HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-11-18, Page 5THE exam buoratt, Is published every Thursday eforning, at the Urnoe, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, — By the-----•- AD VOQATS PUal,iStt1NQ COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. tine Dollar per annum if paid in Advance gi.50 if not so paid. $d, eatinsang ;mate= oma .4.21? PACO.. OA= No paper d soo linosdontflall aireara e a are paid. Advertisements without epeeiflo direetions will be pablished till. forbid and sharged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transetent advertisements inserted for long periOcLS. Every description of JOB le BILI:iTI:fC4 turned cutin the finest s ty , and at moderate rates. Chagues, money ord- ere, &c. for advertising, snbseriptions,ete.to be made payable to Chas, H. Sanders, EDITOR awn PROP Professional Cards. 1I. 3INSMA_\'. L. D. S. & DS. A. IL. BINS3fAlr', L D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain. or any bad of Bots. Office in .1`anson's, Block, west sire Stain Street,Exeter. ur all ht b- ike all we u al- ith on 1-111 .,1). ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.$-,L.D.S.,) honors Greduate of the Toronto Vn1- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain, Ail modes of Dentistry upto date.Office over Elliot & E11iots la of ee--opposite Central rioter -Exeter, .tle4Iea,I Dr.. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. Restdeneos, same as formerly OFFICES, SApeakman,. building, ?fain B t. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -uorth door, Dr. ,Amos' office, same building --south door. May 1st. 1803 S. A, Rollins. ?f. D, T. ,A, Antos, ld, D Tet n.T. P. eftLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF her the College off?hysioiatlsand ausgeons Ontario. Pltestetau, Surgeon and Aaoouob- our, °face, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DS. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT • OR, Oonvoyaucer, Notary Pubiio Oflloo-Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter,Ontario. Money to Loan. ileoleSON & CART 1N('s, IIARRICTER`A 1.1 i oliettore, Netnews, Conveyancers, Commissioners. etc. Money to loan at lei and a par rent. o)f eio-.Faitson'a Block. train St., Exeter. T. R. (Derain, B. A.. L. R. Wages. {A member ot th.' tirm will be at liensall an Thure lay of each week., LLI.I0T S (*It.DUAN. BARRISTERS, -1 Etc.. Conveyancers. and 3lonev to Loan. f3. V. $I.1.10T. F. W. t:1,.4fitit v X . ,Altai Ion eel's ABROWN. Winehnfsoa. Licensed A.nct- lancer for the Counties of Perth ani ALiddleaiex,alio for the town elan of L'ahorno Sales mom ptit• attended to anteterm s roa- eonbale.Sole, arraugc,l at Post office, Win- oholsca. linsmrunee. E ELI.1OT, Insurance Agent, Main St., Exeter Oook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over It10,000Iradiee. Safe, ei%atual, Ladies ask 'oar druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- pound. Telco no other, as all ?fixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Y'riee. No. 1, $1 per box, No. 9,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and twa 3•cent stamps The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. taarniruistsind�ond@d by all responsible Canaa No t and No 2 snl•1 in Exeter l;v J.11 Browning. Druggist. - lir. James Br :obey, of Stratford, was rile down by a train 1t't:dutttiday while working in a • the St. Mary's bridge and killed, I tulBreton),a mulatto, of Winnipeg. r has been sentenced to be hanged oil December • 13rd for the murder of Wil- bur E Burton. Fred Fisher, a G T.E. switchmen, of Belleville, had his right hand crushed Wednesday while coupling cars. His right thumb was amputated. Miss Lottie Collins, the Loudon music halt singer, attempted to commit suicide Wednesday by opening veins in her throat and wrist with a penknife An application has been made at Montreal for a warrant for the arrest of J. C. Warrington, the big cheese dealer, who failed a fortnight ago, on a charge of fraud. CA"A•:T ' For I_ fonts and Children. The fac- simile 31gnatnre et �..- -�•� is en a ovory ppe wrar. Mangled In.A Cutting Box. Toronto, Nov. 11. -Samuel Moore, aged 40, was killed while at work on the farm of Michael Blake, Mimico, Moore was engaged in feeding a steam cutting box. In some way his left hand caught in the rollers, and the arm was swiftly drawn in by the re- volving knives. The man's amts and shoulder and neck was fearfully lacer- ated before the machine could be stop- ped, He only lived a few minutes after being released from his awful position. Deceased lived near Cooksville, and leaves a large family. Healthy Baby When Born In Three Months humor Spread Over his Forehead Into His Eyes and All Over His Hands 1SHE YIELDS TO FORCE Such Itching, Bu nlr3 Torture - Roust It Enders. When a child is cured of the itching torture and burning inflammation ot eczema or salt rheum, it is no wonder that Words fail to express the joy of the grateful parents, and that they gladly tell in as strong terms as pos- sible the plain story of suffering re- lieved and health restored.. Many testimonials relate the wonderful sae- cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla in such cases, even after all other prescriptions and medicines fail. here is one; "0- L heed & Co,, Lowell, ¥ass. c "Dear Sirsc---01:r bey Harvey Will re- member the good blood's Sarsaparilla did him as long as he lives. He was a healthy baby when he was born, but before he was three months old a breaking out tap- sare_.bot sidesiface.Ph si- ft d onh of ?1sy (Pians did: him little good and said but for his strong constitution ba could not have lfvedthrought his dreadful suffering. The humor spread over his forehead, into itis eyes, nod came out an bis hands. It was indeed pitiful to withers the poor child's sufferings. It was fiery paiefal for hint to apen or shut his eyea, and we had to tie his little hands to prevent 11i1n from scratching the itching, burning akin. My mother urged us to try idaoda8 Ser- saparilia. We did so, and a short time atter he began to take Ude medicine we aaw a change for the better. We con- tinued until we had given Win five bot- tles, and then the eczema bad entirely disappeared, and he bas ever since been perfectly cured of titin dreadful disease, sufferings extended over two and a + bait years. People tor mites around knew, his dreadful condition and know that H'ood's Sarsaparilla curets him. Ile le now a bright, boy, perfeetly healthy and hers tbe finest skirt of any of iuy #Ivo children." Alas. L. l LarsFELDElt, Coolie; eville, Pe. Blood% Sereaparilla le sold by all drug- gia�ta. it;aixtor»lii. Be surottagetllood's. In the trial of Cifristetl•ht'r Stewart ar Brandon for tnansittu. hti'r. this jury returned a verdict of not ;tlillr. The largest passenger engine ever built in Canada has just bean cnmpla t- ed at the Kingston Locomotive Iyorkt. It is the :frit o• an order of three for the Intereoloninl Beltway, The ratepayers of St. Thomas have carried a by law to grant $20.0'00 to tho Lake Erie & Detroit River Railway Company for an extension of the Hee M •4 from 1'►tcl,.,Ntasru to U. `CilOrad Henry Pigeon was arrested its Mont- real An a charge of rnhhing a church, Ile told the, detectives that there were two men in penitentiary starving terms for crimes that he had committed, His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Aannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder- ful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: " I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became harden ed. I was iso weak I coudn t even sit up in bed. Nothing bellied me. I ex- pected to soon die of Consumption, when T heard of Dr King's New discovery. One bottle gave relief. I.continued to. time it, and now am well and strong, I can't say too much in its praise." 'I'his marvellousm d e iQ ins is the surest .and quickest liars in the word for all 'Throat and Lung Trouble. 50 cents and $1.00, at any Drug Store; every bottle Guar- anteed. Children Cry for CASTOR iika A sad accident happened at Port Bur well Tuesday which resulted fatally. Goo. McDerned during a gale went up to do spme repairing to the windmillill at the park. While the work was in pro gress the whole top blew off with him, falling e. distance of about sixty feet. His leg was badly broken near the an- kle and his wrist was also broken, and. he sustained such other injuries that he died Wednesday. He was twenty-five years of age George Wells, an employe at 'Whim law's foundry, is suffering from a pe - collar accident received a few days ago while at work in the foundry, aayr the Woodstock Express. Mr. Wells was engaged in chiselling some steel when a sharp piece flew up, and, plow- ing right behind the left eye -ball. forced it from the socket, The injured man put bis hand to his face and the eye dropped into the palm of his hand. Medical attendance was summoned and the eye replaced, Mr. Wells is &Ana. nicely, and will retain the use of the member. 4p399a3393993939933x944 iN y? iwwS+ iU to Puny 0•00. Children eM un(gg Af P ai ij ig? ((i) (l� !/J�l e'1 (1! te Who would prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak, putty child ? Its muscles and nerves are so thoroughly ex- hausted that they cannot be whipped into activity. The child needs food ; a blood - making, nerve -strengthening and muscle -building food. Scott's Emulsion all Cod -Liver Oil is a 1 of this, and you still have a tonic in the hypopliosphites of lime and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children te there is no remedy superior tr` to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to them. Be sure n pi you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. 50c. and $,.00, all druggists. i) (b SCOTT.8c BOVINE, Chemists, Toronto. The Unhappy Predicament of Most Unhappy Spain. POSITION OF UNITED STATES, The "tenablie Etas No Alternative But Complete .Annexation -3t° compete, iso o s 1 Wi o -. m P s Mile With sd inn What Spain Would Do if Goole Sam Weakened - ab . ws Weakened - Cable News. London, Nov. 15, -The morning papers sammmit editorialle upon the Peace Cots= ferenca crisis and the American naval. preparations, reiterating their conviction of the hopelessness of Spanish opposition end recognizing that; the United States have practically no alternative, eoopeolally after the elections, brit complete annexa- tion, and that, if Spain continuos obstin- ate, the United Status must send a fleet to Europe, an action which no power but Great Britain would welcome, though none would be likely to interfere in Spain's behalf; The Daily Telegraph says: "We cannot Lelievo that President McKinley favors a compromise tbat would leave Spain a Portion of her far Eastern possessions. Such Palitysol coruhllo tha evils of both alternatives oontrcutinu America, since Spalls svonl:l speedily sell the ruru- Haat," TIN 31 A3'S'X Sl' -Ax,'(.. Slag Yields to Porro what site Would erforoe Reap. Paris, Nov. 15. -'The lot of Spain Is indeed unhappy. `there was no joint see. sloe of the Peace Commission in Paris yesterday, the Spanish Commissioners (hiding it impossible to got their mentor - ands ready. The U. S. Commissioners granted the delay asked, and it is expect- ed sosslous will be resumed Wednesttay. Meanwhile the Atnerieans will notrecotle from the position taken regardtug Ilio Philippines, and the Spauiarda will aoknowletble their helplessness, seeing they cannot resume the var. A Madrid depatah says, an the author- 1ty ot officials there: "It the Vnited, States pertata in their present claims, .pain will accept the eon(:ittona Atter formally aunaunoina at n session of the commission and in a claculor to the pow - era that she yields to force, and owing to the intpottalblllty of renewing the sear without unobtainable asaistanco in do. fence of her rights," The Spanish Commissioners point out tbat they dare not face their country if they aeeept the American conditions, fair- ing official dogtddittlou and even mob violence. Added to this trouble is internal this' satisfaction. Catalonia and Aragon pm - limes demand deceatrallzation at the Government, saying that the "Angie- Saxons AngioSaxons ot Anieriea, aitlutl by tha Anglo- Saxons of Europe, have obliterated halt of Spain from tho rasps," THE GUINEA PIGS, Sir 'William Marriott Calls llooloy's Statements About Kim Pure Inven- tions anti Abominable Lies. London, Nor. 15. --Tho examination in bankruptcy proceedings of Mr. Ernest Torah ldooley, the company promoter, teas resumed yesterday morning. Sir 'William Marriott took the stand and declared that Mr. Houloy's statement that he bad paid the witness £1,000 for introducing ltitn (Dooley) to the Carlo - ton Club seas "a pure invention and an abotninablo lie." Sir William added that he know nothing at the time about Mr. Dooley's alleged donation of 4110,000 to the Conservative party funds through the Marquis of Abergavenny, though r. Dooley told him afterwards that he bad given the Marquis £10,000 for the "fight- ing funds" of the Conservative party, whiuh, Sir William Marriott explained,. had nothing to do with the Carleton Club. The witness also said he had help- ed. Mr. Hooloy in political and financial matters, but had always declined remun- eration for his services. Later, Sir William Marriott said Mr. Dooley told hint in December, 1896, that he was engaged with an American syndi- cate, to going which was pin toiso an enorm- ous loan for Cuba, and said be (the wit- ness) had been appointed counsel to the company's commission, which+ was to visit Cuba, and that his fee was to be £10,000, in view of which Air. llooloy paid hila £1,000 on account. On cross-examination, • Sir William Marriott admitted that be bad received a cheque for £50,000 from Mr. Hooley, which he handed to representatives of the Conservative party. Mr. Hooley believed this would secure him a baronetcy at the Jubilee, but be was informed that he could not hays it and the cheque was returned to him. During Sir William Marriott's examina- tion Mr. Hooloy made a scone and threatened to nitch the witness out of the box. While Sir George Lewis, Q.C., was cross-examining Sir William the witness several times got angry and refused to answer questions put to him. Mr. Hooley, on cross examination, flatly contradicted the evidence 01 811 William Hereiterated his 1 am Marriot . t riteaced statement that he bad promised and had paid to Sir William 51,000 for an intro- duction to the Carleton Club. Sir Wil- liam, Mr. Hooley added, told bim that be did "all the dirty work" tor the Con- servative party. Sir William suggested the giving of 560,000 by Mr, Hooley for a baronotor, and he was to get £10,000 it Mr. Hooley was made a baronet. Turkish Soldiers Have Quit. Canea, Island of Crate, Nov. 15,- Chakir Pasba and ,the last Turkish sol- diers left here yesterday. Thea German Imperial yacht Hohenzollern passed Cre- tan waters at 4 o'clock in the morning. The despatch boat Herta entered Slide Bay in order to fetoh despatches for Em- peror William. Belgians Capture : Dervish Post. London, Nov. 15. -Tho Daily Chronicle thin morning says. We are reliably in- formed from the Congo Free State that tbo Belgians have captured Bohr, a Der- vish post 90 miles north of Bejaf, on the White Nile." France Adding to Her Navy. London, Nov, 15. -The Daily Mail sy, yesterday that the French naval consttuo- tion programme for 1899 inclulos two battleships of 1.4,500 tons caoh, with vers powerfni ax1emia2'st' an! nrotection;'two °rudders of 4,000 tons eaoh, two targe torpedo destroyers and eleven torpedo , EXETER MARKETS. boats: (Changed every Wednesday) LAST VISIT TO SOUTHPORT, The Naw Viceroy of ',Ala and Lady Curzon Say Good -Bye to His Lordship's Coastttuetlott. Southport, Eng., Nov. 15.--Thavisit to this place yesterday of Lord and Lady Curzon of Kedleston led to a remarkable demonstration of goodwill for His Lord- ship, who has represented this division in Patellatnentsines the last general elec- tion, in 1895, All the pity functionaries and, the ocunty bodies participated in it, the etreots were decorated with flags and crowded with people, and at tb0 railroad depot the pubiio officials, in their robes Of oE ic@,presented anaddressofaon ra t. elation to tads Lordship on bis appoint- meat to the Viceroyship of India. The Lady Mayoress presented Toady Careen with a bouquet of orchids in it silver holder, and with a ribbon attached to it, inscribed in gold letters, " Pre- sented to Lady Curzon by the Lady Mayoress, in behalf of the Southport Division," A procession was then formed. and Lord and Lady Curzon proceeded to the municipal buildings amid the cheers of the people, mingled with the pealing of ohutck bells. Lord and Lady Curzon afterwards held a reception. Afeer the presontatioa of a eulogistic address from the Conservative Association of Southport and a handsome and vitas- siva silver bowl, weighing over 2001 ounces, and n pair of gold spurs, Lord Curzon ramie a epeeoh, during Which be formally bad farewell to his constituents. German Amoy to Ito Increleied, Berlin, Nov. 15. --The serol, official papers anttaunce that the flerinan army will be gradually increased by about 15,- 000, Antarctic 'regime. London, Noy. 15,-•`1'10 Royal Ooa- grapblcal Society offers 46,000 to bona it subscription for outfitting an .Antarctic expedition. LORD MINTO. Arrival at the Capital City -Sympathy for Their Fxcellenelea' Aftltctiou-. Notes From the Capital. Ottawa, Nov: lu.--Tho Bari et Minto w#Il arrive bore at noon to -day. Some of the members of the family arrived in the city by apeotal train at ti a clock last evening, They Were Lady Ellicott Elliot, Lady Ruby Elliot and Lader Violet Elliot. The groateet sympathy with Lard and Lady Minta in the cause of their delay in :heir reaching the Capital is exure,sed by. everyone stere, and especially by thea) whets had the honor of knowing theta during their provieue life in. Canada as I Lord and Lady Molex:id. John Galt of 'Toronto was appointed City Engineer of Ottawa last night an A 1 third vote of the Connell. John Ayton et Ottawa had ten votes and Gait thirteen on the final vote. liar. Galt is a native of ulesgow, Scotland. 1'ontage on Newspapers, Tho following direction in regard to the re -imposition of postage on news papers addressed to subscribers is given in tho quarterly supplement of the Caua- dlan Postal °nide just issued: By no Act passed at the last session of the Domin- ion L'arlinnlant the statutory privilege of I free trunamissioil to regular subscribers enjoyed by allCanndiun newspapers and periodicals, xeoognized by the depart- ment as such, is withdrawn, and suoh newspapers, eta., with an exception to be preauutly mentioned, will bo subject, an and from the lar of January next, to a postage rate of ono -quarter of one cent per pound, bulk weight, this rate to re- main in force till the lst of :July, 1899, when it will be raised to one-halr of ono tout per pound. An exception is mado in favor of newspapers and periodicals pub- lished not more frequontly than onto per week and adre sod (forregular subset -M. ars) to post Wilma situated within a cir- cular area of 40 miles in diameter, the centre of which must either be the place of publication or some point not more than twenty miles distant therefrom. Stroh papers will continue to enjoy ex- emption from postage as heretofore. Postmasters are also advised of the in- troduotion of Imperial two -cent postage on and atter Deo. 25 next. Notes. The Imperial Defence Committee has finished its business in Canada. Coliingwood Schreiber, Deputy Minis- ter of Railways, was married to Miss Gwynne, daughter of Judge Gwynne of the Supreme Court, yesterday. The Department of Militia will erect shortly new stores near the Drill Hall on Cartier square. Hon. A. G. Blair and Hon. R. W. Sooet have returned to the Capital. wheat per bushel 29 to 10 Flour per ewt 1.85 to 2.00 Barley 35 to 49. Oats .. ?5 to 26 Peas...... ............ ............................. 55 to 80 Brnter� 13 to 14 Eggs......... 04 Potatoes perbag: 35 to 75 i•iay per ton 4.50 to 50a Dried Apples per ib Ducks Geese Chicken Turkey RECIPROCITY TACKLED. High Commissioners at Washington Con- sidering That Question. Washington, Nov. 15. -The Anglo- American Joint High Commission held no meeting yesterday, having adjourned over until today, but the Reciprocity Committee, composed of Lord Eersohell, Sir Louis Davies, Messrs. CharltonFair- banks, Dingley and Kamm, was in ses- sion. The main attention is now being directed to reoipocity, and the feeling prevails that if the parties could be brought togdther on it the remaining •questions would not take much time for determination, although a complete ad- justment night not be reaohed on all of them. Klondike Express Wreaked. Havelock, Ont., Nov. 15. --No. 172, the Klondike express, going east. was badly wrecked at Blairton, four miles east of here, at 4.25 pan. on Monday. The vahole train was thrown into the ditch while going at 40 miles an hour. Baggageman Joseph Campbell had bis Jag severely Injured by the safe failing on him. W. Edgworth of Smith's Falls; Mr. Raymond, brakeman; Mr. Price, porter of the Pullman, and Mrs. Clapper of Dummerie were injured. The cause of the wreck is unknown. Lord Aberdeen's Parting Gift. Ottawa, Nov. 15. -The last official act of Lord Aberdeen ,before he sailed from Quebec was the presentation to Canada of the chapel attached to Rideau Hall, erected at bis expense, for the use of future Governor -Generals. The presenta- tion was shade in ti,e presence of Lord Minto, on board the SS. Scotsman. Lord also recommended that n a the 9, hordes d suet of £5,000 sterling bo raised in Can- ada for the aid of sufferers by regent fiends in the West Indies. DOCSYOill' Diid A.e? in constantpain when on your feet ? Is that dragging, pulling sensation with you from morn till night ? Why not put the medicine exactly on the disease ? Why not apply the cure right to the spot itself ? You can do it with G 5 DI.AijCP'S Cherry Pectoral Plaster Immediatelyafter the Plaster is applied, you feel Is warming, soothing in- fluence. Its healingreliediee quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamed tissues. Pails is quieted, soreness isre- lieved 'and strength imparted. No plaster was ever trade lif>e it. No plaster ever acted so quickly and thoroughly. No plaster ever bad such complete control over all kinds of pain. Placed aver the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ; relieving congestion and drawing oat all inflammation. ]ren flszz nY AIX Dr.0ea0RTS. J. C, ATOI: CO., Lowell, lOt». Conductor J Lauder, who has been running an tho Sttatftttd-Palmerstou. l ranch for a uumber of rears, bad n narrow escape from drowning whlio duck shooting; at Lake Smith. He was in the act of bringing down his game when the b at he was in upset and par- ticipated him into the water. His cries for help brought a friend to his assist- nnee only in the nielt of time. 114fire' After. Woors Thosphodine, 27tc Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists 1sttsinCan Canada. Onlyreli- able Biz a medicine discovered, packages guaranteed to cure all fv )ns of Sexual 'weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One vitt pre ase, s(xtuttt cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood company, 'Widsor, Ont. S21WodsPhosplocuttne is sold 18 Exeter by J. W. Brewing, druggist. tri 13 1 „oil hl A EWA for Young and Old. G1-1'! ,' ` i,iE CURE ' RECORD' " ilt't;y0US }A +'• Eel 18741 E' SLOOP 250,000 ssKl.11 DISE 4_ pi?iVAi C It7EPi ,e. 015EASES CURED ! Y f b4c ryl%\ 1 -V.,;VI )• 0 100 CURED td g Fl pIt r Have Son sinned fl7`(itr$ bid against natara i011iu tg arr nt of the terrible crime you the ocnorarltt.ag. Didyouonly consular the cnoireltingaliuremeuts of this aril ' . . h o5i: i' 1 41' lien too late to avoid the ter- e'1ila results, wore your eyes opened' to `5', Your peril? Lid you later on in roan- k heotcontrnctang BWATEorBL.00D d,,aa'a? Wereyoueurod? Doyounow :•ndthen see some alarming symptoms? 5 Prue you marry in your nresont eon- •,: clition? Youknow,' LLT, a I!ATT•T'011, rail? L SON." If married aro you con- stantly on- stantlylivingIn dread? Is marriage a )„ Endura ivithyononaccountof any weak- ness eaknoss oaiiiaed' by early abuse or later es- o,;: cusses? Have you been drugged with mercury? This booklotwillpointoutto yore the results of these crimes midpoint it�( out how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT MEN'T will positively entre you. 1t shows how thousand shave been saved lay ,, our iVE1h' TREATMENT. It proves how wo can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASH OR 110 PAY. 1V o treat and euro -EMISSIONS; VA1IIC00ELE, SYPHILIS, GL3lS'r, STII1CTURE IMPOTENCY, SE- C1LL+'P DRAINS. UNNA:'l'URAL DIS- 011AR.GES, KIDNEY' and BLADDER diseases. .•s A CURES GUARANTEED c_ "ThoiYasWages Sin"sent free lay enclosing 2c stomp. CONSULTATION F R B E . Ie unable to call, write for QUOSTION BLANK for IHOME TREATMENT. KENNEDY & KER A Co.rMichigan Ave. and S1ie1by St, DETROIT, MOH. e21 withPoerb$ but don't think you can pate's clothes to look like nem T lelagain it would T of pay you when you can buy clothing at the prices vire sell. RARGKINS�--• Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds ,$2.00 Suits 0.80 Overcoats 8.09 BIack Worsted suiis a spec- ial, S1%00 Our $20 blacks heat all others at 823. Conte and este for youlaelt. PATRONIZE US. - 4 People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly up-to-date.... ; } a_ + ElMfE Opposite Post Office Bicycles Bcc4es11 Bicycle Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek: flat a good wheel. We cnn furnish you any of the best wheels made at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical .r u c us., W a Lace a choice fry of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before bu :sig stlsewhere- A foil stock Of sewing machines, baby oar- riaaes, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin THE CENTRAL DRUB STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We Manufaeturc-5 WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Con- dition Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehes on horses and Condition Powder for same SOLE AGE:\l3' 11.01 DIX LUNG SYRUP. C. L U TZ, DRUGGIST. allkagirsilkafia of is OVER 461 • Every incoming freight train, 311 since last January, empties part ' of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every 41 foot of our large floor space. , WE ARE NOT t hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as 'near AS 111 possible the first choice of Dew .; assortmeti.ts. Our stock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get .! from us always the LOWEST PRICES and the adrantageof all the study 4 of styles and of the most perfect Itastethat we can command. �rTT S1 GIDLF Y 4 4 Furniture Dealers & Undertakers.