HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-2, Page 6$ubaeriberswho do not receive their paper K[RsEilstegularty will please notify us at once,Call at the omee for advertislug rates. 1110 . VOID UUP
THURSDAY, DEC, 1. 1898,
Salt a .Good. Servant.
Balt cleanses the palate end furred
tongue, and a gargle of salt and water
Is otters efficacious.
B. pinch of salt on the tongue, follow-
er, ten minutes afterward by a, drink of
cold water, often eures tack head-
Salt hardens game, makes teeth white
and cweetens the breath.
Cut flowers may be kept fresh by
*Adding salt to . the wafter.
Weak ankles should. be rubbed with
st solution of salt, water and aleohoL
Dyspepsia, heartburn and indigestion
alae relievedby a .tall of hot water in
which a small spoonful of salt has been
Salt and water will sometimes, revive
sea unconscious person when hurt, if
brandy or other remedies are net at
Hemorrhage from tooth -pulling is
stopped by ening the month with salt
lend water.
Week tied tired eyes are refreshed
ty bathing, with warm water and
Public speakers and many noted :ring -
tors use a wash of salt and water before
and after ueiug the voice, as it astreugttlt-
ens the organs of the throat.
Salt rubbed into the scalp or occe-
sionnlly added to the s Iter in washing
.prevents the hair falling out,
Feathers uncurled by damp weather
*re• quickly dried by shaking over fire
le which salt has been thrown.
Salt always should be eaten with nuts
and a dessert fruit salt used should be
specially made.
Add salt to the water in which black
awl white cotton goods are washed..
Flat irons may be made smgoth it
c ribbed ever salt.
Copper and glass may be quickly
cleansed by dipping halt a lemon in
• lie salt: then rubbing them over stain-
ed objects.
Lemons and salt also remove atains
from the fingers- Do Mat use soap after-
If a meal' teaspoonful of fine salt he
added to a quart of milk it will be
preserved sweet and pure for several
Eggs packed in salt can be kept tar
;several months.
A pinch of salt added to mustard
prevents it souring.
A smouldering or dull fire may be
Bleared for broiling by a handful of
Salt thrown on any burning substance
will stop the smoke and blaze.
Bread insnfiirit'ntly salted becomes
acid, dry add enmities,
If twenty pounds of salt and ten
pounds of muriate of ammonia be dis-
solved in seven gallons of water and
bottled, many fires may be prevented.
By splashing and spraying the burning
articles the fire is soon extinguished.
An incombustible coating is immediate-
ly formed.
Out of Some.-`ymptom., Headache.
loss of appetite, furred. tongue, and gen-
eral indisposition. These symptoms, if
neglected, develop into acute disease. It
is a trite saying that an "ounce of prevent
tion is worth a pound of cure," and a
little attention at this point may sane
months of sickness and large doctor hills.
For this complaint take from two to three
of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills on going to
bed, and oue or two for three nights in
succession. and a cure will be effected.
Trite *tut 'ensible.
Waste not, want not.
Never play ataey game of chance.
One to -day is worth two to -morrows.
We never repent having eaten to* lit-
Nothing is troublesome that we do
Pride foists ns more than hunger,
thirst and cold -
Never run into debt unless you see a
way to get out agefn.
Three things le be careful of: Health,
reputation, money.
1\'hen angry, (uuut ten; when, very
angry, count a hundred.
Tin pleasure of doing good is the only
one that never wears out -
Early to bed and early to rise makes
am healthy, wealthy and wise.
Small and steady gains give compe-
tency with tranquility of mind.
If anyone o e speaks evil of you let your
life be such that no one will believe
The healthy glow disappeering from the
cheek and moaning and restlessness at
night are sure symptoms of worms .n
.children. Do not .'ail to get a bottle of
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; it
is an effectual medicine.
Lemon %Mite,' s the Hands.
For the hands that have become
fanned or sunburnt, just before going to
bed bathe them in warm water and
soap; rinse them in tepid water, so, that
all the soapy water has disappeared,
and then dabble them with lemon juice.
If you skin is very sensitive, dilute the
lemon juicebut when it is applied al-
low it to dry - en the hands. Sleep in
gloves, and after the third night's care
your hands will be as fair and soft as
the hands of any od Shakespeare's hero-
ines. -Ladies' Horne Journal.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows,
11 ear el, V. lnab;e coins.
A gold coin passes from one to an-
other two billion times before the stamp
or impression upon it becomes obliterat-
ed by friction, while a silver coin
changes about three billion two hundred
and fifty million times before it be-
comes entirely effaced.
The ''tr..e „ .. e
Ornitholol fists tell us that when feed
-fag the stride of the ostrich is from 20
to 22 inches; when walking; but not
feeding, 26 inches; and when terrified
11 1-2 to 14 feet, or at ,the rate of about
2E miles an hour..
Found in the, Klondike and
Vatued at $50,000.
A S10,000: Taken of &ppreoi•ntion Por a
War Correspondent --The Miami Indi-
ans Have Held Their Last Colwell-
Only Sixty 1!ntt-B1Rods Now Exist -A
F'reenoh-Cauadiaa Killed la the Michi-
gan Lumber Woods,
James A. McMillan, land surveyor of
Calgary, Is dead,
Thomas Chisholm, sr;, for eleven
terms reeve of North Dumfries, is dead.
C. W. Couldook, the well-known actor,
died In New York at 9.30 on Sunday
Rev. W. J. Barkwell, M.A. pastor of
McCaul Street Methodist Church, To-
ronto, is dead.
Sir Henry Irving is making 50 Blow a
recovery ;bac probably be will not leave
Glasgow tor three weeks.
The London, Eng., police arrested alto-
gether during last year :the surprising,
number of 102,525 persons,
Mr, J. F. Roebe, solicitor, Termite,
who was arrested on a oharge of forgery
and perjury, bas bean released ou bait.
Most of the wild rumors about Melte-
lek, the Abyssinian, come Irani Home,
where Atonelel; is sofnewbet Of a bogey.
A. son of J. J. Rill is to be appointed
general lnana„ ee of the B. 410. 0. Railroate.
His father brought him up in the bug--
Sh Henry de Villiers, Chief Justice of
Cape Colony, is about to retire. Sir
kleery visited Canada during the Caba-
la' conference.
Tea impression is gaining strength in
Paris that Whitelaw Reid will be the
next United tilatee ambassador ae the
Court of tau. James.
Marsha), Blanco on Saturday formally
resigned the otitees of Governor and Cap
tain-General of Cuba in favor of General
aimenez Castellanos.
A writ bas bean issued on behalf of the
Merehauts' Bank of Canada against
Robert Berryman, wool merchant of
Hamilton, for *20,014,6T.
It is stated that the big: deal by wbiob
the Chicago Se .Alton Railway will Mass
under the control of the Penuslyvania
will soon be consumulated,
George Finlay, aged e1, while III wept
to the ballast where at St, John, loaded
Mia pockets with stones and jumped over.
Sia dead body was recovered.
The cold snap is causing trouble and,
anxiety In 1Honaroalahinping olroles. The
last ocean 'teasels of the season had a
close shave in getting away.
Tore is talk 0f the death sentence of
Mann, the Montreal murderer, being
commutted to life imprisonment, owing
to the discow:ay of new evidence.
The Stevens Mauufaoturing Company,
brass founders of London, Ont,, suffered
a loss of between $8,000 and $10,000 on
Saturday night as the result of a lure.
The United States transports Arizona
and 01ibo have arrived at Manila and
landed their troops. There was very little
Sickness and no deaths on the voyage.
Augustine Pahnisasse, an Italian fruit
peddler, was roasted to death in a lire
that destroyed nis store in the Chippewa
Market, Buffalo, ou Saturday morning.
London Lancet announces that the
Prince of SVales has completely recovered
from the acoideut to his knee. His Real'
Highness is being lavishly congratulated,
Ralph W. \V ireback, oonvicted at Lan•
caster, Pa., of murdering D..13. Landis',
last ,April, has been refused a new trial,
and was en Saturday sentenced to be
Mr. William Bell, father of Mr. Wil -
]lam Bell, the well known piano and organ
manufacturer of Guelph, has lately pars
ed away in Dumfries, Scotland, at the
age of 96.
Great havoc has been wrought through-
out Pbilndelphia and the entire State of
Pennsylvania by the blizzarrd of Sunday.
In Canada, New Brunswick has suffered
the worst.
There is much suffering because of
floods near Dublin, Ireland. In the dis-
triet around Drpmcondra, two miles
north of the city, scores of houses are
ander water.
A gold nugget valuer! at $50,000 was
shipped to Europe on eaturduy by the
Ounarder Lucerne. The nugget wag found
in the Klondike and is the property of
H. Maitland Kersey.
Grant s Music Rall, at the corner of
Sparks and ,Bank streets, Ottawa, was
burned down Sunday night. The build-
ing is gutted, and the roof fell in. The
loss will be about $8,000.
The proprietors of the London Standard
have given a young man named Maxwell,
sent out by that paper to report the cam-
paign in the Soudan, $10,000 as a token
of his employers' satisfaction.
Sir George Kirkpatrick bas been seri-
ously ill tor the past week at his home
on Simeoe street, Toronto, owing to the
return of his old trouble, but on Sunday
night he was resting easier.
Remnants of the immense buffalo
herds, once monarchs of the Manitoba
prairies, still exist not far north of •Win-
nipeg. A Swan River settler reports hav-
ing seen three during the past week.
The lumber -laden, eohooner Maria
Annette is ashore on Charity Shoal, near
Kingston. The Calvin Company sent a
tug to assist her, but the weather was so
rough the tug could not remain alongside.
The last council which the IYiarni In•
diens will ever hold was aajourned at
Wichita, Kgs,, on Saturday, The once
powerful tribe has dwindled to about 60
full-blooded members. The meeting was
Joseph Chevron went from Gatineau
Point a month ago to the lumber wop;is
of Michigan. Last Thursday be was bell-
ed by a tree failing, on him, and Frieay
ni tp- his body was received at his Cana-
dian home.
The first severe snowstorm of the win-
ter struck New York Saturday. A keit
of snow fell and the wind whizzed about
the streets at a 60.-milo•an-hour, rate
There were dritts five feet high. 'l:roiley
lines were knocked out.
Manitoba • and Northwestern butter
will again have to contend at Vancouver,
B.C., with the Australian variety, Aus-
tralian and New Zealand shippers last
Winter and spring obtained a good price
and will try it again.
Mrs, Robert. Taggart of 14 Sydenham
street, Toronto, the woman who was so
bretally assaulted by her husband with a
Yammer in the yard at the rear of 45
Seaton street early Friday morning, died
at the General Hospital at. 3.20 a.m. on
Saturday. Ad inquest was begun and ed.
journed until Tuesday night,
Dr. A. Conan Doyle has stepped once
more into the controversial ring, with
Michael Devitt as his opponent. Davitt's
statement that the English, in the Untted
Status aro eudeavoring to use the United
States for their own ends, serves as the
present casus Belli,
Herbert D. Mereweather, high con-
stable of Wellington County, Ont,, went
to Buffalo in search of n wheat thisf. He
vielted the jail, saw John Kelley and
identified him as the wheat thief. Kelley
agreed to ooze back to Canada for trial
without. extradition..
At the conference held on Saturday
afternoon between Superintendent Fitz-
hugh of the Grand Trunk and Superin-
tendent Price of the Canadian Pacific to
enquire into the ear 50 ai the accident at
Port Credit last week no decision was
arrived at, and the meeting was post-
poned indefinitely.
Aged Mrs. Wynn, the richest resident
of Brooklyn, Ill., and owner of hhlt of
the town which Iles across the river front
St. Louis, 4o„ was murdered Friday
night or early Saturday morning by rob.
bers, who cut her throat and left her
dead in the front yard, after ransacking
the house. The murderer or luurderers
must have obtained considerable money.
battr,tly Injured by a Street Car.
Winnipeg, Nov. 23. -One of Winnie
peg's oldest and bestknowlu citizens. Air.
W, rarrell, was atruck andprobably
Wally injured by a street car on Satin',
day afternoon, He is still alive, but not
expeetgd to recover.
A clue is the shape of a blood-stained
coat bas been found relating to the
Stuartbure tragedy,. The police know to
whom the coat belonge and au arrest
may be expeoted.
itleft;trd Joues Pik41y Hurt.
Bldgetawn, Ont., Nev. 28,=A man,
maned Richard ,bones, driving hutne
across the ALO.R. tracks, two miles west
of bare, on Saturday alight was strnok by
M.C,R, aocommodatlon train and prob-
ably fatally injured. His rig was reduced
to kindling wood, his leg was broken,
face badly out and be was also badly
jurod internally.
ltrida;e lsuilder .Ki1led.
Faris, Ont„ Nov. 28. -John Frisk,
who was working on the Grand. Truth,
Railway bridge about two• miles oast of
here, was struck by a train, sustaining',
injuries from which be died a few hours
later, Deceased was about 45 years of age',
and leaves a widow and cue son.
Two Men Killed.
South Berwick, Mo„ Nov. 28. -Harley
Bates and E'raad. Hallway, engineer and
fireman on the Boston clb Maine Railroad,
were killed by the heavy snow plow tip-
ping over on the cab. 'They were crushed
against the holler head.
Is* Gunxez l*eacd'
Havana, Nov. ?S. -There was a report
in circulation hero last evening, that word
bas been received of the death of Gen.
Maximo Gomez on Friday night, but it.
is not credited in Cuban circles.
Chicago Wheat Detained a Cent Per
13ushut, and Liverpool Was Easier
un Saturday -The ]'rice,:.
Saturday Evening, Nov. 26.
Liverpool wheat .inures were easier to-
day, clueing ?gd to sled per cental lower
then yteetei'day. Paris wneut closed steady
to 10 cc ,xmes lvwer for the day. An-
twerp was unchanged.
Chicago wheat was weak on heavy sell-
ing to -day. Reports were Cabled of cheep
er Russian wheat and large Argentine of-
ferings. Next mouth's delivery declined a
cent a bushel, and the airy option ,o.
Leading wheat iiarketio
Following are the closing prices to -day at
'Important centres :
Cash. Nov. Dec May.
Chicago ..$, ... $v u5le $(1 erne 3v 06
New York . .... 0 nen 0 7i1
111-waukee 0 471 0 0598
Sr. Louis 0 70 0 `011�f, 0 (0U 0 i>bgy'
Toledo ... 0 7011 .... 0 7.n;s 0 70
Detroit0 lits? s ....0 GaliS 0 G04
Duluth, No, 1
Northern 0 6S11, 0 63 0 65%
Duluth, No. 1
hard . 0 70,/,.
Minn apawi•, . 0 63?i' 0 02% 0 ea%''
Toronto, No 1
Lard (new)., 0 81
Toronto, red.. 0 70 .
Toronto St. Lawrence Market.
Receipts of farm pecan.ve were iixbt io-
day owing to the Storm-ltltlt bus:leis of
grain, prlees for which were benerta,ily
easier, 10 loads of hay and 1 of straw.
Wheat easier; 000 unshels sold tee fol-
lows: White 72e to 73e, red 71c to 72e,
goose We to 70o.
Barley easier, S00 bushels selling at 49c
to 510.
Oats easter; 400 bushels sold at $2c to
Peas steady; 100 bushels sold at no.
Flay steady; timothy $8 to $9.50 per ton,
and clover $5.50 to $7 per ton.
Straw -One load of rye straw sold at $S
pea• to
Drescsen.d Hogs --Prices unchanged at $5.40
to $3.60 per cwt.
Butter-Priees easy, at 18e to 20c per ib.
rolls from farmers' baskets.
Eggs--Strictly . 2.
-Strictly new -laid eggs -sold at ..Sc
to 30e per dozen. Those that have been
gathered three or four weeks are worth
only 20e to 220.
Poultry -Prices for poultry were fairly
firm as follows: Chickens 35c to 65c per
pair, ducks 50c to 80e per pair, geese aY2c
to 61/le per Ib., turkeys Se to 110 per ib..
the bulk going at Pe and l0c per lb.
Potatoes Minot at 60c to 65e per bag.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
Buffalo, Nov. 26.-Itcce.ipts of sale and
through cattle during .the 24 hours ended
at noon to -day were : Cantle, 52 cars: dneep
and lambs 15 oars;oa
hops, 3; rs. nip..
mentti Cattle 52 cats; sheep and lambs,
8 catra•, hr's, 27 cars.
Catty -None on sale, Calves !n fair sup-
pV, goad deniutad and clan. .lUhoice, extra,.
Sheep and Lambs -Twenty leads offering.
Market in good pos'tion. Native Iambs
higher, Basics of bulk of sales was $i 33
for choice lambs but there were a to*
sales at $5'•71) to $5;75 Choice to eats.,
$5.60 to $3.75; good 10 r hof, c', $ 12p to $5,31);
fair to good, $a to $1,3i. Sheep dho'ee to
extra, $4.25 to $1,40; good to choice, $4 to
$4.25; common to fair, 92.50 to $$.50. Can -
;Ida lambs In fair demand, and sold et $a.)
to $5.50. ,
Cheese Markets.
London, Ont., Noy. 'b. Sixteen factories
offered 4408 boxes, Pall ea, e: e, Sales : 18.3
at 3o, 1085 at 91l9e. 273 at 0y/se,. 1tarket
fair. The last in iket of the season will be
held next Saturday,.
Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 26. -The Board of
Trade closed to -day for the season. Cheese
alt sold In Jefferson County.. Sales to -clay,
2250 large at 91,4e to 9)ic, bulk at 91/e. SmtuU'
cheese. 0%o, to 0 c.
British Markets.
Liverpool•, Nov.0.--(12.110:)-talo. 1 Gruff.,
65 :10d to es 101/,d; :red winter, 6s; No. 1
Northern, n,spring. ('.s l; . �,u. 3s 411/-d;
peas, 5s 91
. 'd, pork, 50s; laud, as ad; tallow,
lay'�rl beeen, heavy, ec.. 28; light, 27s'
60: short cut, 28s 6d;, cheese, white, 44s 60;
colored 45s 6d.
Liverpool--Close-Spot wheat dill, with
No. 1 Northern at 6s 2y,d; red .winter fu-
tures, 65. '0G/,d for Pee. and ns' 1.0%d d for
Mardi. , Spot maize alulet at 3s 111n2d; fu-
lu.ee,s quiet apt ee 9yul for Pee., 3s 77/sd. for
March and 3s 7n,Bd for May. Flour, 19s 3d.
He wasn't at El Caney, ner near Santy-
ago town;
He didn't let no Spaniard git a chance to
mow him down,
He didn't win n glory, ner he got no
great renew
But you ought to
S4 wasn't at Manlier when the nlghtln
there took place.
He. wasn't an the Oregon In her most fa-
mous race,
No Spaniard ever tried to make him west
that Mouser face,
But you ought 10
lee wasn't no rough rider chap down
there with d.asiain Ted,
never felt the penetratin power of
rushin lead,
never showed no signs of haslet blood
leo wanted shed,
But you ought to
talk' 1
He wasn't down at Tampa where the alit.
gators fly.
Where the ram came down and soaked
him just as soon as he got dry.
'Where the hardest thing was bard. tack
an the riskiest was pia,
But you ought to
In tact, tae's never been away except two
days last fall:
no's heard the soldiers Whin, though,
and thinks he knows it all -
He's the man that does the sweepin out
down at the armory hall,
.And you ought to
aititnore American.
Minard'a Linitgent Cures Diphtheria.
A G"ad. Liui>nent,
A writer 'to the hnusbold columna at
a northwestern paper gives this reeipe
for making a liniment for rnnn and
beast: Drop a oraei><ed egg, shell and
ail, into a pint 0f strongest eider vine-
gar. Beep covered ;from dust and allow
to stand till the egg and shell have ois-
appeared. Shake well and strain, add-
ing a gill of turpentine, Always shake
well before using, as the turpentine does
not combine readily with the vineg'•er.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
teem that there la at least; one dreaded disease
that science duds been Ale to cure In all its
.caged, and that Is Calarrn. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu-
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat-
ment. Mall's Catarrh Comb taken internally,
acting directly ulion the bleed ane mucous sur-
faces of the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the
petted atrength by building up the constitution
and asslating nature In doing ha work. The
propr etors have so much faith in its curative
Powers, that they ober One hundred Dollars
for any ease that it falls to cure. Send for list
of testim,•niale
Address F. J. OI IENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
,tgirSoid by Druggists, 70e.
The Power of Coal.
An interesting calculation hos been
made, which shows that the energy
produced by a pound of good coal
equals the work of one man for one
day. One square mile of a seam of
coal only four feet deep could there-
fore be made 'CO exceed the work oe one
million men for twenty years.
Are your corm burse to remove than
those that other, hart, had 1' linee they
not had the same kind ? %save they not
been cured by teeing Holloway's Corn
Cure ? Try a bottle.
By Nasue.
"If this Is your 'Indian summer,' "
growled the refugee from Mississippi,
blinking dismally and drawing his rain
coat tighter about his shivering form, "I
know what Indian it was named after."
"Well?" said the curious citizen.
"Rain •in-the•i'aco."
Progressiva Senteucoa.
[Here are some curious sentences in
which each word contains one more let-
ter than the preceding ward] :
I do not care about garden parties, al-
though receiving numberless invitations
I am not very sorry `Palter tumbled
headlong, screaming alarmingly unut-
terable maledictions
"I go," was that hero's answer, dash-
ing forwards, Napoleon's battalions im-
medialtely surrendering.
I go ten miles every Monday, through
plelasant woodlands, oftentimes judi-
ciously accompanying excursionists
am sad when, tancy brings knocking
memories returning; detestably impor-
tunate, occasionally
questionably disembarrassing, unrea-
sonableness, conscientiousness.
I do not feel alarmed, having happily
overcome jaundiced prejudice's innu-
merable traducements, determinntely,
unrestreanable misinterpretation, char-
acteristically intercommunications' in-
comprehensibleness --Golden Days.
Von oan get
The Sun Gives:
The best Market Reports.
Tho best arranged and most up-to•date in-
formation for progressive farmers.
A full summary, of the week's news.
Interesting stories and selections for faamrriily
reading. And it is the one paper to which A
Bystander, the greatest English writer in
America, is a regular contributor.
You can get Tile. SUN.. clubbed with
From now until the er-d of 1899 for 81.00.
Or you can get it clubbed with Twice -a -Week
Hamilton Spectator for. $1.25; with the
Toronto Daily World for $2.50; or the Tor-
onto Eveuiug Glebe for 83.00 for a year.
No offer equal to this has ever been made be-
fore by any Canadian newspaper.
To be convinced of this send post card .with
your name and address, and specimen copy of
The Bun will be' sent you. Address
,=al, One Day's Work
1Fr ar*•FOM. t,.. *aka, Pada &Cron
totsaint ,.• 5.,i: pwt><a,na o E=Q..
rite rub** at ten cants ...ch. Serf
adds..., and vc ,rr..rd the ;white*,
pasrpagt, sum n,r+ k..sai... Lin Nat
Wad OM .ruck. pap.,i Tae iF• j
mad.* American WiMcf. gaen.r8..' �.
rw4 ,i,, ,ptec• ►teat•. •
Dome SW's . Victstle ft.i<atwrs
The Odorless
Closet Crematory
Awarded Diplomas at Toren- To
, 1 ' de to, London and Other ill
see, `, . :..I l(+ lk
arxhibitlaxxs, *8 8, s
is adapted to Private Residences, Public Buildings, Hotels, School Houses and Sum.
mer Resorts, Can he leaced in attic or cellar, bath room or eutside kitchen,. or in
any place wheys there is a flue or chimney. The price being; low places it within
reach of all, A post card will secure Illustrated Pamphlet. Address
• GENERAL HEATING CO,, L01ITFL1, Hamilton,: Ontario. 1
Whoa Porting; :+'*ower nom,.
When bulbs are forced. water for the
first time very heavily, so that it is a
certainty that the water has penetrated
to the bottom of the pot. This, then,
will be suflicienit until the pot is teem
from the dark cool plaice to more heat
and light, When the pots are set away
for the bulbs to undergo the Noting
process it is a good plan to set them on
cinders. This not only insures drain-
age, if accidentally overwatered ar
soaked Itt some way, but prevents the
liability of earthworms working their
way up through the hole in the bottone
of the pot.- Woman's Rome Compatu'
Baddeek, June u, x897.
Dear Sirs,-Minard's Liniment is
my remedy for NEURALGIA..
It relieves at onat
emoting of as Coin.
With the first day of the new century
the ancient Austrian coin, the kreutzer,
drops officially out of circulation, atter
a currency of something like 400 years.
It is retired in neeordance with the con-
vention establishing a copper currency
of equal value for all parts of the em-
pire. It used to be circulated freely In
North as well as South. Germany, but
for the last quarter of a century has
not gone beyond the Austrian frontier.
To Color Butter Green.
Procure four ounces of parsley and
strip the leaves from the stalks; chop
them finely and boil for two minutes.
Drain, dry in a napkin and set aside till
quite cool. Soak four ounces of ancho-
vies for ten minutes and pass through
a sieve.. Ice -churn, if possible, some
fresh butter, and mix into it the above
two ingredients. This is suitable for
sandwiches, hot biscuits, etc.
"his a Great. Pnblio Benefit," --These
significant words were used in relation to
Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011, by a gentle-
man who had thorotfehly tested its
merits in his own case -having been
cured by it of lameness of the knee, of
three or four years' standing. It never
fails to remove soreness as well as lame-
ness, and is an incomparable pulinonic
and corrective.
In. Siberia, if a man is dissatisfied
with the most trifling acts of his wife,
he tears a cap or veil from her face,
and that constitutes a divorce.
It is said that in, Paris there are
80,000 dogs, or one for every thirty In-
habitants -
There is danger 10 neglecting a cold.
Many who have died of consumption dated
their troubles from exposure, followed by.
a cold. which settled on their lungs, and in
a short time they were beyond the skill of
the best physician. Had theyusedBickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, before it was
too late, their lives would have been
spared. This medicine has no equal for
curing coughs, colds and all affections of
the throat and lnugs.
Saved Prom -Absurdity.
Munster, In Westphalia, has been'
saved from a piece ofabsurdity by the
intervention of the Prussian Govern-
ment. St. Lambert's church has been
recently "restored," and aali,rnrtl with
si new, Gothic tower. On the old tower
hung the iron .cages in which the An-
abaptist "prophet," John of Leyden,
and his followers were expssed after
their execution in 1535. As the his,
toric cages did not harmonize with the
new tower, the town wished to substi-
tute elegant Gothic cages, but the Prus-
sian Government has ordered the old
ones to he hung up again.
Take Laxative Bronco Quinine 'i'a,.ets. All
Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c
To 31.on,i l!Vut.:rni•oof Utotla.
Mackintoshes, 'which with autumnal
rains become necessities, may be mend-
ed when torn in the following manner;
Dissolve some pieces of pure India, rub-
ber in naphtha to create a stiff paste;
choose a piece of stuff as .much like the
waterproof material as possible, and ap-
ply some of the cement to it and to the
torn edges of the mackintosh. Then
bring the torn parts over the new ma-
terial to form a patch, and place a
weight over the torn part until the ce-
ment is quite set and firm. l
he 'was innocent.
"Sold on a minute. Bridget," said the
first girl; " ddn't go into the dining
room just now. Mr. 'Goodman is aayfus
"Saying grase, is it:" the second girl
replied. "Well, 01 washed the :Ines
nlesell, and if him or auyaue else say
anuy grase on it, it's the work ae thlm
children, and 01 ain't afraid to tell
thini so to their tae':"
How Mr. Joseph Rickards Won
His Freedom.
BrIcht'a Disease Held ]khat In a. Dead!),
Grip Which Nothing Could Loosest
'1'11I Iia Reed Dodd',: RW,lney fill*
T1toy Cured Him.
Hamilton, Nova 20. '171e Ambitious
City ie never behind her rival, Taranto.
in any enterprise, eommercial or other
wise, and recently would seem to have
made fair progress towards outstripping
her neighbor In one respect, viz., the
numbers of cures of Kidney Diseases
effected here by Dodd's Kidney Mills..
Hardly a day passes without record -
bag a cure by means 0f title famous amid
wonderful medicine.
Iutereat just now is centred in the
ease of Mr. Joseph Rickards, of 134
Emily street. Hundreds of Hamilton -
bins know that Mr. Richards suffered
for more than six years with that ter-
rible complaint, Bright's Disease. Tian.
dreds know also that he engaged the
best medical assistance be could secure;
hut without receiving either cure or re-
Mr. Rlekards is now hale and heart',
healthy and happy, and his deliverance
is due entirely to Dodd's Kidney P.111s.
Writing of his ease, he says: "I used
many remedies that were advertised to
cure Bright's Disease, but none of them
gave me even temporary relief. I can-
not describe the severity of my suffer-
ufferings. They were terrible.
"I was advised to try Dodd's Kidney
Pills, and I aa.m thankful that I took
that advice- I used only four boxes,
but they drove every'vestige of Bright's
Disease from my system and made s
man of me."
A statement like this cannot be light-
ightly passed by. It carries a message of
hope, and freedom from disease, cf
health and happiness to every sufferer
in Canada. Dodd's Kidney Pills should
be in every home in the land. Kidney
Diaatses cannot exist where Dodd's
Kidney Pills are used.
A. Logical Effect.
"Glorinda Flighty says she can play
whist better when she talks all the time."
"Of course. She snakes the rest of us
play worse. "-Detroit Free Press.
40 All the latesTNew
Yark 1898 succ I
-Words and Music, sentpost•paid to
any address in Canada. An unprece-
dented offer.
Send to -day, a
, T
J. J.
Rit1LLY Mum Co., Freehold Loan Big.,
Toronto. 4
T. N. 'U.
It matters not whether you are going to work on the
farm, in the workshop, or the merchant's or manufao
carer's office, you need a thorough Business Education
in order to succeed well. Write for tin. Announcement
orate Northern Business College for lull particulars.
Address -C. A. Fleming, Principal, Owen Sound, Oat.
4 •
We give this fine
watch, chain and
charm, for sellingtw•o
doz. LEVER
Bu•rvorrs, at ten cts.
each. Send your ad-
dress and we forward
theButtons,post paid,
and .our Premium
List. No money res
quired. Sell the But-
tons among yo or
friends, return the
money, and wesetd j
the watch, prepaid.
A genuine American
watch, r-naranteed,
for a few hour;' wo, k.
Mention this paper'
when writing.
20 Adelaide St. C.
Toronto, Ont.
',9itNiO. +eetm-aFvo. . •awn