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TIM EXETER ADVOCATE, ...London 'Street Railway Strike
Takes on a Serious Aspeot.
THURSDAY., 7,SOV. '3, 1811S.
wreneh-Canadians Were etrouttut in on
eatureay to Taiee the mace ot the
Strikers.- Afte; Learning the True
Pointed Paragraphs.
.1k fast mule often has a loose leiud
When a fireman works the hose it ie
naly in play.
Musetilar leactivity is the parent et I,
=itch ilehealtin
The bank -wrecker may be bailed out,
but the benle usually sinks.
'112- man in a fointirg be1 may ale/saes".
eixpeet something te. tern up- •
The :mare ef dr11111s llsd as danger -1
ous as that of the wily drummer.
An some roen weet is half a clatenceal
but the maturity prefer the whole.
Divorce is a pleasant eubjeet when
It frees one frozu an utipleasant matter.
The landlady may net care for missile.;
telt she likes a houseful et' reeteers.
AIthough truth is etteinger than fie- 1
aeon to many peneles they etweat seem
to care for aa
Perhope Wainee meteto bim whe
-mite, hut thew. are maree things not
Werth waiting ter.
Yott egad not eenge tali night and <Ilse;
filsah rear fran dame it, ea me-a-ien
YOU, rantafam teit eat est :r
Iammeneu e`t ts. t: cam-a:tat.: .n..
while yeti e212 Qs, 11:,'
celete, :xta 0tie
and alt throat ette.,..e-- :reitame. It fah,- '
llnotes a free aeti ente eetaatormitnenveiee ,
Inintedietely renevea tat; thrdet and ;tiegt.
frent pit:. gee.
Atto.rtir Cu. l'onitrr•
Buretiower seed imp:twee the
the pluntege.
luireditee TYSTV among the pout -
try tame a Feat
lime for growth, of bone and for ,
imgeltell material.
Buckwheat, eatmeal and milk -are •
good for laying heel.
A little cmoino peprer in the fond
aftet etimulatee laying..
ttood I-emir:we his item, be kept mini
are tire ;eats eta.
The usual eausee roup are eele.
eltempuese and exec -etre.
leying hen sionthl Rave tier ana
and drinie a: regeler teelvale.
Do not winter Lite tinleme that here
tailed to maim, a go.:41 gri.wth.
I f the hen; 5:1;102,1,4 :121 ii.P`Filati-:41 2P
veil feethere. fat 1 them s xit perk.
• lt s.eJI tee: net:hied fowls he
etipplied with eiman .gravel.
(Men le a tei.11.0"1'11.: tc,tiol. tint eau
Learly alwa7s La 'rave it at it:gb z.mesa
Interim at ninnemernent end fee"13
are as neeessury with client -tie as wita
caner meek. •
'Ile best gPcSII7, f;i15- featImrs are the
leaden, for the- emiette, that they are
/entirely white. •
Cornmeal fell to peultry will be the
better if mixed with boiling water,
which partly coolie it.
To bring the beet prices, turkeys
;should be fed all the (-ern they will eat
for ten, days befere in:when:nee
• Common sancl in a poor subetitute tor
gravel. It is neither cmarse enougb nor
'Sharp .enough to, ewer the purpose.
In selecting- fewle te winter, keep
one .drake for every five clueless, a tom
for every ten turkeys, one cock for every
dozen hens.
Keep the bens with a reasena.bly sharp
111Metite, and they will Tay more eggs,.
-which will hatch better and produce
stronger ehicaens.
major ezarehauct IS Now at Whartount-
et 1$ nrobabie That ela (sot a faint
nrom tiome to Lea
1 London, Oct. 30. -The arrival of Major
Marchand at Khartoum on his way to
State of Air:tiro They Departed ..ttril4
chee.re knot seet roster,. net -The
company meterntioed.
1.40111.10ni Ont., Oct. 31. -The street ear
strike Yeeeheti an =me stage on eatur. 1
day, but as no attempt was male to run
e car everythiug was (Mita Creteds
thronged every corner where thew are
Sunctione or croesiegs, expeotina to
trouble. The strut -mien has assumed a
more serious aspect, and instead of the
strike being settled more trouble is in
and there tecey tie an unlooked-for
termination. Manager Carr aported a 4
number of French-Canadiaits to ran the 1.
e3Th.e train from alentreal arrivee at the ;
OslitI. et- neon on Saturday and on it 1
went eleven TOOTS, who arrived to t:t.k0 the
pigeei tit emitters in the ElnIfice Of the
Louden Street Italtwey.
elenaaer Ceer iasiena ralt azael -tom
ions, cisme eat of the Teentliseh Howe
as the train. %temente tete tact etatioa and
milked to tire plate:ma. Wiien the trent
pultest up Mr. Care tepremellea the enzelte
Mg ear, men tie -menden ta
ua Tee antreteme settee "-a two
a the TIC21.1.14'?%.7.1,I.t C.t.4., rem enranaimal
bite :me ee Tema ted tho-wey to the rear
et clue me
metwet 2ry rodirt-•
:•5•7thtY•;11.2.....‹ 0: :211... team tbiet of
Pelle./ teeliztesite mitt ecitemit pine...men
tie the mean:, n; tyi.-0,3-ave.. Mr.
Carr 31.31i tee seen ta the !Ter of Tee sta,
anntal eelee in welting,
whiee testinetai tii teatibly linate men
heti tec.31 .”ilvvt.e.i. est ...nay three of the
igVe were mewed. le tile Met and
seemaa (sets eln 4.74te everted eixtee of
the item and Noe in • hr.n. of then/ W.;,111
him in the thin! eatc, .der whitperiug to
the drivers to drive to the ear earls.
omiccone 1.11 of oSeatis,"
The oneue encit cf "Sealis" wser up
until et one mement it was feerea a rush
would, tAl nia h on the vehielee :lel treat
he fellow. The poite.e kept themeelwe0.1
evidenceth erasers wile toelt a their
ras.ww,c-Is anti wu in tit the
errand of tint mon drove Ma rapiely into
yore, street.. and then to tha !dame indi-
meted by Mr. Carr. ett the ear enrn
• ecentnittee of the ex -employee wee sta.
tionea to eeep wens- ter any new move
which may Ira u;d ou ehe Peet of the
it is quite vermin that tee strikere .tre
now more detente -Moe than ever. 'Item
could say that the Isonelon Streit,
way Company would Lot De allawed to
i run their ears.
The •••.ealis" Rome.
Take Laxative Brett., quinine Taman. All
Druggists refund the nen: ey f it faLts to cure. e5c
His 'Definition.
41What is a flirt?" asked tbe smell boy.
"A fit," replied the old bachelor, "is
a pretty woman."
"But what kind of a. pretty woman?"
persisted the small boy.
".A.ny kind of a pretty woman," an-
swered the old buehelor.
"Well, how pretty must she be?" the
- • ,•,
g . .
"Oh. pretty eneugh to have te chance
to flirt:" returned the old bachelor, ir-
And still the hey was not satiseed,
teat as be, grows older he will under
*Land it better.
How to Cure Headachm-Some people
suffer untold nittery day- after day with
latedathe. There is rest neither day or
night until the nervee are all unstrung.
The cause is generally a disordered stom-
ach, and a cure can be effected by using
Parmelee's Vegeta,ble Pills, coataining
Mandrake and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay
Wark, Lysander, P. Q., writes: "I find
ParmeIee's Pills a firsteclass article for
Bilious Headache."
A large nenither of synipatitizere with
the etrikmes on the street niilway lines
as e g,
yeeterday afterneen to witness ma.;
D.trsuroo tt 'arum. of aliout 'an of the
earenehatanielitore wine CALit. here Satter -
dams to till tho plume: of the iebellious
employes. Tho emateeimen or the eceimatel
"sealed' sale the men were net ;mare
until they arrived twit a strike N.r.S 011.
and on kerning the tive. :tate of affairs
bad decided to return lenne amen. The
arm) c. e „..
• traln pulled oat, aim were greatly penned
at the turn affairt laid taken. 1 he com-
pany, Jauwerer, are not diteouraited, and
it is salt' have mote Inell in re:mine-is to
operate their care. They helot been
assured at police protection, and will
probably mane another attempt to run
their cars to -clay.
Large "Riot Aet" posters were being
stuck up in conspieteme places by the
police last night, cautioning the pnblio
not to use violence and forbidding them
to congregate in erowds when the oars
are run out. Should this prove effective,
and the company :emceed in their effort,
It is the belief that a huge majoirty of
the people will boycott the care. The
sympathizers bave great contidenee in
their strength, and trouble is expected
to -day when the cars continence running.
Antique Furniture in Havana.
Colleetura or antique furnituxe have
struck a bonanza, in Havana. In ore-
viring to return to Spain, army officers
are placing on the market pieces of
fine workraanship and ancient pattern.,
which are being eagerly snapped up by
"dealers. A correspondent cites a hand-
out:1,e old walnut wardrobe, with three
tall -length bevel mirrors, valued at $150,
which sold for less than $15, and that is
'simply one of many examples.
tinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
On the Panania never.
On the Panama and other South Area-
riean rivers it is no unusual thing fox a
saeamer to run en a sandbank and be
tablige(1 to wait several days-sametiraes
a week -for a heavy ratin to float it
Por Girl.
'Illhe-012, please don't tease me to
Sing. I'm so hoarse to -night that I can
hardly make a sound.
B& -Yes, I know. That's why
ain't this wouad be a good time to have
it 'over with.
leiewitt-Come to dinner with me.
liewitt-At my boardiag use
Jentett-Inct thank you. I have stone
eh troubles of my own.
Cairo with the portioe of his report which
was not finished when Capt. Baratior
left Ihoda is regarcted as a rift in the
clouds overbanging Anglo•French rela-
mann for, in spite of the semi-official
denial itste d 111 Paris that orders were
seem to the Major to go to (leer°, it is
fully believed here that the Ftench
officer would nor be on his way to Cairo
unless he bad received a bint to that
eMeet, from the French Government, who
consider thee bis leaving Fashada will
take the sting out of tbe situation anti at
the Immo time prepare France for the
eventual withdrawal of the whole expedl-
tton, which now consists of oven officers
and lee/ men.
The British view of this latest move is
that the Marquis of Salisbury and his
Mietsmes tete delighted to afford Major
alatchend the faeiliteee or reaching Cairo.
But they would hardly care to sena him
baelt, excepe in the capaelty of a guest
or seientitic explorer. That is to say,
France would iirst have to renounce ber
political claims baeeti on hie mission.
Tie French newspauers scent to have
Tattle faith in Hueititt belpine her ally in
the present erisie, while rPliuselan dos-
percbes to thst Ilritish papers aftirm FA
Lively that the Czar is deeielectly opp,sze4
te war, ancl hai coanneled the Isreeeh t
Govern:trent tee atendem ine neon:vie
attitude /t is even mid the Car is
hrzc'rizaitle ettituae as zizit. 4
In rho itie.,aittinitt milicary atui revel
twerieratione eentanee00. Leith siau of the
Ina qt: N OPPOsrs
elatente ateer mem tterreage Tin
shame rei isnitemitiatee.
jennexn, Om. Queen has
arseirc Tailvil a Stin,1 :manna divorce and
; perteme. ermonnee In big
t‘tAtt sneer, a Mainly .1;nat, neepiee.
st yet "'the Queen intimat.it that teepee.. "•
neitimeinent on the not if the prelatee
ninon edam man written- in stronger
terine. as she it teenly averse to divoreo
1,- under ar.y eireuenstanees whatsoever.
I "Iler elateety willine to mimic that
in no institution are there more people ;
: wronged than In warritmet neverthelme.
" her belief i!.4 titet an inxinitely MOM
SitliStatVity. Stare Clutsv, were mar. 1
reeee tattle inthsecatreiche both hv church I
; and state.
"The. (enema add- that she has no ;
objeetian te e-epartaien, her
ne tne dmetparml et the divoree betties- s
eine ta the Iirty width it intwerte ta
temareed potpie e ismay :mein, and ro -4;
- the reinerriage (fleetly...3 people. no 1
matter whet au) ttroutele ot divoree. She;
is 120.:time:tidy :net newt etrenely oppoeed.
"Thie it ten Mee expreeeion 1
Her aliience bee gieen te her 'views cm
aleinfy About lample :deo says there A
Iti4,4 !vi.fl exeitmesent wrong" certein of
tee Qiieenn tinictara over the tact that
lawn mink Lee ham played by Ilsr Ma. I
it",07.1rA Vr111111din11:011 012 the enamels at
enecerne .xii minim,. There is, nettling I
new in this feet leo the report never got ;
Met the newetemeis beton.. lineybotiles, 1
I hear. r,Ori 'net k bent Pe mle
• - Went So f12l nt 20 miensaillize the Queen
, upon the stibteet. tin I received a enne
for their painThe inemorialiets obviona•
ly acted in genet ignorance of ne. Men
tbet the Queen is aese from prienden.
. • • •
Row 311'e55 DID 'MET urr
31r. ittleinze is after the eatiatlian nail-
-way tt-orupany.
Montreal, Oct. S3. -It is Statal that
Metsrt. McMaster and alaclennaia advo-
cates, will take out an action to -day
against the Canadian Pacifle Railway
Cempany for $100,000. The action is
taken by Mr. Deno, who, it will be
remembered, sold the Trail, B. 0,,
smelter, with his railway property as
well, to the C.P,R, Hoban received
about $600,000, but it is said he claims
personal property at the smelter to the
value of about $100,000, whichhe con-
tends, was not intended to be inclraled in
the transfer to the Canadian Pacific. The
company, on the contrary, elate] time
they bought everything in sight.
Mr. Dan Mann, the well-known rail-
way contractor, has returnee from Brit-
ish Columbia, where the bead of the big
cent -retain.; firm of Mann, Foley Bros. St
is constructing the oundary
on of the Cirow's Nest Page road.
Mr. Mann states that the entire work
will be finished by next May.
Hon. A. G. Blair, who was here yess
terday en route ter New York. suites
that the Department of Railweye and
Canals has invited tenders for six sleep-
ing, six Bret -class and three dining cars,
the -whole to be delivered next sprite; It
Is also stated that it large order for new
locomotives -will be given to an American
company ere long, if it has not already
been awarded.
My. James Ross, vice-prosident nf tete
Montreal Street Railway, left Liverpool
on Sunday for Montreal.
Cheese Zxporter VirarrinuJon Fat is.
Montreal, Ocit, 31.-j. C. Warrington,
leading cheese exporter, has decided to
make an assignment on the demand ot,
C. D. McLean of South Pinola Ontario.
Mr. Warrington had several branches in
the Dominion and largely donainteted the
cheese market. Tbe liabilities are expected
to be "very heavy, and many farmers
throughout the Dominion will, it is said,
be hit hard.
Novo:Ian Takes Irrerierio4S Place.
lieW Yams, Oct. 31. --The New York
Times announoes yesterday the engage.
ment of Mr. Henry Norman as its LOn.
don correspondent, succeeding Harold
Frederic, deceased. Mr. Norman hats for
many years acted as traveling °erre*.
pondetat for the London Daily Chronicle.
Public nertinq of Ps From Ali
Parts of the r..,. 0.
San .luan. Porto Riem Oct. .11. --The
prinelpat theatre ot tho city vsas taxed
to its utmost capacity Sunday afternoon,
On the occasion ot it public meeting of
delegates from the elect town!, at the
15100(1 to consider the drat! recommenaat
Dons regarding tho necuesitiee of the
!eland for the um of nil speelal
sioners, who will be selected later to
tepriesent l'orto Rico tet Washington,
when the time comes for settling the
administrative syttem.
The Meeting; received with enthusiasm
the resolutions demanding territorial
rights, the cessation of the present
tarp rule and the installation of regular
-civil government, Other restitutions were
adopted asking an eight-hour day for the
laboring man and severely denouneing
the pretent corrupt system of registering
deeds of land.
It was Manaus that the delegates pro-
ceeded upon the nesumption that the
United States Would grant Porto Rico
territorial rights.
Hunting for Office.
Manzanillo' Oct. 31. -The visit of Gen-
eral LeonardWood, Governor of the
Military Departments of Santiago, has
been instrumental 10 bringing all tbe
elements among the Cubans to the front.
No fewer than 2,000 insurgents, ot wboin
500 are officers, want offices, and their
olamor tamest amountto a demand.
There are two leading Metier:le one head-
ed by Gen.tral 3911S Rabi, and the other
by General Rime
General Wood and Col. Pettit regard
the outlook as rather discouraging; still,
they hope that some means may soon be
found to break up the Cuban army.
Passengers With Dynamite.
Ponce, Porto Rico, Oct, 31.-A sensa-
tion was caused here yesterday on the
arrival of the Red Lime steamer Phila-
delphia, trona the Spanish Main, by the dis-
covery in the hand bags of two passengers
of a number of explosive cartridges con-
taining dynamite. The discovery was
made by the customs officials, and the
passengers WETS arrested on the sueposi-
non that they are Anarchists. The
police, who fear that others beloeging to
the gang have escaped, are making a
stirlot search.
Catatt...,ti ilia Papa.
An amusing incident occurred in an
A., B. aud 0, car on the afternoon of
the Fourth. Four young couples, eve
dently out for au enjoyable holidly,
were seated on one side of the ear hay-
ing a decidedly geed time- NVIaile their
merriraent was at its height, a 7 -year-old
by across the aisle suddenly leaned for-
"Saea Mister." he called to one of the
young men, "why don't you king/ your
The young man looked up lu surprise.
and the girl -a pretty girl, too -blushed.
"Temente Talmage,' said the boy's
ether, "what do you meat/ by suela
Tbe boy looked at his father in sur
prised disgust.
"Wbat's the matter with you, dad?"
he cried. "You told me you'd do It It
you was hien"
And the father found the landscape
decidedly interesting until the yens
people left the car.
Will the Spaniards Quit?
Paris, Oct. al. -Senor Montero Rios,
President of the Spauish Peace Commis.
sloe, is ill. ',dais caused some doubt last
evening as to whetlaer there will be a
joint session to -day Vlore is a strong
impression, witioh has been growing here
recently, that the Spanish, upon reoeiv-
ieg definite assurances ot the American
determination to take the eethe Philip-
pine group, would quit the conference.
How the Disease is Developed
and Can be Avoided.
Teat'oTlilsTroubiolitillied PhYalolOase
Shill Now Vadezotooct arid Satiny Cured
i)f ite rattle Research.
rrsete The Admranee, Keloptville, Oat.
Taere is a title/ler 1210. 024
4•2-41 18 Ca118ti hy..1•1oSlitee It Coki.
1111t t,ealita%s tare hitt with
412 Mitre dam ethers. eteiesittets ecey
such ....milt:aces trey3's:42y prontt,te
dit'Aqi.rt., but trout the Oita that thia 1
teltrimet runs in emetain famillen. it ;
steam) a. be helmet:try, aled coueequent-
Preoneittly an Wiled:dual in whose fat
mily theuniatimn leas tact -oseuenel. de- 1
vebps the disease, aud whea it dlag144As
or the euee is it is semerally
niunil that the ailmeat is due to a de-
caugement of the blood.
Oue emit sittlerer unto bas been cured
is Capt. D. W. liceliet, who lives irt
the tewnship Greuville
Counts'. (at. 111-eket is the venter et "
::;71 Acme. :tad lives in a lieautinal farut
1tetue me the 'lianas of the Indeau, !tome ",
three tulles from lietapiville. 1LI midi- X
ti. n to Nang a thrifty fernier, Mr.
licattet has taken an enthuslastle 10.
in our volinite or fen*, and ihrie
gratin:dint front the ntlittary eeliewe ;
Tureen. with a firs1-01255 cm:nekton% "
whiela entitles hirn to the rani; of ma -
11 zee, ace,1
„1,11,:e t TraheadIetottrin
vilttofi (1,11e.
lewhig se:tequila: "near years. ii.go
was 110.1o0 suddenly withrheum:them
in hell my elbows Mel thigh Jeanne , /he
Intel al theca was emeethilig terrible.
soak medicine and di veered for over six
menthe, but eolith:mei to grow worse
and worse. My anne Crete the elbew
jouststo the tips of the engem neenme
numb and had a prieltly sensation, and
I n as unable 10 do any work; in feet,
not lift my hand to my head.
The petite I offered in my hips was al-
most unbearable and my lege were new-
ly as useless Mg my arms. 1 bad Me -
(meetly read teeinitamals where Dr. Wel-
name' Pink Pills 1211.1 eared this 'Incense,
and at inet 1 thonght I wiluid try them
as an experiment. Before 1 bail keine
pleted the first box. I felt they were ,
aleleing me, and sifter I hail the •
l'ttl marc Ibanth the ,
pain had entirely left me, and 1 feet
an altogether different man. I feel set-
isfied there is no other medicine could
have wronglet such a speedy cure, tind 12 _
can truthfully say I met the enemy and
defeated him through the aid of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are It 00'
eific for all disenses arising from an im-
poverished condition of the blood or a
shattered condition of the nervous
forces, such ns St, Vitus dance, loeo-
motor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis, sci-
atica, the after effects of la grippe, loss
of ,appetite, bendaehe, dizziness, chronic
erysipelas, ,scrofillte etre They are also
a specific fax- the tri peculiar to the
female systore eorreeting irregularities,
suppressions and all forms of female
weakness, building anew the blood and
restoriug the glow to pale rind sallow
cheeks. In the ense ef men they effect
a radical cure in all Cases arising from
meatal worry, overwork or excesses ot
any nature.
Protect yourself against imitatiane
by inaisting that every box you purchase
bears the full mune Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People.
Great Fire en India.,
Bombay, Oat. el. -Saturday a great
fire in Serinagur, ono of the oapitals of
Cashmere, destroyed all the public)
buildings and many residences, One man
was killed. The clan:lase. is estimated at
half a million.
MO Reward $100.
Tbereaders of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least no dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Cacterte Rail's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu-
tional disease, reqnires a eonstitutional treat-
ment. Hall's Catarrh C'uro is taken Interesaly,
acting directly mon the blood and mucous sur-
faces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by bulitlig up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
propr etors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they. oflor One Hundred Dollars
for auy i'11,Re that it fails to cure.Send for list
of test
Address Te, J. OWENBY St Ca, Toledo, 0.
itairSold by Druggists, 760.
13.. Colonel's Test.
A. good story is told of the First Bat-
talion, Grenadier guards, says The
Londou Mali, while it was en route to
Egypt in the transport jelungoe "Man
overboard:" was the cry. Immediately,
says our Gibraltar correspondent, life
buoys were cast over, the ship was stop-
ped and boats were lowered, but nothing
could be seen of the man. The captain
said: "I don't believe there is anyone
overboard," whereupon the stolid little
colonel replied: "Oh, no; I only wacoted
to see if you had your appliances ready."
The captain ot the traneport's reply is
not givert.
ginard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
One Day's Work
elleethlstnoWatch, Chain sta.,
to, seen 405. packages or Stein.
site ltertnnteat ten vents each $teil
nddress _
and we forward thrf
e peume.,
poLstpoid, And oar 005U,2oo
mosey xcqais.d $ell the peranne
ainear year Meads, wain, nriney.wid
gulping tkat.edean Wnteb.liwanatee4a #
we send the watch. prepgd. This kta
gcodatneplece Me1200e thin piper.
hienieSpicisityCo (rolficterieSt.Toreste
reteeeei Did Net 'Remo Out SBek
44 Intro:tin Meer AU,
"Now," said the rural teal estate agent,
"what you wants is a good corner lot.
The town Is youug, au corper lots win
oon he at a prendems Here's oue
aeu feet front by euti feet deep. Ef yen
tale/ It now, yen hill have it far 00 cents a
fr..nt feot, itf you wait tep years, it'll
ose 70u M emits, stacore. Thar'sa rail/wad
conent 'long, an they do say that tbe guva
meet has thought . a rostotilee. Speak
*1)1 11011' ot- ferever held yea paten!"
I reekon I'11 mete it in," Faitit the rural
proinetmor. "1"11 jest tend you the money
au let the land 0.u3tAr1ti_isivna1
it an ti.e txus it Yoi•111 with red •
tate.. Jett, F.,t.t tit-, rapers."
'12. he tmNr. waF and shpt and:
.1 tin tvoi..:211b. 44112iI! 1.7v2ty SW/lithe
raa1 eaL;k° £11,24, 41]4 govertinier$
a man heAl %-.44.31 early mid
Menu Les:2i r.V7, ard they agilt a :
seitectlentae. 14, end then
a Ail Lai in I% wen;
toz.riong to tix ,,,y, ord 4t iwn hall, wittt
3. 111431r zara3 le
121121 411.4.;atk,',o, nail tee tewie wee la full
Then ono merniee the tuna Investot
feeitel the folic:man; iCt.n a ±1112:g document '
In Lis wail:
To Vaeant lo'.....................
To etre •t emerovertmet around tuarne... vt
TCA lee ..... •••• 4
'To 21.21 1•2X .••••••.•••12
e'o pew reett In en. ..... ... ..
Ile ceuldn't wont tho Icille. The ueareet
batik twee ten raillee ea, and the .etteldlet
wee VV.-82'AM ill Cailadat. .115
astatal fol.` iirio WWI V•iti them that tine*
was ineney. l..ir they sttbl it wetiltin't pay
taxes. 'rho( Le a-ited teem to tales the lot
for exp-.,wci. but 10. Jahn macergh
greeted on it ne let eeriest in. Rae the 9,
tonne whim -miter canswee Lan 5122 1(111011 fat
A lamina thet lo- 4,410: d to hoe. So eue
dui+. uttam he eutalad a ice:all-it train that '
W"'; rates5 whom theta II
were tio tenants nest I he t lemma' knew
Lim no steam ftorover......At131140.COUStittt. :
.% rt,M2Witj% ttltintim,
When a nem wen has a rmintation fOr
wenn:limes cetes 21 410,.'i he gem a ,
Meet 1;d1" .112.111 544.0:11 ,
be 1412,e0 io 0. getid man ter deism the
melee them.
Aiseett tote met 0. ('5000. ve131 le r
lumme teem:her tie a '..111P.:: Tiaw
55. oldn't have 8103," nee 0.45452111t8 to
lovo mny bit 19
p tli• If yen cimat telieve .!
eoin hi hie tense:atm
tee man is prime teminst flattery
lees the !nay is vete- !..,01.445'.
'1.', 21' in her life :lien a woman tetra
the ;tweets cet ra42''','-wh"n 014. 1103
Lt`r fent long cermet mei- -her firet beim.
Mien12. eavam. lemilte to seary it la
rt ore seal the! he is lensaniag mvaie-
1 levela 12.1 1 ..e.dem
are at ,Ternsel
The arc 4,11throwu
bate a state uf great pertutbation over
the appronching visit of the Emp wor
of tlermany to Jerusalem. It would
seem that the Sultan, in his zeal to
make things agreeable, threatens to mill
down. the Jaffa. gate and a pert nf the
ancient walls, so that the kaiser ni:ly
make lxis entry into the Iloly City on
horsebaele The Jaffa gate, hithicugh
wry ancient and pietureeque, itt exeeed-
(ugly narraw and quite inadequate -at
beast to the mind of the Salton -for the
eccasion in question.
Del intim,P11» 3,. Blankets.
Drain and carefully dry nice plump
oysters. Wrap each one in a thin slice
of bacon, fasten with a small wooden
ekewer and fry quickly in a hot pan.
Are you a sufferer with corns ? If you
are get a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure.
It has never been kuown to fail.
There can be a difference of opinioe on
mostsin/poet, butthere is linty one opin-
ion as to the reliabili: y of Mother Grave,:'
'orm Exterminator. It is safe, sure and
Mush! on 50.. Pattie Field.
The first use of field music which we
bave absolutely authentic information
was at the battle or Bouvines, that 1.11-
lage of lareuch Flanders where the
French have won tie fewer • than three
vietories-Philip Attemetue defeating Ot-
to IV, of German7 there in 1214, Philip
of lenlois defeating filo English there in
1340, while in 117e4 the French defeated
the Austrians nt the mane place. It was
at Bouvines in 1214 that trumpets sound-
ed the signal for the victorious Freneh
charge, the first authentic instance of
a command given liy a trinnpet call.
Dright Hearts.
There are seals in the world who have
the gift of finding joy everywhere, and
of leaving it behind then: when they got
Joy gushes from tinder their fingers like
jets of light. Their influence is an inev-
itable gladdening of the heart. It seems
as if a shadow of God's owe. gift had
passed upon. them. They give light
without meaning to shine. 'These
bright hearts have a great work to do
for God. --Faber.
Ifinard's Liniment Cures Colds, eto.
Laws as to Shipwrecks.
English law allows in ease of ship-
wreck damages to the extent of $40
per person if no life is lost and $75 in
case of euch a loss. Freuch law, on the
other hand, does not recogaize any re-
sponsibility on the part of steamship
She Rules.
"Yon can bet that Mrs. Ironton come
trots the political actions of her family."
"How so?"
"Well, just for a sample, her husband
arranged the other day to buy the lot next
to his, but she promptly knocked the
thieg in the head because it meant terri-
torial expansion and smacked too much
of inaperialisita."-Tetroit Free Press.
litstouglt Vox- n Dorm.
"Pa'what are the dogs of war?"
"Well, your mother's fine people and
that mongrel pup next door." -Detroit
Feet. Praat
Ullitney .A.ttale.„
"Tiow do yon think ehe went back on
"Goodneae knower'
"She (lute answering niy lettors an
sent me word that the cable Vas cut."
Detroit Free Press.
HI, allentelem
Green -You don't thInk that clo hoe
make the man, do you?
Sticitney-No, I don't.
wvar, then, did ;roe imagine that a rea
coat would make a golf i1aYer2"--X01314ers
. -
.14.nother ExplesnAtsgme,.
We were marrie4 in that hasty wa
plained the girl who had elored.
Cause we 05124 5412 the dispLay and t
bother and tho cost Qt a big woddtag, yo*
"Indeedi" arKwercd the glrl who beat
herea to 210.121251211 gYst, stic4ging ta at
ne,o,,t, insinuating, vvir,-P. "I'm glad t* heor
tb:zt. t"..at foolish rums,r."
"Whatfoiis11 tritisw.,szl" usit-osi tho g14
bad e,o,7-d.
•• at ;vott, didn't d Ova bim time tO
'4144.I sKev."....-Vbl:Aso P4,5%,
q.tym. citzeo,7 s- ta: ha A Ve.Kitlsi
thief -en" re-tear:ice the liutonabiD
Ste ate woreate
•,?ca," rf 11e.1 Mere Cayeane. "Eite
can't tell; five (2 10(8-1 wit:tent rettiew
atrey hoped, hie dm th."-Washiagteet
To et
"What 15 the, te, 742,
tial$74,i44‘.." t51 t4.•;:A-Ler.
-1 ! ma'am,' up little 30110.
.."172z.40, "it lo.us :wire s pruresMors
and pupil*
naw 0-.1,40.4.1 .'t" -Vaal y Fair.
?r.ve4us and Cures Rheu
Through hie Rroonstlentlatioll 0.ltede
Ithaten Mimi /male Found Root*
1123(1 11.'alth 124 hirtileitity VOWS
eteshviile..N. 11.
:eon. afi. 189&1.
ti. 1 Ityviut.au ee, ,
tametace. the.
flew itexesi, Fee 1,, ivie yew ImilIereti
eltvetele v. it a teteoleet etie zuel am. in such
cisentem tieet 1 rotild 0.0 b(11,
12. '1' metals,. 1 le:treed yonr medicine,
123s.114 triaMpli warn Met
man-at/Illy 1212.1 n tor riteutexeran and I
concealed tit iry it. lap to date I have/
Velem live itottlet, teed tee a ceiti-equenco
am ap end amenclieg 1,1 lineinese. I feel
like it 141112' (12:511 and 14:122t. tIta 1,"'(l .10(7 in
recommend, no: the ne,divi ekinateS
Keotenay Cure, to alte,ectie einTeritig from
rheuinnt ism.
I remain, mow reepect Only yours,
Propriettm liniztewielt lIouee,
ANTED AGit1(1)Irr ea;
.................•••guaanornamwelemiwe Canted&
to canvas!, nnil Reit a well advertised allele.
G,.o cagy seine, 2 sitimity or deposit re-
quaeA. Liberal cionieettien. Fer particulara
address G. G. DAVIS Hamilton, Ont.
CO,000 ACRES IzzreinTir1,4 LL'114;
in Si, auntieccra,
aiel \ode lialeite sat ,nie .4 time alio Ease'
PaYMtni I'S, a little .1( 11 Veal% Come and tee
0- et mite. TUE Titini.eN MOSS 2iTAT.M
BANK, Suullac Cent.T.
Croswell, Sanilac Co., Michigan, U.S.A.
- -
T. N. N. U.
EDUCIATION foarcty."dubrnio,11!?r,"IniTt'flP4
TheNorthetnEttsinessitioellelteeS. IllnlyecOstrxm° Onaisncis;c4
education required to enter. Students admitted. any
C A.-Flemina. Principal, Owen Sound, Ont.
We give this line
watch, chain and
charm,for selling -rum
doz. LEetta Cou,Su
BUTTONSat ten cts.
each. Send your ad.
dress and we fprwird
and our Premium.
List. No money le -
1 quired. Sell the Eta.
tons among your
friends, return the
money, and we sr d
the watch, prep. ,d,
A genuine American
watch, guarante
for a few hours' work,
Mention this pe,cr
when writing.
20 Adelaide St. '12.
Toronto, Ont.