The Exeter Advocate, 1898-10-21, Page 4THE (kx.eter Aboorate,. Chas I. Sanders, Hditor and Prop Peg -leg in Lilinbo• Lotdon, Out,16.---.Madie Brown, the much -wanted pea -leg traulp, arrived here last night via thee -alt., at 7,50 p. zu. in charwe of Lruit@d Mates J:iarshail Di!lev and Detective Thos. Nickle, Ail T.EURSfAY, OCTOBER 2O$ l0 the way from Toronto to London the train that bore the notorious Maadie Brown was au object of itlterest,aud at T.IIE i't, 'istS ('1T. Ell -LITS each stopping place scores of eager, watchers peered through the ear win The Fart ie, Mr `.dart.''s saga;' p :per, (lows or boarded the traiu iu the eudeav- t h:trges certain os 'tir.S liencit tl.tpers . or to get a glimpse of the captty*e, Ou reaching Leucon a( Halt was made ,at t(j.Zt ?.ZS Gs ua'.at u ::tt t =° 1 i "tc \ 1I41;llSt etreet, half a mile away from frauds with t? t inL (lit!? thti (lands Qf the station, ,here Detective Rider was the ,hail ' ash. Oreo 0: '' - reign. d all - ia. eantete %lith a (lack to eouvey tho st : tvthe pollee r; riot) About 40'J y r ^ ,"," k! ac8 tt situ ,av 1'l'tx«"Yt. ear to (6 3 1 ,ills, the it,. r i or 5UJ people had gathered at the C.P.it, d facts • ::ri• lest (s az. e tees -agree( depot, but these saw nothing of him. It 'ti the whole. It thou, gives semi* gar WAS intieedby those who accompanied : e al tr e atel among others, ill.' fal)ow- , the prisoner that t10 appeared w lose ;g: r t a, (:brat»(:3 X31 which we will heart as !I() approached the scene of i, . . , p :lftme,. forty-two votes -were cast in all elle tragedy, in which he is presumed to halve acted so conspicuous a part aud and the , ?s:l`t sowed vadat(-srvean. At air of real or assuultd indi3frretleu elt- auothol pall, twelve people ,a atue to tirely disappeared. Ouarrival nt po- vote for prn;i,ibitian, and the result gave lice headquarters Magistrate Parke three votes. In such a: tut -tree; of the was on hand, and there was no delay In tilling out the documents which had ity a certain iaadiviauah registered Iiia i been prepared for the occasion. Brown vote fort;' -gaud times p'a•htb` ioa was at once removed to the county jail, and he boasted of that great it4?f mon- to appear Ter a preliminary examiaxai. (vire uucl child Gnti tis(j ftr>c arta sv their tion on Friday zuoruiun, At the jail Jalxxes Gilulor@, a tiro bslinsterg o+' mates were among those who lost ;al;ty, accused o£ firhil; a ziarn belongin., to lives. . - Camila, referring to several hundred people had gathered Charles Weltlsev, a neighbor, has been The HIenmtell hadaquantityof na h- 'Th< C enrr.(x tt. C » ,discharged, as it was showy. the lad the on hoard, Ae explosion ooenrree just tt) :•e the pri aiaer, )itt it is douhttul if discharged, p €h@ r 1pidty lxi(;rea ii p sn t QritiEn' . a etoz?it got a glimpse of his dusky le t- was lAilder set ext y@ars of age, es :bo captain of .the Blougttll bee en- . gains: ptehib.tiou in the Prov lne a of i turns, so gnicfily was he traasft;rrcd ,lame(; I l dQrlvoad ., n rn ring was gaged t1 a services et a tug, vhiaix saved ,,1 e., - "street Liberal .from, the cash tel the vett which Govern ' A p the survivors. ez-e vessel. human( so e.; rebel, as elauit(lt.. ,1sentenced t(1 seven Fear& an e7aAtt'ti- suet tl rogresetvt tlr Bast((t hats selected for his ;tate keep.l' :ly that last crew had no tl.tto to ter ais. , ;»a`R thatP tux. The brokeu haudeutt; which the Bary b+ truer a Deacon at rho Neth- lower the boats, alulti lictitiou is : a• elated to aroust=e priietler carried ou bis lw rt8t all the watt' broke i1 Silt?s. Be was accused of set va - ting fire to the buildings of Duncan Terrine Weather rreill.ng, :lie Si ttAt ieiii;n of the leaders of tate Po- from Fort William, could only be re- t Dagellais in March, 1803, London, Oct. ]r;.• --•Terris a weather bas Sk1l iirl7Slled in, ANOTHER. MARINE HORROR. Hu,utsellle, Oct, 19 —Eddy, the 13. y ta.r old sou of Reeve Hardy, ot ehaily, leas picked in the head by a horse, aud British Vessel Destroyed by Fire his skull, over the eyes, a'place nearly and Nine Livee Lost. as large as a small here's egg, was crushed in. To the astonishment of the doctors and his parents( after receiving he kick be walked to the. house Avttb. his brother, but was insensible to the wound and how he got it. Phvsielans dressed the wound and removed no less than thirteen pieces of houe aud bits of grass, and a piece of the horse's hoof. Looked Down the Barrel t Berne, One, Oct. 19—Another of Captain's Wife and Child Among Those who perished -Chaucer lFuli Drifts on the Goodwin Sands-Dleng£exi Was leo€aded With Naphtha -more About tate hlollegan-Many Wrecks on East Coast of Eng1arlci. Margate, Beg., Oct. itt-,•The British ship Riengfell, Oaptain Johnson, from New Work ou Soptetnber 19th for Lon- don, was destroyed by a snddea Sire off those ace:dents so common of late raj- 1 this lllaooearls yesterday morning. Nine suiting From the careless ;use of fire^ o. her orow, including the capyain and a artily aecurrc?d at F3loaminada(te on Sim ed be perished• The survivors were land- r'ed here ,'and art Dover, day 1\ -alter Snyder, a young luau The I3hengiell lvlis glassing hero In tont, one of his lungs. The youuse man lies lacing in that tillage, was out shooting on her way to London at about 6.80 with a 'revolver, and hail fired the a.m., and was about four miles off the 'rt'npon off several times at birds. Tho coast. Suddenly site ,vas enveloped In hatch - 'elver finally refused to shoot, aud themes and smolt, poured from herlaatah- ways. Two llfeboa,ts iraanetiately ut off Snyder looked daivl. into the barrel to - a? to hog a.$)stance, bat before they were glee what was wrong with it. it was able to reach the burning vessel her discharged at the same moment, and masts tell and she iris burned ro the the bullet entered his breast, pierciug water's cage. Hog dull evontilaily drh#sed upon tke Goodwin Sands, t the point of death, hater it developed that the captain's illia:iai3 F tl a3tct , and it ;lads:—" Some gloved by the vigorous use of a ham- -@ been prevailing on the oast coast of Great ll(eiv; m;t :els 1):lva E4 ,la?l: ttct+tt to raise j Ine r. The prisoner, who was alulte t i !talkative d k f li ,. urin"'' most 0 is journey,. Foiled in the Attelupt, Britain, 'ashore have been several wreaks the cry, :Beware (1. p ,cnhtrd: with eona,drrable lee{ a store } C' "i h Oot 3 Th 1 lunging to i'zlpbai,, 10rihlilllileriand, "rthe t `• I+ rt`hi tltli' Texas, let all tilt" QthorCa captives o0 ;ltd • ' rescue of (110 Craw at a 7`,revelt I -etch, 9'it'liit , up of k.1 t •S .tl a p "' ' }ist rear far tlur•riary at Flora It sired * loeked upthe jailer in a cell with a cQl p - .k' ego iifeboanutin, with the exception of .11i t 4'r ,c"i •? tie tci CrU. t1 (.O{511 6llll[S this inaby the rocket apparatus. rnlnr, to carrying ('x ono man, who was eh -owned, were rescued ort?d plisoacr who had refused to be with tier a (l :1 .. rote the vine of the liberated. pe t%ee and was senteuced to tilt. other erre,:,.. a.:a, tie:4. bury up ro fears in i inrston Peu1teetlnry hibitiosi alai rave .'`t1 Wilfred.. We do n'tatill elatlou. " --+ and rosettes of crews, The lifeboat be. p 1 Thompson, who . was overturned while proccading to the(iiTeit." ll,,.11lt" l'aI't'tCl;i] that an RutlaClou` c;f l3oti' he hrtak(j jail at ti4"Qr"r,StQ1Sn, Tut . , has bseu in the Centra! PHsan f .r t11 \\-hilt+tatting hila from the court bourn THE MOHEGAN DISASTER, Fatal Fire 6t, Cornwall to the ,jail he made a desperate attertp• Itvow whether these +.'mister ruin- to escape from the constables, but wits ; Cruel itobbory of the Dead -Further wrt at;• tit,. ,..eu.s,t';1, 1 S'"<. d;'('lar(• - Cornwell', . 1'^,^--Tlie re+it.et1CC Of: eapttin d before he had gorge a dozen t •t'articulart: of the Two loth. later,}. t .^t•t' Ki.rli "atria• If tho ilr, \fil(1. 1ICI)onald was totalgy- des- . 6tdp,Y l lct(xits From lyoadytcoh, t lilt 1>• :a ri' x•rv:+ to i?:" reel, it -would treStel by lir m dos tneriaili::, add ot;a of ,- ., . Falmouth, Bug., Oct. Ia.—Relatives the ate mpatlts, Miss Autoe Me laulish von emotent kc,now and friend. of victims of the aiohc„an i.;.._., n. iii el, xt a ,l Ee' tate Note 1. if moi: t'It res: d terrible, injuries, and will impoverished Mood. It makes the rho la,ir•r rains ant] over sodueti roads to fa, t. I , , ,a ( ;Ate identify ri:e rcnlains Which are tying in i. 6 ti ;;<l h e it seated per dethav die”, Tile faience of plrture s. blood rich acrid pure, and cures scrofula, the church of tit. Iicvoritlo, where many n 't; pnrc,ar art'used airs. el Donald ` salt rheum, dy spepvia, catarrh, rhea heartrending seems have been witnessed. - +, tt- t"a t:°ti(>cl; stl• 4•: . -. lin 4 cl U,1', la .iii feet her lift'. while another. What Hood's Sarsaparilla has power f isastttr are arriviu here by Query train, 't 1. 1,• liinnisoo, of Wiilianlst0wm to do for these who have impure+ anti they proeaad to tit, X everine th-ough tO `;Ut .. a -. 4, t. '' tle,+i( .i..atl a lir , and slur and her dau,°,'b l matism, nervousness. If you aro cruel Itobbery. .e t4 vie . T. the matter %: 141n 412' to riot up, thiel lug Some Que had hi(aadll .i;y x...41,1 aa,lis r q:, *. =aat;e , tE,a' ('Lai 1) ,.l.'O into 010 htauee. When they dis doge tett ,;A7 '.k the meat: s." l rlti`e it"t1 that the house was on fire they tools Mies Annie McDonald, an old lathy, i;"1 yesrs of age, down to the front door, and told her to go out. Mrs. McDonald then went back upstairs and aroused her two nephews, J. Me- Phail, of St. Andrews, and Wm. Will- iamson, and her brasher -in law, A. Mc- Donald, By this time the whole down stairs was an fire, and in making her escape she was badly burned about the face and arms. itlePhai.i and A. A. McDonald escaped unhurt, but Will iamson must have lost his way, and when he finally came through the fire he was so badly burned about the head, r*t body and limbs that his recovery is doubtful. Meanwhile the old lady, Miss Annie McDonald, disappeared, aud although the fire brigade were halting heroic efforts, it was some time before auy one could get into the upper part of the house, where they finally found her body. It appears that being left alone at the front door, she went back up- stairs to save her valuables. She must have secured them, and started out, but missed her way in the smoke, and. was suffocated, for her body, along with a watch, $10 in money, and a deposit receipt for $1,200, her life savings, were found in another room. NOV::• ,41 d) CIUI JIEYT. The apple crop iu Kent county is proving a great disappointment both to buyers and sellers and instead of 100,0uO barrels for export, there will scarcely he half that number, The shortage is due to the atppl;>s rotting because of continued rains and hot weather whieh have to a large extent destroyed the keepiug qualities ofeveu the winter fruit. 31R. FOSTEit'S .1Dy1CIt. At a political meeting in Wookstoek, N. B., Zion, Mr. Foster, touching upon the question of the pkbiseite,°sald that it was never meant for anything, and never could end in anything for the benefit, of the temperance cause. Con- tinuing, he said: "You will get no prohibition in this country till the ques- tion is made a question at the polls, and every individual member is elected fur or against that ,question by the people themselves." *s`:t At Cls ;oode ITall Saturday morning Mr. Justice Maclennan and Mr. Justice Osier disposed of 22 elections petitions in as many minutes. The following petitions were dismissed by consent': West Hamilton, East Hamilton, Prince Edward, East Durham. East Middlesex, Dundas, South Norfolk (cross petition,) Lincoln, Frontenac, South Waterloo, Addington, East Hastings, South Brant Monek, West Rent, Welland, 'West Has- tings, Centre Bruce, South Wentworth and South Norfolk. * * A POINTER FOR GIRLS. The following from an exchange is very much. to the point:—The first question a man asks when he sees a girl flirting is whether she is respect - o able -lar not; it raises doubt at • once. This beim; the case, no modest girl Gan afford to indulge in the pastime. When the down is blushed from a peach its beauty is so marred that it can never be restored, and when a young girl throws lightly aside this sweet and modest reserve eo becoming to a maiden which elevates her and enables her to command the respect c£ a11, she. loses her greatest charm and becomes rather cheap and common. Flirting may. seem wonderfully amusing to a thoughtless girl and she guar get, the id;;a that she is fascinating, hut it is a degrading thing, and should be frown- ed down to every girl -who has an am- bition to become a worthy and charm• Ing young woman, worth and South Perth, Stratford, Oct, 14.—The North and South Perth election easeseame up for trial to -day before Cbanceller Boyd and Mr. Justice Meredith. The North Perth case was, on the application of petition- er, at first adjourned until. Wednesday next, but the petitioner declined to pay the coats of the day, as desired, and their Lordships dismissed the case with coats. The South Perth case was ad- journed until Nov, 11, the respondent refusing to submit to a hearing until after 15 dayssubsequcnt to the proro- gation of the Rouse, The Plebiscite, Toronto, Oct. 17.—The latest figures received by the local prohibitionists indicate a majority of about 18,000 votes in the Dominion at large. See retary Spence, of the Dominion Alli- ance, received full returns frons Prince Edward Island to -day. The vote was 9,461 for, 146 against—a majority of 8.815 for. This is a gain, as the orig- inal returns gave a majority for pro- hibition of only 6,500. Mr. Spence has only estimates for Manitoba, the Ter- ritories and British Columbia, but he declares that the estimates are resell able, and all show prohibitionist ma- jorities. t He concedes @ a majorityin Quebec of 91,608 so far as he has beard from. Gaspie is still to be heard from, but sods Muskoka in Ontario, and the two districts should balance. The net result, as Mr. Spenee figures it out, is that the majorities in all the provinces but Quebec will amount to 104;716, and that the net majority in the whole Dominion will be fully 18,000. 0 A Great Streakof Luck. It is said the publishers of the "Fami ly Herald and Weekly Star," Montreal, have secured for the subscribers to the, " Family Herald " that wonderful pie•` ture " The Thin Red line." This is Great Britain's most celebrated battle nicture. If the " Family Herald and Weekly Star," has secured this picture itis a wonderful piece of good luck, for the pioture is a gem unequalled in point of merit in the world to -day. Only Got 50 Cents. Galt,Oct. 17.—The Grand Truett sta- tion at New Hamburg was burglarized on Thursday night. The plunderers were seantily rewarded for their efforts,. securing only 50 cents in coppers; Sev- eral trunks belonging to eonimereiia.l travellers that were in the baggage room were foreed open and their con- tents thoroughly inspected. troubled with any ailment 'caused or eruct robbery of the (load of the Moho- promoted by impure blood, take Iioa;d'e gan has been perpbtratod by unknown Sarsaparilla at once. parties. An American, 1)1 Fallows, it is stated, tucked. a bundle of _30 notes in Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, Lis breast when the Mohogan struck, Hisvas,' to take, easy to operate. body was subsequently round, hot the `"41." notes were nnssielg. Several of them Biddulph : hiss Willa Stout, daub h- were put in circulation on Sunday, and ter 9£ the Rev. Wm. Stout, of Kirkton, the police aro investigating tho matter. has bean engaged for the ensuing year , to teach school No, 9, situated in her THE CANADIAN VICTIMS. father's parish. Lucan : Mr. Fred Downing, but- cher, lost a valuable horse xliwnu"*ll Miss Sheppard and liiss Fraser -They were recall mown in woodstook. blood poisoning last (-weer(, the beast ZSoodstook, Oct. 8.—Miss Susan Shep- pard, who is one of the Mollegtan viotims, having run away a few days previous, was about 93 years of age. Her father and got a sliver run into one of its lived in Woodstock for many years, and fore -legs. Mitchell; News reached town last week that Mr. Wm. Meehan, V. S., of New York city, met with a serious ac- cident, and word came next day of his death, Deceased sustained injuries from a horse which he was treating He visited his mother here two weeks ago, and was then in the prime of health. He moved from Mitchell thir- teen years .ago, and worked up a ]uc- 'rative practice hi New York. He leaves a wife and two little boys to mourn his loss. Dr, Robinson of Brampton dropped dead. • Mr, Thomas Cowan, postmaster of Galt, died Friday. Severe winter storms are reported in Missouri and Kansas, A society has been formed in Galt with a view of abolishing the treating habit. Mr, C. W. Stovel, ex -Mayor of Walk- erton, was killed by a trolly in To- ronto Tuesday. Twelve Pinkerton detectives are em- ployed on the lvlolsons Bank robbery case at Winnipeg. A dog upset a lamp in. Geo. Good win's residence Windsor, on Thursday and set the place on fire. Bertha Wiles, Brantford, was knock- ed down by a bicyclist on Thursday and received serious injury. r A woman and a little girl were con- victed of stealing old iron in Brantford Thursday aud sentenced to 30 days in jail. John W. Thipman, a trucker at the C.P.R. freight sheds at Oweu Sound, has fallen heir to $7,000 ]eft by English re- latives. A blind youth named L Hereult was knocked down by a bicycle scorcher in Windsor on Saturday and badly in- jured. Norman, the• 15 year old son of W. H. Ellis, had his leg broken while wrestling with a companion at Wood- stock Thursday. , R. S. Oliver, of Sarnia, had the middle ftngem of bis right hand complstele Zorn off on Thursday while working with some steam pipes. Mrs, Fred Rubidge and sister, Miss Thomas, of Brantford, fell through .a trap door on Wednesday night and were seriously injured. The mixed train running from Strat- ford to Goderieh met with an accident Saturday evening between Seaforth and Clinton. A part of the train was composed of fiat care loaded with stone, and it appears that some of the stone. shook. off and derailed five freight cars and the baggage car, throwing them into the ditch: Considerable damage was don- the rolling stock, though no one was injured, {, his widow survived him by fifteen years. After hor mother's death Miss Sheppard left Woodstock and went to New York, where she studied as a trained nurse, and graduated from the Bellevue Hospital. She did considerable nursing for the St John's Guild, New York. Miss Sheppard has two brothers, ono of whom. Beau- mont Sheppard, was for a number of years accountant in the Bank of Com- merce here, but is now manager with the ilrm of G. R. Greenshields, Montreal, Miss Fraser, another •unfortunate vic- tim of the Moimogan horror, is 30 years of age. She once resided in 'Woodstock, where her father was despatcher with the Grand 'Trunk. From Woodstock Mr. Fraser moved to London, where he was also in the service of the Grand Trunk as despatcher. He removed to .Marion, Ind,, where he is now engaged in the insur- ance -business. Miss Sheppard and Miss Fraser were cousins. Miss Fraser was traveling to complete her education, but Miss Sheppard was upon a vacation. The Ancestor Man Is Safe. Hamilton, Oct. 13. --It has been learn- ed positively that John Hyssop of An paster was not a passenger on the Moho- gan. 1dr. Will Hyslop, jr., who was very anxious about his cousin's safety, yesterday received a message from Lon- don, England, which read: "1 amu safe; some other Hyslop. John Hyslop.' lair. 131ackey's Remains. Toronto, Oct. 1.8..—Mr. ,john Macdon- ald has received a cable from the Atlantic Transport Company stating that the re- mains of Mr. James Blaokey will be sent by the first steamer leaving Liverpool for this county. . - y WIIO IS 910 nLA:ALE ? The Inquest Touching the . 11Sohegan"s Dead Begun and Adjourned, )3'almouth, England, Oct, IS.—The in - guest upon the remains of the viotims of the wreck of the Mohegan was begun yesterday in the Church ot St. Keverine, because it was necessary or l U ass Y fo conal y to identify the dead. A. S. Williams, the company's London manager, testified, desoribing the ship as in the finest condition. Me. Richard Kelly (passenger) --There was not an officer on the dock when'the crew were trying to get out the boats. The only officer' T saW" was Captain Griffiths, and another on the bridge.. Mr..Willialns--T. con prove that all the officers wore on deck and aiding to € et Got the boats. 11ir. \Villiamns contended that the, launching of four boats in 20 minutes. was good work. The coroner adjourned the inquest for a weer: to secure the attendance of . a nautical expert, representing ,the Board of .Trade British Steamers :Colliclo. A_nt vorP, Oot. 18. ---Tee British steam. or. St. Bonans, Captain Rice, which sail- ed hence for Montreal, has returnedwith stern brolten and port bow damaged ` by oollision yesterday in the River Scheldt with,. the British steamer Japan, from Landon. The latter vessel was seriously damagedforward. Whatt: Castorla is Dee Samuel Pitcher's prescription, for Infants and Children. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is u harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, soothing syrups and Castor" Oil. It is Pleasant. Its grar'antee is thirty years' use by I1>[iilions of Mothers- Castoria destroys I'i'orms and allays Feverishness, Cnstoriaa, prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Cone, Castoria, relieves t Teething troubles, eau es Constipation and Flats lelicy.. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving; healthy and natural sleep, Caste ii is the Children's ]"aluaeea the Z other's Friend. Castoria. "" Cestoria is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly mid Jae or its geo4 erect upon their children." Pr. G. C. Osamu', I.Qtvcn, Mass. "The use of Castoria is so uuiversatand. its rnerits so well known that it seems :t work. of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who de not beep Castoria within easy reach." C.Utto$ nlaytrvti, P.P., New York City. "r prescribeCastoriaeteyday fortlmiidrea who are suffering from constipation, with better effect than z receive from any ogler combination of drugs." Dr. Z. 0.1dei onx, South Amboy, N. J. Children Cry for TN[: CrNTAUR mommum.- t:OMPANY. , ..mss,w.. :,..11.x.++ , 4.1144aw*111.. FOR TWENTY.SEVEN Y Castoria, ,,castoria is o a:eU adapted til children that I recommend it as superior to Any prs - SQriptionl;n4. t to lac," 1f.:1.. Anel( -.ti, ll, IX, brooblyn„i. V. :coral years I h:tce recommended i, Castis • z, and shall a wa; s centiaite to da so as It has invariably produced beneficial results,” • gAwnv F. eremite, M.1).. New'Qrie City. "We have three children and they " Cry for Pitcher's (a ,t: t ia,.' When we give one a close, tide other; cry far auc too, I shall a ways take pl4asure in reeoummentliug this best guild's medicine." Itev. W. A. Coogan, ettewport, lay. ;ztcher's Castorla1 T. 5051 YORK O, THECOOK:S BEST FRIEND 'IRt EST SaA:I.E TRY `. I.eILt4' „ 10 Cent Plug Choice Virginia Tobacco. Miss Mabel Denton, daughter of John Denton, near Iiarrietsville, lost the sight of one eye recently by the ball from an air gun striking it. Thos. Wilkinson, a farm laborer at Wm, Russell's fourth line, East York township, was found drowned in a cis- tern full of water on Wednesday. The British ship Blengfoll, from New York for London, was destroyed by lire off Margate. Nine of her crew, includ- ing the captain and a pilot, perished. Inland Revenue Olileer Floody, of Toronto, captured an illicit whiskey still in Stanhope Township, Haliburton. The alleged owner, John Crawford is under survillance. G. Reinhardt, of Waterloo, had his right hand caught in the gearing; of a . threshing machine recently, One finger was taken off at the second joint and another r at the first. Mr. James Doble has sold his Fuller- ton farm to Mr. Wm. Pridhaor, ex -M, P., and has since purchased the Casey Tarn, west ward, Mitchell. Mr. Casey is yet undecided what he may do, but will remain on the property if be can e'ome to favorable terms with idr, Doble. Burglars entered the postoffice at Wheatley Monday night by tak- ing a piece out of the door, but carried out nothing, save Mr. McLeans bicycle, which was found in a ditch some dis- tance away. They also carried ori' fel00 worth of clothing from the store. of A. J, Leadbeater, the tailor, and canned fruit and honey from the cellar of James Dales, where a chisel was left. A seriousshooting accident occurred ira Listowel. on Saturday afternoon. The twin sous of Robert Hemphill were practicing with a 22 calibre rifle, when Roy, a fourteen year old lad . was shot by, his brother, Oliver, the bullet enter- ing Roy's breast an inch or two below the heart. The rifle was accidentally discharged after being handed over to Oliver by Roy the latter beim• only a mow feet from his brother when it went off., The ball struck one of ; the . unfor- tunate bay's ribs, shattering it, and upon - a surgical examination being made it was found to have pierced the lung. It may result fatally. • Fr-Seell Po1c. Far -Seeing people don't treed to look through a telescope to lied bargains when they visit our store. We have them on all aides, The telescope is all right in its place—locating small ob- jects for instance—and it might be all right to locate things like our prices, which are so small that you will wonder how we sell so cheaply. SIQVeSI Stove! A FLTLL LINE OF COOK NC COAL HEATERS WOOD HEATERS Lot SECOND-HAND HEATERS APPLE PEARERS APPLE WIRE PLATFORM SCALES BSOite y;° .. EXETER • THE •.83i. 1@II1 vr1is& . 1899 0 0 0 Only Seventy-five Cents h,nllary lst, 1900, Now is the tinge to subscribe for the best Weekly Paper published in Ontario. Write clubin - for low offers. ci o. ADDRESS , i ` En CRN .,,AIIERTISER LOIDorr, Cher.