The Exeter Advocate, 1898-10-21, Page 5D.
.711.t ption13 3
nsm x �i "e
cure consumption ? Yes and
no. Will it cure every • case ?l
No. What cases will it cure
then ? Those in their earlier av
stages, especially in young '11;
people. We make no exag-
clafiris, but we have
positive evidence that the ?l3
early use of
ifs 9 cj
,;.t;"5 .4,./Ceal' j ec
fG,i ,with Hypo -
Vis' of �d If\ el oil yp nC
phosphites of Lune and Soda p°(6
, . ptl
,ft'I, these, cases.results In a el
positive Ciire to a large num
et 1, ' In advanced cases, how- a
ever,where a cure is im' osss'
i� .r.
°yy life this welt -known remedy
eUI 9
as should be railed upon to pro-
, ,. if par.
(il long 11;.E surprisingly. eQ
SS 5oc. and Sa.00, all druggists. titI
SCOTT & T3OWNE, Chemists, Toronto. .
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Mee,
.T E T
A R .,.� . EaLF'PER,
-By the---
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advauoe
$L50 if not so paid.
erdareet_oe-mem Fascia; oaf -„
Repa.per disoontinnealuntil all arrearages
ere paid. Advertisements without sseeifie
dieeetions will be published till forbid and
el;argedaccordingly. Liberal discount made
for trausoieut advertisements inserted for
long periods. Everyt s
ri tr
an of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates.. Chequesmoneyord-
ors, &ea for advertising, subseriptious,
be made payable to
Chas./C. Sanders,
Professional Cards.
l [. KIl,
. alA's , L. D. s -
I 1S 411 1; 7).D
�I, Ai S.,D, S. H r
graduate of TorontLntversitfuo
Teeth extracted without auy pain, or any
bad effects. Office in Few:an'a Bloca, west
side MainStreet,Exeter.
T171,D, AL,TON c1.NDERSON,(D,D.S.,LD.S.,)
_La honors Graduate ofthe Toronto Um.
rsity. andBoyal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted withoutain.
All modes of Dentistry up to date. O6ice
over Elliot & Ellfat's law otlxce-opposite
Oentral 110 tel-Eseter.
Dye. J A. ROI+r.I1 a & T Jl,. MOS
lieaidenees, sante as formerly
OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Grain t.
Dr, Rollins' ofice• same as formerly -•north
door. Dr, Amoe' office; same building-sontb
r, blas It R4
1 .
T. A Rollins, 5r, D. T. A. -autos, M.1)
the College of Plxsiieiaus:}utl Surgeon:;
Ontario. Pitvereaan, Ser ;eke aiial Aeoouoh-
our. Otlice, l)aeliwood. Ont.
.Lia 0R, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Qfbco•-Oyer O'Neil's Bank, Exeter,Oaterio.
Moues' to Loan.
i aolicitore, \oteri• e, conveyancer:,
^o ie ,. e• r. 1 of ,•
t. A,mio, nc r t i s .tar luau at i s
ant e per cent. Elitioe-Fiticaon's lltocii,
Maier eat i:seter,
L R. V err,t:ta le A.. L. Ii. Dicusoe.
iA mon; hot at the oral will be at Helical!
.atxTiattr„lay of each 'v iia
a Etc., Convoyaur; se, awl Monier to
B. V. l:LI.tnr. F. W. Geet.n".
:.� ekuctioutc'ers
lel BROWN, wineheliea. Licensed cruet.
1.L. ioneertor the Ccnuutitts of Pe•rtlt alai
ialiddlu:aex, also i'or the township otl:eLurue
Bales promptly atton,e.1 to tine terms rea-
sonbelo,Sales arrange'l at Post office. Wiu-
' oholaoa.
Iia.Ylir aue•e,
Insurance Agent.
Main St. Exeter
1 Reliable man in every locality, local or
travellina, to intradnee a now discovery and
lteepour sheweardstackedupontrees. lances
anal bridge; througlicut town and eountre-.
Stately employment, commission or salary,
$05 per mouth and expenses, and money de-
posited in any bank when started. For par-
titulars write 'The \world Medical Electric
Co.," London, Out, Canada. 2,298
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Lathes ask
your druggist for Cooks Cotton Roof Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, Slater
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No.
orr t r u two 13, mailed onreceipt of price and ar c
stamps Tho Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
responsible Druggists in Canada�endedby all
No 1 anal No 2 sola! in Exeter la- J,W
Drowning, Druggist.
For Infants and Children.
The fac-
iCevery 09
John S. Douglas, a Winnipeg insol-
vent, has been sentenced to jail in Mont-
real for three months for defrauding
his creditors.
Mrs. Niles and her son were driving
from Merritte,n to St Catharines when
their horse backed the buggy over the
high bridge at the Lincolu Paper Mills.
The horse was drowned, but the oc-
cupants escaped by jumping.
A deaf-mute namedh sHill,
T o. was
nearlyy drowned in the Brantford Canal
last week while being baptized. Hill
got a mouthful of water, and his strug
gles landed him in a deep spot. tie
was finally rescued in an unconscious
Tee An immense tract of country has
been burned over by fire in Eye Hill
district, Saskatchewan. Tho stables
and cattle sheds of Thos. Fields and P.
Paynter were destroyed, as well as the
•stables on the ranching tract of the
Indian Department.
Thos. Wright, aged Si, an old settler
of Winnipeg, who has been missing
since Monday, was found Friday drown-
ed in a creels near his residence. He
had, apparently been endeavoring in
cut a stick for a cane, and fell between
two logs iuto the water. •
Hobbs' hardware store, Tilsoubur;,
was robbed Monday night, Entrance.
'was effected by prying open the front
door. Once in, the visitors were able
to make a rich haul. They took $25
worth of revolvers, all the razors in
stock, a lot jack-knives aecl other staff,
Percy Smith, aged 15, son of John
Smith, lot 3, con. 3, Enphrasia, ace'
dentally slipped on the feed board of a
machine at. his fat; s threshing. nth
her hi „ B
feet were drawn into ilio cylinder. One
leg was mangled to the hip, the other
to the knee. Ho died within half an
'How Did She
Burn Her Baca
That Was What People Asked
About Our Daughter
Dreadful Itching, Burning Erup-
tions Cured
Efes Hastily Concentrated rorty Thou-
!: sand bi:en at port Artier to ne
Ready for Emergencies.
London. Oct. 18. --The Odessa corres-
pondent of the Standard says that Rus-
sia has hastily concentrated 40,000. men
at Port Arthur to be in readiness for
any emergency at Pekin,
Emperor exust no Restored,
London, Oct 18,—A despatch to a
Loudon news agency fionl Shanghai,
"`Reports from Japanese sources are an
cireuknion hero to the of eet tbet Sir
Claude. 3iacdouaid, British Minister at
Pekin, bas Informed the Chinese govern -
mein at: th.#' t sasyt; y appertains a. nt a o '
ins solei
to the Emperor, area
who has forcibly
p a been t rci 1
abducted and deposed, and that he must
be restored to his position, while Hang
Xn�y@l and the other- retornters itlRti be
ardo Failing
l Taken Off at Brantford With I
$rlflooth, Soft, White Skin Now.
At G. I. Rood c& Co., Lowell, Mass:
't Qentleraen1 Our littio daugbteris now
r years d When she abouta
n was three
months old, she had eruptions on her face
which were very disagreeable, and itched
so much, especially at night, that it made
her trouble a great; deal worse. T was
obliged to keep ,her hands tied at night
and it was neceasery to watch her during
the day. She would scratch herself when' ,
ever she had the chance, until her clothes
Would a Cove witho
Y d S card 03io d..
Wo had g great many doctors to see her,
out they did not help her in the least. It
was a terrible task to care for her. \\'.hen
we took leer away from home, people/
would ask, 'Blow dial, that child burn her
facet' She was completely covered with
scabs for a long time. She suffered every-
thing. At last we concluded to try Hood's
Ssrsaparilla, because I bad great faint its
it, and after awhile we could see that ebe
was getting better. People eald elsewould
certainly e
e talnl be left with sears on her face
y ,.
but oho was not. It is now a year sineo
elle was cured by Heod'e Sareaparilia, and
iter. lace 13 as
Smooth and White and Soft
as that of any child. I believe Hood's
Sarsaparilla to leo the best family medi-
cine that can be obtained. I take it my-
self for lreadache and that tired feeling,
and Ihave found nothing to equal it. One
peculiarity about Hood's Sareaperilla is
that it is pleasant to take and it is no
trouble to induce children to take IL The
doctors pranouuced my litt le girl's disease
to be eczema, or salt rheum ' Masi.
�YILt3t P. WEr.T.s, Warren, Connecticut,
H. B. Do not be induced to buy any
substitute, Be sure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Best --in fact the (tae True Mae Tar:avr.
Sold by all drt:gg:sts. 81; six fare •.
enre Liver II'.: eaey ta,
lloed's PII S telae, easy tare era c. eec.
Achmau %Valsh, ayoun;; Montrealer
was out shooting, and while jumping
over a fence his gun was discharged.
Tho hail entered his thigh, inflicting
what is feared will he a fatal wound.
The little daughter of ,lir. and Mrs'
Alf Wright, Ingersoll, was seriously it.-
jured on Wednesday by having a stone
falling on her. tier lungs were crush-
ed and little hope is held for her recov-
John, son of Joseph Meadows. farmrr
on the 14th line of Past Zorra, fell from
a tree while picking apple's in his fats•
er'.l orchard, Friday, and his life is now
hanging in the balance as a result of
the injuries sustained. -
Children Cry for
Children Ory for
" C"',IAm
Children Cry for
Wednesday was an unlucky day for
accidents in Galt. Robert Turnbull, a
mason, engaged with others in tearing
down' a wall sustained a serious scalp
wound, part of the wall falling on him
H. Derail', a mechauic, had his collar
bone brolcesn,•a bar of iron striking him
just missing his head. A coal merchant
named Willard was attacked by a dog
The animal made a wound an inch and
a half long before it was driven off, A
fourth unfortunate, James Rogers, was
tramped upon by a vicious horse.
He is now in the hospital with a fear-
fully swoollen face, a bruised if not
broken shoulder, inetired head and arra
that is useless for the time being.
Startling Suddenness.
The Deceased, ), mister Was Pastor of
or Zion Church,. ieratstford,, for 36 ,
Years-neioved l,y Iiis Congregation—
Asz Ex-?1oclerator of the Geuerai As+
sensbty, Ue Attendee- Ieelfast and Lem
don Pan -Presbyterian Alliances as
Delegate -Sorrow is 1'aiversel
� .1 a 1l Ont., ,Oct.*�-
OG 1 kI v I3r.
, , e
Cochrane, pastor ot Zion Prealaytealnn
Chu eh Brantford, and well known
throughout Canada In connection with
the Presbyterian Churche died snddeniy.'.
at 10 o'clock last ulght of angina pec- .
tons, at his home til Brantford.. He was
taken 111 on Saturday acid was unable to
fill his pulpit on Sunday, but no serious
results were �antielp:t,ted, He was aper: _•.
ently as we11 as usual last evening, bee- '
�A 1
1. $ d ctated and disposed of coRsiderahle
correspondence during the day, taut es Pi
o'clock be suddenly passed away withou a
Dr. Cochrane was well austral thruu b -
edit Canada for his zeal and euergy, and
was a leading spirit in titti da,ne,
to which he belonged. as well ea belga a
public. spirited weather et the eeruni�an-
we elti. He was born in Pai.lev, Beds •
land, Feb. 9, i' J i, and was educates! tit
Qlesagow University Gni Hanover Col-
lege, Indiana, where he i;radiestetl with
the highest hones, Iia was ordained in
o .
Jersey h,, „
,]' Cit 1 2 n e :tweeted
In a 1 �h i
City i 1
.'t .mail to lion Church, fi..suttiori, where
his indotnitabie snerpp sn,i wi.:d papat-
larity Wilt up a large con:;ran'*tian,
wham love mad canhdonea he ulw,ry a en -
'e ed. s e l
J y And his nativity covered Heti only
his pastoral work. For 14 years he was
clerk of Paris Pre.ehytery. For 2'5 year
ho has been eierk et the synod of Heinle
ton and London, and for ,'about the seine
aerie' 0 1
p l convenor t alio Home I! !nn
(.onmitree of rho• church. die always
took a deep interest in overt' worthy pub
lie object. Ilei was president of thv Mere
ebant.' Institution and president of Ll.e,
Free Library Board, estendiug over .a
period of re ye;tss. In ls71 ha voa-larrelg
instrumental in toundin�g the Brantford
Young Ladles' College. of which be bee
been the govortanr and directing heal
ever since, In Is he w;ts nsotla,rater of
the Amoral ;k :ambit•. anal in lett s ani :
s1a2 irate t'i lire Pan-lareibetxriau :
Alliances in Belfast easel Lena" Ile ex-
leveed to attend the meeting of the
exe-dative 01 the Pan Connell on :Monster
next in St. Lents. anti give an address
on home nlleelons.
There i; nniver-al orraw at the un-
lool:ed.fur ar,ii terril4y sudden termina-
tion of en. a^tivaa and useful life. Ilia
death leaves a blank in the chnr'b. end
esnealally in the city and congregation
with which he wag. so long iaientiflod,
and where be wawa so gesaer;afy loved and
respected, He leaves sorrowinga widow,
three sons'and a daughter: Mr. liillfam
Cochrane, bursar of She Rockwood Asy-
lum, Kingston, Miss Mary Cochrane
and two sons at the university.
Co3IING Douttnonoiss.
Mr. Aylmer Maude 1'ropnrintr the 'Way—
A Peculiar People.
Toronto, Oot. 1a.--•3ir. alymer Maude
of England is in town, a guest of Pro-
fessor Mayor of the Toronto University,
Mr, Maude Is interested In the scheme
for the settlement in Canada of the Rus-
sian seat known as the Doukhobors.
These people have practically the sante
religious views as the English Quakers.
They baro oonsolontlous scruples against
engaging In war, and it is for this rea-
son that they bays been persecuted by
the Russian authoritios. There aro about
7,500 of them in Russia, and it has boon
practically decided that they will emi-
grate as a body to this country.
It is expected that '3,~110 people will
sail from Batount in a few days, directly
for Quebec, and from thence will journey
to the Northwest. Prince Hilkoff, a
nephew of the Russian Minister of Rail-
ways, will settle in Canada, alongside
the colony, in the development of which
be has an especial interest.
No Now Particulars in Dominion City
Murder—Winnipeg Notes.
Oct. 18.—I
sauo Cam ball
Q.C., positively declines to stand for the
presidency of the Liberal Association
here, in fact, refuses to bold any
oftioo. He is said to be in sympathy with
Hon. Clifford Sifton's way of running
things. There are those who say Camp -
boll may be appointed to the Senate or
take a position on the bench.
No further paitionlars are yet to hand
regarding the murder of Wasy) Boceko, a
Galician, and his four children, 18 miles
from Dominion Ciey, on the Emerson
branch of the C.P.R.
George Bertram, M.P., is here today,
calling on personal and political friends
prior to his departure for the west. He
will hear a good desi f political gossip,
as the Liberals are actively
of the
disoontene in Western Canada over the
new Liberalism of a section of the Lau-
rier Cabinet.
Schooner's Crew 'Went to Death in the
Gull of St. Lawrence.
Quebec, Oct. 1S... ---The steamship
Krim, arrived in port from Syd-
ney yesterday, and reports seeing a
schooner capsized in the sterni at
Matane, in the course of the afternoon
Saturday. Three unsueoossful efforts
were made anti two boats swamped in
trying to rescue the crew, but they all
pezishod. Throe of the men clung to the
apturned vessel for a -whilo; but were
tinselly' swept away, one by one. The
captain could tot ascertain the name of
the schooner.
Express collides With 1a'rol;;ht and Nine
Are Billed.
London, Oct.. 1S. -A. terrible railway
nceidont occurred' this evening on the
Great Central Railway near Barnet,
about 11 mr,ilesnorth of London.
An .express .train, going at the rate of
I 1 l
a mile., a n n itG, came into collision faith
a treighy trainthat was switching across
the track at Barnet .Junction. The 'ex
press piled up a complete wreck.
Nine dead and .13 seriously injured
have been recovered front the wrookago,
and there aro others under the debris.
(Changed every Wedi.esday)
Ii Wisest per bushel - spa to F,3
i PIou per owt. 1.85to 2.Ora
to e5
Oats ... 2l to 23-
i Peas 4' to 59
i Butter 14 to 14
atoes perbag ' 5 to 15
Ray per. ton Cede to r est
1 I r ct Applesnelie,per lb ai
air's• e. 5
Chia izen '.
' Turtcct
p.. sed. m !lance Greet
laritain will enfo e these demands."
Tak Pr.or WAS DescoreatED.
The Emperor of Chin.ets Little Gama
Was Frisstrasted,
London. -�T
n Oct. 18.—erne n Berlin came;_
pendent of the standard says: "The l�ui-
petar of China was to have taken refuge
at the British Emlz:ss sy in Pekin, whence'
he would have issued a proclamation de-
claring the acts ot the Dowager Empress,
void, but rhe plan was discovered and
will Ee Papacy(' Next 3;onth.,
The Pekin sorrespont ons of the Deale,
Telegrapts we: "It le expected in Glia
higbeac ei.•elas that the Emperor will be,
tore eli deposed d on Nov, Js,
the birth-,
slay ot the lent rams Dowager, and that
Prince Jun, a boy of 13, will tie nomin-
ated as his litieceseor."
American awl Spanish Cutninisslnners at
Parte !tare Reached a
Louden, Oct. 1!3.--A rl''sp•stch to a
Lontlan news agency from Paris says:
Tes,tcrd.,y, ('s&ondayf the coufereacz
reached a crlsi> far the flaw time. Judge
Day pr eenta:l the elemenda of the Ameri
call rnnuniseioners in threatening words.
Judge Dv raid twat Preildent lia1 Ss-
ley had instructed him to demand the
entire surrender at Porta ]ileota.mus''aw
(Tuesdia; i, and the delivery of twee,
town to the i'nited states ollic;ers bet.rrti
nil:#:tight. to oshor with than evacuation
of lily: ne on or before Noeatnit.,r 1,
when tie( United ik to. would he at the
r,',at i of the city ready is take pa=s: ,shin.
There wag no alternative otk'aeresi in the
case of either of their dementia
Cuba in a State of Anarchy.
Landoll. Oet. 1'i. -- Thu Parle enrres.
pendent of the Tinges B;syait
"At the Fitting of the Peae a Cornml s
sten this t aionday, afternoon the Atnerl•
can eaanini+sioners oliielally -- and it
would emelt definitely --rejected the, idea
of accepting sovereignty over Cuba for
the United stoma. The Spanish commis -
&loners thereupon remarked that :!peon,
having abantloned Stich sovereignty under
pressure from the United. Stator, and the.
United States having denied that
sovereignty henceforth belongs to them,
Cuba is do facto in a state of anarchy, as
an Intermission of sovereignty cannob be
viewed in any other light."
Trnnee Clears Hur Decks for Action -
Forts to Be manned.
Paris, Oct. 18.—Tice Soleil publishes a
despatch from Toulon which says that
Vico-Admiral Fournier, who is now at
Tunis with M. Lookroy, Minister of
Marino, will return immediately to Tou-
Ion, whore orders have boon received
speedily to prepare the armoured cruisers
-admiral Trohouart, Bouvinos, Jannnapes
and Valniy for active service, and also to
send to Brost Without delay the largest
possible number of gunners to man the
forts and batteries.
Inquiries made at the offices of the
French Ministry of Marine confirm the
report published by the Soleil In a dos -
patch from Toulon. Tho vessels mention-
ed are to be promptly placed un a war
footing, and are to be sent to Blest.
Humor connoots the French naval
preparations with the question in dispute
with Great Britain as to the possession of
The Paris papers yesterday, in citron -
ailing the movements of the British fleet
to the Mediterranean, announce that
three British ironclads are engaged in
gun practice off Bizerte, the Preach
naval station in the Mediterranean, on
the African coast.
Prance Checked in Africa.
Paris, Oct, 18. -The Politi que Oolon-
iale publishes a despatch from the Ivory
Coast, Upper Guinea, saying that the
French arms have received a serious
oheok. A column of Tirailleurs despatoh-
ed to suppress, a rising of the Bourbourys
was forced to retreat with a loss of seven
killed and ton wounded. The Bour-
bourys, the despatch says, aro preparing
to rnaroh upon Jaoquesville, where a
number of French trading factories have
been established.
3lenelele Nosy Working for England.
Ronne, Oct. 18.—The Tribune publishes
a letter from &den, which says that
French influence with King Menelek is
waning and that the Abyssinian Nereus
is openly working in behalf of England
against Frauee. It declares that isianolek
prevented the French expedition headed
by M. Bouchemp from reaching Fashoda,
where Major Marchand was to meet it,
and also - refused to send a force of
Abyssinian troops there.
military Coup Ruiners.
Paris, Oct,' IS,—The arrival of the
Duke of Orleans at Brussels has rekindled
the rumor that a military coup was nt
tempted. "-Glia young English Duke of
Manchester, who has just reached Paris
from .Australia, has been linked with the
menu b oe'' newspapers,b t
inovo y ltai2,. n
he protests that he is merely a tourist.
Ire �eria,l Yael,t'at Constantinople.
Constantinople, Oct. 18. -The Imperial
yacht Hohenzollern, with the Emperor
and Empress of: Germany on board,
arrived in the Straits of the Dardanelles,
with her escorts, yesterday morning. She
wassaluted by theforts and the crow
of the Turkish warship Izzociest and
ether vessels cheered her. Tide Germans
responded. ended.
BBerosfordin Chinn.
Pekin Oct S—Lord Oh ate es Beres•
ford, Who has been instmnoted by the
British Government with it spaoial :anis
sign to China, arrived here yosterday.
1111IiIflS �
If it Was only 'health, we
might let t cling.
But it is a coug). One cold
no sooner passes off before
another COMM But it's the
same old cough all the time,.
And it's the same, old story:
too. There is first the cold,
then the cough, then pneu-
monia or consumption with the
long-sici"ness, and life trelnb-
lily in the balance:.
loosens the grasp of youreoe gh.
The congestion of the throat
and lungs is retrieved; all in-
flammation is subdued; the
parts are put perff,:ctiy at ra.t
and the cough drops away. It
has uo diseased tissues on
'which to hang,.
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out inflammation of the
Ativtoo Frac.
Remember we nava a'.11odicalTerart.
meta. It yen have any cum lens c !sat-
over and arsine the best mediica. advice
Feu eau possibly u4tein, mate the
doctor freely. ion wilt receive a
ptomptreradd ess, Bit. 11YLn
Anal! Lowell, ream
W Pc over 5
but don't think you can patch
clothes to tool,: like new.
Then again it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing ex
(1111I1 � we
�, a the prices
Pants made to ta3'a c l', all
wool !.Fray tweeds $2.0O
Suits 0.$0
Overcoats 8.09
:lack Worsted .quit' a spec-
ial, 812,00
Our 820 Macke tett all
others at 823, Come and sea
for yt urseltt.
patronize 9 because
they realize that we always
' sell clothing that is strictly
up-to-date., .. .
Opt( sitePesti 11 e
A serious aeeid'int which may prove
fatal, occurred Saturday morning in
the Ontario Wheel Company's works
Ganancque. Bryon Keating, an em-
ployee, put a belt on a shaft, using a
stick to do so. The stick became en•
tangled in. the belt and whirled around' -
striking him in the stomach, His in
juries are 50 serious 11 is feared he wilt
not recover.
33Jbre. Aper. N►'ood's Phosphodino,
The Great Fngiish Remedy:
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Onlyreli-
able medicine discovered. Stz,i
iacka ea guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. Onearintplease,
sixiettt cure. "Pamphlets free to any address.
Tho Wood Conipauy, Windsor, Ont.
,terWend s Phosphodano is sold in Exeter by
3. W. Brewing, druggist.
lira._°13V—a 'UAW
41 �-7 d Ira
The Leafing Specialists el America
20 nears in Detroit.
2510,000 Cured.
There ; f young and middle-aged
men are '..3dwiththisdisease—many
eneonrcza. y. They may have a smart -
int' . enation, small, twisting stream,
cutting pains at times, slight dis-
che. difficulty in commencing, weak
one*. ,missions. and all the symptomys
of nervous debility -they have SitIC-
TUISli. Don't let doctors experiment on
you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing
you. This will enteureyou, asitwill ro-
turn.N lir
MENT absorbs the etricturo tissue;
heneeremovesthestricture permanen tle.
It can never return. No pain, no suffer-
detention xalorgansamrostrength-
ened. The nerves are invigorated. and
the bliss of manhood returns.
Ut 15 E `+J R E ` I L yJ E 3,
Thousands of you and middlo•aged
men are having their sexual vigor and
vitality continually sapped by this dis-
ease. They are frequently unconscious
of iho cause of these Fymntosns. General
Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail-
ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem-
ory, Irritability at times Smarting Sen-
sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles,
Weak Back, General Depression, Leek
of Ambition lVaiicocele. Shrunken
Parts, etc. GLEET anal STRICTURE
may be the cause. Don't consult family
(looters, as thppy leave no experience in
these• special. diseases -don't below
auackste et eriment on you. Consult
:i Specialists, iv iolicn a made a life stud or
,,,DieoasosofMonandWomen, Onri�l \i
• METHOD TREATMENT : will osi-
tire! euro ou- One thousand dollars
• }
for anaso eco accept for treatment and
1. coemot cure. Twins mbderatefora cure.
C eES U R T 'E
_Val •.'+A
We treat and sure: EMISSIONS,
ES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases.
F12FE. If .tenable to call, write for
gmsisTroN: BLANIC for. ]TOME
'neat -go
KE -,N EDYe KE licAN
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Shelby St, ,� l
Ds TE'Tol-r, lid!i I^l. y
Bicycles !
Bicycles I1
Bicycle Pleasure.
Are you seeking Bieyele pleasure
if so, you should seek first a good
wheel. We eau furnish you any of
the best wheels made at lowest prices
Do you want anything la the
musical line. We have a choice lot
of Pianos and organs, call and In.
speet them before buying elsewhere.
A full stock
Of sewing machines, baby car-
riages, ete. etc.
Perkins & Martin
3 1
for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble
in old or young.
We 33anufaeture— 4
wh ch is an excellent remedy for
Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat
and Influenza.
The OM Reliable, Winaa'e Con -
(11510u 1Po�vtler8,.
still holds first place in the market.
Also Lotion forscratehss on horses
and Condition Powder for same
Every incoming freight train,
since last January-, empties part
of its cargo on our floors, and the
now things have crowded every
foot of our Iarge fioer space.
hurrying you to purchase, but
inany prefer to get as a,car es
possible the first: choice of slew
assortmeuts. Our stock of fur-
niture of all hinds was lsasvrl'
more complete. Purchasers get
from- us always the
and the dt e3 f all th start! -
ea,vanag•oc y
of styles and of the most ''perfeet.
taste that we can command.
'` f ; Y"4�
1� s L!` ..%J Fwi
Furniture Dealers & Undertallors,