HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-9, Page 5to -
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.i n•
eter. buct Caj.tro
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the °Mee,.
then -
One Dollar per annum if paid in Aavanoe
$1.50 if netso paid.
etel reteteosael7 Mata* css, 4.3n4.2.5c1a.-
1io pnlpereiseoutinue I until all arrearag es
are paid. Adx rti e
xtntswithout t speaifi
will ho published till forbid and
charged accordingly, Liberal disceuntanade
for transoient advertisements inserted for
long Periods. Evers desoription of JOB
PRINTING turned out la the finest style,
said at moderate rates. Ohoalues,moneyord,.
urs, &e. for advertising, subscriptions,eto.tg
be made reveille to
5..11. Sanders,
I ,
PrOre,iy,os}a1 Varus.
EINeel•tN, L D. ,.,D.D S.. Honor
graduate of Toronto Lnivereity.
Tenth extracted without guy gain, or any
beet ette cts. °dice in Venison's Moen, west
si is 'Main Street, Exeter.
DR.rearir) A\I)i:11SOS,f11.D.S.,L.D,S.,)
.* honors sir t.xnate efthe Toronto L`ni-
rsity and Reyna Calle e4 of Dental Surgeons
ot Ontario. Teeth i xtraetetl without pain.
AR spode; of Ii t t •;trs uta to date. t►liiee
over Elliot & I. iot's • law etfiee-opposite
Central Hotel -Exeter,
T'lr. 7 A. li,elr LIN;+& T A. A31nS.
1.. iteeidenees,eawe as formerly
fig FTC a;uaokman, build iug. Main St,
Ar, Rollins' °M a : same nu formerly --north
door. Dr. Amo,' office, same building -south
doer. May 1st. fli'3
JT .A Rollins. M. 1). T. A. Attlee. At. D
Drt.T. P. Mel t11411I 1N. MEMBER 03?
the College of I'1t v„riane and Surgeons
Ontario. Pb velelan, tiurgeou and, Aeoouoh-
our. Office, Dashwood, out.
t n. OR, 0onvnyaneor, Notary Public.
O Igo --Over 0't'. flank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
+ solicitor+. Nritare..s. Conveyanceer%
cenuitsel uer; ate. Mune•v to loan at -4
alai:, per eflut.. )iSce--Fanson'e Dlcok.
Main at.. Exeter.
I R. eel:e ar:o a A., ii.11. Intl. goer
• A member ot the then will be at Mensal'
pn Thura,lay ofeach week.;
4 Rte., Conveva,e -re, and Monet/ to
R. V. ELLIOT. F. W. (:uataaina.
TI BROW N,Winebet' en. Licensed Aunt..
AL. former for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the townsbip ofUsborne
Bales Promptly attended to au,l terms roe -
eon h ele.Selee
oe-eonhele.Selee arraugotl et Peat office. Win-
Insurance Agent.
Alain St. Exeter
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Is successfully used monthly by over
1o,000Ladles. Sale, eireotual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooke Cotton Root Com-
eoacd. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
Imitations are dangerous. Pries. No. 1, Siker
box, No. 2,10 degrees' stronger, $a per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two event
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
responsible Druggists in CanadeCnded by all
No. t anti No _e sold in Exeter l;v J.W
Drowning, 1)ruggiet.
Mr. James Minder, of Arthur, shot
himself +ietidentally while geleg hunt
inn, arid died iu a few minutes.
A subscription is being taken up in
Nepenee to assist W. 13, 1't ntou iu de -
feuding himself at the next trial.
The Lake Erie & Detroit River Rail-
wey has decided to erect a new swing
bridge over the Thames River at Chat
The Conservatives of North Simcoe
have decided to put no candidate in
the field for the bye election to the
At Owen Sound the large stable used
by W. H. Mawhinney, carter, and own-
ed by Horace Lymburuer, was burned,
together with eight horses, three wa-
gous and a lot of haruess. Tracks
were discovered leading from the stable,
and there is other evidence to show
that the fire was of incendiary origin.
Children Cry for
C 1ST t RI `rL4n
Mr. Byron 0. Lott isgagain the Lib
eral candidate for the Legislative As.
sembly in North Hastings,
Mr. Morgan at:Taggart, a. carpenter
employed on the new building in
course of erection on Clareuce street,
London, neat to the Salvation Army
Barracks, fell from the third story
Thursday afternoon, and was painfully
injured. His escape from death was a
marvelous one.
A. Canada Atlantic freight train was
standing on the diamond crossing at
St. Polycarpe when a C P.R. train dash
ed iuto it, cutting it in two and shatter.
iug fifteen freight cars. The rails for
some considerable distance were torn
and twisted, and the C.P.R..engine was
a perfect wreck.
A Thonsautt Tongues
,Co:uld not express the rapture of
Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard:st.,
Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that
Dr: King's New Discovery for Consump
tion had completelycured her of a
hacking coughthat for many years
had made life a burden. All other
remedies and doctors could give her no
help, but she says of this Royal cure -
"it soon removed the pain in my chest'
and now I can sleep soundly, something
I can scarcely remember doing before.
feel like sounding its praises through-
hrou •h -out the Universe." So will every one
who triee Dr. King's New Discovery
for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or
Lungs. Price 50 cents and $1 00 at
nnyDrag Store; every bottle guaran•
A Veteran's Voice THE STOR1 GEERAL
Gives High Praise to Hood's
for Health
BIeod. Purified --Strength aunt up--
Tobacco Habit Cured.,
Many a veteran ot the war, whose
health was wrecked by wounds, ex.
posuro and privation, has found in
Mood's Sarsaparilla just the tonic and
blood reviving effects he needed. The
following is one out of hundreds of
of letters from G. 4.. R. boys prais.
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla for health re-
stored and strength renewed in de-,
.lining years.
"C. 1. hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
"Dear Sirs; On account of the great
benefit Hood's Sarsaparilla has been to
me, 1 gladly write this, that others simi-
larly afflicted may learn of the success of
the medicine in my case and a positive
cure for them. I bad been
A Physical Wreck
since 1861, and bad also been a constant
smoker for 35 years, My wife purchased
tbo first bottle of hood's Sarsaparilla and
I eorameaeed to take it mora to please her
than anything else. Qno bottle after
another wastakeu with Increasing beuefat,
The effect was of a etrenglhening nature,
tonins up my w3tolo system. Mter I had
been taking the medicine a abort titne,1
laid away iuy pipe and have not :bad auy
desire for the use of tobacco Once. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has thoroughly purified my
blood and driven all poison out of any
system. It bas also done me
A Power of Coad
physically, and I feel like a new and free
man. Previously, I had tried a good many
different times to stop smoking, and tis
regain my health, but I was unable to ac-
complish the former, so that my attempt
for the latter was eaeil time a failure. I
am pleased to recommend Flood's Sarsapa-
rilla as a blood purifier." J. R. INIOFr Pia t,
Ex -Commander Ness Post, No. 83, fa, A.
R., Dept. of iterates, Broweaville, Wash.
N. R. If you decide to take flood's Sar-
saparilla. do
arsaparilla.do not be induced to buy any
substitute; twist • upon Hood's and only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The One True blood Purifier. Sold by all
druggists. Price, $1 per;bottle; six for 48.
:et ltareuoalously with
1-100111sPills Hood's $arsapir1Wi.
Six men employed in the boiler ronin
of the steamer Alamo was scalded to
death at Now York by the bursting of
a steam pipe on board the vessel.
Tho petitioner is the Grey election
has given his consent to the transfer of
the trial of the petition to Toronto,
when it will be dismissed. The re-
spondent is George Boyd (Con.).
Thirty-seven people on board the
British steamer Clan Drummond, from
Clyde for the Cape of Good Hope,
wrecked in the Bay of Biscay, were
J. T. Nibinck, Ottawa Superintendent
of the Loudou Life Insurance Company,
admitted five charges of forgery in the
Police Court and was remauded for a
week for sentence,
Per Infants and Children.
+'ho feta
it: an
Secretary Spaulding at Washington
says Canadian commercial travellers do
not cotne within the provisions of the
alien labor act, and are free to do busi
nese in the United States.
It is understood that Judge Wurtil,'
of Montreal, who sentenced Mann to be
hanged b on conviction of murder, ha;
recommended that the prerogative of
mercy be exercised in the case.
In spite of. the backwardness of the
grain movement, Winnipeg wholesale
merchants reports that country dealers
are meeting their obligations in an
eminently satisfactory manner.
Mr. Brierley, Managing Director
and Mr. Mackay, Secretary -Treasurer,
of The Montreal Herald, have been sent
for trial on a charge of libelling Chief
of Police Hughes, The defendants are
out ou bail.
can be overcome in almost all cases
by the use of Scott's Emulsion of
Cod -Liver Oil and the Hypo hos-
phites of Lime and Soda. While
it is a scientific factthat cod --liver
oil is the most digestible oil in ex-
istence, in
s TT'S
it is not only palatable, but it is
already digested and made- ready
for immediate absorption by the
system. It is also combined with
the hypophosphites,whiclz
supply a food not only for
the tissues of the body, but
for the bones and nerves,
and will build u h child
bu the ld
when. its ordinary food
does not supply proper
Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the
man and fish are on the wropper.
Alt druggists; .eon. and $x.00.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 'Chemists, Toronto.
Ma:shalled His Forces V✓ith
Singular Impartiality.
Hamilton, Is the Worst Sufferer and
Sundays Downfall of "the Beautiful"
Wilt Cost nor 3504,000 -Street
a tra
li tilt ) Tratnc Badly lnter-
rulated.-1G Inches of Snow
1u Toronto.
Toronto, Dec, 6. --Toronto, as a rule,
enjoys immunity teem the heavy snow-
storms And overpowering blizzards wbich
oft occur in the far west And in the Uni-
ted States. Sunday night's experience
hero was exceptional, for before the start"
abated in the early hours yesterday morn-
ing tbe loam snow record had nearly been
broken. According to the Observatory
report no Tess than 16 inches had tailed,
this baving only beeu exceeded by the
big storm ot ;Starch :3'I, le7a1. when the
record was 10.I inches. Other appr
ate registers are: Feb 5, lege, 10 melees;
Dec. :30, 1855, 15 inches;, Dee 11. lel t,
15 inches. The storm was tno mneh for
the staff and equipment ot the Toronto
Railway Company. The electric sweepers
farted to iieep the linea oven, mid a
miserable experience it was for those out
late on. Sunday night and early Maude!
morning to trudge their way homeward.
knee-deep in e.now, to ::tv nothing of
the deeper drifts at vericus 4tr^et inter-
sections. It was not till nfte rnoon that
all the hues were open for tragic.
Thera was a busy scene :around the
street commissioner's department neater.
day morning. At 7 o'clock 300 men and
140 carts wore detailed to clear the street
orossings and intersect1eo*, tihortly after
an additional force was sent out to ret-
znoro the snow from the sides of Ring,
Rouge, Queen and other streets on which
theerrs run. Tito expense of this is paid
by the city and the Toronto Railway
Company, .After the dinner hour Street
Commissioner Jones had 3,040 leen at
work in rho various districts of the ol:y,
cost will he *Imo.
All the trains arriving at the 'Union
Station Were late yesterday,
Uauttrtoea City St ',a eoverely From the
Ravages of the Stora" nine -Loss
Witt Ito Balt to alil*ion,
Hamilton, Dec, 0. -Tho most dasss-
traus snowstorm that over struck Hawn-
ton was the one that commenced hero
Sunday night. The losses sustained by
the telegraph companies, cameo railways
and telephone eoappany amount to 500,-
000. Tho tolepbono lines for many blocks
from the heart of the city aro down. and
so are all the poles, broken like pipe -
sterns, The ally was in total tlarknoss
Sunday night, and no attempt was made
to light the streets lass night or will bo
to -night, as thousands or broken wires
are hanging across the power company's
linos, and the danger to citizens would
be too great,
The City Street Railway has been tied
up since 9 o'elook Sunday night, Many
oars were stalled in the tracks, and are
still there. Trolley wires are downn in all
directions, poles having fallen on thorn,
11 was after the lights wont out Sun-
day night that the real trouble began and
it became dangerous for people to be out.
Tho trees became so heavily loaded with
the soft snow that branabes began to
break, and in a short time tbe sidewalks
and roadways were strewn with trees
and parts of trees. 'Tben the telephone
and other poles began to Meld to tbe ter -
rifle weight on the wires find everywhere
throughout the city they snapped off and
came crashing to the ground with their
weight of wires. Very few citizens bad
any idea of the number of wires strung
ou the poles In the city till yestorduy
manning, When they viewed the wreak
on nearly every street on which wires
gore strong. In the hotels and churches
whore electric light is weed coal -oil lamps,
candles, and bicycle lanterns bad to be
It is doubtful if any company or cor-
poration has suffered to the extent of the
Bell Telephone Company. It was found
that fully three-fourths of she city serv-
ices had been "knocked out" and porbaps
Probably the grandest sight in connec-
tion with the storm was on ]sing street
oast yesterday afternoon. The telephone
wires at Walnut street were cut to clear
the Electric Lighting Company's wires,
and the weight went westward, and pole
after pole snapped with a loud. report.
There was an interval of a few seconds
between the fall of each of the poles, and
the noise was like that of cannonading.
Every pole on the south side of King
street, from Walnut to Hugbson street,
went down, and the poles iron this
corner snuth on Eughson street to the
Telephone Exohange went down in loss
than three minutes. Several hundred
wires sling against the Hamilton Provi-
dent & Loan building.
The loss here to the Bell Telephone
Company is estimated at over $100,000.
The steam railways were practically
tied up from Sunday night till nearly
noon yesterday.
The H.G. & B. Railway Will not be
in operation again for a few days. The
H. & D. has its line open, and cars will
be running regularly to -day.
All the idle men for miles around have
been presses into service clearing the
main streets.
Young Lady Hurt at S. Catharines.
St. Catharines, Deo. 6. -Tho magni-
ficent elect of the Sturm of Sunday night
on the streets here is a fit, subject for the
artlsi. The oldest inhabitant cannot re,
call the time when the Garden City
looked more beautiful. Street oar service
is suspended and will likely remain so
until to -day.
Mies Lake, daughter of Mr. J. Lake,.
civil engineer +;f the Niagara Central
Railway Company, narrowly escaped
death Sunday night. t..aout midnight. .A
to ophone wire was attached to a large
chimney, and under the great weight of
snow on the wires the chimney fell.
crashing through the roof into the young
lady's bedroom, where she was sleeping.
The hod -was covered with debris, and eLe
was struck, ber bead being badly cut and
her body barily bruised. She is resting
easy and will recover.
Ono hoot of the 'Beautiful at Sonie Parts
-Two Feet at Others.
Maniwaki, Quo, -Eleven inches of
'avow; roads good; still snowing,
Wakefield. pnt.--.about one foot of
snow; weather mild, but turning a34t:4
Kezubazau, Qat -About two feet of
snow fell here since midnight, and still
Montebello, Que -Four or Ave inohes
of snow fell; still snowing,, but weather
Perth, Ont.—Snowed since 9 a'clooit
Sunday night; road, badly drifted in
8 e
0 1
m acus; about ten inohes of anew vu
level; weather turning colder; still
• Renfrew, Ons. -About 14 inohes; roads
very heavy; snowing rtow.
IVewbnry,Ont..- Cloudy. turning cold-
er, about six inches of snow has tarsen,
Carleton Place, Ont,, --It om-zt h
as snowed
bare singe about 9 o'clock Sunday night;
about One toot has fallen; weather mod-
erate; roads fairly good.
Si. ,Toho, N.13,, -Snow fell Monday
morning, and at noon surrie1 ter rain,
with a high gale, wbioh delayed coast
stsame r
rs from sailing for sevralhours.
Ottawa, Ont -- 4 genuine Canadian
snowrtornt. Trains lata, About eight In-
ches of snow fall at Madawaska, and a
snowplow was sent opt to clear the track
for the express.
Biddeford, Mee -The outer end of the
ocean pier at Old Orchard was carries
away during Sunday night's storm. A
section 15e fest long was wrecked, etrry-
ing with it the big pavilion at the end.
The pear was built last spring. The laws
will be $130,000, covered by iu,.arance.
A ILVauitotsatting Woman Teller or Ftur
.Failliugs of 40 Yetre Ago - nor Story
('OuleS ]'roan Waliee:•ron.
Walkerton, Ileo. d. --A strange 'mean,
wild claims to hall from elauitenvauing,
Manitoulin Islands, tells a stary, which,
if true, unearths one of the foulest crimes
that was ever committed in Bruce Con.
ty. The woman's ;tory is as follows:
Some 4:3 years ago a ecrtnin 11r -
Brown, his wife and two -children, nicesod
front the County of York to Imre: ty.
in the Townsiup of Arran. One q these
ohildrea was tbo lady in question, and
was than only three or four years of ago.
The hey was left at Coitiegwood, and the
(lector and his wife and little girl went
out to Invermay. They found shelter in
a stranger's house, and nest elartinp,
after brokerast, the owner of the house
and bis wife, aecmupanied by lir and
Mrs. Brown. wont out into the 'woods.
A few minutes after leavang the house
the bdy -says she heard her another
scream, but the other children wonta not
let her leave the house to see what was
the matter. Tian owner of the house and
bis wife soon returned, but would not
tell what had beeoma of her father and
mother. The little girl continued to live
with this family, and WAS passed off as
their daughter. Thu lady maintains that
a short time after the disappearance of
ber father and mother a streetcar called
at the house one night and never left
alive. Silo claims that the incur was mur-
dered and his corpse buried at the and of
the house. A few years latus ou the fatn-
Ilyy moved to the Manitoulin Islanda, and
here again she hurl reason to suspeot that
a traveller was murdered by the same
The bongs of the man whom she alleges
was buried at the end of the house, are
being dug for,
The Yost Wilms Department Iasaet a
Warning to the Public Concerning
Its Use -Ottawa Notate
Ottawa, Doo. 8. -Tho Post Office De-
partment issues the iolloev'ing caution+
"Although supplies of the new two -cent
Imperial stamp will immediately bo sent
out to postmasters, and although it may
bo used forthwith, if preferred by tbo pur-
chaers, inateaat of the ordinary two -cont
stamp, it is important ter bear in mind
that the inter -Imperial postage does not
come into effect until Christmas Day.
The existing rates, therefore, to those
countries wbioh, in addition to Canada,
have given their adhesion to the scheme
for a mimed postage rate on letters on
and after Dec. 35th inst., will be ob-
served until that dais."
Hon. Mr. Mulook has gone to Lnmbton
to take a hand in the election campaign.
.A representative of a number of Mis-
souri farmers bus been tbrouab the west,
and has selected 26 homesteads in the
distriot 100 miles northwest of Dauphin.
The entire party will move up with their
families and effects about April 1.
The Department of Trade and Com-
merce has received from Mr. Tripp, com-
mercial agent in Trinidad, a report of a
meeting of the Chamber of Commerce
held at Port of Spain on Nov. S at
wbich the following resolution was
adopted: "Tbat the question of the in-
corporation of the British West Indies
with the Dominion of Canada is worthy
of the serious consideration of the Gov-
Hon W. S. Fielding bus returned to
the pity.
The Total Loss Is Estimated in New York
at $400,000.
New York, Deo. 8.-A large force of
firemen were still busy at 7 o'aloek yes-
terday morning pouring water on the
ruins of the buildings burned by the big
Broadway fire. Shortly before 7 o'clock
Contractor W. A. Magee arrived and pre-
pared to take clown the walls of the
Rodgers, Peet & Co. building, wbich
tbreatenea to fall. The work is danger-
ous and prevents Broadway traffic. It is
thought one of the walla °racked from
the fifth floor u.
Deputy Chief Crocker stated that in
his opinion the losses would not be as
heavy as was at first estimated. He places
the total loss at 11400,000•
Elopes and Marries a Negro.
Milwaukee, Wis., Deo. 6. -Tho suburb
of South Milwaukee is greatly excited
over the elopement ot Mlunlo World', a
pretty white girl, with Eldred Moore, a
negro. The pair game to the city,- and
wore married by the Rev. James Higgtus,
a colored minister. The father of the girl
caused- their arrest. At the police station
the girl declared that under no oiroum•
stances wouldshe leaveher husband. She
is 1S years of . age, with blonde hair and
blue eyes: Moore is very dark.
Barber Meeting at Oakville.
Oakville, Ont., Deo, 6.-A political.
meeting was bold in the Town Hall here
in the interests of John H. Bather, the
Liberal candidate, i; was largely attended.
Toho Waldie,, ex-M.P., was the first
speaker, and then came Frank Denton
of Toronto. Hon. E J. Davis, Provincial
Secretary, closed the meeting, criticizing
the statomen;e made at the Kerns meet-
ing ,by Mr. Whitney and Mr. Foy.
(Changed every Weda.esday).
Wheat ver bushel ......... .......... 68 to To
Flour per cwt 1,$6 to q.40
Barley ilr to 20
<lata 25 to i
Peas ..... ........., ........ 5S to 60
Butter .§ to l5
PPu atoes,perbagE65 to y
H er a
Dr ksApl'les per ...... _.... ...»...._,..,4.5oio r0i
Prt ii
Are you frequently hoarse?
Do you have that annoying
tickling in your throat? Would
you feel relieved if you could
raise something? Does your
cough annoy you at night, and
do you raise more mucus in
the morning?
Then you should always keep
on handl a bottle of
but don't think you cart patch
clothes to look like new..
.i:would not
Then a u d
l"l VIII it
pay you when you can buy
elothicg at the prices we
Pants made to order, all
wool heavy tweeds $2,00
Suits *9.80
Overcoats 8.0
Black Worsted suits a spec-
ial, $12,00
Our S20 Maas heat J1
others at $23, Cuwe and eet
for yourself.
•" S .k-...n J. .. .... air ,Yi? ,;`r
if you have a weak
throat you cannot he too
careful, You cannot begin
treatment too early-•. Each
cold makes you more liable
to another, and the last
sine is always harder to
cure than the one before it.
Dr'AICr'sCi t>rgPecterMtPlatt
PrWecls the Nip fPOre .cttist,
Help at Nand.
If you have any complaint
whatever and desire the best
medical advice you can pos.
sibly obtain, write the doctor
freely. You will receive a
prompt reply.
Address, DR. J. C. AVM,
Lowell, Mass.
Tho now Imperial penny postage
stamps are uow on sale at Ottawa.
The Town Council of Napanee pass-
ed a re+aolution condt'n niug` the read
ing of the riot act orf Friday evening
The resolution avers that while the
crowd, was in peaceful occupation of
the street and was not in any way act-
ing in a disorderly manner the act was
read without any cease or reason for
so doing
lkfbrc. 4f r. woods Phosphodiae,
Slaomedebyod Great
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Biz
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abase
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of 'To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1. six, $5, One wilt please,
six tatll cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
r Wnn,i $ Phosphod+ns is sold in Exeter by
J. W. Drawing,tiruggist.
} J
No - ;,..-1 ^ ... r„ttl ell PA 7 id
II ::VD far Young and Old. l
.jr'GIM k
Rv Er
DLitt n.
Eal. ISM
is all
_ x
F21 U9 0
Y+'{'r''r'I e Bare ••ou sunned
r l
gg b`
. > j i a av+., nature
dl g t
,•i t emereet of the terrible crime you
•wei eiteernaterte. Mayon only consider
the fac;em `ng allurements or this evil
lrsl.it l When too late to avoid the tor-
ribie results, were your eyes oneaod t0
, : roti peril? Did ;Feu later on ea ma,n-
tl 'l so 4,.ontrn.otanyPPIIVATEorBLOODD
.`' di:eµ'o? Wereyoueured? Doyonnoll
Dade y see
mob y n yo 1r j reser ems con-
dition?. You,knew, "LIKE FATHER,
L Illi{ SON.” If married are you eon-
•tantly living in dread? is marriage a
failure w ith you on account of an Tweak -
nese •caused'by early abuse or later ez-
bosses?. Have you been. drugged with
mercury? This booklottvillpointontto
yoetthoreariltsoftheseoraniesand oint
opt hints oar NEW •METHOD TREAT-
MENT., will positively cure you. It
showshow thousandshave been saved by
ourINEW TREATMENT. It proves
hoar we eau GUA,PANTEE TO MBE •
Wo treat and curo-1 MISSIONS,
"The Wages 0f Sin" sent free by
enclosing 2o stamp. CONSULTATION
1R NE. If unable to calI, write for
hivf .
Ur, Michigan Ave. and Shelby St.
People patronize us became
they del.lire that we aiway
sell clothing that is strictly
£l+posite Post Office
Bicycles a
Bic ` cis a • .
Bicycle Pleasure.
Aro you seeking Bicycle pleasure
if so, you should seek first a good
wheel. We can furnish you any of
the best wheels made at lowest price*
Do you want anything in the
musical line. We have a choice lot
of Pianos and organs, call and in_
epect them before buying elsewhere.
A full stack
Of sewing .machines, baby asr
riages, etc. ate.
Perkins 8i Martin.
for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble
in Old or young.
We 1Uanufacture--s
which is an excellent remedy for
Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat
and Influenza.
The Old Reliable, Winan'8 Con-
dition Powders,
still holds forst place in the market.
Also Lotion for scratches on horses
and Condition Powder for same
.t!s, "ci ar.t4..R gam -4,R- -die. as,
To read the big stores' ad-
For whose good are we in
the furniture business? For
yours and Ours. If we are not
4 useful to you we cannot be use
A ful to ourselves. We have got
'N to carry the goods you want at
the prices you want or we can-
not make a success of our busi-
ness. But we have been doing
business right along for years,
which proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right quality of furniture at the
right prices. Come and see for
yourself.... -
Furnit 11 re, Undertaking.