HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-10-7, Page 4THE Claws. H+ Saz~dems, editor and Prot THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, '9$ I Hokey•pokey iee :steam sold in Lon- } dou streets, though full of bactersial life, teem out ou iuspectiou to be less harmful than was expected. The au• aiyst's report says : IC contained up ward of 500,000 organisms per cubie eeutinaetre, The bacteria isolated were the Bacilli coli communis (The create contented 200 or 800 per cnbie eeutimetrtae. Streptocoeeirs pyogenes, Straphylococcus pyogenes aureus, Stra- phv lococcus kn ogel.es albus, Bacilli liquidus, liguefaciea:s liquefaciens liner...Rens and ubiquitus. No odium teals could be fouled, or could hue diphtheria, baciliiShediscov.ered." None oe these nuerobes, however, are par- ticularly injurious, their urines being their :nest deadful characteristic. ms.:**On of the great e n do*dailies has lrs to letter - writers who feel qualified to answer the question: ":Should women wore: ?" Another form o£ the question is: "Should the wife be a sweetheart or a companion in toil? ", Ther:have been doyens of letters teed the =elusion whicta might be drawn from ell of them is that a, woman's i proper pace is at the home fireside, but serrlattimes sloe is ecanpelied by stern ^Pett src;ty to h;t ol<le a wage earner The we:ne i of Leaden sly:. arae would prefer to be housewives, but r74.. are 4'tD4P' pe�i i to he iudepitudei*teat ers. '' The wee say ; '• W e would glee to marry, hu -we dart, not do se while our ray Is kept tk wu by the close soul - petition, for whielt women aro.' sinner what t? tdatee. Ever sauce the c .,Nieces received the 1 .pere at the ' lice ._ ;,clef t>c.:luliva- tciolts, the whole pi, , a >�; l;:is Ce:laote. with i6 a1 , ..f ♦ • : t..'x:1:'1" '" d put pile that in some e: sa s ---x ably is a panic:dt1 neper i, eri:lanletic---the tuestior.s asked hy the .examiners lay u} ri,t the c„e of etude deserabed Lr tele e..ayare :ludo IElenettt e e,at in the print ed enrri null, Tied the: that s ell a very large per - age et :none tsar irlee were •pleek- eneem emiedeattle just-is"y the un tial: -o to the za' ems : :aialzen that so "a?i ra iwi cli .eD tic -3.;y :Telt rT. • r s, ,:, le t .'3 et ♦near e` :'.;m- asel ; v.it .,. „u; for these eeor co :'ar_y :vel city ehildte z whe etter ye rs rat earl zcrl: wee their 1:ei r• itideeleml, tle e'•-itimisdefeat tie:eagle the o 3.31 the tate 193t.e aY'., , i :irG .:, iti loll It vow- ! tsrt,:T',a'.. Er../Pid". t' ..nt]]iitatCOn fees to defray tai., coning lard ex- r.]a]i;aatkn:s papers. .'Arid it is a most erne': iia„ lista to a. rt=e, r, lea threat]gli- Cill: 1>rov t ii «'.1 tai.."sl late and ear a that their ehlt ten might enjoy Elle eneaetages et au F :;Ni itional ey r - tem .. uA:::ie is tetestreielels .rete, fair tieSi just to ell. NOTE ."VD C i,ik 3! 1 ,T. Proceealugs it the Iitngs;on eieetion ;riel L aa, ., o a .<l ,. .,t,a.,.:: l I.1 tier= pe'ti+ gent+rn lion. Mr Il artJy rotates his seat and each parts .pey5 its etwu Casts. fervently a somewll;at diseo,-erd was made ell tt Wyo. Carbert, lot ii eon.S . t larkabk farm of alio to a. r 1 About twelve years ago, who Richard Baxter resided on the faun, a creak of ,, butter, ou the top of which was placed a oue•pouud print, was set on a ledge in a well one hot stammer day. 4. few days later it disappeared, and the pre- sumption was that it toppled over into the water many feet below, No search was made for It, but on cleaning out the well a short time ago, the butter was discovered in the water in a good state of preservation. It was sweet and almost as heed as granite, NO Cannons Lnrunrr. There is not likely to be any changes in the game laws as a result of the opinions of the sportsmen of the pro- vince. Some time ago the Game Warden sent out to all the deer hunters a pamphlet asking their opinions re- garding the protection of deer. Those in the east of the province were almost sold in the belief that deer should be shot in the water, while the west and north were just as strong in the ex- pression of their opinion that no deer should be killed in the water. The Game Department also believes that deer should not be killed in the water and the law will in all probability* stand. A few recommendations were made for the extension of the season, and the number of deer takan, but they were not sufficient to warrant any change. ** NEWSPAPER POSTAGE. The Fostoftice Department has sent to all newspapers in Canada a copy of the new Postage Act, which provides for the re -imposition of postage on newspapers sent from offices of pub- lication in Canada addressed to regular subscribers, with the exception of pa- pers published not more frequently than once a week and addressed to places not more than 20 miles distant from the place of publication or in- cluded within a circular area of a diameter not exceeding 40 miles. The rate of postage on newspapers on com- ing uniler the jurisdiction of the act is one quarter of a cent per pound from Jan. 1 to June 30 next, and ode -half cent perpound a hereafter. The t Department is also asking particulars regarding circulation, etc., from each newspaper. Railway men are wondering what it is that keeps railway rates in Ontario from being : restored. The restored. rates tote Pacific coast have gone oe 4 g into effect but no announcement has been made regarding local rates. The general impression is thatthere is a bitch in the negotiations between the Canadian Pacific and the Grand Trunk for a renewal of the North Bay agree- men.t. It was the Canadian Pacific that eat local rates, the object being to injure the.revenueof the Grand Trunk. in Ontario,on account ofthe part taken'. by the latter road in the Pacific road war, and it was naturally expected that with the settlement of the original trouble the Canadian Pacific would withdraw its cut rate tariff to local points, There is an idea, however, that the Canadian Pacific is holding' back on the restoration of local rates until the Grand Trunk comes to its terms on the North Bay agreement. When this is arranged satisfactorily local rates will be restored, The tra- velling public, however, hope that tbe hitch ntay not become unhitched for some time as they are quite satisfied with the rates. ". Y Ori: Ni:lt=lli.a)It's I' al'.R. One of the smallest Then is he who liarrowe his taeigubor:t paper the year round. We have t:umpialuts again end again fron] subscribers who teal ne fliter rtvighhor Cot after the pe - per as regularly as if it was his or her cawie and borrows it to the auuoynuce of the party paying for ft. In fact The Anvtit a'r'c can foretell a list of people in Exeter who have read their ueigll bar's paper regularly the past year rather than pay for it theemseives. .year have beeu asked in several cases to hew our a gt'ut call est certain parties and solicit their subscription to keep them from borrowing. Tu some cases these parties take another paper and offer to exchange with those who do not :vast itin order to secure the ADvoievre. Reader, if you are one of these parties we hope you will take this biter The Altyo.',= will be made that interest- inu,, that you cannot get along without it, so send us in your :name at once and have it delivered regularly on Thurs- day at your door. It will cost you but two cents aweek, You cannot afford to be classed among the " small pots, toes " as you are at present, for soma a sum as that. Fall in lice. The acquittal of the actor 'Emerson, at London, on the charge of murder, the local papers informs us was receiv- ed with cheering inside the court house, and gave rise to a popular demonstra- tion in favor of the accused when he appeared a free man on the public streets of the city, says the Sarnsa Ob- server. There was certainly through- out the country, as well as in London, a strong feeling of sympathy for Emer- son, caused chiefly.tby the pitiable con- dition of his wife and child, left des- titute in a strange land, among a strange people, with their protector in jail and stauding in the awful shadow of the gallows. The jury took a merci- ful view of his crime and acquitted him, and there is no disposition through- out the land to find fault with their verdict; but it shocks the general sen- timent of the community to hear that eitizens of London are inclined to make a hero of the man, and that, trading upon the notoriety he has attained, a benefit performance is to be given for him in the London opera house. When these kindly intentioned citizens get oyer their emotional hysteria than will probably come to the same conclusion as those outside the area of disturbance have arrived at, that there was nothing in connection with the deplorable deed for which Emerson was tried and ac- quitted that glorifies the act, or justifies the conferring of honors or benefits up• on the man upon its achievement, and hat the less public attentton is called to it the better judgment will be dis• flayed by and towards all concerned, Around About Us. Wingham : Mr. J. E. Davis, Phm. B. of Goderich, has leased one of the stores in the Macdonald block, and about November 1st will open a new drug store. Brussels : Last Saturday evening as Rey. Mr. Hunter and his mother were driving from Brussels to . their home, 7th line, Morris, the horse, which is a young animal, took fright at some wood on the side of the road and in the dash it made upset the buggy. Mrs. Hunter had her armbroken near the shoulder and was quite seriously shaken up and Mr. Hunter had a bone broken in his hand. A. C. Dames, of Cram brook, happened along at the time and soon had Mrs. Hunter in the doctor's office where the broken bone was set. Bayfield : Two of our young people tired of single blessedness, joined hands and embarked on the'mafrimonial sea on Tuesday night, in the persons of Mr. William Smith and Miss Annie .Stur- geon, daughter of our respected towns than, Mr. Jas. Sturgeon, The cere- mony was performed by Rey. Wm Graham in the presenee of a' largo number of invited guests, at 7 o'clock, after; which all sat down to a splendid wedding supper. The band serenaded the happy couple and the company, and several of the boys, not to be out. done, serenaded them also with the usual outfit. The young couple have taken up their resideree:in our town. We juin' their many friends in wishing one, prosperous, and happy lie es to•. gether, Fullerton; ce Wednesday e happyaG the residuce ofD]CING \TY WTINS Mr, Darliugx Con 12, when his eldest, daughter, into, was uniteri in mar- riage iar' ria a to Cllr. Thos, Cogter, wholesale °Tod Sloan Lands Nottingham flour add feed.coutrYactor of Rochester. 11r, George Daring supported the Handicap foil Jersey Lily, groom, while Alio Annie Roadhouse, of St. Marys, assisted the bride. The ceremony was performed by the flex, 41 tinh fiNts OF TUE MAJESTIC. Ji,hu Bati, ofif,irkton, in the presence of a large assembla4e 02 invited guests Giieeintie >rt•auds be the',New York 4sl>halt The bride was the recipient of ma]:y handsome presents. Tuekersrntth:: lair, Gordou MeAdant], of the ?litl Road, passed peacefully away ell Saturday last, after a linger - "ng illness of several months, which was borne most patiently, Mr, Mc- Adam A a has 1 d til ll, batlY resident of.S�e 1 ort h and Tuekersmith for over forty years For many years he was c; cret ry- . trt'asurer of the Tuckersmith I racll Agricultural Society-, and preyed him self a careful and competent official Lie bad re=wilco the good ag,e of 70 • years, ars, and Iee'v'es a widow, orae son and ole daughter to::herisll the mercers of a faithful husband and kind earent, Mitchell: A few days ago a woman d - from Fullerton offereto sell to Mr. S M. Edwards 22 dozen eggs, but as he Was: suspicions of their fresh] E s •re- fased to buy without fent iic:]]:dih " r them. She refused to submit the]]; to this test, when she took thein away aud sold the let to Mr. I. Herd, who i: -ad them tent's v,altout bee l:iment:lgii 1.'lh teal dace+ were found to tot geed, and the other six dozen were bad. The utter the wolniut Wok away and dis- posed of theta in another store. 4.s the woman knew them to be unlit for use, and already- condemned, her vonduct was dishonest and she has left herself e ielr to prosectitiou for fraud. 430crtett tp. We stated last well: Oat ternileatit of Chas. Cronyn, young est sou of It. Criauyu, Bayfield line, wale due to typhoid fever; this was an error, as death was the result of and aeeident. lie was oiling a threshing machine, while the rest of the men were at die nee, and when gettiug down off the top he made a jump and came in contact with a fork handle, which ran into his bowels. Ilis brother, John, who ,a., a,^ threshing not far away, was immediat ely sent for, who came and took hien to Brandon Hospital, where he received the hest medieal aid that could be giv en; he lingered for three days before death relieved him of his sufferings. Ed..Eiliottt, son of William Elliott, whu was working at the salve place, aeconl pained t'.s pa the remain home, Mitchell : lir. Larkwortby received. $80 for his horse, including costs, which died last week from, it is alleg- ed, bard driving. It was thounht the matter would end ore, but the settle. meat had scarcely been made when the young men, Chas. W'V•hitty and Wm. McLellan, who had hired the horse, were summonedto appear before Mag- istrate O'Loaue,Stratford, for cruelty to animals. The Humane Society got wind of the case and took proceedings. It is claimed that they drove the horse to death, the beast having fallen dead in the stable about half an hour after being returned. They deny any i11 - treatment to the animal. The case will be heard to day, Friday. Mr. F. H. Thompson appears for accused, and Mr. 3. J. Coughlin for the Society, Election Petitions. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 29.—The dispose tion of twenty-two more of the elec- tion petitions for which trials had not been previously arranged has been provided for in accordance with ar- rangements between solicitors, judges, etc. They will be dismissed at Osgoode Hall ou Saturday, Oct. 15th, having been decided to offer no evidence in any of the cases. It will be noticed that among these are petitions against Air. Hardy and Mr. Whitney. The following is the list of constituencies —South Brant, Monck, East Hastings, West Hamilton, East Hamilton, Prtace Edward, West Kent, West Durham, Welland, East Middlesex, West Hast- ings, Centre Bruce, South Wentworth, South Norfolk and cross, Dundas, North Lanark, Lincoln, Frontenac, South Waterloo, Addington, East Algoma, As Viewed In England. London, Sept. 29.—The morning Post, in an editorial today says :—The, prohibition movement in Canada, in- stituated by the Laurier Government, is more in the way of a redemption of an election pledge than anything else. The idea that any serious condi- tion is involved i nvo red n the e mat ter may be left out of the account. We are not willing to credit members of any enlightened Government with the be- lief that a move so crude and un - statesmanlike is a remedy for the recognized ills of intemperance." The Daily Chronicle says that Sir Wilfrid Laurier'spromise of a -poll in the Dominion onP rohl b].] iti on is an awkward one for the n o Government The vote will likely be in favor of prohibition, which result will give Sir Wilfrid au opportunity for the exercise of his statesmanship. The St. James Gazette says :--- "Whatever —"Whatever way Our Lady of the Snows' votes to -day there is not any likelihood that England or Europe will follow her examp1ei for the simple reason that the sensible 'practicable, easygoing in this world will not consent to be governed by the fussy, excitable and feather headed." Thursday morning' John .T.3am, of 17oon, lef: to pasture his cows. et was his custom to remain away the greater part of tbe afternoon, and though the day passed and he did not return no anxiety was felt until night, when the cattle were brought down by some boys whom he had engaged,for the purpose. A. search was at once instituted and his body was found suspended from a -hem- lock tree in an elevated section known as the pinnacle. raving contracts niscoverea–Three Battalions of V. S. Uarinee for Ser, vice in Manila, llonolulxt and Coba — Eder We11ln, t.on liberal Conventtou, Charles Belle us, a farmer near Chat- haw7 was fatally 1.]4.e db a :horse. The :majority l t against prohibition in Toronto was 4,222 in a total vote polled of 16,55$,, Fears are expressed in 'Winnipeg; that �► good deal of the grain has been danl- aged by Sunday's storms. Three battitlions. of marines are being formed in the United States for service . at Manila, Honolulu, and in Cuba. A hundred passengers with s 50.n 1') in gold dust have arrived at Seattle, Wash-, from Alaska, en the steamer ,Discovery. The Toronto _Athletio buildings lin.,s and grounds, winch cast about alis oath)t have been .offered to the city for aaa.000. Stirling bas p iese.1 a bylaw by popu> ' lar vote to upend $2ti3Ot0 in Llingitlg water from Late Laxealomerset by gravitation. ldnev o - Stimuli, ] thPTowl to ., i - Tate detective." n has been committee t ] dealt,. l t r trial ou the charge of suborning, Wit, • nesses in the Dr. Eastwood naso. Interesting paper, were read at the meeting ou alonday of the second ,maedi convention of the Dominion Cigar laim- tacturers' Aesoei: tion iu. Toronto. The Ancient and honorable Av,iflery Company of Boston baa gone to t uo`tee.. There were about 250 in the party, under tho commend of Major: T. Ii. Uuehesney. ecrotary Alger has aunounced abet l;avaunab, Ga,, bas been selected as the point of embarkation of all tt'oops which may hereafter be son; to Cub..- or I'erto Rice. air, R. A, Waite, the arohitoct who built the Ontario Parliament buildings, has 'eon refused memi:ersbip In the Province of Quevsa Association of Archi- tects. Stewart Pritchard. 17 years of age, eldolt son el air. ,lames Pritchard, ex- roove of Staubopo, died at Minden as the zesult of a kick in the abdomen by a mare. At a special aneeting of the Weston Council it was decided to call upon the Street Railway Company to tour up and remove their rails, poles end wires from the village. Mrs, Garonne :basket Hoyt, the beau- tiful actress, died in New York: on Sun- day after giving birth to a son, who only survived her a few minutes. She wag formerly Miss Scalps of Toronto. Serge. Dunlevy of Wolseley Barracks, London, Ont., while riding a bicycle was run down by two Wren driving in a rig. Tho unfortunate soldier bad four ribs broken and sustained other injuries, from which death may result. The executive of East Wellington Lib- eral Association bas called a convention for Monday, Oct. 10, for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the vacancy in the Legislative Assembly, caused by the death of the late Mr. Craig. Mayor 'Van Wyok of Now Rork spade a statement on Monday that the commis• sioners of accounts had discovered gigan- tic frauds in the asphalt paving contracts. The District Attorney will prosecute the mon charged with the frauds. John Hollingsworth of Gannon Mounts, Tenn., on Monday killed four mon and wounded another fatally. They went to tarry out the decision of tbo court, which bad awarded the Higgins :family $700 against him for killing the head o1 it a year ago. A stranger, of dark complexion, with heavy moustache and dressed in a brown bicycle suit, hired a horse and top buggy from Yeoman's livery at Colborne. The party has failed to return and it is thought that both horse and rig have been stolen. Miss Grace Moote's body has been found in the Sydenham Hirer at Owen Sound. There is no doubt that she drowned herself. Some time before she disappeared she said she would rather the than learn dressmaking as her elder sister proposed. Mrs. Charles Grose, who oame from Uxbridge to the Mimico Insane Asylum about two years ago, committed suicide on Monday by hanging herself. She suffered from acute melancholia. She was about 50 years old, and was the mother of three or four children. Two infants died at Mrs. Moore's baby farm, Erie street, Toronto, and the Crown Attorney will determine what form the investigation into the suspicious deaths will take. Mrs. Moore has a license to keep two children, but has four more than the two who died.. On Monday Mrs. Langtry's tr 's fonr- ear- old fill Dancing g wave, ridden by Tod Sloan, won the Nottingham Handicap. This race is of 600 sovereigns for three- year -olds and upwards. There were seven riders, distance one mile and a half. Prosperous seoond, Aomena third. The Canadian passenger steamer - Ma- jestic, carrying passengers and merchan- dise from Collingwood to Duluth, stranded on the shoals s .s t the east s end of Drummond Island Lake Heron, on Mon- day in a fog. The steamer lies in an ex- posed position. Tugs have gone to assist her. The Government bas appointed a com- mission to enquire into the condition of the lobster fisheries on the Halifax coast. As over $1,000,000 worth of canned lob. titer have been shipped from Halifax this year, and much money is invested, ;the packers at Halifax want a representative on the commission. Williams G. Harris, a Toronto reg deal - sr, has issued a writ for $10,000 damage against the Toronto Electric Light Com- pany. The company, it is alleged, strung wires along his warehouse without his permission, and those being defective, ^ausecl the fire which destroyed his build- ing'a couple of weeks ago. George T. "Simpson of Hamilton will have to answer to a onarge that he illegally consumed oleotrioity the property of the Hamilton Electric Light & Power 7o. Simpson, who supplies power, had a pecial wire into his building, and 11 is 1laimed that he tapped the wire outside the meter. He claims to have the right ;o snake his own connections. What is Catstoritt is Dr, ulmttei Pitcher's ese r:gle l for Info tS t ala nor neither ):elide bra ,.c is kt , and '1 Tl. It contains e 11 alt dA L1 S .d' ,a4, tell C other Narcotic substance. It is sl+ harmless ,�a�ia�•+- for• Paregork, Drops, Seething Syrup's and Castor 011, It is Pleasant. Ito; 'guarantee is tial•ty years' use by hili®las of i3otlier=. C,asf-oi'b. destroys Worms l=ei nein cs Veve.ialmess. Cetoy t preteente voniang Sour Curd, curesi' btIredec.',A�.r and "Wind'. Ce►'_44t.'. Catotorla $ell ne Teething teet tiles, cures Constipation airiL a i;tti'Je>ley. Ciistoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stolttru'le and Bowel k, giving iALilieuy C ,ti.a :a is the Children's ? :4a1uvear--the; ea'ztte a -°s Friend. lid Stf?I"I , 1 _. ^'" OrIa. a ,{`asteria a.: ca,:= ..-cc.=G= t r. '. ....e i of ; (i••,6.7', _ a i . �. ..c s„S; t?.at 7[ ;ec•, .. ,..... - .. . e.a.6dsea. ,lc:.az,: ladle ra',a,.,.a tet. l , et its geed o, crate ;Ten 'noir t`]a `3 t+C7f` + :.a F ... t ; THE FAC -SIMILE APPEARS ON EVE UET it nC»MFA'.N.. TT®aai'igATT T.T:•14.1. leIMIPWNIVhVRNNNPPPFMII....14XWRA.WAWIRVI..ar.g*RORIMY.WAXNCRWPAAMKldlls. FOR TWE TY•$EVE YERRS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND '1RGEST'SAALE IN CANAD... T11E OiD BEllN6LE For a mild smoke select a bright plug .of. Ak- naviiThE See T B be Gilt on. every Plug Murder Over Cards. Victoria, B, C., Oct. 8,—The steamer Dirego, from Alaska, has news of the murder of Alphonse Leclaire by Lau- zon, on the Hootahnqua, about thirty- five miles from Teslin. They quarrel- led at cards, and in the night the mute derer stabbed his victim and fled. Oth- ers in the party, which is from Quebec, captured him and shot him. There is also news of a great quartz find on Hunker Creek. Shot While Dnck Htmtin:;, Ottawa, Oct. 4.—Lou Brophy, auc- tioneer, is confined to his residence as a result of a painful shooting accident on Monday last. In company with a party of Ottawa young men, he was duck shooting near Mulgrave, when a report of a gun was heard, and the next iesant Mr. Brophy got a charge of buckshot in below leg e 10 w the knee. A man namedl Ga en is supposed to have done the shooting, which was wholly accidental. Election Trials. Toronto, Oct. 3.—The dates and plac- es for the trial of sixteen election pro- testse hay now been fixed.ev S on were added to•da. to the nine already - d an y y flounced, These seven, to be tried ' by Justice Falconbridge and Mr. Justice Street, are West York, at Toronto, Noy, 3rd; Lenox, Napanee, Oct. 10; West Huron, Goderich, Oct. 27th; South Hu- ron, Godericb, Oct. 31st; Centre Sieicoe. Barrie, Nov, 7th; East Simcoe, Barrie, Nov. 10th; and West Algoma, at Port Arthur, Dec. 12th:. Loth Legs Cut off. St. Catherines,: Oct. 4th --Conductor Jepson, of the Grand Trunk Railway,. fell between the ears while performing his duties at Merriton station this morn- ing and had both legs taken off. The poor fellow was removed to the St Catharines Hospital as quickly as possi• bee, but was weak ' 'from loss of blood that he died shortly after his arrival., Jepson, who resided at Niagara :Fal'ls, leaves a widow and one child. He was very well known and popular on the road, having been in the services over twenty-two years. '4, aE'4. T Fr-Seiij People. Far -Seeing people don't need to look through a telescope to find bargains when they visit our store. We have them on all sides. The telescope is all right in its place—.locating small ob- jects for instance—and it might be all right to locate things like our prices, which are so small that you will wonder how we sell so cheaply. Stoves! StoveI A FL' -LL LINE OF COOKING COAL HEATERS WOOD HEATERS Lot SECOND-HAND HEATERS APPLE PEARERS APPLE WIRE PLATFORM SCALES J10 & Soq, 1Ys1er�avertiser' •0.1899••• Only Seventy-five Cents January lst, 1900. Now is the time to subscribe for the e best Weekly Paper published in Ontario. Writeelubin offers, or low f � ADDRESS WESTERNE ADVERTISER, LONDON, ONT. 4