HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-23, Page 8Winter Term opens Jau. 3, "99, I
Tannery. 1 hides 71 eeuts. at the Exeter
Central .Mr. Arthur G. Aileen of the Can
r alien Prat Fit+t Co., was in town alon-
eteti 1 day, eliquiring into the matter of es
ta!ilishiog works in this viciuity.
S'x'T'FOl , ONT.
Holds first place among the best
commercial sebools itx. Ontario: enjoys
a large patronage. Board cheap.
Write for beautiful catalogue.
'tire, J. Finest, PrinclpaL
Cash for hides at Exeter. Tannery.
We wish all our readers a merry,
merry Christmas.
Nomination for town council on Mon
day evening next.
10 cents pays for the ADvocATE to
Jan, 1st, 1899,
Yesterday a Wednesday) was the
shortest day of the year.
Try the ADv OCATE for Wedding
stationery. Latest designs,
pays for the ADVOCATE to Jan-
uary t _st, 1900. Subscribe now -
The Goderich Star issued a very
creditable Christmas edition last week.
The fatuous Oxford, Musical Club, oR
Roston, will appear here on Feb, 20tht
wieder the Oddfellows.
Rev, Dr. Beaumont will conduct sere
vices in the Trivia Memorial Chureh
en Sunday next, ;,Xwas, day.)
Mr. David Gilles, woo has been re-
siding on. the Lake Road, xtioved to
Centralia on Friday.
The Huron Poultry and Fat Stook
gasoeiattan will hold its annual show
in the town hall, Clinton, On the 24th,
2lth and 26th of January.
Messrs. Haggish and Delgat e of Can-
tralia, addressed the Epworth League
of the James Street iiethodist church,
on Tuesday eveutng last.
Try 14 inan's cough balsamfor
coughs, colds and brouchiat troubles.
Sole agent for Dick's Lung; Syrup.
C. Lt'r'c, Druggist.
R. Hicks has just received a full
stock of Silverware Nevetttea suitable
for Xmas gifts for both old and young.
It wilt be to the public's interest to give
him a call,
On Friday night last while Dr.
Browulug was making a eall on a
patient at AIr.,Nortbeott $ in Hay, his
horse winch lead been left tied out side,
ran away and finished up at its own
stable. No damage was done save the
incony enience to the Doctor.
Mr. Frank Harding, uutil recently a,
well known resident of London, and
known to many here, being a brother
of Mrs. Robt. Pickard, formerly of Ex-
eter, died in Detroit on Suoday, of
Bright's disease, of which he has been
laid up for the past fifteen months.
The following residents of Exeter
and vicinity came down on the ex
eursion from North Dakota, ou Friday:
Mr. Chris Hough and Mr. Geo Balsdou,
Cavelier; J. Prior, brother of Mr. Thos.
Prior; Mrs. F. Hancock, formerly Miss
T. Creech, and Mr. Sidney Hancock, of
Mrs Wilson McCann, of Bac, North
Dakota, a former resident of Exeter,
says:—We have had an exceptionally
fine winter here thus far, having ex-
perienced no blizzards as yet and we
have not had to house our stock. There
is just snow enough to make good
sleighing and at present the thermome-
ter registers 20 below zero, which is not
bad for North Dakota,
In picking poultry the feathers will
COMA out more readily if the carcass is
dipped in cold water and allowed to
drip. Then sprinkle finely pulverized
rosin over and among the feathers,
which causes them to stiek to the hands,
even the pin feathers coming out with
little difficulty. The common crude
rosin is best; about half a teaspoonful
for each fowl
A gond many people clean their side
walks particularly after every snow
fall, others do it once each winter or
less often Now it is of very little ben
efit to pedestrians if one man cleans
bis walk and his neighbor does not.
Please take the hint. Get your snow
shovel out and remove the surplus
snow or ice, not so much for the bene-
fit of pedestrians, but to give you an
appetite for your meals.
Of Miss Webb too much cannot be
said of her as a reader. Her power
over an audience is wonderful and this
combined with her beautiful and grace-
ful stage appearance, makes her a suc-
cess wherever she goes -Toronto Globe.
Mr. Hodsdon possesses a beautiful ten-
or voice of great volume and compass.
He fairy captivated the audience.—
Deseronto Tribtioe. Under Caven Pres-
byterian Endeavor January 13th.
Mr. Will Be Muirbead, writing the
St. Marys Journal from Saginaw, Mich.,
says the Saginaw Valley used to boast
cf the good wages paid in her district,
but many young' men of 20 years• get
the large sums of 50e. and 60c. per day
in the planing mills and other wood
working establishments. Married men
are paid very little more. A few poor
devils I have beard of receiving as low
as 75e. per day for shoving lumber in
a mill yard. Carpenters in Saginaw
are fortunate if they get a job at $1.50
per day,
Tr e Mitchell Advocate says; -Some
people seem to have 'little feeling for
their horses. It is no unusual thing to
tie horses to posts on Main street, where
they are leftstanding for hours at a
time. In cold weather this is cruelty
of the worst kind, and the Chief is de-
termined to put a stop to it in the
fee tire, The other day he had a Logan
farmer arraigned before Magistrate
Cull for allowing his team to stand on
the street for fully four hours, and a
fine of $1 and cnsts was imposed. This
should be a lesson to others, and we
hope those who are in the habit or 'er-
ring in this respect will take warning, ' as about $200,
A portion of the Main street Metho-
dist church sheds.uuder thebeavy coat
ing of snow, collapsed on Tuesday.
Mr 1), 13raund's shed also collapsed
front the same cause.
orae ltiiaa
A large stock of first-class horse
blankets at the Exeter Woollen Mill.
Will exchange for cask or wood.
The co -to -date Mather
To keep iu liue with the cities Mr. E.
H. Fish has just put in a new revolt'.
inee chair with all the latest improve -
Rlarl:to,yu C, v4•lle,
The Darktaw n Swells appeared to a
good house here Monday night, under Three Cornered teige.e.
the auspices of the Exeter Firemen, Monday last was icor ination day- for
noteszthstaudin g the very disagreeable County Couucil The electorate was
eight, the show is one of the best well represented, the hall being cone -
minstrel organizations on the road. It fortably filled, At precisely thee o'clock
is varied and unique, and ou the whole in she afternoon 11r, C. Prouty. nomin-
very eu'o �ahie, rho jokes were good
and evoked
3 J g atin;n officer, of Stt�pht'n, took the chair
ked roars of laughter through . and asked for nominations, which, ow
out the entire evening. The lime- ing to the reeeut change in the law,
light views were remarkably distinct were requested to be made in writing
and interesting. and the negro malod. and accordingly were made iu that
ies were much appreciated, iRp way, When the hour lie expired
d t ha
Lecture. following nominations were wade, viz;
The Rev, J. T. Kerrie, of Mitchell,. DRollins. Donald McInnes, S. Sanders
gave his famous lecture on bis travels Robt Sauders,'4V G 13fssett, ,lobo Det.
through South America, under the atm bridge, Wet. Lewis and Wm. Bawden
pices of the Trivitt Memorial church, id The nominations over Mr. Prouty was
llidley's Opera Reuse, an Friday night, elected to preside over the tweeting,
last. Unfortunately be was not greet The old councillors, Dr, Roilitos and 11r.
ed with a large attendance, but those D. McInnes, being. present, were called
present were welt repaid for their troch upon togiveaccount oftheir stewardship
le and had the pleasure of listentug to during the past two years, which shay
outs of the best lectures ever delivered did very briefly, showing that the man
in Exeter. It was indeed a model and agement of the county affairs bad been
well and economically carried out; that
the expenditure during the past two
years were the lowest in the history of
the county and financially. the county
was never in better shape that at the
present time. The remaining nominees
were called in order and each present
responded in a brief and interesting ad
dress. The following spoke ;--,.Samuel
Sanders, (Stephen,) W Bawden, J. Del
bridge and William Lewis At the
statutory time for receiving resigna-
tions alt had,withdrawrt from the con.
test with the e.xceptiou of Dr. Rallies
Donald Melones and John Delbridge,;
thus making a three -cornered light.
Exeter $eltoot Report.
Class A—.Anna Martin, Fred Sanders
May Armstrong, Herbert Pickard; class
B -Frank Zinger, Russell Fravne, Edna
McCallum, Willie Wilson; Class 0--
Fiorence Bissett, Saar Thomas, Willie
Muir. No. on roll $7. average attend.
once 27. Sr IV -Eva Batkwill and May
Clark equal, Nina Carling Edna David
son Carrie Dyer, Evelyn. Gill, Harry
Huston ; J r, IV --Ruby Treble, Annie
Brimacombe, Beatrice Luker and Dolly
Dickson equal, Winnie Carling, Millie
Martin, Ettie Kerslake No, on roll 52,
average 40. Sr. IU --Jessie Cameron,
Alvin Brinlnell, Mary Parsons, Della
Treble, Herby Horsell. Wesley Snell;
Jr. III—Gerty Trevethiek, Fred Trove -
thick, Mattis Brown, Roy Farmer, Mtn
Hooper, Edna Folliek and Elmore Sen-
ior equal. No. on roll 50, average 47.
Sr. IU—Harry Zinger, Clara Ross, Wit -
Ile Murry, Harold Collins, Olive Elliott,
Georgie Hyndman; Jr. III—Mand
Quance, Martha Carling, Willie How-
ard, Martha Snell, Elsie Sutton, Lily
Acheson, No. on roll 57, average 48.
Sr. II—Dyer Hurdon, Stella Spackman,
Roy Ford, Wesley Pharr, Bertha Snell,
Wilbur Bissett; Jr. II—Lillian Towle,
Frank Howard, Winnie Huston, hector
Heywood, Rothe Brown, Sweyn Peter-
son, No. on roll 61, average 41. Sr.
II—Alice Howard, Netto Freyae, Frank
Bawden, Clifford Spackman, Jennie
Welsh, Richard. Gidlev; Jr. II—Forest
Crews, Albert Lang, Chas. Driukwater,
Emma Halls, Hugh McKay, Erle Speck -
man. No on roll 53, average 42. Sr.
II—Doliie Davidson, Irene O'Neil, Viola
Sutton„Arthur Cann, Nelson Vale, Ida
Cottel. Mid II—Harry Rendle, Mabel
Piper, Willie Moore, Linnie Fulton. No.
on roll 52, average 35.
Connell Proceedings.
Council met per statute at Town
Hall, Exeter, Dec. 15th, 1898. All
present. Minutes of previous meeting
read and confirmed, Messrs. Bowie,
Young and others waited on the Coun-
cil asking refund of dng tax. On
motion of E Christie, seconded by W.
fort - feet d • G Bissett, the matter was laid over f
The Jaaua. y Number
I'heJae.uary e.n nert' of the Deltn
eator is call d the Holiday Number,
and hcraald� she, tl•tytz,ne's Ctti'ttnt� sev-
euth iear of exie'et,ct• as the most ac
complete at d coplete index of the re.
qutremruts of tashiee and medium of
household and social ieformation. Che
high literary character of the. publi-
catious ty pitied in this by a number of
features of marked excellence. The
first of.a series of six papers on, ''The
Developmeut of a Boy,” by Mrs. Alice
1layuetl, treats in a delightful way of.
early evidences of entisciousness, An.
Extraorditlary Le aey," by Alin Rabe
sou Browu, and. " A Bachelor of Arts,"
by Jeanie Drake, two *lever sbort
stories, have a eliarmitag holiday flavor;
also the usual store of helpful know-
ledge to the household. Address, The
Deliueator Publiahiug Co., 88 Rich-
mond St West, l'orouto
although be talked for over two hours
there was not the least sign of restless-
neas in the audience The speaker is
humorous enough to make his lecture
one of great interest. The tableaux
ware also much appreciated,
Been:tress Change
.A very important business change
took place here last week whereby Exe-
ter and the surrounding country^ will
be greatly benetfted, 1Ve refer to the
purchase of the saw mill property on
Huron street owned by Mrs„John Gould
by the Sutherland Iuues Co., I.iwited)
of Chatham The w proprietors pur-
pose equipping the mill with new,
up to date machinery and otherwise
improving the property to earry on au
extensive stave factory. An immense
number of logs will be required every
season to meet the demand and between
fifteen and twenty meu employed daily.
Mr. Gus, Wagner will have the mail
agement of the concern,,who will be
found courteous and genial and a
gentleman of good business prineiples.
See i' ad ” is another Column.
Feat Viotti.
The question of u ilizing our peat
lauds to supply a fat 1 for all purposes
that coal is now used' for, is being
brought to public attention by the pat-
entees of the new Dickson Process for
compressing the crude article into a
marketable fuel. An exhibition will
be arranged In. Toronto for all.who
wish to see the machine doing its work,
on applying to Mr. A. A. Dickson, Or-
ganization Dept. of Canadian Peat
Fuel Co., 110 Adelaide St„ Toronto.
It is proposed to organize a company
or companies for the manufacture and
sale, under exclusive rights, of the new
fuel in the counties of Huron, Perth,
Bruce and Oxford, with pcssihly an ex-
tension of market to Middlesex. Un-
der this bead apply to Mr. A, G. Ardagh
at above address,
A Serious Accident.
An accident which might have been
attended with appaling results happen-
ed a little north of the depot here on
Monday evening last. Wm. Kelly, of
Biddulph, who, ft is reported, was un
der the influence of liquor, drove down
to the depot and while there his team
took fright at the freigt train standing
in the yard .and ran away. Kelly hung
on the best he could hut did not succeed
in bringing them to a standstill until
they reached the large bridge spanning
the river Here, the a pparently crazy
fellow, urged the team on until nearly
half way over the bridge when one of
the poor brutes got between the sleep.
ers and the other in trying to free itself
rolled out over the bridge and fell into
the river below, a distance of about
y g from its injuries a or
short time afterwards. The other horse lfuture consideration. Mr. A. G. Dyer.
and sleigh were removed from off the on behalf of the Stephen & Usborne
bridge just in time to avoid being Agricultural Society, asked for the re
crashed into by the south bound train, fund of taxes on the Society's grounds.
which, if it had been on time, would On motion of J. Evans, seconded by
certainly have been the result. This Wm. Harding, Mr. Dyer's request was
is the second narrow escape for Kelly, granted. A proposal from the Suther-
he having been the victim of a shoot- land Innes Co,, of Chatham, agreeing
ing affray at Centralia some time ago. to build and operate a stave factory,
James Street Methodist Church. employing not less than fifteen men
six months in the year, for a term of
At a trustee meeting held Dec. 14th, fifteen years, providing the Council of
the following appointments were made this municipality agree to exempt the
for the ensuing year: Miss Edith Brown said Sutherland Tunes Co. from all
was reappointed organist. The Pastor taxes, save and except the school rate
and Board spoke warmly of her ability on their mill property, (known as the
and faithfulness. II:Ir. W. J. Ford was Gould Mill property) was accepted, on
reappointed choir leader The Board motion of W. G. Bissett, seconded by E.
expressed its appreciation in the follow- Christie. Harding; -Evans, that the
ingresolution esoluti on : Moved by T. B. Carling following accounts be passed and orders
and seconded by Geo. Thomas, "That drawn: on Treasurer for same: A, Cot
this Board desires to place on record its tle, wagon jack, 75e.; Mrs. D. Braund,
high appreciation of the labors of the rent of land for engine house, $2.00;
choir leader during the past year. At Electric Light & Power Compauy, ac•
the request of the pastor 17r. Ford un- count to Dec. 1st, $79.91; Jno. Grigg,
dertook the work without the opportun-
ity for special preparation, and without Hamilton, repairs for scales, $5.00;
expectation of financial reward. The Fred. Haist, tile, $636; A. G. Dyer, re -
congregation at large, as well as this fund of taxes, Agricultural Society,
Board, appreciate the self denying $15.50: Geo. H. Bissett, salary to Jan.
work done and his success as a leader. 1,'99, $16.65; S. Handford, snow plow
We hereby extend our thanks to Mr, ing, $4.00; Semi Sanders, salary as
Ford and also tothe choir for the man- treasurer, $40.00. -Carried, Bissett—
Der in which the musical pat of the Christie, that the time for return of
public services has been conducted." Collector's Roll be extended to Jan'y
This resolution was fall( w :d by anoth 15, 1899 -Carried. Bissett -Evans,
er, presenting Mr. Ford with twenty-, that the Reeve and Treasurer's Finan.
five dollars as an expression of good 'tial Statement as presented be adopted.
will, Mr. Frank .Gill was also .reap .`_Carried. Hardin Christie, that
pointed ae sexton The financial re the Council adjourn o meet at call of
port of the .anreversarq was reported
GEo. H. BISSETT, Clerk.
While we go to press we learn of
the death of Mr, Wen Brooks, Exeter
North, he having tied of consumption
yesterday (Wed ) about four o'clock.
'1't, Sax zu $easarth..
The Seaforth Athletic Association
have signed Jack Daley, of Canada,
and Jack Williams,. of Buffalo, to spar
ten rounds for a decision iu Seaforth on
rhe 26th lust,
Cheistmas Serviees,
Dr, Willoughby announced last Sab-
bath that the sormong and the music
in James Street church next Sabbath
would be appropriate for Christmas day.
The choir will render several Christmas
Anthems, ehorztses and solos.
Personal Mention,
Mr, Wm, Brooks, Exeter North, is in
a very low condition,
Miss Edith Beer leaves to -day for
Glencoe to visit friends
Mr. A. Davidson, of Melborne, is home
to spend, the Christmas holidays.
Miss Charlotte Dearing, of Brumfield,
is visiting her parents in Stephen.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Murdock, of Lu-
Ganspent Sa. da =
, n � with h friends here.
Diss Ethel Sweet, who spent the mil-
linery season in Seaforth, has returned
Air. A. Ramsay, of the Veterinary
Cotleweeps,ge, Toronto, is han�e for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Redmond and family,
of Marlette, Mich,, are the guests of Mr.
Thos. Elliott,
Mrs ;Dr) Harrison, of Detroit, is
speeding u• few weekss with her mother,
Mrs M. A Fanson,
\ir, Wm. llrowning', of McGill Uni-
varsity*, Montreal, is home to spend the
Christmas holidays,
Miss May Stanley, of Listowell, who
was the guest of Miss Lydia Quanoe,
returned home ;Monday,
Mrs. (Rev.) Hunt, of Lansing, Mich.,
is visaing friends, in. Exeter and rela-
tives in Brussels this week,
Mr Hawitt,of Huron C- liege, Lon-
don, occupied the pulpit in the Trivia
Memorial churchvery acceptably on
Suoday last.
Miss Kittle Dearing, of Stephen, whe'
has been Olt a three mouths' visit to
friends and reletives in Marlette, Mich.,
has returned home.
Mr,. Geo. Brooks, of Killarney*. Man•,
who was summoned home awing to the SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10.
ITt.. CK''
Isnow full and complete, We show an immense
range of fancy novelties suitable for Xmas presents, Corrie
to us for your Xmasoods, and see what
�' CASH and
0 N E P R 1 O E does, It's a wonder worker,.. .
se, to 75c. for lovely lifelike Dolls. Just as
pretty as can be, Bring the little tots in
and let them see our family of happy look-
ing dolts.
6dc. to $1.25 fora lovely range of fancy al.
bums, alt new celluloid covers with fancy Sr.00 each for black or grey fur neck ruffs -
tinted gold decorations. Very stylish and nifty.
for a '
15c,, 550. and 35c, for new and popular plc- ; $lo,00 Electric Seal. Caper]ne with fu.%,
tore books, Just the thing for Santa roil storm collar- Latest Style,
65c, and 255c, f,,r two new titles of very fins an Fur Capes, Choicest qualities.
finished Groktnole Boards, Extra Value,
515, 610 and Sza for Ladies' Black A—strach.-
15c, each for your choice of aoo popular
cloth bound books, all by good authors,
a soap, x5c 7 for,§r,00.
85e. to Orme for misses' and ladies' grey or
black Berl lamb gauntlets. A Snap,
01.,25 for gents' black curl drivinggauntlets.
Special Value,
08,75 fee ladies' black Astrachan or grey
Persian Lamb gauntlets. Lovely goods,
$31,,0o ter Ladies' Dark Coon Goats, This
is the most stylish and best wearing fur
coat in the trade,
5 a5. for .hildren's Grey Persian Lamb
Caps. Regular Value .$3 as,
Y"esa we have the choicest stock, of Black,
Dress Goods we have, ever shown. Y oz 'UU miss it
if you don't see our stock for Xmas. z,c s. , ,•
NOTE Stores open every evening till after holidays,
We made a large purchase of 25 Dinner Sets, which will
be opened for inspection on ,
serious illness of his father, arrived
here Tuesday evening
Miss Eva Snell, of Killarney, Marts
formerly of Exeter, arrived here Tues
day and will spend the winter with
friends and relatives,
Mr. Walter Poole, who has been a
resident of Exeter for several years,
left last evening (Wed.) for the Old
Country, where he intends remaining.
Mr. John Dearing, of Silver Wood,
Mich., Mr. Wm. Cornish and family, of
Lamott, Mich., Air. Hy. Heist and
daughters, of Marlette, Mich., are visit
friends in Stephen.
Shipka: We regret to state that Mrs.
J. McPhee is at present seriously ill.
with inflammation of the lungs.
Wingham: A quiet wedding was
held at the home of Mr. A. W. Webster,
on Wednesday evening, when her sis-
ter, Miss Susan M. Webster was united
in marriage to Me Thos, H. Fades, of
Brussels, formerly of this town. 'The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
D. Perris,
Mitchell: Mrs. Thos. l7ulheron, who
left Mitchell a few years ago for De-
trbit, .immediately, after the death of
her husband, died on Tuesday last, and
her body was brought to Mitchell, and
was interred in the Methodist ceme-
tery last Thursday afternoon. Deceas-
ed was an old settler of this town.
Seaforth: John McGregor, only son
of Mr. Duncan McGregor, of McKillop,
died on Wednesday of last week. He
took a severe cold about four weeks
ago. This developed into congestion
of the lungs, which, after a severe
struggle, proved fatal, despite alt that
medical skill and kind nursing could
do for him. For nearly two weeks he
was uneonseious. He was a bright,
intelligent, robust young man, twenty-
wentyfive years of age, and was beloved by
all who knew him.
'IF e
The undersigned has op-
pened up a new Meat Market
where he will keep the choic-
est of meats constantly on
John T. Manning.
Are now ready to do business with
the Public generally, All kinds of
Flour, Feed and mill 'stuff for sale at.
Leave your orders at the mill. We
delivery every day to any part of the'.
town free. We hope you will help us
to make a success of the business which
means a success for the town.
Highest Prices . pais. for
Wheat at all limes.`
These goods aresuaranteed not to cheek by heat or wear,
stipled with gold, are in colors of green, blue, pink
and brown. They are the products of one of the best
manufacturers in England, and are worth ,$12.00 an
place, but we will dispose of them to you for $9,00y
5000 Braili Rags purchased from the Canadian
dills Clompany l Cotton
Ready-to-wear Suits and Overcoats at low prices.
New York Jackets that arestylisb, warm and cheap. ,
.---The Big Clothier,
"The Hang -dog Expression"
looks of a " ready made,"" hand-
me-down " suit of clothes is
enough to disgust the Prince of
A tailor-made suit cut. made
and fitted to the contour of your
form is certaia to look right.
Parts of machinery which
accurately fits withstand se-
vere service and parts that do
not fit wear out quickest,
Same with clothes. Choose
your cloth and we do the rest.
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight.
Having opened out a well equipped
Shop I am now prepared to do all kinds
of repairing such as
In fact everything and anything. We
make a specialty of remodelling Bicy-
cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at
this time of the year, -
One door north Mr. Stewart's -store
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left atHawkshaW s
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Stand
will receive prompt at-
tention. . . ,
1 erms Reasonable
To the opposite side of the street,
one door north of R. Pickard's
store, where he will keep a full
selection of all kinds of
Preah and Salt Moats,
Poultry and game in
season, Sausage
and Bologna.
Also healer in Irides Sheep and
Calf Skins.
One door North of R. Pickard's storo.
Yes, Webster's dictionary . con-
tains a store of knowledge. but
you may read it from start to
finish, and it won'ttell you
where you can buy cheap and
the best furniture.
We have everything you need,
from a hat peg to the largest
piece of furniture, and best of
it is that prices are away down.
Undertaking a Specialty.
R. $. ROWE.
The Maisons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital , , $2,000,000
Rest Fund. 1,500,000
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced to .rood Farmers on theme
own notes wit!. one or more endorsers at "7
percent per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m.to 3 p
m., Saturdays 7.0 a, re. to 1 p. m
general banking businesstransacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 5
per cent.