HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-10-7, Page 2Suk•serxbers who do not receive their Tape regularly- will !;lease notify us at ones„ Call at the of ace for advertising rates, THE EXETER ADVOCATE. TELMSDAT. OCT. tf, 189S. Pointed Paragraphs, mule .has a good ear for music. ,but We heels split the air. The deadbeat always gets a Hood 4afel tno:'e credit than he deserves. late tuna who indulges in ,mud -throw• >i•g always, soil* his awn hands. Never iaala ehrldjrea Ity si¢iling them on the head. There are other, Places, A Crean hats less trouble watching bit *attunes than be bas !seeping leis friends in line. When the fish gets your bat .and sail don't few the ash yeti an entitled to a re -baht. males enemies neves' kick blot when he is done they stand aside and let 1, s friends dao it. 'HOME ENEMIES, They Mislead and Deceive inex- perienced Women. Bona* enemies in II7ae terga of p aek- •gs dyes and dyes cr,n.a,oJed or a large proportkeu .rs sun:gsh soap and rat, little eCela riri$ neaten are cre'tiiis:3 greaat kes mad consternation in many limes These tlt'c'eptive dyes that only benefit the manufacturer and retailer With fat Kellen maelead and deceive inex- perienced Weinlen. The wotrA ra who re. 1fultarlY use the Uiotrt mi Dyes ore t ew ver dect.ved. Diamond Dye users find is the Parsond Dye,: all that the lUae• utnetetreei promise-=li1• itt fes*riees, fu1 nese ut color and groat b: t:Lucy. To those r s o BiJleladeceived eh eaF g. -*4 tt: slay dyes. we .., sly „ ..1 caaalfi-fence "Give the Il':trrna;taei Dye, as trial. and you will bless the dtiy tktat sOleh call ors. were F,ivan tel tw0.4.efa:' Diamond Dyess rocs, anything catty M16.T. Collo and Itelnev li.fl7ca :y,eZlt; J. W C1 litter. J. F'., I.caftargev.l;e, N, I., writes; •'I am sRbje t to severe attacks of Colic and Kidney Diiticulty, and rind Parme- lee's Pills aft` heti um great relief, while all other remedies have failed. Tbey are the best medicine 'I. have ever used." In fact so great in the power a this medicine to cleanse and purify, that diseases of all most every name and nature are driven from the body. water Tanks for Cheirc7teat. Mz. T. O. 'lerryweather, n mnstufae- tuter of fire apparatus in London, sup rects that church Rowers should be pro. sided with tanks, kept full of water by means of a pump ;and hose or pipe; that a pipe be carried into the church, with hydrants and hose tet convenient puritk4,ns. Powerful jets could then be brought to bear immediatrely when an outbreak oL fire was discovered. The cost would be small and 1 vatlurble lives and prepertc might be saved. Canter- bury anterbury Cathedral ,has been saved three times by its own tire apparatus. Inflammatory IBhentn:uiaan.—lyre S. Ackerman, commereiail traveler, Belle- ville, writes: "Some years ago I used Dr. Thomas' Ec:ectric Oil for Inflammatory rheumatism, and three bottles effected as complete cure. I was the whole of one summer unable to move withoutcrutelies, and every =ovemeut caused excruciating pains. I am now out ou the road and ex- posed to all kinds of weather, but have never been troubled with rbeumati.m since. I, however, keep a bottle of 1.)r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil on Land, and I always recommend it to others, as it did so much for me." Beggars and paddlers are not super etitious, It usually takes more than a sign to keep them out of a building. Nothing is a ei r to understand than how we shouldn't have made the mis- takes we see other people make. ¥lnard's Linilnent.for Rheumatism, A Considerate :Mendicant. A French paper tells as story of an old beggar woman whose regular stand is outside one of the principle churches in Faris. There it is her habit to stand with a baby enveloped in an old shawl sand solicit alms. "Why, your baby's a ahem—es doll,” said a passer-by the other day. "Fes, sir," replied the un. abashed mendicant. "It was so hot that I left the real one at home." TO CURE A COLD IN O.1TE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to euro, 25e New Skates Next Winter. A LOW kind of ice skates will be do vogue next winter. The skate will l c made with slots in the runners to sup- port the shafts of several pairs of roll- ers' which are mounted loosely on the shafts and have shaerpemed edges to cut the ice as the skater glides along. Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator because they know it is a safe medioine for their children and an effaoe. tuts' expeller of worms. Chinese Beggars. In the northern paras of China there are many villages which are almost de- ierted in winter, the inhabitants going south, where they live by begging. They form regular guilds, and literally compel shopkeepers to help thein by 12 reaten ng to cause a riot In front of lileir 'storm. .: . Pits for :the borne. Keep a brick on the back of the stove and set the food on, it that is to be kept For pneumonia symptoms hot water bottles in the bands, under the knees, ander the aems and at the soles of the feet. Never cut potatoes for baking, but for steaming or boiling draw the edge of a sheep knife hall way round length- wise, so that they will crack open nicely. The best way to keep ;boiled musrb from being lwmpy is to stir up the meal with enough cold :~curter to merely wet it, and then stir it into the kettle of hailing water. T.HE DOMINION PLEBISCITL Latest Compilations Give the Prohibitionists a Majority. uebec !rued: 1p a Tremendous elaj,ority Against Prohibition, Rut A11. the Other. reeeneees wane the Opposite Way— The Returns Were someerlt4 Slow in Coming in and: liaised and Peened 3iones ,t erty-The 'Vet. • Ontario.•••••••••• .,.,,., .auebee .lova ' COti.•e. „ , New Brnnaericic . P. k,, Istated Manitoba eestimated) eeritisee Columbia...—. falai, for Prohibition.. leer 14,22o 17,672 l e,340 6,160 5,000 202 A$,Set 40.872 17.929 .Ace , 1gaiet t 4o,s72 Toronto, Sept. 30,,—,Tbe Dominion, of Canada yesterday voted en the •question of prohibiting the liquor traffic within its borders. The majority of the electors who voted recorded themselves ars in favor of the affirmative side of the ques- tion. Aceording to falsest returns time majority is 1+.429, The reports Show that the eleetiou was concluded gnietly, indeed, almost epetla- etic.illy, `Mae • IOW/Wine; is the vote by provinces: Total Tote. Constituency k t r. Agst. ,'alit ng en w,5 43 A:tuItaR .v. a • ,. r.:a1 , . eart,,,,,.^ 0.27 10'504 I::. t 1;vi17t1x,... 1.206 702 31r,ue Horne ..,, 1,3a3 u95 1141lv3, 1.13.34• •••,•. lamer 1Vese. , C,• peI1 0.55 t ,•rawvak ,il. S. uu•:' t. 3.46..4 CO I,n11(1a3 I1:1.h:a 5 last ,.,, ;CC VO) Durham West .,,, 14 -in 475 fleeen Fant ,,,., leen 1,Se6 1Fn West 1�- , 2 Rae :a .0 1 ..B FTs, x North -d, 1.016 1 -sex Seetla „ 1 nol 12 Pronteaee , 3.47 2 Glnalearee 6%6 f:ri•a enc Sonia ,435 :,5,7 ten w leas:...,,,,,, Gres Norte • 910 Gin I13`:3:'lt and.aftsclt, ant 7:+"aL ),ai:trill:"taReeve • ' 2,527 4214 Iiastirgs East 5tt1 Obi. liia,.tiuge N"r,h .,, oal r1 Ilasainms 'test Barron East 4113 Huron Sautle.,. 701 Fluren West 1„„97 360 sill 617 Isent ..., .. 414 35.1 Kingsten , ..3.224 1,64E Latnbton East ..., 1.125 2 Lambton rest x., RIO 4.10 Lanark North .... 4:0 213 Lanark South. 27`f 199 Leeds•Grenvifle IN Leeds South 1,227 537' Lennox .. .. 353 275 LlneolteNiasara . , 1.125 1,515 London.. 1 540 2,442 Middlesex Dist . $70 796 Guelph Cite .7.9 779 Brantford 1,5i-11 1,142 Ottawa............ 3tiddleses North ,. 416 =0 130 3lidallesex South.., 243 'Middlesex West 516 Muskoka ., ,.. ., 1.017 47a a::J Ripissing „ ... 161 190 'Norton; North ..,. 1.0ft4t Norfolk South...,. 2i4 NurtlmmberInml .. z2'el Northumberland W. 132 Ontario Nr'rtlt .... 1,133. 663 rat0 Ontario South feel ()uterlo West 1,7:37 X97 340 Ottawa (llty 2,r12 3.33,2 Oxford North 074 590 Oxford South,,,,,, 475 Peel sly Perth North, Perth South S15 5r.s 247 Peterboro D & IV(307 4136 131 Prescott ,,. 59s 1.420 Priteee Edward .,,, 1.54t 494 044 Retire -w North.. . 1,tr24 C70 Ruese31 .. 902 745 238 stmcoe Yeast........ Sinxoe North 462 Simcoe South 853 382 471 Toronto Victoria North 510 175 Victoria £Muth360 856 Waterloo North 001 2,e,04 Weterloo South 1,3043 1.027 Weiland S30 1.161 wellington Centre. 1.127 585 542 Wellington South . 1,678 1,247 431 Wentworth South93 Tork North 515 407 48 Majorl;.,v, Pea Age 42 lee 523 523 6,55 no 4 415 074 447 071 4,4 gel Nen! nr.1 Sa 54 1118 153 314 1St 400 9 $63 4'20 413 sn 332 178 73 440 335 23,0;x5 The Vote in Toronto. For. Ward 1 891 Ward 2 1,665 Ward 3 1,576 Ward 4 1,715 Ward 5 1,548 Ward 6...... 1,112 Total ,.8,507 Majority against 3,089. Total vote cast 21,003, Q,F,EBEC. Total Vote. Constituency. For. Agst. Quebec City 711 6,831 Quebec County Richmond and 1 .. Wo Pe Richelieu 105 1,279 R3mouski 41 975 Rouville St. Hyacinthe 151 2,210 St. John's and Iber- vide ... . 109 747 Sheftord.. .... Sherbrooke Stanstead ,. 1770 021 Terrebonne ., 70 336 Three RIvers-St. Maurice Two Mountains County .... . Yamaska......... . Argenteuil ... . Begot Beauce .. Beauharnole , . . , l3elleehasse • • • Berthier Bonaventure 197 Brome .. .1,236 Champlain 30 Chicoutimi and Saguenay .. 14 512. Compton 544 258 Drummond and Arthabaska 185 1,320 Hochelaga ..1.345 2,553 Huntington .. ... 216 1,083 Jacques Cartier... Eamour.a.slta . .. 31 721 Labelle. Laprairle and Napierville 93 Trawl .. 50 Maisonneuve .. 546 Maskinon ge ... 90 Montmag.ny 15 Montmorency . , 19 Mnntrent St. Annie Dig1,089 St. Antoine Dis1.498 St, James' Dis447 185 12 527 16 437 1 St. Lawrence Dis 1,056 2.339 St. Mary: Dis,... 455, 2,521 Pontiac. ....,. 778 443 Hall City 1.253: 2,166. 335 1,100 1yoYA SCOTIA. Total Vote. Constituency, For. Agee Annapolis , . x 1.782 140 Antlgonish.. 61 48'* Colebester ,, 2.372 152 C•tmberland .,. ., 3,315 lh-,gby..,„ rico loo Gnysborough„ , 700 142 Halifax ., 1,41 39* Hanna; county e. 2417 447 ITAutg. 1.64#: 120 Inverness, . ,,, 4220 313 Luuenbura; , 1.030 164 173 elea 28 le Yerrnontia e . .,,, 1,3.-2A 103 1,226 Queen's r,, 940 34 906 Dartmouth x. 293 52 242 17,002 232 Pieronx,,, 1.843 iliehmand ,,,,.., 364 Shelburne - 1.322 1,667 23.055, Majority, For, Agttt, 1.593 i9• 2; 3,083 357 538 1.0.38 1,920 1.574 107 S66 2,670 NEW BRINSWICIi:. Tota tote. 'Majority, Constituency. For. Agst, For, Agst, Carleton ;. 1.315 70 1,245 Charlotte. „ .. 1.488 172 2.313 Gloucester , ..e 292 163 127 Kent .•• it. 411 452 1.1:67 2„4 Noetliunherland . 1.030 418 Ra'stlgonebe , 919 128 Sunbury and L 1000 St, Jobrt Cst3' "zed , eunty . 1.143 612 792 era 1,593 1.411 lieattaerelataal ,,.. i1 ,315 455 1,860 9,303 41 714 FITt11Is A,. THE `J'F.`R11,1 'OIZIKS Alf1) 2*253TIS11 C'QLX,M341,4,. k°atiilmvtxte see' seat: seg mums on luno;*a ta, Northwest Tee•ltorieal MI Brie h , .Z:a:in'iosa. xyate 1 s ta,1 aa?, 23 f: r . ;n w z s4'Scyder. Mae., 1.1 for, 27 agal3 a t, 1k I fi. An.°for, 25 a^aiest A heat! a,i, alas.. ;:4, fee.:44 against. f. *rola Man.. i” fa-. 7 against. C a` ts: a l y. Man., ;«g fon mealiest, tape tsa. Mau.. 82 for 0 u,,:af°tse. Direatia MUIL, (3�3 far, 1 agebeet, ', e pats ; „wvn Man -,11 for.2!.4agaizatt, Kenny. Min, art fee 2: a elnst,. Neeni,t. Mane, 31 tor. ;A a taalton cypress Inver, Sian....? her.:. ate. 8. i3.aud. Man.. 75 for, 20 ,a„ *,inert. West Boerne, Man.. 5t1 fete, 1 against.' /Orris, Mao„ Sia for. 11 eg a,n x. Kin trte. Man.. SO for. 13 against. ('a;aa,+by. Man.. 44 for, 3 against'. Thornhill. Man,. 42 for. 2 .a, aa1„'tst. West Prospect. Man., 33 for. 4 against. i",rra,+rw . al. Malta„ 51 for. 4 against. Qa'Appelle N.W.T., 230 few •.T," aag`ahasl;, B,l4g cue, N.W.T.. 13 fair. „a gall-nat. Lneli rant+. Man., 72 for. 1 ageless. lexer there, Man., 21 for. 0 against. Puntisca3le. N. W. T., 71 for, (i agalns*:2. 'West Prince Albert. N.W.T.. 151 tor, 15 atsast. Clinhld ', N.W.T.. 20G for. 1888 against, Canino a N.W.T,. 23 for; 13 against. Banff. 1..W,T, 33 for. 1'e matinee Orale Lake, N.W.T. 12 for. 7 against PrAtrn- . :Man.. na for, 0 agalnet, Ostend, Mang 3R Soar, ;t a..alnAt. Itos4land. B.C.. 127 for, 112 against Nanalese, ILO., 322 finer, 414 against. Now Westminster, 11.e.. 423 for, 141'. cellist. Brandon, Mao.. 343 for, 90 against Rusthern. Man., *5 for, 12 agaleet. Duck Lake 11.W. ., 15 for ',5t again Regina, W.T., 220 for,d, against flamed -Ho. X.W.T., 2u for, 0 against - Saskatoon. N.W.T.. 26 ter. : against. N4'nv halo, Man., 121 for. el against - Lander. Man., fro for, 4 against. Reecten. Man,. 44 for; 5 =inst. (ask Lake, Man., 4 majority against. 1tin07trley, N, .T., 124 f,.r. 21 mealiest. c o+ k on, Man., 10 for, 2 al: Hnst. 30 !termini •n Pity, elem. 22 for. 1 against.. Harney. Mane ills for, 11 a alai. e ?n,1 at,,n••, man., 18 f..r. lea ,t.,:ti0'11. 161 Strathtlaire Mon., 47 for 2 lealeaa;. 3itaita, Man., t4 Ewer, 13 ,avoln..r 11.,rde•n, elan,. 79 fur, ee aze tett. Git»nboro. Man., 02 or, 23 *satinet. frslewv, N..V'.T., 16') for, :3 area«trey, P3geatoac. Man..:to for. 4 anteia,t. Sports, elun.. It13' for. lit ageinet, "lrree'bank, Man, 15 for, 2 agiilnet. 3;,4 Plain Cooke. Man.. 10 for, 0 against. I'aleenne, Man., 50 for, 3 against. 81 Liviegstan. N.W.T.. 3ta feat, 1 against Yerkton, N.W.T., 68 for: na eealnet Salt Coats, N.W.T. 40 for. 47 against. 3,2:i4 Rattatrene, Man., 20 for, 20 against Fimer on, Man.. 59 for, 9 alrainet. 576 Shoat Lake. Man., 56 far, 4 against. 1,',04 Delorafne Man.. 91 for. 14 against. 231 Mooso'mla, N.W.T., 186 for, 43 a.efatst. 357' Victoria, B.C., 314) for, 1328 against. Dunearns, B.C., GO for, 23 again.' r. The WIllowws. 'B.C., 17 for, ;11 neatest. Cotvble Hill, B.C., $ for, 14 agaenet, Mount reinne, n C., 25 fes as a::,ttnst. Cedar Hilt B.C., es for. u against 14.302 Vanc'ou r, L.O., 1000 for, 069 a,galnet. Poplar Point, Man., 55 for, 4 against. Bonnie noon, Man., 5 for, 5 aarainat. Grenfell, 1`. W. T 127 for, 46 against. Sintaluta, N. W. T., e•7 for, 10 against. Stonehouse, Man., 20 for. 1 against. Heber, Man., 10 for, 3 against.. Beget, Man.. 34 for, n against, Killarney, Man. (Nakapa poll), 38 for. 2 against. Rassland, B. O., 127 for, 112 against. Nauaimo, B, C., 3222 for. 414 against. New Westminster, B. C., 433 for, 165 against. F.squimalt, B. O., 35 for, SO against. hinge, Man., 32 for. 8 against, Sidney, Man., 51 for, 3 against. Boissevain, Man.. 121 for, 10 against. Oarrol, Man., 27 for, 0 against. Stoney Mountain, Man., 20 for. 6 against. Otterburn. Man 8 for, 0 against, Stonewall, Man. 58 for, 3 against. Salem. Man., 22 for, 2 against.. Miunedosa. Man., 53 for, 22 against. Crystal, Man.. S8 for, 7 against. Virden. Man.. 120 for, 6 against. Wapella N. W. T., 36 for, 16 against. Oartsrrltht. Man.. 45 for, 10 against. Alamede. Man,, 73 for, 2 against„ e Foxwcarren, Man., 32 for, 2 against. Marquette, Man., 38 for 0 against. Rapid City, Man., 39 for, 9 against. Manitou Man., 94 for, 11 against. 425 Port Arthur gires 25 majority for. Rat Portage, for 289, against 344. 610 .it Wy 1. n ., ,t,.•. Winnipeg, Sept. 29.-4Spec'ial.l—It is esti- mated that prohibition carried In Manitoba by about 8000 majority, a falling eel as compered with the vote of 1890. In tills city- the total vote palled was 2.376, of wheel. ' 1451 for and 925 against. 529 British Columbia Return,. 315 Victoria, B. O., Sept, 20, 2n Nelson '• a larger vote was polled •thaii generally ex - 498 peeted-104 for, : 129 against prohibition. 286 Ymra-9 for, 14 against. Following are the majorities: Waneta, 1 against; Roseland, 19 for; Revelstoke, 21 for; Kamloops, 97 for; Rtobson, 11 against; Balfour, 4 against; New Denver, 23 for; Three Forks, 3 for; Ainsworth, 10 for; Ruskanook, 2 for; San- don, 11 against; " Skean City, 20 for; Na kusp, 4 for; Kaslo, 5, for, There are a few other outlying points not yet heard from. 1,4 417 ;X02 20 707 707 237 Against. 1,404 2,686 2,470 2,646 2.031 1,239 12,496 Majority. For. Agst. 6.114 1000 6 660 237 234 245 852 987 230 678 707 345 900 171 5,109 1,015 385 423 1,301 1,226 3,083 1,174 99,4 1.272 2,059 578 77- 62 762 451 260 225 777 886 550 921) 700 481 1,28:3 1,208 817 930 690' 207' 807. 121 4,563 925 370 404 212 272 2,636 Central Bank Exit. Toronto, Sept. 30.—`pito last scene in the winding up of the Central Bunk embroglio occurred when Mr. G. S. 14olnx'te,ad, who acted aaa liquidator in disposing of a £4,000 asset, was awarded Lis fees yesterday, . YOUTHFUL JOCKEY. .Tohnuy Rei$ Is Thirteen nears Qlc3 and. Weighs $aa.ty.tleree Pounds, Johnny Reiff is ane of the most promis- lug jookeys of the inetropolis. • Ile is con- nected with the racing stable of Enoch 11'ishard Gaud is the youngest jockey on FREE A SOLID GOLD SHELL STONE SET RiNG, Warranted, ora CURB CHAIN BRACELET WITH GENUINE PADLOCK AND KEY anON' a send money: Just your name and address 00 0 fust Card, and we will send eon (*oat paid 20 packages of Anste{.4TRC CaA4'HOTS wit:crs are a delicious confection to purify and perfume the breaths to sell for us, if you can at 5 cents per peerage. When sold send us oar motley, 83.00, and we will stud yon 1'31E0 far your treable your ehoiee of the beaut:ful prizes illustrated above. These are the handsomest and most costly free prerui nus ever attend by any beget lith a view to ire reale their sales. Any euergetio peeve can sell the cachous in an hour or so. Send us your nine and ,address on a Post Card at once, state you visa Cachous,, and mention this pa ser and we will send theta «'o not wait till others zee iu the Beal ahead of yon), No money required. Ace take alt reek, Goods returnable if not cold. This is a Clean pump e s proposition *1 a. company of i.agh ennead needing. TISE ALL SUPPLY CO.. Snowdon Chambers, TORONTO, Ont. ®��...at*** One Day's Work eeeeTe Atte weatestAMA elltan.chee,kClone fet vatic tee dee ream/4_04 Ia else rename tee 4,0"...CL in*e peeped,a ?MAI � I�eae� I. He , rear etmmew reemead. tar redeem ie..asesee ere meet the eats. Aereicae al.Lrepaid. :is fele eereeemteeee y. wet teesiyRiu,gi4sei. Moores Oei PPaR Bead; Mr 0664 ingt+12«•4 40111'X7' MIFF. the tiltf, $o Is 13 years old and weighs ek. pounds, lie hos met with ranch suei'ese and is always greetoel with treat applause when be appears on the track, especially at Ilaarlent and Washington park. FOOTBALL RULES, 7t'lee Reviser! Cade'C'n'.leg Wincl>, Conteete Will Ilereefter Re Held.. 'Under the football Code as revised by the itzteree>ill•rler'? coneinitte a at tataehdflnal will enuut five points. a safety two points and A gyral front the field five points. A goal from the touchdown counts one point. In kicking a goal from touchdown, if the ball after being kicked strikes an ol.po• goes tient and thenthen.es over the. tela Elba, it still counts as 8 (3101. The 1ra11 must be declared in play if after the eentt•r rush has taken his position he voluntarily moves the ball as if to snap it, whether he withholds it altogether or n►omentarily. Ifthe ball strikes an ollleital, it is "dead." If a team has taken the ball within its op- ponents' 23 yard lino and on the first down tries for a field goal and misses, the line up and kick out must hereafter be on the ten yard lino instead of on the 23 yard line. For fouling the penalty is ten yards against the side not heaving the ball, loss Of the hall to the side hatlding same, and if the foultakes place during a punt the ball goes to the offended side. Iuterfer once with the snapback or unnecessary de- lay causes a loss of five yards or loss of the ball. Piling up on 8 player means a loss of 15 yards to the offending side. Iuterfcr• once with a fair catch is punished by a yard loss, and the offended eleven receives the choice of putting the ball in ploy by a free kick or by a scrimmage, If the play. er malting a fair earth is thrown to the ground after 'noting a heel mark, 001088 he has advanced beyond the nark, he is entitled to a gain of 35 yards and a free kick ns well. Charging before the ball is put in platy is penalized by a loss of Sive yards. A team refusing to play atter two wiuutee forfeits the game. A team while on the defensive that commits fouls so near the goal Iino that they aro punisba bio only by halving tho distance to the line, the object being, in the opinion of the referee, to delay tbe game, 81111 be ro•. girded as ri.fusin, to allow the game to proceed. after one warning for such tam tics the referee, on as repetition of the of- fense, can declare the g.wuee forfeited. LONG DRIVING IN GOLF. Ordinary 13aznrds Are No xncanveuience to Mfr, Blackwell. Edward 13. It B1at:kwvell is known among golfers as the longest driver in Great Britain or anywhere else. He is the only man who has ever driven the long; hole at St. Andrews, in Scotland, in two, both ways. The distance is 516 yards. He was out practicing, drove up to the holo in two, and, turning back, drove it again. Ile leas also driven froni tbe tee at the Swilcan burn up to the steps leading to the R. and A. clubhouse. This is prole ably over 350 yards. Physically lir, Blackwell is a perfect type of athletic strength. Splendidly i •'� BLACBWELL ifARING A DRIVE. built, he is 6 feet in height and 14 stone in Weight, with enormously powerful fore- arm and wrist, and every ounce of power is put into the stroke. It is nothing un- common to see hien outdrive Andrew Kir- kaldy.fully 40 yards even when the pro- fessional hits one of his best. Ordinary hazards do not exist for Mr. Blackwell. Many would think it a little hard to be trapped in a bunker 220 yards off, but he would play at it in full confidence of car- rying it, and if he were in his best driving would succeed with plenty to spare. Pio plays with long, heavy and stiff clubs, and his terrible °leek was once described as a weaver's beam with an old boot at the end of it. Michigan Cycle Path. A cycle path from t]io southern bounda. ry of Michigan through the entire state to the strait of Mackinac is the latest enter- prise of the path building Michigan wheel - men !lairs of th..11ead, It may interest men who etre losing ; the natural covering or their heaais to know that an industrious Frene1uaao with a patience rivaalliuhr that of a Ohl• nese puzzle worker has made a calm). fatten of tate number of hairs on the average human head. Elia estimate it 127,920, Wlattrilliouto? Pain's Coley Compound Cal Restore You, Your Life is Precious Save it j .11011.1.001011110.. Tis Folly and Madness Defer the Use of the Great lVledlcine. The proprietors a: Parmelee's fills are constantly receiving setter, similaar to the followviug,walaicla eep;aiit:i itself. lir. Jobs A. Beam. Waterloo, Ont., writes: "1 never Used any medicine that eau etival •i. rarineteesPalls for Dyspepsia or Liver and KidneyComplaint.. L u ti aunt.. Tile relief es„ perienced after tieing thein was wonder- :14i." onder,lar " .As ;t eat. suably anedioiue i'arme. ire i4Vegetable rifts can be given in ail hares requiring a ('aa Millie. Crenate 1 cr mg Corsets. C It saki that l?ar:sign fie c is d male y cl:sts tyre doing alww ty to a great ertettt o'itle the wester,. TMs, however. is only in a measure true, anti is based on the fact IIIIOL the oraite;try long corset :e. being discarded in favor of a shorter stay semeniaat like the "riding" *fey, an fact. 8214 t. e•d by horsewomen. 7,'here is tilde doubt. though, that eJ- eling deserves the merit of :having caus- ed the disappeor.tneek of tight lacing la many quarters. Mtnard's ldullneut itis best Bair Restorer. Bluing at a Royal l:esldence. 'ender no eIrelmT:stances is a dinner 0 at Marlborough lite:tee ever permitted to last more than one hour: The num• ber et fork* at ens•h place 4s limited to two, and only one knife Is used. No carving is 'done at table and there is great nlanifestaadan of aaltnplieity, whltgt betokens the excellent taste of the Print'e of Witten—notably in respect to the forks. "I am tired and weary of this cmltin- ' ued life of misery and suffering!" This is the heart wail of thousands of poor nervous and slecepless men and women crazed with headache, rheumatism, neu- raigia, dyspepsia. final blood troubles. Suth people usually are filled with gloom and despondency, memory fails. and they are often found on the straight path that leads to the dark grave. Have courage, suffering brother and sister: Paige's Celery Compound has eured thousands of cases In the past fez more desperate than yours. It hits proved an s.gent of life to others, arid in will certainly do as much for you in this your time of adversity and distress. What will your deelsion be, sufferer? Will yon allow the maty symptoms of disease and death to more fully develop, or Will you, by the aid of nature's meds• due, Paine's Celery Compound. strike just now at the root of your trouble and be made sound, healthy and trap py? The ablest physicians admit that Paige's Celery Compound 4e the only true nerve food and medicine that has even been given to suffering humanity. It strengthens and builds up the nerves, tissues and muscles, it purifies the Iife stream, caste out disease of every form, giving a fresh existence and a long e.nd happy life. A trial of one bottle will convince you that Paine's Celery Com- pound is a life-saver and a disease ban- isher. Flutes 'lade of Porcelain. The latest styles of flutes come from Meissen, Saxony, Where a factory is turning mit these instruments lin porcelain. The inventor asserts that the tone of a porcelain flute is much purer and larger athan that produced on a woodeem flute, and that the china in- struments are not subject to climatic changes. How's This ? We offer One Bundled Dollars Reward for anyease of CMairh that can not be cured d by Halle Catarrh Cure F. J C ENEY & CO., Props. Toledo. 0. We, the undersigned, home knuwvn P. J. Cheney for the last 11 years, and believe him perfectly honnrab cin all businese transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga- tions made by their erm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0, Wilding K3nnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drag - gists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Care le taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous ser - faces of the system. Price 7.5e. per bottle. Void by all Druggists. Testimonials free. DEMI Suss, --I was for seven years a suf- ferer from Bronchial trouble, and would be so hoarse at times that I could scarcely speak above a whisper. I got no relief from anything till I tried your MIN- ARD'S HONEY BALSAM. Two bot- tles gave relief and six bottles made a complete cure. I wouid heartily recom- mend it to anyone suffering' from throat or lung troubles Fredericton. J. P. Y . titrintioa. Hosiery Made of Paper. Hlosiery, gloves and underwear are made from paper. and 'ere tar superice lis many ways to much of the cotton, woollen or silken stuff on the market. They are not woven, but are knit from fine paper twine, which is roughed ag to appear fuzzy like wool. binard'i Liniment is the Best. Where can I get some of frotlawey's Corn Cure ? I was entirely cured of ray corns by this namely and I wish soma more of it for my friends. So writes Mo. IN. 3, 75" Eaolvt , Chicago. Tier Fir.t rake. Young Wife (tenderly)—What's the matter, my dear? Don't you like pound cake? Husband (hesitatingly)—Y -e-s, loins but I don't care for ten -pound cake. I pitepti,• r'ot„nr. In Bielefleldl Germany, there is a col- ony of epileptics numbering about 1,500. The c!olctny was established its 1868, and patients from all parts of the world go there for treatment. Bent In t'eralat. In certain parts of Persia the thee nwsmeter stands at 100 degrees night and day tor the greater part of the nen Hier, while so extreme a temperature as 130 degrees is not unknown. HEAP FARM RD YOU WANT A NOME ? 1(10 UD0 dr'1pLto Improved had nalda unlit AIJ2211.a1 leaved farming lands. in Sou bern elle Ligan, Wisionein, Minneso and North Dakota. t=old on long time and EASY PAYMENTS, a little,a'h veer. Come and cin in or write. THE TRIeetAN MOSS STAT>�. BANK, Sauilae Center. Miele, or 161 THE TRUMAN MOSS ESTATE, Croswell, Senila° Co., !Michigan, U.S.A. HAVE YOUR FALL STOCK WELL ASSORTED WITH QECH'BRO©MS ° <' AND WOODENWARE. iillunufactnred by ROI,CKIT B1t08. 4i 0b,e Toront2, Ont. T. N. II. 187 By attending the Northern Business College, Owen Sound, Ont. Il you want to know wb at is taught istaw Business Course besides writing, send for Annual An. noancemont, which is sent free. C. A. Fleming, Print We give this fine watcb, chain and charm, for selling two doz. LEVER COLLAR BUTTONS, at ten cts. each. Send your ad. dress and we forward th eBu ttons,postiiaid, and our Premium List. No money re- quired. Sell the But- tons among your friends, return .the money, and we send the watch, prepaid. A genuine American watch, guaranteed, for a few hours' work: Mention this paper when writing. LEVER BUTTON CO.,. 20 Adelaide St. 11. t ilrL fir Toronto, Ont. 4