The Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-9, Page 2tgbscriberealte do not receive tneir paper
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THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 18013..
The Tag Ends of Things.
(Otte-afteentle of the in'habitanta Vie
:$pain are cables.
Fish with white ilesh are more easily
#egested time, ash with reddiele flesh•
Fowls etre plucked alive in Malta, in
trite pi(bliie market*, aged in ,some part*
of Englaud-
A l t.ld il.ine under the town of. reel-
Urat, Australia, is considered the fish-
est in the world..
The pt p:elationn of England las in-
creeeed Irt.m -'r t'i ttsetttt in the Eliza,
e era -to eiteeetteette to -jay. •
Bamboo teens state retain their bold
to India, where they lave been in use
for more t' wax. a 'horns aid years,
According, to the best atithorrtete,
there hes 1Lever best t race ere mea who
were 'igraara*at of the ;:se of tire.
To make paste erepruof nothtna more
is neeessary than tai saturate the paper
Ins s lattion of alum water, and
When thuroteglaly dry it will resist the
lswt:on o? the Deena
The otter i,, the fa,�tft. traltaln ag.
amtartateal latew n. In the water att
exla bite all a- ttrn:s•F;ng agiliE-r, smith•
snit.;; in n lie: fly betrirontal posit:on
With the greatest ease, diving turd dart.
3a; u.t.r.g beneath the surface with a.
'Peed Penal, it not superior. to that tt
Simile. fishes.
1'heI a never was, met never will be, a
*Overeat ittametei. ha one reeie,lee for al:
(flu to wheel Leese is leer -the vete. nature
of mans curatives o'i 1" such tlett• were
the Eeriee of other and differently seata'!i
di ea -es rooted ie the sestenl of the
patient -what would relieve one ill in
turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in + u:nine Wine, when
ebtainab:e in a sound unadu :erase
,sats, a remedy. for many and
Tres ou: iiis.
By its gradual and judicious u+e the
frailese systems are ted into convalescence
end strength, by the influence which Qua
nine exert* on Nature's own restor tnvee
It relieves the droopieg spirits of :wee
with whom a chronic state of morbid dee.
pendency and leek of interest in life i
disease, anti, by tranquilizing the nerves
disposes to sound end refreslainu sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
otu the reins, altrenl;[he line. the
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
-strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance -result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman ot
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rata,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
Here I am, perched at my open case..roti,
>loying the laugh or some unseen mise
That comes rippling up from some room in the
Just below this,
Morning, noon and night 1(tan hear her
Babbling away with her chatter and chaff,.
And it seems as if all creation near her
Was, lest a -laugh.
Pioture her Isn't her face just made for it-•
Crinkled and curved tor the laughing fit?
Could she be solemn, d'ye bunk, if paid for at
Diva a hitt
Iowa fancy the dimplea her cbeeks imprinting
And see the mouthcorners upward run^
I can catch her eyes ,with. the frolic glinting,
Brimful of fun.
She must be pretty to laugh so prettily---
Such a laugh couldn't belong. to a frump,.
Humorous, too, to see things wittily-
Probably pimp.
There, naw she's off again. Peal upon peal of it.
Clear as a carillon, soft as a hell.
Why. Ws infectious' I'm eatching the feel of it,
Chuckling as swell.
What: Was I dreaming,? That musical melody
Trips up tate. beetle. as s e gio,
Ea trite a vo;ec- that was bu hed-ab. welladay-
Lens: long ago.
Heigh hot To tiaina of what little straw tica-
ale ti l
Il Jest a girl's l .c la -Tamed any laughing ate" lits
Silent, anti I - wt ll, now. tate is ridienlcee-
Tears in nny eyes.
Volcanoes Are Not Rare.
There are 672 known volcanoes in
the world, of which 270 ere active; SC
in America, 24 in Actin, 20 in Africa;
•Java has 100, 28 active. In New Zea-
land, within an urea of 127 miles, there
are 63, ranging from 196 feet to 900
feet in height.
Yinard's Liniment the Lumberman's Friend.
German Honey -ub,Htute.
A attbstitute for honey has been in,
/reduced in Germany under the name
of sugar hong, and consists of sugar,
water, minute amounts orf mineral sub-
stance and free acid.
ETA.TE OF OHin, CITY 1']? TULEn0,1 ,0.
LUCAS Cot'Nrv,
FRANK J. Cin:\EY makes oath that he is the
tenor partner .,f the lhns ,f F. J. vivant, & Co.,
to ng business in the (•.ty o' Toledo, County
and a tateafor,•s'riti, and t' a! n id firm will ]ray
Me sum of UNI: HL"'D;tED D 'LLARS for
each a ,d every case of ( ,tarrh that canntt be
aired by the use of HAT.t.-S C'4TARRII (tree.
Sworn to before me and subseril.ed in my
greaence,this eth day of December, A. D., 1856.
{SEAL SEAL } Notary Public.
eters Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
directly on the bland and mucous surfaces of
the system. Send for r, -sr rnnnials free
F. J. ClieNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
se'Soid by Druggists. 73.'.
Some Foos of Metnory.
A German scientist claims that the
memory is stronger in summer than
in winter. He says that among the
worst foes of the memory are too much
food, too much physical exercise and
too much education.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alt
Druggists refund themoney if it fai.s to cure. 25e
mineral liesuuree.s of main.
Spain has greater mineral resourcee
than any other country in Europe, in.
cludang iron, copper, zinc, silver anti-
mony, quicksilver, lead and gypsum.
-Pall Mall Gazette
i 11TT.I 4 e
llards atabout. midnight. It was •parhsps
the jolliest time I ever had in my 1 ,"
"Except of course just now," I suggest-
ed mildly.
Jack closed his eyelid. "Exactly," he
continued. "Well, this sort of thing went
on for some three weeks, until Iwas mad-
ly in love. I turned the matter over in my
noind end decided to make an effort. I
hada little money of my own -not much,
you know, but enough to marry on
if we
dict t•,. ngs quietly -and I thought, some-
how, that Dolly was aware of my inten-
tions, and did not altogether disapprove
of theta. 1f 1y holiday, too, was owning to
an end, and I could not prolong it for
more than a few .days further. So. I made
up lily mina to Propose on a certain Sat-
urday. It was not a fortunate choice, and And then the number thirteen., tabooed
if I had not been oue of those men who since time began,
hate changing their rninds"--I smiled, For some idiotic reason, by some prehis-
for .lack was known at Cambridge for the toric mea,
most vacillatin of mon =`4I should ver•. I count own to lomy luckyse.
number, and'twas. never
thinly have put it off. Nothing had gone , For it counts the letters of my name and
well that day, The general had been alto- the number of my shoes,
gether off his play and was not in the best
of tempers. I myself had foozled every One of thirteen at a dinner, regardless of
other drive, and ,you know what that the sign,
means. I had beaten him, but there had S'll sli mo dawn and stuff me on the ter
rapin and wine.
been no pleasure about tho game. Even tS teat matter if tho bucket some other fel-
Oh, Friday is my lucky day; of all days.
'tis the best,
When other folks are scared to work and
*cared to•take a rest
For fear some dire confusion or microbe
cella* to town
Will fasten on their vitals or turn 'en up-
side down.
Qu Fridays at the race track
and win,
For then I back the favortts with my lit-
tle pot of tin.
'Tis then I find t e talent and the rooters
alt agreed
That the winning of a favorite on Friday
ain't decreed.
when we got back. a gond deal earlier tl.anlow licks,
usual, I remember noticing that Doily so I ani fat and hearty an s -taking of the •
was not quite as pleasant to ane as L -nal. ; tricks?
However, 1 asked her to come and have a.
game of billiards after tea, meaning to get Geed friends. when everybody else is .
scared to male a
Joel d Addison h, sot been married
more than six months. I had seen noth-
lag of lamsince 1SS7•-,.juhileeyt'ar--•when
we had taken our degrees in the same
batch- We bad been friends at Cant• i
bridge, not perhaps very intimate, but
Evith that kind of friendship that consists
1n playing whist or payer in each other's
motifs; atad welaitlg together down at the
boathouse most afternoons. I hadthought Glace'
Addison perhaps half a dozen uace'
since I cauda down from thevarsity. Poeta'
ably my image bad crossed his nand about'
as often. Nevertheless, though I would
not have walked more than halt a anile
for the pleasure of seeing hien, it was with;
amok unafierted cordiality that we ool.; bands'
in Picradilly the other day. Cheuee meet-
ings are always agreeable, and even to
come aeross au old enemy is better than
nothing. The pleasantest evening I have
spent for years was after a casual eneoun
ter with old L.-arking, who used to lick ale
regularly every day during my first term at
Of course Jack asked No to dinner. It for more than an hour, thinking. Then'
is the Englishman's custom, when, hay- 1 realized It was time to be getting bottle,
ing exhausted all the obvious topics of for, after all, even a disnppointed lover
conversation, be can think of nothing else must have supper. i thought sadly of
to say. I accepted, bernuso just theta 11 what 1 should do, Of course, I had to go;
was not sorry to get u dinner for nothing. I could never sco her again, never play
Besides, one is always curious to see the the old general at golf or billiards again,
sort ot girl who has cared to throw hor- Well, it had been a vary pleasant time
self away upon an old friend. while it lasted. The next morning would
Jack, it seemed, was now partner in a witness my departure -forever.
firm of brewers and apparently had plenty 1 mounted the old bicycle, and set off
of money. These brewers have always wearily homeward. Then a sudden re -
rather rouse(; my envy -probably beeause solve seized mo. Once more I would go
I do not know anything about the buss- by her house and cast a glance at the roof
ness. To the ensue! observer from the out- that sheltered her. It was a fine summer
side they all seem to enjoy a sufliclont in- night and I should still be home well bo -
come without overworking themselves. fore dark. I started, first slowly, then, as
Anyhow, Jack bad a very comfortable lit- the thought of folly came across mo,
tlo house, nicely furnished, and gave duo a faster and faster, until I was riding a
very fair dinner, good without being os- good 12 or 18 miles to the hour -not such
tontaatlous. The wine was excellent, and a bad pace on one of those old skyscrapers.
Mrs. Addison proved to bo a charming "Close to where old'Trofusis lived there
woman. She was extremely pretty, with is a long hill, with a sharp turn near the
that Irish combination that I havo always bottom. It has now been marked with a
thought so effective -blue eyes and hair danger board,, but at that time there were
rather darker than common, She was also but few of those useful inventions about.
a lively talker, without a trace of shyness. In any case, had there been a dozen, it is
Jack, when at college, was the shyest not likely that I would havo stopped for
man I ever knew, but it's a commonplace them. I was reckless that night, and to
that men of this sort always contrive to se- have broken my leg -perhaps even my
cure the best wives. I confess she fairly neck -would have rather pleased tee than
fascinated me, and we talked together the otherwise. So at least I fancied as I tucked
greater part of the dinner, When she rose my legs over the handle bars, preparatory
"She sirnply whizzed along. Never be -
the jug over." is when I And an opening to score on for -
Lack stopped, bad there was a long tune's wheel,
pause. And if ever luck shall ride me in her airy
"'Well. I said, "what happened? She ac- palanquin
eepted you, I suppose." 5 shaU owe it all to i'riday and the vale..alloe' be continued. "She refused me of thirteen.
Witt blank. The fact was. 1 roust have Ate»uta Constitution.
hurried it tae remit, yon know. I eras do-
termined to get it over, and I suppose I
was ton abrupt. The poor child was taken
eolupletely by surprise, or said sho was.
So, for that matter, was I. It 'MSSall aver
iu ten minutes,"
1 begea.. iia grove interested. '"What did.
you do then." I asked.
""Thera was only olio thing to be done. 1
got nn my machine and rode oil. Lean tell
you 1 was in a devil of a state. I neither
looked alar eared where I was going. Aft-
er Own. an hour's hard riding -it wet
just 7 o'clock, for I relneznt,er looking at
.ny wateh-I found myself about fifteen
miles from hone, and. beginning to get
hungry. 1 sat down on a milestone and
reviewed the situation. 15 was very sad. 1
felt as if my life had come suddenly to a
Maul; wall. 15 was no longer worth lir.
ing. These are the usual symptoms, 11ro•
Have. You will understand my sensa-
"Like Marius among the ruins of Car-
thage," I suggested.
"I can afford to laugh at it now, but 1
can toll you that just then it was no
laughing matter.I must have sat there
They Never Fail. -Mrs. S. M. Bough -
ser, Langton, writes: "For about twc
years I was troubled with Inward Piles
but by using Parmelee's Pills, I was com-
pletely cured, and although four years
have elapsed since then they have not re-
turned." Parmelee's Pills are anti -
bilious and a specific for the ure of Liver
and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Cos-
tiveness, Headache, Piles, etc., and will
regulate the secretions and remove all
'bilious matter.
to leave us, I noticed she wore in her bad- to a good rush down
ico a little gold brooch in the forge. of a fore, or since, have I felt tho air rush past
thebichie wheel, with aladoo dnoor for nue with such velocity. Ibad come to the
the pass 1 I helddthe door open for her brow of the hill at a good pace, and made
to too,had out I asked her, mlato
the ifgeneralsrno effort to check myself before the de -
fallen a victim to the scent. There was nothing for it but to
craze. It is my talisman," she said, with a keep cool and watch for the turn. I felt
smile at Jack. "You must ask him about
"Hello!" I said to .Jack when she had
gone, and he was putting out the cigars.
"A romance, eh? Out with it, old chap!"
"It was my wedding present to hor,'
replied Jack, handingiue a Cabana. "The
reason why I chose it is a long story."
"Armed with a cigar and a aup of coffee
-black, please, and one lump -I can
stand anything." Jack handed me the cup
and began with a preliminary cough.
"It was two years after we came down,'
he said, "that I made the acquaintance of
the lady who is now my wife. She was
then Miss Trefusis, and lived with her
father, old General Trefusis-poor follow,
he died before we were married -in a re-
tired village in Devonshire, The general
was a good old chap, and I won his heart
by allowing him to beat me at golf. The
fact is, I had gone down to Devonshire so
as to be near Westward Ho! You remem-
ber I was one of the few men who were
enthusiastic golfers before it became the
"You got your blue for it, I remember."
"Well -if you call that getting a blue.
Anyhow, Westward Ho has always been
one of my favorite links, and there it was
that I first met the old general. I can re-
member as well as anything the first time
I saw him. He had driven off from the
seventh tee and lost his ball in the rushes,
I was just behind him playing a round
myself and as he had gone well off the line -
and seemed to have no chance of getting
onto it again I thought I might as well
play, on. Unfortunately, as frequently
happens in such cases, I pnlled my drive
d landed in a clurn of rushes
badly an p
Boarding House Joke. just in front of his nose. I never reinem-
Bacon-Have you extensive grounds ger hearing more violent language iu my
life: However, 1 apologized profusely, and
by a curiouscoinoidence we found the two
balls lying close together in the same
clump. That pacified him, and as he was
also playing alone we finished the round
Anything to Get a Wheel. "That was the beginning of quite an in -
In the advertising columns of a Ger- timate friendship. We got to playing to -
men paper of recent date appears the gather frequently, and at last he asked me
announcement that "a medical student over to dine at his place. ' I had brought
wishes to exchange a well preserved my bicycle with . me -it was one of the
skeleton for at bicycle."
At the house where you board?
Egbert-Yes; in the coffee.
Ask for Minard's Liniment and take no other.
How to Cure I3eadasohe.-Some people
suffer untold misery clay after. day with
Headache. There is rest neither day or
night until thenerves are all unstrung.
The cause is generally a disordered -ston-
tech, and a cure can be effected by using
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, containing
?,landral a and Dandelion. 311 Fin lay
Wark,Lysander, P. Q., writes: "I find
Parmelee's Pills a first-class article for
Eil?ous Headache."
good old sort, with a 56 inch wheel, you
know -and I rode over in the afternoon,
carrying my dress clothes in a bag. I
saw Dolly that evening for the first time,
and I need not tell 'you that I lost no op•
portunity of peeing her again. Soon it be-
came quite the regular' thing for Ins to
ride over in the morningfor luncheon -
it aeas ahont five matte off -and drive
gaol! with tae lammed tar a g.alne in the
at tern n 'then wt. auuld return to din
ter, and 1,wnuid rale hack on my alas
*knee atter a cheroot' and a game of MI-
intoxicated, exhilarated to madness by
the speed. I laughed aloud and gave a
shrill halloo of triumph. I was nearly at
the turn.
"A woman's scream for help rang out
as I negotiated the corner. Like a streak
of lightning I shot round, the angle judged
to a nicety, though I shaved a stone at
the edge of the grass by a miracle. Fifty
yards farther down were two figures, a
man and a woman, their backs toward
me, running. The woman was in front.
It was a chase.
"I saw at once my game and held on
without a sound. The bicycle was rac-
ing along at close on 40 miles an hour,
the rubber tires making no noise on the
hard ground. T11ere were none of your
clanking chains in those days. Tho girl -
for I could now see that it was a girl -
ran nobly, but the ruffian was gaining
upon her. In three seconds I should have
caught him. -
"Suddenly In a flash I recognized the
girl. It was Dolly! The sight nerved me
to a frenzy, and, as my wheel caught her
pursuer in the back, 1 uttered a most
blood curdling yell of triumph.
"Tho smash was terrific, and if I had
not put my legs over the handles 1 should
have been killed to a certainty. .As .it
was, I came off remarkably well with a
bruise or two and rather cut about the
There waste pause. "That was how it
happened," concluded Jack, "Shall we
adjourn to the drawing room?"
"She was netted, I suppose, by your
heroism?" I surmised as we rose.
"Well -you see, I had to carry her
home," exclaimed Jack, who seemed re-
luctant to finish the story. "She had
fainted at the critical moment."
"I see, And how about the robber?""
Jack, laughed, "I left him there, and,
what was rather curious, I never saw him
-or the remains of my machine either for
that matter -again. The man was only a
common taunt)," he added as he thought
that acooupted for the double disappear-
"One more question," 1 urged as we
ascended the stairs. "Why was Miss Tre-
fusis-Mrs. Addison -walking in a coun-
try ,lane .alone in theevening, if the ques-
tion is not indiscreet?"
"It is most indiscreet," said Jack sol-
emnly. "She has confided to me since"
and he nudged me forcibly in the ribs -
"that she had thought it just possible she
might happen to meet me again along
that road,"
'I have never allowed him to ride a bi-
cycle since," said Mrs. Addison, with a
senile, as we entered the drawing room. -
E. H Lacon -Watson in Country Life Blue-
"What's the trouble, my little man?"
"I've lost 20 pfd •nigsl Boohoo!"
"Oh, don't ory t There's another 20
pfennig piece. Where did you lose the
"Pitching ooppers l" -Jugend.
Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by selling twenty Topaz
Pin, annsi our Premiumat 15 c List, postpa d.h. Noyomoney address
requand ired. These Pins
wilt aimo>t sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best
diamonds, and has never before been off red at anything like this price. The
Watch neat apurnnee' thoroughlywell made, and
fully guaranteed,
Unsold is
may be zeturned. Mention this
paper when writing.
-"• THE GEM PIN CQ., Freehold Build' -ng, Toronto, Ont,
ftle.i M,M1411Ml!3tiMANONLO'A.W.I..V.V.R.OliPARlMA;1MMsAsAllaM' 1'.!IM~MMWMF
The Way of the World.
"Who is the lady that has been owing
you for such a long time?" asked the
dressmaker of her friend the milliner.
"The wife of old Credley, the 'cash
grocer,' " answered the milliner. -Brook-
lyn Life.
cu IN
Burdens Are Heavy,
and Hard to Bear,
Unless Dodd's Kidney Pills Are Used -
Then Diseases of Wotuen Are Cured,
and Suffering Cease, -Mrs. Ellen
Dawson', Case.
After Wanting' ;lore Films Than Was
Absolutely i' eees.tary Ile Resolved
to 'heist' the Youngster to a "'rotes*
xi"tual and Got good. Results.
The Italy was reseonsible for the trou-
ble. les, ,s a ere:: b.lay, anti the youngl ane i wine toe t 4 :d in their ap tt .:
of ittt 5.oan:anti call t,'i;i' tat
tosc:_t.R its itttrtt s. 1': ey al. a anew beyond
pet :avant are timeeWeetlae prettiest baby
ever l.,+tn.
Mat tl baby got to he a year old, the fa-
ther said ono morning .st l.z•.aa° fat -t;
"Lo'-/.; her N-11, svo uiust have some
pictlatee (ef ao.aisy. I don't like the reg -
'elation baby 1 ieturs s, though. I'sn gaits„
to get is ei.nlers zu tyska So we can e.t[e'h
bion in statue of bis entn attitrtles---flee
the other dray when tae lead he eat °'y the
tail ..end wad; 1-oilntiiltg it 'with hie kattle.
Wouldn't that helve been is cunning little
se:s'o to simile"
"Ineteid it would. And yesterday you
ou.^,ht to havo, seen how the dear little
ciaald twisted nurse's a:u' when sho tried
to taut his cap on. I thought I'd liko t4
bawl caught the eepreeeben in his fare.
Ho did look :sotletermil ed and smart, dear
lit le dearie:"
110 daddy purcleased a $3 camera that
morning alai 14rotrdht it home at night.
"It is only a, cheap one, but I think it is
green anti the films aro the soma as the
higiler ler lead e'ut.4•nas use," he said, ex-
hihiting It to hie wife. "Now. if it is a
bright day tomorrow, 1 am going to begin
on him."
Ir was a bright day, and daddy used up
eight pletes dancing about the baby while
it was being dressed, taking very snappy
snapshots at hien. Afterward they put
him on the door in the midst of a half
dozen pillows and turned the cat over to
hint. The feline must have objected to
being pietured, for just as daduy was
pressing the button the animal turned
upon her small tormentor and let out a
yowl that nearly frightened Tootsy into
apatite. It took mammy an hour to bring
him around again, but daddy managed to
use up the dozen plates on the pair just
the same. He took the filo. to town that
clay, had it developed in a hurry and
brought it home at night. The results of
the piotures were hardly sntisfactory. The
first ei,,ht contained excellent pictures of
the edeas of ohairs, plocas of the rug, the
zuantei, mammy'e arm and hand, and the
baby basket with one small bare foot on
the °deo of the picture, but the baby's face
did not appear. 'i'hls was disappointing,
but they turned to the other plates with
hope. Tho eat picture showed a large, it
regular blank blotch, covering seven -
eighths of the plata, and which, when
printed, proved to be the baby's mouth ae
it let out a yell of fear. The picture was
natural, but the young folks didn't seam
to like 1t.
Then daddy bought an instruction book
and went into the business of amateur
photography in earnest. At the end of
the month Ittihad purchased n new camera
and supplies amounting to $173.54 in all,
and as a result had one picture in which a
baby face surrounded by a lot of white,
fluffy clothing could bo distinguished.
But even this was not satisfactory, for tht
baby's countenance had "taken" so dark
that the contrast with the white back-
ground was distressing. They printed and
mounted one and placed it on the sitting
room table, but it dill not remain there
long. Bobbie, a small cousin, appeared on
the scene one afternoon while mammy
had a swell caller and, having caught
sight; of the photograph, howled to his
brother, "Come here, Tommie, and see
the Indian baby picture!"
That picture was retired.
At the end of the tenth week an account
of stock was taken. Exactly 104 pictures
had been taken, out of which two ware
interesting, because visitors didn't have to
make more than two guesses before de-
ciding directly what they represented.
Then one afternoon Tootsey got hold of
the camera himself, while in his nurse's
arms, and the next moment it had landed
in the open grate. Tho greedy flames ate
it up, celluloid film, bens, box and all.
The next day daddy and mammy took
the baby to a professional photographer
and had a regulation picture made of him.
It took the operator an hour to get the
baby into a good humor, but daddy en-
joyed the exhibition. Ho had been there
himself. -Cincinnati Commercial Trib-
Was Reckless.
First Criminal -So Bill, the oraoksinan,
le in the tcila at last,
Second Criminal --Yes; he escaped art
rest so many times that be livai;.• got
foolhardy and rode his bicycle without a
Only natng One of the Things.
Tatatnr (5-i 115(551;0-7 )37:t't you syr, the
eie;n than says no begglugandloiteril:gaL'e
al;rove 1 1:er. ?
Tam any (i' dignitntly)-»I'm not b.ring
and l.a. •'film,. I'M only begging. - .tesY
'i titan' Itailtr;ts.
By means of a valuable toughening
process. recently discovered. glass may
new be moulded into lengths and used
es railway sleepers. Glass balls are
also prod'u"ud by -this salve toughening, It is, therefore. poasible to
have a complete gives • railway. The
glass rails are turned out in size} one
stapes similar to those of the ordinary
steel Mills, 'I'ht'y are far tou slier :alt;
resist ills action of the elements more
■uceessfuliy than steel.
Toronto, Nov. 27. -The daily papers
from day to day contain reports of the
wrecking of onee happy homes, through
the insanity of mothers, whose reason
has been destroyed by illness.
Women's burdens are many* and hea-
vy, and hard to bear. They are, as a
rule, borne in silence, for women don't
want to incur the expense of calling in
the doctor; they don't want to worry
their husbands. They continue suffer-
ing in silence, wbilte their ailments are
sapping their strength, undermining
their health and reason, and hurrying
them to the grave.
It is needless to call In a doctor
most of such cases. The suffering wo-
man can cure herself at very small ex-
pense. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the
remedy she needs -
In ninety-nine of every hundred cases
o•: "Female Complaints," the trouble
has its origin in diseased kidneys' Very
soon the urinary and reproductive or-
gans are involved, and the sufferer be-
comes a frail and wasted shadow of her
former self.
By restoring the Kidneys to sound
health, and so ensuring their prompt
and proper action, "Female Com-
plaints" can be quickly, thoroughly and
permanently cured:
Mrs. Ellen Dowson, 640 Gerrard St.
D., has discovered the value of Dol$'■
Kidney Pills in these cases. She writes:
"For oe er. six years I suffered intensely.
from Palpitation • of the Heart and Fe-
male Weakness. One of Toronto's
best dcc'tors attended me, and . I used
manly different medicines, but got no
relief, till I used Dodd's Kidney . Palle.
I have taken eight boxes, awl etin com-
pletely cured."
Dodd's Kidney Pills will do for all
suffering women what they did for Mrs.
Dowson. Test them. They'll convince
Crated you by curing you.
li'nard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
('nsr of an Electric t'itb,
It costs about $1.000 to build an elea•
tri' cab of the kind now in use in
Was Surprisingly Large.
An Irishman and a Scotehtnan were
traveling through a petroleum works when
Pat noticed one of the big tanks that are
used to store petroleum oil in. "Shure,
and what do you call them?" inquired
Pat. "I dinna ken," said Sandy. "Faith,
and that is where you be wrong. You've
never seen a dinner can in your life the
size of that, I'm sura!" -Chicago Journal.
Very Original Indeed.
Meeks -My wife is nothing i r not orig-
inal. Now, what do you suppose ni .t said
when I asked her to marry me?
Weeks -Oh, something about its being
so sudden, I suppose!
Meeks -No, indeed! She said: "Well,
I think it's about time. I''ve been expect-
ing you to make a break for three
months l"
Men, boys or girls, who will make
a house to house canvass
for THE SUN.
Theis the ONE
... Agricultural
grctu al
in Canada.
It is the one
paper to which A Bystander is a
regular contrib'ltor.
No paper offers more liberal
Send for circular allowing cash com-
missions, also tits Ifst of valuable prizes
offered those who prefer to take their re-
ward in that way,
Specimen copy of application to
At Airs. Hashcrolt's.
"The new girl is not a Swede. She" -
Mrs. Hashcroft tapped with a spoon at
a fly on the prunes.
"She's Finnish."
The dyspeptic boarder craned his nolo
to peer after the individual alluded to.
"Yes," be said, "I sea your Finnish."
.A. crash of crockery from the kitchen
confirmed, his merry jest. -New York
Journal. -
The best and most sensible invention of
the age. Endorsed and recommended by
MEDICAL men all over the country. PRiCE
SO REASONABLE that no home should be
without one. Write for circular to
The Odorless Crematory and
General Heating Co.,
T. N. U.
at The Northern BusisessColtese,
Owen Sound Ont., b, experien
Taught teachers. Course includes Short-
hand, Tvpewriti, g,Penmanship and
Letter.writing--just the subjects re-
quired by Shorthand writers in ore ework. College
Aunouncemeatfree. C. A. FLEM1NU, Principal.
World's Largest Library.
The largest library In the world is
that of Paris.' It contains upward of 2,-
000,000 printed books and 160,000 manu-
scripts. The British museum contains;
about 1,500,000 volumes and the Imperial.
library at St. Petersburg about the same
number. These are the largest libraries
in the world.
We give this fine
watch, chain and
charm, for selling two
Bu mons, at ten cts.
each. Send your ad
dress and we forward
and our Premium
List. No money re-
quited. Sell the But-
tons among your
friends, return the
money, and we send.
the watch, prepaid.
A genuine American
watch, guaranteed,
for a few hours work.
Mention this paper
when writing:
20 Adelaide St. E.
Toronto, Ont.