HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-13, Page 1ELEVFThYEARI584., EX1(41' ONTARIo„ TIIIIRS DAY, JANUARY 12, sLA•tronTER SALE The revival meetings in progress Dashwoodg Con -nails likMr. Wellington Clark, Loedn, 89 here are being welaatteueled and the sitttut his New .rear holidaof ho ys ere, thu ideas presented each evening are net of Mr. Martha practical and worthy of everyone's detp and Tilly Hill, of Toronto. are viSltuij COnsideratiou. May the good wore frietels here. -Mr. Thos. 'landlord leas continue --The Sunday Scheel Qffigexs nerebased the Carlin property south arranged the classes and appointed the el L'ssiAter and intends moving there ie several teacbers during the past WeeK the neer future Both air. and Mrs. 110it'iltatvaat were ''"',K;eteire'te';'srdte4de 1,747etttt,“ liandford will be witch missed from wiU our miast.---Mesars. R. flandford and sboehbooett_femris8the4gnrieratlesseeol azturrcith T. bave started a flour at feed more in the premises 50 long It40w1.1 an was in tke village the pastweek.-- Mis Ma" Sattctat of Grand lentle clobesetna;titiebrlaschkTuti°tir aleasoip.te-Mr spent several 'days lase week with friends in thn ruege..,emr. Janet, RJ ritemas Spent the first few dal* of this year in Loudon with her father, hers left Fridey to continue his studies in the college at Naperville, Illinole.- WM' Lewi- quite a number Mr. RkQde spent the /set uwpcealita fromcoetitegreofatthteOudtOtth:Arilanen0"141t di%stArrikc.t with relatives and friends Sam'a domain.-.--jr. D. 1) Willert Still continuos in the rush and well soou have to Inc -revel his state of workers MCZOtee 3;10030 afnla =3=n -COO Darlow the next Four Weeks we want to turn $2000 worth of Boots, Shoes and /lowness into eash, end 'will holda Slaughter Sale We will offer limes at Shoes at coat prices in order to reduce the stock. The goods are first. class, have been well bougbt and carefully selected and it will pay you to buy now. }Jere are some of the prices ;- Men's Felt, from tte.so to 62.00 Women's Felt, Bat or Congress, la omen's Doogola d. ba or button, oo en's Doogoln Kid. Congress, Men's Heavy Rubbers, *i.oc, bleres Heavy Overshoes, -75 Wouten's Heavy Bats, .75 .a! HARNESS We heve a numher ;of oats of tight lied heavy harness, Angle end deuble, which we will also sell at greatly reduced priceo. Tbey are made from the best of stoele. aud by competent workreee. . . Call and see the goods awl test our Prices. J. TREE3L.E, E Days Eyesight is Precious r getting shorter ..004000. -Nights are getting ionger hill on Tuesday. -The eauiversery eervieva of the CelltrAliA Stl5dAy$4boal wee held here the first 8u»dsy aril 'Monday of the VOW year. The oere if the present indicatione have tioything were nominated on Sunday by toteay.- Mr. Henry Willem the court alr, and Mra. Hardt on, of Orontes% and Other elect, attended the council meet Ing in the Towusinie hall on Monday.- AvehrAF,,„ „ y2Arie,, masa,.. of 71,Wenne beld Mr. Daniel Hanka, wilt) we reported, last i ,ni""' u " " 4'"" week as being seriously 114 passed to ing men of the Exeter schools, On uthoeon. jeett..ebothyHo as . itsuionich,cybellitora ivmhmic(rYkotesyle:gaa w," ely attreldeeud7vell resident of this neighborhood mid won gram Wee giVell le the body of the` chureh by the sebolara, maiming of by his kind and amiable disposittou recitations. Angier, dialogues arid spettebes by the Rove. Salton and alcomiton. of Michigan. The preceeds amonedul to neatly $130 -The •Cu. alio. L. 0. L met on the last Sarnr e Suuday Sehool ou tlae conceasion .tn„It eaNT of toe, eel year sue 4401.4 etr an• - Sunday laet. , Intel meetiug. After the regular bust - Stephen Council. nets was gilded, the election of officers was proceeded with, 'rho retiring master, Ur. Frank Davie, addreesed Cteditoni ;fanner!: Otb.• 1890. The lebo y ibustastia Jobuve, eletated couocil all present, viz t sheriitt., "wove; Rivhard picks, waVand thanked them to the kind Samuel Salt witzer, e, amsiatance they bad given him during Henry CO4W1121140117, lattVaiOlg: the Peet three Years' and uw gives tiP ti the requirea papers, took their the chair to the newly elected Aker, who, after takIng hie position proceed - host of friends. He has imir, been faithful member of thh, Eyetooth:al urch here and wider' its 1148 he was burtetle- Rev A. W. Sa uer Weeded Around About Us. Wingham; It was rather a sed New Year's day to Thos Walker of town. Early tbat morning airs. Walk or, who had been ill for some time, pissed away to tbe spirit land, De ceased was 84 ,years of age, and leaves five lin le ones to battle with the werld's diffieuldea, without a ;mother's care acel tteetiou„ Greed Bend; On Thursday. Dec. 98, a very pretty wedding took place at the resideuoe of Mr Joseph Sherrow, when bis seectoel daughter Lillie was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr John McPheelite bride was the recipient of matey ueefol as well as antlful preaeuts as a taken at the gh eateen iawbichsba was held. Varna At the reeidenee of ;be hrldete father en Wednesday. by Rev. Mulr. Woe Anzio R1 sewed danfehe tor of Mr. Samuel Reid, was married to Mr Malcolm, MtNaugteu a prott4 xeroUs yonug farmer of the /3ayliel Seed. The presents, as Usual, were nu rnerono and oastly, *hewing the high esteem ia whieh the young eon* aro aUUheld z Mra. Agnes Cemphel retadeutof thIe place tor elety to deed. MreCempbeil was the mother of the wife of Police Wiltiam Hied. of 'Windsor airs.Oacep- bell was 90, ;tears old She wait bora in Argyle, Stotlaud. She etragrated to Canada in 11;69, and settled in Park- hill wbeu the country waa nese. She has lived there ever eine& Godericht, Seturdey a youth nam- ed Andrew Shell!, aged 17, residing with his father in West Witwatioeb. waa arrested by deputy sheriff., Wm.! Gundry, on eharges ef larceuy and burglery. The more seri. 115 charges was that of breaking into the Fordyce store and Post Office, while the theft Was from a relation. On beteg brought before the Police Magistrate he wA8 Therefore it iti" necessary that you have spectacles e Pecuvel ou'ea- 11'';'8-Set/wItzer1 ed• with the election °foil:leers. Follow that C. Prouty be Verk.-Carried. At reteauded till Thureilay. The prisoner that are exactlysuit(,4 to your eyes'. Our optleitin is home We ("VI% in 01 ProcoednatiS' ProutY ing Is tbe list of officeNevin; rs elected, viz; wee allowed ball, his father being hie herded in his resigon cause ' W Master, A, Depy. M R --- bondsman for Si 000 again and prepared to give you the best expert attention at -= ,10.000 0, tektites eaesitt Axges%42- a. tams; Finesse J„ 1,5/r)glIt :frees + 2. 2 12 2 4.. HandfOrd; OhaP S. DAVIS; Reee See , • Mooresville; It is with feelings cf the Willett, that the Clerk's very deepest regret thee we report the C. Browm be treasureir_aettb0.1.---Cartied. recriatIm J fitixteble; D. of 0 • II. Oundit Lec tha$t twee, -au Davi81. Committee, Wm. are, 8heardown, Wm. Davie, F. death ofMrs Jobn Bloomlield, of this place, on Sunday eveniug, Dec. sin. T. 1:UTTON'S remain ou table for Tutpre Adore. tion. --Carried. Iiteksa-Satiliertt .„Pavis, T. Ce-ve.-Mr. Aemstrong, of Tito doceased had been itt vet', PreOr IMatatetl: 13ridget's Otterehe to the 'l'owaelalp of Logan, was toteday dee atroyed by fire Saturday et about 8 o'clock. It was a holy day, ano the congregation heel jun left About halt an hour when the tire was dieeovered. It stitrkod'in the v4.qatry used hy the chorus boys, but had got beyond eon- trol, Nothlug was seved but 8=4 vestments. The ohurch waa mewed for $2,500 iu the Perth tdatual. Ser- vicea mil lIktily be lacki. th Mitehell for sometime. Wheghem ; It la our84 duty this. week to record the death of one of tilt °Wait residents of this vnity, in the person of Margaret, beloved wife sof gr. Tons G. Elliott, which sad even; oecurred at the fatuity rosidenee Sate t day raornieg. The dece.ased lady been ill for About three weeks Adele hemorrhageand was thought to ct be doing sleety, In fashe was At tip on Saturday, but vras seined through tho night with another ateeeig Md teamed A W ay. 48 et 4 WI. bOate. r Bee es her bereaved husband, she ,t a ',tinily el two children, Miss Ile , home; and Mr. J Altotlert. +"` ertenra the We of a fond partner and dear pitmen, and who beam the eyne, nathy of tfte ttereMitaityi 4heir effilet a. Seaforth:34ny ot t wore oleo surpri ing, to learn of t Wzater, ao maltyb t1 lancets until the alwroano4,03444t Of death was made. 'W14uutierotancl t het he was laid up for about Three Weeks with typhoid fever . was a rebus; man, end ook 4 goo,dent bjec t for fever. life, 'Neater otattlaative oSeafortat, but his ?vett) and eetri manhood were 8pe9t wtb bi unce1 Mr Thouos. ertson, of SH S. Marys, o-4eside . here, however, for sixteen or eighteen. years, and was engaged in the cattle and eteek baying buelimoo, moat of the time far his brother, Rebell. lie loaves a, widow atid four sone, the eldest of le about eighteen years, to mourn•the loss of a kind husband 'mid father. AilSa Craig; On Weaneaday ing the wtAilding took Place of Mr Ed- ward Hughes to Misegda May Ztvitz at the residence of heremother, Mrs. R. • Zayitz. The ceremony performed lea Craig, o relatives fl. Tbe t in a 4tWUb JEwsitativ sToRE. Mornings preferred for testing,. TA.11W0=14 40Alt SERNTOE. The undersigned hes for service on Lot Concession 1. (London Road) yriborne, a, Ersborne Council Council met in the Council Rooms. YearlY-SchweltzetAat Joel* Gain tbeteGoeorteh pomp factor is =nu. health for soiree time past, and although n be aesessor at $80. -Carried. Sug tk, watering her family never expected her to fully gestions by auditors read by R, Doyle ftecIrtner laroge Supplies recover, still it WA8 thought that her aud filed. Hicks -WIllerc, thaG the an 8 in the range a . - health would improve wheo warmer etnetrte -It is our ead duty to re Cord the death of otto who was know _to all as a kind neighbor and friend, ia the person of :qr. George Brown, who .horeeveiteeetreesweeta rerfor.. V (.1..e4! li ante t b1 ,pee' suddeoly away on Thursday the t, the Anyeceers re auditors' report be accepted and they receive each 48.--Carrled. Rena ved that Reeve deal with C. Clarkat,Waste as he dome beat, Schweitzer-aftlicks. Jao.,"itilteaeutisuitut to statute, when the -. -. without umment'S A. )14,sexrrr. priutieg, beIng eathestitwaste'tender, nl'at"'ug la"' 4 - ..._ . ...---r...0 ,,... fallowing eeentlemen having been dilly _carried, commit to meet again Warning. Ile was taken with, heart Iected madteand fli ned the necessart ..• . .. , _ "afolTSN' TO lo Ns. , ... ' e A ._..„ g , _ lust toonday in Ma ch , p, VI. .Z.U. Rn disease and fell jest after entering the r at 1 Wohavonnlimited privotelltfilds for -----1,' declaratione of Olnee aud qualificanoti 4 4 0 owing orders e door of hie house, expiring before he ve4roent mere. torn oe village property, ,at and took tbeir se'Nts as the Council for S" . - - - - grauted : 'Municipal World, • elentiOU lowest rate...elle:forest. Ela.whin.s; Celan ,hi entioweog & 1.81919:—ReeVe, milts, $11 89; auaitors,- $16 00;.ct J. 2.6 PAItiVIS PEIR SALE, tis:,)x.y. TO LOAN. Th e undersigned has a few good ferule for, Woo/loop. Roney to loan qn. easy terms,. Soanwell'etillools Exeter • Barristersauth., 2xoter.. CI ors, .1, Hunter, ,-Sat, L.edth, W. R i Barry, repa ring firm; Sit113 road, JON SPACKMAIT Sale Register- ' ORTDAY ',TAN In.—Ferro stook, Impla- itsnts Household effeets.eto, the property le at ono o cloolt p.ro, Rieliard-SI!ier, Lot 3; Con. 3, TiIar,sbard. H. BROWS.. Allot. .—.... ----..., —.--- 1)1014.417 143 , LOAN," . ..., . A larg. aneigraoirrivate Funds -to loan LO'VVItSr ItAIES (IF INTEREST on matt ble ten/v.10y ,t ELL PAT At,(4LAI)A1A.N, xris' ters,Soli ... a, ate, •Alalt st...Exeter. seting Huron County Council. he uellicil'efw,liieniCA1)?1TIttillien 0°Oftig.7 aintbor,iSod°erlich. on Tuesday, the 24th ar et,, 3 o'eleek, p. xo. W. 15a,fied Jan. 10611,1839. Clerk. , ATALUARLE 213..00ERTv FOB, aatig, The andersig'42,ed is bfferilig ° for sale that desirable and. valaable pro pertO, situated on, Pr Iluron Street, hying part or Lot 21, contaln- „,4" log over five acres. . There 'is e premises a good brick house, non taxyling seven, rooms, with sto3,14 c frame lutehen and wood- sx,ed attaohed; 11141110 stalaeltrrd other neeessary4ont-buildinos;ea °hate ftnit -trees, a good, won of waterans other convernenees. Terms reasonable, ageoli at this offloa.er to SA l'atTEI, PIC E5ZO.S. a, E:s.eter Del bridge and A.,lienekin. The clerk was paid $40 50, eloctibn expeeses and instructed to dietribute 1l10the proper persons, The following officers were could heremoved. Mr. Brown is an old pioneer and has been a resident of this place fora long time. The Niter. up, -Musser, retnod br taxa s2.004, s. took place on Saturday to Brinaley, Webb, leather and repairing .bid -e, and although the weather was bitter $2,t10; liturlock and others everk wrth, cold' a large concourse oF fri"ds ac grader,$6 50. Geiser, grader work 'QQiuPailieci his remains t° their last eppolitted at the salarieete eamed.- • ' resting place. no leavee to motley, cieviz, 8100; P. Coates, Trete lima sundries, $10825e4. Mize", gra. thelr loss a widow and ..1.1W0 $3 75; Wintre35e; G Brown, salary surer, $70; Wm. Miners A.ssessor, $50. ; vet S1480: G Itieviue refund statute! Me. John BOWlly a farmer in Stephen, am BroekeCollector, $50. T Veal; lab.' 12 00 "D R and Jane Brciwn,who resides with her ovt ; . O. and places of , s holding elections, $53 00; W. Li. Hill, mother here. " reftind in dog tax. $1 00; J. Boyce, for (Frain another source), digging gravel, 82.60; C. Prouty. re A very, quiet but pretty wedding turning officer, $1.5-`20; F. W. Porn toolx'place at the residence of Mr. Trios combo, survey toad, 00 501 Joe' Law- statiois street, it being the mar- . riesge ef airs. Hodetins, of this pla.ce, to Mr, Robert McFalls, proprietor of the American , Hotel, .Berlin. The sieve the t'nee' was thrill" slid his face.hal- ly tat, but not otherwise injured, The many was eperfornied .by'' the Rev. S OrediSOu team was stoppe0 about a mile Out, of Salton, in the presence of the immedi- warn. The aceident was caused by' Mr. Gee. Zwicker-lett beta. on Mon- atet relative's awl', friends. The bride day for Torouto where he will take a leokiid, handseme, being attired in a t8,13.°eInedrbi'vYear f:,:tg•shittfetibigc,Iffilttfltemlilltewrhilittt course at "the optical College. We cr.tIrt pretty cos me of -`grey, trimmed the mail batrs, have every conlideoce in his abilities' • led& tehiffen, ,,After receiving the coo. 2"/ liutlett: Another old settler ef this to acquire the. knowledge required for g.r Plation8 and gooa .,wisheS- for the such a enwrge and se his return he vet . prospeictS of, the`, leepp"ys etiuple, distrietslied,on'Friday afternoon last, eupply a long felt want' to this cob_ 'eat dew?) to aosbuiptueus repast pre-' in the terson Of Mary Gibbinge, bo- -,Nliss Ella Heywood, Gf Ex-, 1114ed by the good hosTss of the house: (.(!ter, sl1ent, a few days here last week,* t!Jtikttlatenarttahlatl'fttattree of the °Cell", the anost ef mks Henry Prekbeioer.--- *aftOf beinethwthird marriage trolA 'The Misses Eloitzman attended A-, eon- iletiefi4lly Inside of the z.rear, the cert idDentield last Monday evening, 11116V401g .iVaSS „Ln Hodgies,'to Mr where theyteak part in the pregratp WniTHodgelit,‘Olttetdr; second, Miss -Henry Either, nit*, P. P., attended 0.fieti AIRY' liedgios y. Willis, 'also annual meeting of the Hay ,..yownshVof a.nd the in whom, Farmer's Mutuai Fire Insurance Com we in long and prosper -pony at, Zurich, TueSday -Mrs. (Dr.) ,ensntarried S;The tetwle married Rivers is visiying,friends Brussels:.- e0.4th left TueSday afternO0n. for len. Miss Mary at,'Branti, of Howell,. they took.the:frain for their gan, is here yisiting her parents' Mr, futturettsimie in Berlin. 'Mee • ,Hodgins and Mra. Gottseib Brauri.'-Messrs. wOtbe greatiy missed, net mai:vit, her Eitber.'E. Foist and H. F. tither 'at (*house circle but iv- the 'Whole vil tended the shooting match in E-.. ',r We' roust console 'ourselves last Friday, --M r*. and ,Ira Mirch- wttlivt he -idea thv our 'Toss will be B e er- Miss RrIse Finitheinee).of Portland,' N. 141`k3gailt, • Y., arwhero friends and ;re latives. We kvish 'Air and Mrs. Minch , suicide al, windsor Caretaker, $5. Bet Law No 1. confirm- ing above appointments, passed, signed, and sealed The Board of Health is composed of the Reeve, Clerk, James Haudford, Wm. Hazelwood, James Balleetyrie; at $1;50 per day -when ou son, bridge 4th side road, $82.7e. duty; II K, Hytidnia.n, Medical Health n s--11011TY, Clerk. officer at 88 per day and J. 0. Tunas, Sanitary Inspector at $1.0fl per day whenou duty. Fentieviewers, J, Cupe land, A. Cole. P. Moir, R. Delbridge, Doupe, and C. Qbatea. Poundkeepers, 0, Godbolt, J. Ilazelwood. R. Reddy, G. Rook, T. PAssmora, S.,Camphell, Giltillan, and R "Hunter., 'the tender of the Zxeter limes to do the printing usually required by the . Munieipality for $47.50 was accepted. $10 was do noted to ' the Hospital for sick children Toronto. The Clerk was instructed to place the ceplaints of R. Drought send others in regard to Drought's bridge on Usborue and Biddulph Bonn d a r,y, before the County Council and that -immediate action be taken to remedy..the defects complained of. A feW otrders were issued_ in payment of aecounts'and conm,i1 adjourned to - meet Feb'y. 4th at one o'clock. • F iVloar.Er Clerk. P. 8. --Secretaries of trusree' -Boards will please Comply with sectipn 18, sob division 3, of Public School. Act4,' The Pleblseit. , :! rarnary statera4t'of the vote OTT A n ' -3r the.(prithibition plebiscite , is officially Fifty- tealris wanted b ... , SUTHERDAND IINN.F:8 CO., to , ?rut .1.!1.k,..in the Canadian G' ezette i.,OgS fl':011i Lot -8 I "' t'll'" ' ,., . , „ _, . , npessloi 1 -...).,,,„ $,ri-',37', 0 I Affirna- Naga- Affl'ila3°ritY. ,,,..,),'''ro'''' *- •:,,..: T3,,, , (4vbaock,-.i..i,.it,-..c..1.2„0,:tis,t6 .92;;9vill 32,9:224244 ',,'-,' ltiilivies) Lit,,, -'72(‘;... i'L's'i: '7'1'W L :impapanvs xiii 1 . 'Ontar'io ,. ... '''''" Y. 6 ..,`' : "i, C,F ,Rillizsol. w ,57,) ,7,,35 — . ma 6 a gey, Al4rfir-:-. .. .., .., oii 1i 187')7 '' , r :IS/fill ..,,, 4... s.trq bola ..:'1....i,o19 i'lf't 7 .' -- 7'", .ba.`,1.5.iateh6Van:„ '.;',,' ‘s0'; M'CTo*, 0 teg age'd by the Rev, J. Couto, of only a fewtof their 'mete weather came. Her death was a and 'close Moeda being pr heavy bride was beconthigly go blow to the family as she died very rich dress of cream eitk. tri suddenly-. The remains were Interred chiffon and e.eerl and carried a in the Ebenezer church cemetery on some boquet of white rove She wag given away ley lewd:Anther, Mr, G. M. Teesday day, when a Aroag mud was sblowinge Natiogbare: At about 12.30 sour". Zev Itz..k Membridatiltqatiti, *bad' lUttb, Doer Mr. John Hanna's store- Owing sliontrVieataYrrAnStvpialnkbr,°54 was ban - trimmed w . fire broke out in the dwelling house ses,cbi,ffb12:Th;Sehc4gtoitornIrleldcaseabnqtteunedtedof76ye 01 . , ,..., to the strong wind the fire was hard to fight, but by theemeellent .work af 'cousin; Mr. CheAer Hughes. of amiltirk, • he the firemen it was gee under ,eoctroi MwealeariEttlIgiamMattrleibreeeet Ntirte ple-yed the .. before it had spread further' Bette. the .Seafortit : Mr. ',sac Miller also took Upper StoroY, whieli in alma toesay were badly 'damaged, nrincitletilit destroyed. Tile furniture and stare hr g departuxe on Mottartes '' This event - water. The loss is uearly covered by Ey wais net uneppected, as Mr. Miller had heena sufTrlzi front an incurable the ehireney, - insurance. The fire originated from Oiaanse for adiut //toe, and the change . was a weleettee ono to him. Re was , ciandowe 07 years ofte0„ but, ientil this illness ' - Toucan t Joe Hedgins, bus team eaused a good deal of px overtook hint'. he was at tubes% fresh' ,.. eitement on Maier st. an Tuesday mfirn. mart for his years.t, Ile has resided in -. ing by running away front the P-st 5„4,.6,,,11,,ritrY,,„ft)„,i':,a;t„*r4at many years, Office corner, and Careering down the • ""a"' "re' tas. ',-.7 r")Ovk4 0-'" Sea" - street towards Olendebove. Mr, Hod- _foith,..„..By industry and good manage. gint's little boy, who was on the rig, , at ;eaukvinujg aWtotointY Ito'llitl'eyhe(faret,ttcsetteenedniidninica ' years, and which he hatebeen enjoying' for some time, Ho erase good Adze his aged partner in life and one dough- and a worth'? mart He leaves behin alorig and happy Inarrled Rip 144 hi il'iit' TSInuisld'a°:OnTiNbenler:n owsas 8. taken away itsfiurtli vit.:tun in the pee, 011 Of yin k 1)01 cer, _411112:D1.ex oz Jacob .Fik beler. ;Sal, ma %v aS °illy tool frettr, our midst; The 1 ave m pat liy le C0111,- ii:47 in their ,sati ber t' vetneut not .? • 284' Towo Hall liire11t,:14011o}iy_, IA' f'.1Totals ' 9,78,137 rst's4,571. Eiya wai a(iiyteta ire:islirerk Gott-, nine Of of ago when 'he cruel d 1,146 8,sis "'-.• - 2 11. mu • 10t.t) 2,97S 9311 - Gus WA`a:NEll liVindsor..10 10 -Ellinheth ,itirnarried cedered 'Wo)an, OF0,p, ttern to it tet, s Odd , Caly his• A woOdStod EftStened 'pieee,ef 61'r raitets :64hyr ett4:1•1•,1001'9,ts,(11; h, 1 11eck'haci steppedditift 4t0O1 iX!pgt,liersolf,"10 to*et or4tti 4.1i o' for a vi -a1 and!rei ecottie i4..:11er' 1."4•64A-," 41er0i 01(0 0001) she Afttv deduc4ng the ntajority of 9Jtal ma rit ee, 9,1032 the,;.,neti,AsSefiS4;1' 14-tik tee e s we are plea' ed'io.40ri-evering 111 era', Q I VIAit 1nAtIt 0 answ r h .tlumtforitv.,;the&bole Dornibiph ;sight111,ifgh 4§1 trildllopt of Voters:1, of i'17allact )c€1/^'1,23,8 B8 ripOrt 11'1pi404t4 '11 1(11 Tothi who this tt hl!' etre) nrg loved wtfe of Geo. Orossmen ae the ad,. 'armed age of 80 years abte was`otily" 111 some seven -Weeks, and was token away by the setond stroke of paraly sis together with her Sold age., Her place of birth waa in Devenshil, Eng., end she was born in. the :Yette ;1812. Besides her parviving husband she leaves ,beeindan only daughter, Mrs. Henry_ Warrent-botheof whonit live on 100 homestead. 1:100d'aPills euro ait over ills Mail- . ed for '2e.,', --by C. I: Hood Loatelt Flensall! D. Urquhart received the news of his fthers dtath, which oacureed recently. A telegraM fjTii* ht7li ofhr fathersowas sht had.teeald4,113cva, ' ioedima 66 el i,,sif,otgen site s -witett 1:02 r 0.1 ns e Ea i:7:8e sonie1,ren J:1. it:b offieo hero. It is needles.' to say. thAt Jan. the Wife et Ed‘vard houtc13, et manner never.racbcd-,tbe 01.,andobeye, on the 7th, 1Ir. Urquhart and family felNdeoply. nottonly the death, 'but also the • fact iolittsey.7-In Ailso'Crala,On;-SUnday, OW ; 'oili3eairlage of Cho .jti. 1st, the: oiai of R . RoiliSon, telogran; they were prevented. from :of a dau att dill the f neral Much svm A. big '24 -inch walerrnain broke. at Montreal, and the damage done by water is estimated aeI30,000, 4:bout Cataytt. It is cauittd by a cola or succession of colds, combined with impure blood, Its symptoms are pain in the head, diet- charge from tbe nose, ringing noises in the ears ,It le: eared by Hood's Sarsaparilla %vhich,vorifies and enriches the blood, suthes,..`.and rebuilds the tissues andrelleves Aft the. distrgreeble seneations. . Seaforth t. ' Mr. (II. t`'St,lair, Simp.tettr.,tforr•-ra Exc' erl On ' Jail lar.Y3 ,I','" -, son d-Ilrarted this life ',on Friday, Mirix ' Detijamin Vallack Ellibt/ ied' 84t;" irig. '..1 -lc dad beet/ fit for abotit' three eaTa. , . 1-• s t ' s , • • 4 't 14 etts with tinenmooia,,the reault cif a Slairso,ss, ...„170 Seaforth, on,:,Dettitia II sevccre cold, illid (is,,,;)couped .wtth 30th.,Chfrirloe Edmond ST A411r. ite;art wealtnet=s, prcysied'fol) latitelt t6i* ar 6()-1), aged .49 3 ears ii L4 6 mon4t. eoestiention newer very robust, Mr, 1 •Q, ' , i ,- ka45',il Si topsoil had beeii,:t resitlent f Se al - "11(4) \\ IN:— nr..,`&"11t, a °I) the:, t' ., fOrib fer;abo tw 6nty ca'ine g3 ' ' 1 hells hgn the Sea fo YE it .117.,bicv Of rho 001, 1)erit6411adi444)B144 „, \\k E4 Inv 6;11416, at&-, 1)4 1' aiso ;111.141. th 1for act ing man ger. ,He 1 Vheti .r 4now6 P4 14114 tye Initrep bh,q 0.3,1 tsittiAs ,8"; ' aisid 1 :r, tea,