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The Two-Thircis Majority of the
U.S. Senate Unattainable.
TBURSD . •. DEC. 22, 1895,
Congress may Pars It Ile(ore )larch
Pont Plek quarrels before they ars
Don't attempt to gain, timet by steal -
/sag it it from steep.
Don't try to get the last word when
talking with, a woman,
Don't drop /awning remarks*. A big, Washington, Deo. 10, -Material pro-
leer triad[ may pick deem up, grecs in the negotiations was made at the
Don't think your sins weal can sl.gaia
meeting of the commission ma Saturday
they find you out. morning, anti at its close the announce-
Deeet think lire :use a man ie a pmt [neat was made that the conference
lee eanet alppreeettc^ lobster salad. would resuwe its work after the Christ -
Don't try to ninke a man. eat itis own mas ,.ecees an Thursday, an, 5. The
words. Some men would rather fight Anel Tweeting before adjournment will be
Chan eat• baht this morning,, The intention of the
Don't you
be:i( yi• tile[ it's hard to be eenunissioners is to push; the work elm:4g
poor, Itga the (::,',est thinin the together again. Its rapidly asble is confidently stz.fter theated
world- that; by the end of ,Nunnery, et cite
n. t'n sP
t1Mc k tae .t. t
a man SS a. Plait- furthest, the negotiations will be caui-
Iiouaire that he arifi'ers less with the pleted, and that the treaty will go before
tootuaehe than a l,uor man. the United States Senate for rata:cation.
by the kegiuning of February, This will
lesiva a clear month for action before
Congress rifts cal March 4; and }n view
of the thorough manner in which the
interest of the Senators has been aroused
there Is every reason to believe that the.
treaty will be retitled betoee -harsh 4.
-he eipanish peace treaty will be laid
before the Senate when it meets on ,lnnu-
ary e, and it should be out of .be way
by the time the British treaty is ready.
It. however, the (lobate on the Spanish
treaty Is prolonged into auanti•ozpausion
fight. there is aerials dgnger thllii the
British treaey may go over to the Decem-
ber seselon of 189;e, the feeling against an
ostr.e seselon being so greet that there .is
with whom a chronic htate of morbid des- little probability of one being culled,
pendency and Lack of interest in life is a 1 terve Latnh,.r Defeated.
disease, and, by treuquiliziug the -nerves, I ,ito.aes , ice emesstie ..voted, it its
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep- add that at the 'fleeting of the commis -
Imparts vigor to the action of tbe blood, sion of Saturday an announceinene was
which, being stimulated, courses through- made that the approval of the nein-Seery
out the veins, strengthening the healthy two•tbirds majority of the Senate could
tentheel functions Of the system, ;hereby not ba obtainedto the free admission of
Snaking activity a necessary result, Canadian lumber, and that a treaty with
ltrrn„theninieehe trams, and giving fife such a pray/aloe in Is would be fora -
to the digestive organs, which naturally doomed to failure, Were it a question of
demand xnereaaed suh-tauce-result, jun. a niaoritl• vote, free lumber scull safely
Troved appetite. \urthrop Ss Lyman of be included, but the treaty as a whole
oronto, have given to the public their ]oust et the su ort of 91 Senators, • n
g Ap b , a d
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, the lumber interest htis,it is asserted here,
rend, gauged by the apin.on of scientists, proved stronger than that of the Adminis-
t11is trine approaches nearest perfection of , trauma, While free lumber 'menet; be
any intho market. Alldruggists soilit. forced through, it is understood tt.nt, if
Cover* far ell iiitrater, Books. Canada Carse to accept, the duty will be
When the children)" favorite book reduced from $:3 to $1 per thousand at
grows shabby, it may be renovated by once, or a gliding scale at reduction quay
giving it an embroidered cover. Cut a be inaugurated which would ultimately
result after a series of years in free lam -
piece 01 brown holland or one of the her. Ourcommissioners are extremely
pretty art linens two inches wider and reticent in their views as to these pru-
four inches Longer than the book. Turn peseta, and will doubtless not make up
in an inch at the top and bottom, acrd their minds till they return to Wushing-
areitsure the linen earefully around the ton after vonsultation with their friends
book, turning the extra length inside. 1 in Canada.
Beat/ this to the outside,forming a kited Canadian flay to ]le Admitted.
of pocketat each end Tote which the Montreal, Doc. 19 -The Star's Wash
afb -
cover is slipped. The linen, many be d'e•
Inepeclal says: Some rainy import•
4cornted with any simple device in ern. • ant concessions aro expected in agricu)-
bmidery, a wreath of holly berries and tural products, it being practically certain
leaves, with the owner's initials in the that Canadian hay will receive entrance
'middle. or a monogram, or the nein of . to the American market free of duty.
the book. -December Teediea' Rome ^ Concessions also in the matter of lead
7orrna1. ores, coal and nickel aro believed to have
been practically promised by the Aniori-
Dyspepsia or Indigestion is occasioned can commissioners.
by the want of action in the biliary ducts,
loss of vitality in the stomach tosecret the PULIMANT'S BARB L"It BOYCOTTED.
gastric juices, without which digestion.
tannotgo on; also, being tie principal Rained by Ills Employer's Employes Re
rause of Headache. Parmelee"s Vegetable was Forgotten by the Millionaire.
Pills taken before going tobed,torawhile, Chicago, Deo. 19. --Because of bis
never fail to give relief and effect a cure. fidelity to George M. Pullman, Frantz
ler. F. W. Ashdown, Ashdown, Ont., ootoh, for 16 years bis barber and con -
'writes: Parmelee's Pills are taking the fldant, is practically a bankrupt During
lead against ten other makes wbiehl have the great Pullman strike of '94 when the
In stock.”Pullman mansion was guarded by police
The Rens :teed Variety. night and day, Scotch was the only one
Iretead of feeding reheat every day, outside the family admitted inside. The
the grain may be varied by simply al -strikers demanded that Scotch tell them
lowing one kind of grain, each day. refLand shoput his ab employer. Ile
Oats mn • be refused, and bis at Wabash avenue
given the first day, Corn and Sixteenth street was boycotted. He
the next and wheat the next. The cost was forced to move to another ),lace, but
of food will be about the same as if but failed to get any trade here. When 37s
one kind is given, but the fowls will Pullman heard of this he promised to set
enjoy the changes of grain and keep in Scotch up in business downtown, but hs
better health. If meat, milk and bulky died before the plan was carried out, and
food are also added to this ration, the Scoton was refused the $500 loft to all
,hens should lay, provided they the
"household servants" in tae Pullman
warm quarters an.) are not overfed. Va- will Boycotted and broke, Scotch will
riety should alwuys be the rule, for move to some Wisconsin town to -day and
even the grains differ in their compo -
start life anew,
sition, t
Although There la a Possibility That
the Spanish Debate May Crowd
It Over Gatti Dec,, 1809-.
1'be Christmas Adjourn.
There never tire[ :tnat never will be, t+.
alntzersai panacea, ;^t one remedy, for till
Wel to wl►.eh tle'.:t t, t>eilt•- the very nature
etmany curatives Ling such that were
the germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in :;e system of the
Patient -what wr,u!j relieve One ill itt
turn would aggravate tba other. We
heves however; iu Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for limey and grevious ills.
By its gradual and judicious use, the
frailest systems are tell into convalescence
mud strength, by the inAnencewhich qui-
nine exerts ou Nature'» own restoratives.
Itrelievea the drooping spirits of those
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All C.P.In. Official Says G.T.S. Is Well Able
Druggists refund the money if It aiIato cure. 25o to Fight a Strike.
Misunderstood. l Montreal, Deo. 19.--A high Canadian
Baron (suspiciously) ---Somebody must Pacific oftoiai stated yesterday that the
drink rey wine! Grand Trunk was in gond shape to tight
Footman (aocommodating)-Well Herr a strike if one should be ordered.
Baron, it you order it, I'll drink it for Mr. Powell was Seen yesterday, and
boa.-Hutnoristische Blatter. while careful to insist upon tbe point
that no absolute ultimatum had been
served on the general manager, be
announced that the meeting which was
to have taken place Saturday afternoon
bad been adjourned until 11 o'clock this
Mr. Hays will then be called upon to
answer definitely whether the Tele-
graphers' tlnion will be recognized or
not. If it is recognized the men are pre.
pared to discuss .their grievances in a
temperate and conciliatory manner. If
she union .e net recognized, they are
equally prepared to resort to labor's last
resource -a strike.
ilinard's Liniment is used by Physicians,
Tell the Deaf. --Mr. J. F. Rellock
Druggist, Perth, writes: "A customer of
)nine having been cured of deafness by the
use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011, wrote to
Ireland, telling his friends there of the
sure. In consequence I received an order
to send half a dozen by express to Wes-
eslord, Ireland, this week."
Looks Like a Magical Watch.
A curious -watch has been brought out
In France. The dial ia transparent, bat
there are no works behind it and the
hands appear to move by magic. The
secret lies in concealing the works at
the edge of the case and com'mnmicat
bag the motion to the :hands by means
of a glass disc.
-Ask for Minerd's. Liniment and: take no other
Fetid ,t„i•a,y;,• of Eggs.
Cold storage enables those who
handle large numbers of eggs to hold
them until pekoes are higher, which is
regarded unrfevorably by farmers who
have fresh eggs for sale. On the other
'side, the cold storage of eggs 'relieves
the market of the surplus stock when
}vrices are low, which, lit Least prevents
a Ices to some. The fact is, however,
that the farmer who bus, •str3etly :fresh ' Acetylene Gus Explosion.
eggs can always get good prices for Calgary,: Deo 19. -Alfred Head otos
them if he will build up a trade for him- fatally injuled and sited Saturday night
self in the eerarest town, as no family through an .explosion of _actyleno gas,
will buy cold storage eggs .in preference wbiob occurred while be was trying to
to those newly laid. locate a leak with a match.
Simeon Cznby Charged With Ttnreiering
Boechko and Iiia Five Children.
Winnipeg, Deo, 19.--A Dominion City
' despatob to the Free Press says Simeon
Czuby was arrested there Saturday night
eharged with the murder of Wasul
Boechke_and his five children six weeks
ago at Stuartbarn, Galician settlement.
The prisoner will be brought to Winnie
peg to -day.
The tragedy was a particularly horrible
one. At first the' wife and mother was
suspected to have taken a hand in it
The man and his children were killed
with an ax, ani the home presented a
bloody spectacle' when the crime was dis-
Wheat Futures Drooped on Both liver
pool and (:hicag.. Boards,Local
Markets, The Latest Quot,itions,
Saturday evening, Dee. 17..
• All wbeat w areetS today tegletered i'e-
actions from rec-eot steady advances.. Liver-
pool futures elesed sed t0 %,1 per cental
lower than yesterdity,
Voris wheat chased 10 cenUsnes higher ;o
10 lower. with dour 10 centimes lower.
Chicago futures closed a cettt a bachei
lower for the day for the December and
May options, and lees lower for the .lair.
L,et4ding 'Wheat 3iurla;ets,
roliovviiig are the closing prices today at
important eenttes
ChicagoCash. Dec, May. 'len. ik`or a so us% $0 GGTCC so U %
lefitrvaut,ee 0 914 o . 0 .,.,
St. I ouls , te i,'90 09 70!, 0'O•'01itt
...., 0 9914 a 7(y' ..,
Detroit; . 0 aSSe, Q O 70 °,•"
Northern.0 02Fe p Mee 0 G5?fi
Duluth. No. 1 -
hard , Q C;lee •
Minneapolis ,,, • (;.,1 ,, 0 65
Toronto. No. 1 *
hard Mew). 0 79
Toronto. red. 0 07 .-..
Toronto St, Lawrence 1i,trxset,
Receipt, of farm nx.'dote were I,ir to.
dar--..r.;o bushels of grain. 40 loads of bay.
5 loots or etrow, a fair I'Um' e•r of 'leeee d
hoes, a plentiful sa,l,?t1y of butter un4 pout -
with . r c •
it 't t-
inr. ,
ti •ext
u of't• ;
k .l
� atm hid
egm, entttpart>d, with that of, lust week.
Wheat tt .teaely.G.UO bushels sett li •at &now-
lni.. nr :roc: White 08eee red wove goose
6G':.,c to 67e.
Barley Orates, £'fxl bushels sold at 49z to
teats steady. 1000 busbels sold at 110/ee
to els.
let•)ttvheat, 100 leg -heel sold at 40x.
Uwe steady. thnothy snit} .at .59 to $10 per
ton, and clover at Stu to g740.
Straw, nnehangrti. at 50 to 57 per ton,
lin: a, dressed, nearltet easy at $5 to $5.25
per ewt.
Potatoes 25e to erte per bag. •
]cutter ISe to 244e for the bulk, and 91e
to 22e for Nrieliat Lets of t'r the dater lbs.
a n little eager, at 35e to •Hie for
strictly new laid.
pottititr grin ut fnfnwing pric'ee: Turkeys
no to lie ner Th, geese iitin, tt1 We. dunks
fide to ntla Der pair. ehl(4ens 40e to 7tee a
East Inhale[ Cattle Market,
East Buffalo, Dot 1T, -Cattle -lune on
gala. (`awes in ilght supply, fair deneaud.
steady. (Thole* to extra. $0.75 to 57: gond.
to (tliefte 50 to 541.51.
'...%i 1 And abs-- i e4etttt'ell loads of
gonrl.snarke tt r riy at i:yc,andpriecs higher,
(..tutee to extra[ l,.tuh , $5.40 to giet0; guod
t" t•Ilrltee. 55.21 to 45.40; common En lair
Sheep-'( leo ee to extra Si to
$4,2.,: 4'otntnall to faDr. 52.50 to 5; :, 1, Can. lambs were quire, hazels 55.50 [with A
fair demand,
llrittmit elarleets.
Liverpool,Tlee. 17. -412e10., --No. 1 Cal,, 00
fitot-1:: rel winter, G, 'al Nn, 1 Northern.
spring. Gs ill: corn, 0' I4I' d; peas. 55s 104:
markt lits: lar,i.:,N4: taliaw :,'en ;Id; bacon.
heavy. I.e., 2S, tight g'7s• short cut.28s Gd;
cheese: wite 47 • G4: colored. iSs.
Liverpool --t la e• -nett wheat iir:n. with
No. 1 'Northern et a. 141; red winter at G+
tri; red whiter futures, 5a 11 ed far Ilex, ns
1Oe:',d for Mare!) and 5e Slid fax May. Feta
maize rtufot at 3s noel., 1''atere. quiet at
3s 109.1 for Dec, and 3s 81id for iliareb,
Flour 19es.
Several Essex Conn ea Will llatve to
Ito Remarried.
Windsor, Ont., Deo. 19. -Referring to
tho decision of tho Attorney -General of
Ontario that a marriage performed in
Ontario by a minister who iii a resident
of the United Status Is not legal, Rey.
John Reynolds. who had long been a
restident or Ontario, but who hos been
living in Detroit far several gears, has
bean in the habit of returning to this
country to perforin marriages among hie
old parishioners Some one questioned
the validity of these marriages and, after
much discussion, it was referred to the
Attorney -General. There is said to be
several couples in Essex County who are
affected by this deoibian, and must now
either break up housekeeping or got mar -
Mad over again.
Fire on Saturday did $3,000 damage to
the Ontario Wind Engine & Pump Co.'s
premises in Toronto.
A fire In the Yeoman Block, the
lower floor of which is occupied by the
extensive dry goods establishment of
Radion & Kemp, at Fresno, Cal., nas
caused a loss of about $350,000.
On Saturday night a large frame house
on B,leeker avenue, Belleville, owned by
Mr. Warren of Montreal, was totally
destroyed. Mr. Victor Wensley, the ton•
ant, who is a dealer in bicycles, lost 20
wheals and all Ms household effects.
Insured for $1,700. Loss on building
$1,200. Insured.
Justice nt the Sessions.
Toronto, Dos, 19. -In the Criminal
Sessions on Saturday morning judge
McDougall passed sentence on the pri-
soners convicted during the sittings as
Charles Datoe, theft and two oases of
cattle stealing, seven years in Kingston
Dugald Moleinnon, receiving the stolon
cattle, 18 months in the Central Prison.
Edward Hartnett, convicted of shoot-
ing Hugh Sheridan, was fined $15 or one
month in jail
They Did ;Not Vote.
Galt, Ont., Deo. 19. -Tho bylaw which
was to be voted on on Saturday to sanc-
tion the issue of debentures for $67,760
to acquire the Gait Gas Light Company's
property was withdrawn from the people
by the Council at 'Thursday night's
meeting, owing to supposed irregularity
in the form of the bylaw, discovered
atter its had got the neOes£ary reading in
Council. The Mayor, fearing possible
lawsuits, decided to, if possible, withdraw
the bungled bylaw and introduce a new
one, which was done The new bylaw is
to go to a vote on elan. 9.
Contractor Jelin O'Leary Milled.
Nelson, B.C., Deo. 19. --.Toon O'Leary,
a well-known railway contractor, was
killed on Saturday on the Robson
Penticton .Railway, upon which bo had a
sub -contract. While scperintending the
lowering ot. a large stoneinto place one
of tbe guy ropes of the derrick broke.
The mast of the derrick swung down-
wards, pinning the unfortunate man to
the ground, and injuring him so severely
that he died 20 minutes later. Deceased
was a native of Maine.
The Gaspesia Has Arrived.
Paspehiao, One., Dec. 19. -The SS.
Gaspesia arrived off Paspebiao at 9.26
a.m., and steamed to New Carlisle, where
the preparations have been ,made to land
passengers and discharge cargo. Tho
weather is very mild, and the bay is
clear of ice.
She hiid on beard 57 intermediate and
53 steerage passei,gers, all principally for
New York. They are Russian, German
and Polish Jews.
Alone at Christmas.
la this age of organizations innumer-
able. there is room, for one more, it is
for an organization which would bring
together, espeeinily on Christmas. those
who are alone in, the world, particnlarly
women who are alone. 1 do not think
that many of us who hare our kin clos-
est to as on Christmas day stop to real-
ize what our feelings would be if they
were not with ns,. It ie so hard to
imagine ourselves in at position other
than the One we Aye in. And yet the
po:idott [[light easily' be other than it
Ls. With many that position is other
than. God bas made one .own; a. feet We
are ell apt to forger. We remember
Some poor fancily, at Christmas. but 01
least it is a f'antily, It is together. Tee
one is company for the other, even in
poverty, We terne-01er the s'ek,
God blesses those who do. But L wic't
some of us might east a look arnutel
and give a thought to these• who are pet
sick, who are Dat parlenps Poor. as the
world judges, yet who are alone- fogee
girl. perhaps, alone; some woman alone:
some young man; cone old man; Anne!
Alone at Christmss!--F;elwerd Dolt, in
The dies' Hones Journal.
' The proprietors of 1':rrmelee's PUN nre
contsttntly receiving teeters similar to the
Itself. Mr. Johnn
A. Beam,
'Sfiater4no. Ont., writes: "1
never used any tuedieine that can equal
1 Parmelees Pilis for U,rspep.ia or hirer
and Kidney Comp/amts. The relief ex-
perienced Atter nein; then[ was wander'
fol." Asa sate family ntediotne Forme.
lee's Vegetable Phis, can be given in all
eases requiring a Ctltbailie.
aalemben's Of tbe Meciean Board at
Elealth have just imported from Europe
an X-ray apparatus, It 15 to be used
for Inspecting Cons of preserved meant
and fruits, "to deternxiue if they are
Et. for consuznptian,"
Why will you allow ea cough to lacerate
your throat and lungs and run the risk of
filling a consumptive's grace, when. bw
the timely use of Biekle s Anti-Consnnip•
tive Syrup the pain can be allayed and the
danger avoided. 'rids syrup is i lea'.ant to
the taste, and unsurpassed for relierifag,
healing end curing oil affections, of the
threat and lames, colds, coughs, brou-
^hitis, ete., etc.
lttt•tll tea,
"What's the matter with, the mag-
pie?" said the cuckoo. "She looke very
much cast down:"
"Why,' replied the robin, "she heard
somebody make the remark about wo-
men talking like magpies,and then peak-
ed in on an afternoon tea."
We believe M.1N A13,D'S LINI11tBNT
is the best,
]Matthias Poles-, 011 City, Ont.
Joseph Snow, Norway, Me.
Chas. 'Whooton, 111ulgrave,. N. S.
Bev. B. 0. Armstrong, Mulgravo, N.S.
Pierre Landry, senr., Pokemouclte,
N. B.
Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B.
Sat far its Alone.
"De wa It douds up when dill's gain -
ter be a meteor exhibition in de shy,"
said Uncle Eben, "is mighty disapp'int-
in'. But it serves .to remin' a few ob
no human folks dat mebbe, aftuii all, de
hull universe ain't run foh .aur particle-
lea lnituhaintment"
Minard's Liniment the Lllniberman's Friend.
**Play"' aiming Wood.
The Canadian Groner thinks tbero is
an opening for a good young loan in Rat
Portage, basing its opinion upon the fol-
lowing advertisement:
Wanted -A young man to look after
general store on Rally River. Must be
sober, honest and a practical bookkeeper.
Will be expected to distribute and to
make up mail three times a week in
summer, and to (Indent prayer meetings
(Presbyterian) on Wednesday evenings.
Epply by letter, inolosing references and
stating wages expected, to A.L., News
office, Rat Portage.
As the farmer said to his son: "There's
nothing to do to day, so you may go out
and piny awhile " "And what can I
play?" "Sawing wood, of course." -New
England Grocer.
As Only a Friend Could Speak.
Emily -I am so unhappy. I begin to
see that Ardour married me for my
Her Dearest Friend -Well, you have
the corn fort of knowing that he is snot
so tainipie as he looks.
As a Poker Stiff I
a cold.
As a Boli Sore f�r
1• �
Padlock ��
FREI A Solid Gold Shell Ring
G a or Curb Chain Bracelet
0N,'T send money. Just your Immo t :�
M and address on a P0S7 C:Ra, and
we will bind you 1.0 packages of
AR018A7!0 CACROtt 4; a del:e.ous can
faction to. perfume the breath, to sell
for us, if you stn, at 5 cents per package. When sold send
moue moner, 51.00. and we teal send you FRE E your
choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated: Goods return•
able if not sold. Mention this paper,
a 5.
ltr, 'rtr4t ,"t`s t'hilosophr,
"We may at first. said Mr. Staybolt
"'Ile judged by our peculiarities; but in
the course of time we are pretty sure
to be estimated net•ordinr to our merits,
the peculiarities being lost sight Of nit
together or counted as suck only,. Ilene*
it behooves us not to waste too muck
time on the gargoyles, but to hump our-
selves mostly over a 1'irut and solid
ott ucture,"
Keep Minard's lainiluent IA the House,
Fetteese.. e a C1aua..
Fellowship with Chest is the power
which makes men f:bristlike; yet this is
not a grace given to some but denied
others, as a sculptor is limited by the
shape and veining of the block an which
he is working. As in the mitt. each
coin, whether of gold or silver, beery
the king's image mitt superSeriptiou, so
ratty each soul bear the image and sue 1
perseription of the Eternal Ring.
Swam or Ojai, ('ITY i•v T1.L1:uu. %r1
LreAO l" 1 s ry.
1e'] esa J. Cm -ewe ni.tkee oath telt he is the
een'or partner '.1 tbe filen if i`, J. outage' & Co„
doing I usi»ess In the ('.tv o' Toteles c..unty
ane S''teefe+rr':tid, and teal ficin twill ltiy
[lee sum of ONE, Rt'tDl(ED D ,1,1,ARS for
each a ,d ever' race• of Catarrh that gonna t bee
cured by the use of Iini is F t'a1 Aanfi
Sworn to before me Berri subsoil eel in my
presence, this Gth day of Ile: ember, A. D., ]Bsa.
SBAt,'1 A. W. G L E.ASON,
Notary 1'nblie.
Hall'satarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
eneeetly on the bleed and 188(089 surfaces of
the seaway Send for ftSt'ntnntala free
J. CDS NEyi & CO.,Toledo 0.
,tzrSold by Druggists, ;Se. "
Sarno (`Stotts.
Once upon a midnight dreary, as 1
pondered weak and weary over alt the
Christiana presents thus; tt. boyish limey
draws, while with sleep i tried to tus-
sle, tried with all niy alight and mus -
ole, suddenly I heard a rustle. like the
uoise of Santa. Claus. Though with
fright 1 fairly shuddered, for fright L
had no cause --it was only Santa Claus.
Then L listened lithe intently to the
sound that orept up gently to my cham-
ber, where my tis cutler almost caused
my heart to pause, and I heard the can-
dy spilling, as the stocking he was fill-
ing, and 1 wished I'd left a shilling
there for dear old Santa Claus. Aud the
noise l heard so plawly in the room ad-
loiuing pa's was only Santa Claus.
Anxious now to get a peep, down the
stairway did 1 creep, all impatient for a
glauce, although against the laws. and
it filled my heart with dread, as with
sudden fear he tied and jumped into
mamma's bed-nanghty, naughty Santa
Claus] And the stories that we hear
each year are as thin as summer gauze.
Fraud stupuucibus-Saute Claus!
Something Entirely New
Every Housekeeper and Storekeeper
Urgently Requires it,
A Recently Discovered English Preparation.
Prevents 'Windows Freezing.
Silver from Tarn iso
kLamp Chimneys Get ti a '"poked.
5peotaoles front Mow or ;slier..
Agents -Wanted. Everywhere.
T'os Cate'[ Mame Them.
Yeast. --I can't tlyderstand why 111;
with an the agents sent out by the United
Stan's, that the Indians die not become
Crinisonbeak-Why, they do become
olviiirt'd, but when the agents borrow
money from them and neglect to par is
bask the Indians become wild agalu,-..
Yonkers Statesman.
rl4w Watch '1lflrn.
"Wear mo gobble," said the turkey.
"Waii," observed the farmer's son as he
dragged it toward the block, "Guru mien$
le fair piny, you know."
The Sun is an Agricultural •
It gives not only the news o£ the:
day, but stews of special interest to
progressive farmers.
One number contains enough stn»'
formation for stockmen, dairymen'
and farmers generally to pay for as
'whole year's subscription" I
Send for spt c#nieA copy and be°
Our special teatttres : Bystander's Com-.1
meets ea current events; correct Merest.
Reports prepared specially for farmers;
Notes and information for progre,,41ve
farmers, and Choice Family Reading,:
The Sun alone, 50c. from now until th
end of'00; The Suu combined with the
Weekly GIobe, Mail, Montreal Witness or
Western Advertiser, $1 .front now t0 the
end of '99; The Slut combined with th
EveWorld, formate 552.50rk,4rne Sni, anti Huth
iitoti Twiceet-Week Spectator, $1 •23.
This Amer(ran
Lever 1. melt bill le
sent free to any boy or girl who will
sell twenevS.five of our PATENT
to cents each, Send your name
and address and we will send tbe
Buttons, to be paid for when sold.
SO Breadalhane St., - Toronto
To introduce Dr. wanton's Imported Piak Iron Tonic Pale
for enriching the blood. Por pale people, delicate ladh'o. nree
and kidney diseases. rheumatism. backache, nervousness,
[snare[ debility, ata. we stye came a 14k gold.platea
watch Ladies' or Genet' re eat s [) tlma•kw
eaprr. wa
fantod. I 1, Pills aro 50e, nsrlYrt, VA/tor $boxes, ended*
amount and you receive Shores and tho watch. orwrite los
t'articulats. Thta L a genuine offer.
By attending the Northern Business College, Ow*
Sound, Ont. It you want to know what is taught in Owe
Business Course besides writing, send for Annual An. •
nouncentcnt. which is sent free. C. A. Fleming. Print
Hours' Work.
E give these beautiful Watches and this splendid Air /ttrie for selling our gold -topped,
enamel -backed LEVEIt COLL.ILE. BVl'IoNB at 10 cents each. The Boy's Watch for
selling 2 doz., the Air Rine for 2e doz., and the Lady's Watch for 3 dor,. NO MONET
REQUIRED you run no risk. Write anwe fur ward tbo buttons, postpaid,
together with d a largo list of other valuable prizes -Spring and Hockey Skates,
Cameras, Magic Lanterns, Tool Seta, Work Boxes, Musical Instruments.
Manicure Sets, etc., etc. Sell the buttons, return our money, and we send your
WMilo or rio promptly and FREE OF ALL CHARGES. The Boy's Watch is
of American make, handsome, durable and reliable. The Lady's Watch is a
genuine Swiss, are dainty in appearance as itis accurate and durable. The Air
Rifle is the AI "Daisy, the best ever made, neat, strong and accurate. These
prem ms would make splendid holiday or Birthday Presents. Send your
once, and be the first to sell our buttons in your neighborhood.
When writing alentIon the paper.
LEVER BUTTON CO., Toronto, Ont.
wiu'we give
catch WRITTEN55 5 GoMfl � to ReReplace
Free with a beatlti-
Sellinga3 pot. wad what our
Agents eees7t as Rosa Avila Toronto, Nov. 29th, ilea,
Dna Sri[ 1 received your button at about ten o'clock, sad had them all sold by a
tmn quarter past. It it not work to Belt them, but only play. " Yonn'resp7,icrfully,nr, Noltrtax. OANPSRW,. Free with a hand -
s „ ' Tns Drees. Berms Co., dltss mtln(,-I have used tur ceunee Daisy Air Rifle the. he got from you and it's a dandy. Charill2fD0r02elling
a Please send. me 30 buttons so that l can earn one for myself,ours honestly, some chain and
• Oosswenb, Nov. 12th, 1893.
DsMt Srss,-1 received my watch yesterday. It
is a little beauty, and it is much nicer than I ex-
pected. Please accept my thanks.
LIZZIE MoDosaim.
Free with 500 rounds of ammunition
for Selling 2t Doz.
Pear Erorx, Oct. 81st, 1898.
Dna Bas, -I received my watch and chain Saturday night. It is twice as good as people said I couldyet
Many thanks for your kindness and also for your honest way of doing business. I never could have got a prefer
watch easier in my life. Yours truly, VsnNts tZoLEAN.