HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-11-25, Page 4THE
U.4.ii n AJat1,
Chas, H. Sanders, Editor and Prop.
THURSDAY, November 24, 1898
.At Chatham a jury gave the widow
and children a verdict for $30,000
against the Lake Erie & Detroit rail-
way for the death by accident of a man.
named Barclay, who was killed at
The :liethodist Episcopal Church ha
the United States, like the Methodist
denomination he Canada, has a 20th
century scheme on hand, though it
proposes to raise $20,000000 to the
Canadian Methodists' $1,000,000, The
money will be devoted to charitable
and educational institutions maiutain
ed by the Methodist Church, and is
probably the targets sum which any
church ever undertook to raise. The
movement is not .to be limited to the
Aiethodistdenaminatiota alone, but s
intended to include anyone to whom
the movement appeals. It is under-
stood that considerable
a c nsi ezab,,
e amount will
be Sent iu Africa.
MAN :ice un Is.
The average tpau comes well oar
being an idiot iu taking; care cf him-
self. You have seen him weating a
fur cap on bis head, while his shoes
let la the snow and water. He wears
au overcoat ou his back and nothing
but as thin shirt over his chest. He
is mighty- scared about freezing his
fingers, while his throat is Exposed
to blizzards, acid he is often ailing, or
thinks he is. It's herb teas, root ton
acs, Peter's pine. '',gut's plue tar cordial
or plasters and :ares, until the balance
wheel til the ra ichlue comes to n dead
stop. Neture wauts to keep going
but she can't. lid drinks whiskey, gatherie s in the history of the ridiup. " have always believed it possible for a Church, Belfast, Ireland, and Grand
and that clogs the valves; he drinks With but few preliminaries. the cote •tChristiau daily to succeed. You have Master of the Belfast Orangemen. died
beer, anted that seines the wheels; he ventiota got down to work, and it took a proved that it can. So much of the Sunday from a strako of apapiexy.
`J be U, . War Aapartrnout itaa order'
pours down „•tnouade. ginger ale. but- but a few minutes to m4ke their choice "ideal uewspapor' In His Steps' b there t ed four companies of the :ocoud �'olun-
tert-011h Flee water. tea. coffee and what i for each seat. Ala jot Beck was named "fore real. I pray that you, may p ea f r r comp a to embark the. tit once from.
South Perth Election, Died by The Roadside,
'reroute, Nov. 21,—The Liberals
have entered an appeal in the case
of South Perth election, where the
Liberal member, Mr. Moscrip was
unseated owing to a confusion over
badly printed ballots. The Conserva-
tives, who claimed the seat, have also
announced their intention of appeal-
ing the decision.
Silted Instantly.
min M. #3reen, ,•a London, butcher,
met instant death at the. Grand Trunk
station Wednesday. The unfortunate
and terrible fact was purely Accidental.
The victim purposed leaving the city
for Windsor, and was in the act of
boarding the Chicago express. The
train was pulling out of the station at
a rapid rate. The express always
moves off quickly, but yesterday it was
six minutes behind time. $resp was
seen to run for the train, and as he:
reached it the fourth coach was pass-
ing him. The car was a heavy Pull-
man sleeper. Breen grabbed for the
car rail as he ran, but missed it, the
platform bei=ng very slippery from
frost. The effort to grasp the rail
caused biro to lurch forward. He
eould not stop himself, iu his headlong
rush, avid he fell against the car. The
va t of the
forward o omen
a m F_
knocked hint down. He fell between
the coach trucks, with his bead across
the rail Another second and the
cruel wheels had passed over his neck,
decapitatiu him. The express moved
on out, with probably no oue aboard
possessed. of the dreadful eouseiousness
that a human life bad been crushed
out beneath them.
Beck and McTteail.
Godoricb, Nov, i8..--Tbn Liberal -
Conservatives of West Hurou met at
Smith's Hili to -day to noraluate their
candidates for the vacancies in the rid-
ing in the Local and Dominion Houses
The large township hall was tilled with
one of the finest and most enthusiastic
John Thompson, a. well known farmer
residing on lot 17, con. 3, Downie, a
short distance below Avouton., was.
found dead on the road side near St.
Pauls Monday afternoon. Mr, Thomp
son, who was about seventy years of age
started out from his home to walk to. St.
Pauls lie. reached St, Pauls, which it
about two and a half miles from his
farm, and had got about half a mile on
bis homeward, journey when death
overtook him, Some meu working in
a nearby field. noticed him as. he pass-
ed, on his way home. Soon they saw
him sit down by the roadside, and,
shortly afterwards they noticed that be
had lain down One of the men wont
over and discovered that the old man
had expired. The body was taken
home, and Coroner Rankin of this city
went oat to investigate, but decided
that an inquest was unnecessary,death
being due to heart disease.
Sheldoll's Newspaper.
The Rev, Chas. Al. Sheldon's books,
now so universally read, make it plain
that the writer's hopes of the regener
a,tian of the world lie in getting indi-
�,6ao roes of rage. • Coming
Largest Single Shipment Ever
Made From Quebeo.
.Great Fire atnging in the Ozark noisy
talus of Missouri—Town: of Macomb.
ea Pongee of Deitraction-•Stuo.11e
p.z on 7,A 14fOrnxandie—
Charged, With X' bee.
sli.nr. *115,000,
The emits intend to exclude all baohe-
lors from their Parliament,
The aruisar Marie Teresa has been
abandoned en Cat Isl'ud.
Mr, Harvey Smith, eldest son of Ste
Prank Snaith, is dead et Idaho Springs,
R l has been •
The town •of Ferry, own,
swept by fire, and the loss is repotted as
The tug Walker, Lying in 45 feet of
water in Jiingsron harbor, will be raised
by the Donnelly Wrecking Coanpany,
viduals more and more to do their daily Three thousand operatives. a the cot -
tasks on Christian principles ao matter to � � ,
what the sacrifice involved. In the best •'Monday out a.count at a reduction in
learlan Stevens of Morton. a little
girl, knocked over a gun while playing,
and shot herself lit the side, dying ru
s he
In Hi .Ste
ofh'sbol.s s
known) books, ,
clearly looks to the newspaper. curled
on upou Christian principles, as large'y
the hope of the "corning kingdoto." In I sightlys
looking about him for a newspaper', Four then were killed at the electric
upon his model: he seems to have bit power .house at Covington, g7,, Monday..
ou the Montreal Witness, to which be They were working on a scaffold that
has addressed a letter, part of which save way.
we quote: David 131aclloolt of Toronto is under
•'t have read the IViletese with arrest accused of an offence i)nder the
,:Much interest. I t anent say Cbarlton Act. Bose Bitter Is the Dern-
" that 1 l:uow of any other daily paper plalnant,
'• itt the united Staten that is conducted William NvPanout;b of entrsal i;at
"aft retell high Christian prltieiples I three years Lor forging slanros to a pets-
" wish I did, for if ever we needed s)ich ; ttoaa instead of getting theta signed, as
i ha had bean paid to do,.
"a paper in our country we need it The Canadian Engine toad Locomotive
"now. Let me express to sou my ' Works at Kingston bas recessed an order
"� appreciation of the Christian heroism for tivo new engines. ten -wheelers, dor
" and considerataan which make a pa- the Inrerealoniel Beltway.
"per like the WITNESS a, passibility. i Rev. Dr. Kane, rector of Christ's
eau tear -
noor,'atei then w aaditre why the ;iris' for the Local House and Robert Ale - 1'4 ttuue to be blessed is your work. 1 Tampa and sail thence to Havana.
reeler hie hei:ets tion": burn. If ti ou , letau for the Dominion. and both "• do not know a more glorious tipper- John Y.tennau, a Philadelphia tailor, Is
sheiaka €il:e aft on and put hint through names were received with ringing; "tunity for building up the I i1gdotn t under arrest In Leaden, ch:tr,;cti with
a ➢vise, perferan:.tere, k 1 he dead is ' cheers that showed the roost uttan► •• on earth than by meatus of Christian,* stealing `t,:,uuU• worth of cloth anal eller
year The similes!. aet,l p asiut st laws wars and enthusiastic feeling,. Each "journalism. I take that greatest plea, in )honey (rem a Iesiilatiolpbia thug,
• .1s au••h et
,.. .,.Collector., J C. c
� r
at C ofthe
Ex -Tax to t
r..•' t l h ca tt h
el ht ��:1a ,art' atir:a,.. a1 every hour of ccst.eittiata: aet;ep,eai the rtaminatls at in surd in seeding t pJ.
the 'h' t,c- the average nlat,. Diel brief but pithy speeches, and if the 11 seen.*:: to nem:Tap a friends of mine Holyoke, wee arre;ted'..Arty Mon-
altiam smoke e' Trill Eve wear eers.'th'r 'ht nines$ of their reeeption and the •' for their in ectinn. • day evening on three witvnsntu charging
1•, ti :. leei • . embezzlement t9 the aluQunt Of y li.,,ltile.
Iii ,;�.ii��a: c1,t•tr to/ewe? n a laid Ruth tat.[• taf the SMOCKS be any criterion •• Very cordially yenta
Chew Kuru a laid the ehildreaz of Isrit•i the il.,nservative candidates will win
make air it beer Eat.;; aaet :after crossing both s=eats. :1, dumber of representa
the Red sea laid I,ati'eceat eat tire gentlemen from each municipality
"Charles M. Sheldon• ` detalned at quarantine on arriving at"Topeka, Iiansaas " Now 'York on Monday, because two rates
-- -- of smallpox were reported on board of
gum dreaps quid ice er.•atn, anl earl for made live minute speeches, and theresGarr0V1'S Appoi11t111eAppointment.her.
soda water ? Adam arc the first manwas not a daub=fun or dissenting ward : I;tchard .1. O'iiryan, tho Montreal
anis was nrele perfect from head to tbroughout the meeting. These formal The appointment of Mr. Garrote, of Town Topics )nag, has been found ;guilty
heel. How lung would he have re- proceedings being; completed. arrange- Huron, to the Iialyd.y Cahouet without of publishing immoral -literature, o lie is
mained ee ,'afta•t' o,atitie a mince pie be- meats were made for completing the eat -
portfolio is a ludicrous device ee to i)t T ' out an bail, lett will be sentenced on Sat -
fort' going to bed % Suppose he hard ortianizatiou, and the two stalwart that gentleman to regain his ser,[ ,in urday.
slept in a bled ro')tn ti 1, with the win standard bearers, who sogallantly.:, A despatch from a 11111alef, Russia, at
p the Leginlatu.re, lost m conseque ucc of the confluence of the Diem and the Bug,
dows down, with the door shut and fought the last two campaigns, are the protest, says the Stratford Herald.
two dogs under the bed? Suppose once mare at the head of the Conserve- As far as calibre goes, Mr. harrow is.
Eve had laced herself up in a corset, Live electors of West Huron. a better man than several members of
put on tight shoes, sat up all hours of _ _
the night, eaten her fill of trash and
sizzled her hair? When you come to
look into the way man misbehaves
himself you can only wonder how he
ever lived to get there.
Tho French liner D.a. Normandie teas
Visit to St. Ann.
Lines on a friend's visit to St. Ann,
Quebec. Written for THE ADvOt'ATE.
I'm requested to write a few verses for you,
On the journey you made to St. Ann;
And describe the tine scenes and the grand
mountain view,
And I will do the best that I can.
Then allow me to t:ay. every mile of the
Seems to tell of a power that's divine;
For scenes rich and rare in abundance were
And some were exceedingly fine.
Where the St. Lawrence smiles on its beau-
tiful isles,
Where a thousand of them can be seen,
Where the rapids respond to the waters be-
In Montmorency's turbulent stream.
Where the cataracts roar to the rocks on
the shore,
And the white caps in myriads are seen,
Where the great mountain's range makes a
contrast so strange,
When robed in their mantles of green.
Although some people say it is too far away,
To go to that far distant part;
When the Saviour is near, every soul thatls
Will be granted the desire of their heart.
Yet we read that the Jews left their home.
every year
And went up to the temple to pray.
And was not their Saviour to them jure as
As He is to His people to -day,
And when Naman was told to wash seven
The poor leper could not understand
Why the waters of Jordon had any more
Thanwhat flowed through his own native
And that clear crystal front that flows from
the mount,
On which stands the sacred shrine,
Every soul that's sincere they can see won-
ders here,
And the works of a hand that's divine.
Every duty you do the more blessings for
And if you have any to spare,'
Well then you might send down a few for
a friend,
And remember the bard of
Mooresville, Nov, r4, Age.
leitorkine, :fight and Day.The busiest and mightiest little tbing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. .Every pill is a sugar-coat
ed globule of health that changes
weakness into strength, listlessness in
to energy, brain fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up the
heaIth. Only 25 cents per box. Sold
by all Druggists. .
Agricultural Experimental Union
Annual Meeting.
We hays received the program of
the next annual meeting of the Ontario
Agricultural and Experimental Union,
which is to be held at the Agricultur-
al College at Guelph. The " Union "
will commence with a public meeting
in the large Couvocation Hall oa the
College grounds on the evening of
December 7th. There will be six ses-
sions in all, and the meeting will close
on Friday afternoon the 9th of Decent.
The summary results of the field
experiments conducted this year on
over three thousand farms will be pre-
sented and discussed at the meeting.
This along with the reports on co-oper•
ative work in Horticulture, Dairying,
Bee keeping, Soil Physics, and the
Weeds of Ontario should make the
meeting interesting and profitable to
We also notice that Prof. C. F. Cur-
tiss, Director of the Agricultural Ex-
periment Station of Iowa, and Mrs. S.
T. Rorer, Principal of the Philadelphia
Cooking School, and an associate editor
of the t' Ladies Home Journal," have
been engaged to speak at the meeting.
The Guelph Fat Stock and Poultry
Show and the annual meeting of the
Ontario Bee -keepers' Association are
both to be held in Guelph on the 6th,
7th and 8th of December, and the an
nual meeting of the Guelph Poultry
Association on Thursday of the same
Arrangemeuts have been made with
the railway companies for reduced
rates to Guelph to attend the Experi
mental Union Meeting, and other inter-
esting events which take place. during
that week;
All enquiries regarding railway
rates, etc , should be made to. C. A.
Zavitz, Sec'y,, Agricultural College,
Guelph, Ont.
The people of Winnipeg are enjoying
the first blizzard of the winter.
The petition against the election of
Mr. S. W. Holmes, Liberal M. P. P. for
Hatdimand, has been withdrawn.
Edward Elliott has been committed
for trial on the charge of murdering
Mr. William Murray of Beaverton. It
is said the boy has again confessed the
crime in the presence of his father and
a constable. .
says that twiny -one persons have been
billed there by an ospio;ion in a rookec
the Cabinet are, and if some of them Henry Wagner, sr., of Freston, whose
were put out to make room for him, foot was badly burned by molten metal
there might be home sense to tbe pro while working in Clare Bros.' foundry,
ceeding. But to make him a. Minister on Oct. 17, tiled in the Galt Hospital on
el day.
without pertfolio is a sham and puerile Emperor \ViiBnm is expected at Berlin
arrangement that Mr. Garrow must the end of the week:. Talking at 'Messina,
he was bumptious enough to say that
Great Britain was seeking oetrance to
the Dreibund.
M.'icritons, the French electrical en-
gineer who invented the continuous ter -
cult machine used In all the lighthouses
ot France, had committed suicide. He
was overwhelmed with debt,
Tbo Spanish mail steamer an Augus-
tin, leaving Nuevitas, Cuba, on Monday
for Spain, carries the Columbus monu-
ment, fo:nterly in the Cathedral, with
287 boxes of archives.
Two of the big saw rnills a5 the Lake
of the Woods will be removed to Winni-
peg on the completion of the Southeast-
ern Railway to Rainy River. The site
will be on Red River.
The SS. Gloriaua is in the Louise
Basin, where she will load about 1,600
tons of pulp from the Uhicoutimi Pulp
Company. This is the largest single ship-
ment ever made from Quebec.
Star Pointer, the famous pacer, with
the world's record of 1.593e for a mile,
was sold on Monday night at Madison
Square Garden, New York, to W. J.
White of Cleveland, Obio, for $15,000.
find it hard to be a party to without
loss of self-respect, even if it is for the
purpose of dazzling his longed for con-
stituents with the cheap" Hon" before
his name. Even the United States,
where the mania for houonary prefixes;
to names is supposed to be more ram-
pant than here, never resorts to tbt'
trumpery " Minister without portfolio "
trick, though the national executive
consists of only a president and a Cab-
inet of eight men, who preside over tbe
affairs of nearly ?0,000,000 of people.
and who would have some excuse
for calling in additional adviser=',
But a President would be laughed at
who would call in some politician whom
he might wish to placate or to help,
and make him a " Minister without
portfolio." Then look at Ontario, with
two or three millions of popn1atio11,
under a Lieut. Governor and a regula r
cabinet of seven, who pretend it is ne
cessary to call in a new adviser in the
shape of a" Minister without portfolio "!
The Ontario Government does not need
a cabinet of seven men, much less
eight, Meanwhile it is instructive to
observe that even the trumpery honor
in question was bestowed, not upon
any farmer member or farmer candi
date, but upon another lawyer. In
one sense this may be for the best, as
the lawyer cabinet of this province has
shown itself hard up on several occa-
sions for a good legal adviser. The
election in West Huron, where Mr
Garrow is to run against Major Beck,
has been set for Dec. 8, nomination be-
ing on the 1st.
Rett Hot From The Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich in the Civil War.
I.t caused horrible Ulcers that no treat-,
meat helped for 20 years. Then Buck
ten's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures.
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons,
Corns, Skin Eruptions. 'Best Pile cure
on earth. 25 cts, a box. Cure gua-
ranteed. Sold by all Drugg's"s.
Mr. John Breen of London fell un.
der a Grand Trunk train that he was
attempting to board and was crushed
to death.
Twelve or fifteen cars were smashed
in a collision between two freight
trains in the Grand Trunk yards at
In ,a large tire, which completely
destroyed an extensive timber shed at
St. Petersburg, ten persons were burn-
ed to death.
Mrs. Isabella Harvey was found
dead in her bed at Hamilton. From
appearances the woman must have
beed dead fully a week.
Sir George Baden-Powell, M P,, who
was a Bering Sea commissioner in
1891 and British member of the joint
committee. at Washington in 1892, is
Children Cry for
J. Y. E .AN
326 West Richmond St,
The Oily oee Specialist
The iO11lIifll
Long recognize l by the public and pre-
fession of the Dcininion.
1 '�,
Authc'rity in the treatment of Rupture.
call and interview H-lil.
'Von ,nay thus f,., "i your true n otion, and
this at the ha, at. of a :Master to his profession.
If year easy s ,'ne t , t n'c3s ttto aien, he nil]
supe a rust what you rcr,i and on the most r,:as m.
ab u terms.
Exatnination and Advice
Mr. Egan is the pan -,''-,'r of die ' t ::,;` and
most snce'essfet pr actkv of any Qr!V in his ng• -print;
ti;e Daly specia•, t.s di!, r grin, :• an the 1)a.anion,
His patients N•ty they have not words to x•+rre,a their
gratitude. and n. t rr itefore had instruments to pro•
du:e such marte`ot...:n^n ,. ins 1 ell - ort
This fact alone a• v,•,• hint amee c: ,•, r., -,¢mint
that his anticipations ar, not mere fancies of the
imagination. but only the mn:sr,l 1,I..:. is ,.ure 10
f;i4sw true ma-rit $ar. Egan., ability T..i:aateo,e
all forms of Rupture is one of the sNrets et' his
Over 3o Years llrs Expex ience
1.3„ 1,„„„ cst„i, shed i:aimns i,a To: nate i, wool that
tie lives up to every Agreement
Ilia treatment is guicl.and r„ a rat and be
protects . his patients 1'a taking On:+ ta... 4;a5;> that
can i>e retee•,•el.
That be cures when others even EA to bete the
following letter riot co con-
finer Dara fico oft tm ea
in a
parte place.
rinse 'ou t t4 represents ata of hundttxix now is our
Pa.�ilt Sar~ --I nm pleased to say that
the iustrumt:ut you titttid uu me rluriug
your vieit to Seaforth has held me
securely and safely to perform the
heaviest work ou my farm with abso-
lute comfort. For the last three
months I have had no trouble what-
evter. My physician, Dr 'Bethune. of
ibis town, has pronounced the instru
mint an admirable fit, and expressed•
the opinion that in a very short time I
[nay be enabled to dispense with it al-
together' I would strongly advise
sufferers with tupturo to stop experi
literature call and see you, bo fitted,
and thus secure permanent relief,
which I now have to the fullest extent,
after being a sufferer for over ten
years with this menacing affliction.
Seaforth, Ont., Juno 29, 1897.
— Commercial
House, Monday (All day and
ev'g.) December 5.
GODERICH British Exchange, Dec, 6, 7
SEAFORTH, Queen's hotel, Dec, S.
BLYTH, Queen's Hotel, Dec. 9.
WINGHAM, Queen's Hotel, Dec. 10.
ICINCA RDINE Royal Hotel, Dee. 11, 12
The vote on the $60,000 bylaw for tho
purchasing of the waterworks plant from
a private company was voted down by
the ratepayers of Waterloo on Monday.
The result was a majority of 86 against
Inc bylaw.
Articles of inoorporation of the Inter-
national Silver Company, the silverware
trust, were filed with the Secretary of
State on Monday afternoon. The com-
pany has an authorized capital stook of
Edward Ross, a Paducah, Ky., farmer,
killed himself Monday evening, after
murdering his wife and child and John
Walker. Walker, a newoomer to the
neighborhood, had been paying attentions
to Mrs. Ross.
Reports from Missouri, Kansas, Min-
nesota and Nebraska announce that a
blizzard is raging in the West and south-
west, and a decided drop in temperature
has been experienced. At Beatrice, Ne-
braska, the mercury dropped 60 degrees
in 24 hours.
On Monday at the Episcopal cemetery
at Woodstock a corpse buried 10 years
ago was found to be in a perfect state
or petrification, not a sign of decay any-
where: The coffin fell to pieties and it
was removed to a new plot after a new
casket had been procured.
C. O. Probst, secretary of the Ohio
State Board of Health, reports that fully
80 cases of smallpox have sprung up
since Cot. 8 in Loveland and vicinity..
The disease also appeared at Cleveland
and Hamilton, Ohlo. One case of small-
pox is reported from Richmond, Ind.
A great fire is raging in the Ozark
Mountains of Missouri, north of and
parallel with the Memphis Railroad, sup.
posed to have been started by sparks
from a locomotive. Stock is being turned
loose and people are deserting their
homes. The town of Macom b is in danger
Of destruction.
Far-Seeiiiij PeullIg.
New 'Cork.
Far -Seeing people don't need ,t4
look through a telescope to
bargains when they visit oit,
store. We have them on al
sides, The telescope is all righ
in its place—locating small ob-
jects for instance--andit might
be alt right to locate things like
our prices, which are so small
you y u .. wi 1
wonder how we
sell so cheapl
Y it
y -
Mu! Stun!
A F171,,L LINT: OF
APPLE 77-47tE
p:: M ;" t.Y: '
71. Lii
Semi -Centennial Teat'.
its Fiftieth Year by changing its form
to that of a Magazine, and by reduc-
ing its annual subscription price from
$3.00 to $2.00; single copies from ten
to five cents. . .
It will maintain its reputation as the
Leading Weekly Newspap-
er ot the World, . . .
forth will print 3,640 pages of reading
matter per year at a cost to subscribers
of 12 00, while the prominent magaz-
ines, which sell for $4.00 a year, print
only about 2.000 pages. The subscriber
per cent. more equally good reading
matter at one half the cost... .
Only per $2 year,
or at that rate for any part of a year.
Send postal cad for free specimen copy.
130 Fuiton St., N. Y.
An Indian fell or was pushed from
tbe balcony of a hotel at Wiarton and
died from the iujuries he received. An
inquest is beteg held.,
William McDade, a young Irishman,
who recently came from Belfast, was
crushed to death by the collapse of 'a
huge derrick at Montreal.
Isadore Baum, whowas arrested at
Montreal for drunkenness, rot into a
fight in the police cells wish some ether
hrisouers, and received such injuries
that he died in a few hours;
If you don't know what
it is, your dealer will tell
you that it is the best 10
cent plug of smoking to-
bacco on the market, . .
Open to the World.
The South Huron Agricultural Society will
hold a show for the exhibition of Pat Stock
and Poultry, in the Agricultural Buildings,
in the village of ;METER, on
When the following premiums will be
offeree for com petition :
CATTLE -Pure Breeds -S teer, two years old
and under three 1st $7, 2nd $5. Steer, one
year old and under two, tst 50, snc1$0. Steer
calf under one year, lst $4, 2nd $2. Cow or
heifer,1st $6, 2nd 51.
Grades -Steer, two years old and under
three,lst$6,2nd$4,8rc182. Steer, one year
old and under two, lst 55, 2nd $3, 3rc1$2. Steer
calf under one year, ist $4, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. Cow
three years or over, 151 a a5, 2nd $3, 8rd $2.
Heifer, two years and under throe, 1st $5,2nd
$3, 3rd $2.
SHEEP -Long Woolled-Ewe, two years
and over, lst $3, 2nd $2, 3rd 51. Ewe, one year
and under two, ist 53, 2nd 2,3rd 1. Ewe under
•one year, 8, 2nd 2, 3rd 1. Wether, one
year and over, lst 3, '2nd 2, 9rd 1. Wether, un-
der one year, tst 3, 2nd 2, 3rd 1.
Downs -Same as long wool,
Grade Sheep -Sarno as long woolled, except
that there is no third prize.
PIGS -Barrow, over 68 months and under
12 month�,lst 4, 2nd 2,$rd 1.onBarrow,. under
6months,lst4,2nd 2,3rd 1. Sow, over'6 mos,
and under 12 re as., 1st 4, 2nd 2, 3rd 1: Sow un-
der 6 mos„ 1st 4, 2nd 2, 3rd 1. • Pen of throe
hogs best suited for the bacon trade, all bred
and fed by exhibitor, lst 510, 2nd 5, 3rd 3.
A sweepstakes badge will be awarded to
the best beefing animal, best sheet or best
pig of any age or breed Age of all animals
will be computed from December 1st.
DRESSED POULTRY -Best pair of turkey
cockerels, batched in 1898,1st 2.00; 2nd 1.00, 3rd
500. Best pair of turkey pullets, hatched in
1898, lst 2.00, 2nd 1.00, 3rd Sec. Best and heav-
iest turkey of any age, 2;00. Best pair of
geese hatched in 1808, lst 2.00, 2nd 1.00, 3rd 50x.
Best pair of clucks hatahoa in 1898, 1st 1.00.
2nd 75c., 3rd :5c. Best pair of cockerels
batched in 1898,.1at 100, 2nd 75c., 3r0. 5c. Best
pair of pullets hatched in 1898, lst 1.00, 2nd.
750.,'8rd 25e. Best display of dressed poultry,
lst 3.00, 2nd 2.00, 8rd 1.00
Dressed. m eons d ra wn and trussed.
Best and largest display of dressed meats,
1st9.00, 2bd 8.00, 8rd 2.00
All stook exhibited will be for sale. Par-
ties desiring to sell stock can have the use
of the grounds, whother the stock Is for ex-
hibition or not. It is expected that a large
number of buyers will, he present. ,Ample
aconinsanin ocdclationpoultry. will be provided.for all an-
Entrance foes will be charged as follows :-
Thoroughbred cattle, $[ each; •grade cattle,
50o. each; sheep and ew.ine,50c each: poultry,
'25x. per pair; display of poultry; 25c; dressed
meat, $1. Entrance to grounds, 16c.
.rOIINl Da1JJl®,OK, President
0. T. iII(sJ 15A'%', SecretarIDy.
Who. Davies, of Brautford, was chop-
ping. wood on Monday when the axe
canir•ht iu the clothesline, rebounding,
and badly cutting his head,