HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-11-25, Page 1.ELEVENTH YEAR. —578. ii ays s EXETER, ONTTARIO,THURSDAY, NO VEMB t 24, 1.898. ,. Eyesight is Precious. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. Zurich, Lucia I Seaforth : Mr. V. Knechtei, ship Egmondville : One day lately Air. 1 _______ ._-._.. 1 ping clerk for the Broadfoot & Pox William eleNey's. Sleek of sheep was 1 air Ed. Hagen, Principal of our Pub- i A ' ery pleasant evening was spent: Furniture Company, had the misfor• worried by dog, and before ,his son, lit; School, is on the sick list.—Mr. B. pat the resideece of Mr and Mrs. James tune of having a heavy packing box 1 who was plowing in an adjoining aCteld, fall on his foot on Friday last. The in jury done to his great toe of the left foot is of a painful nature, and our Brown has disposed of his boot and shoeIsaac, Sauble line, BBfddulph, on Wed business to 0. Fritz, of oast -tweed • d oesday, tion. 10, when their daughter, Mr. Fritz tool; possession last Thursday. , Anna, was united in marriage to Mr. —'Mr, D. aleCormick and P. Sipple t Ernest Abbott, of thew same flue. t Goderich: Judge Doyle Wednesday were in London Saturday ou business !the hour appointed for the weddiogc ! ever since., limping between steps gave ,judgment in the Division Court —Mr, W. Dannie, better known as Mr. D. J. ;✓coat, of Delaware, took lus 1 Clinton: While assisting in Mr. snit of Cameron va. Rradforcla ajlowing "Butch," of Gcderkch, visited towu; seat at the fine organ in the drawing-"Tedford's blacksmith shop one day last Mrs Cameron '$li for damages to her Sunday.T--J1r. Alf, and R. l:• eiderman, ! room, and as the sweet strains of 31en• week air. William Goiley met with an bicycle, which sv to being ridden by ahe e t �, �, 1 of Detroit, were called home to the bed- delsshon's "Wedding Marcia" filled the :accident which obligee hien to use Mrs. Small taken the latter was run r •s g 9 side of their father. lir. R. Heideman, spacious room, the groom, followed by crutches for a few .dans, the head of i into by Bradford. could go the reseue, the a marauding brutes had trilled and partly devoured, a fine ewe. ,-...gotalr-Nights are getting longer recovery is doubtful —Mr. Ed Kalb- ; a rich robe of blue silk, with flowers, and striking him ou the leg. It was # takes places in alae farm of Ireland who is very low with paralysis, His his pretty bride, charmingly attired iu rho hammer be was plying flying off Wir,Qham ; This week a change Therefore it is necessary that you have e spectacles that are exactly suited to your eyes. Our optician is home again and prepared to give you the best expert attention at T. FITT() 'S tJEW ?LI.ERX' $ T t ir#gs preferred for testing. te '0 EY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private tunas for in= vestment neon form or village property, at lowest rates of interest. Iti('Ksu'\ fc.Cannis n Barristers. ate., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN'. A large amount ot'Private Inuits to loan rows *r BATF, 4JF. INT -MOST on r.. a$u1lai,i(' terms of rayrn,'nt. RaistFer S tieailIUAN. I3arristors, l olicitari, etc, F.: et t1.1'ES I,OR1t ere strayed front the precnihe3of the :nta.i ssignet, 1 ,t eir..t r.al, a „ion l, sienna:,, 'e steer r, div, one reel with ..rot`, on side, the other gray ani ret. Any rerun . giving ire, for:,m ion tin ar tb i11 h a t tet, th,-ar rc+'ovrrc wilt 1,e, -eaitablv r:'noel• t. \Vu.JtaSa: Elia,:v311r. Meetiu.• "Huron County Oouncii. The eoune it of the corporation of the, Cot,.+tz of 12tirea, will m., t d,a the t'onneil e•haatuk e r in the t.ewva ut too .rich on Taws- ae , , . i dray the .,h, ids t I tctn . r nest, at $ o'ehi t to !feted Nov. W. ],ext?. flirt:. LAND AND TIMBER FOR SALE, That 'k•siralde pre,prrty Patuated in the Township of I11.'•n g,i,urth half of east half of lot f:,, nncr•,auu, a -1', Y,SIh.Y from the towUl ne. Thera 1- 011 thelaemi,es 15 acres cd goo i bash wbigl, eot.tatins a largo number of Elm 1a vlo ^+and a largo quantity goal ash TIM t tr. at, prop rt', Lvoola be well r` it,d for a l•riol:n.:akar ant the timber ..croon woad ray for the land. For liar.. uul+:r+apply to B. S. n'\ trig.. or to An.F.r. WAi.re.n. Exeter, Berlin; County Council Election. COUNTY OF HURON, Public Notice is hereby given that a mooting of the Electors of County Division No. I, composed of the municipalities of tsborno, Exeter and Stephen, will be held in the Town Ball. Exeter, on Monday, Decem- ber 11', 181.5, at the hour of 1 o'clock p, nt., for the purposes of nominating candidates to represent them in the Council of the Count, of Buren for the years 1883 and 190, and that in ease a poll be demanded, polls will be opened on the 'ndday of .January, 1839, at each polling subdivision at the place fixed by By --law of the municipality of said County Division. CREST= PnouTv, Nominating °facer for County Nov. 21,'88. Council Division No. 4. Moray 111iss Sarah Pollock has been re en- gaged to teach in S. S. No. 13 for the year 1899.—Mr. Adam Hislop had to kill a valuable young cow on Saturday as the result of an apple becoming lodged in her throat.—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sellers, who have bean residing near Crediton during the past year, have returned to their former residence on the 18th con. ot McGillivray. Orediton Mr, Henry Eilber, manager of Hay township Mutual Fire Insurauce Co. is at present collecting insurance assess- ments in. Hay and Stanley townships. Mrs. Matthew Winer, Jr., has returned from Winchelsea, where she has been spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and ` Mrs. Clemens. --Diphtheria has broken out in the dwellings of Mr, Batson and Mr. Job Sims, Jr.—Miss Millie Bertrand, of Exeter, ` spent Sun- day here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Berrtaud.-Mr, John Morley, 77 who has been iu Manitoba for several months returned home last week.—Mr. Samuel Brown has somepay notes of the Frauee-Prussian war of 1870 for sale, Mr. Brown got them from a firm in Montreal.—A Thanksgiving tea, under the auspices of the Ladies of the Methodist Uhuich will be giveu in the basement of the Methodist church 'to- tiight, (Thursday) After the repast the Rev. Charles Smith, of Exeter, will give an address and solos and•quartetts yfll be given by Mrs. (Dr.) Ravers, J. H. Holtzman, Geo. Zwicker and others. -Miss Emma Fink bather has been vis - Woo her sister, NIA's. Daniel''1'suemner, ot Dashwood, the past week.—Mrs. R. E. Walker and lits Ella Link arc on the sick list,' We wish them a speedy recovery.—The Bell '1'elephoue Co, put SO in a cabinet in the office ;here last Monday. --Pig killing and sausage :no- ki ,g is the order of the day and therefore many are invited to Meeker - sups, —Messrs. S, Urowu and C. Zwicl:er are busy shipping fool. St. Marys. Thome Moore, living about two miles north of this town, was lofted early Saturday morning; at the O.T.R. (rack crossing iu an uucouseiotis con The betas tree of the Boston Moho- m rain the assembly dispersed, Mr. AI. Walker, of Cast »awanosh. the privations of the early settlers. d.ition. ITo was oft his way home last dist Sabbath School will be held Men- the o g' p a The business heretofore win be conduct• night, and although his parse and day evening, Dec. 26th.—On and of leaving with the bride and gro•om their ed by Messrs. Walker Bros. & Button. }Stanley, when he settled in it, was all � , congratulations rind oast R tshetx fol as fleisla, son of J. C. I albfieish, and Miss ' and leaning rather broti:er'S arm, enter- the same leg, by the way, that he had Button, furniture dealers, Mr. Ireland Emma Sararus, daitahter of Benj Sar -,"ed the roans teronah an 'arch of roses 'so severely injured while loyally help retires from the firm ou account of iii health, and his place is taken by \Val- ker Bros. of Brussels, Seaforth: Mr. James: Dick has sold ares, b: th of Hay, .joined hands in holy 1 and evergretess, and too'.;, their places ing celebrate Her Majesty's birthday matrimony Tuesday morning by Rev.', directly mater a tastefully constructed many years ago. eitellite, at the Lutheriata Personage ,'bell of Hewett:, where the nuptial knots Parkhill: At the residence of the We wish air, and Mrs Kalbfleish long . was fir:We' And by their popuiar pastor, bride's .arenas on Oct. 9th, there was , life and prosperity.—Mr. G. Merrier, ; Ret;. Mr, :<t etb, of Luean. After the pmarriage Hiss Ll Meth J hotel property and l; nn Thess tonew !' ,r t ticelebrated Lite ofa h Jacob Kling, of Sainham. tiety who purchased the property of Petery maaiy guess ata been received by the! Tuck, to Mr. Abram 11 Stoner, Rev. G !proprietor tastes pr. session on the let Lamont. recently has moved into tome'', r bride ,a- d itr�.r.m, the company retired lv °unne performing the ceremony. of December. We have not learned. Mr, W m. Schroeder, of the Babylon to the dig hilt; -room, IN. hero the t'ebles : Alter the ceremony the guests retired : what Mr- Dict: intends to do, but he trine, shot a nue red fox ou Friary. T1.en t wore arranged, bearing .,u abundance : to the dining room whore a sumptuous talks of taking a trip to .Brlticb Colum- SVhat's wrong with aur sports, The., etdelieaele., Hem awp}e 105110 n'as,repastwasspreadtowhichthea -alldid blot Catholic parsonage is almost completed.", done the richest roost, and as the ample justice. The presents were num. It will be one of tile finest dwellings in E hours hectored no the tentertaii meet I emus d costly tahowintr the asitia tit in F ti'arna ; On Tuesday might of last fawn. Died cation takes elect* Sit fines i presented e ditrert mat phase, including which the young couple are bald. weak Mr. ,Tampa Dunkin died at the day evening•.-•' 1r, 11 Richardson, :pro• 1 speeches, music, games, etc, The j Win hath : Gee. Ireland, who an resideuco of hieher Andrew, at aon the many and costly' presents testified toy age o 8 year near Varna, at file ripe j t to esteem in which the bride is held company with fir. Button have boon age of 54 years, lir. Dunkin was a h conducting a furniture and underra.k- atnon,g her numerous friends. The g native of Tyrone county, Indeed. He tl),ti:t of file eici,it,g was given iiy \Ir, ing business m town for some time, ems gretted to Anieries: in 16f:2, and bad Petrick, of London, father of the M..P', t has sold his interest in the firm to lies . been a resident of they township of Stan, P. of Slaitdtoba. Iii the earl - hours a£ I sea, Sti esker Bros , of I3 ..,., sR some of ley for over 66 y eats, road endured all duce merchant, is malting s shipment of poultry' on Thanlcsgiving duty. Or eeuwa . buggy reached the stables, no trace of alta driver was found until four o'clock in the morning when he was found as boyesteted. 11 was first supposed. at he was saudbai;ged and robbed, j main at three cents,—Hent r Etlher, "eh was not the ease, as his mon-1 \T,I`,P,, and manager of Hay and :step afterwards found coucealed on : lieu township .'ire Iusurancte Co , spent ter Christmas the rate of:asps o to !' lone happy andprosperous lite.—Mr.Great Britain and Ireland will be two DeAnisou Doan is a the sick list again. cents instead of five emits but in the afr. J. Hewat, of Lambeth, has re - 1 nminioa ttf Caul"' the rate will re' moved to the; .lace and has rented the farm lately owned by Mr. J. Frank. --- Mrs. R. Hord, who has been ill for some time, is slowly recevering, --Arrange u. rontleetly his horse eau last Thursday in W. J. Wilson's (dive goalies torn being made b the voun�* rr � h Y „ Mr. Ireland has not been enjoying the best of health for some time and bl- ends taking a, trip south. bush, and by hard work made a comfortable home for himself egad his family He lee Yes three sons, Andrew on the farm, William living in Clitatou, St. Marys: An old and respected and Jahn rot Thoriadale. He was a eitlzt�u passed away Sunday night in : consistent member of the P..'tyfield Road the person of Frani Anderson, at thy; 1 Presbyterian church, and in politics a ripe age of 83 years and 2 mouths Conservative. Deceased was an ofd settler in this di.. Clinton: Lest wee!. finished the wind and threw him out of the ri, . , for th[e:Iccomme+:atioa of weaker r pay- ,, it}et and fiat esteemed by a'1 wile f this 1 for shootata m atcla upa Apple King C l t' P tnderwent an or..ration on Sunday, l ince their assessments, jr i'. two 1 coral focal () a place r a. e. ew 1 'a 1 r. p u : t £383.,! flits operations n the fractured portion of his skull 'on Thanksgiving Day ---\Ir, Dred �I'ox t,at elm• Ile a me to Cat ad's f oto for the enson r+: •a ::r,d the soot total o �,sitectt \]r. I,ilbrr was :ironed on has returned from a. three mouths so. Scotland, and settled near the presenthis zeas rise lets and he is now.resting' business. The coin aiay have had sever. , village of AI,IIs'i'tion and then removed of rho shim/ems s will be iu tl►aa neigh• asuer, tfioharh still in a serious eon -p . journ in the great west, --Ill ii. Hod- :. beamed of oea,fl.t0 te•arraeis. (M this g' al heave- losses during the I+as. year. inv son of SS ellington Hod•rii,aa while to St. Marys stone • fifteen or twetnty I number he sent 3.0ftli barrels to Mani - dulcet. lJSborne ltli.LTi. ok• Miss llRot^!:.•--Tho hom, " of Mr. and Mrs, John Brock. Jr., has beeuseiddersed by the almost sudden death of their eldest daughter Clara, who diced an Wedneday of last Lvetrl: at tlei age of 22 years. The deceased e m , Lias not been enjoying tht, best of health for some time but her case was in no wise considered serious until about two days before the sad messenger carne, whelk she was seized with an attack of hemorrhage and in a very short -time passed away. She was high. le- respected by her associates who are much grieved at her sudden taking off. Her remains were deposited 111 tbo Zion cemetery on Friday, and the funeral was .largely attended. Rev. G. Jewett conducted the services and preached a very appropriate and com forting sermon from John. 14, :1.-8— Thomas Morley, of Central Business College, Stratford, is spending, a few days at home this week.—Mr, William'. Brock is at present laid up with, au at- tack of pleurisy.—P. Morley attended the Municipal Clerks' Association of the county of Huron, at Clinton, on the 16th inst.—Lots of travel on the roads now, People are delivering poultry to Couch & Roy, Winchelsea, Stephen A NAnnow ESCAPE.—Mr, John Ford Lake Road, met with an accident one day last week, which migh have been attended with fatal results. It appears he was out shooting with a muzzle loading double barrelled shot gun and was using smokeless powder, which is very strong. He had charged both barrels as he thought but in some way he made a mistake and put both charges in the one barrel. All went well until a rabbit made its appear- ance when Mr Ford took aim, and to his great surprise the gun burst, scat- tering pieces of the barrel in all direct- ions. One of the pieces passed close to his head and blew a big piece out of his hat while pieces passed through both shoulders of his coat. Luckily Mr. Ford escaped without a scratch but it was a narrow shave. DEATH OP MRs. ELENBAMN•—Word has been received- here of the sad death of Mrs. Samuel Elenbamn, of- ltilman- angh, Mich., formerly of this township, and daughter of the late Pascoe Kestle. The deceased was a victim of chronics catarrh but her case was not consider- ed in the least dangerous until about two weeks before her death when she was taken suddenly ill and medical aid was summoned, but it was all to no avail she gradually sank - until the grim messenger claimed her, on the 2nd inst, She was of a loving and kind, disposition and was highly: respected and her many -friends will morn her demise. - She leaves to mourn her loss a' loviur husband, three daughters and two sons, Mr. Thos, and Jonah l(estle and Mrs. John Brown, of Crediton, at• tended the funeral in which there were ane=hundred and sixteen vehicles in the coneourse.: The casket was cover- ed with beautiful wreaths and flowers testifying to the esteem in which she was held. She was in her 48th year and the funeral took place November 5th. A contention of West Huron Conser- vatives was held at Smith's Hill on Friday; hut call they give the cheapest incur ( °gra �ticlny* with souse ether boys en ante of any cam><any desalt° busin0SG in ,1? [ '� It 1 •ty.. wtthrevolvers ai i terra e Batu rt1 ti -. 'SMrs.M. SS i -5 *- ..I 1 L iciufty. , I . and A th u. r �in the hard son aro visiting relatives in Lemke' tensed c d a serious would li this week, ---Rev. J. E. Ford, of Parkhill The Willett f)as not been extracted as is to preach a missionary Hermon here batt pfiyz,ic:an is of the op}itio.a that no serious comelleations will arise there - next Sabbath at 2:30 o'clock.—Mr. Geo. Glendenning returned home from Manitoba last week. "NEARLY n Flan.—Mr P. Gooding came near loosing, his barn by fire last Monday. Ho was killing pigs and the ou. tho Sunday before Christmas. -- wind carried fire to the .straw stack, Mr. F. A. Stuart, B.A,, principal of burning it completely and only for Lunn high school, met with what plenty of water acid help the darns i might :etre been a serious accideut a few days ago while experimenting with some chemicals. An explosion occur. red which broke the test tube into frag- ments, and many pieces lodged in lir. Stuart's face, cutting him severely. from. ---Mr. 1'. A O'Neil, taunter, ie. slow ly recovering -from a serious illness. ilia will soon be able to resume office duty again.—Tho now Methodistehurch is almost completed It will bo opened could not have been saved. The schol- ars from Miss Maehlon's school room ran over and formed a pail and dipper brigade and done noble work`in help ing to extinguish the blazing straw. Dashwood. Very fine weather for so late in the year but the roads are in a bad state. —Mr. Charlie Fritz, of Zurich, former ly of this place, was in the village on Sunday. Charlie is now a resident of Zurich where be bas purchased the boot and shoe business formerly con. ducted by Mr. B. Brown, of Crediton. —Mr. Geo. Edighoffer, of the firm of Kellerman & Edighoffer, shoe ' mer chants of this place, report business good. They are to be found in Mr. Fritz's old stand, Harileib's block, The public will find in Mr. Eidghoffer a good workman.—Strange rumors come to our ears almost daily, and in fact we are almost always expecting some- thing new as the day comes on. It's time we had a rest for at least one week.—The Y. P. A. business meeting will be this Thursday) evening, when the officers will be elected, . and the usual business trausacted. Let there be a grand rally that eveniug. The church needs it and the community needs it, and it will be a great individ- ual help to all who work from pure motives, and all such will advance and receive the promised reward.—Rev. A M. Sauer attended dedication service at Rodney on Sunday. Mr. G. Brown took his work here in the morning and Mr. A. Shettler in the evening.—The question drawer in the Y. P. A. last Thursday evening proved to be inter- esting and .we hope helpful.—Mr, and Mrs. Wiliert spent Sunday in Seaforth with friends.—The south -end flax mill had to shut down on Friday on account of the damp weather.—Mrs. Redmond, of near Hensall, visited at John Pope's during the past week.—Butchering seems to be the order of the day.—Mr. Henry Callfas is still laid off work bav ing hurt his hand in Hoffman. Bros.' factory some time ago. - Beats The libiosuuke. , Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex,, has found a . more valuable dis- covery than has yet been made in the Klondike.` For years he suffered un- told agony from consumption, accm- panied by hemorrhages; and was ab- solutely cured by Dr King's New- Dis- covery. for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous eure; would have it; even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle, Ashtna, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by. Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption. Sold at any: Drug Store. Regular: size :eQ eontti and $'i1.00, Guaranteed to cure Or price refunded. years ago. A wife, one semi and a mem, 0,0Ot) to tho 'rutted States and daughter r are left to mourn their loss, placed 17,000 on that Liverpool and .T. Clinton . Mr. Thos. Bull, of Ludes rins.,,Oty markets, while about 17,000 l,uro formers' of the Commercial Hotel, additional berre7n be £ sold con. 1 o. le cu has leased the Queen's for a term of signed to the litaglish markets. There stili remains between 12,000 and lit,000 barrels which he is placing in storage at Toronto where be now has about fifteen menemployed eta lug and and sorting. They are every one from Huron as Mr. Cauteeloat believes in patronizing the men of his own county when the opportunity presents itself. Around About Us. St, Marys A very pleasing affair took place at the residence of Miss Bella Thompson, church street South, on on Tuesday evening, the 15th inst., when her former Sunday school class met and presented her with a beautiful cream ladle as a token of their sincere regard and love for the teacher. Varna : Dr. Thos. Gray, late of Lon- don, purposes opening an office here. He is a bright, clever young man, and as there is an opening here there is no reason why he should not do well.— We regret to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Jas. Turner, of the Parr line; we hope to see him round again soon. - Winaham : Some person attempt- ed, early oft Sunday morning, to for- cibly enter the residence of W. D. .Pringle, by raising a window. Mr. Pringle heard the noise, and got up to investigate, the intruders then took the hint and disappeared. The attempt was made twice during the night. St., Marys: Alexander Bannerman, at one time a prominent citizen of Blanshard, died in London on Nov. 11, under very peculiar circumstances. He was working on a roof, when he was attacked by a fit of sneezing, from the effects of which he never recov- ered, having ruptured a blood vessel in his head, Blyth : An important change in Blyth business circles took place on Wednesday, when Mr. Jas Ireland leased the Blyth flouring mills to Mr. W. H. Finnemore. lately of Burlington. Along with the other citizens of Blyth we regret very much that Blyth is to lose Mr. Ireland and family, but we are glad to know that their place will be ably filled by Mr, Finnemora and family Goderich : On Tuesday morning Mrs, Martin, the woman who was be- fore Mr. Seager some time since for keeping a disorderly house, and a younger woman named Mrs, Kirkbride, were charged before the P, M. with keeping a disorderly house in Colborne township. The case after being re - curled was adjourned to 4 p. m. in the town hall, at which time there was a large number of young men present When the rnag'isatrate took his seat Mr. Campion said the women pleaded guilty, and that they would leave the town on Wednesday if they were allowed. Mr. Seager accepted the plea but with held sentence: Children Cry for. STOR IA live years at a rental of $2e0 for the lust year, and $300 per anemia for the balance of the term. This is eonsid- ered el, good figure for the Queen's, but Mr. Bell has for some time wanted to get into hotel keeping here again, a:.d this was the only opening. It is said that Mr Milne will move to the States; where Mrs. Milne has relatives. Kirkton : A Kirkton boy's success. Mr. Levi A. Miller, who went to. Le Roy, Minn., on June 18th, 1897, has since that time graduated with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail- way Co. as telegraph operator and now holds the responsible position of head operator in the Le Roy. depot. In so clary 111r. Miller ranks high, being sec- retary of the Le Roy depot Atlantic Association, a member of the Le Roy baseball team and plays lead cornet in the Le Roy Highland band. Ailsa Craig. On Tueseay, Nov. 15th a quiet wedding took plaice at the re sidence of William G. Shipley, Esq., Ailsa Craig, when his only daughter, Annie Ada, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. E. H. C. Rawlinson, late of England, by Rev. L. W. Diehl. They tuft on the 3 p. m. agoing east on their wedding tour and esp^st to spend the winter in the south. All join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Rawlinson a happy voyage through life. The trial of Penton and others in the Napanee Bank robbery commences in that place this week. Seers tent [lex. "I was taken with a swelling in my feet and limbs. I was not able to walk for four months. I re: k about Hood's Sarsaparilla and pros sired a bottle. Before I had taken it all the swelling left mc. I took three bottles of Hood's and have not been troubled with swell- ing sinee."—REBECCA. well-ingsinee."—REBECCA. Samoans, Chat- ham, Ont. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Easy to take, easy to operate; reliable, sure 25c. B1.113318 RUSSELL—In Exeter, Nov. 22, the wife of James Russell, of a son. FRITz —In Crediton, on. Nov. 16th the wife of Wm. Fritz, of a daughter. Tno uPsoE. In Usborne, Thames Road, on Nov. 22nd, the wife of John Thompson, of a son. Mitchell: Mrs. Robs. Tucker died from heart disease, at the residence of Mrs. Saunders, on Wednesday last. Her husband was in the milling busi ness here many years ago with Messrs. Stiles & Beer, but met with financial trouble, when he moved to Manitoba and died there soon after. Mrs. Tuck- er returned to Mitchell, and between here and Eugland spent her remaining days. Soe had many friends and her death is much regretted. She leaves three sons, who are in the North West, to mourn her loss. .Parkhill: Rev. J. Anderson, B. D., who has been for the last three months occupying the pulpits of the Parkhill and Lieury Presbyterian congregations left on Wednesday morning. Mr. Anderson is one of the ablest ministers in the church, and the sevices conduct- ed by him were largely attended and his sermons were much appreciated. The congregations consider they were very fortunate in having him during the .song illness of their own pastor. No one could have more ably and satisfactorily performed the duties of the position. Tuckersmith One of the few -re- maining pioneers on the Huron road is Mrs. Whitely, who is now in her S4th year, and enjoying the use of all her faculties, is very active for her age During the, Hunter and Crossley meet- dogs in Clinton she attended almost nightly, enjoying them very much, She has been on her present farm for 54 years—it being all bush when her deceased husband settled here. She had a large: family, six daughters only surviving; of these Mrs W S. Law- rence, Clinton, is the youngest; Mrs. Holland being another;' two married 1., the west and two at home, That she may still be spared for a considerable length of time is the wish of her many friends.: 11IARRIA6lEt i. Seonnn—Tuon—At the residence of the bride's father, Parkhill, on Nova 9th, by the Rev. 0. R. Gunne, M, A„ Miss Blanch Tuck, to Mr. Abram H, Stoner, of Arkona, Lambton County. ABBOTT—ISAAC.—Ar the residence of . the bride's parents, on Nov. 16th, Mr. Ernest Abbott, to Miss Annie Isaac, both of the township of Biddulph. WILLIS—HODGINS. —At the residence of the bride's mother, on Nov. 10, by Rev. S. Salton, Thos. Willis, of Exe- ter, to Miss May Hodgins, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Hod- gins. RASyLINso:3—Srareav—At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Ailsa Craig, on Tuesday, Nev. 15111, by the Rev. L. W. Diehl, Annie Ada, only daughter of Mr, Wm, G. Shipley, to Mr. H. 0. Rawlinson. 11Anol.—In Parkhill, on Nov. 15, Ann Mahon, aged 60 years. CARMICIIAnL.-In Seaforth, on Novem- ber 18th, air. Robert Carmichael, - aged 81 years and 11 months. LITTLp7.—In Seaforth, on November 15,: Elizabeth Willison, wife of Mr. Mat. - thew Little, aged GO years and S months, ANDnRsoN.-ln St. Marys, on Nov. 13, Francis Anderson, aged 80 years, 2 months: Enoch -In Biddulph, near Whalen, an the lath Inst, Clara,: eldest 'daughter of Mr. - John Brock, Jr,, aged 22 years, 0LIINBAMN.—In Kilmanaugh, -Mich., en Nov 2, ;firs, Samuel Elanbamn,'for- twetlyof Stephenand daughter the late PI 8:00 Kestlo, aged 47 years, 11 months and 26 days.