HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-10-14, Page 6S0l)SerTher8 W110 40 110t reeKve their pape ingularly will please notify us at tome. Calla the office for Advertising -at. 'THE EXETER ADVOCATE - • , 1•-_,... .o. • -- I - J. THURSD.A.Y. 00T.18, 189S. Seen in Retail Stores. Belts set he aluminum. Soap boxes of geellitleid. Two-timed covert none 'Small girls' pionee fromm, floese ties have sandal, ("traps- Oreped paper in moire max -Maga 1.onmettapeti beister picieusnions. Quill feathers he long curving effects. Tam o' Sinuoter nips for all itavel- ling. Chiffon an net beets in black, anti white. Plain blaek satin and heavy taffeta coats. Rich purple ehades in plairt fall dress goods. Blacic taffeta waiste with pique tuck effeete. Stamped thiert table (ewers for crewel Work.. Cushiorss of ertetiontitelt wool erebroi- dery- Blaek net for gown embr.ottlered in stripes. Table centres of solid -renaissance lace work. Sint and wool pa la finil reel:loge drees goods. FREEMAN 1111[8E11D AT HOME Who Was Imprisoned at Porto Rico Is Now in Burlington. Death of John Jailer* Ciarlte, Pditor of the Tirerton Watelinum -Misotton or ilelleville Died titt lie r Mission Station in (In, Sept. 3-A Teton of Roses and Loadk of Rrieli: go Tterough a Br/ALM aZ Pembrolte. IMISS Sutton, it missionary who weut nom Belleville to China, died at Chifoo m nent. 3. The Hamilton Tigers defeated the To - 'onto .A.rgonealts at football on nittrurday ny 24 to 4. James P121111110 while intexicated oz the Hamilton market fell and beam his Wooden leg A. Oakley Hall, who 'was M woe ot New or during Rose Tweed's regime, Is dead, agen..73 year. The Russian lameriel yacht Pole Star, Oaving on boara the Czar Of Russ.. has rived at Copenhagen. An entirely nude lean, named Inch:tot Lavesea. leas been. captured 1104rCaziou nd brought teeBelleville. • The White Paas .and Yunon line is aow open from Skagnay, .Aleskte, to the top of White Pass, 20 miles. • Britisb subjects in the Transtaiti levee teen fenced to join Kruger's forces itust The rebellious Chief Mapine. The 'noutioning inereatie et murderous ttacits unen ehe Louden pollee lige matte Sethi' brocatleit for the 'new Loins . .rening tbem with reeolvere o itr0 guns - X'S• T. eeats. Long •ena. snort net veins bortleretl with erepie. Heave entpere bee' in meolallion arn (Men tlesiene. eneny striped teffems for waists anti ,croIeefee. Tatentry iciertniet; hi Orleota roughe t .3 fair inst week. for doers. ills condition is se:11'1011,i. ?there never men foe; temer will be, a The Government's Onancial staternent eirmeeeeto l'elnOtly. for ail for last niontle ehawe an Mere:tee of reve- ens to menet eent ,onethe eery no -ore elm of nearly a Million dollars, with a of many coretives toino seen tnat were nteerertee 3netepentliture. the genre; a miler ann. differently seateit T. M. Sibliald of ToroOto, enarote! with teamerend tn the eeetent of the having trineferrett his coal aril wmee Pinient-what went.? reneve ore HI in Itusineee With intent- to detrauil. witrd turn woela :egos:event tlie other. We . '11111 ;10041.11t Ted OA Z;•:0111.11;i:r, ave, 146wever, io tennlitte Winewhen ee, min:twee. (Tow teien the new ,lap tbtainab:C Iva"(hfaetat,?a ese cruiser Reseed, taiiM, at Cramps* in state. a rennele for 1•UX.T.V ana grevions las, , Philadelphim ea leo' then run to 1. Sho . ST its titrn'iuld nL'117.'7"t"ls usc'i• the will gee ber guns in Englond. • • Freeman Haliteed, the New Nero rad ceritementient, who evae imprison - at Porto Rio, has gene to h1e. hernia ae urlington, Onto to reteaperate. ' On Sunday Se. Andreve's nongregitelen, TOr31110, WAS eited in the mottee of a call to Rev. W. J. eiletlaughan teem the TiSird Presbyterian (Thumb o Chicoge. Over 150 delegates are in, Syracinon N.Y., to attend the 44th conveatien ot International Typographical Intilemwttich will open Londay and continue until Friday. fella Voght e Denver, Col., has tut strauglen to death in her tetrtmente. if. twietod tovrel ley en the door beeide the body. joint Findlay, a resident of Tiemiltount oenteh wee bedlY lieettot lty ooang frailest eysterae are :ea nine convaleseence stud street:nit, tne wienn Quo nine enerts on Nat nren, vtril restoratzves. Itrelieves the dr i nine; epirits of those with whom a Chrouie etivre of morbid des- pondency and leen interes-t life is ,s disease, and, by treuquilizing the nerves, •disposes to sound and refreening sleep - imparts vigor to the ainion of the bloon, which, being stintulaxed, courses through- out the vents, streisgtherang the bealthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving, life to the digestive organs, wilich naturally •demand inereneed substauee-result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & Lynam of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at tbe usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaclies nearest perfection of eny in the market. All druggists sell in Didn't Handle the Article. ;A. disappointed fish peddler wan be- laboring his slow but patient horse In the street the other day, and calling tint his wares at intervals, as: "Herrin', herein', fresh herrinn" A. tender-heart- ed lady, seeing tbe act of cruelty to ithe borse, called out, sternly, from an up- per window: "Have yen no mercy?" "No, mum," was the reply; "nothiu' hut herrin'n cL TO onn A COD IN OD NF; AT Take Laeative Eri,mo quinine Tablets. All eruggists refixed the money if fAiis o.' 0744 25e A Problem Eip.11y Solved. A little girl who had been studeing fractious, when tinil by ber mother. that eggs were nine ,cents a dozen, called out to Rob, her youngest broth- er: "You don't loiow how meth that Is apiece, and I do." Robert thought a moment, and answered, proudly. "Yes, I do; you get a cent apiece for nine, and three for nothing." Still Another Trituraph-Mr. Thomas.; S. Bullen, Sunderland, writes: "For four- teen years I was afflicted with Piles; and frequently I was unable to walk or sit, and four years ago I was cured by using Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. I have also been subject to Quinsy for over forty years, but Eclectric Oil cured it, and it 'was a permanent cure in both cases, as neither the Piles nor Quinsy have troubled me since." She Hoped So. "The human frame," said the profes- sor, lecturing at the high school for girls, "changes completely once in seven years. You, for instance, Miss Budde," he continued, turning -to a pretty girl of seventeeu, "when you are twenty-four will be ..Nliss Budde no xmger." "Indeed, professor, I hope not," she said, with a pretty blush. Ireland's Largest Bog. The largest bog in Ireland is the Bog of Allan, which stretches access the •centaie of the island, east of Shannon, and covers nearly 25,000 acres. Alto- gether there are nearly 3,000,000 acree of bog In Ireland -that is to say, about one-seventla of the total area of the 'country is bog. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. CONFLICTING REPORTS americans Say Little Progress Is Being; Made at Onehets-Causai kVA& That Only Reciprocity Remains Unsettled. New York, Oct. 10. -The Ileeeld pub- tishes &be following frora its Washington torrespondent "Reports have reaohed the State De- meetrneut from the American members of the commission which has been sitting in Quebec:showing thee Bette progress is being made in settling the geestiens Whieh Are being considered. "I was told to say that, so far as the department has been advised, none of the eneseions before the commission have been AnallY disposed of, and they will be discussed when tne commineteat recon- venes in this 011.V QU NOT. It "The Brietsle and Canadian members, I ws told, bave boon z ekt o ezobflant dOnlalldS and are apperently uziwilllug to grant concessions in ent= for those which have been offeren bet the repre- sentatives of this Government, This spirit is deeply regretted by ad- totoietrapion officials, who had hoped that, in Viet? Of the pleasant relations t o Govern exits an etWeele . 0 . w .to . . arrangemene for disposing of all tbe irsi- tating .queeetone between the United States, Great Britain and Cavado •could tie entered int 0„1141411,940 any great fXitd- calt7,''' This nine* ntlfroreet Tone, Quebec, Quo., Con 10.-Lor4 Ilereenett • will Yisie Itallfax shortly, going there on the British Itngsletp Renown. Re will be : the guest ot Lieut. -Governor Daly. 'Several at the Higli COMMIOSIOnern 104 • SAtordey ter tbeir benne. It is Under - steed, that then* le a good preepeet of everytbing• but 'the reciprocity question being settled, Med (gores are sill being suede to settle thae question, tem n:be labors ..of Sir Riabierd 'Citrewrigbt tend Mr. nelm Charlton, M.P., forming the eamectinn submoratuitnie ot Viet (lupe- TIon, are vete' .onerous an account of the numerous: number of memorials they are eltliged to eeneider. Teee ffeleeentiet though tontative„ inellitles agricillturill Anti ani- mal produets and a list of manufaetured article% T.he International confereeee is atljourned to Nov. 1 az Washington. The leather manufacturers had an interview with elle Wilfrid Laurier and the (Sitraeltito Comentssionere at the Chateetu •911 'O'aturilay afternoon, A lathe machine on naturdey Ore clothing Ono llesh from Gee side ta P. O. Higgins, at the Pendrith Olitchnte Cons works, and tnepotied bis ribs to VIM He may live, Mr. Stewart Houston, barrister, To- ronto, and Miss Augusto Beverley Bob - Main, naughter of the late Hon. John Beverley Robinson, NVer0 married In To- tont° on Saturday. John Jeffers Clarke, editor of the Tiv- erton Watelnuan, died at hi, e home Pri- day. Oot. 7. His remains were Int -aired In the Tiverton Cemetery with Masonic houois on nunday afternoon. The Toronto ntilitia on Sunday attend- ed in all their strength at Maesey Hall, where Rev. Mr. Turk preached a martial sermon. In the audience wore Sir Oliver Mowat and Major-General Hutton. On Saturday a team of borsee and a load or brick belonging to T. &I W. Murray, broke through Mary street bridge into the Muskrat River at Penn broke. The horses and load were lost. In the Paris Medical Jmrnal Dr. Oinel asserts that a guillotined heal re. tains for an hour the senses of bearing, smelling and seeing, and that life does not actually depart from it tor three llours. Gen. Calazo (Cuban) says the Onbans, who for fifty years have fought for free- dom, will fight for fifty raorerather than submit t3 any government of outlanders. no matter how friendly the domination may be. They Wrot' just Alike. A.fly had fallen into the inkwell of a certtatin author who writes a very bad and a very inky hand. The writer's little boy rescued the Unhappy ttase'ct and dropped him on it piece of paper. After watching him intently for awhile he called to his mother: "Here's a fly, mama, that writes just like papa." ; itnommounds Not f erocions. The bloodhound, it As claimed, is not it ferocious animal, hut, on the con trary, an exceedingay benevolent one, emaking in this respect with the St. Bernard. If the earth were not enveloped with atmosphere, the temperature on the asurface would, be about 330 degrees be- low zero Fahrenheit. AFTER BAD REDMEN. over/sweet Ilenutuds That tho Murder. ' aro Ile Worn no to Ammer to the Charge- The Prog,rainvoo. Walker, Minn„ Oct, 10. -At the Ig Mau council bold here at the reservation a demand was made by the Government through Indian Agent Sutherland thet the men concerned in the killing of soldiers pear Beer blend be given up to answer the charge of murder. blarehal O'Connor and 250 troops com- manded by General Bacon moved to the agency On the reservation at 10 onelook Sundae morning. BORtS 11hT0 been Oen- area and another effort tell! be made to apprehend the 20 Indians for whom the marshal has bench warrants. When the trove twelve at the agency runners will be sent out and the men ordered in. In case they do not respond 'Marshal O'Con- nor, backed by the troops, will go after therm PAT.A.I. MICH COLLISION. Ralph Johnston, Sou or a. Chicago Arch toot. Hallett Sear Whitby. 'Whitby, Ont., Oct. John- ston, aged 17, oniv son of Mr. W. In. Johnston, architoot, of. Chicago wits wbeellng to his home here, whieh is oast of the town, •about 10 o'clock Saturday night, when be collided with Walter Shaw aud .1. Watson two other Whitby young men, who were returning from Oshawa on their wheels, Joheston was thrown from his wheel by that of Shaw onto that of 'Watson, which struck him on tbe bead. Shaw and Johnston were rendered unconsolous by the collision, and Watson was so terrified he was un- able to belp bis comrades. Shaw, how- ever, revived in it few moments, and, with the help of one or two others, aeted very gallantly, notwithstanding his own injuries, which were by no mottos small, in vying to save Johnston, but all was in vain. He was removed to a comfort- able place, and two doctors -were hastily summoned. but Johnston died at 2.15 Sunday morning. A. Winnipegger writing to a friend In Montreal says Manitoba's wheat will be 10,0tio,000 bushels in excess of the Gov- ernment's estimate of 25,00.000 bushels. places the yield of the Territories at 4,000,000 bushel. Major-General Hutton will remain in Toronto until next Saturday, when he leaves for London to inspect the Seventh Regiment and Wolseley Barracks. The General Intends inspecting everything of a military nature in this district. Mr. M. A. James, editor of the Cana- dian Statesman, and Mrs. James, cele- brated their silver wedding on Friday. Besides being the 25th anniversary of their marriage, it was the completion ot 20 years' residence in Bowinanville. May they see the golden. The body of a man with 42 knife wounds in it has been found on the Ital- ian nigh' train running between Rome and Aquila. An attempted assassination also took place on the train running be- tween Ronie a,nd Naples, but the victim escaped and the would-be murderer was captured. The nude body, supposed to be that of the millionaire Philadelphian, Peter Soheram, found, by Lake and the Preston boys in the Niagara whirlpool, turns out not to be that of Soberam. The two Preston boys and Lake are out their re- ward of $1,000, and there is another mys- tery added to the already long list on the record of Niagara, Geo. Robinson demanded entrance to his brother's house, 27 Bulmer street, Toronto, while drunk on Saturday. Matilda McGee limn the door to prevent roreible eetry. Robinson shot through the doces, the bullet glancing off Miss Ivicesee's wrist. Robinson is now held for shooting. with intent to kill Matilda McGee and threatening bis brother. Newspaper Editor s Jailed. St. John's, Nati., Oct. 10. --Mr. Par- sons, editor of the Evening Telegram of this city, and Mr. Herder, the proprietor, wore sentenced to three days' imprison- ment for contempt ofacourt in publishing strictures upon the judges of the Supreme Court. No such penalty had been indict- ed in Newfoundland during the last 40 years. TELLOw milyrot IN THE SOUTH. QUEER WAYS OF THE “CoViTL.6,0 ir YOU Refuse to Buy of Them Tour Neighbor May Gat *4111 Articie Free. an erten° on the "Covites" of the Cunaberlana Mountains, published in the Ladies' Home Journal, Sarah Barnwell Elliott says: "The people are USIndlY squatters on small lots of uncleareti mountain land, which is extremely slug' low and poor. They usually lire Di log or •stab hauses-someHmes olfiniced' and sonietintes not; sometimes With floors And sometimes without -eking out an existence by peddling either the its Ana fruits of the wilderness, Or their very poor cgyarden truck,' They aro very keen at a btu -gain, 017011 Whati they have no idea of tlea proper value of the thing in band, and though they are yeey hospi- tabte -when yen come to their houses, anti will give you anything they him IA the way of foon, they will oever gtve you thatanything they have biougst to sell, They Jna7z give It to Mir conk, ar tee your next-door Leighbor, or they may ebrow it away just outside your gate, but you baying deollued to pay their price they will not gine it to yo -at lease, not that speeial article," Set the Raton on fire. "Setting the earth on Are," iS an ex- presslon often heard in ridicule, but it Can never be .appited to Magician Xeller„ for the rms.= that he has ahvady accrue- •ptistted that fent literally. En route from Valperaleo to Montevideo. via the Streit of Magellan. in Rebrnary, 1875, the steamer upon whicb he was it passenger stopped for co.11 at Punta Arenas, 0110 OXMAN; southern point Of Patagonia, .wherea 011111411 penel, settlement is maintained, Mr. Kellar was the guest et the commandant Of the nay, owl, as considerable trouble hod been cowed by unruly 111154ve8, he Wa0 Asked to do some.' thing to frighten there elect ceutet •tbent to °boy the eonerneinis of the Atethoeitien Accordingly, after intoner he eelleil several mere at them about the station anti OMURA them 'with simple trios in, maght. Jun as he was about to conclude he announced, in it voice of auger, that if further aetS af laWielesnos (=erred he woUld buret up the earth. As he spoke, he tottenea 0110 fiti, lid at his lea with it wand and 4. living slwet of flame sprang Up, wilt* so frigh,ened the natives that they den in terror. The mite complaioed at by tbe commeudent were never re- peated. Tbe trick was Wrenn! .done. A. Twenty Thousand reopie nave fled From the State of Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 10. -The yellow fever situation throughout the State of Mississippi is assuming grave moportions. The area of the fever has so enlarged that infection may be said to be general throughout the State, and there is not a section that has not been visited. Three inter -State railroads have practically sus- pended business and several short linos aro on the verge of a temporary shut- down due to the lack of trade. Twenty thousand or more people bave hurriedly left the State and are now refugees in northern cities, eagerly awaiting the ap- proach of cold weather. The disease con- tinues increasing steadily in Jackson, the State capital. Since September 27 there have been 44 cases there, of which 24 were negroes. Only five deaths have been reported since the beginning. Ism roe Wants His Wife, Vancouver, Oct. 10.-A Chinaman in the town of Kuskanook on the Crow's Nest Railway, named Lun Isom wanted a Wife and gave Wah Chung, of Revelstoke, $400 for a fair companion he bad. Lun Foo got her. but Chung wanted the girl back, and it is said got three Chinamen to abduct her. Now Lan Foo bas inserted the followine advertisement in the Nel- son Press: To 'Wah Chung, Revelstoke, B.C.-Some one took my girl away, dressed in Englisb clothes, looks like a Jam ,girl, bas three Chinamen with her. 5200 reward for returning her to Nelson. (Signed, Lou Foo, Kaskanook). Trampled to Death by a Vicious Horse, Montreal, Qua., Oot. 10. -Marie Coos- Ineau, a ,young woman residing at Si. Lawrenta, a suburb, met with a terrible death on Friday. vioious hnrse tram- pled her to death, dragging her some distance. Her clothes were all torn off, her head crushed to a jelly and one of her arms was pulled out at the socket. Can This Be Correct ? Washington, D.C., Oot. 10. -Seventeen Bailors killed and 84 casualties all told was tbe total loss suffered by the United States navy during tbe recent war, The figuree have just been compiled at the Navy Department. FREE 11464111/16111 One Day's Work • to WATCH diotivmfra, We give nits fine Watch, Chain &Charm for seMng two d*r. packages of Exqui• sito Perfume at ten cents each. Send address and. iv, fornard the perfume, PostPaik and our Premium, Ut No none' required. Sett the perfume among your friends, returu money, and we send genuirto American Watch. gnaranteed a # the watch . prepaa TIns is a prod timepleco Mention this paper. BerneSpecialty Co SoVictoria St:Toronto T4 THb.:.7 FltATI-i MARYLAND. -- Didn't get no chance to MOM Put yo' done yet lies', all right, - Come 'long home, mah heneyst Showed yo' patriotic spunk When ye ups an packs yo' trunk. - come 'Meg hozue, melt honeysl Done been absent quite a 'Alten we sees yo', tang an tile, Owine'r wear moth beetest smile -- come 'long home, Matt b0a0Y Didn't quite get in de same- Wohn an weahy, fee' de same - Come long home, mah honeY/1 Birtrdalt te Sitdown an Wait Than wif guns pahticipate- Come 'long home, mall honeys! Long an well yo' stood de strain, Waitin, watchin, in de rain; Cimsen, den sent back again - Come "long nowt, malt honeys( Didn't hear dent Mousers sing; anuots ante, ping, ping, Ping-" Come 'long home, malt heneyst Didn't steep, no Par/ Jo0Wahii Didn't ph* tie ekulkin don - Come long twine, mah honeysi at ye' has de hero's sale; Loral. trial en patient hoe% Sons of good el o Marylan*- Come "long home, melt boueyel Sun shines hot on Tampa hay; Cool tweeze biewin Msbyer way, - Conte 'lone home. 111511), honeesi Pugs an sate fleas sigh an grieve, Neepin 'cause yo' had to leave - Como long home, man honeys! All dent alligators so, Standin, lonesome. on do sho' 'utoe yo' to' Haltimo' Como 'long home, malt honeys! KTIUSVa wbat entry retione :imam Stet: to dell of Wlm an beano - Come 'long home, melt beneent Not a mon in ell ilat group Ain't dead, een an wititeweeta moup- Ct'n*e 'long home, Matt koilieSal Prow dat hard tate: all away; BciTer's eididn--eente all stay; Stt it; on onions -elm. utn-'ayl Coate 'long hump, mali liene.yel nitaltireore 4za00,0aa. quantiq' at white *sugar :MO ohlorate 01 pocash bad bean tenrexed in the send by an atieletent durin= the foreueon. The wand was hollow and contained sulphur - le acid. The combination of the latter with the two foimer caused tbe theme. but to the ignorant natives et course it appeared supernatural. Meek Coffee a Preventive or Malaria. "The best remedy in the world for an impending:Attack of malaria or chills and fever is strong black' coffee," Sala lie drummer wit): the quill In bus mouth. as 110 walked up to the cashier's desk and paid for lunch for two. "Early yesterday morning I aWatened with the usual accompaniments of the agile. I had hot flushes. Following them came it sensation similar to having cold foot Mowing it minute on one's beak In the winter time. • "Well, I'm several hundred miles from home, out of reach of my 'wife, of course. and I was In a dlitemma, Gating the ague. 'Nylon you haven't it symplitheele spouse or a loving old mother near to douse your feet in ronatard baths ond rub your °hest with camphor, is not the plotteantest thing in the world. "So what did I do but adopt the sug- gestion of a fellow who said he'd 'had the agy dozens o' times' and drank coffee. "1 swa:lowed Ave big brawny cups ot the stuff, and when I arose toelay 1 fiat like it king. It had effected it aura" A verniet, A Nit.* T.Ittle Order. A nom who bad "got on" in life and rapidly amassed it largo fortune, on furn- ishing a now and luxuriously fitted house, suddenly discovered to his great distress that he bed omitted the "harm- less neeessary" library. Ho went to it local ship told ordered a supply of books. "Wbat are your particular tastese" asked tbe bookseller. "01, I've no bideas about the matter," was the reply. "You're a bookseller -yen ought to know all about in I simply asked you to provide ine with a library." "And you have no preference?" "No, but wait a second, I have a preference. There's a man whose books I ought to 'ave. • Now bless me, what's 'is nantet Shatte-nhakes - Shakes seem - thing." "Shakespeare," suggested the book- seller." "That's 'Itn-Mr. Shakespeare. Get all he's written and see that any new book., 'e may write are ordered for me immedi- ately." Wasted. A lad in one of the London board schools was found guilty of a serious in- fractibn of disoipline and was directed by his teacher to tell bis mother when ho got home what misdemeanor he had com- mitted. The next morning the schoolmistress called Johnnie to her desk, wben the following dialogue ensued: "Well, Master Johnnie, did you inform your mother what infraction of discipline you were guilty of yesterday and the reprhnand and punishment you re- coived?" "Yee'm," was the sententious reply. "Well, and what did your mother say?" "She said she'd like to wring your neck for you." No nom Motipline reports were sent home to that mother. Overdid It. "1 like the building well enough," said the house hunter to the agent, who bad spent half an- hour showing him over the premises, but I am not cermet about the surroundings. Is it a quiet neighborhood?" "Quiet?" said the anent. "Yon can't find a quieter place in the whole city," "Still, I suppose the newsboys come around here bright and early Sunday meaning, just when a man events to sleep the soundest, with their yells of 'Mornin- pa -a -a -per!' " No, sir. Newsboys never come on this street at all." "Then I think 1'11 look a little farther. I want a quiet neighborhood. But I don't want ono that dead." A Pliable Girl. "That palm -reader said 1 must never marry a girl with a stiff thumb -she Would alWays want her erten way." "Look at my thumb; see how limber se io The Critic -And you are it pretty girl. 1 say so,-Plok Me lip. Mord to Locate. It was unquestionably a good stroke, butwhen the golf playing physician want- ed to know Netter° to And the bell tbe ad- vice be received from his caddie was quite as good as the stroke. think, doctor" he said, "you will have to probe for it" The solemnity of a boy is not always evidence of the way his mind works. - Chicago Post. Bis tinuttorable Devotion. "Arthur, 'wish you loved me as Clara's husband loves her." "What does be do to thew it?" "Be lets her read long =Melee to bim on how to make jelly." -Chicago R000rd. Bad Them Guessing. Subeditor -How is Pennington on spelling anyway? Editor -Well, he's a little too quaint for ordinary English and not quaint enough for dialect. -Somerville Journal. The Governing rector. He -You say the widow's grief was ter- rible, and yet you think it won't be long until she marries again. She -It can't be long. She looked so lovely !-New York Journal. A Victim of Bad Roads. "Smothered to death in the dust ol the public highway" is the verdict of the coroner's jury sitting in the case of Lars Backgaard, at Council Bluffs, Ia. Backyard came to town and started home in the heat of the day. A mile from town he was overcome by the heat and fell from his home. The dust at this pwriticular pobeit was ter inches deep and very fine. 13ackgaard tell on his face and was 'unable to turr over. Minard's Liniment is the Best. rointed pane:Teens, Tse minority role IS 01110 of the aryl baby, tloortwashing match might be term- ed it scrub mete Tlae sharp business mein is always prepared tor dull tienes. • Matrimonial matches RellnetinieS die dames of jealousy. The finale in .ahvitete cough* he the :ante -usually the last net Variety is the twice of life-especielly a first -elates emiety show. A woman bas no use for a miserly /4\ Man, yet she always likes one enose. Nothing will blind n mani so effeethe ally ins throwing gold dust In his eyes The Inane who is 'bound to get married is seldom satisfied with the binding, be 0 gets. 'Mite flowers worn by A gild remind one of purity; when worn by a man of Netter, • • .The pen may be mienetier than the aword, but it isn't balf els killhig as the pretty typem, ttt- The nearest approaelVto it hall,bearing watch is the Sign where it is OCCSSIOnal, le- kept he storage% :. • Compared with the anima it MAU Wants Ift this World, it is surprising bow little be can manage to get along withe Perfectly Natural. ' Dumbleton -It's funny about Waver- ly. On shore he is an ideal of courage and fearlessness -a veritable man of iron; but once aboard ship at sea his mettle seems to leave Win, mad he be- come,s as timorous as a child. Flasher -That's natural enough; you can hardily expect one to be a man of iron when he's a -board.. An Experienced Busband. Mr. Summers (to watering -place hotel clerk) -Be kind enough to have me called et four o'clock to-raorrow morning. Hotel Clee-Four o'clock? Mr. Summers -Yes. Mrs 8— is with ine, and I desire her to be up in time to catch the nine o'clock train. Minard's Liniment the best Hair Restorer. How's This? We offer 0111, 1111111firol Dollars Reward for any cave of Catarrh that can not be cured by Mane Catarrh run.. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props. Toledo. Q. We, the underalinied, have kniiwn Cheney for the last Le years, and believe hire Fer,fe,ct/Y honprelb e clumsiness transactions ano tulanelally able to carry out ituy obligor tious made by their firm. West & True.; W Drivralste, Toledo, CP, Walding,Kinaaa & Marvin, Wholesale Drug - gime. Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure la tticeu internally, act- ing directly upen the ilorri and mucous sun. faces of the systeni. Pipe nit% per bottle. Sold by all Drmr,viais. T,--,ilmorticls free. The Secret ei Rad itocmg. Roada are bad beeause: They are not properly 4vaded aroi shaped. Adequate drainage is not provided. Repairs are to loug delayad, 'Unsuitable material is used in making them - Too mueb material is put on at ono time. The work is done at the wrests sea. 8011. Too much Is spent for material. Too little is expended, for labor. Tbe work is done by incompetent hands, ConStrrat supervision is not enforce& --Good Itoad.s. Early Exercise. Early =liming exercise is denounced nowadays by the majority of hygienic teachers. At that time, they say, vi. - talky is at its lowest ebb, and needs the stimulation of food.. The elephant has 40,000 muscles in his trunk alone, while a man has only, 677 in his entre body. No family living in it bilious country should be without Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. .A. few doses tauten now and tben will keep the Liver active, cleanse the stomach and bowels from all bilious mat- ter, and prevent Ague. Mr. J. L. Price, Shoals, Martin Co., Ind., writes: "I have tried a box of Parmelee's Pills and Iiind them the best medicine for Fever and Ague I have over need." A Diplomatic Noto. Dear Spain -You have during the peel 400 years fooled some European nation* all of the Innen. You have likewise fooled all of thom same of the time. But yea can't fool the Arepricau nation at all. Your tineLE S.A.11111,11., -Town Toydos. 1WOMAM in every town to de house t o house Cart* vassing for a well ee eblished medicine. Easy seller. Liberal com nission. No secur- ity or investment required. Address E. A. Sprong, Hamilton, Ont. HEAP FARM SDO YOU WANT A HOME? 100,000 ACRES gTzleArrtn_Fig tgludi; in Southern Michigan, NVisconsin, aunnesote, and North Dakota, sold on long time and EASY PAYMENTS, a little eaeh year. Come and see cis or write. THE TRUMAN MOSS STATE BANK, Sanilac Center, Mich., or 191 THE TRUMAN MOSS ESTATE, Croswell, &ulnae Co., Michigan, U.S.A. HAVE YOUR FALL STOCK TELL ASSORTED WITH OECKH'S BBRRUOLSIIPIAT AND WOODENWARE. Manufactured by StOECKH EROS. & co., Toronto, OWE, T. N. U. 188 IS THE PLACE TO ATTEND if you want either a Business Education or a course in Shorthand. THE BEST IN CANADA. Handsome Annual Announcement free. Address -- C. A. PLEIAING. Principal, Owen Sound, one anasemesteemotemeernomortennesemen 5 14 05;9" We give this fine watch, chain and charm, for selling two doz. LEVEE COLLAR BUTTONS, nt ten ets. each. Send your ad- dress and we forward theButtons,posteaid, and our rr em in in List. No money re- quiied. Sell the But - Mils among your friends, return the money, and we send the watch, prepaid. A genuine American watch, guaranteed, for a few hour.wok. Mention this paper when 'teeing. LEVER BUTTON 20 Adelaide St. E. Toronto, Ont.