HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-23, Page 1ELEA'TI3 YEAR. —581. 4 EXETER, OJNTAR U s, Tilt RSLAY, DECEMBER 22, 1895. Eyesight is Precious r�Ays are getting shorter -goapp .,, 7 i� i � hits are getting longer Therefore it is have you necessary y that y _ � e spectacles that are exactly suited to your eyes. Our opticianis home again and prepared to give you the best expert attention at T. FrrTo11's JEWEJcER`t £TQIRE, Mornings preferred for testing. TpST1tAY STEER, J There straad unto the premises of thea undersigned, ot7Caneeston 12, Stephen, a two -year -o1.1 steer. O,vncr Cali kava sterna by proving property and paying expenses, Jona E. NEER. Itashwood, TA,IaWOitTR BOAIt Foe. SERVICE. The undersigned has tar service an Lot Concession 1. (London Road) Usborne, a thoroughbred Tamworth boar, Terms, $1. A. BISSkTT. MONY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private Mails for iu vestment 'upon farm or village property', zit lowest rates of interest. Dicxsox 8r CARLING. Barristers. etc,, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. TheundersigRned has a few good farm;, for salecheap. Money to loan on easy terms; JOHN SPACKUA;r, Samwell's Block Exeter MONEY TO LOAN. A large amount of Private Funds to lean at LOWEST BATES OF INT.ERE$T an reasonable terms ofpayment. ELLIOT & HEADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, etc, Main St., Excitor. CALVES LOST. There strayed from the premises` of the undersigned, Lot 0., Concession 7, tsborno, 2 steer calves, one red with spots on side, the Mier gray and red. Any parser.. giving in- •irmation that will load to their recovery i11 be suitably rewarded. Wit. trags,Blimville, VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE, The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable and valuable pro t�xx,rty,situated on Huron Street, .being part ot'Lot 91, contain- ing over five acres. There is on tho premises a good brick house, containing seven rooms, with stone collar, frame kitchen and wood- shed attached; a frame stable and other necessary out-buildin gs; 45 ohoioo fruit trees, a good well of water and other conveniences, Terms reasonable, apply at this office or to SAMUE1. Pi1ES'LOAT011,Exeter To the Electors of County Divi- sion No. 4, LAD/BS AND GELTLEM,LN Having been Nominated for the position of County Councillor for above .Division, I beg leave to announce that Tama candidate and if elected will endeavor to promote the best interests of this Division aha manner that you will have no reason to regret -the trust reposod in me. It will be impossible for me to make a personal canvas, 1 there- fore take this means of respectfully solicit- ing your vote and influence, Iam Yours truly Jona DztBRInaE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., Chapter 129, Section 28, that all Persons having claims against the estate of John Hartman, late of the township of .Hay, county of Huron, farmer, deceased, fere re- quired, on or before Dec. Seth, 1898, to send or deliver to the undersigned executors of the last will of the deceased, fullparticulars of la their chains duly verified by affidavit. After the SOth day of December, 1898, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only of the claims of which they shall then have received notice. JOHN HAIVL'MAN Z 1CxeeutOrS, WENDEL Bunn i NOMINATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Ratepayers of the Village of Exeter, will be held tet the Town Hall, Exeter, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 189s, At the hear of 7:80 o'clock, p.m., for the nom - )u ation of Reeve, 4 Councillors and 3 School TAustees, for the year 1899; and if more than the requisite number of candidates are nom- - •Itee t;'pu11s will be opened at the follow - i i• .places: Polling Sub -Division N.o. 1, Si))a Handford's House—J. T. Westcott Deputy Returning Officer; No. 2,' Weekes, Marble Shop—W. D. Weekes, D. R. 0.; Nva. 8, Lan g's Im piement Shop—W. S. Lang, D. R. O.; No. 4, Town Hall—Geo, H, Bissett, R..0. :aid polls will be opened at 9 o'clock, p.ni., on onday, Jan 2, 1889. aE' All Nominations o be made in writing. GEO, H. BISSBTr,. xeter, Dee. II, 1898. Returning Ofli er. Farquhar,:. On Thursday of last vests death removed from our midst one of the early settlers of this neigh borhood, in the person of Nle. John. Hewitt, of the Thames Road. Deceased who was 81 years of age, had been in poor health for some .time, and grad racilypined away. He moved into this settlement' 46 years ago; and being .of a sturdy and robust constitution, , he .did much to make this settlement what it now 'is. The deceased was a staunch Liberal in politics; an honest, kind and obliging neighbor, and was respect, d by all of his acquaintances, His aged partner and one son are. left to mourn their•, lost, ANTE],! ELMLOUS AD BOLTS EXETER. Highest Cash Prices paid by the SUTHERLAND lNNES CO. (Limited) for Elul logs. cut 11, 18h, 1.6 end 18 feet long; Elm Bolts, 52 inches long; also Basswood. Headiug Bolts, 21 and 42 laches long, CUSTOM SAWING DONE. For particulars and circulars apply at Gould's Sett -Mill, Exeter Gus WAGNER, Manager. Graud Bend Mrs, Exevior Desjardine has been on the siek list,—Mrs. Fddio Desjardine is recovering after a severe attack of in flammation,—Mr. Fred Fallis and Mr. Harry Hamilton, returned home from Revel; tock, B. C , on Saturday,—Miss R. Crettender, teacher of the B. line school, will leave in about a week for her home in Tara, where she has se. eured a position in her home school. Mr. H. Bassenberry will be her success or.—Mr,. German will shortly move to Thedford.—Mr, Jos, Brenner lost a val- uable hound the other day.—Mrs, Jas, Lallie died very suddenly here on Wednesday night. She went to bed enjoying her usual health, but in a very short time she was in the throes of death and passed away in a few moments, heart trouble being the cause, Clandeboye, Mrs. Wm. Carter is dangerously ill. —James Carter. our genial merchant, purchased the grain store from Mr. Jos. Cobbledick, of Exeter.—Mr, and Mrs. Shoff, of Vassar, Mich., are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. D. Shoff.— Mr. Robt. Hodgins, who has been housed in for the past few weeks with a broken limb, is able to be around again —We are pleased to see i1Ir. David Cobbledick around again after his illness,—After a long and severe illness Mrs. Romeo, relict of the late Marsden Hortice, of this place, passed peacefully away on Monday, December 19th, at the age of 82. Mr. Z. Hortice, of Michigan, and Walter Hortice, of Sarnia, sons of the deceased, are home attending the funeral, — Mr. Walter Blackwell, of Rossland, B. C., but for- merly of this place, is spending a few days at his home here.—Mr. John Jones paid Clandeboye a flying visit on Sunday. He wears the same sweet old smile.—Mr. Casey and Miss Gilmer. ray, of Cedarvale, were visiting friends here, the guests of Miss Mellhargey on Sunday last—Mr. Harris, of Ailsa Craig, paid Clandeboye a flying visit on Sunday.—Miss Jennie Cunningham, of Ailsa Craig, paid her mother a fly ing visit Sunday evening.—On Friday last theroof of Mrs. Blackwell's barn fell in, the cause being such a quantity of snow thereon. Immediately every man in the village could be seen mounted on his barn shovelling snow, to prevent a like calamity. A stitch in time saves nine.—.A very happy event took place at the residence of Mr. A. McWilliams on Wednesday week, the occasion being the marriage of his daughter, Agnes, to Mr. Gilbert Carter, of this place. Rev. Rice officiated. House Weeet set — Mr. Flannery Cunningham's house warming was one of the most interesting events of the season. About ninety couples were present and tipped the light fan tactic until the wee small hours: Re- freshments, were served about mid- night and were dainty and palatable Every person left highly pleased with their night's outing, and with the high 't opinion of the merits of their charm- ieg host and hostess, who did their ut- most to make the occasion one of en jnyment for all. C. II., SANDERS, EDITOR. COUNTY COUNCIL!, t of this council, (,eltirakla The motion was referred to the • special committee, who recommended Mo Mr. Jos, Cobbledi'>k has purchased, Miss Martha Hill, of Toronto, is visit- Tbe council adjourned until three an interest in the Exeter Grist m111( ing friends here.—Mr Harry Liveno. O'elock. oresville from the late owners, Messrs. Stewart tiros.—Mr Thomas Lewis is suffering from diabetis but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Shaw is improving,--= Mrs, Ernie Abbott, who has been on the sick list, is eonvalesein„r.—Mr. Joseph Cobbledick has sold his grain elevator an Clandeboye, to Mr. James Carter, .of that place, Mr. Carter takes passes- ioe New • Years. -The Woodmen's dance came off on Wednesday night at she resideneaof James Laughlin, 4th concession, MeG ltivras, titan soave tine otoge were indulged lo as welt as up- per reels.—The aot_ninations its L,uean Monday were, Messrs C. C. Hadgirzs. John Bradley and Wet. Corbett, for county council.—We regret to beer that Mr Wm. felly has lost a valuable horse, valued at $1.10, by a runaway accident at Exeter -The thaw the past few days has left the roads aniost passible, Zurich, Messrs Henry Rickbeil, Asn as GM ger and Barney Midlehultx, all of Ca- valier, ante•i . 1 Llakotaare r t,friends , , lain a nd 1? relatives here.—Tho brass band drove down to Mr. Martin Wurnt last Wed- nesday night and enjoyed an iteening's fain —Messrs. Faust and. Rickbeil have completed their shop on main street and will now be foiled with a full stock of fain) irpleinents.—Dr. R. H. Stein bath, of Rfchville Mich., who has been spending several days under the pa rental roof, returned home Saturday. Business must be booming with Doe tis he is taking a partner 10 on his re turn, The best of is is, its a life Dart - tier. Sue:cess Doe.—Mr. Loma Weber DK down with rhe=umatie fever. We wish him a speedy recovery --Towle ship council nnmivatlon takes place Monday, Dee. 26th. A. hot time is ex- pected as it is reported our present Reeve is going to drop out,—Mr, Sam. Livingaod has proved into town and occupies the residence recently vacated by Rev. Father Valentine.—The town property and household effects of Mr. Dan Zeltar will be sold by public aue Orediton Mr, and Mrs, Fred Ginter of Elkton, MIchigan, are here visiting old ac quaintapces.---Mr. Jacob Finkbeiner, of Elimville, was in the village Satuaday. —The wife of J. H. Holtzuman presented her husband with a, bouncing girl hist Thursday.—Messrs. Fahner of Maple Hili, Michigan, are here visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Tobias Fahner, Sr.—Our school closed 'Wed ues day for Christmas holidays. _ In the afternoon n very interesting program was given by the pupils of the school. Henry Eilber, M. P. P., presented the pupils who passed tbe Entrance and Public School Examinations with their certificates.—A Christmas Festival will be given on Christman Eve in the Ger man church by the Sunday school. A very interesting program is being furnished by the Sunday school child ren. Everybody come. -Diphtheria has taken away its third victim in the per- son of Master Fred Bassett who died last week. Fred was only eight years old and will be greatly missed by his schoolmates. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the community.—Mrs. Wm. Baker, of the 2nd concession, is very ill.-11liss Millie Oudmore, of Ex- eter, spent a few days here last week, the guest of Mrs. Wm. Redden. Dashwood, The roads in this locality are in a bad state and on some beats were al- most too bad to be driven over, hence some of the roadmasters bad them put in a condition to be passable but they are not very good yet.—The teachers of this division met in the school here on Saturday to discuss the subjects which was before the meeting. There was a very good attendance and some interesting matters brought before the public. Several teachers of the division absented themselves from the meeting which we think they should not do as to be present on those occasions and take some part is sure to create more interest hence more good.—Rev. Litt, of Credi• ton conducted quarterly service in the Evangelical church here on Sunday last. He preached very acceptably morning and eveningto large con• gregations.—The Xmas entertainment on Friday night promises to be a grand success. Everybody come.—Mr. Daniel Sacks is at present very ill, His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Also Mrs. F Ginter, who has been dan- gerously ill for some time, is somewhat better. May she continue so till perfect health is once more regained. -Mr. D. D Wellen is doing a rushing business those days. Dan is a first clase artist. -Mr. Joseph Wambold has an excel- lent display of Christmas stock on his shelves. See the beautiful doll' rack, it will repay you= -It is wonderful how far imagination goes with some. people and wbile it is a grand thing to have a good opinion of one's self we •Ihould not forget that other people have the same right to their opinion and to express that opinion as they see fit, To deprive our neighbor of that ts, we believe, to deprive him of one of the blessings God has seen fit to bestow on mankind, ee Seaforth, is spending leis holidays here, the guest of hie. sister, Miss May Livens.—The Misses Behula and Vera Beaver, of Crediton, spent Sunday here the guest of Mrs. G. E.ssery.—Mr. Mal- com Dempsey, of Exeter, has been en- gaged in. Mr. A. Hedden's livery.—Mr. Wm. Parsons has almost finished chip- ping poultry. Ws employees are now taking their Christmas holidays -Our ,young people are enjoying themselves very much by attending the skating rink at Exeter. It is a great attrac tion for our young ladies.—Mr. Admit- Beek, dmenBeck, of London, has a. large number of teams engaged hauling logs for the purpose of making eigar boxes. Some of the logs contain :100 feet of lumber. —Mr- Wm. Elliott left for Montreal on Saturday where he will dispose of a ear load of One horses which he took with him.. --Mr. Wel. Ilepburu had delivered on Wednesday of last week a beautiful up.to.date organ and parlor set. --.Mr. Wm Haggith occupied the pulpit here on Sunday morning last, while in the evening Mr. Dalgety preached his fare- well sermon to a very targe audience. 1r1, Dalgety for has t ez past e h a t s vett years labored faithful and earnestly for the benefit of the eamnunity iii which he has resided, --Mr. Walter Baynham, who has for the past summer been en gaged at Mr, Handfard's has accepted a position at Mr. Win. Hollins' of Bid- duiph. FAT STOCK SHOW, The Fat Stock Show under the aus plces of the South Huron .Agricultural Society was held here. on Friday last. Tbe weather u as probably not the most favorable but a goodly number were in attendance. The stock was not large. le represented, manifesting a lack of interest, on the part of the farmers in not contributing to its success, the way in which they should, However, the animals shown, were of exceptionally One class,while the show of poultry was decidedly good and especially that which was dressed. Fallowing is the prize list:— C.szrr.n --Thoroughbred.--Stecr, one year and under two, 11. Smith; cow or hoifer,11 Smith. Grades.—Steer, one year and under two, H. Smith; steer calf under ono year, Jacob Roeder, Thos, Shapton & Son; heifer, two years and under three, T. Shapton & Son. Sweepstakes, best beefing animal, H. Smith. Snnnp —Long Wooled.—Ewe, two years and over, Gibson & Walker 1 and 2, Geo. Penhale; ewe, one year old and under two, Gibson & Walker, 1 and 2; T. Shapton & Son; ewe under one year, G Penhale, Gibson & Walker 2 and 8; wether under one year, Gibson & Wal• ker 1 and 2. Downs —Wether, under one year, Gibson & Walker, 1 and 2 and sweepstaltes for best sheep shown. Grade sheep.—Ewe, two years and over Duncan McClaren, T. Shapton & Soa; ewe, one year old and under two, Gib. son & Walker, 1 and 2; ewe under one year, Gibson & Walker 1 and 2; wether', under one year, G. Penhale 1 and 2, Pecs.—Barrow, over stx months and under twelve, Hugh McCartney, Thos. Shapton & Son; barrow under 6 months Irwin Armstrong; sow under 6 months Joseph Bowden, I. Armstrong; sow over six months, H. McCartney, J. Bawden, T. Shapton & Son; pen of three hogs for bacon purposes,. I. Armstrong, H. Mc- Cartney. Sweepstakes—Best pig of any breed, 11. McCartney. A special prize was awarded C. Fahner for a pair of the largest and fattest pigs. The Tam worth pigs carried off the prizes for ba- con hogs, and also the sweepstakes for best hog.of any breed. PotmTar—Turkey cockerels hatched in 1898, Thomas Fear, Wm. Bawden; turkey pullets hatched in 1898, Thomas Fear, Wm. Bawden; best and heaviest turkey. Wm. Bawden; geese hatched in 1898, Thomas Fear, 1st and 2nd; ducks hatched in 1898, John Delbridge, Thomas Fear; pullets hatched in 1898, Thomas Fear 1st and 2nd, Wm. Baw den ; best display of dressed poultry, Thomas Fear, Wm. Bawden. June-me—Cattle—John Gibson, 11. derton; sheep and pigs—George Petty, Sr., Hensall; poultry—A. Q. Bobier and Charles Snell, Exeter. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Oliyia, of Barcelona, Spain spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all path soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs, All America knows that it cures liver and kidney ,trouble, purifies the blood, trines up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the Cody, If weak, tired or ailing you ueed•.it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by all Druggists. Mr. Arthur Ludlam's sash and door factory at Leamington, one of the larg- est industries of its kind in western Ontario,`was damaged by fire, caused. by an explosion of natural gas, which is used as fuel. . Children Ory for CASTOR Upon resuming in the afternoon, a few more accounts were read and re feted to the finauce committee. A report showing the amount raised for county purposes by each rninor municipality in the county was read and ordered to be filed. Moved by Dr. Rallies, seconded by Mr. McInnis, that two inmates oi' the House of Refuge mewed Stone be on and after this day free inmates, and that the clerk send an account to the township of Stephen of amount due the county for their board to this date. Carried. Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Miller, that the council grant a sunt equal to the grant paid by the Legis !attire of Ontario for the continuation classes for the public schools of the county taking up spitted leaving and eutrauce exaxninatfons. Referred to the executive committee. Friday, Dec. 0, The Report of special committee was read and adopted. The report recom- mended that the request of the Clerkti Association be granted and that a copy of the clerks' petition be sent to each vounty clerk in the Province asking for cooperation in the master; that no action be taken its reference to the petition from the county of Lauark, the communication front the county of Duf feria or that from the county of Wel- land, The report of the finance eomwittee deahng with a, large number of ac- counts, was then taken up, and a por- tion of it was considered at,d adapted. After the noon interniissiou, the re- port of the executive comenttteo was laid before the couucil and was passed. The committee reeosmueuded that the salary of Mrs. French, matron of the'. House of Refuge, be increased by the sum of $25 per annum, commencing January 1st mixt; that the matter of purchasing the work an municipal law referred to in the communication of Henry Armstrong- be deferred until the January session in order that the work may be examined; that Fountain Naylor, who made a claim for damages arising out of anaccident at Gauley's bridge, be paid $25 in full of all claims; that a grant equal to tbe Legislative grout be given by the council to the public schools in the county for con- tinuation classes for the year 1898. In reference to the claim of Thomas Hen Berson for damages sustained by his horse on the bridge known as Sproat's bridge, the committee reported that they had communicated with Render son's solicitor, who had ageed to defer entering the case for trial, the council agreeing not to take any advantage as to limit of time; and they recommended that the matter be referred to the war den and \Ir. Hays, councillor for dis trict No, 5, to make iuquiries and to make such settlement as they think ad- visable. In reference to the report of the committee to revise and consolidate the bylaws of the eounty, the corn mittee recommended that bylaws No. 9 of 1874 and No. 8 of 1890 be rescinded and new bylaws passed to conform with the resolutions heretofore passed by the council dealing with these two bylaws, and that one hundred copies of such bylaws be printed, but not until the end of 1899, so that all bylaws and proceedings of the council of the year 1899 may included in such consoli- dation. The county property committee re- ported as follows: Your committee visited the goal and found eyerything clean and in good order, and the number of inmates cor- responds with the goatee's report— eight males, seven committed as vag rants, one insane. We recommend that the goaler's request for lumber to curb a well be granted, as he is willing to do the work for nothing, and that the goaler's report be printed in the minutes. We would also call the at tention of the council to the fact that something will have to be done in the near future to the goaler's house, either by repairing it or by building a new one, as Mr. Griffin complains that the house at present is very unpleasant and disagreeable to live in. We visited the registrar's office and found everything in a satisfactory condition. We re- commend that Mr. McCreath's request for rubber matting for the court house affairs be granted. Your committee also inspected the court house and found everything clean ane well kept. The report was adopted. ' A motion by Messrs. Cox . and Snell that the clerk be paid $100 for his services as returning officer for the county council election of 1899 was re- ferred to the executive committee. At the evening session a communi- cation from S. P. Halls, on behalf of the Teachers' Association of West Huron, asking the council to grant the Thursdays before the Fridays of the general meetings of the Teachers' Institute in order that the teachers at a distance from the place of meeting may have :an opportunity of attending, was sent to the education committee. Moved by, Mr. Torrance, seconded by Mr. Hays, that clause 17 of bylaw No. 2 of 1897 be struck out and the follow ing be substituted therefor: There shall be printed in a ni a- compeer form, in type•not larger than small pira headed, 500 copies of the minu 0 to each, session, and the clerk shall send eight copies to the clerk of each muni cipality and six copies to each member that the clerk procure not more than, 150 copies: more eaeh session than at present, and mail six copies of each session to the clerk of each municipality with instructions to distribute one to { the reeve and orae to each of the other n .eunite8s of the council. Four hund- red cornea were printed heretofore. The corataittee's recommendation was adopted The education committee re- ported in favor of granting the request contained in Mr. Halls' communication on behalf of the West Huron Teachers' institute. The report was adopted, and the teachers wilt have Thursday, as well as Friday, for their annual. meeting. The House of Refuge committee re- ported that they, bad. held one encasing since Julie, namely, on lite lath of No vepiber, when they spat at the House of Refuge. They .found the Hause its all Ito .departmeatsseewinglg well kept, and their lumates apparently well pro. vided for. A few of the lnwates were considered fit subjects for the asylum, and the warden, tee phyeieian and the insp, ctor were instructed to take steps to have them removed. The`• found t r he farm work properly P eri � att ended to and the b stock inEner ". condition. They audited the accounts and found them correct. Certain inmates had com- plained to their Mewls that Mr, French: bad ill-treated ahem, but the committee were satisfied, after a throughout in- vestigation, that there was no ground. for the complaints and thwt all the iri- mates were being properly treatedd by the keeper and matron. The committee instructed the inspector, Zlr. Coats, to buy another cow.. They recouiamuded that Mr. Goats be instructed to have storm windows put on the north and west sides of the building at once, The report was adopted. The road and bridge committee brought in the following report: (1) With regardto the Manchester bridge we recommend that the con- tractors be paid in full, as by report of the engineer. It seems there wassome delay in the work, but l,o real damage has bee) sustained by anyone. (2•) Iu regard to the Summerville bridge and the other bridges mentioned in the comneissioner's report, we recommend that the commissioner snake arrange- ments at once to have these bridges re- built and ask for tenders, which can be placed before the council .at the January session next. (9) The minutes of the committee meating held in Win; ham July llth, to open tenders and award contracts for the erection of Man- Chester bridge, were placed before us. They appear quite satisfactory, and we find that by not accepting any of the tenders for excavating on that day but getting ,this work done by private contract, a saving of $175 was made to the county. (4) We recommend that the report of the r .mmissioner be printed in the miuntee as usual. (5) We have prepared a bylaw to repeal all former bylaws dealing with county bridges, and ask you to pass the same. Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Pat- terson, that the report be amended by striking out clause 1 and substituting the following : That the engineer for- ward to the clerk forth with the speci- fications and all other papers in hie hands in connection with the Man- chester bridge and that Hunter Bros. he paid the balance claimed by them, less the sum of $200, and that the question of payment of this latter sum be deferred till the January meeting, to be then dealt with by the council. Lost. On •motion of Messrs. Roltins and His- lop clause 5 was struck out. The report as amended was then adopted. The ,second report of the executive committee, recommending that $1.00 be paid the clerk as remuneration for his services in connectiou with the ensuiug county elections, was read and adopted. The council adjourned. That Throbbing- Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thou- sands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for 8tak and Nervous Headaches. They, make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your - health Easy to take. Try them, Only 25 cents. _Money back if not cared. Sold by all Druggists. What She Believes, " I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla is a,. good medicine, because I have seen. its good effects in the case of my moth- er. She has taken itwheu she was weak and her health was poor and she' says she knows of nothing better to• build her up and make her feel strong."' BEssxE M. KNOWLES, Upper Woo& Harbor, N. 8, Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mailed for 25c. by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, B I.i*TJI$ COATEs—IU Usborne, Dec. 20th, the-. wife of Wm. Coates, of a son. HODGERT—In Usborne,Dec. 16th the: - wife of Andrew Hodert, of a son. uHAT Ht► HO12TICE.—In Clandeboye, on the 19th - Dec,, Mrs, Hortice,.reliet of the late Marsden Hortice, aged 82,