HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-10-14, Page 5THE f z.e#.ez' r rxorat.ej Is published every Thursday liforning,. eft the.Ofice, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the--- ADVOCATE PUBL. iSHi,NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance ffi1.50 if not so paid. esseareatealsen. muton o.> ananelica- No paperdisoantinuod until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without apecifio directions will be publisb,ed till forbid and charged aceerdingly. Liberal discount made for trauseient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB. i'AINTING turned cutin the finest style, and at moderato rates, Cheques,monoyoxd- ers,&o. for advertising, subscriptions ,ote.to ba made Payable to. Cidas.11. Sanders, EDITOR Axle PROP professional Cards. 11, KINSMAN, L.D. S. S, DR. A. R. u r KINSMAN', L D. S., D.D.S., Elonex, graduate of To*o uta 'University. DENTISTS, Teeth ex£raetesi without auy pain, or any bass effects, OMee in Fanson's Block, west vile Main Street, Exeter. Tall. ll.D.ALTON ANDERSO»1:,dp.D.S„la.D.S.,I honors (Graduate or -the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without vein - All =Mee of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot &: Elliot's law off ee--opposito Central Hotel—Exeter. ,lEedicu7t � s>i, r A,. RO1il.INe & T A. Antos, tteellenees,same as formerly OFFICES, Spttol;man,. building. Alain fan Dr, Rollins' Olive; same as s'ornae,rly-•north boor. Dr, Auzos' otilee, stone building --south door. May tet. 1.633 3', A Rollins. Al, 1), T, A,. Au os.. 31. P r,.T. P. 3TcLAr1GFILI:N, MEMBER OF aor the College ofPhysicians andSnrgeous Ontario, Physician, tiurgeou and Aecouebe sur. Office, Daahwood, Ont. Legal, 1) H. 0Q1.LINS, BARILISTR1L,SOLICIT- ,Lln OR, ('onveyeaces Notary Pttblie. Qmoe'—Over O'Nef!'a Bank, Exeter!, Money to Loan - T ICTTSON s: CA.RLIN , 1tARItISTERS, S+oUcatore. Notaries, doneevam-Tee Oon3m >etana re, ere+. Moine” to loeu at 43.; .aua Oiter cent. Otaca.—Fanson'e 13lools, nein `it., Exeter. I R. Cant ixr.,11 A„- le IL Ptcr,00ee lA ms'I b2r ot the firm will be at lietteall oar TUurkae ot'cxelt weolw.� I'LLIQT d?LADATAN, BARRISTERS, Ere.,. Corivey'aocers, uud Morley to Loeb- $, V. Eta. leT, F. W. Comma's. . Anettoueera fl htROWN, Winch eI en Licensed huet- .ioneor tor the Counties of Perth And bfiddlesex, also for the township ofI'aborne (Wee promptly attended to and terms rea- eonbe.le.Seletearranued at 'Postoftice, Witt- ohelsea. insurance. .E E..LIOT, ti Insurance Agent, Main St, Exeter i WANTED, iIELP. Reliable man in every- locality, local or travelling, to introduce a new discover • and. keep ouraboweardstaekedup on trees,fenees and luidgee throughout town and country. Stea.lyetuployment,eommission or salary, et+L per mouth and expenses, anis money ole - sited fin any bank when started. For par- tculare write” The World Medical Electric Co.,"London. Out, Canada. 2.99s Cooleo Cotton Boot Compound la successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Geos Root Cia. pod. Tae no other, es all .'Mixtures, pills and }nitstions are dangerous. Pelee, No. 1, $1 pper box, 2 o. 9,10 degrees stronger,$s per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed ou receipt of price and two serent stantl1aaa Tho Cook Compa>.y.WIndsor, Ont. S V' os.1 and 9 sold and recommended by all reaponsiblo Druggists in. Csuede. No 1 and No 9 soli]. in Exeter la- J.\V Browning, Druggist, CAST nRIA For Infants and Children. The fat - giallo signature of k144, e ©very prappor. The present wet weather will give another Serious setback to the work of the Manitoba farmers whose grain is still standing in stacks in the fields. A stranger named McLeod was as- saulted by footpips in Galt and found lying insensible in the road. He had been robbed of $80 in cash, his watch and a letter of credit for $600. One man is under arrest in connection with the affair, Fred Treuaskis, of Hamilton, was riding a horse Friday when the animal became freightened and ran away. Young Trevaskis was unable to eon - trop the horse and was thrown violently to the road. He was removed to the hospital in an unconscious state, and his injuries are of a serious nature, A very sad runaway accident took', lace east of Aylmer Friday, while Mr. a and Mrs. Stephens and child were driv- -ring to town, The horse took fright at a bicycle, and, becoming unmanage able, threw the occupants out and se- verely;bruised them. The latest report say there is very little hope for the re- covery of the daughter. A very sad accident occurred at Brownsville tile yard. wheu a lad, Johnnie Karr, met with an untimely death He went on top of the drying kilo, which is run by machinery, and while there it is thought he got caught' in a belt or wound around the shaft. which tore his clothing off and come' plereler severed his head from his body. Charles Hare, a young Nottawasaga farmer, was shot recently at a wed ding charivari, the charge lodging in his neek and shoulders. The wounded roan 1s now in a precarious condition: The daughter of Mr Robert Wiggins, a member of the Dufferin county coun- cil, was married on the day in ques- tion, and young Wiggins did the shoot- ing. Baby TIIEFaSIlOD:l.dffAlR Healthy When Born. it Three Months Humor Spread Over His Forehead Into His Eyes and Ali Over His Hands Such itching, Burning Torture— Kew tt Ended. When a child is cured of the itching torture and burning inflammation of eczema or salt rheum, it is no wonder that words fail to express the joy of the grateful parents, tend that they gladlyg s- instrong tellas St 'm as n termspos- sible ap siblethe plain story of suffering re- lieved and health restored. 3l -any testimonials relate the wonderful suc- cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla in such cases, even after allother prescriptions and medicines fail, here is one: "C. 1. Hood a Co„ Lowell, Mass.; "I)ear Sirs:—Our boy Harvey will re- member the good Hood's Sarsaparilla slid hint as long as he lives. He was a healthy baby when be was born, but before be was three months aid :a breaking out ap- peared on both sides of his face. Physi- cians did him little good and said but for bis strong constitution he could not have lived through his dreadful suffering. The iluPeer spread over We forehead, into his eyes, and cams out on hie banela. ft was indeed pitiful to witness the poor ehild'e sufferings. It was very painful for blur to open or shut his eyes, and we had to tie his tittle bands to prevent hint from, eratebing the Itching, burning akin. other urged us to try Hood's Sar- eaparitla, We did so, and a short time er he+ began to take titin medicine we w a change for the better. We con- tinued until we bad given him five bot- tles, and then the eczema had entirely disappeared, and he has ever since been perfectly cured of this dreadful disease. His sufferings extended over two and a halt years. People for miles around knew :kis dreadful condition and know tbet Road's Sarsaparilla cured him.. He is now a bright, boy, perfectly healthy and Ilse the flnestskin of tiny of ray Eve ehildreu. " 2tlirs, L. Kreensl+Itl„r1nn, Collegeville, Pa. Hood's Sereaparilla is sold by all drug - 0'09. fl;aizfor 45, Be sure toget Hood's. 31r. Charles Parker, of Tilsouburg, was preperieg a mixture of strychnine for rats and had spread the preparation on small pieces of bread. Ientering into another room for a umuieut his little two-year-old child, who is just able to toddle, came in, and aeiziag a piece of the bread, ate it. They gave the child au emetic but failed to make hien vomit, and then used the stomach pump. In the meantime a cocker span. ins had eaten the piece of bread which the child had ejected from its mouth, and died in a short time. The little fellow has quite recovered from his startling experience. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. A shockiug accident occurred Fri- day afteruoon at Michael Hergott's cider mill, near St. Agatha, a village about six miles from Waterloo. A farmer's scu, about 18 years of age, named Ellert, employed at the mill, was struck by the bursting of the fly wheel and instantly killed. While driving across the Grand Trunk track in Chatham Sunday Ed- ward Dagneau, a well-known resident of Dover Township, was struck by a fast express and received fatal injuries. His horse was instantly killed and his buggy was smashed to atoms. Da- gneau is now in St. Joseph's Hospital, and the doctors pronounce his injuries fatal. The accident occurred about half a mile from the station, and the train was running 25 miles an hour. 'ell Children that are not very robust need a warming, building and fat -forming food—something to be used for two or three months in the fall—that they may not suffer from cold. a, TT'S EM ., S10111 of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want. They will thrive, grow strong and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic. Nearly all of them become very fond of ft. For adults who are not very strong, a course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months in the fag will put thein through the winter in first-class con- dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be sure you. get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the man and fish are on the wrapper. All druggists; soc. and,$noo. SCOTT Sr BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. The Crisis Is Acute,But France May Yet Yield.. THE PRESS ON THE SITUATION, In Britain It and Public Opinion Deck Br Lord Salisbin'y's Firm Stand— Tho Settlement of the eiatter Require Much Toot —General Nowa by Cable, Toronto, Oct 11, --,The London. corres- pondent .of the Globe cables as follows: f ern from a well-informed eouree that the opinion which prevails in the best and nest influential circles of Pads is that the Freneh Government will prove willing to withdraw Major Marchand front ?~ashoda if given time to divert popular attention to other lases. TILE, SITI:ATION IS afeteele, I'..orel Salisbury iris Taken Position 1: rota Whiete ,Lie Cannot itecede, London, Oct. 11. --.The :how 'York Journal's eorrespoenent cabie.l last nicht. I am averse to exciting, a war Se t^;`. but it rs undeniable that the crisis hc- eweert Oreat }linin and Frans over Fashoda is terribly acute. The lesate et at bluo hook or paper of the off,elof n,g,::a- tions by ford e.tlisbury with $A,e;cesse and flanoteux shows Chet he hos tel—e: t1p a position from tunica lie cavi s: er as- sibls recede, floes it ptean. war? Posei.sly. Either Franco must climb Clown or 114'4 \VW' vraLlld please the French genera! see% if only there were a chance+ of the French army disttngui Bing itself, which, how- ever, is not the case, since liostilrtie e would be on the sea. A war wonid :lie - tract attention from the lareyfue affair, the internal labor war, from the ltsrneeine polemics which, Ord eating Knit vigils of the country. was assured to,pighc on .authority ot doubt that work is being melted orwarcl in the British dockyards and rsenals In order to guard against oveeui elkties. The era of graceful concessions is past. Perhaps France bee not imagined it and thetight Lord alishury would yield. as the ease of West, galea, hue it is inn- poesiblo now, BRITISH PEOPLE PLEASED, Salisbury's Action Gives =twit Sat - lntslaosed 10 asakc a 117grtlt7€,l ietreat, London, Oct. 11.--A11 the morning papers applaud Lord Salisbury's firmness in the Fashoda question and the feet that he has approved all the doings at General Kitchener. The '!agues says; "While not despair- ing of an amicable settlement, we cannot but think she situation extremely grave. Lord Salisbury hos taken i► position from ;etch retreat is Impossible atter the pub• Notion of the blue book." The Dally Chronlele thinks the situa- tion only "Grave an paper and not in roante.'r The Daily lows says: "We holm Lord Salisbury will be able to provide a golden bridge for 1'I. Delcasse." Nils Not Biel:: vat'. Paris, Oct. 11.—Lo Matin, which 1s supposed to be directly insplred, says: "It Is improbable that we shall risk war for the sake at nominal possession of territories whioh Egypt, who has bad them within her grasp, has never been Able to retain, We ono retain aur honor without retaining Fnshoda. Pru- dence should toll us not to load ourselves with too much territory. We should be oclonlel, but iu moderation. DON'T EXPECT WAR. London 11torning rapers Think Franco Will 1Lecede. London, Oct, 11. -The morning papers all renew their' comments upon the Fasb- oda situation, but on neither side of the Channel is any idea :given expression that the affair is likely to lead to war. The worst that can happen Is the roslg- nation of M. Delcasse, the French For- eign Minister, or perhaps the whole Min- istry, but, were It not for the delicate internal situation in France, arising out of the Dreyfus affair and the strike, the Fnshoda question would involve no dan- ger whatever. The general attitude of reeponsiblo journals in Paris is to wait for the arri- val of the text of the blue book des- patches before committing themselves to a decided opinion. The view of official circles is that there will be no difticulty if a way can be found to give French commerce access to the Nile. The first impression in Paris was that M. Delcasse was to blame for weak- ness in giving the French ease away. Now the Liberale leads off in an attempt to explain M. Delcasse's course. It says: "By declaring that Marchand had no mission, M. Doleasee meant to convey that he had not a special mission to beck the Sirdar's advance, but simply keep in view the natural expansion of Frencb interests. Major Marchand can- not be recalled or disavowed, but the question is one for negotiation." Attributed to Dir. Chamberlain. Paris, Oct. 11.—The Evenement yester- day published the substance of an inter- view with Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, the British Secretary of State for the Colon - les, who is now in America, in which the English statesman is quoted as saying bo considers the United States, owing to the recent war, to be in the same posi- tion as Great Britain in Egypt, adding that the Uoited States has the sauce im- perative duty to keep the Philippine Is- lands. Mr. Chamberlain is said to have added: "Tho moment has arrived for the Unitech States to prepare for an extension of its territory, and in order to realize this deal she will not refuse Great Bei Cain's support. United, Great Britain the United States and Canada will be invulnerable." Paris Strike Extending. Paris, Oct. 11. --The bricklayers and woodcarvers have decided to go on strike. Uo,v the Tables Are Turning in. France. Paris, Oct. 11. --=The Steele says it learns that the Government is about to demand the expulsion from the Legion of Honor of Major Comte Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy, who is believed to be the author of the bordereau in the Dreyfus ' .case, M. 1rarioux, former Minister of Jus- I tics, bas written to M, Brisson, the . Premier, protesting against the illegality 1 of Col. Picquaet`s close imprisonment, and threatening that unless this is re -1 laxed he will bring the matter before the Senate, EXETER MARKETS.. (Ohanged every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel ��an ti Barley [fats Peas Butter 62 to G3 I" rverewt 1.85 to 2.00 $e to 35 22 to 23 48 to 50 tetol4 Potteetoes perbag F,5 to 75 Hay er ton 4,50 to 500 a 4; Drlcd Apples per ib A REIGN OF TERROR& Geese Duel's Chicken lietroerade movement spreading—sup- pression of the Native Press Ordered —The natitvay Contract Signed, London, Oct i1. --:.Tho Pekin, corres- pondent of the Tinges says: "The ratio- grade movement spreads. An Imperial edlop orders the suppression of the native press and the ho punishnaant of the editoxs. It also cancels all, the new Methods of examination promulgated during the last twelve mouths. The latter step has giren general satisfaction since the proposed b ee w o .ang were too radical for the people, •All officials who have stgeetl memor- ials in fiver .of rearm have been dis- missed from office, The Board of Agri. cultnro is abolished, its president, S1'n Mao Ting, coinpradoro of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, being de- prived of his rank. A memorial im- peaches flim as a *slave of foreign devils.' "The contract of the Kiat Chwang Railway esrension loan has been signed by the Bona Kong and Shanghai Bank," Eamon Arrested. London, Oct, 11 .'the Sisenghtee cor- respondent et the Times says: 5' Huang, former consul at Singapore, ,and lately Minister designate of China to Janan, was, Ftlrestetl here yesterday, by order of tiro l+impress Dowager, in connection with the rsfcrni :neeemeut. vier general pro- scription of the progressives eailstitutes a reign of terror.'• TOTE u rr t HEARD VD.Ctoi. IIo is Copee«,Ceti in tee 1'erosG With let* Lieutenant, Osman Iligni►, labra, Ore. 11...e -Thi Khalifs, who fled from Omdurman wbott that place was enp.ured sty Gen, iiitehoner, has as last boon heard front, ,Ifo is at Baba, three days` =arch west of .Abbe island, where he is concealed in the forest, with bis Benton: mt. Osman Iligna, and a small following. To )tacit for hell; Rome. Oct, 11. --Owing to Italy's flnanoial straits, the Minister of Marine, Atlmtra.l 111 Caneyare, has renounced the sweeping naval programme, involving the eept'nditure of 49,A10,000 lire, and will be satlsaleti with a naval Credit this year of 2,N,e099.I0) bre. A ;alinisterfal crIsis is thus .everted, It Is expected that filo budget far the eurmontyear will show a defielt of 17,1300,000 lire, Agntearde Amenable to Boman, Manila, Philippine Islands, Oct. 11.-- Although A„ ttlualdo yesterday refused to permit a funeral party belonging to t.ho British flrst.class cruiser Powerful train resebing the ecmetory because they car - led rifles, with which to pre the usual salute aver the remains of a member of the ship's company, representations were made to the insurgent lender yesterday, with the result that the funeral took place in the manner and place proposed. Tito Japanese at Tokio. Yokohama, Oct. 11. --Tiro Japanese Government has ordered the landing of sailors to protoot the Japaueee Legation at Pekin. Kim Hong Niuk, a former palace fav- orite at Seoul, and the alleged author of tho recent attempt to poison the Emperor of Corea, has been placed under arrest, Dying Like Files. London, Oct. 11,--A despatch to the Daily Chroniolo from Alexandria says: Tho troops who have returned from Khartoum are dying like flies from en- teric disorders, supposed to bo duo to canned beef and indulgence in cheap spirits. Evacuation Will Soon Be Complete. Madrid, Oct. 11.—It is said hero that the evacuation of the Island of Porto Rico yvi11 be accmplishod by the and of November. itlonh ILEAL ESTATE FOR BRIT AIN Dun; cherry and 'Mitre Groups Added on the Dig List. Victoria, B.C., Oct. 11.—Tho islands recently annexed by the British warship Goldfinch aro said to be the Duff, Cherry and Mitre groups. The Mohawk planted the British flag on the Santa Cruz Is- lands, the Reef Islands and the Swallow group. On its trip to the latter islands it ran on a reef and was considerably dam- aged. The Duff group numbers eleven islands, all thickly .inhabited by copper -colored natives. The islands are densely wooded and of great fertility. Mitre Island is Uninhabited, but Cherry Island has be- tween 500 and 600 natives on it, the same race as the Toeupians. The whole of the recent annexations have been placed un- der the control of Mr. O. M. Woodford, the British resident in the Solomon group. YELLOW JACE IY,11MANY TOWNS. The Dread Disease Prevails in Sixteen Mississippi Counties. Jackson, Miss., Oct. 1i.—The yellow fever situation in Mississippi grows rapidly worse, and unless cool weather comes soon neatly the entire State bids fair to become infected. Harrison, in Jefferson County, has a population of only 150, and 19 cases de- veloped there yesterday and last night, Dr. Harrison being among the number. Harrisburg, in Perry County, now has fourteen oases. In Jackson the, -e is now only one sec- tion of the city without a rase of the disease. .There aro 16 counties and 20 towns in the State whore the yellow fever prevails. Roughly Haindled in Galt. Galt, Ont:, Oot. 11. -James McLeod of Mexico City, who is visiting bis "bro. thor, John McLeod, freight agent of the Galt, Preston & Elespeler Street Railway, was knocked senseless by two highway- men late Saturday night, or early Sun- day morning and robbed of $75 in Dash, a gold watch and chain, a diamond ring, the return portion of a railway ticket from Mexico, and other valuable papers. When McLeod was found ho was uncon- scious. Irvine Johnston, a farm laborer, 1 was arrested for complicity, but White, 1 his companion,, has not yet been found. Turkey IFlli Y� OLD 117hy let your neighbors know it? And why give them a; chance to guess yott a:re evert five or ten years snore? Better give them good reasons for guessing the other way. It is very easy; for noticing tells of age so clttIckly as gray hair, ger s aft) int * youth -renewer. it bides the age under a luxuriant growth at hair the color et youth, It never falls to restore Dolor to gray hair. 1t will atop the ilatr from coming out also. It feeds the Bair bulbs, 'Thin hair beeomes tbice hair, end short hair becomes long hair. It cleanses the scalp, re- moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair wbicll we will gladly ,tend you, to yen do not attain All the bene- fits you ,expected troraebeuse orthe vigor. writo the doctor about it, Probably there 15 some ditllcultyT with your general system widcB may be oast removed. Address, D. J. C. Ayer, LoweU, Maas. eee 3 A young man named William Arm. strong of Cedar Creek road hanged himself in his bedroom. John %Iuffmau, of Woodstock, 18 years of age, broke his arm on Friday while playing ball alt school. Joseph Tetrault, of Big Point, died at Chatham on Tuesday, of blood pois- oning, caused by a swatch from a corn stack. Iaebr°. 'After. Wood's Phospholine, The Great English Tiemcdy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. ,Six packages guarantee to cure all forms of Sexual. Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one paekage 31, six, 35. Oncwaiitptease, sfxtuitt cure. Pamphlets free to anyaddress. Tiro Wood Complain Windsor, Ont. giTIPood'sPh0sphodineis sold in r-..n+er by J. W, Browing,drut;gist. K'& K K & K K& ,es ie RSUKI& i The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED, WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing eau be more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than the pres- ence of these "nishtly Losses." They produce weakness nervousness, a feeling of disgust and awholetrain ofsymptoms. They unfits man for business married life and social happiness. lfo matter whether canted by exit habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses. our New Method Treatment will positively our: you. NO CURE— NO PAY ''Reade;, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You aro not cafe till cured. - Our New Method will ealey.v. You run no risk. .50, 0 00 CURED Yon:cir store--erou are pale, feeble and hapgarei: nervous, irritable and ox. citable. You ee mit forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WECUREVARICOCELE 4 No natter how serious your Case may tC be, or how long you may have bad it, our ra NEW METJIOI) TREATMENT will ,e1 Duro it. The'wormy 'veins" return to their normal condition and hence the •sexual organs receive proper nourish- meat Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and leanly powers return. No temporary boneft but a permanent euro assured. { NO GUILE, , NO PAY. NO OPBIiA- TiON NECESSARY. • NO DE'TEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. v f Wo treat and ,euro SYPHILIS, GLEET, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND RID- NEY di.seasos.CONSTJLTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. C tIARGES MODERATE. If unable to dull. write for a QUESTION BLAND for HOME TREATMENT. 117,h'a,S. CURES GUARANTEED KENNEDY& KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. withPioierbs but don't think you can patch clothes to look like new.. Then again it would not pay you when you can buy clothing 111 11 o' atthe prices s WC za Sell. BARGAINS,.-- Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2,00 Suits $9.80 Overcoats #s $.U9 Black 'Worsted Suits a spec - al,. S12100 Our $20 blacks beat all others at 323, Colne and see for yourself. 'PATRONIZE OR, • People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly V up-to-date,. , , C ` IVE 0 pposjle 1cet Cake Bicycles! Bicycles I i Bicycles Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek' first a good wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels made at lowest prices 1V.Cusical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in. sped them before buying elsewhere,. A full stock OE sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc: Perkins & Martin. TXF J�1RAL DRUB STORE. Try WIIi AN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. Wo Manufacture --a WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Con- dition .Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehes on horses and Condition Powder for same ' SOLE AGENt 14 OR DIN. EDNG SYRUP. C- L UTZ, DRUGGIST. Nimazimmimm OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments, Our stock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the LOWEST PRICES and the advantage of all the study of styles and of the most perfect taste that we can command StGIDLEY..SON Furniture Dealers & Undertakers,