HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-10-7, Page 50 I .t e 11 r TEE eveter tibu.axat.ej Li published every Thursday Morning, at the (Mee, MAIN-STRET, - EXETER. -By the----- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF S1: BSORIXTIOx. One Dollar per tenznum if paid in Advance $1.30 if not so paid. 8d3'e ..° =,h Tv :.on o;; tE-emveeemeeente- - Na peeper M seeeel nued until allarrec:ragcs are paid. Atdvertiseraeuts without egeoiic directions will be Iutelirheil till Bodes nen v.• ahaz„eiaceoxdxn 1 . Liberal disrountma for transcieut a vertisements inserted for long periods. Every tdescriptiola of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rater. Cheques,moueyord. ere, em. for advertising, sIIabsoril,tions,ete.to be matte peva ble to ClraS. JL Sanders, EDITOR amu ram) S'refeearonal Cards. H. EINeSiss;t L B.0 t. DR. A. KINSMAN', L D. :5., D. L Se Bonar t,-aana„e o£ Terunto reiveroty, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without ane r in. or any bat cifects. (M1ice die Fansou's Bleck, weer slat, Main Street, Seater. re Re D. <t r.Tc x AX'Dr tSfe , T1.T•,s,.d:.l� fi:, homers tsra,is:o,re of the Toronto Fel rsity and Royal College of lientai Sztrg,e„was ot Ontario. Teeth eetn.nte.i wit teat All med •s of Dentistry ups to date, ease over • Elliot t hi➢ipt'a lase onice-ometette Centri1 iiot„1-l,..eter. lied 4.31 • rs. J A. Rttl i..\ 4 1' A. Aetose it g. as i 3e, n ma, •t ea ^r � E viae lv OFFrCF, ti a ar 1mea n I i1➢' Iia^ 3r• Dr, Rollins' as%tc, sante as ii,rnt, rrv-north'. Baer. Dr. Aran, o.uco,.earee bull.lipmetonth door. may i t. l?+.3 T. A Rollins, 31 D. T A, Autos, et. L' n.T.1'. M LAI'ti1ILI:Q, :MMFlllll:P, nl' • the College+ of Phveiciane an.l,aurgcoust (eaten • 1'hvei fan, Sitrgeolt t.utt .iecoucii- t our, t)+iiic++. U;tvz\v„oil, (int. l,t•g;tl. ' 11. COLLINS, B;lRRISTER,Sf L1C'IT- telt,, Convevanee r, Nntary Palate. Ofitcn tlrar ti'Nc➢1'a Beak, Fce+ter,(lntario. Money to.Loan. TC t,q`» & CABLING, 11ARRIST1 ICP Selicitnrt N0tariee, (`onllyane. re, Ccmairaie tint •r..et"elt,-at•v to been at t', ani 7. per cent. ;elieu-Fan:tolee Bitten, *rain at 1 sett r. I. R. tint tee, li. A,. 14.11, DleRsc,N. 1A. eteietie:r et :hes Iirat will Ire at lit•tasall en ThurglM1l:of each '.LA.PMA\r nnurrtBARRISTERS, t3 Etc.. Oonveyanca`rs, ,awl Money to R. V. gL.14or, l;. ST, rresen.ty. t tetleneer$ T7 AROW;i, Winchelsea. Licensed Amite 1 L. ionecrtor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township oflesborite Sales promptly attended to and terms res• sonbalo.Sales arranged at Post oildco, Wiu- chels0a. insurance. E ELLIOT, Aia➢n $t. Insurance Agent, Exeter WANTED, HELP. Reliable mai in every locality, local or travelling, to introduce anew discovery Sad keep our show cardstacke sup on trees,fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, commission or salary, $05 per month and expenses, and money do - posited in any bank when started. .For par- ticulars write" The World Medical Electric Co.,"Landon, Ont, Canada. 2-2 92 Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cock's Cotton :Root Com- pound, Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Priee,No. 1,si per box; No. 13,10 degrees stronger, $s per box. No. lin 2. mailed on receipt of price and two s•eeut stamps. The Cook Company,Windaor, Ont. �N os. 1 ande old and recam mendedb all responsible Druggists in Canada. No, 1 and No 2 sold in Exeter by J.W Browning, Druggist. C TO, For IDfants and Children. The fac- simile ,ignature of ie an aG��tete y .oapl Wrapper. r. It lafade No Inherence. There had been a little family jar and she was sulking. "You have no right to refuse me," she said. "When I promised to marry yon, I told you that I always wanted my own way, and you said that made no difference." "Well, it doesn't, does it?" he retort- ed. "You don't get it, do you?" Thus it happened that she called him a mean thing. -Chicago Post. The bodyll'of Miss Grace Moose of Owen Sound was found in the river. She disappeared a week ago. John Hamilton was found guilty of perjury at Brampton Assizes, and sen- tenced to two years in peniteniary. James McCarthy, the young man hurt in the Merritton cyclone, is dead. He makes the fifth victim of the storm. Miss Etta Alice Seburn, aged 24 years, daughter of Mr. Hamilton Seburn of Decew Falls, was suffocated by gas in her room. Prof.. Tompkins,, balloonist, of Camp bellford, made an ascention at I(empt- ville, and had one of his legs broken near a ankle the L. the other an ankle was d islocated. Children Cry for h.4 i 113 { R Children Ory for. a aY i • A � us Children ,Cry for C ST RIrkm Horrors of Dyspepsia Sour Stomach, Heart Palpita- tion, Nervous, Sleepless �, ©w retoAU fE Ab t3o tho Hat, ewa�r s k What Cured Fuer. The excellent qualities of Hood's Sareaparilia es a stomach tonic and appetizer enable it to relieve and cure dyspepsia even when cure seems hope- less. Reed Mrs. Wil,ett's letters: c sc G. I. /Iced��, Co., Lowell, :liars.: 44 Gentlemen: -I have been sick for about six years with dys- pepsia ys-pepia with all its horrible nightmares, such as sour stamaeh, Aataleney, palpi- tation of the heart, insain- ;iia, etc., and all that time I have tried almost every known remedy and the test doctors in the state, but nothing did ave any good. I was very Went and Neweretee. .About five months ago I commenced to ting Iiootre Sarsap :villa, and after using live betties k am able to do all my houee5worit ash Keel better than I have ha several years. Also, y hues aalti lead pueumiatlia last win- et: and his wood got very batt; ha eaq rlaa t matisnl and could scarcely Yealk, Tie cainnlenee11 to take Hood's ezeredlt:triliti, and in u i11nrt time leo vias letter la every way, his rheumlt- i In h e left hili and is in better heals than o long 11 nfrlln time." r W. 3. 1 tomer r, Mt, hull;•, N, 0, Letter No, 1 Stili Pru1 ing Hood's. " C. L Howl u, Co., Lowell, Mase,: "Dear ezirse-- I am still praising heed's Sidieapl➢lrilla far flt(t Letter great benefit beth myself and husband derived from No, 2 its 'nee anti 1 do not llc,itate to Fay it is the best medicine we have ever used in our family." Nes. W. 3. 'ti'lar L ?;lit. holly, N. 0, ar Sri a is theoae True Blood Purifier. Sold by 3l! druggists, $t; six for $5, :Mood's Pills $I'ck UUesidaa a 280, and Constable Locke fataliy shot Robert Moor whiles attempting to arrest him. at Yorktown, Hon, John Dryden was nominated. unanimously by the Liberals of South Ontario at Whitby for the vacant seat in the Legislative Assembly. A young man named Sperling died in Shawvitie, Que , with symptoms of poisoning. His young wife, to whom he had been married six months, is under arrest on suspicion, Mrs, Nancy Guilford, the Bridgeport, Conn., midwife, wanted in connection. with the murder of Emma Gill, was arrested by the London police. Her identity with the woman who sailed an the steamer Vancouver from Montreal has been fully established. Mr. A. E. Forget, Indian Commission- er at Winnipeg, has been appointed Lieutenant Governor of the Northwest Territories. Mr, Forget will be sne- eedded as Indian Commissioner by Hon. David Laird of Prince Edward Island Dr. Duncan McEachran, Dominion Veterinary etarinary Tnspector, was arrested in Montreal on complaint of the School Commissioners of Outremont, who al - loge that the doctor's establishment for treating animals for tuberculosis is a menace to the health of the school. Awful Tragedy. Montreal, Oct. 4. -Mrs. Joseph Clou- tier, the wife of a well-to-do farmer liv- ing at St. Severin, Bruce county, Que., on Sunday morning murdered her four young children and then set fire to the house in which they were. The hus band was away at church at the time and when the alarm was raised he rushed to the spot and saw his childrel} weltering in their blood and surround- ed by the flames. The wife appeared on the scene, and admitted she bad killed the children. There is little doubt she is insane. tis • s hon? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh -form- ing properties. It • contains Cod - Liver 011 emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well- known and highly prized Hypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. What WM it It will arrest loss of flesh and r'estore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich. the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita- tion of the throat and Tangs, and cure incipient' consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of •thousands of cases. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion, 5oc. and $t.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto_ TO KILL TIIE EMPRESS r THE PLEBISCITE VOTE, EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedn,esdayj The Complete 1`'igures Are Not Yet In, s Wheat per bushel .. at to r; But Prohibitionist Arajority Bnalc er,cwt. , .. Lae Q^a to'3 Trus Gone, Doevn. Oats V to • a Peas 45 to 5t Butter 54 to 14 Eggs ..,....- 34 incozuplete, so that it is, impossible to PlIotat oest peal ag 05 t o ;5 btvo the vote, actor ing tothal ) on r 0to ,au nines writ. ;latest figuresthe majorities by provinCCs zizaks • t, are ascoven, below. Later returns have et era ....... ...... 5 increased Quebec's majority considerably, t 5U 1 n . s thus decreasing the grand total in favor - Of prohibition by several thousand. Sam - teary: Kang. Yuwei Charged With an Toronto, Oot. 4. -Plebiscite reterns.! Attempt Upon. Her Life, from a number of constituencies are still THE U, S. INTEREST IN CHINA, Brother gouathau Sends Warships to Tien Tedn- admiral Dewey Order- ed to send a Portion. of Die Fleeto t rear the Chinese Capital -Other News by Cable. Shanghai, Oct. 4. -The Dowager Em- press has issued an edict in the name of the Etuperar, deuiaring that Rang uwei, the Cantonese reformer, headed an attempt on the life of the Dowager Empress, and conspired to subvert the 'Manchu dynasty, in both of which he Las been detected and his plans fotle;l. Therefore be .and his par cleans wt;re traitors and worthy of death. Emperor Tried to a ,cal+:•. London,. Oet. 4. --.The P.:ltin c a*• ee- pendent of the Daily hail, telegraphing tet,°ng on Sept. a4i, says that tba 3 t„treee t p- ly tried to t:scapa froze the I'n r was arre ted by the Dow;n2,..r', The correspondeet alio sa; = tILzt CI:;;a Shu Chao, Vice-1'resi 5r:.M $ the s nM' 1 cf Punishment, has been . 71,3 .:i,A1 to ,:,;,- c(:ed Chang liven as Tit sets of the Board of alines and Reth ..} UNITED I7 STATES INTERESTED, Two of Disney's t ruu.t•r•. to Ito seat to Tien 'rain -The 1.eir.;,t,on quires the (Guard. Washington, Got. 4..• -Tho State De - pertinent less received this renewing tele- gram front Minister t ager az 3'ei iu: "There i9 no serious )na e ger yet. t, lut ai n siderable anxiety for the future. The foreign fleet is assembling at Tien 'rein. Soule' of the Minister.* aro inhering marines to Pekin for Lega'iion. ;card," Atinile.0 Dewey to Send Two 'v;arehips to China, Washington, Oct 4.--tierretary Long, upon advlres revolved at the State De- partinent ,hawing the existence t.f threat- ening conditions in China, has ordered Admiral Dewey to send two warships immediately from :Manila to a point ns floor the Chinese capitol a.s possible for a warship to approach. The vessel,: selected for this undertaking are the Baltirnore and Patrol. It is expected that the Bald - more will not be able to get beyond the Taku forts, at the entrance of the Pang Iles river, upon which Pekin is situated, but the Petrel, being of smaller proper. tions, zany be able to roach Tien Tsin, eighty infics above the mouth, and about the same distance below Pekin. Tho oifloials keenly regret that there is not now on the Asiatio station a light draught gunboat ot the Helena class whioh could ascend the river as far as the Chinese capital A German Warship for Taku, London, Oet, 4.--A special despatch from Shanghai says that tolegrerns from Pekin have been detained two days. Tho last telegram received, according to this despatch, announces that the foreign Min- isters bad held an emergency meeting, The German warship at £Ciao Chou, it also stated, had started hurriedly for Taku the day before. Tho Pekin correspondent of the Daily 'Chroniolo, telegraphing Saturday by way of Shanghai, says: "A mob is menacing foreigners. The wife of the Italian Minister was attacked yesterday while on her way to church, and several Americans coining from the railway were wounded by stones. The foreign Ministers have sent a collective note to the Government asking for the suppression of these outrages and the punishment of the culprits, Praising Uncle sane. London, Oct. 4, -Tho Times, the Morning Post and the Daily Mail this morning editorially praise America's characteristic promptitude in despatching warships to Pekin and welcome the pros- pect of joint Anglo-American co-opera- tion in China. FRANCE AND FASRODA. France the May Claimto Be eta Opon Door Champion in Africa. Paris, Oot. 4. -.Major de Brazza, the well-known French explorer, speaking Sunday at a meeting at Bordeaux to welcome M. Liotard, who has just re- turned from Congo, said that Major Maroband's mission had just crowned a work that had been pursued for 11 years. France was thereby enabled to assist in settling the Nile question. He instanced the neutrality of the Congo waterway whioh had been regulated by the inter- vention of the powers. M. do Brazza proceeded to glorify the act of Berlin, which, he said, had in- augurated the principle of the new law founded on freedom of trade and free navigation of the great' rivers of A!rioa.. The speech is important, as it suggests that France will profess to be the cham- pion of the "open door" in Africa, as England has done in China. THE PEACE COiifluISSIt1N. American Commissioners Said to Have Made a Serious Demand. Paris, Oct. 4. --Yesterday's session of the Peace Commission lasted until 4 o'clock, at whioh hour the commissioners adjourned to meet at 2 o'ciook )text Fri- day afternoon, scall intervalbeing desir• able and necessary to allow separate con- sideration by each commission of matters requiring such course before being pre- sented to the joint commission. The in- terval nterval will thus be filled with work by each commission, the ultimate results so 0 beingfacilitated. . It I is that ed v theAmerican Com- missioners made ra serious demand for the cc:+seen of the entire Philippines. The Spanish Comniinission build great hopes on Cyan. Merritt, who is said to believe that the Filipinos are incapable of self government. y Knocked Spaniards Silly. Madrid, Oct. 4. -The reported inten- tion of tho United States Government to retain the whole of the T'hilippine Islands has created ahnost a state of stupefaction here, and it is semi oftiuiall • � announced that the Spanish Government has resolved vigorously to combat any such action, which, it is claimed, the terms of the peace protocol preclude, Ontario ,. Queliee ..,., Nova Soots aA New .Ernswlek Trine- F.lnani Manitoba N. W. Territories... British Columbia..., Mejorlties, For Against • 17,552 41,200 - • 17.S4Q , 13.715' 0,110 emoit . 1S 02,520 51,00 FLOODED BRUNSWICK, .A T&ow,nud Tiousee and Stores Daroa.ed la a Georgia Town --Seventy biles. of Wrecked Country. Savannah, Ga., Oct, 4.. --The Moraikee News cerr,zipaudent at Lrunswtck, Ga„ has Mei the following bulletin at Bax- ley, Oa.: "Brunswick Sw fel, Sad its vicinity flooded and i_tt<nd:sled: a thousand houses and stores damaged; or.e•half 14111110D prop- erty loo, and list of dead, now small, is I increaein;,, Three thousand people Sought refuge (rein z !Sing seaters and 30 Weeks iu heart .of city were under six toot of water for 1.,.., hours, Itoft special train With two operators and instruments to trip wire. r.'erurlc an opening here and believe I am the only newspaper mai that gat tins Gf 13r1t11bWlek with story of greattet feted since the See Island affair. tieventy miles of wrecked country just passed through." 9r:Yli (i0 OCT l:iE EOISE OCT. 10, lggest Str1L'o in III$torr• of T?`po;:r'apht- cal Voiotia Imminent. Pittburg, Pa., Oct, 4. -Tho Post yes. Corday says: One of the biggest strikes in the history of typographical unions is an event .of the near future, It will bo a'i eoneerted novo for a working dray of nine hours, And will evidently bo fought to a finish. Word was received fn Pitts- burg on Fattullay by the lorel Typo• grahieal Union to be ready for the strike in the near future. The prevailing opin- ion among the trade seems to be that it will bo sailed on or before Oct, 10. will a Strike Result:" Calumbas, Ohio, Oot. 4. --November 1. le the day set by the local Typographical Union for the concerted movement look- ing to the nine -hour day in book and job otldces. It is barely thought that a gen- eral strike will result, but in anticipation of the unexpected, an assessment of ono per cent. Is being levied on the printers' earnings as a deform fund. SWISS AItBITRATORS' DECISION Expected in a Day or Two In London - The Stand England Takes, London. Oct. 4. -The decision of the Swiss arbitrators in the Dolagoa Bay ltaalway matter is expeotod in a day or two. It is understood the award to be paid by Portugal to McMurdo Conces- sionaries will run into millions sterling, and as Portugal cannot find this money, she must sell something. England will no doubt provide Portugal with money in return for a long lease of the railway. Tho origin of the idea of a joint Anglo. German guarantee seems to have been abandoned In favor of a solely British Rnancial operation. THE PALACE CAR BONANZA. Railroad Commissioners of the U.S. Are Looking Into It. San Francisco, Oot. 4 -The railroad oommissionets are beginning their work upon the Pullman Palace Car Company. The expert accountant. Col. Polk, who is employed by the commission, has male an examination into the aMairs of the Pullman Company, and the most startl- ing disolosules have resulted. It is safe to say that the returns of the Pullman Company exceed those of any railroad corporation in the country. Tho commission will attempt to bring about a reduction of rates, using the re- port of Mr. Polk as a basis. Making Theii Last hound. St. John's, Nfld., Oot. 4. -The British naval squadron in Newfoundland waters is engaged in making a last round of the coast, visiting the French fishermen off the treaty coast and gathering data regarding the fishery for the use of the Royal Commission. Commodore Bourke on his flagship, the cruiser Cordelia, will have a series of consultations with the commissioners on returning here on Oot. 10. For Using State Funds. Philadelphia, Oct. 4. --District Attorney Graham yesterday afternoon stated that warrants had been issued charging Uni- ted States Senator Quay, his son, Rich- ard R. Quay, ex -State Treasurer Ben- jamin J. Haywood and Charles R. McKee, with conspiracy with the late John S. Hopkins, formerly cashier of the People's Bank, to make use of the State's funds in stock speculation. British and Canadian Day at Omaha. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 4.•--•A telegram from Ottawa states that Hon Clifford Siston; Canadian Minister of the Inter- ior, and Charles W. Spears of the same department, and other distinguished Canadian statesmen will ems to Omaha on October 15 to celebzate British and Canadian day at the Exposition. Cyclone Victims Now Number Five. St. Catharines, Oat. 4. --Just at 2,30 o'clock yesterday afternoon the death took place at the hospital of James McCarthy, the young man so badly hurt In the Merritton cyolone. FIe was very greatly respected and a general iavorito, being just 20 years 0f ago. This swells the death list to five in the late oyclono. Held Up the Stage Coach. Empire City, Oro., Oct. 4. -About 4 o'clook Sunday meriting the Bosoburgh Myrtle Point stage 'coach was robbed about one mile west of the bitter place by a lone Ilighivaymai,. The robber secured the registered lural sack, oontain- ing between 000 ani $1,000. i Yap WORI OIlSIImpl10li? We are sure you do not. Nobody wants it. But it comes to many thousands every year. ft calms to those whp have bad coughs and colds until the throat is raw, and the fining membranes of the lungs are inflamed- Stop your cough when it Brat appears and you remove the great danger of future trouble, yetis Cheer. clotil stops coughs of all kinds. It does so because it is a sooth- ingaud healing remedy of great power, This makes it the great- est preventive to consumption, Put one of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over yaurlungs A whole Medical Library FIPOfb pp age,Q_no wild aendyaon stamps taller *ned*cAat books. Medical Advice five. We have the exelusive services of some 05 the most eminent physicians in Cho United Status. Unusual paper tunities and long experience emi- nently! tit them for giving youmodlcat advice. write freely all the partic- ulars in your case. You wilt receive a prompt reply, without cost Address, DR. J, C, Airs Ltiwou, ',dos. Six men -were killed by a collision on the Pictou branch of the Intercolonial lin:tiway. . Friday evening while four young men -Jas, Hillsman, W. Workman, T. Forrest and J. McMullen- of Winches ter were visiting at the home of Mrs Workman, of Kemptville, her sort, John aged about 15, was showiug bis rifle,. and while handling it rather carelessly it discharged. Jas. Hillsman, aged 25, was shot in the head and died instantly. 24/4"' AJ?er, Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Siz pforms of Sexual Weaknes ss all effects teed to of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One wiilplease, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. brood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browing, druggist. • K 3t K. -t� ,C7f K 80 ,K8e'K, Ii8e1°C K. ae NES Of SIN A Book for Young and Old. OUR RECO lb" ESt.4. 13713 E, 25o;oo0 = DISEASED NI>ai CURED , "JE CURE BLOO,1:!$1 WITA m5O CURE 1 �1' "� Have ;volt inneci i lati Gt'1 a,t 't rias* 1 *ire when ignorant or the terrible crime you i w^roeornni: ing Did to'tonl consider • ilia f sci:astine elegem tins ot til evil habit? When too Lae to er cid the ter- xi.ileresults, were your eyes mixed to you raffle 'Did you later on in man- linodcontrnctrnvi'RIVA'TE et BLOOD disease? \'i'' ere you Lured? Do you now t and then coo Some alarming symptoms? .Uai'a-you marry: in 3'anlpresent Con- dition ? lou kngw, °`LIKE nt1.7;SIER, LIliIi SON." If married. are you Con. staidly living in dread? Is marriage a failuretvithyouonaccountof any weak - nese caused by early abuse or later ex- a, costes? Have you been drugged tvitla mercury? 'This booklet wilipeintout to `l Lot torCosi Its 0* these crimes and point out hely ocr NEW ivit?TRIOD TREAT- MENT REAT-MENT will positively cure you. It shows how boon saved b t saved y TREATMENT. ou'r 3. R It proves NEW \T how we San GUARANTEE TO UT7Rk,: &s'� ANY CURABLE CASE Olt NO PAY. We treat and cure --EMISSIONS, V'A ItIC00ELB, SYPHILIS. GLEET, STRICTITREI POTENCY, SE- CRET DRAIterS, UNNATURAL ITIS- C1IAR(4ES" KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. tat CURES GUARANTEED "The Wages of Sin" sent free by 'v eneiosing 2e stamp. .CONSULTATION FREE. ,If,uneble to call,` write for. fs QUESTION BLANK for. HOME TREATMENT. D ISS. KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St, DETROIT, MICH. 111 ithWthirb but clout think you can patch clothes to look like nein. Then again it would not pay you when you can buy clothing at the prices we sell, RARGAINS Pants made to order, all wool lee vy tweede 82.00 :Stilts 19.80 0r cucts 8.09 Black \Vor ted st„t,.. eel, 51.2,00 Our .2O 1-1 M• Y is =at Sal (st iwl:� es se3. C(Lie and sae i+ r vra=eel), PA! ROME US People , patronizelS Isee they realize thatC 6 e alfi 1 s cella clothing Cilli` is strictly up'to•ditte.. , . ti GRIEVE (:Flip Pest t silica Bicycles ! Bicycles 11 Bio . cIe i i Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels made at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before busing elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car. xiages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin, THE 41RAL DRUG STORE. Try SVINAti'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchialtrouble in old or. young. eve Mannfaeture-, WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Con- dition Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehes on horses and Condition Powder for same SOLE A.GEX i` POR, DIX LUNG SYRUP. C. L U TZ, DRUGGIST. a. a•11•1••••••illm,.. OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last Januar-, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space, WE ARE NOT hu ir ingyou to purchase, e, butt many ;prefer to get as near as possible bethe first Iat Cl]Ol' ce of new assortments. Our stock of T ur - niture of all kinds was never more complete. Fuel'asers get from us always the 'LOWEST PRICE and the advantage of all the study of styles and of the most perfect taste that we can command. S. GID -.Y & SON Furniture Dealers rs & Undertakers,