HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-11-4, Page 8A Lar see School in a Small City 9/4a07. Central STI ATFOR1D, Olk1T. Gives the best traininti in Commercial **once, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. which enables the possessor to seoure the lost situations. Our graduates are always ,:ar.oessittl. Write to -day for beautiful cat, aiogue. 11oderati4rates; board, cheap. Enter *Mr time. 6{ , 4. 3E1100. Principal, LOCAL JOTTINGS I5cents pays for the ADVOCATE to Jan, lst, 1899. 7 pays for the ADvoCATO to Jan_ nary let, 1900. Subscribe now Mr. John Moore has had a new wood- shed erected at the rear of his dwell. WC, Thursday, November 24, will be Tl#anksgiviug Day in the United Mates. M. C, Coates has to hobble around LUSO days, the result of haviog a rusty nail run into his foot. Trying to ag urs+ ,out the way to live without working is the hardest, work solea men ever euggged -ill. Mr. H„ Spaekman uuderwent a star - OW operation on. Sunday last for the aearovat of quite a large steno frenM, aaa of the glands iu his neck, M. Enoch Rowelitfe, who has been zeiiieling in town for some time, this week moved unto the Baiinan farm he ztpeenty purchased in L sbortte. A revolver was stolen from M. B, a (Mails, bank through the bars of a rear window au Sunday morning last les .some small boys. It has since been recovered. A meeting of the County of Huron Clerks Association will be held in Clin ton on Wednesday the 16, when busi- uess of importance to every Clerk will be considered, Mr. R. C, C. Tremaine and mother, who recently moved out of the dwell - fug purchased by Mr. Hastings. has tarsen roams at 11r, H. Buckingham's boarding house,. Ir. John Sturgiu, of Kincardine, held au auction sale of much cows at the +Central hotel, on Friday Afternoon. On the whole they were a good lot and realized good prices. Mr. W.1F W. Ogilvie takes exception to Mr. Sufton's statement regarding the damage to the Manitoba wheat crop, and says the damage will not exceed 10 per cent. over the whole 'Northwest,. Another beautiful chandelier eon- taining twelve incandescent electric Tights was placed in the James Street Methodist church last week, making it one of the best lit churches In the pro. vines. They have now 55 lights in all. Monday night passed, off' with but very little—if any—gate removing, sign changing, etc, such as is usual ort Hallowe'en. It seems the old time custom is getting a thing of the past, due no doubt to the improved moral perception of the rising generation. Finding the old method of manual labor in the way of power inadequate to cope with the demands of his inereas tog trade, Mr. I. Smith has added a new gasoline engine to bis already well equipped repair shop. It is of the Northy manufacture, and is said to be the best made. He is at present putting it in position and will be ready to set it in operation shortly. The Christian. Endeavor of the Pres- byterian Church will haye an enter- tainment on Friday, Nov. llth, com- mencing at eight o'clock, consisting of duets, solos and readings. The special feature of the evening will be a debate on"which is the greater nation, Eng- land or Russia." Mr. P. Gardner speaks in favor of England and ler. S. .& Popplestone on Russia. Everybody welcome.. It is estimated that of the whole pop- ulatiou of the globe, 90,000 die daily. � The street car conductors and meter - men, of Loudon, who went on strike last week, are still off duty. The illegitimate child born to an un- fortunate girl a few days since at, the House of Refuge died last week and was buried in the House burial plot. Mr. L. Day has moved lute the but- cher shoprecently vacated by Mr. D. Davis. The shop has been all remod elled and given a fresh coat of paint, mueh improving the premises. Wanted 50,OQ0 lbs. dried apples, We are paling fife cents per ib. for good bright apples. E. J. Spaeklll iU, Big ready -i rade_ Clothing House. Much Appreciated The Miners Colored troup appeared in Gidiey's Opera House on Tuesday and Wednesday oveniugs and, render- ed a very appreciative program, The Negro melodies were greatly enjoyed and almost every number was vocifer- ously applauded. The entertainments gave entire satisfaction and all went away well pleased. New 14 nundrs. As will be seeu by an advertisement in another column Mr. J. M. Stogdill, of Sealartb, will open up a laundry in the premises recently vacated by W. W. Harrison. Mr. Stogdill is a practi- cal man and comes highly recommend- ed, As .dr. Stoedill is here to stay it behooves the ettizens to extend a hand of welcome and givehire their undivid- ed support. Horses 'wanted. Mr. T. Aubry, of Montreal, will bo at the following places to purchase all classes of horses that are sound and in good eonditiou:---Wed,, Nov. 9th, El- liot's hotel, Bayfield; Thurs..10. Grab's hotel, Zurich; Friday 11, Catheart's ho- tel, St. Marys; Saturday 12, gawk sbaw's hotel, Seaforth; Monday 14, Hawksbaw s hotel, Exeter; Tuesday 15, McColl's hotel, Parch -ill: Wednesday 16 tluuro's hotel, Ailsa Craig; Thurs., 17,' McFall's hotel, Lucan. Shooting Birds. Shipments, This. is the season when the woods 1 Messrs. Prior and Armstrong shipped are full of sportsmen and others with j a car hogs to Jugersoll Wednesday.— guns, mueh to the terror of the little birds. Take it all through, we calcu- late that the "others" with guns pre dominate, Sportsmen scorn to lilt anything but legitimate game, At for the table, but these "others" bang away at everything living In sight, ex- cept themselves and their companions, That order should be reversed. for any full grown marl .or bay who will want 1 slaughter the merry chipmunks H. Wiliert, of Dashwood, shipped a car hogs to Toronto. Wednesday., and will ship a car lambs to Buffalo to -day, tThursday.) Wanted 50,000 lbs. dried apples We are praying five cents per lb. tor good bright apples. E. J. Spaclinan, only sautg r Big- ready -mule clothing and woodpeckers does not deserve to Mouse; live. These little denizens are the life of our forests, They do no harm to Died, in caw; anything or any person. Perhaps Mr. Joseph Cobbledick received the those cc others" who go shooting so sad inteltience last week that his overlooked the fact nephew, Fussell Parker hicks, had reel,lessly have hese innocents died at Riverside, Cal-, on Sunday, that by murderingt they are breaking the law of the "land. Oet, 23rd. The deceased's death was If their own good feeling cannot pre.not in the least uuexpeeted,. Ile had vent the waste of powder and shot in been ailing for about two years from such a cruel and useless manner, then that dread disease consumption and the the law ought to take them by the skill of the best physicians bad bean collar and jerk thein up, Recently i„ employeed but alt to no avail, A this vicinity a drove of niers organized ebange of climate was though advisable z slaughter party, and a prize was ;when his mother moved to Riverside, given to the man who 'sagged the Cat,,and for some time his health took a greatest number, of living creatures. decided turn for the better and there Shame to say, there was great havoc was every indication of complete re - among the little birds and squirrel.. eov'ery, bat unfortunately it was only Harrison Tribune. temporary his case took a change for fi ac sstoe Slioc� • the. worse and he gradually sank until At a meeting of the directors of the death released him of his sufferings. South, Huron Agricultural Society held at Hensel! on Monday last, it was de• tided to hold a Fat Stock show on the Agricultural grounds in Exeter, on ,Friday, December 16th Liberal prizes Bev, Bray wilt Resign, A congregational meeting of the', Trivia \lemorlat church was held in School Hall on Monday eveuie last for the purpose of adjusting the differ- 1 epees existing between the rector, Rev. Bray, and the congregation. The Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth, was present and preeided over the meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer after which the Dean stat. ed the object of the gathering and laid before the people Rev. Bray's proposition Considerable time was spent in dis- cussing matters but eventually a com- promise was arrived at the diflieulties adjusted and it is uow understood. that Rev. Bray is praticalty uo longer rector of the Trivitt Memorial church, \Ve understand Mr, Bray will remain here until he gets auew appointment. Connell Proceedings. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, Oat 28. Alt pres- ent. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Christie—Harding, that the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for same:—Geo. Ford, gravel aeeount, $204.92; Thos, Welsh, labor, 60e; W, Phair, do., 62e; W, Westcott, do,, 50e; Thos. Horn, do, $9.43; James Creech, part salary, $35; J. E. Barns, fixing windmill and pump, $1.50; Wm. M. Bell, lumber, $7,20; Geo. Kemp, salary as Librarian, $50; W. J. Bissett, balance on contract for tank, $45.—Carried. Evans—Bissett, that By Law No. 10, 1893, having been read a first time be now read a second and third time and finally passed.— Carried. Bissett—Christie, that coun- cil adjourn to meet Nov. llth, at 7.30 p. m.—Carried. G. H. BlssETT, Clerk. ?ars, Crocker, who has been conduct- ing a fancy store in town for many fears has decided to remove to St. Marysin the spring, having decided to remain with her sister, Mrs. Johns, till that time. Mrs. Crockerhas been an earnest and faithful worker in the Presbyterian church and will be much missed by that congregation • She dis- posed of the greater part of her house- hold effects by public auction on Wed- nesday. He was a particularly bright boy at school and it is thought his faithful application tostudyi:mpaired his health He was in his eighteenth yea and was popalae among his associates who will be offered for fat stock of all kinds, will, deeply regret to hear 6f bis daath, also for dressed meats and poultry. Bis remains were brought here on Facilities will also he atlorded for ,par eduesday, and taken to the residence ties having fat stock which they wish of bis uncle, Mr. Jos. Cobbledicl, froes. to dispose of to do so even. though they where the funeral took plaee to the Exe.. do not enter competition. tin effort terfaurth cemeterydeath thetothsatef4eladaay, wiThisthin isrt the will also bo made to have a good at• �fig tendance of buyers present. lu short, years, and the bereaved mother has the directors will lease nothing uodone the heartfelt sympathy of a targe circle to make the show a success and we of friends. hope their efforts will be seconded by the farmers and feeders of the riding• We doubt if there is a district in the province where there is more or better stock fattened than in South Huron, It is a stamping ground for stock buyers from all parts of the province, in addi- tion to an unusually large number of extensive and reliable local dealers. Under these circumstances. there should be a Christmas show held in the riding which will soon equal those held ueiph and Brantford, and there will ,t Good Soke. A good joke is told at the expense of a number of our noble sports in town. It appears a certain person had seen a large flock of wild duck in a pond a short distance out in Usborne, and thinking it would afford a good bit of sport for a few, passed it around to a few of the " boys " on the quiet. Long before day break those in`possession of the secret, with gun in hand and an ample supply of ammunition hied them selves to the spot of the anticipated sport, not one of the number knowing of the presence of the other. They all secreted themselves in ambush and waited for their game. Eventually day began to break, and a small flock of duck flew in. One of the number spying the long sought game, took aim and fired, but fell short of the mark, when lo! and beholdlit was then discov- ered, to the great surprise of all, that no less than fifteen persons were sur- rounding the pond. An invitation having been sent out 8y J. E.+Tom, P. S. I., to all parents of scholars to attend at the Public School, on Tuesday afternoon a few of them attended and were well pleased they did. so. The junior forms first assemb- lectin the room of Miss May, under the fare of Misses Pringle, Ball and May. They went through their program very well, the recitation of Master Wesley Phair being above the average. The behaviour was good and reflects great credit on their teachers. The Reeve and Mr. Huston then addressed them. After this the visitors were escorted by Mr. Tom to another room where the senior scholars were in attendance. inspector Tom first addressed them in a masterly al,d patriotic speech and it augurs well for the success of the s�ehools under his supervision to have such a gentleman to look after them. his speech he mentioned that a di- piama had been granted the school and reminded the trustees that they had failed to fulfil a promise to have plc tures and a flag granted the school, which was one upon which the diploma was granted. The scholars then gave some well rendered songs, after which they were addressed by Rev. Martin, Messrs. Hurdon, Ross, Huston and the Reeve. -In reference to the flag for the gehe ool Mr. Hurdoa proposed that each aaholar give a cent, or more and so let them be the owners of it and it would give them an interest in it, and they would care more for it. God save the Ottawa. and the benediction by Rev, martin finished this gathering. t'ersonal Meittton. Mr. Alex. Tait left Tuesday for Stratford, Miss Addie Holland left Saturday for St. Marws. Mr. Levitt spent a, few days in Strat- ford this week. John E. Tom; 1. 1. S., of Goderieb, was in town Thursday. Mrs 11 Bishop left last Thursday to visit friends in Parkhill. Miss Lena Stacey left on Saturday be, if those interested will but second v for Detroit, where She will remain. the efforts now being put forth by the South Riding Society, as they should do.—Expositor. May 1,o$e Itey, Bunt, The Owosso ;Mich,) Evening Argus has the following concerning a former rector of Exeter:—" Rev. E. W. Hunt, rector of Christ Episcopal church of this city, has been extended a call to become rector of St Paul's Episcopal church of Lansing, The call came .ns' a surprise to Rev. Hunt. Ile occupied t spent Sunday and Monday under the that pulpit as a supply last Suedes-, parental roof here. having had no previous intonation that a call would be given him. His sermous were such masterly successes that the vestrymen of the Lansing church 'unanimously decided to invite the Owosso rector to their church. The church hae been without a rector for some time. Not only has Rev. Hunt this flattering prospect before him, but he has received an unofficial call from prominent church in Detroit, and is told on good authority that he will be able to take has choice between the two, with a possible preference for the Detroit parish. Tho outlook is very flattering for Rev. Hunt, The vestry. men of Christ church are opposed to his resignation, but it will likely be handed in next week. During his two years and a half residence in this city, Rev. Hunt has done a good work for his church and for the city. His outside work has been directed espec- ially towards the poorer population of the city. He has many friends who will regret his departure from the Owosso parish. Owosso was Rev Hunt's first parish in the United States, Exeter, Ont., being the appointment. Last before coming here." Exeter School Board Minutes. Meeting of the Board held in Town Hall, Friday, Oct. 28, 1898. .sent, H. E. Huston. The following is the order of business submitted and duly approved. Reports of the commit- tee's repairs: That the furnaces had : ed townsmen may soon be restored to been satisfactorily placed, but were not his former state of good health. the capacity stipulated for; that' the ladder, turnstile gates and air boxes had been satisfactorily repaired and placed. Per supplies committee, that it was desirable that blinds remain un- changed until another spring. Per teachers committee, that the vacancy in Miss Vosper's department had been filled with the engagement of Miss Jeckell at the rate of $300 per annum. Per J. Senior and R. N. Rowe, that the reports of committees be accepted and declared approved of.—Carried, Per J. Senior and W. J. Carling, that' the following accounts stand approved for payment : H. E. Follick repairs and Wife. Seidel), of Ingersoll, is here pending a few dnya with relatives. Mr. Will llawkshaw, Jr of Seaforth spent Sunday with friends in towu. Henry Chesney spent a few days with his parents in Seaforth thus week. Rev. Dr. Willoughby, who visited iu Toronto last week, returned home Saturday. Mr. Reginald Elliot, of Norwich, THE BIG CASH STORE CASH OR PRODUCE O IN Er PRICE TO ALL. Popular Reading. We have received from The Poole Printing Company, Limited, Toronto, Ont., a copy of " His Brother's Keeper," by Charles M. Sheldon, the well-known. author of "In His Steps." This is not only a delightful story, told in an in- teresting manner, but is full of helpful- ness. One of the greatest problems of the day is ably dealt with. The scenes in the mining region are based upon events which occured during the,great strike among the iron miners in the summer of 1895, and which was wit- nessed by the author. Everyone should read it. The Poole Printing Company, Limited, Toronto, have already publish• ed seven of Sheldon's books, and every one is having a very large sale. The titles of the others are; "Overcoming the World," "'The Crucifixion of Philip Strong," " Robert Hardy's Seven Days," " Richard Bruce," and " The Twentieth Door." For sale by all dealers. Or,if your dealer cannot supply them, any one book will be sent post-paid for 25 cents, or any six for $1 00, by sending to the Poole^Printing Company, Limit ed, 28 and 30 Melinda ;sty, Toronto, Ont. the Ab. Mrs, James Elliott and Mr. A. Ew- ing. of London, is visiting friends in and around. Exeter, Mr. M. Y. McLean was in town Saturday payiug the prizes awarded at the Fall Fair here. Mr. W. II. Sanders, of the 8rd. con- cession of ,Stephen is at present"very ill and confined to his bed. Mr. John Spackman, after spending a few days with friends in St. Thomas, returned home Thuusdey, Mr. Robt. Sanders left Monday morn• ing far Michigan where he will spend a few weeks in hunting. He will visit in Lambton county. Mr. Silas Madge, who has been visit- ing friends sad relatives in Usborne for the past few months, left Friday for his home in Denver, Col. Messrs. Silas, John and Credie Stan• lake, who were summoned to Sand Beach about two weeks ago owing to the severe illness of their brother Wil- liam, returned home Saturday last, their brother's condition having some- what improved. Mr. B. V. Elliot, who has not enjoyed the best of health for the past few years left last week for New York, where he intends undergoing an operation. He was accompanied by his son, Reginald, of the Molson's Bank, Norwich. It is to be hoped that the operation will prove successful and that our esteem - Cold weather is coming slue as sure can be. You'd better buy your underwear now. It's as cheap as cheap can be: Our stock of Ladies Underwear is now complete, and the Values are better than we have ever offered in the past. Faur ret Big llarga10-.8010.. painting, $2.20; S, Fanson, do,,' $4.35; W. Snell, livery, $2.20,—Carried. Per R. N. Rowe and D. Spicer, that the secretary write the Clare Bros. Co. re furnaces, to submit terms of settlement. —Carried.Per J. Senior andN. C R. N Rowe, that the janitor he requested to have the storm windows cleaned, and. secure assistance to have them placed . forthwith.—Carried. in 'position Ca reed Per J. Senior and D. Spicer that the jan- itor bo notified that the present agree- ment with him will be terminated at the end of the year, to secure a change of conditions only.—Carried. Per J. Senior and D. Spicer that an abstract of the, Truancy Act be prepared by the secretary, and one hundred copies of same theprinted to serve as hnotices to the parents of suspected truants. -Car- ried. Per W. J. Carling, adjournment J. GRIGG, Sec'y Mr. Jos. Cobbledick spent Monday in London. NEW LAUNDRY'' Ladies' heavy, ribbed vests, full fashioned, lofty finish. See it, only 25c. Ladies' soft, heavy, ribbed vests, good clean stock, bargainbreaker, only 5 O i. Ladies' fancy ribbed, full fashioned vests, extra, beauties, only 75c. Ladies' plain, natural lamb's wool vests, non shrinkable, lovely finish, the kind you like to wear, only S 1 .00 Children's and Girls' Vests, all sizes, all grades, and. g values. all bi Come in and, see our big - stook of Vests. stores lose 6:3o except Wednesday and f3aturday. SAtARrn uI]rs1TER Sis1AP5. Our business this fall has found us hustling every afternoon, and large parcels of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes have been sold by our salesmen. We find our trade increases a. little every season, and we are thank- ful to our patrons for their liberal patronage, . , These are some of our DOW11 rriees 1 care of white sbeetiug 2, 2, 21 yards wide, in plain and twilled, worth any place '25e. to 20e a yd. Our price, 10c. a yard. 1 ease pillow cottons in 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches wide, worth any plaee 15 to 20e, per yard. Our price, 100..a yard. 1 case children's black ribbed cashmere hose, double knees; sizes 51 to 91 inches length of feet. Small sires, 51 to 61, for 25e.; 7 to 91 for £30e, Every pair fast black, and manufactured by Warmth. Jab lot of men's flannel and tweed shirts, sizes 10to 18,4 collar size, chest measure 54 inches, len gth 39 inches, made only for Largo Men. 'Wholesale price was $15.00 a dozen. Our price, 75c a shirt. A. suapper of a bargain. 20 yards of fast colored print for 51.00, American goods, 16 yards of fast colored print for $1.00, Magog goeds, 14 yards of fast colored print for $1.00, was 121e. a yard, English goods. Brown and navy granite cloth dress goods, all wool, was 55c , now 40a. Green, brown and navy G erman serge dress goods, all wool, 40e.,was GOc. Silk and wool Meek dress goods, patterns to run around dress, was $1.25, our price 90c., fast blaek and unshrinkable,. The undersigned begs to an- nounce that he will open up a laundry in the premises recent- ly vacated by W. W. Harrison, Main street, on MONDAY, ]'1OVEMVMBER 7 where he will be prepared to do the best of work in all its branches. All work guaranteed. A CALL SOLICITED. J. M. ST06DILL. NEW -* MEAT MARKET, E. J. SPAGK.1VIA l., ---'The Big Clothier. TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY. ...sek "The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a "ready made,"" hand. me -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO GOOD. A tailor-made suit cut, made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND W EAR' -gest- Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as stitches. Bert. Knight. The undersigned has op- pened up a new Meat Market DOOR T 1 DJOR SOU H OF CASLINGS' STORE, wherekeep 'he will the choic- est , of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED, John T. Manning. NEW REPAIR SHOP. Having opened out a well equipped Shop I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing such as BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, LAWN MOWERS. In fact everything and anything. We make a specialty of remodelling Bicy- cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at this time of the year. ISRAEL SMITH. One door north Mr. Stewart's store SneD's- COMMEROIALL!V E RY. First-class. Rigs and Horses Orders left atHawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive " romp t at- tention. . . .r L arms Reasonable Telephone Connection REMOVED ON To the opposite side of the street, one door north of R. Pickard's store, where he will keep a full selection of all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry and game in season, Sausage and Bologna. Also Dealer in ]fides sheep and Calf Shins. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAW FOR .. LIVE CHICKEN „ . One door North of R. Pickard's store. LOUIS DAY dello Cen�r�1! "Connect me wi h R. N, Rowe's, the lead ng Fur- niture store. He gives better bargains in furni• tore than any other place in town." Prospective Housekeepers. J4ave you seen those new Parlor Suites Bedroom Suites Sideboards What-nots Parlor Tables Lounges, etc., etc. .A. look through our warerooms will repay you. R. $. ROWE. The I ®Icons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital .. ,. $2,000,000 Rest Fund. , , , 1,500,000 Head office Montreal, F. WOL- FERSTAN THOMAS, Esq,, GENERAL MANAGER Money advanced to ecod Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 percent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from IO a. m.to 3 p m., Saturdays 10 a, m. to l p. m A. general banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts . Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. D. HURDON Manager a fr ti c C tl J tf n dz oc ill I p Pi sp th ai, hi w I lr x vi cif wf Jai by