The Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-2, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR. 579.
Eyesight is
Days are getting shorter, -.00....
-.-Nights are getting longer,
Therefore it is necessary that you have spectacles
that are exactly suited to your eyes. Our optician is home
again and prepared. to give you the best expert attention at
Mornings preferred for testing.
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
lowest rates of interest.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
A lora amount of Private Funds to loan
reasonable terns of payment,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Alain St., Exeter.
There strayed from the premises of the
undersigned, Lot C„ Concession 7, Vshorne,
steer calve,, one red with spots on side, the
other gray and red. Anv person., giving in-
formation that wilt lead to their recovery
will be suitably rewarded.
Win. Joxss, Elimville,
Neethw Huron County Council.
The council of the Corporation of the
County erRuron will moot in the council
chamber in the town of tio+iericii on Tats,,
"lay the 6th, day of December next, at 3
o'clock p m.
Dated Nov. W. LANE, Clerk.
That desirable property situated in tho
Township of Nay, both g north half of east
half of lot 6, concession :,-•it, miles from the
townlino. There is on the. premises 16 acres
of good bush which contains a large number
of Elm Sa wlogs and a large quantity good
ash timber. This property would bo well
suited for a briokmaker and the timber
thereon would pay for the land. For par
• "oculars apply to
B. S. O'NEIL, or to AnEL WAT.rltn,
Exeter, Berlin.
County Council Election.
Public Notice is hereby given that a
mooting of the Electors of County Division
:V o. •1, composed of the muniei alitios of
LTshorn°, Exeter and Stephen, will be field in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, Decem-
ber 19,1898, at tho hour of 1 o'clock, p. in., for
the purposes of nominating candidates to
represent them in the Council of the County
of Huron for the years 1899 and 1909, and
that in ease a poll be demanded, Dolls will
be opened on the 91idday of January', 1809,
at each polling subdivision at the place
fixed by By-law of the municipality of said
County Division.
CnEsxxn. Pltoilrt,
Nominating Officer for Coun ty
Nov. 21,'48. Council Division No. .1.
Of William H. Sanders, late of the town-
ship of Stephen in the county of
Huron, yeoman, deceased.
Pursuant to Chapter 129 R. S. 0., 1807,
notice is hereby given that all persons hav-
ing claims against the estate of the said late
William H. Sanders, are on or before the
First day of January, 1899,, to send to Elliot,
3t Gladman, Exeter, solicitors for Robert
Sanders and Daniel Davis, executors of the
last Will and Testament of the said deceased
full particulars of their claims, and that
after the said date the said executors will
proceed to distribute the said estate among
the parties entitled thereto having regard
only to such claims of which notice shall
have beau given as above required, and they
will not be liable to any person or persons of
whose claim or claims they shall not then
have received notice. '
Dated at Exeter, this 28th 'November, 1898.
Solicitors for the Executors.
The live bird shooting match in con-
necting with the Commercial Hotel,
Thanksgiving day, was largely attend-
ed. Shooters from Exeter, Crediton and
other towns took part. Following is
the score: -Open, 10 birds entrance $2,
C. Fritz, 10; H, Weber, 9; W. G. Hess,
7; S. Ellber, 6, W. Schnell, 6; R. Tur-
ner; 5: H. Eilber, 4; J. Sheardown, 2
Amateur, H. Murry, 7; W. O'Brien, 6;
Mr. Hartleib, 3; L. Roedding, 1; G.
Steinback 1. -Mr. R. Heideman, who
was stricken down with paralysis, is re
covering -Mr. Alf. Bossenberry, who
left for Manitoba some time ago, has re
turned -Mr, D Bennett, of Detroit, is
back to town and will take charge of
the band once more and we hope Dan
will stay with us. -Mr. D. S. Faust has
invested in an acetylene gas plant.
Plumbers are at work putting in the
plant. The Commercial hotel is also to
be lighted by gas --Mr. J. Preeter made
a shipmentof fowl Thanksgiving day.
OBITUARY. -It is our sad duty this
week to record the death of ,Mrs. Daniel
Zeller, which sad event occurred on
Thursday last. Deceased had reached
the ripe age of nearly 80 years and was
one of the first settlers of flay I own -
ship. The funeral took place Sunday
afternoon to the Lutherian cemetery
and was largely attended.
Grand Bend
A and. of Henry Wilson's is danger-
ously W with spinal disease,---Thleves
made a raid at the home of Andrew
Desjardine's last week. They took a
number of fowl and some hay. -Mr.
Germain has given up his farm on the
river Oars; be will rent. ,He purposes
carrying on his trade of wagon mak-
ing,-Mrs Elliott is moving from .Fort
Blake to her Ilam e in. Parkhill. -;Wil-
liam Grattan has rented the Port Blake
farm for a term of years,
On Tuesday, 15th Nov,, lir. Wm.
Connor was married to dines Dickson,
of the vicinity of Claudebaye, Oa the
same day Mr. Conner's father and
mother celebrated. the 54th annivers
ary of their marriage. --Mr, Wm. Eg-
gleson has leased the property formerly
occupied by the late Mr. John Shep-
pard, and will take possession some
time during the winter. --Mr. Chas.
Reeder is home from. Manitoba, having
spent about two months in the prairie
There was almost enough snow fell
to make sleighing the latter part of
last week. Asit is a great many are
induced to try it, as a sleigh ride seams
to be welcomed by ail,-1Ir.John Sher-
ritt went to Toronto last week with his
son, Roy, who is suffering from some
trouble in his eyes, to consult a speuial-
ist there. -The Christmas tree in con-
nection with the Grand Bend Presby
torten Sunday school is to be held on
Dec 19th, for which an excellent pro
gram is being prepared. --Mr. R. Turn
bull, of Brewster, paid our burg a fly-
ing visit on Monday. -Judging from
the reports of guns heard on Thanks-
giving day, sportsmen must have bag
ged a good deal of game, or wasted con•
siderable ammunition.
Rev. Mr. Gunne held Thanksgiving
services in Grace church on Thursday
afternoon. -W. A. Wilson, of London,
spent Thanksgiving under the parent
al roof and returned to the city Friday
morning -Rev. J E. Ford preached a
highly interesting and instructive mis
sionary sermon here last Sabbath... -Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Wilson visited friends
in London last weak and bought a new
piano for their daughter, May. -The
Orangemen of No. 218, attended the
funeral of the late Mr. Thomas Hall last
Tuesday. Mr. Hall died very suddenly
on Sunday of heart failure. His re-
mains were laid to rest at the Brinsley
cemetery. -C. H. Wilson and Henry
Ellis shipped a carload of hogs last
Monday and are buying another car-
load.. They are paying as, high as
$425 per hundred for choice hogs. -
Mr John McGregor has improved his
property near here by a stone founds.
tion and cement floor under his barn.
-Mr. A. Pollock, of Grand ,Bend post
office store visited friends here last
Monday. -W. J. Wilson & Co. are sell
ing boots and shoes, rubbers, overshoes,
groceries and staple drygoods at close
prices for cash.
HAPPY EVENT. -000 of those pleas-
ing events which always creates a fiut
ter of excitement and interest in every
community, took place at the home of
Mr. John Bullock, town line, McGilliv
ray, on 23rd ult., on which occasion
Mrs. Bullock's sister, Miss Annie Curts,,
was united in marriage to Mr. Walter
Varley, of the 7th concession McGilliv-
ray. The .ceremony was performed by
Rev. Mr. Hart, of Parkhill, in his'usual
happy manner. The bride was' sup-
ported by her sister, Miss Rose Curts,
of London, while the groom's right
band man washis brother, Mr.,, Harry
Varley. The ceremony' was performed
at four o'elock after which about 20
couples sat down tows an inviting din-
ner as the countrycould afford. The
presents 'were` numerous, handsome and
costly, showing the esteem in which
tbe bride is held by her numerous.
Fr feuds. The wish of all is that Mr
and Mrs. Varley may enjoy a long,
happy and prosperous married life.
SUDDEN DEATH. -This week it is
our duty to record the death of one
of McGillivrays .oldest residents, in the
person of Mr. Richard Carter, of the
2nd concession, who died on Thursday,.
at the age of 86 years. The deceased,
who was enjoying his usual good
health until Wednesda y of last week,•
was out walking and in seine way fell
and broke his arm. Be at once walked
to his home and bad the wound dressed
but the shock proven too great for bis
in lren constitution, and on Thursday
be passed to his long home. The de-
ceased was highly respected, but in
later years was very eccentric in his
manner, His renames were interred
in the St. James cemetery, Biddulph,
an Friday, -A hot time in the old
town is expected Friday night. Every
where it is the one topic -Mrs. Neil
and Mrs. Vase Simpson narrowly es
caped serious injury et the depot here
on Thanksgiving Day. It appears
they had one down to speak to some-
one on the train and the train bad
started to move out before they had
reached the steps to get off, anal in do -
lug so fell to the ground. Mrs. Nell
sustained slight injuries, while Mrs.
Simpson was more fortunate. Thie
shouid be a warning to people practis•
ing this dangerous habit,
Miss Christiana Finkbeiner, of Lon-
don is visiting her parents Mr. Mrs,
John Ffnkbeliier.-Messrs. Joseph Bren-
ner and Charles Fritz, of Grand Bend
and Zurich respectively, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fritz Sun
day. -Mr. Louis 'Mantilla, of Wiscan
sin, is visiting his father, Mr. tlodfried
Maugnus. ;Sir. Mengnui was in the
late Spanish-American war, in Com.
pany "0"of the 2nd, Regiment Wis
cousin Volunteers. He was present
when Poneein Porto Rico was captur-
ed and saw many other stirring Rights.
-The fire -engine bas been put le at
the rear end of William Fritz's shop,
-Mr, Christian Zwickor. of London,
was in the village last week on. busi-
ness. ---Mr.. Fred. Kerr bad a narrow es.
cape while shooting iu the match here
on Thanksgiving day, the barrel of bis
gun bursting. He was using smoke -
powder which is very powerful Luck-
ily he escaped without injury. -Prepar-
ations are being made for the Christ-
mas festival which will be held in the
German church on Dec. 24th. -Tho
Thanksgivince tea given under, the
auspices of the Ladies of the Methodist
church was a grand success. The :ad-
dress given by Rev. itlr. Smith, of
l . eter, on "Jonah and the big fish"
was listened to with groat interest.
rep receipts for the evening amounted
to nearly $5000. -Miss Melinda Sch-
wartz, of London, spent Sunday with
Miss Lizzie Eilber.-Mr. Henry Silber
was the guest of Mrs. Israel Smith last
Monday. -Mr. Livingston, of Baden,
was in the village Tuesday on busi-
Miss E. Tomlin, of Biddulph, paid
the town a flying visit last week. -Mr.
S. Sheardown, who has been engaged
for the past three years with his brother,
has accepted a position in Mr. Hodgins'
shop, Lucan.-Wm, Pickle, cooper, has
completed this season 3000 barrels and
is now engaged at the poultry. -Mr.
Wm. Parsons is doing an extensive
busines in the poultry line this season.
He has about fifteen hands employed.
It was stated some time ago that Mr,
Parsons had shipped 26 carloads of
apples this fall. If that amount had
been multiplied by six it would have
been nearer. the amount. Thus far he
has shipped 161 carloads of apples and
7 carloads of poultry -Miss May Livens
spent Tbanksgiviug at her home in
Seaforth -Mrs. D. French, of Clinton,
spent Sunday hers the guest of Mrs.
Wm. Elliott. -Harvey Lane, who has
been attending the model school at
Goeerich, spent Sunday here with his
parents. -Miss Pearl Cobleigh, of Park
hill, spent Sunday with her parents
here. -Quite a number of our young
citizens attended the tea at Crediton on
Thursday last, -Mr. Dennis O'Brien
spent Sunday in McGillivray. -Mr.
and Mrs. T. Fitton and Mr. and Mrs
S. Fitton and Mrs. Lomas, of Hamilton,
spent Thanksgiving Day here, the
guests of Mr. A Nevin. -Mrs. Campbell
and son, of Varna, spent a few days
visiting her brother, Mr. Delgaty, our
public school teacher. -Doc. Blackwell,
of London, and James Delgaty of Mont-
real, shipped a carload of. horses from
here on Monday, purchased from
Messrs. Handford & Elliott. -Mr. P.
Hamlin has just completed his new
house and moved therein Thursday.
It is indeed a handsome dwelling. -
Mr. Arthur Redden has taken possess.
ion of the house lately occupied by P
Hanlin.-Mr. J, C. Sheardown . attend-
ed the shooting match in Zurich on
Thursday. -Mr. Wes. Huston is spend-
ing his holidays at Niagara Falls.
He Fooled The Surgeons.
All doctors, told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, 0„ after suffering 18
months froth Rectal Fistula he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed but he cured himself with five
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo, the
qurest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World. Only 25 cents a
box, Sold by all Druggists.
We bave a little snow, but not enough
to make good sleighing although a
good many are using their cutters to
get around.-'t'he Christmas entertain-
ment promises to be a Kraut), suecess
Everything will be done to make it
worth your while to be in attendance
an that occasion. The date has nor
yet been fixed, but will be published
in dun time. The entertainment given
by the Junior Alliance on Monday
night reflects great credit on that band
of little workers and it would well pay
some of the " hard shells" who seem to
oppose the moment to attend the little
folks' meetings and see with what
interest and precision they go to work.
-On Suvdav morning tbe wife of Win
Nicholson presented her husband with
a bouncing baby boy. Both mother
and child are doing steely, ---The<
" Judge" is still on the shelf and
things around the corner are cense-
queutly very- quiet -Another business
change in Dashwood is talked of, but
we do not know that it will amount to
anything, --Rev. A. W. Sauer preach-
ed in behalf of Sunday school work last:
Sunday morning and evening. At
each service contributions were taken
up amounting in all to $21,75 which
will be used in Betting supplies far the
home school. ---Last Thursday night
the 7, P..4., held their semi-annual
business meeting when the following;
officers were elected Hon. Pres, Rev.
W. Saner; Pres, A. P, Shettier; Vice
Pres., Miss Jane Hall; Eec Sec.,Thos.
Saell; Cor Sec , John Grab; Tres , E.
Brokenshire; librarian D. D. \Villert;
Organist, Miss Fannie Snell; Chorister
Miss Lizzie Finkbeiner We sincerely
trust the young people will go to work
with a will and try to advance and be
of some use while passing through this
The children of Sodom School, headed
by their teacher called at Mr, N. Car-
rick's Thaoksgiviug eve to wisb him
in a substantial way a happy Thanks-
giving day, which event caused Mr.
Carrick much comfort,
shooting match heldhere on Thanks-
giving Day was a grand success, and
the boys proved themselves to be no
mean shots. There were ten birds.
each, and following is the score: --
Thad. McDonald 7. Each cost 14 2--7e.
Sam. Stadlake 1, " " $1.00.
Joe. McDonald 5, " " 20e.
Chas. Isaac 7, "" 14 2?e,
'.fatal, 20.
Frank Sweet 6, " "" 16 2 -3c -
Wm. Carrick 8, " " 1-2c.
John Ford 7, " 0 14 2-7e
Wm, Isaac 7, " " 14 2-7e.
SUNDAY SCHOOL --After the usual
formalties of class work Mr, Hooper,
Lake Road, addressed the children on
the importance of a temperate life,
which had a good effect on them. In
the evening Miss Laura Harris con-
onducted the Junior League meeting.
Mrs. Silas Stanlake, Jr., addressed the
meeting, her subject being Jonah's
journey from. Joppa, Nineviab. She
handled her subject remarkably well.
C. Prouty followed showing that though
the ancients had prophets we had a
better knowledge of the laws of nature,
which pointed from nature to nature's
God, and the Bible also: Mrs, Wm.
Harris addressed the League the Sun-
day previous.
WINE AND THE BIBLE. (contiuued)-
Texts from the little phamphlet-"The
Son of Man came eating and drinking,
and they say ' behold a man gluttonous
and a wine bibber,' etc." --Mat. 11; 19.
Text from Johu 2, 9:10, etc, being the
the miracle of converting water into
wine. Text from the passover feast.
Text from 1 Tim., 4:4, "For every
creature of God is good," 1 Tim. 5,
23, " Drink no longer water but use a
little wine for thy stomach's sake,"
Text from Tim. 3:8 and Titus 2:3, "Not
given to much wine."
The following is the exposition given
by the little book :-Christ drank wine
no doubt, but it was unfermented; the
wine likely was sweet wine, and if
drank to excess such persons were
called wine bibbers but not drunkards.
Regarding the wine of Cana referred
to above, if Christ made intoxicating
wine then the distiller, the brewer and
vendor have sufficient authority for
their nefarious traffic, but it was not
fermented. Christ only shorteued the
process of wine making; after Christ
made it it was immediately used, con-
sequently it could not be fermented.
It is well known the grape wine can-
not produce alcohol. Then this little
book quotes authority to prove that
the best wine contained the least
amount of fermentation, hence the
governor called this good wine; it also
says the Jews did not in their sacred
feast (including marriage) use any
fermented drinks, Passover wine
must be free from fermentation; as
the bread must be unfermented so
must the wine be free from putrefact-
ive elements. For every creature of
God is good; fermented wine is not a
creature of God therefore not good,
but unfermented wine is the creature
of God. Drink no longer water, etc., is
reasoned thusly : The fact that Pan!
advises timothy to use wine proves
that Timothy was a total abstainer,
and that wine was recommended as
medicine; that - Paul wouldnot have
reco:umended alcoholic drinks, which
are injurious, therefore the wine was
unfermented, the Athenians claiming
that sweet wine is good for tbe stom-
ach. "Not given to much wive," this
little book claims the expression 10
verse 3, "" not given to wine" is an
offset to verse 8, "not givou to mueb
wine," and claims that the meaning is
total abstinence and adeath blow to
the moderation theory.
This closes the prosecution. Now
for the defense.
The wine that Christ referred to in
the above as wine bibbers was fer
mented wine and intoxicating, and
wine bibbing means drunkenness;
Webster's unabridged dictionary says
80, and refers to the 23 chapter Pro
verbs, verses 20:21:, for authority.
Christ's enemies said this of him, and
expressions of no milder nature have
been used by prohibition lecturers in
Exeter and surrounding villages also
against the saute Christ, and that
speaker was applauded, whilst I was
coudereued for writing against such
biasphemious expressions. Sweet wine
means the strongest sort of wine; it Is
the juice of .the grape or any juice
boiled down to prevent so speedy fer-
mentation, but when it does, ferment
it is much stronger.
All writers of note claim this wthe
was of the fermented kind, hence the
veto against liquor dealers i.8 removed,
and permission can be granted to sell
without sin. Grape juice can produce•
alcohol but the art was not then known
I understand by the governor calling
it good wine that he meant stronger in
oxygen. If this wine was unferment-
ed the other must have been ferment-
ed, so they must have had fermented
wine at this marriage contrary to Jew-
ish customs, but the little book may pos-
sibly know as little of Jewish euetouhs
at marriages as be does about the wine
of ancient times. As I have explained
so many times this miracle of convert-
ing water into wine that I will not do
so now but in my researches on this
Erie 1 have made one great scientific
discovery, viz.: -that "eacramental
wiue" to be of any spiritual benefit
must be fermented and of the best
The book says Passover wine must
be free from fermentation. The feast
of the Passover was also the feast of
the unleavened bread; as I understand
this the leaven has reterence to the
wrong doings of the Pharisees, that
hie diselples would oo guided by the
dictates of this new spiritual life. The
fermenting process of wine making is
oue of a purifying nature and when
completed is comprised of oxygen, byd
roger and carbon. I suppose the little
book will admit that the atmosphere
we breath is a. good creature of God,
but this atmosphere contains two ale
meets the same as contained in wine,
viz : oxygen, carbon and water, all
natural elements, hence the good
creatures of God. Now, so long as the
percentage of oxygen in wine does not
exceed the amount in air, there would
be no danger of druukenness, being
very common, Grape wine is anti-
septic, wine is anti septic, wine of suit
ably strength is not only antiseptic,
but any animal matter placed in it is
free from corruption. Scripture says
"this corruption must put on incorrup
tion, this mortality immortality;" are
not these quotations significant as to
the nature of wine. The last quota
tion, " not given to much wine," is not
handldd by this little book, more than
to say it was unfermented and a per-
son might take too much.
(To be concluded next week)
Around. About Us.
Mitchell: Mr. Thomas Pascoe buried
his only son, aged seveu months on
St. Marys : Mr. J, F. Pickard had
the misfortune to step on a nail as he
was lighting the fire Tuesday morn-
ing. The foot is quite swollen and
very painful in consequence of which.
he will be confined to the house for a
few days.
Goderich : Friday while J. Nichol-
son was handling glass a pane broke
and the pieces flew in all directions,
several of them lodging in his right
eye. The accident was an exceeding-
ly painful one, but the doctor extract-
ed the pieces.
Tuckersmith: The nuptials of Mr.
William Sinclair and Miss Aggie Bell
were performed on Wednesday after-
noon, Nov. 23, at 2 p. m., at the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Bell, London Road, Rev. S. Ache-
son was the officiating clergyman,
Chiselhurst : On Sunday last death
removed from our midst one of the
early settlers in this heighborhood and
a most worthy and highly esteemed
resipent, in the person of Mr. Donald
Stewart, of the 12th concession of Tuck-
ersmith. Deceased, who was aged 78
years, bad been in poor health for some
time and gradually slipped away.
Born in Blairholl, Scotland, he emi
grated tb this country iu 1848, ' and
settled in the township of Fullerton,
Perth county, and some 88 years ago
he moved to Tuckersmith, taking up
the farm on which he resided until the
time of his death.
Children Cry for.
Brinsley; Clara, daughter of qtr,
and Mrs. George Lewis, died Wednes-
day from ulcerated sore throat,
Cromarty : Mr. Robert ]doggarth, of
the 10th concession, bas sold his faxen to
his neighbor, Mr. Wm. Niieholis, who
will now have one hundred acres al-
Goderieh: Saturday John Reid, one
of the oidest and best known residents
of this place, passed to hie reward, at
the age of 66 years. For several years
the deceased bad been in declining
health and the end was not uneepected.
He was a native of county Down, Ire-
land and came to this country when
a young man.
UUibbert: Mr. Wtet. Oliver, of theft
concession, has purchased the Harboure
farm which is situated immediately
opposite his owe. This farm contains
one hundred acres. It is well worth
the money Mr. Oliver paid for it, be-
ing cue of the choicest Iota iu the town-
abip. Mr, Oliver tiow bas a apieudid
farm of two hundred and fifty acres.
Mitchell; Mr. John Larl:worthy
has .sell his livery business to Mr. Geo,
Waddell, The latter is a good mart
and will he sure to do well. --Mr, Jas.
Mahaffey found that his health would
not stand the heavy work of a farm,
and he disposed of the 100 acres bought`
a few weeks ago near. Carlingford,
clearing $200 by the trausactiou. Ile
has since purchased the boot and shoe
stock of Mr. E. Siege, and will take
possession December nth.
Ciandeboye.7 A. pleasing event took
place on Tuesday, Nov. 15, when Miss
Janine Dixon, Clandeboye, was married
to Wm, Conuors of Moray. The care•
many took place at the Methodist par-
sonage in Luean. After the ceremony
the 'bridal couple drove to the home of
the groom's fattier where a sumptuous
:spread was prepared as it was the cele-
bration of Mr. Counors' Qsr.) golden
wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Connors are
now at their home in Ctandobove,
Clinton Miss Maggie Miller, of
Goderieh township, who had a cataract
removed from oue of her eyes a few
weeks ago by Dr. Turnbull, kad the
second eye operated upon by the same
skilled surgeon on Tuesday, It is yet
too early to say with what result, but
both Miss :Biller and the Dr. fully ex-
pect the sight of both eyes will be com-
pletely restored. Dr. Turnbull is meet -
lug with much success iu his treat-
ment of that delicate organ, the eye
Clinton: A couple of accidents
happened to the Organ Factory em-
ployees on Monday evening that were
painful, but not serious. "Chile Mr.
Olrigtson was working .at the shaper
bis right hand was thrown forward,
and toren finders severely out; be has
worked at similar machines for 19
years, and it is only the l;ecocd accident
he has met with during that time,
which shows good care on his part.
While Mr. Fuller was eating a belt on
a pulley, the stick he „ as using caught
and was thrown violeutly against his
hand tearing and lacerating the flesh,
so that in both these cases it was nec-
essary to get a doctor to dress the in-
now It Herts.
Rheumatism, with its sharp twinges,
aches and pains. Do you know the
cause? Acid in the blood has accumul-
ated in your joints. The eure is found
in Hood's Sarsaparilla which neu-
tralizes this acid. Thousands write
that they have been completely cured
of Rhumatism by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills cure nausea., sick head-
ache, biliousness, indigestion. Price
25 cents.
STESY.ART.-In Usborne, (boundary) on
Nov. 26, the wife of John Stewart, of
a SOn.
HA-itRiACI Ea.
Cool:-KERn:--At the residence of the
bride's parents, near Nile, on Nov.
23, by Rev. Hall, D. C. Cook, of Gun-
ton, to Miss Aggie, daughter of S.
SeemeetR-BELL-At the residence of
the bride's father, London road,
Tuckersmith, on Nov, 23, by Rev. S.
Acheson, W. Sinclair to Miss Aggie,
daughter of A. Bell, all of Tucker-
smiith. •
WAL1ioM-CouRTIcn-At the residence
of the bride's parents, on the 22nd
inn-, by the Rev. Mr Andrews, Mr,
Simmons Walkom to Fannie, daugh-
ter of Mr, Chas, Courtice, all of Ful-
CONNOR-DIaoN-At the Methodist
parsonage, Lucas, on Tuesday, Nov.
15th, W. H. Connor, of McGillivray
Tp, to Sarah Jane Dixon, of Bid-
u e:aTHts
CAMPBELL. -In Seaforth, on November
17th, Margaret Johnston, wife of Mr.
Murdock Campbell, aged 62 years,
7 months and 27 days.
STEWART.-In Tuckersmitb, on Nov-
ember 20th, Donald Stewart, aged
78 years.
CARTER. -In McGillivray, concession,
2, Nov: 24th, Richard Carter, aged.
86 years.
Weems. -In Detroit, on Nov. 24, Mar.
g•aretc Jane Wills, daughter of the
late Geo. Willis, formerly of Exeter,
aged 32 3ears, 11 months and 7