HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-11-4, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR. -575. INewpw EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEIVIBER 3, 1898. Eyesight is Precious, ys are getting shorter, -1 L. ..-••--Nights are getting longer, Therefore it is necessary that you have spectacles that are exactly slated to your eyes. our optician is home again and prepared to give you the best expert attention at T. FzrTows jEWAtELtEI: Y STOtt Mornings preferred for testing. FARMS FUR SALE MONEY TO LOAN, Ilio no 1ersienctl has a few goad farms fat sale cheap. Money to loan on easy term JOUR. SeACamaN, Sam werrs Block Exeter WONKY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for in* vestment upon farm or village property, a,t lowest rates of interest. DtersON & (WILING, Barristers, ete., Exeter. T LL MILE VILLAGE l.'ROC1 RTk FOR, SA.I.E. The undersigned is offprint; fee sale that desirable anal valual la I r°pests., situated on Huron Street, acing cart of Lot 21, contain- ing aver five ,teres. There is on the premises a geed brick !rouse, containing seven rooms, with stonecellar. frame ltitehen and weed- :;hetl ttttael,t5; a frame stable And other necessary out -buildings: It, choice fruit trees. A good well of wittrandothereenvenieneea. Terms reasonable, apply at this once or to 1A31t Fb mieszceeon,l:xoter. LAND AND TIMBER FOR SALE, That desirable property situated in the '4�ttwnship ut Hay,eing Hardt half of east l.I f of 1' 5. in miles from the townline. 'there is on the premises 15 aeras ofood.bush which contains a large; number of :lm aawlog' and a large quantity good ash ttnrher. fits proprerty would be well suited. for a brielatnakcr rind the timber thereon would pay for the laud. For par- ticltlars apply to ll. S. O'Ni:tr„ or to Auer. WALiF`,n, `1-- Exeter, Herne, . 19TICE TO CREDITORS, Of Grace Oke, late of the Village of Exeter, widow, deceased. Pursuant. to Chapter 199 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, I8:�:. notice is hereby giv en that all persons Laving claims against the Estate of the said Grace Oke are, on or before the First day of December, 1895, to send to Elliot & Gleam an, of Exeter, afore- said Solicitors for Charles Snell, Sr, and Francis 11. Gill, Exooutors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, full par- ticulars of their claims, and that after the said date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the said Estate Among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been giv- en as above required, and they will not be liable to any person or persons of whose claim or claims they shall not then have re- ceived notice. Dated at Exeter this 1st November, MS, ELLTOT & GLADAIAy, Solicitors for the Executors. Sale Register. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 9.—Farm stook and im- plements, the property of Donald Stewart, Lot 14. Concession 12, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. FI. Bossenberry, Anot. Khiva. FARMS Sono.—Mr. Donald Stewart has disposed of his two fifty acre farms, being half of Lot 12, concession 13, and half of Lot 14, concessiou 12, to Mr. Jos. Ziler. The price paid was $4,200, Mr. Stewart has not yet decided where he will reside. Centralia Messrs, T, Handford and Wm. Elliott who started out for the Old Country on Monday of last week, returned home Saturday evening. This is the fastest trip we have ever heard of as yet.— Mr. A. Nevin, accompanied by his sis- ter, Mrs. S. McCoy, spent a few days of last week in London, the guests of Mr. Wm. Clark.—Rev, S. Salton preached a highly interesting and enthusiastic sermon last Sunday evening on "The P'redigal Son.—Messrs. Wm. Lewis ,r and Charles Aston were in town Satur day night and attended the L. 0. L. meeting here.—Mr. Alex. McFalls has resigned his position at T. Essery's af• ter having served his term of three • years and Mr, Samuel Essery's . son is . engaged to carry on the work in his stead.—The Centralia Epworth League intend holding an entertainment on ew, iTuesday evening next, consisting of 't'!Lnging, recitations and speeches. They i)l aso hold their election of officers at the close of the meeting. MI are cordially invited. -Mr. A. Hicks and bride returned home from their honey- moon oneymoon trip to Chicago and Indiana on Friday.—Miss Ida Krause, who has been spending the summer with her father in Dakota, has returned.—Mr, J. L.ingard has opened out a laundry in G. Essery's old feed store. We wish him every success.—Hollowe'en was celebrated in our burg Monday even- ing.—Mr. Fred Easton, who has been visiting at Rev. S. Salton's, has left for Toronto. Dashwood. Tho past week has been very wet making it very inconvenient to get about. --Mr. Peter Mcisaac, our genial stage driver, is laid .off utak, having hurt himself while unloading goods oat; day .—•Dr- Campbell, of Zurich, was in the village Sunda •. -Mr. Oestreich er, of near Credttou, who recently pier. chased Mr. John Voeiker's farm, 1 mil- es north of the village, wooed Moretti on Wednesday of last week, and now the merry voice of the children can he heard front that corner which hereto fore had been very quiet.—We are told that during the past summer searching parties have been organized in the 14th concession in search of gold, in fact a mine was started, so the legend has it. We have not learned whether the company was successful or not. -- Next Sunday the Evangelical Sunday School of this place will decide whether they will hold a festival at Xmas or not, --Miss Lydia Haug, who has been engaged in London during the sum- mer, spent Sunday with friends in the village.—Hallowe'en passed off quietly in this section, only the small fry en gaging in anything, and they can't be blamed for having a little fun once in a long while,—Tonight (Thursday) the subject in the Y. P. A. is a debate, viz.: " has the gloaterinfiuenee for good over the life of a child, the home or the Sunday school," Let everybody come. -Mr. Louis Kraft, Sr., mot with a painful accident recently, He was picking apples on a ladder, when one of the rounds of the ladder broke, precipitating him to the ground, and in the fall he injured his knee cap. He will be laid up for some time, A while ago he injured the other knee in a similar manner, and it has never been right .ince. kippen We are sorry to note that Mrs. Robt. Elgie, jr. of Tuckersmith, has for some time been kept from her usual activity by a pair of scalded feet. Mrs. Elgie was busy performing her household duties, when she had occasion to lift a tea kettle of boiling water, and by some means the kettle upset, the con- tents spilling on her feet. The wounds are very painful, but we hope to hear of her speedy recovery.—Farm proper- ty in this locality seems to be chang- ing hands rapidly. Mr. Isaac Jarrott is the next on the slate, be having sold his 50 acre farm in Stanley to his father -in law, Mr. Gilbert McDonald, for the sum of $2,800. Mr. Jarrett has since bought the farm of Mrs. John Ross, of the London road. The price Mrs. Ross receives is $6,000. As this is one of the choicest farms in this lo. cality, all things considered, Mr. Jar - rot has got good value for his money. Mr. Alex. McBeath, of Stanley, has also been extending his borders, and has bought the farm of Mrs. McDoue' all, of the SSrd concession ' of Stanley. This fine property adjoins Mr. Mc- Beath's, which will give him an ex- cellent farm of 200 acres. The price which Mr. McBeath gives is in the neighborhood of $5,500.—Rev. Ache son, who was in Seaforth on Mondry, accompanied by bis daughter, Miss Katie, met with an unfortunate mis- hap. When stopping in front of Mr. McFaul's store, he was in the act of getting out of the buggy, and in so doing he stepped on the crossbar of the shaft, when the horse took fright at something' on the street, which landed Mr. Acheson inside of the shafts at the horse's heels, causing the horse to kick at him -several timed, Mr. Acheson, feeling' hisawkward position, made a strong effort to throw himself forward, and.the horse started at full speed, with Mise Katie in the buggy, without the lines in her bands, but fortunately she was able to stop the horse. Mr. Acheson received a number of kicks, one of which cut him about the head. Mr. Acheson has had many perilous, experiences of this " kind, but this is one of the worst, and he is very thank ful it was not more serious. He has been keeping his bed since, but is do- ing as well as might be looked for. under the circumstances, LIMA Mr. Peter Ruttier, sen., (colored)died on Sundn,y morning after a short ill Hess. Deceased was an old resident of the village and much respected. ---A telegram was received from his home in Illinois. announcing the death of Mr, J. H. McRoberts, a former resident of this village. Mr. McRoberts was well and favorably known le this locality, and the news of his sudden death was received with regret by all who knew trim.—On Saturday night the member,. of Holy Trinity choir and a number of other friends assembled at the residence of lir. and Mrs. R. Armitage, who are soon to leave Luean and take up their abode in Hamilton, and presented them with a magnificent chair and couch as a memento of the esteem 1n whieh they are held, by their co-workers to the church. Rev. Mr. Thomas occupied the chair, and in a few well chosen remarks expressive of regret at their departure from among us, concluded by .acquainting them with the cause of such a gathering, Miss May Carter read the address, which, of itself was a beautifully -worded production. Mr. Armitage, although taken wholly by surprise, made a very appropriate and feeling reply. Qreonwdy, Rev. J. W. Laird returned house last week. Re preached an interestiug and instructive sermon to the Sabbath School children —Rev. J, ifusser, °red• icon, visited friends here last Saturday. He was on his way to Ravenswood, to attend anniversary services and tea meeting in that vicinity.—Mr. Frank Wteket and Elizabeth Baker were mats rigid at the Methodis; parsonage last Wednesday. On Monday lir. Wm. Sherritt and Miss Jenufe Wbitside were married at the same place. We eon gratulate the two couples, and wish them a long and prospersous journey through life. --lir. Jas. W. Wilson sold his farm in Stephen, Lot 17, concession 22, to Mr. Jas Germett, and bought the one hundred acre farm known as the "Woodrow farm," from Mr. Wm. In- gram for $1,000 —Mr. Sam'1- Raritan. raised his bare last Thursday.—Mr. and Mrs. E. hl..rdwards visited friends in Exeter last Saturday and Sunday. —V. Ratz, M. P., passed tbrou;hhere last week.—W. J Stinson, of Bayfield, passed through here last week with 20 choice steers, bought of Mr. Reid, out near Luean.—Mr. and Mrs. R. English were in London Friday. --Mrs, Thos Fallis is visiting friends in this vicin- ity. the reports that Mr. Fallis is well and is visiting his sister up in Ark. wright.:—Mr. Wm. Jackson nud wife at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Crawford (Mrs. Jackson's mother) at Thedford last Thursday. — lir. T. Jennings young people visited at Mr. W. J. Wil- son's Friday eveniuge—Mr. Thos. Bul. lock has built a new chimney on his house, and otherwise improved his resi dence. Orediton Mrs. Gottfried Geiser is visiting her daughter,Mrs. Aaron Brown, Blenheim. —Mr. George Fisher, who has been working for Mr. Wm. H. Wenzil black- smith has gone to Dashwood to work .— Mr. Charles Finkbeiner, of Usborne tp. spent Sunday here with his parents,— Messrs. H. Eilber, M. P. P., Paul Shink, V. Ratz M. P., and John Ratz, left on Monday for their annual hunt in Parry Sound District.—Our village has been lively the past week. R. E. Walker, moved into J. Trevethick's house Mon- day; Adolphus plus Hooper to his farm lit miles east of Hay P. 0. on Tuesday and Joseph Heist moves into the house va- cated by A. Hooper on Thursday.—The farmers are yery busy taking in their roots.—Miss Christiana Finkboiner, of London, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner.—Mr. Wm. Geiser, Con. 9, has bought a " dandy " wind mill.—Mr. Geo. Clarke is having his kitchen covered with tar -paper and also sided.—It . is whispered around town that there will be some weddings in the near future.—Last Sunday evening the Rev. Mr. Litt preached a very touching funeral sermon to the relatives and friends of Frederick Triebner.—Last Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Hooper were given a surprise party by the members of the Methodist Church, each being presented with a handsome rocking chair as a token of respect for having performed good work in the church. After spend ing a pleasant eyeniog the party broke up at an early hour in the morning, We are sorry to lose Mr. Hooper. He has taken a great interest in the Sun- day School and church, work but our loss is Exeter's gain. We wish Mr and Mrs, Hooper every success on their new farm.—Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Ginter, Dash- wood, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wolf.—The following are on the sick list :—Mrs. J. Eilber, Mrs. Geiser, Melinda Beaver, Carrie Wolf. Wo wish them all a speedy recovery. Irvin Johnston was acquitted of the charge of highway robbery at Galt and assault on James McLeod, bnt convict- ed of receiving stolen goods. The trial took place at Berlin. F. S. Jarvis manager of the Mer- chants' Bauk at Galt, was quite seri nusly hurt on Tuesday, falling from his wheel and breaking his collarbone and being badly bruised, Ray School Report The following is the monthly report for October, of S. S. No. 2. Names are in order of merit, V—Milton Russell; IV—H. F. Johnston, W. R. Deegan, Alice Dougall; Sen. III—Cora Munn, J. E. Gould, Luella Munn; Jun. III— J. R. Munn, R, F. Northcott, Maggie Sutherby; II—Mabel Dougall, W. J Russell, A. W Johnston and Bertie Northcott equal; Part II—Mary E. Johnston, Percy Clark, W. E. Munn; Part 1—Willie Northcott, Gracie Au derson, Carrie Northeott. The best spellers in the monthly spelling match were;-1V—A. Dougall; Sen. Munn; Jun. I.11—J. R. Munn; II—A. Johnston; Part II ---M. Johnston; Part I -»G. Anderson. Zurich. George, the son of F. W Hess, who naet with a painful accident some two weeks ago by running a sharpened lead pencil into his eve, is recovering, Luckily the peueil * escaped the eye bait,—Mr. John Knarr who had the misfortune to fall down stairs in the tannery while at work is laid up with' a sprained ankle.—Mr. Geo. Appel, who has been confined for afew weeks with la grippe, is able to be around again. --The funeral of the deceased Mr. W. Treumler, took place Sunday morning as also the child of Mr. F. Kalbileisch in the afteruoou,—Wm. J.A,Kaercher, of Mich., is visiting his old acquaintan- ces in and about the village.—Mr. J. Mother, formerly of Merner Bros., mer- chants of this town, left for Berlin last Saturday where be has purchased half interest in a beat and shoe husiness tiow conducted by Mr. August Weseloh, formerly of this place, Success John- nie. Reached Klondike at last,—Our Brass Baud has started up once more and gave us same music on Monday night. Stick to it boys, you are Ching splendidly.—Mr. R Richardson, produce merchant, who has bought the apple crop of this section, is almost through packing.—Mr. Martin. Wurm, moved unto his farm 'Tuesday recently bought from Mr. P Bender. The latter took up his abode iu the village the same'. day.—Miss Mary Beaver, who has been visiting at L. I1oedding's, returned to her home in Crediton Saturday ---A grand live bird and blue rock shooting match will be held at the Commercial Hotel bore Thanksgiving day. All sports are cordially invited.—Flossie the daughter of John Praetor, is down with typhoid fever.—Hunting is the order of the fay. Daily our sports, an- companied oy their hounds can be soca wending their way for the swamps'. where deer, bear and other wild animals abound. Around About Us. Hensel!: Mr. John Bell, of Hay, has been suffering of late from blood poison- ing. We hope to soon hear of his com- plete recovery. Mitchell: We understand that Mr - IL W. Thomson, druggist, Stratford, purposes returning to Mitchell to enter the milling business with bis father. Mitchell: Mr. Hugh lieL�eay, who moved from Hibbert last spring to tho neighborhood of Fort William, died suddenly on Saturday last. He leaves a wife and small family. Hensall : Mr. Wm. Mitchell, of this village, has leased his farm in Usborne, near the cheese factory, to Mr. Keyes, of the Parr Line, for a term of years. Mr. Keyes has the reputation of being a good farmer and will, no doubt, do well. Seaforth: Mrs. D. D. Wilson met with a painful accident a few days ago. She was standing on a chair, and in stepping off she fell, striking her side on the arm of the chair. She was confined to her room for several days, but is now recovering Hensall: Mr. James,Petty has pur- chased the farm of the late Mr. Robert Elgie, of Tuckersmith, opposite Mr. Samuel Smillie's farm for the sum of $4,300. It is a very good farm, but will require quite a large expenditure to put it in first class shape and re- pair, St. Marys : James Gardiner, former- ly of Usborne township, shipped from this station on Wednesday 69 head of stock, principally yearling cattle and calves, also a number of brood mares and several stallions, to James Gardi ner, Iowa. It. is Mr. Gardiner's inten tion to make periodical visits to the farmers of this district to purchase such stock., Clandeboye : The news was receiv- ed during the week of the death of the little soa of Mrs. McKechnie, the daugh- ter of Mr. Daniel Shoff: During the past summer Mrs, McKeehnie visited her home, bringing the little boy with her, and while here, the child made many friends. The bereaved mother has the entire sympathy of her wide circle of acquaintances in this neigh- borhood. Hills Green : Mr. Charles Donaldson, of Stanley, and Albert Anderson, of Goderich township, who are packing apples, met with a serious accident near here recently. As they were about leaving the farm of Mr. Joseph Hudson. the front axle of the buggy broke, causing the horse to take fright and run away. The rig was overturned, and the occupants pitched out and con. siderably scratched and bruised. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR, St. Marys: A happy event was cel- ebrated Wednesday et the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Bearss, on the Fullerton and Blanchard townline, when their :daughter. Miss Louisa Bearss was united in marriage to Mr. George Fletcher. The ceremony was performed by Rev, John Ball of Kirk - ton, in the presence of twenty-five or more invited guests. The bride was very prettily attired in cream Heuriet to serge with pearl trimming and car- ried a baquet of roses and asters. The groom was supported by Mr E Fletch- er, while Miss Vine Chowen assisted the bride. Mitchell: Inspector Coppin has late- ly been making it rather warm for offenders of the liquor law, and several dailars have been added too the treas- ury of the Government. All the pro• seentions oceurred outside of Mitchell, and in ane instance a hotel -keeper and five frequenters of his house, during unlawful hours, wore heavily fined - While landlerda are to blame to some exteut they are not so much at fault as those who ask theta to break the law, and the latter class should be dealt with severely, They know the legal hours for selling, and if they at- tempt to secure liquor outside of thane hours they can blame 00 one but themsei:ves in case of prosecutien. St. Marys : At the home of the bride Weduesday afternoon Miss Grace Routley,`diuiug-room mistress at the Imperial hotel was married to Edward Watt, of Galt. Mr. and Mrs, Watt will live in Galt. Miss Routley has been in Mr. Graham's employ for fourteen years She won the esteem of the travelling fraternity to such a degree that when they learned of her approaching mar- riage they raised among themselves over $30 as an expression of their re- gard and presented it to her. Mr. and Mrs. Graham also gave the young couple a handsome mahogany bedroom suite, while the boys at the hotel pre- sented them with a beautiful chamber set. The bride's happy faculty of ad- ministering the affairs of the dining room In a thoughtful manner won for her many friends, who will miss her much from her accustomed place. Ailsa Craig: The stock of Isaac; Grossman was boxed up and taken to the station an Saturday last by two strangers who claimed to have bought itfrom Grossman. The latter sudden- ly disappeared a day or two before the stock was packed up. We understand not a few wholesale firms are grieving over his sudden disappearance as notes aggregating several thousands of dal, tars were to fall due on Nov, ist. The two strangers .did not get .the goods away as Station Agent Hodgins re- ceived word from Mr. Belt, the Grand Trunk Solicitor, to hold them. From appearance Grossman was doing a fair business, goods in abundance coming from the wholesale houses weekly. It is now generally believed that a large portion of the goods were re shipped to other quarters, where no doubt they were re -sold for half their value. This is one way of doing business Hensel] : On Tuesday a very happy event took place at the residence of Mrs. Elder, of this village, and former- ly of Tuckersmith, when her daughter, Miss Helen, was married to Mr. And- rew Moir, of Usborne, eldest son of the late Mr. George Moir. The marriage ceremony"was performed by Rev. J. S. Henderson, in the evening at six o'clock, and was witnessed by the rela- tives of the contracting parties. The bride was very handsomely attired in navy blue silk, trimmed with pearls and lace, and wore orange blossoms. Miss Hannah Craig, of this village, the bridesmaid, was very becomingly at- tired in royal blue silk, trimmed with cream satin and ribbons, and also wore orange blossoms. The groom was supported by bis brother, Mr. G. R, Moir, of Quebec city. The bride, who is so well and favorably known, was made the recipient of a number of very valuable and useful presents. We unite with the many friends of the happy couple in wishing them long and continued happiness through life. St. Marys: William Atkinson, a bachelor farmer, who lives about two miles up the Thames road, in Blan- shard, had a very unpleasant visit from two young men from town short- ly after 11 o'clock Wednesday night. The two men in question called at his house and demanded admittance, but being refused, they broke open the door, threw Mr. Atkinson down and struck him in the face. While one of the two held him down the other rifled his pockets and secured 370. While he was still being held down the man who took the money went into another room and eounted it, also taking Mr. Atkinson's hest suit of clothes. They threatened him as they ]eft the house that if he made any outcry he would stiffer. Mr. Atkinson finally reached town ,about one o'clock Thursday morning and informed Night Constable Ross, who roused Chief Youug, One of them telephoned up to the G. T. R. Junction and found out that one of the suspects were there: Chief Young and Mr. Ross proceeded up to the Junc- tion and secured their man, but his mate could not be found. They found $35 in bills on the prisoner. At 7 o'- clock Thursday evening the prisoner was given a preliminary hearing be- fore Mayor Richardson and IL Fred Sharpe, J. P, and was committed tt Stratford to await trial, I Goderich: Thursday John Horton ai Collegiate Institute student, met with a painful accident on the Institute grounds. He was vaulting with a pole after school hours, and while he was making a leap the pole slipped and he fell on his face and hands, sustaining a fracture and disloeatiou of the wrist. Surgical aid was summoned; and the injured member attended to. He left for leis home near Hensel! Saturday. Tuckersmith: On Saturday night as Mr. A. Turner was driving from town his horse took fright about the railroad and part of the harness broke. As he reached forward to fix it the horse kicked him in the face rendering him unconscious. In this condition be rode for nearly a mile, when be was thrown from the buggy. Fortunately no bones were broken, but he received same bad bruises and was badly shak- en up. Murder Near Goderich. Goderich, Ont. Oet. 20.—Frederick Beattie was shot this wonting by Wus, Cox in a: quarrel. Dr. Whitley was immediately sent for, but Beattie died within .half an hour after the shooting oceured. Both Olen being to Goderich town- ship, when the shooteng occurred. This morning about ten o'clock Win. Cox left his home and proceeded to the home of his son -in law, Frederick Beatty. On his arrival bo asked Mrs, Beatty for his daughter Lillie's cloth* ing. She told him her husband might beat her if she delivered it up Cox then asked where Beatty was, and on being told dawn in the orchard, he immed- iately went there. The first thing' Beatty said was: a What in the d --- are you doing here?" and on ,bong told, said :—" Now, I have you where I want you," and atruch. hint Cox) twit; or three times in the face. When Cox , managed to get away be said.-- If ' you strike me again, I'll shoot.' Beaty said;--" That's what I want," and pul- ed out his knife and made a jump at Cox. Cox shot him through the eye. When Mrs Beatty heard the report she ran out and Cox told her to go for :lir. Thompson, a neighbor, while he went to Goderich for a doctor. Dr. Whitely immediately accompanied Cox Co Beatty's house, but was too late, he having died about half an hour after being shot. Cox then came back to Goderich and gave himself up. Ho was remanded by Pollee Ma gfstrate Seager till Saturday, when he will come up beim .3 the county judge. Mr. Cox is highly respected by every- body and has the sympathy of all whe know him. Goderich, Ont., Oct. 81. -The Cox Beattie shooting case was up before Police Magistrate Seager and Horace Horton, J. P., on Saturdoty, Several witnesses ware examined, and the court adjourned until te day, when all the other witnesses wet • examined. The evidence was the same as that given at the inquest, with the excep- tion of that of the primmer, whose evi- dence was taken today, and agrees exactly with his statement given be- fore. He gave his testimony freely and did not appear to try to shield himself in any manner. It seems he did not put the revolver in his pocket purposely .on the morning of the trag- edy when starting out for Beattie's, but had it iu his pocket fordaysbefore, thinking. that he could frighten Beattie from coming co his house to take Tilly, his daughter, away. He took this method, knowing that Beatty was a cowardly fellow, and had previously, by his own admission, been frightened in this way, After the evidence was in, Mr. Hold addressed the court in the prisoner's behalf, contending that the magistrate should discharge him, as it was a clear case, he thought, of self-defence. Mr. E. N. Lewis, for the Crown, asked for a commital. The magistrates reserved their deci- sion until Wednesday next at 2 o'clock and in the meantime allowed Cox out on bail—himself in $1000, and W. J. Paisley, of Clinton, and Thos. Cox, prisoner's brother, in $1.000 each. 4111. Jacob Helmer, a Kingston hotelkeep- er, was shot in the face wi:h a revol- ver by a masked man, who attacked him while he was locking up. A C.P.R. train conveying British tars to Vancouver was derailed near Rat Portage. Two boys from a training ship were killed and a number of the passengers injured. Xour ItestTuterests. will be served by making sure of health. It will be a loss of . time and money to be stricken with serious ill- ness. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla and purify your blood. In this way all germs of disease will be expelled, sick- ness and suffering will be avoided, and your health will be preserved. Isn't this a Wise course? Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Price 255 cents. - UE3TRly IIacxs.—In Riverside, Cal., on October 23rd, Russell Parker Hicks, son of the late Andrew Hicks, aged 17 years, months and 11 days. EALUTAIS HAt kESS.—In Exeter, Nov. 1st, ;the wife of John Harness, of a son,