The Exeter Advocate, 1898-10-28, Page 5•
?Joy -
3 at
gzitei o at i f T
Ispublished every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,.
1ne Do11ar per annum if paid in Advance
$1,50 if it•s° paid.
3daei:ti. "_ag Rn.ta4 pas .$.ppllca,-. SI
tioa 1]
lie paper discontinued until allarrearat:es at
.re peed. Advertisements without a):ecifie
t%reotions will be published till forbid and 0'
harged accordingly. Liberal discount made b
or trausoient advertisements inserted for
ong periods. Every description of JOB "
qU1 TI?4C} turned out in the finest style, ,
and at moderate rates, Cheques, eaoney. W. -
re, &e. for advertisina,subsoriptions, In
remade payable to gi
Chas. H. Sanders, c(
EDITOR ern PROs' tt
rrofe$s;ional Cards, cc
R. EINSAI4, L. D. S, & D&. A. Beh
EINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S., Honor a
MOW graduate of Toronto University. OE
reetli extracted without any pain, or any
bad effects. Mee in Fauson's Block, west
side Main Street, Exeter, ti
R,D,ALTON A{412>i:?SQ;.va(D?;1.5, F,.DS„) t
honors f#adnate of the Toronto. Uni-
rsityand .Royal Oo'llol:e of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extraeted without pain. t
An modes of Dentistry up to date, Uf►ice
over Fillet & Ell.iot's law efface -opposite o
Qentrel Rotel-Exeter, s
. odleai
. rx, J A.. RQr.LTRS &. T. A. AMOS,
itesidenees, same as formerly 1
OFEIC'ES, Spackman„ building, Main St
Dr, Berlins• of&ee- same as fozmer y -north
door.. Pr, Amos' grace, same building --south
deer. May Sat, t895
J.A. Rollins, M. A. T, A. Amos, 1,T. D
slee the College elf PhysieiansAwl Sorge mos k
Ontario. Physteiau,Sur eon and A.cooneb- t.
our. O too, Dashwood, Ont.
.. k
A4. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
efface --Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter,Ontarie. I
Money to Loan. l
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, 1
Commissioners. ate, i jonev to loan at 1
aua. , per cent. Of£too--Fanson's Bioo1 ,
stain St„ Exeter.
I. R. CARLING, B. A.. L. R. Illchsolw,
I.A. member of the firm will be at Housall
ou Thura,lay of each week.) _
Ete., Convoyaucers, and Money to
B. V ELLIOT. F. W. Cat.A.na1Ax.
'C] BR OWN,Winahotsoa. Licensed Auet- r
11.. ioneor for the Counties of Perth and t
Middlesex, also for the township o rsborne
Sales promptly etteuded to and terms zea- t
sonh41 o,Sales arranged at Post office, '4'v in- t
tt a ce.
1[ !a r tt
n 1
Insurance Agent, E
Main St. Exeter,
Reliable man in every locality, local or '
travelling, to introduce a new dlicovery and !
keep ourshowcardstaokedup on trees.fonees
and bridges throughout town and country.
Steady employment, commission or salary,
$G5 per month and expenses, and money de-
posited in any bank when started. For par-
ticulars write •" The World Medical Electrie 1
Co.," London. Ont , Canada. 2.2 GS
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies, Safe, eftectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com-
pound, Take no other, as all elixtures, pills and
P No 1,1 per
on are dangerous. $ p
boxallo. 21,10 degres stronger,$8 per bx. No.
1 and two 8-eent
cel of price or 2 mailed on receipt 1p
n Windsor, Ont.
om n '1V a ,
T Cook Company Stamps, bep
xespo siblo Druggists n Canademend@d by all
No. land No 2 sold iu Exeter by J.VP
Browning. Druggist, _�
M %Ti' R
For Infants and Children.
The fac-
simile every
signature . r ,t�`� 4 , emote,
Bravo ! Hilshland Laddies!
The annual announcement of the
Family Herald and Weekly Star ap-
peared last week, and it seems they
have really secured that famous battle
picture'" J'11E TIIJN REI) LINE " as
a premium for their subscribers this
year. This is the picture that is caus-
ing such a furore in Great Britain. No
picture ever created so much excite-
ment, It touches the heart of every
Rritish subiect and makes them feel
like crying out " BRAVO ! HIGH.
LAND LADDIES! " It should bo found
in every Canadian home. It is sent
free with the year's subscription to
that magnificent paper "°_THE FAM-
of Montreal. The subscription price is
$1 per year.
11 Women Should Read WAR ON
his Interesting Letter—" 1 was
Nervous and Weak
d from Miseryto
Ife Change Joy
by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
.., .
The terrible trials of the "" gentler
x" are beyond description. How
ood's Sarsaparilla is adapted forthem
ld how it restores health and helps
Ter the hard places, is well illustrated
111rs. Place's letter.
C, I, Elood & Co., Lowell, Mass.t
'Dear Sirs; -In early life I suffered
ueh from stomach, troubles and spent a
eat deal of money in doctoring. Ire -
PAPER YES which remarks; ""An agreement regard
ing Fashoda can be arrived at, provided ! EXETER MARKETS"
ea. r ain does no persis. n as ing
fox the immediate rocall of Major Mar-
chand.. But, as to an outlet on the Nile,
ritish Officials, However, Ex- ; will bre k Ao refusal."n absolute thereto, and
pect War With France.:
A Compromise Possible,
Londe.Ph Brno news-
. n, Oct.Oot. Na. a afternoon
Revers here yesterday diseuss the report
of the French, Ain bassador, Baron de
: Coerce), on the subject of the conversa-
tion he had with the Marquis of Salts-
regarding proposed re C
rtes, -•-What the French Sui gest-Tiews I outlet on the. Nile, as being the loading.
of Leading French Papers-Ilotlt i feature of the yellow book on the Fasboda
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel TO to 71
Flour per cwt. 1.85 to 2.00
Barley 35 to 40
Oats 25 to 20
Peas Go to se
tatoes perbag.
flay per ton.......
Dried Apples per tk
Chicken. ...
Lord Salisbury on the Barone; Indefinite bury the F II h
Govern -
Sides Still CORtinue. iPFePaFa- gneation issued b:1 the Fronuh Govern-
tittles for War -Tire News The Conservative organs ssout the idea
by Cable, of the Marquis of Sabsbury entertaining
London, Cot, 26. -(Toronto (31obo the surrender of the Bahner -Ghazal vat-
S Bola ell, Cgeneral opinion hero e. ley to the French, aid the Pail Mall
p p Casette and the Globe suggest that the.
that England cannot negotiate until Ambassador misunderstood the Premier,
lead temporary relief only to have a re. Marchand has been withdrawn, especially
rn ot sickness, and for the past fin as the French yellow book contains ad -
ars life has been blade miserable by missions of proceedings which are regard -
natant illness. During this period there ' ed as tantamount to acts of war, The
ive been six months that T was not cif sentiment is that it is better to face now
y bed, and for one year I suffered moat
verely. 1 was
Nervous and Weak.
and life seemed a burden, It happened
hat my husband bought a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla and I commenced to
eke it in small doses. In, a short time it
was evident that it was helping me, In
wo weeks I felt that I was being greatly
eneflted. About this time our youngest
Ell then 1 years of age, was taken down
V typhoid fever. Repassed om to his
award, and soon others of the family
were taken i11, until I was the only one
eft to care for them, I continued taking
$pod's Sarsaparilla, and to thesurpriseof
myeelt and ail the neighbors, I not only
kept up and took care of the sick, but my
Health Continued to Improven,
or nearly three months tills siege ‘11
yphoid fever held the family down. ,Ail
his time, as by a miracle, pay health
ept up and 1 grew strong. At present
am feeling well and know thatthe tene-
t derived. from Hood's Sarsaparillais
ermanent. Other members of the house,
old have since taken Rood's Sarsaparilla
nd flood's fills with good effect." Mss,
CEnneeA PresoE, N. Sixth. Ste Goahen,Ind.
S, 0rscaw
what is felt to be a disagreeable necessity..
Officials .Expect War.
I am told that official eirclee expect
war. Remover, a banker who is in close
touch with the Government made the
statement yesterday afternoon that an
amicable solution is probable,
A. report bas come from Paris last
evening to the effect that Baran do Cow -
eel bas been empowered to offer the with-
drawal of Marchand from Fashoda in
exchange for a concession on the part of
the British of the right of Franco to an
outlet on the Nile for her Central African
territories, The report adds that discuss
sien of this offer hue been reserved,.
Iwi Salisbury ikealienteel
The Cabinet will probably meet on
Wednesday. Opinion is divided, some
holdigg that Lord Salisbury is weaken-
ing, While ethers maintain their belief
that he Is preserving a firth attitude.
The 'French Chambers meet to -morrow.
A, stormy time is ospetted, and the over-
throw of the Brisson Cabinet is regarded
as probable.
Lord Salisbury on Baron Ile t'ourcolis
Indefiniteness --- What the French
Suggest in Settleinenr,
London, Oct. 24, --•Tits French Ain-
bessador to Great Britain, Barn de
Courcol, will arrive here tram Paris to-
night, and there is ;geed authority for the
pariia statement that he is the bearer of a
3the Iiest-infacttbe One TrueBloodPurifler. proposition to the Marquis of Salishurs,
nsist upon Iloon's; take no substitute,
prompt, efament and
which may satisfy both Governments.
The British Government will Issue an-
other blue book to -night, the bloat itnuor-
ilOf)d'S PI/Iseaare3y in effect, ascents. tent feature of which will be a despatch,
dated Oct. 12, from the Marquis; of sali.S.
Mr Fleury Wagner, sr., a moulder.' bury to the British Ambassador at Paris,
nlploved in Clare Faros.' foundry, Pres. Sir Edniuud ,blouson, reporting the pre -
on, stumbled while carrying a ladle of vlous interview with Baron de Gourcel. in
Holten metal, and a quantity of its can- which the latter wished to ascertain what
Outs was spilled over his right foot. "elution of the question was possible,
p a and in which the Marquis or Salisbury
lame of it ran in the top of his shoe cars:
end burned its way out at the toes. It "1 generally insisted that the Nile eel..
$ likely that part of the foot will have ley had belonged and still belonged to
o be amputated if nothing more seri- Egypt, find that whatever diminution
ius does not occur, that title had suffered by the Mandl s
°°n""° bad boon romoveal by the victory
The safe in the restaurant at the at Omdurman."
rand Trunk, Railway station at St. Tho Marquis of Salisbury then pointed
ohn's, (sue, was blown open and $195 out tho helplessness of Major Marchand's
sWen. Mr. lollison, the proprietor, position, wbleh Baron do Courcol denied,
learl ne the explosion. came downstairs and finally the British Premier, in re-
sponse could not get into the refreshment ap°11x° to Baron de Courcol•, suggestion,
h rthe burglars were at tivorlr, offered to supply Major Marchand With
001I1 where e food and ammunition in order that he
Eke went upstairs again and tried to
Summon help by an alarm from the
window, but was fired at and told his
brains would be blown out if he opened
his mouth again.
Children Ory for
f .,
^` � � it" -el
Children Cry for
Children Cry for
CAST®Y r> 1 Aa
Miss Nettie Martin, an employe of
the evaporating factory at the LE. and
D.R R station, Blenheim, will lose the
sight of one eye. The accident happen-
ed in this way: One of the men 11,
sport put what he supposed to be a dead
sparrow in her coat packet. The bird,
however, proved to be alive, and on
putting her hand in the pocket. Visa
Martin was so freightened, that forget-
ting she held a paring knife in her
other hand, she quickly raised it, strik-
ing herself in the eye, inflicting a very
painful wound.
Friday afternoon Elmer Richardson,
a student, 19 years of age, attending,
the Aurora High School, while playing
in a football match between the New-
market and Aurora teams broke his
John Grill, a C.P.R. brakeman whose
home is in Loudon, had his foot taken
off at the ankle, near Innerkip on Wed
nesday night. Grill bad charge of tbe
brakes on an east bound freight and
and was passing another train at. In-
nerkip when the aecident oecurred.
Charles Ricks. a young man employ-
ed at Ryan's flour mill, Komoka, was
terrible and possibly fatally* injured
while at work Thursday The mill was
running as usual, when one of the
huge stones burst. Large pieces of the
stone were scattered in all directions
with great force, and Hicks was struck
by several of them. Oue leg was brok-
en in two places, a large gash was
made in his arm, and his body was
bruised in several places. Hie1s is 19
years of age.
as Scott's and we sell it much
cheaper," is a statement sometimes
made by the druggist when Scott's
Emulsion is called for. This shows
that the druggists themselves regard
a ''ops
and call upon the latter to make some
The Liberal and Radical papers aro
not displeased at the prospect of a cpm.-
promise being arrived at, and they be-
lieve that, provided Major Marchand is
recalleu, the dispute is susceptible to an.
arrangement by which France will receive
acme satisfaction in the Bahr -el -Ghazal
Tit. Sl.cis's Ileac} Is Level,
Paris, Oct. 25, -The Siegle, after nrft-
ing peace, remarks: "France would
barely come of batter in a war with
England ehan did Spain in the war with
the United States. Trance would be bet
ter employed in developing her colonies
than in thrawltng ln.gian4,c
The Aurora declares that France'
ought never to have gone to Feellesla,
adding: "It. was a stupid mistake, and
now England calls on us to get one.
Well, it is no iso talking, we shalt bane
to get out, otherwise there will be pats,.
which would bo uladslese.,,
France Will Get Out,
London, Oet, 25, ---Tho Paris corres-
pondent of the Dally Chronicle olainla to
have authority to say that a deoision has
already been taken by the Frenolt. Gov-
ernment speedily to evacuate Fashoda,
and that M, Delcasse, the French For-
eign Minister, will do his utmost to
facilitate a oaei#lc solution,
lseeau.a or humored .Charters of Steam-
ships by the elritisli,
:Montreal, ()ot, 2a, -'A, well known
citizen said yesterday that he bad seen a
telegram to the effect that the British.
Admiralty had chartered the entire fleet
of the Cunard Company, and that similar
action would be taker: by the British
Government regarding other trans-
Atlantic liners, This motion on the part
of the imperial authorities, is, of course,
In anticipation of trouble with the French
Activity at Halifax,
Halifax, N. 5., Oct. 2i. -Admiral
Fisher, commander ot the 7iritiah squad-
ron atarieuei in the North Atlantlo, bus
received from London a significant order
to collect his vessels, whish aro now scat-
English °dicers Ordered Houle.
' Chicago, Oat. 25. -"All officers of the
Bonefish army and navy on absent leave
in this country have boon ordered in
readiness to return home." 'this state-
ment was made yesterday in this city by
Miele;be able to reach French territory. VMajor .Tames R. Graham of Her Maj -
Baron de Courcel then said Panne() °Sty:, Yeoman Cavalry. The order. which
wanted an carrot to the "Nilo, and tho
h0 bad just received, ho said could have
arquis of Salisburyrequested that the but one significance, It mount that Eng-
land did not intend to allow any natiou
Whole proposition no made in writing. to autinipato it in preparation for war,
This was the last interview. betwcon ,Major Graham thinks war with Franco
Moe Ambassador and the Premier on this 1s almost certain.subject. Baron de Conroel then went to
Paris, and it is thought that the proposi-
tion onibod-
blah h Menge to -night t
tion v e
les tho points indicated in this converse -
Tho Salisbury despatch, in conolusian,
said: The extreme indefiniteness of Baron
do Courool's propositions made it impos-
sible for me to express or form an .opin-
ion relative to the territory claimed by
Franco in the Babr•el-Ghazal region.
hinder the circumstances, the discussion
has been fruitful of misapprehension. I
informed the Baron that it was in no
way my duty to discuss the French
claims now, but that in abstaining there-
from I must not be understood as in any
degree admitting their validity.
The Times says: "Lord Salisbury's
version of the interview with Baron de
Couroel is decidedly a despatch to relieve
the British mind."
The Standard says: "The blue book
removes apprehension regarding Lord s
Salisbury's position which it would.have
been unsafe to leave uncorrected."
The Daily News thinks the blue book
confirms the impression left by the yel-
low book, namely, that France is seeking
a loop hole.
The British Cabinet Council has been
fixed for Thursday next.
The British Admiralty issued a number
of significant orders to -day. The dock-
yards at Portsmouth, Devonport and
Chatham have each received instruotions
to prepare six 30 -knot torpedo boat de-
stroyers for commissioning, so that they
will -be able to put to sea in 24 hours.
Overtime has been ordered begun on
the first-class cruisers Europe and Andro-
meda, so as to hurry them for sea service.
i nt dock-
oats in_ the d ffere
Several gunboats u
yards have been ordered to postpone un-
necessary refitting.
of Cod -Liver Ott with Hypt,phos-
phites of Lime and Soda as the
standard, and the purchaser who
desires to procure the "standard"
because he knows it has been of
untold benefit, should not for one
instant think of taking the risk of
using some untried prepa-
ration. The substitution
of something said to be
"just as good" for a stand-
ard preparation twenty-
five years on the market,
should not be permitted by
the intelligent purchaser..
Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See
that the man and fish are on the wrapper.
sec. and, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto'
The Siele Emperor of China Did Not
Suffer Long.
Shanghai, Out...5.-It is reported hero
among influential Chinese that the Em-
peror of China was "made away with"
France May De Peaceably Disposed, But
Has a Very Strange 'Way of
Showing It.
Paris, Oct. 25. -The municipality of
Toulon has boon notified that the place
will be the centre for the important mili-
tary and naval preparations, and to
arrange for the immediate reception of
four battalions of infantry, 1,500 marines
and 600 artillerymen. Consequently
the, municipality has decided to close the
schools of Toulon, which will be used to
lodge the troops.
The naval authorities of Toulon have,
been ordered to expedite preparations for
fitting out a new squadron ot warships.
The newspapers hero yesterday warmly
praise the exposition of the French side
of the Fashoda question presentee by the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Delcasse,
in the yellow book issued on the subject.
The Figaro says: "If the British Gov-
ernment rejects France's just proposals,
it can only be because the Government
of Great Britain desires before everything
else the humiliation of France,"
The general tone of the French . press
comments is reflected by .the Eclair,
NEw T1tOtpl'LE Ix CHINA.
Chinese soldiers Attacked an English
Engineering Party.
London, Oot. ea. --The Pekin corres-
pondent of the Daily Telegraph says
"Chinese soldiers attacked a party of
English engineers on Sunday at the
Marco Polo bridge on the Pekin-Hankow
Railway. Two engineers were injured
and a railway Coolie was killed. The
situation there is serious."
t4 to 14
65 o
t ,5
�t a
4.JO. O J U
Do you get up with m.
Is there a. bad _taste in
your mouth?
Then you have a poor
appetite and a weak diges
tion. You are frequently
dizzy, always fed dull and
drowsy. You have cold
hands and feet. You get
but little benefit from your
food. You have noambition
to work and the sharp pains
of neuralgia dart through
your body.
What is the cause.;;of alt
this trouble?
constipated bowels.,
Will give you prompt relief
and certain cure,
'COOP TWO' Bt4oa r Parc. your
you have neglected your
case a long time, you had
better take
tilers sa]'sapar111a
als11. It, will remove all
impurities that have boon '
accumulating in your blood
and will greatly strengthen
your nerves.
Weld the Doctor.
There may be something about
your caneou do not quite under.
stand. Write the doctor rreeiy: toll
,1suffering. n
him bow p aro
will promptly receive the best
nodical ndvtce. Address,
Dr.J. C. Oyer" Lowen, Maas,
The American Reply Is to a Certain
Degree in This Nature.
Paris, Oct. 25. -The American Peace
Commissioners were in session yesterday
from 10 a.m. to almost 2 p.m., when
they repaired to the joint session. They
took with them a carefully prepared
written answer to the amended proposals
of the Spaniards regarding Cuba. It is
understood'that the American reply is, to
a certain degree, in the nature of a com-
promise proposal.
The consideration of the Porto Rican
and Ladrones questions has been merged
with the Cuban question, and all the
points involved are being carried forward
to a simultaneous conclusion. When this
has been arrived at, the Philippine ques-
o tion will be taken up.
v wjthPtdverbs
but don't think you can pate
clothes to look like neww.
Thele again it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
A terrible accident occurred on the
farm of John Miller, of Upper Wool
with, the other day. His eight yoar.old
son, while assisting tit threshing peas
was caught in the coupling• rods, and
before the horses could be stoup -A, he
was swung round with such violence
that both legs were broken at the thig
and a terrible trash was cut in his hood
He also sustained internal injuries.
T fore, Ater. Wood's ghospiodine,
th'nliS Remedy.
an . t/
The area
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only u reli-
ed. all
discovered medicine
dfsc v
packages guaranteed to curia
lofms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, ono package $1, six, 55. Onto ge wilipteasc,
six2clib Ca The -Pamphlets free
Windsor, Ont.
trerWocti sPhesphod.ineis sold in Exeter by
T. W. Drawing, druggist.
Pants shade to order, all
wool heavy tweeds $2.:00
Snits $9.80
Overcoats 8,09
Black Worsted suits a spec-
ial, $12,00
Our $20 blacks beat all
othere: at $23. (otue antd, moo
for yourself,
People patronize us became
they realize that we always
sell clothing that is strictly
up-to-date., .. ,
Oppcsite fest MOS
The Spaniards Claim That, the United
States Is Inconsiderate.
Madrid, Oct. 25. --The Imparoial yes-
terday said: No victor ever treated the
vanquished as the United States is treat-
ing Spain. The Government has received
a grave despatch from Porto Rico, an-
nouncing that the American General
there is acting towards Spain as the
European nations have treated China. Be
ordered a Spanish steamer to embark the
remainder of all Spanish troops at Porto
Rico, in spite of the protests of bar cap-
tain, who had orders to go, to Havana to
embark sick soldiers. Our Government
will probably protest against such action.
Later in the day it became known that
the Minister of War, General Correa, bad
Spaniards Are All Gone.
Washington, Oct, 25. --The Navy De-
partment yesterday received the follow-
ing: "San Juan, Oct. 23. -Secretary of
the Navy: Evacuation Porto 'iUoo cotn-
pleted by sailing of last detachment of
Spanish troopsto•day. (Signed), Schley.'.
s •`, ''E s'"y., ..-A-7-71,1.1.-•„:77,7A.,?..
� ' i+` -q: 5 Y.l;�,,'1�a$,,,."�
lee> -i L
y� Y'
A d.':. -.r ;h Yalin,C, and C4;1..1%,
Bic cies HI
Bicycle Pleasure.
Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure
if so, you should seek first a good
wheel. We eau furnish you any of
the best wheels made at
lowest prices
Do you want anything in the
musical line, We have a choice IOt
of Pianos and omens, call and b
spect them before bnying elsewhere,
A full stock
Of sewing machines, baby car-
riages, eta. etc.
;L1,21,187;1 f.
l`ti l~4 i i
c, t r, .
colt's;nitlea j4e
9 i ;! lel iu a i acetest *3L`, ur0ll c,3
ai r�•., of tier rrir lh crirae yo,3. �.
c,. til i.r Diayouo i +opiedce est
+ , • :-lrn of leis r+vtl
,i 1r. bit'010 seeid she ten.-Yri�,
tl .$r ':,.wort, ;youoyes opened 10
i r e irk. D]tt v tt l n ea an in nig
],o4'lc a l,setatt,lk'I I'"TA.T3lerBLOOD A
t.i oro? Worayoncured? Do you now
end then see tonne alarming symptoms.?
Dere yen hart;• in your rosont con-
"litil:n? Yet/know,"LIIi111 ATIhEII,
r lief! SON." Ifniarried aro you con-
st aatlyl vinsin dread? Ts marriage
failcro+,.it'a ouonaoaountofanywca:-
ness ease d by earlyabuso or ltatci ex-
cosecs? -Have you been drugged with
mercury? This hooklotwillpointon t to
yon the results of these crimes snd oirt
out how oar NEW;M_LT1lOD TIthAT-
MET7T 'will -positively. cure yea. It
shows ho,vthousandshavo been sa3'edb l
our NEW 'TREATMENT. It proves
We treat and cure-
011.41142.8.,KID`NEYr and -BLADDER.,
"The Wages of Sin"sent free by
enclosing 2c stamp CONSULTATION
F111+;D. If unable to call, write for
Car. Michigan Ave. and Sheehy St.
Perkins & Martin
for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble
in old or young.
we manufacture -a
which is an excellent remedy for
Cralnps.Pains, Neuralgia, gore Throat
and Influenza.
The Old Reliable, Winan's Con-
dition Powder/4,
still holds first place' in the market.
Also Lotion for scratebes on horses
and Condition Powder for same
®— t;
Every incoming freight train,
since last January, empties part
of its cargo oa our floors, and the
new things have crowded every
foot of our large floor space.
hurrying you to purchase, but
many prefer to get as near -es
possible the first choice of new
assortments. Our stock of Fur-
niture of all kinds was never
more complete. Purchasers :get
from us always the
andthe advantage of all tbestudy
of styles and of the most perfect
taste that we can command.
Furniture Dealers & Undertakers..