly TI red? Just remember that all your strengthmust collie from your food. Did you. ever think of I that P need Perhaps your our'mttsole s ;, more strE;zgth, or:your nerves, stomach is or perhaps pyour P s weak and cannot •digest what you oat. If you need more strength then take SCOTT'S LSA of Cod -Liver Oil w,th Hypo- The most st .latah un hies I h©:oil hos t P p i s mto • all foo eas'l changed of 3 y g strength, ; a.id the hypophos- hitee ....:aro the best p tonics fax t1_e nerves. SCOTT'S EUTIIL- i l S iON is the easiest andquickest st cure for weak throats, for coure 1S oe every kind, ardfor all eases of de- , bilitv, weak nerves, and loss of 'flesh. 5oc. ante. ...00; .11 drag,'',; SCOTT & BOWNE, Cbenists,•Toi':rnto, '0444400000004000400,144404M00.04.04 A CRISIS AT IIAND BISHOP SUUL.IVANXT'Tt Este Hooter of S. James', Toronto, Laid (Changed every Wednesday) 4 or x.s.i to tee to heat--Ilea€Peet ],aid ey Crewda Wheat per bushel„ ,,, --,,. G$ to e;,i1 •.'lou e e r F,. lt"t �i' p tirear e ly When the .Fate of the Philippines r44441 litet7.eata, Toronto, Jap, i0. -•.The o 0Wds, oonlo"uatb Will Be Determined, Posed of ail cgnditions of .citizens, wino thr'ouuged St. James' Cathedral yesterday', on the 4004481041 of the obsequies of the FILIPINOS AGAINST AMERICANS. tlaestin ho #So nlan ffoattiean atho leasetg .had Won during the briefsweep he had been rector, For titre° hour& in the morn - The Settlement, Ilowevex•, elan Yet ITo ing, and for two hours in the afternoon, i'eacofol, glebe. ut;l# Iama:goat General the piece was thronged out of esteem for 4t ruanalelo Titan Tasue(t Two Strong' the memory of the deceased. In the morning a short service, eons Manifestos-Major-Ceouoral Otis Said to have the Whole Situation i.l.1 , ducted 4y 331ahop DuMoulln, was heltt in the tame rector's temlly residence, 31 ;Gerrard e sire t oast, at half -past s t)'oloak,. after which the casket coatelining the Manila, date IO. ---The situation is remains or the late _Mabee were quietly rapidly approaching a climax, and We conveyed to tho (,ateedral. Lust possible that Peel&r will zee a peace- The casket was placed In tee chancel tui solution. - wzth uncovered a the tl iid. ',the ost the Meanwhile, all sorts of alarmist late Bishop were laid cut in full bishop's rumors are in ciraaletion, The 'United robes, with the wood of Trinity degree. 'tatea eluthoritles are taking every pre. The floral tributes were very beautiful, etion; the troops in inserters are under and the casket was hidden amid a pro- ems :tad the Californians have disent- Melons of rows and libel;. barked (rete the transports St. James' Cathedral was crowded be - The natives, 141 is reporeed, have been fore 3 o'clock when the sotennn Oraler for rdered not to work for the Americans, the Burial of the Dead was gone teroug4, and the employes In the o uuuissery de- All cleassem of citizens were i+tee:lit, for pertinent have gone oncull e. i'4ny the most part wearing mourning ;collet., natives ere leaving the elty. Women have a partiality for such eerv- Major-(iener:al Otis. buweeer, bare the lees, but yesterday the congregetlon cop - whole situation thoroughly In l.: tat;, stated for the most part oe Mien. A second proclamation by A _o:nal:10, The opening sentences of the Warfel bearing the sale date as the on: which servlee were reeiteli by Lev. I% ,cashero t, immediately followed Iho prcctunat#on of one of the curate; of the oleueth tb-n Majoreieneral Otte,!mice 1114°14 l ro sic:elit carne Cbarletto Elliott's beailtlful hyiva, Mol inley'e 1n$t2tieti0n,i, fleet appeared "My talon, ;fly ember, 'White 1 tray," in the streets yesterday, bee it i:; 814:;:'rtl sweetly sung with t,ubtiuted organ 144C0111 - they have bean ren11J 1 Its entree -, aro p eninient. much more vehement than thee, used in ; Following the 80101944 cba41tinr of the first proclamation. Aellit:,aldo tit tan- appoluted l'suiru, Rev. Q C Wallis ins - drive the rneriverie from the preeslvoly reap the resurrection les+'on- islands, culls the Deity to tunes° that 1, Oar., xv.--with Its glorious euthere; their blood will be on then own heads if of triumph over .death. :uuehin ay the 11 is Shod, and details est great length the choir 444441 pe'4p10 then joined in that rev - Promises he maims were 41184111 by the grit° hymn, "Now the Lettere s Testi le ' #crimes ile 44 the part r.: ;140 insure- O'er," met, a a a statute, crime the hull` agate in the ea nrraten. words of consolation from the Nunq It is believed th it chi second prcelam- I)imittis, "Lord, Now Lattest 'Rhee l by ation is the orijlral draft, vrrich was not ' Servant heart in recce " `the litshop adopted by the Jelllpitno Congress at of Toronto, with .a voice: alt n1Z8 choked aloto�, orz'i WILL 24(44 intoe 2 2*Oti1IT IT2t s, Attitoneli Philippine elm:ttion Is since That War Can Hardly 4ie Averted, Washing ton, can. l0. -Th' noes from Iloilo is seete that; there is it scall-dt'lineil le4:lief now that 144 relict°° r^rn tear .ly Le avertMNI. The report teat the United Sumer troops now venlrontang Iloilo will 1)0110ve 5014.0 1i4ilve ;may. to Quin:urns Ieai:tnd, between Vona, :1:1(1 \'errs, cal en to lileau that General 3aitter, act ing on in truetlnna from General (), s, will net begin hostilities, \vhlch 44,0401 undoubtedly the burning of rho City of Iloilo, the second elty of the Philippines and probably great loos of life. 'the In- surgents have no army of 8,0110 teen uneer General lilnlvor, and now that the Americans are to withdraw, will proiably settle down to hwalt the arrival of Aguin- alile or instructions from hien as to acture actions In the meantime every preparation is being hurried to send, forward tho troops ordered to Manila, and sumo ships will undoubtotUy be teided to tbe fleet under Dewey. The special onnoInd.os bysay3 nsProh• ably no nation over witnessed a greater exhibition of effrontery, bordering on treason, than that now being given by Felipe Agoncillo, who is, in bis own mind at least, the representative of the Philippine National Government, of wing tguinaldo is dictator. Agoneillo, thrnuryh his seorotary, Siete Lopez, gave a special interview to a re- porter yesterday and expressed most Inflammatory sentiments. Tho Interview Vas repeated to it unonlher of the Senate chamber on foreign relations, who said: "If I ware in oi;arge of the executive branob of this Goterement, I should order the arrest of Messrs, Agoaoillo and Lopez to -morrow morning. r l ore i9 plenty of warrant in law for Such a pro- ceeding.", IIOIIBES A1IE I11:I:4G DRIVEN 01.1T. 'Bavarian Clay of:ftutr_art Prohibits the Use ot Freighting Annuals. Stuttgart, .Tau. 10.-Tbo Municipal Council has passed a law forbidding the use of horses for trucks or the heavy freight weeone within the city limits. re city, though only tl.ree of the long streets are of sneeeth, level pave- ment, is far ahead of other continental towns in automobile vehicles, for both passengers and freieht. It really has no need of horses, and, es the horses are in the way of the rapid locomotion of tho automobiles, the city has taken the mat- ter In hand and decided that the time has cOlue for the horse•to go. Despite the numerous bills and un • paved roads, the automobile freight wagons and carts have proved a great success. ,en the Bavarian farmers are taking a deep interest in the matter, and the lewseapers predict that the thno iH not far off when horses will be princi- pally of use for pleasure drives, GrrL JU1,P$P1i0.11 A FAST TI AIN.' Express Did Not Stop at Her Station Se Off She Went. • London, .Tan. 10, -The extraordinary escape of a young girl is reported from Derry, a station on the (Great Norteern: Hallway. After the fast express had pass- ed St. Johnston, a anile from 'Derry,; one of theguards sawgirl 1 tit n deliber-` g jump ately from one of the carriages. . She was Lninjuced.. She was travelling a am alone in w an s (impartment fromP Newtown -Stewart to St: Johnston, and, finding that the train did not stop' at the latterplace, she nicked uPher luggage, e , consisting of two flower pots, a basket and some other articles, and, oAening the carriage door, jumped MMI. falling a few yards from where a pile of iron 'rails was heaped 'ref 'sad to give her She v name and did B , not appear the least concerned about her exalting adventure 'She train was run- ning zit rate of 30 miles an hour. . Picked Up at Sea. Liverpool, Jan: 10. - The British steamer, It'anawhe, Captain Maxwell, front Newport News on Dec 8 for this port has arrived here and landed the captain and 15 of the crow of the British st40aner Glenna, Capt. Erankiand, frons Philadelphia, on Dec, 1e, for Moss and Christiania which was abandoned in a sinking condition on Jan: 5 in bot: 40 ler, and long 46 W. Tho remainder of the crow ot the Gall ria are on board the Brit- ish stear.eer Charing Cross, Captain Mills, tree' New York on i)ee. 23 for Bristol. with pstho', read the remaining 4rayere. after which the praeeeaeon refor)ue'I, tied, mid the ltleitattve mitts of the organ, proceedo.t re tee eolith enir$tice. ~.here elle cortege, consisting of about a =came of elrriages. was in waiting for the eel,- 9N1`,)aPa ot the 2't'rl,atleA to :1c. .I.r4il.•d Cenlat'ry aero the tlaal Semis of cum- n)ittal worst :'.rid by I3i hep $14V'4tn4',u1 in rho chapel. 410 M111.'1; TOE tiOntenem 4444 -. ,2rran "°•encu:, lacing 124141(, Sty the Domin- ion Cover:latent to iteeeive Them. Ottawa, Jan. 10. ---The Departments of the Interior and of Agriculture are mak- ing arrangements to receive the Dault bailors at Halifax l+etween the beth and 13th inst. After nndergoing quarantine inspection at llalifnx, the Ioukhabors will bo taken to St. John, N B. There Is no quarantine station nt 5t. John, tied therefore the stainer will have to call at Hlalifax. W. hl. Scarth, Deputy Minister Of Agriculture, is going to personally look after the quarantine arrangements, sa that 110 meagre will bo made, Quar- antine is atlaehed to the Agriculture Department :lir. Pedley, superintendent of imniurath)nt is preparing toreorient the r.,+woo..ers on their arrival anti to attend to them until such time as they aro placed in temporary quarters in the West. It will be no easy task to make arrangements to lead so largo a. number on the train between St, John and Wtn- nipeg. LOUD DURHAM) It Ins smeo.opv. 7lmlquetTendered by Muoieipul fiddles act $baughel. Shanghai, ,Tan. 10. -Tho Municipal Council, the Chamber of Connneroo and the Amertea and China Ample gave n' f r .toll banquet Inst evening .a ' a a. 1 n g t Hear - Admiral Lord Charles Bereefard, who bas been for some time in When on a special mleslou from tevt British Assooi- atei Charters of Cnmtnetca to enauiro as to she opportunity for further develop- ment of Britishtrade in this country and as to the security for investments and nudortaking sales Lord Beresford in responding to a toast to his health, said that the cosmopolitan character of his hosts proved that bis policy in China was Peas corn 4s to 45 _, t4 to 15 15 40 to 44 28 to 28 to41t Butter Eggs Potatoes perbag 5 o ra t : 7.1 Ga o 1'109 :or tort g � eepeto Zee Dried Apples per 1) ., 5 Geese b cu STurkey Kecp CiiIiJllllg Vtfe know of nothing better to tear the lining of your throat and lungs.. It is better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep 1t up long enough and yolt will su:re:eed. inreducielgyour weight, losing your appetite bringing on a slow fever and making everything exactly right for the germs of con- sumption. Stop coughing and you ill get well. S 9 cures 008312s of every 110d. An ordinary cough disap- pears in a single night. The racking coughs of bronchitis are soon completely Mae - Wed. Asd, if not too far along, the coughs of con- sumption are eoniple:ety cured. ofAs1 your druggist for one Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster. It will aid the action of the Cherry Pectoral.. 1r you have Any complaint khat ever anti deetre .he brat taeincel advtee you ran 340)4lbly obtain, write us freely. eau tv144 rccelve e prompt reply that may be at great va)y.3e1tt.J0LWI,,Lowell, meaner. .14.1 other cal• ee of hog cholera was alis covered at Windsor, Six cases of :4m.11lpo' have broken nett a short distance from Montreal, in the vicinity of Coteau 41)1 Lac. William Thealttar, a Hamilton bop, has hem miseing sine° Wednesday, and it is fi err $ he is drowned, Ikribr4 ' Wood's lshoiaphodine, The Great L11aU81a Remedy. Sold and recommended b; all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine dincava ed. Stn packages guaranteed to cure all 2piins of Sexual Weakness. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To - 12800o. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed. nn receipt of price, one package 81, six, $5. Onewill please, six2otla cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. 8zr• tVeod s Phos phodire la sold in Exeter by .J W. 13rawnieg,drurgiet. &cit Sr'ese • • "t' ." rs :77 -: 1•,'"+-T° •rs W 4 ' re enimously approved by the representa- '. �,.• _-e ' Itll L / , i4l&;;•t e lit g ... '4,.. ri: r The teadin7 Spaclallsta o:� icr ati l''• J L Y ars In ell`ali, �s 250400 Cured. tives of the great nations having the largest trade interests in China. Lord Buresford sails from Shanghai to -day for Japan. Death of A. S. Wink. Port .Arthur, Ont., Jan. 10 -Mr. Alex- ander Stronaoh Wink, leading barrister and resident of Fort Arthur for the last 15 years, died quite suddenly yesterday. Mr. Wink - had bean ailing. -for about a year, but nothing fatal was anticipated. He was a long time in partnership with Messrs Osler & Gwynne of Dundas, and afterwards practiced In the County of Bruoe, from where he came to Port ' •Arthur., He loaves a widow, a daughter of tho late Hey. 'James Herald, formerly of Dundas and Port Arthur. Mr Wick was town solicitor for Port Arthur from its incorporation in 1884 until Dousniber, , 1897, and during that time had charge of many important suits In conneJtion with the town's affairs, in all of which' ha was successful. He. Pas considered 0410(4f tbe best municipal lawyers in Canada. Detroit Mich, Tan. 10.-A. Washing- ton a ton special -says.. This time the railway bridge over the Detroit River is; a go." Both Senator. McMillan and Congress- man Cordes have declared that they would .not try to get the bridge biil. through until the railroads carne to an agreemt+tit for the, equal and mntnal enjoyment, or the structure. The railroad'. • have :now agreed,.. Buried 52 ii.m1.4 and Lives. Paris, Jan, 10:-A despatch from Bir- naystates that a workman named Cnes• nay, who was buried In a shatt through the caving in of the earth, was rescued last evening,after remained a prisoner for 52 hours. Quesnay hau been pe,otocted by woodwork, and, though somewhat; bruised,as not seriously in- jured, tiny j ured, , Bradford Don't Want Lieeht.- Bradford, Ont; .tan. 10 -A vote was token ye,terdtay on a bylaw to raise 5,,,Uu0 for the purpose of putting in .an 0 420(rio light plant. The bylaw was de- feated, the vote standing 61 for aid 7]' against. ,UESQ RICTUR Thou F, young and middle -;aged P1C� ar• • dwiththis disease -many 'income : They nay have a smart - in; ..a, small, twisting stream, si: Fatting pains at times, slight din ca, lililcuity in Commencing; weak ' ori, missions, and all thehe symptoms of nu: ,ous dcbility-thgy :haveSTRIC- TURE. Don't let dootors experiment on you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing turn. SO r vNE W care 41 THODs TI LIAT- MENT absorbs tho stricture tissue; honeeremovesthostricturepormanontly. It can never. return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. Thoscxualorgansarestrength- ened. The nerves are invigorated. and the bliss of manhood returns. WECURE GLEET Thousands osyo ns andmtd le- a ed men are heving their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- easoc.They aro frequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms.mntome Generalat Weakness,Unnatural Dischar os Fail- ing Manhod, Nervousness, Poor Mem-. ory, Irritabilityat times Smarting Sen- sation. Sunken '!',,yes, with dark circles, Weak Back,General Depression, ck of Ambition, n VaricocleShunken Parts, etc. GLEET and STRICTURE ma o the eauso Don't consult family yb D f xT doctors as they have no experience iu these- special diseases=don't •• allow 9,nacks to experiment on you. Consult feeeeialists, whobave made alife study of Disea,Ges of ogle rid onion ria W OurNEW TREATMENT will posi- tively euro you. One thousand dollars for a case we accept for treatment and oannotcure. Tormsmoderate fora cure. ' S GUARANTEED Wo treat and cure: EMISSIONS. leARI000ELE, SYPHILIS, GLEET. STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, SEORET DRAINS. UNNATURAL DISCHARG- ES, E:a KIDNEY a d 13LADDIRDis:ase a CONSULTATION FREE. BOORS FREE. H. unable to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. ENNEDY& KERGMN Cor, 'Mlchl an Avec and Shelby St IK DZTl OiT, IIJICH. K .., a1G.P,t. fk1•.u:,�.6�f,.:zR,.,c,,;lr9'w67�; 0 '?'"tc,, r"! y Ca 4 et17withPr*erbs but don't thrnk you can, etch clothes to look like new, Then again it would not. pay you when you can buy clothing at the prices we sell. 48 t,l Pants 1.itto order, all wool heavy tweeds s$2.00 Suits t,y 9 .81) Overcoats 8.09 Black Worsted Stlita a spec- ial, 812,00 Our 820 blacks heat all others et S`??. erne and see for yourself. ATRONIZE US. People patronize us because they realize tlmt we alwa •s sell C lot11lg that is strict Ii ctF up-to-date. , , . 'R GRIEVE t 1plt( i:t> 1'0,A office y ev B t Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking tricycle pleasure if so, you should. 804'1[ first a good wheel, We can furbish you any of the best wheels made at lowest prices Musical. 1)o you want anything in th musical line, We have a choice let of Pianos and organs, , Cull and 118. expect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby ear• riages, etc, etc. Perkins & Martin. THE AiRA ST .y t R E a 1,, Try WIXAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Cougbs, Co ds and bronchial trouble in old or young. We Han tlfstetut'e- WINER'S LUNAIiENT which is an excellent remedy foe Cramps, Palos, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza, The •0311 Reliable, . Wiinan's Con- dition Powders, stilt holds first place in the market: Also Lotion for scratrh :s on horse. and Condition Powder for same ®e SOLE AGEN' r O14 ,71.11tX LUNG SYRUP, C.. LUT DRUGOIST• alkalemitioanamdceletaneetereete Areal IT PAYS S To read the big stores' ad vertisemeut . . s ,. STOP! Tj4INK a b 'g 'n For whoa and ® are we 1 9 the f For furniture bnFilaP98. yours andours. If we are slot useful t s o you we cannot ' o be use fol to onrseives We have got le el to carry the go4,ds you want at, thep i o n rc s you u ant or we can not make a truce, se Of our bust• le.,g nese. But. w('7 5. havee e been don business right t41nne • ,. ,. for y acs, which peeves that we ate the right kind of people with the right quality of furniture at the right prices. Conte and: see for. yourself.... S lf;, `-. 1. S. GIL LF Y 1 SOIL Furnitii re, Uncdertalziing. OPERA ROUSE BLOCK. y