HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-30, Page 8h3
Popular—Progressive— Best..
7 Central
taulneetieuttetythe leadingCommercialSchool o£ theProvince. Xew students ad-
mitted at any time Ura,luates in great
demand.. Write ter I atitifttl catalogue.
W. Elliott, Principal.
Church, oue day last week. These
gentlemen came up purposely to hear
Old. newspapers for sale at the Al) i the chimes and were in no way disap.
VQCATT skies, ; pointed In thir visit. They expressed
cents pays for the 1EvoeATz 'CO themselves' as being surprised to bud
Jan. lot, 1$1 stieh an excellent set of bells and such
The furs^e's for the school have ar- an able and accurate set of ringers.
rived anti will be .set in place this
Mr. A. Q, Bobier has eutered into a
w, ek, contract to deliver at Dawson City 30, -
ti Bernier ^s purchased el th 000 pounds of butter, for which he is to
Airs. B to m h.. p to .lase e
receive $10,100.00 The butter is to be
property t,�,ri:Yr.y otvue ii by firs, r
Muttart. packed in oue, two and live pound tins
'and specially sealed. The process of
Mr, t". -au, Cariinee handsome resi-scales alone will entail a eott of over
deuce ou .i:t>.rou Street will soon br. 6;;001 as Mr. Bobier will have to invest
ready for oceugatmcy,
The entertainment given in Hensall
ou Tuesdays evening by a number of
our young people; was not so well • pat-
ronised as the performance merited,
aud the undertaking' was not so profit
able as the projectors would have lik-
ed. They young people did their part
but it seems the people of EIeusall don't
appreciate a good thing.
Mr. J. B. Cox, hide dealer and err. D
Girvin, of London, • were guests of
the bell ringers of the Trivitt Memorial
in a machine particularly adapted for
The: Siai:lt5 have decided to charge a • the purpose. The butter will be ship
4isentiut of'oue per cent on .mei Ameri- ped from there to the Klondike,
can bilis; after tettaber 1st, The Annual 'Western Excursion on
"There is •u bit; erop of butternuts, ! the G. T. R will be held Sept. 29, 30,
and the oldest iehabitans says that and tier, 1st. Toronto to Port lluroa or
means. a tele'. ,lutea. Detroit, Mich., and return, 52.60; Cleve-
lats;;e pane of glass is Mr. A. Has- land, Ohio, $5,10; Saginaw or Bay City,.
ting's barber elop was broken by a Mich„ $5 60; Grand Rapids, Mich.,
.want boy the other evaniiag. , $6.60; Chicago, Ill., or Cinciuuati, Ohio,
The tall assizes wilt commence at ! $ .00; Sr. Paul or 3liuneapolfs, 1linmm„
;sleet+rich ole Jloudas, leccouar 3rd,±and return, all rail, via Chicago, $33;
.i ustieeeMeredith win be the trial judge, r rake to Sault Ste Marie, thence rail,
$k1.50. Proportionate rates from other
Gerrie Hicks favored the con- - stations, valid to return from destine-
gregation of the James *lea ehureh tion un or before alouday, October lith,
ou Sunday t veuiug with that beauti- ; 'i"S•
fill solo, euti:ted 'ite Holy City," ! The death occurred at Virden, Mau.,
A horse driven by Samuel Brock on Sept. 2, of \Ir, Wm. Bray, formerly
took a netiou to run away with him 1 of Exeter, at the age of 75 years. De-
ItVetiaee'sday ovening, and it was with e ceased was a resideet of L;aborue town-
eo:astderatb,: p ditlieuity he got time brute ° Khip muftil nearly nine years ago, when
stopped, he went to the Northwest. The de-
Wallacebure has been experiment l ceased leaves a family of three—oue
lug with grauoltthie sidewalks and
the Mayor reports that such walks can
be laid at a cost of less than. llcts. a
square foot.
The plebiscite will cost a quarter of
a madden d'llar4, and there will be
something let it for every constitueuey.
Theetatrtots with the little spoons will
get their soup.
31r. Usury Gilkenson, ou the 14th shipped a car of cattle to Montreal Sat.
concession of Lima, has a turkey that urday,—Messrs Prior & Armstrong
shipped a ear of hogs to Ingersoll,Wed-
Mr. Geo. Jewell, an employe at Mes-
sers. Dyer & Howard's planing Alilis,
narrowly escaped a serious. accident on
stead of that of a plebiscite, Monday last. He was engaged in rip
ping a piece of lumber and iu some
Rev. T. E. Harrison, of Granton, cm- manner his hand came iu contact
eupied the pulpit of the James Street with the saw, badly lacerating two
Chruch on Sunday,, while Mrs. Harri fingers'on the right hand, in conse
sou delivered a very iuterestiug ad quences of which he will he laid off
dress to the Sunday School iu the after- work for several days.
son and two daughters --namely, Wm.
J, with whom be resides; Mrs. Thomas
Brinmaeombe, of Hargrave, Man„ and
Mrs. Smith Spence, of Loudon, and a
brother, Mr, John B. Bray, of Fergie.
har. Interment took place at Virden
Large quantities of apples are being
shipped from heredaily,—Mr P. Curtain
has laid S•2 eggs and raised 17 turkeys
slued April lst, The turkey is still
laying and doing well.
At the rate eider is being manufac-
anufac-tured and barrelled both in and out of
town, one is led to believe that many
are preparing for a prohibition vote in
Mr, Cook, the man who was suspect-
ed of doing away with the rind, Isabell
Cook, at Hensatl, is now threateuiug
legal proceediugs against the Reeve
and several other prominent citizens of
that town,
We understand our old and much
respected friend Mr. A. Walper, will
shortie- take charge of the Wolper
House again at Berlin, with Mr. 0. H.
Walper as manager. Phil. Davey, the
present landlord retires Oct, 8rd.
Seaforth Juniors have dropped out of
the league lacrosse contest in the Perth
district. Mitchell and Stratford are
now, therefore, tied. for the champion-
ship, and au iuterestiug game may be
looked for to decide the momentous'
Some of our correspondents in sur
rounding towns and villages have be-
come rusty. Kindly sendin your copy.
We want alert correspondents in uu•
represented places. Let us hear from
you. Items of local or personal inter-
est ars always welcome.
A horse driven by Mr. Wm. J. Par-
sons and belonging to Mr. Essery's
livery, Centralia, made a lively run
down main street on Thursday last
and contiuued the pace until it reached
the stable at Centralia. Strange to
say not the slighest damage was done
to the rig.
A Jockey named Johnston was
thrown from his horse and trampled
upon at the Owen. Sound Fair Thurs• ,
day and a Jockey was similarly in -1
jured at Collingwood. In this ac-
cident an unknown spectator was
knocked down, and, it is believed,
fatally hurt.
Miss Nettie Handford, daughter of
the late, Isaac Handford, was married
at the residence of Mr. Jas, Handford,
Usborne, (London Road) on Tuesday
last, to Mr. Chas. Gleed, of London. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Sal-
ton, of Centralia.
The Canadian Bank of Commerce
have brought into use a new form of
money order .payable at all branches of
banks in Canada, except in the Yukon.
The public can obtain them without
any delay or formality at the fallowing
rates: Under $10. 8c. ; from $10 to $20
10c.; $20 to $30, 12e. ; $30 to $50, 14c.
Mr. Geo. Harton has sold his farm on
the Lake Road (the old Ching farm)
to Mr, Adolphus Hooper of Crediton for
$5500, and purchased the faun on the
4th concession of Osborne belonging to
the estate of the late Wm. Johns. 14Ir.
Harton has rented this farm to Mr.
Simon Hunter and will beeeme a resit
dent of Exeter.
A Kansas man has discovered the
reason that an engine is called she and
his argument that they' wear a jacket,
an apron, wear shoes, bose, and drag a
train behind them; they have a lap,
need guides, ride wheels, will not turn
out for pedestrians, sometimes -foam
and refuse to work; they attract men,
are very contrary, and it always takes
et man to manage them.
t:ouaeit Proceeding's.
Councilmet by call of Reeye at the
Town Hall, Sept. 16th, 1898, All prey
cut. Minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed. Evans—Christie, that
the following accounts be passed and
orders drawn on Treasury for same.
Jas. Creech, charity to Mrs. Muttart,
$3.18; Jas. W, Creech, street watering,
$3 55 Mrs, Gould, street watering,
$3 00, do. labor, $3.00; S. Handford,
$3.50, labor; Electric Light and Power
Co. 520000 on account,—Carried. W.
Hardin;;—Bissett, that the arc lights
shall hang not less than 22 feet From
the centre of street.—Carried. Evans
—Harding, that the council adjourn to
meet Sept. 30th, at 8 o'clock p.m.
This almost indispensable article of
food is rather a failure this year, Huron
county reports the crop far below the
average The same may be said of
Bruce, Grey, Dufferin and many other
counties of central and western Ontario,
The dry weather and July frost are the
causes. Very few farmers will have
more than they require for their own
use; many of them have not enough.
Fortunately in Haliburton district, Eas•
tern Ontario and Eastern township, the
crop is reported excellent. So that after
all, fabulous prices are not likely to be
obtained,although they will not be cheap
by any means, as shipping means
freight cost added to cousumer's out -
School Board Minutes.
Aug, special session. Absent, J. Sen-
ior. Per H. E. Hueston and W. J. Car-
ling, that a decision in reference to the
proposed changes in furnaces be held
over for draft of agreement with sec
essary guarantees to be subsmitted
to the Board forthwith by the Messrs.
Copp Bros. Co. of Hamilton. Sept. 1,
special session. Absent, J. Senior, and
W. J. Carling, Per H. Hueston and D.
Spicer, that the chairman and R. N.
Rowe be a committee to wait on the
late principal of the Creditonschool to.
fill the vacancy caused by the illness of
Miss Vosper, and that failing in this
arrangement the appointment be left in
the hands of the inspector. Sept. 16,
regular session. Motions carried ;—
Minutes of special sessions held Aug.
16th and Sept. 16th per resolution •that
the engagement of Mr. Sanders for a
period of one month by permit of the
Inspector be confirmed. Per H. Hus-
ton and J. Senior, that the following ac
counts be paid:—Secretary, telegrams,
etc., 94c.; J. E. Moore, repairs to pump,$2.50.. Per H. Huston and R. N. Rowe,
that the principal be asked ' to furnish
a list of the Exeter School Candidates
at the: recent mid -summer examinations
and that a register be kept of such en-
trance for the future. Per R. N Rowe
and D. Spicer, that the tender of the
Clare Bros Co., be accepted for the
furnaces, repairs and rearrangement
of heating fixtures required, and that
the placing of the same be under the
control andto the satisfaction of a
special committee composed of the
chairman and repairs committee. ' .Per
W. J. Carling, adjournment.
J. Gxlc)o, Sec'y.
East 1.yuue.
The Brownridge & plumb's Opera
Company appeared to a good house
here Monday night, at which they pro-
duced that old and fascinating play en-
titled East Lynne, The play has often
been given in town but probably never
with better effect than that protrayed
by this well balanced company. Miss
Shirley Nelson, who appeared as Lady
Isabel, was true to life and the audi-
ence was more than delighted with her
performance, Miss Amey A. Pierce in
the character of Coruelia Carlyle, sus
ta,iued her high reputation as an ae-
tress. In fact all did their part so well
that it is almost unfair to particularize,
The company is well deserving of a
liberal patronage where ever they
Death of sti`,ttwarai Drew.
Word was received here on Monday
of the death of Mr. Edred Drew, who
died in Santa Barbara, Cal., on Sunday
last, the cause of death better lung
trouble. The deceased was a former
resident of Exeter and in the early-
dais conducted a furniture factory
here. He was a man of wide specula -
tire principles and did much to build
up the town and Exeter to day is much
indebted to him for many of fits glacial
and handsome residences. He served
in the Commit here on more than one
occasion and was a man of goulal dis-
position. His many old friends here
will be paitaed to Bear of his demise,
Personal .Mention.
Mr. E, .floward wasia Goderich Mon-
Miss Roxie Enerert is visiting friends
in town.
Mr. A, Sheere returned to Brantford
Miss Smith of Brussels, is the guest
of Mrs. Cottle,
Mr C. Prouty, elerk of Stephen was in
Goderieh; Friday.
Mr. T. IL McCallum was in Toronto
last week on business.
Mrs. Win. Copp, of Seaforth, visited,
friends here last week.
James Gardner, teacher, left Friday
for Mount Pleasant, Mich.
Mrs. Wm, Wyatt, of Landoll. is the
guest of Mrs. (Rev.) Charles Smith,
Mrs. (Dr.) Audorson, is visiting her
parents at Mitchell for a short time.
Mr. Abel Wolper, of Berlin, called on
many of his old friends here W'ednes
Miss Manning, who was the guest
of Mrs. Fanson, left Saturday for De-
Miss Gladman, who has been visiting
her brother, here, left Saturday for Tor-
Herb. Trevethick left here Monday
to accept a position as tailor at Wing -
Miss Millie Cudmore is visiting in
Crediton this week, the guest of tire.
Mr. FredDavidson, after spending a
few days in town, returned to London
Mr. R. H. Collins attended the funer-
al of Hon. AI. 0. Cameron et (oderi,h
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Faltis, Grand
Bend, loft this station Friday for
Revelstoke, B.C.
Mrs. Pitcher, and daughter Mrs. Tilt
of Bad Axe, Mich are visiting Mrs,
John Gill.
Airs. James Gould left Wednesday
for Brantford wimere she will visit her
Sister, Mrs. A. Hoskin,
A chimney sweep "did " the town
last week. His color was quits in
keeping with his occupation.
Ed. Crocker, who was here attend-
ing the wedding of his brother, Roger,
returned to Toronto Saturday.
Mrs. Irvin Armstrong, who has been
confined to her bed for several days
through illness, is convalesing,
Mrs. Bee and daughter, after a pleas-
ant visit here the guest of Mrs. Rich.
Gidley, returned to their home iu Park.
hill Saturday.
Mrs. Geo. Muttart, accompanied by
her family, left here on Wednesday
evening to join her husband at Bar-
wick, Algoma.
James Fulton, the deaf and dumb
mute was taken to Belleville by his
mother Tuesday, where he will attend
the deaf and durnb school.
Mrs. Thos. Snell, Huron street, left
on Saturday for London whereshe
will spend a few weeks, the guest of
Mrs. B. Schleifer, York street.
Mrs. Stewart, who has been visiting
her son, Mr. J. A Stewart, left Friday
for her home in dreehin, accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Annie.
Rev. Dr. Willoughby, who has been
atteteding the General Methodist Con
ference at Toronto, returned home
Thursday night accompanied by Mrs.
Wil loughby.
Messrs L. H. Dickson, F. W. Glad-
man, A. Stewart and R. B. Samuel],
were in Goderich on Saturday in con-
nection with the suit now on between
Messrs, Stewart Bros. and the Molsons
Mrs. Hutchison, who has been a resi-
dent of Exeter for many years, left for
South River Friday, where she intends
residing with her son in future. She
was accompanied by Mrs. Hutchinson,
who has been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Wilcox, Huron street.
Hullett : Amos Cartwright had the
two first fingers of his right hand bad-
ly lacerated
ad=ly.lacerated while feeding a cutting
box last Saturday.
Mitchell: Mr. James Hutcheson is
suffering from blood poison caused by
a kick from a horse which he received
some three weeks ago.
Lucan : While teetering ou a board
over a low fence a few days ago, Lou,
the little daughter of John Foreman,
fell and broke her arm just below the
Seaforth : While lifting a boat on
Wednesday, Mr. W. J. Beattie got the
palm of his hand torn by* a nail, mak- jcz
a yery severe and painful wound.
W'iugham; The butcher business
conducted for some time past by L.
J. Williams ehauged hands last week.
Mr. A. 0. Foster, of Tivertou, is the
purchaser, and is now in possession.
Clinton ; James McCool receit=ed a
nasty wound on his head the other
day, while putting a check on a horse;
the animal struei: him with such force
as to burst several veins in, his head.
St, Marys: A young titan named
Whitworth fell some 20 feet from a tree
on Saturday and sprained his shoulder,
—Mr. smith. of Smith & Burns, cart his
left hand badly while working in the
shop oa Monday.
Clinton : Mr. John Avery, of the
London Road, put up a piece of barbed
i wire feneing, ou Saturday, and next
morning found that a valuable carriage
colt of his had became tangled, nip In
the wire and was badly laeerated,
Seaforth : W. N. Watson received
word last week eontirnmie •• the report
of the death of .his son, Henry. De-
ceased enlisted in the American array
at St. Paul and went to Manilla, where
he contracted the fever and died in the
hospital at that city. Ile was aged 23
years and 9 months.
Flensall ; Wm. Moir f eeeived a tele
gram last week, inferwing Mum of the
death of his brother, Alexander, who
resided in Iowa. The deceased fernier
ly resided en the farts now owned by
Mrs, N. Swan, near llurondale, which
he left some seventeen years ago, He
had succeeded well in Iowa and leaves
a family to mourn his loss,
Wingham : Last week an operation
was performed ou Thos. Bell, for alp-
pendieitiP, We are pleased 10 he able
this week to say that the operation was
performed successfully. The many
friends of Mr. Bell willbe glad to hear
of his speedy recovery. It is not ltkciti,
however, that he will be able to be
around again for some weeks at the
Mitchell: The residence of Mr.
Alex, Frazer, Logan road, was the
scene of a very pretty wedding on
Wednesday afternoon, when his fourth
daughter, Miss Jeanie, was united iu
marriage to Mr. John T. Newell, of
Goderich. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev, W. A. Bradley, of the
-Presbyterian church, in the Presence
of the immediate friends of the Contract
ing parties.
.lit. Carmel: Ono of the respected
residents of McGillivray, passed peace-
fully away on Saturday in the person
of Mr. John Shepperd, of the 14th eon.
The funeral which was conducted by
the Union Tent K. 0. T. M,, of which
the deceased was 0. member, was veru
largely attended, testifying to the high
esteem in which he was held. His
death was due to a severe attack of
typhoid fever.
St. Marys: While Ernie, son of Mr,
Alonzo Martin wen driving a load
(nearly two tons) of pressed hay over
a bridge on the farm on Thursday
evening, the structure 'collapsed and
the load and teams were precipitated.
ten feet into the water below. All es
caped uninjured, but had the load not
gone to the opposite side from which
the driver was walking, he would have
most assuredly lost lies life.
The undersigned has op-
pened up a new Meat Market
where he will keep the choic-
est of meats constantly on.
:Sohn T. Manning.
For good, fresh Grocerios,call at
{� the store next to the Post -
Office (North.)
FIllllr, FOSg, BIG...
We also sell flour, chop, oats, corn
and all kinds of feed.
Cash or trade for produce of
all kinds.. ,
DAU He .
Are now ready to do business with.
the Public generally. All kinds ' of
Flour, Feed and mill stuff for sale at
Leave your orders at the mill. We
delivery every day to any part of the
town free. We hope yon will help us
to make a success of the business which
means a succesei for the town.
lei Chest Prices -paid for
Witegt at ail times.
T .S,EPS30N' STc.3s
If there is any one department more than another that reflects the re
markable growth and development of this business, it is our Dress Goods de,
parttueut whiek to•d<ly in plot ofrsize and equipment, elegance of bt•le and
superiority of stocks, finds uo equal in town. It is in uo boastful spirit we.
make this statemout; it only goes to show our leadership, and the exact posi-
tion we take in matters pertaining. to Dress Goods... ,
Stylish colored Dress Goods, newness and
iaek Dress eV.r.4D4Ddm, novelty all through our ores, Goods,
'f you have a thought of bu mz,, a Flag
not sideu're surd st}'dual in 11 you b all the 3
Dyes; you'll 'Ltd complete s :r:s action in , u e of q n y ue.
ycpur neev. fail De
at T,te Big Cash :torp.
our beautiful stock wh'Is'ta s night saving
of money is syr$ to fallow= a yen:. pretty foe Blue and Black
till.° Oriental ifress, wood honest goods,
;31.6z black figurer bless Leatteh, mew the less tor iy 1. zo,
patterns, good soli.; goods, might. The 3t.43 for new Two Tore Tweed Effects,
Dress for $.x.6u, time Mese length ea, 5,.43,
$1.35 nice new I:Jac:% Broc:'10, good Ilea- .r,'f.63 new Goods, new colors, new styles;+%
weight, choice deigns, t;a: Dr<:ss x-93. latest 4-1'eets. very large range to c::Oase
t+: 35, lovely lifack tin stn a he :,tut fol r'`sa, D , ; I.en tb on3 , r.Gg.
soft Goods, pn:fezt iu color, - c 11.r.s a.,a. I.95 f7ryer voice ::e r Oanbr., s::a led
F;,.00, �, ,. effects, this Is one of our great tr au°rs,
.. _.0a, Choice B w.. Flora: Eifect, a real Dress Lengths far .r g5,
inose} '.0 r, the D1wsa for SZ -5'S. z.wo, $3.25 ;end G3.5.o the Dress
for our great !elder i^t Biack Mess 1.-.unt.th for new. fotel;. sty'ish Geoids. Val.
Goods, the choicest Dress for stoney that nes that will se rp*rise seamy au shrea buyer,
we. have ever shown. Th. f) -a=s ,or .g l.a,-). $vigor ;goo ar, is `•6.eo the pees
"714 00,53 o, 7.00 and $tiro for the chole-. L -vete for the newest, shoal: est. and most
est Betels Dresses that h «-.:e ever entered stylise Dresses that aur closest caste buy.,
-pour chap, .11g wFe`„;LI tura: lite,
Our ;Millinery and :butte show roams are open every edgy. Steck the
biggest and newest and ail spudding with the latest fashion thoughts of the
season. Our trimmers fled designers at .'.' arti'rS, some and see their productions.
Priestley's 7JA<>ek Dress Goods.
. This week we can show you 42 pieces of this funis geeds-
None equal thenen in color geelity style or price. Our dress•
matters telt us they aro; the l'o;t goods they get to make be-
eause they doll's shrink fads'+ or Brock. livery yard gu:trr3au-
teed or runny refunded.
C'ol(;!rec Dress Goods.
u7 pieces of the very latest colored dress stuffs. l:ngl:sh and
Froueh Serges Cheviots Corals Be -.:;alines Bentrels Is'; u4he
and a tgant Plaids,
240 New tialCkets,
New Pork Berlin mud London styles genuine eye op vers itp
to elate catchy .jackets that will suit your piain or faney testa.
These jackets are bought to sell and aro put low in l riett to
lighten the purse of every lady,
Tweed Chits ,Rid]' iii(*11 tUIU Boys.
We bought' 15 doz. at price and eau give you 50e. saps for
Boot and Shoes.
Mare of thole ;roods to pick from than any other pisco in the
The Big Clothier.
NOBBY. r?,
"The Hang -dog Expression
looks of a ” ready made,"" baud-
ale—down" suit of clothes rs
enough to disgust the Prince of
A tailor-made suit cut, made
and fitted to the nontour of your
form is certain to look right. Also Dealer in
Calf Stuns.
If You Want
Call at the Family Butcher Shop,
Crile Door South of CENTRAL HOTEL,
Parts of machinery which
accurately fits withstand se-
vere service and parts that do
not fit wear out quickest. 'y
Same with clothes. Choose e
your cloth and we do the rest.
ccs small as stitches.
lieges sheep
Bert. Knight.
Having opened out a well equipped
Shop I am now prepared to do all kinds
of repairing such as
In fact everything and anything. We
make a Specialty of remodelling Bicy-
cies and sharpening Lawn Mowers at
this time of the year,
One door north Mr. Ste -wart's store
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at I3awksliaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Stand
will eceiverom. t at-
Terms 1 erms Reasonable 1 Connection
"Connect me with R. N.
Rowe's, the leading Fur-
niture store,` ' He gives
better bargains in furni
tura than any other place
in, town."
Prospective Housekeepers.
ylave yon seen those new
X4.1 Parlor Suites
Bedroom Suites
Parlor Tables
Lounges, etc., etc.
A look through our warerooms :-will
repay you.
R. N. R0WE.
The Fdlolsons :: ink.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital 52,000,000
;lost Fund ....... ' . .... 1,500,000
Head office .Montreal,
Money advanced to euod Farmer's on their
own notes w:l, one or more endorsers at 7
percent per annum..
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from 10 a, m.to 3 p
m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p.m
A. general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
sy on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent.