HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-11-25, Page 5THE
Q .ef. x' Abttorate
published every Thursday Morning,
et the Office,
---Sy the—
OneDollar per annum if paid in, Advance
>F1.50i£notso peed.
esdxrwstee g weaken epee.. .BpealSca.,
No paperdiscentinueduatil allarrearages:
are paid. Advertieemeats without a peoi$a
directions will be published till forbid and
charged, a 000rdingly. Libereldiscount maee
for transeient advertisements inserted foe
long periods, Beery deseription of JOB
senel ee tarred cutin tate finest etylet
and at moderate rates. Qheques,m,oneyord-
oes,lec.for advertising,sltbseriptionsteteeto
be Made Payable to
Ob_as. j(1. Sanders,
Professional Cards.
H. KINSMAN. L. D. S. & ] . A. R.
XI 1SbIAN, L D. S., D. le S., Honor
graduate of Toronto Teuivcrs ty,
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any
bake eifeats. Office in 1; auson's< Block, west
side Main Street,Fxeter,
.11 honors Graduate of' the Toronto lents
rsity and Royal College of Dental. Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pgearm.
All modes of I3enttstry up to date. °Riee
over Elliot 8e Elliot'a law office—opposite
ileitis! Iio tel—B:toter.
Dse. J A. RQLLINS 4'1' A. AMOS.
itesitienees,same as formerly'
Speakman, building, Mem
Dr, leonine'oitce•same es formerly—north
P. Auzaar ail'ico, SWAB blinding—south
door. May let. 1893
d, A .hollies. et. A. T. A•, Auras, et. D
the College of Phvaioians and Surgeons
Ontario. Phvslclau,Surgteon god Acooueh
sur.. Office, •Dashwood, Ont.
bI1 iTc-
CeOonvesano r, Notary
Qmee-Over Exeter,Onterio.
Money to Loan.
lee Solicitors, :Notaries, Conve+yantcrG ,
Cominiestonere. rte. 'Money to loan at 434
an•1fi per cent. ,)1IIee--k'aneon's Block.
yiain tit., Exeter,
1. lR, eeeerl:e:, B. A., L. 11. Incehoe.
e,A member of the firm will be at Heiman
on Thursday preach week.)
AUT•Lr.rox .. (n.knx. N, RARRt'TERS,
Etc.. Convo`•a'teen, and Money to
B. V. rad WT- F. 1i'. %N.
.'A tuctton cers
I 11RnSVN.Wlue t+lyse. l.iconse,l Aust
-L ioneerto Irt,'4 edea of Perth an:
eliddlesex. alio for th'e township of t:aborlte
!taloa rnunt ptly rtttemi.,itoand tt'rms re•a-
aor-lhgle.Saleearranged at Poet office. Win-
Insurance Agent.
Main St. Exeter
Gook's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Sate, effectual. Ladies ask
Your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com-
►ound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills andpp
No. aro
stronger, e8 fper.box. Nor
1 or 2. mailed an receipt of price and two s•eent
stamps The Cook Company 'Windsor, Ont.
No. t and No s sold in Exeter by J.'V
Browning, 1) nggist.
Lennox Elections.
Sepa.nee, Ont, Nov. 18 —The Len-
nox by election for the Legislature to-
iy resulted in the re ti<ction of Nile
Bowen Aylesworth, the Liberal candi-
date, who was recently unseated for
corrupt practices. Both the Conserve
tine and Liberal organizers have been
on the scone for several weeks, and
doing their level best for their respec-
tive parties '1b -day's contest was
probaely the hottest ever fought In the
coustitucucy, but everything passed
off quietly, The majority for Ayles-
worth was 75,
Without Portfolio.
Toronto, Nov. 20—The Ontario Gov-
ernment haft appointed. J. T. Garrow,
Q. C., of Goderich, member of the Gov
ernment without portfolio. Mr. Garrow
has for several years represented West
Huron in the Legislature, and was re-
elected for that constituency by the
casting vote of the returning officer
last March, subsequently resigning his
seat when a question of disputed bal-
lots came before the court. He is
again the Liberal candidate in the by-
election for the constituency which will
be held shortly. In the Government
he occupies the position formerly held
by Hon. Mr. 'Bronson, of Ottawa.
For Infants and Children.
s The fae-
is on
J � � every
�tr�% .'I��' ,r Wrapper.
Thomas Moffat, a constable of Orittia,
was fined 030 by Judge Ardagh for
abusing a drunk and disorderly man
whom he was arresting last August.
"How Did She [$2,,00 OFFERED.
Burn Her Face"
That Was What People Asked
. About Our Daughter
Dreadful Itching, Burning Erup-
tions Cured
Smooth, Soft, White. Skin Now,.
se G. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Masse
" Gentlemen; Our little daughter is now
emir years old. TA'ben she was about three
months old, she had eruptions antler face
Which, were very disagreeable, and itched
so much, eapecially at night, that it made
filer trouble a great deal worse. I was
obliged to keep her hands tied 4 night
and it was necessary to watch her during
the day, She wouldsorateh herself when-
ever she had the chance, until her clothes
Would Se Covered with Blood.
We had a great many doctors to sea her,
out they did not help her in the least, it
was a terrible task to care for her. When
we took beer away Irene home, people
would ask, 'Row did thatt child burn her
facet' She was completely covered with
scabs for a long time. She suffered every--
very-thing. 6.t last we concluded to try Hood's
Sarsaparilla, because I diad great faith be
it, and after awhile we could see that elle
was getting better. People said elle would
certainly be left with scars on her face,
but sbe was not. It f8 now a year since
site was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
leer face le as
Smooth and Whyte and Soft
as that Of any child, X boliove Eaod's
Seraaparllla to be the best family hnedi-
clue that Galt be obtained. i take it w-
olf for headache and that tired feeling,
and Ihave lowed nothing to equal it, One
peculiarity about Flood's Sarsaparilla is
that it is pleasant to take and it is no
trouble to induce children to take it, The
doctors pronounced ley little girl's disease
to be moue or salt rheum," Mae.
Wanes W ees, Warren, Connecticut.
N.D. Do not be induced to buy any
substitute, De sure to get
Toad's Sarsaparilla
The Best -- in fact the One True Blood Purifies
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5,
euro Liver ills; easy to
fi rood • s VII IS Mite. e. easy to uperett:.t,a.
he uomientiens far the vaeanci, s
in the Legislature for Dalton full Wes+
Huron avfil be l:e'd Thnrsd. y, Deeeln-
ber 1, and the electious a week later.
The (Government has decided to ex
tend clemency in the ease of Henry
Davidson, who was eentenccd to be
hanged ou December Ill for murder in
Mrs. Alfred Markel, a Deseronto
widow, seed 45 years, was drowned at
the Bay of Quinte depot in that town.
The l-ody was recovered shortly after
the accident.
Frank Harvey, the tramp eh) shot
Mr. Robert Perry at Tweed a short
time ago, was sentenced by Judge
Lazier of Belleville to eighteen mouths
in the Central Prison.
Chllir en Cry for
?dr. Edwin Moorish of Galt,was work-
ing late at his office, and failing to
return, a search was made For bim. 13e
was found dead et 6 o'clocl; in the
morning in his office.
A, body, supposed to be that cf young
Leduc, the dock hand drowned orf the
barge Melrose at Nicholson's Island a
month ago, leas been washed ashore
near Point Peter lighthouse.
A serious car accident occurred in
London Monday night at the corner of
Rectory and Levett streets, a boy nam
ed W. Ryckman, who lives at 774 Hill
street, receiviug very painful ic•juriett
and a horse which he rode being in-
stantly killed.
Several years ago a brother of Jos
Aubin, now living at McGregor, killed
a man near Coteau Landing, in a quer
rel. Joseph advanced money for his
defence, and he was acquitted. Shortly
afterwards be disappeared, and was
ever heard of until the other 'day,
when he sent Joseph a cheek for $8,000
from Chili.
Brave Men Batt
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache' and tired, listless run -dawn
feeling. But there's no need to feel
` like that; Listen to J. W Gardner,
Idaville, Ind. lie says; Electric Bitters
are just the thing for a man when he
is all run down and don't rare whether
be lives or dies." it did more to give.
me new strength and good appetite
than anything I` could take.I can
now eat anything and have a new
lease or: life." Only 50 cents, at at y
Drug Store. Beery bottle guaran-i
teed l
General Debility
and Loss of Flesh
Scott's Emulsion has been the
standard remedy for nearly a
quarter of a century. Physicians
readily admit that they obtain re-
sults from it that they cannot get
from any other flesh -forming food_
There are many other prepara.
tions on the market that pretend
to do what
E v !;� i, ,'LSI '
does, but they fail to perform it.
Cod-liver Oil
The pure Norwegian
made into a delightful cream, skill-
fully. blended with the Hypophos-
phites of Lime and Soda, which
are such valuable tonics,
makes this preparation are
ideal one and checks the
wasting tendency, and the
patient almost immediate-
ly commences to put on
flesh and gain a strength
which surprises thein.
Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Sec that the
man and fish are on thew .per.
5oc. and $r.00, ell druggists,
SCOTT & BOWNC, Chemists, Toronto.
American Ultimatum. Regarding
the Philippines,
Important Anneuucement of the lei iteel
States. Commiselopers. at Paris—+Par-
Oculars o, f the emportaut nentor-
endaen—Cauadian Railway Rate
War Settled—Ceylon Jpins.
Imperial Penny Postage...
Paris, Nov. 22. --The Spanish and
American Peace Commissions met la.
joint session at 2 o'clock yesterday after-
noon. Tae Americana declared the IIni-
ted States must have the entire Philip-
pine archipelago, and, for a treaty cession
of the islands, the Aamerioans tendered
to Spain .20,000,000.
It is further declared that it is the
purpose of the United States to maintain
the Philippine. Islands as an "open
door" tothe world's commerce.
Oa the terms named, the United States
proposes a mutual relinquishment of all
claims tar indemntsy, national or per-
sonal, subsequent to the outbreak of the
last Cuban insurrection.
Nov. 28 is fixed as the date on which
the United States Commission desires a
definite response to yesterday's eroposi-
tions, and all other subjects in issue here,
14 Is else declared that the Lease
States desire to treat or the religious
freedom or the Caroline Islands, as
Weed upon between the United :hetes
and Stiehl in 1880, and also of the a aqui-
st o' t
, Islands lie. of f Caroline _ s
n n o be ro .n stand far
an American naval station, and of cable
landing rights at other places in Spanish
iurlslllotion, and the revival of certain
Spanish-American treaties as heretofore.
The meeting was then adjourned until
Surprising Generosity,
London, Nov. 22. --'rho morning papers
concede tbe generosity of the otters of the
3 es Comn - sic
United Stat .Peace tts� nets and
express the opinion that Spann would bo
foolish to rejeot there. They express ulnl-
versal gratification at the announcement
of an "upon door" policy in the Pbillp-
The Daily Mail calls the ofeer of $0,-
000,0110 as indemnity "a surprising act
at generosity."
Tho papers generally take It for grant-
ed that the "open door" will be adopted
in the West Indies also.
The Daily News says: "The United
$tares have now become an Asiatic
tumor, and Lord Salisbury clearly had
reason to predict that the expansion of
the United States would give Great J3ri-
taut a valuable ally in sae China seas."
TO X'.1.3 seat:seen SOLnll+llI$.
Capt.-Genoral mance Gets .lutltority to
Draw $3;000.000,
Havana, Nov. 112'. — Captainn•Goneral
Blanco has received from Paris a cable
authorizing him to draw on Paris for
$2,000,000 geld, t0 be applied in payment
of the Spanish troops in (tuba. This
amount is in addition to the proceeds of
the draft for 14115,000 sterling by the
Madrid Government on London, which
was sole bens last week. The Srnnish
authorities are making strenuous efforts
to complete the evacuation by the and of
the year,
Martinique has been selected as the
place .of rendezvous of the Spanish navy
for evacuation purposes, The Spanish
nueiliary. cruisers Patriots and Meteore,
purchased in Germany before the out-
break of hostilities, are expected hero on
Dec, 15, and will convey the Spanish
transports from Cuban ports to Mar-
tinique, from which point all will sail
for Spain.
Thinks Filipinos Will Not Again Submit
to Colonial Government.
London, Nov. 22. — Agonoillo, the
agent of Aguinaido, with his advisers,
returned here from Paris yesterday. He
is very indignant at the statements of
Major-General Wesley Merritt, in reply
to an arraignment of American officersmade by the insurgent Junta to Presi-
dent McKinley and the American people.
He is also angry at General Merritt's
reference to the Filipinos as "children,"
and the general situation is displeasing
to him.
Agonolilo does not think the Filipinos
will again submit to the yoke of a col-
onial government, his instructions being
to claim the recognition of their inde-
pendence. When asked his opinion re-
garding the American proposal to buy
the islands, he said the Filipino Govern-
ment could not allow themselves to be
bought and sold like merchandise, but,
if the object of the moderate indemnity
is that their recognition and peace be
established, he thought the matter might
be submitted to their consideration.
A Itussian Baron Who Was Imposed
Upon by Somebody.
London, Nov. 22, -The Paris corres-
pondent of the St. James' Gazette claims
to have learned from an exceptionally
weil-informed source that the mysterious
document in the Dreyfus case, on the
strength of which successive Ministers of
upheld the condemnationof
War have '
Dreyfus, was a letter from Baron Freed.
ericksz, Russian military attache in
Paris. The letter is dated from Berlin
and is addressed to the Frenob, military
authorities. It said the soldier Who was
responsible for tbe military secrets 'was a
certain Capt. Dreyfus.
Subsequently Baron Freoderioksz ascer-
tained that he had been grossly deceived
by an agent of Esterhazy, or Col, Henri,
who were anxious to fix the guilt of
Dreyfus, in order to divert suspicion from
informed," ed the correspondent
I am ref m
Nye, "that Mme. Dreyfus is now in pos-
session of a letter from Baron ]! reeder-
icksz, whloh admits his error."
The existence of this letter influenced
the Court of Cassation to make light of
the evidenoe'given by the four ea.-Mieds-
tors of War, who testified to their belief
in Dreyfus' guilt,
Tumors of a German Crisis.
Hobenlohe, the Chancellor, piesided`ore
the Cabinet Council hold yesterday.
The Daily ],dews corresAondout says.
The feet that Prince ,1;3oheniolee is in
the beat of health andcan be seen any
day walking the streets, gives some color
to the trustor of a Chancellor, crisis,
G,T,I;, and 0.P,fi, Itaitway Rate War to
End, and, People Will Resume
Paying Wager !tares.
London, Nov. 22.—(Toronto ebbe
Speolal), Ceylon hassignified her editors
once to Imperial penny postage.
A private. cable from Montreal to. a
London flnancial house states that the
North Bay branch and local rate difficul-
ties between the Grand Trunk Railway
and the Canadian Pacific, are settled.
!trance and It*I3 Rave Entered Into.
Conemerele1 Relations.
Paris, Nov. 22,—It Was quite einexpect-
idly antouticed, yesterday that a colu-
rnereial treaty had been concluded be-
tween Frauce and Italy, granting Mutu-
ally favored treatment except for silk
goods, which will remain subject to the
rnaxienum tariff. A bill embodying the
agreement will be submitted immediately
to the Chamber at Deputies.
The negotiations that havee culminated
in these arrangements nave been on foot
f z two years, butnobodybody obeelieved that
It is believed that the as Fashode affair
was instrumental in inducing Prance to
grant the necessary ooncsseions, though
It is noteworthy that the silk duties,
which caused the breaking of the treaty
in 1887, remain almost unchanged.
The negotiations have been conducted
witb. the utmost secrecy. The asset effect
t c e o
of ho enc ss ons involved ve^ is nee known
i 1 da
as yet, but it Is expected that they will.
have an inporteelt political influence for
tbe rumovel of a long-standing friotion
between the two countries.
The treaty, it is noticed, was concludes.
during the absence of Emperor William
from Germany, and there is much speou-
laden regarding les probable result upon
the European alliances.
Came as a Tituitderolap.
Lopelou. Nov. e2.—The Rome corres-
poudant of the Daily News says: "The
coneluslon of the Franco -Italian treaty
carne as a thunderclap. Looking to the
hitherto strained relations between 11aria
and neuro, the treaty may he cunsidored
the important political event as regards
Italy since the conclusion of the triple
London, Nov. 22,—The Berlin oorres-
ponilent of the Daily News says some-
thing of a sensation has been caused
tetra, by the announcement inleaded
type in the semi-oilloial leorth Gorman
G zotto that Dr. 'Von Miguel, Prussian
til -n stei of 1 111ii tc. ltlfii till e,t rrilneei
Award of the Albert Medal to Brave
Engineer Tetuan of the P'oant.
London, Noy. i .--Tbo Albert nodal,
England's hlliost decoration for bravery
exhibited otherwise than In war, was
conferred by the Queen yesterday on En-
gineer Toman of the torpedo destroyer
Foam, for an not of conspicuous dexo•
The high-pressure cylinder of the Foam
burst an a speed trial, Tamen instantly
ordered all the rest of the stall from the
engine room, which tilled with scalding
Then alone ho took every precaution
to prevent furtbor damage from aoeidont,
confining the steam to the boilers.
Twice bo tried to ,leave the engine
roam, but twice he was driven book by
steam, being severely scalded. His hands
were almost stripped to the bone.
But for his pluck loss of life must
have occurred, as the broken engine
would have driven a hole in the bottom
of the craft.
A Welcome Promised.
London, Nov. 22. --In consequence of
rumors that an Amarioan squadron of
Warships is to visit Portsmouth, the
Mayor of that place has written to the
United States 1iiirnnassy promising to give
the Americana a cordial welcome. Mr.
Henry White, the United States Charge
d'Affaires, has thanked the Mayor of
(Changed every 'Wednesday)
wheat per bnahel_ • 59 to 70
Flour per ewt ,.,.. 1.85. to 2.00
Barley. $,5 to 40
Oats, ,,..„,-.„. 25 to ,26.
Peas 66 to 60
Butter l5. to 15
RBBB - 15
Potatoes perbag 85 to 75
Hay per ton 4.600 50O
Dr ksAppl'os per 3b 4
Osseo d
Chicken 6
A.n Important African Telegraph Line.
London. Nov. 22.—The Birmingham
Post says an agreement has been ar-
ranged with the Congo Free State allow-
ing the entry of an African trans -conti-
nental telegraph line along the western
shores of Lakes Tanganyika and .Albert
Strike at Yankee Sausages.
Berlin, Nov. 22.—The Islonische Zei-
tung this morning, in an article supposed
to be inspired, advooates an absolute
prohibition of the importation of sausa-
ges. This advice is aimed at the Ameri-
can market.
May Seize Roiling Stock.
Ottawa, Nov. 22.—The Customs De-
partment is now wrestling with what—if
it turns out to be correct --is one of the
largest seizures that has ever been made
in this section of the country, by some of
their officials against the Canada Atlan-
tic and Parry Sound roads. The amount
said by customs officials to be liable to
seizure, and which they have reported to
the department, as baying been placed
under the seizure from time to time, is
in the vicinity of $600,000 or $700,000.
This oomorises engines. cars, oil, eto.
The seizures have been going on in this
way for some months, but the railway
company has, it is understood, been deny-
ing the right of officers to make the seiz-
ures on the ground that the engines, etc.,
were used for international traffic, Inter.
views on this and other points have
taken plane between the beads of the rail-
way department and .the heals of the
diatoms. So far no decision bas been
Struck Salt Now.
Hamilton, Nov.' 22.—Drillers have
been at work for gas on the Marshall
farm, in the Mountain, all summer, A
, small quantity of gas has been flowing
for a few months -enough to illuminate
Mr. Marshall's house. . Yesterday
n0on however, the drillers were reward -
ed by striking gas in such quantity that
they have as yet been unable to get it
under pressure. ' It Dame in a flow of salt
thrown and the water is being t own u p
in the air a distance of over 80 feet. As
it falls it coats the engine and boiler with
salt c:ystals, and Mr. Marshall thinks
be may have a bonanza in salt as well as
Prince Henry of Pr.issia unveiled at
Shanghai -on Monday the monument to
the officers and sailors of, the German
third-class cruiser Ibis, which was lost
in a typhoon on July 23, 1806, north of
I'tbe Shan Tung promontory. The core-
, mony was very impressive.
Do not think for a single
moment that consutnpt orf will
ever strike you a sudden blow.
It does not come that way.
It creeps its way along.
First, you think it is a little
cold; nothing but a little hack-
ing cough; then a little loss in
weight; then a harder cough;
then the fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
it is yet creeping.
You 024 40 it with
You first notice that you
cough less. The pressure on
the ebestis lifted. That feeling
of suffocation is removed. A
cure is hastenedbyplscingone of
Dr. Ayer's Gerry
Pectoral Piaster
over the Chest
A Book Free.
It is on the Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs.
Welto erer Freely.
1tcn have any coniplaintwhatever
and desire the hest medical advice you
ran possibly receive write the doctor
freely. You win receive apromptreply,
without cost. Address.
Det. J. 0. AYER, Lowell, !lass,.
elr, John Lauthier of Mersea was
killed by a tree t triking him as it fell.
The Napanee Robbery.
Napanee, Ont., Nov., 22.—This after-
noon the grand jury brought in, two
true bills—one against Ponton and.
Mackie and one against Pare and Hol-
den for robbing the Dominion Bank.
seer°re. After' Wood's Phospholine,
371e Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
Canada. Only reli-
c i O
druggists n
able medicine discovered,S
packages guaranteed to errall
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One wilt please,
Six wilt -Pamphlets °isoThmpany, Windsor, Ont.
l Wood's Pilo +phodineessold inExeter by
.4. W. Brewing, druggist.
The Leading Specialists of America
150,000 CURED,
Nothing can u6 more demoralizing to
young or middle-aged men than the pres-
onee of these "nightly losses." They
produce weakness, nervousness, a feeling
of disgust and awhole train of symptoms.
They unfit, a man for business married
life and social happiness. No matter
whether caused by evil habits in youth,
retinal weakness or sexual excesses. our
Lim Method Treatment will positively
env.' you.
Render,YocneeIhelp. abuseuse or
later excesses may have weakenedyou.
Exposure may have diseased you. You
are n,.; sato till eared.. Our New Method
will dies;cm. You ren no risk.
0,000 CURED
Yoana ''f:L'tt--Von are pale, feeblo
and ha a i ar rvot :, irritable and ex-
citable. You 'bersitne forgetful, morose,
and despondent; blotches and pimples,
sunken eyes,' wrinkled face, stooping
corm and downcast countenance reveal
the blight of your existence.
No smatter how serious your ease may
be. yr how ling ytiu mayhave had it, our
cure it. The "wormy veins" return to
their normal condition and hence the
sexual organs receive proper nourish
mont. Tho organs become vitalized, all
unnatural drains or losses cease and
e't manly powers : return, No temporary
ilii benefit. but a permanent Cure ,a eared.
i •.
1, '-
. NO
, v
:, 7)
;,tL.aASi,.. 0 L
t'•n Wo treat and euro ,SYP111L1S,
0 MEET Eli113810N5, I'tIPOTJINCY,.
NEY diseases. CO1,1SUIT ATIO N
i MODERATE. 1f unable to call, write
for a QiUI:S'1'I0N BJJ 1Tl( for B.OME
DETROIT, iiiii;6 H.
4o,a a
with. r rv+i) Q 6 vtbs
but don't think you can patch -
clothes to look like new.
Then again it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants made to order, all
wool heavy tweeds $2.00
Snits $9.80
Overcoats $r0$
Black Worsted suits a spec-
ial, $12.00
Our $20 blacks beat all
others at 823. Come and see
.for yourself,
People patronize us because
they realize that we always
sell clothing tlmt is strictly
up-to•date, ...
J. .. GtIEVE
Opposite pP a la 09t c
Ste R
Bic oyes 1
Bicycle Pleasure.
Are you seel::iog Bicycle pleasure
if so, you should seek first a good.
wheel, We cell furnish you any of
the best wheels made at lowest priced
Do you want anytininr is th
musical like. We have a chaise toe
of Pianos and oreente, call and let
speet them before buying elsewhere -
A full stock
Of sewing machines, baby car-
riages, etc. ete,
Perkins & Martin..
for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble
in old or young-.
We Manufacture -3
which is an excellent remedy for
Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat
and Influenza.
The Old. Reliable, Winan'6 Con-
dition. Powders,
stileholds first place in the market.
f. Also Lotion for scratehes on horses
acid Condition Powder for same
T. -41r 44.—slr-oia,is,ea r ,sic..w.
To read the big stores' a
tiertisements... .
For whose good are we in
ji the furniture, business ? For
yours and ours. If we are nct
41 useful to you we Sannot be use
NI to ourselves. We have got
• to carry the goods, you want at
the prices you want or we can-
not make a success of our busi-
But we have been doing
business right along for years,
which proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right quality of furniture at the
prices. Come and see for
5 right
yourself. ,
it SOli
Furniture, Undertaking.
N.1 -q
,,.•}e ,,:easeseai,`'