HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-30, Page 4THE (5zietg" Abrocate, Ck as. H. Sanders, Editor and. Prop THURSDAY, September 29, '98. 1„The Court of Appeal on Saturday aunounced their decision la the cele- brated constable :case. Their judg- ment is that election coestables have the right to vote. :I:VT EstnIlil Vial \la-SGI➢7_YG. A question .that is bothering tilt) average mate is why it it necessary to. wait for the Lad of November btforo giving thanks for bountiful harvests and other blessings that have been showered oa dutiful Canadians during the year? It appears to be a settled matter now that the las: "!'fantiecdr,Cio iii Nov ereb'c r is. 'fixed as Thanksgiving Day. This is. the Atnericau Thanksgiving, and the Canadian auther.tiits dripped into the Arnerieaii dry in order that business would not he leeemn<oded. But there are serious objections to the he`.' •zatssof the day from a Canadi- an, etaa.itdeoiut. Not only is the weather at its worst, rated outside, enjoyment of ail ilea : at a dieconut, but it crowds three ho:'sila -s--- Tbaa egiv i g, Christ- rims h.ist- m ms it a: New Teres- -i.;to a :space of !dye weeks, where':s for nearly the pre - et'. tiro ; ti?:,, e :ta Ott ' ti;ere is no Loll: day te titre w its rage O sunshine on the path of the y orl:itei mann The first Thure lay in Novembar would let jitet ee well for ail purpases: t1, ret:; are then heusel, anti every- :hien very:hie „ ie j., ectel -. , r .,i give thein:s: and then it s:ould l=ive the soldier boys a fete iitaanee W tig=ht ,:ham battles lin dry- elethiug, at'ai mates' a split in the tong stretch e ca.;hang days that fol. :ow in the: trent et neber Days SLOW I1' Tu Ill: WORK. Sri Canada's reputation for law and order on this walla.? A London police- man and au eteltnoute night watchman were murdered in cold blood some time ago. sa 'long ago that the circumstances have alums: passed from the Weds of the public. The murderers are stilt at largo, nor have the public the least assureuce that the proper measures were taken to apprehend the murderers. That a murderer marked with a wooden 1e;; ehould have fadt:d away and left no trace is impossible. That he has not been located is no great compliment to the ability and energy of Ontario's detective force. Not only sloes the blood of the mur- dered man demand justice, but it is a tnenace to the safety of all good citi- zens that murderers should be allowed ed to escape so easily. TOBACCO GROWING IN CAN- ADA. It is estimated that the 'tobacco crop of Essex aud Kent counties will be be- tween five and six tuillion pounds this year, and the fanners who have turned their atteutiou to the: cultivation of the 'weed are unanimous in their opinion that it is the best paying crop they can grow. Add to this the fact that a tobacco factory is to be erected at Leamington and that Tuckett & Company are build- ing an es tensive addition to their works at Hamilton to be devoted exclusively to the manufacture of the Canadian growth tobacco and it will be seen that tobacco cultivation has got beyond the experimental stage. Its cultivation will doubtless extend to the Niagara peninsula, where similar soil and climate to those in Essex and Kent are found, and the output and manufacture of the weed promise to be one of the most important of Canadian inn ustries. NOTE AND COMMENT. The number of deaths from con- tagious diseases in the province of On- tario for the three months ending Aug. 31 was 675, against 658 for the same period last year. This increase in deaths taken in connection with the decreasing number of births, as shown by Rev. Mr. Williams, is good food for study. There is an alarming increase in the deaths from tuberculosis, which for the three months mentioned num- bered' 455 in 184 but only 361 in 1897. A REMARKABLE SEASON. For growth tbis season certainly eclipses anything in the history of the country. There bas been two crops of raspberries, three crops of clover. The pussy willows have shed their fall mantle and are taking on the green verdure ofspring. The wild flowers of the roadside and woods are now;in bloom a second time, and sois the wild mus- tard. The trees and shrubbery neer looked greener at this season, giving evidence that although approaching the "sere and yellow leaf," that time is somewhat distant yet, if greenness, may be taken into account; Then take the pasture on the roadside, which has never failed this summer, it is longer, greener and ranker than at any time during the season. Taken altogether we have a great country and the immigrant who passes its hos• pitable shores does not know what he has missed. et -r, The overcrowded condition of the teachsng professiou throughout the Province is being felt, and as a result the Model Schools is being poorly at- tended this year. In Simcoo county only three t ee applied for ad- mission, while Elora, Berlin, Stratford and Mitchell also shows a falling off. Similar reports came from nearly all over the Province, and it is believed that this chauge will relieve,iu a measure, toe overcrowded eoudition of the teaching profession throughout the country. The salaries now -a days are cur down so touch that feet think of taking teaching as their life work, Let us hope that the tide has pow been steamed and that hereafter no good farmers will be spoiled by being poor teachers. 0 IN A BAD Zl AI'. Secretary Liwdlle, of the Enforcement league, who was interviewed on his In- tl turn from a trip ont through the state made a somewhat remarkable state meet. You may tall: about Santiago being a pest hole and of the epidemic I of fever among the soldiers. but I be- hove I have Ranted the most unhealthy place in the country. A clts with a population of perhaps 8,000, including its immediate neighborhood seems to be in as bad fix judging from the indica- tions. Po you wonder I mal=e this statemeut when it is known that this to expended during the month of gust. of a certain class of medicines ailanle about $1,600 worth, not jncluti- ina; those supplied by the doctors. The sales at the drugstores alone numbered 3.000 One man made three different purchases in one day for two different diseases for himself'. The drug stores appear to be well supplied for ewergen cies, too. Oue of therm makes affidavit to having on hand by the first of Sep tetuber, ten barrels of beer and forty gallons of whiskey., The other drug stores are about as well fixed This un healthy city is Landon,—Grand Forks Herald, ZS, Ca Cameron Dead. London, Sept. 26 —Lieut. Gov. M. G. Cameron of the Northwest Territories died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mayor Dr. Wilson, at 815 o'clock this morning., Malcolm Colin Cameron, Q C.. Lieutenant Governor of the North- west Territories, was not an old man, having bt'en born in Perth, county of Lanark, Oat an the 12tb of April, 1832, and was therefore in his 67th year. Ile was educated in Knox College, To. ronto, anddevoted himself to law, be- ing called to the bar of tipper Canada. in 1860 On the llth March, 1876, he was appointed Queen's Counsel by the Ontario Government. Ia May, 1855, be married Jessie II., daughter of Dr, John McLean, formerly of the Royal Navy. Mi. Cameron servedas town couneder, reeve and mayor of Goderich his adopted town, for several years and sat far South Huron in the Com- mons as a Liberal from the general election in 1867 to 1882, when he was elected to represent West Huron, In 1887 he was an unsuccessful cauadi- date, but was reelected at the last two elections, and a few :months ago re. wired the appointment of iieutenant- governor of the Northwest Territories.. After a visit to the territory over which he was to preside, he returned to On- tario feeling ill and passed away as stated above from an acute attack of pneumonia. Around About Us. Clinton : The partnership which has for some years existed between Messrs. Gilroy and Wiseman has been dissolved by mutual consent and efflu- xion of time, Mr. Gilroy retiring. The business will be continued by Mr, Wiseman. Ansa Craig: Fire broke out at Ste- wart's slaughter house on Wednesday. The alarm was quickly given and al- though the fire was outside the corpor- ation about sixty of the boys turned. out and had it under control in a few minutes. Varna: Mr. David Foote, an old Varna boy, returned home on Friday last after an absence ,of thirty years. He has been engaged principally in the mining business. Most of the time he has been in California and the western. states but for the last three years he has been in the Klondyke. Goderich tp.: A telegram was re- ceived by Mr. Patrick Cronyn, Tuesday evening, stating that his son, Charles, who wen to Manitoba a few weeks ago, was dying at Brandon. Next morning another son started for the scene, but shortly after his departure a second wirestated that Charles had died. Seaforth: We learn on good author- ity that there -will be a ladies' rugby football team organized in town next season. This will be a novel venture for the fair sex of our town, but there. is no reason why the team should not he a successful one, as in some of the larger cities the most prominent socie- ty ladies are members of. a rugby team Hay : We have this week to ;chron- icle the death of Miss Minnie Logan, daughter of Mr. ane Mrs. James Logan, of Lias', and formerly of Hensel], which occurred on Thursday, Sept. 15, at her father's home.: The deceased was quite young, being only 19 years of age. She was never very strong, and her. health kept declining until consump- tion finally developed itself, and from which dread disease her deathwas due: The funeral to Baird's cemetery on Sat urday, was largely attended, testifying to the respect and sympathy felt for deceased and her parents. -a 3wssoo aaaw'o aIippeu : Mrs, (Rev) Acheson, of d` the manse,for the past week has been e4R t ti caring for a pair of scalded hands. She for was to the act of carrying a vessel ofei hot water, wh e, by the suddou`notion ,o Of a spring door coining against the T., Weak Lungs dish, the contents splashed over on her et yo. hands. The aeeident has caused. Mrs i Acheson match pain,. t1'IcKillop:. Mr. Wm. Fortune has sold his farm oa the Hum road, its this township, to 111x-Cronyn, James . p t, yn, Ths farm contains 115 acres, and. was ° , sold 1 0 . a o dfor 9 0 It 's a a oa u �, d farm and has good buildings. Mr, Fortune in tends retiring from farming, and will likely remove to Seaforth, there to en- joy e, well earned leisure. ens 11: H 1 r a .I ,)t Hackett and fam- ily, who have been respected residents of our village, for the- past ,year left on. Tuesday for their forzuer home in Wat- ford, Mr. Idaskett was eugaged in the grocery, flour and provision busintss, and enjoyed a fair share of business, but, having property in Watford, and; a good opportunity of selling here, de- oided to return to his own store and. dwelling in Watford, St. Marys: A popular young mer chant of St. Marys, Mr. P. J. Barbour, was united in marriage at 4 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday). to Miss Annie i I . Frans, daughter of Mr. W. S. Liam, of London, formerly of con 4, W. Nis- aouri, The ceremony was perforated by the Rev. Mr. Caul% of Thorntiale, at the residence of the bride's parolee, id"zal Princess Ave., London - The alit air was quiet, the families only of the contracting parties being present. .Hcnsanll: A very pleasant event took -place at the residence of John G. "Troyer, on Monday, when his sister Emma R. Traver, formerly `:af Bills Teen. now of Toronta, sate married to Meehan A. Rices manager C. O. D. Dept, of the 11. Simpson 00„ depart- mental store, Toronto. The Bride was attired in white satin with a beautiful bridal veil end was supported by her twice Miss Elia Troyer, whilst the groom was supported by his brother, Master B. W. Rica. The couple were united by Rev. W. E Herr. in the presence of the immediate relatives. St. ;larys: After a hard fought battle for life, Ilubert, the eltleet son of Its' E. W. Harding, barrister, passed peacefully away- ou Wednesday last. Two short years ago and the future, bright with promise, stood invitingly before the young man tvho Was step- ping from the tender, and the limited Aoki of boyhood into the wideniug walks of manhood and the broadeningl, fields of life, In Marsh, 1897, just as he was entering upon his exandea-I tions, he was seized with sickness, first in the form of a severecoltl, which com- bated and: impeded every step he after watrds took, until in the shape of grim death it finally gauped the mastery. Clinton: A. Mrs, Kerr, of St. Paul, Nebraska, wito bad been visiting in the vicinity of Belgrave for a fortnight or so, began her homeward jouruuy on Monday in a disappointed snood. She expected to have been met at the depot T h , here Bert t Carta, y ,son of ..Ir, Jant.s. Carter, who was to have accompanied her home as "her own." She bad tak- en a fancy to the bright lad and had agreed to adopt him, Bert andhis par- ents were willing and the necessary papers were duly executed and Mrs. Kerr had purchased a railway ticket for him, but he .failed to appear Mote day morning. The boy's father was on hand at thedepot instead and explain- ed that Bert had changed his mind and had disappeared for the time being. Mrs Kerr was naturally enough not at ell pleased at the turn of events had taken and departed in a somewhat', angry g , mood. �I Goderich: A drowning fatality oc- curred Monday- evening at the harbor, � David, the nine year-old son of Robert Buchanan, Quebec stn, in company with Harry, the five.year-old-son of Harry Armstrong, of the same street, had gone down to the harbor after school, and had been playing about the float- ing bridge to the island. According to the first story of little Harry, they had been playing for some time, when he left his companion for home, the other lad saying he was going to " stay and boom the logs, " at the slime time walking over in the direction of the logs. The nonappearance of the boy alarmed the parents, and a search was immediately instituted. Working on the above clew, the inlet in the centre of the island was dragged and search• ed all day Tuesday, the logs interfer- ing considerably in the work. Not till Tuesday night could little Armstrong be induced, to tell the real circumstan yes of the incident. The two had been throwing chips into the water from the bridge when little Buchanan fell in and, being unable to swim, was. drowned. His companion was unable to render any assistance and too frightened to tell the whole s ory. Im- mediately on learning this, search was made at the place indicated and at the third grapple the body was found by Capt. Wm Robinson, just at the stern of the schooner Craftsman. The body,. which had been in the water for over twenty-four hours, was carried to the elevator and from there conveyed home. 0 William P. Clay, a Guelph grocery merchant, committed suicide by shoot- ing himself in the mouth. Harry Douglas, of Mimieo, was 'run over and killed on the Grand Trunk track at Mimico Saturday, night. Thomas Kelly, was accidentally shot and killed by a lad named Willie Winkworth at Toronto Junction Satur- day. Mr. W. M. McEibbin, a prominent business man of Kincardine, dropped dead while walking in a funeral pro cession. Miss MaryKildary, K nary, au :elderly lady of Caledonia, N. B., went back to a burning house, after being rescued, and losther life. n.� Scott's Emulsion fi ee ettrtu ii tiff f If you have coughed and coughed untilthe funning mem, brane of your throat and Lungs is inflamed, e 1, C o o - £ d Itver on will soatlte, strengthen and probably cure. The cod-liver oil feeds and • strengthens the weakened tis- sues. The glycerine soothes and heals them. The hypo- pkoslaliitcs. or :lime and soda impart,tone and vigor. i7Doret til, neglect these coughs. One To bottle of the: Emulsion may do more for you now than ten can do later on, Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. w ;#tet 4attasists, 5e, and eine. sctl`r r & DOWliE, %igen tsto, Tortaao, IT'S S$ILh eete combined with years of experience, abd a factory possessing absolutely unequalled facilities for accurate and durable construction, which permits us to make :: The World's Greatest Bicycle" in the CLEStEIiA�11�. $55.005S70.005$80.005 41 30'lnch Wheals, 100.00, 41 AGENTS EVERYWHERE WRITE FOR CA.TALQGIE SOLE REPRES€ TATI 'ES PERKINSdc, MARTINI EXETER. ILA. LOZIER CO,, Toronto Junction. 1 Election Diale IToront=o, Sept. 26.—In the renewing, Ontario election petitions, the tunes and places for trial have been fixed ,as follows 5 - :North Toronto. --At Toronto, on Oct, 10, at 12 a,m., before the Chancellor and Mr. Justice Ferguson. North. Bruce --At Southampton, as Oct. 31, at 3 p.m., before the Chancellor and Mr. Justice Ferguson. South Tornio—At Toronto, on Oct. 15, at 11 a. u., before the 0haucellor and Mr. Justice Fergusou. North Grey—At Owen Sound, on Oct, 12, at It paun., before the Cltaneellor and Mr. Justice 'Meredith South Grey—At Owen Sound, on Oct. is, at ii paw., before the Chancel- lor and Mr. J ustice Meredith, North, Perth—At Stratford, on Oct.. 14, at 1 p.m., before the Chancellor I and Mr. Justice Meredith, South Perth—At Stratford, ou Oct. 14, at 1 pm, before the Chancellor and sir. Justice Meredith. East Northumberland --At Colborne, an Oct, 20, at uoou, before Mr. Justice Ferguson aud Mr.. Justice Meredith, Provincial C. E. Budget, The Coning .Provincial Convention at Hamilton October 11, 12 and 13, The Eudeavorers of Hamilton aro Sparing no pains to make the meeting there a splendid success. They are des #sing liberal tltiugs, and we trust that by liberal things they shall stand. They are acting in the spirit of their beloved city, which well merits the title the Ambitious city. With open handed generosity they are inviting everybody in the shape of an Indeayores, who can come. They are not afraid of an army of 2,000 .going in upou them. They expect a large assembly there. Let every county send its county banner too 1 For the meeting—the Drill Hall —the largest available place has been procured. Judging from the musical provision for the last convention which was of a high order, and had a great ileal of the best work put into it -this year's convention o entfon will Lot be behind. It is in the hands of a master, Mr. Wm. T. Robinson, who has a body of singers in training whieh will give a treat to be long remembered with delight. The program too has some notable features. The Rev. Elmore Harris, of Toronto, will give two Bible studies on " The Fulness of Blessing " and " The Abounding Life," Four round table conferences dealing with the real.work by the members of the Societies will he held. The junior Societies will have two sessions all their own apart from the regular meetings—one for a school of methods and the other for a junior rally. Ilany well known C.E. workers will speak. Dr. F. E. Clark of Boston is fully expected, and an address is looked for from Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieut Governor of Ontario. Evangelistic services will be held in the factories, etc. Altogether a grand meeting is looked for. This may be the last call for a grand rally in the good city of Hamilton. The time approaches fast, indeed it is upon us. Now for a gathering of our Endeavor hosts. Our friends in Ham- ilton have made provision for all who come. But care should be taken to have your credentials in your hand in the shape of 'a certificate from your secretaryor president. At London some were present enjoying the hos- pitality of the good people there and staying even after the meeting was over, and all the while they were not Christian Endeavorers. Any may avail themselves of the cheap railway rates, but only bona fide Endeavorers are entitled to entertainment. How many Societies will be there P Let as few as possible bo unrepresented. A good program has been prepared and Dr. Clarke will be there. Go and see and hear Dr. F. E. Clarke 1 Huron County Convection of C. E. & S.S., Exeter, June 20th and 21st, 1899. -Com. Three.children. of John D. Embury, of Hungerford, were poisoned a few days ago. Two have died and the third is not yet out of danger. John Evans, proprietor of the Bel- mont cheese factory, had the ends of two of his fingers cut off Thursday, while feeding the ,curd cutter to the factory. y to Take y to Operate Are features peculiar to ,Tico'l's falls, Sitaatt it; t steit'sg, efOCieiat, tl:orousk. s or.e lean said: '' Ito never know Toe Dave• taken a pill. #til it is all over." We. C.1. Boon & Co., Proprietors, Lowell Mass. The only pills to tate w.inl% Moan's ,larsayari 10 Cent Plug .. . Pure Virginia Tobacco. ..THE.. Far Seeing people don't need to look through a telescope to find bargahss whets they visit our Stora, We bane them on all aides. The telescope is all right in ice place—locating small ah• Sects for inster.ce—and it might bar all right to locate things like our prices, which are so small that eou will weeder how we sent so cheaply._ Stoves l Stov A rM'I.L LINE OF COOKING YIUSIUI� �ayeriiser WOODHEATERS ...1899... Only Seventy-five Cents January 1st, 1900, Now is the time to subscribe for the best Weekly Paper published in Ontario. Write for low elubing offers. ADDRESS WESTERN ADVERTISER, LONDON, ONT. BU.'tTHS GLADBtAN —In Exeter, on Sept. 26th the wife of Mr. F. W. Gladman, of a son. MAltItIA .tLS. DourE—MADGs—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday, Sept. 29th, by the Rev. Geo. Jewett, Mr. Arthur Doupe of Kirkton, to. Miss Clara .A., eldest daughter of Mr, Philip Madge. DEATHS Wxtsoi.—At Wiarton, on Sept. 13 Benjamia Wilson, aged 57 years and 3 months. 'ELrottn,—In Usborne, on Sept.- 22nd, Annie Matthews, beloved wife of Michael Elford, sr., aged 63 years, 1 month and 17 days. OAt.znaoN.-At the residence of his son• in-law, Mayor Wilson,.London, on Sept. 26, Hon. M. C. Cameron, Lieu- tenant Governor of the Northwest Territories, aged 67. PATTERsnx—On the 17th inst., the wife of Robs, H. Patterson, West Mc- Gillivray, aged 44 years. SHEPPARD-On the 17th inst., John Sheppard, McGillivray, aged 3'7 years, 6 months. MCDotvnLn—On the 18th inst, Mrs. Mc .Donald, Shipka, aged 97 years. W. E. Gillespie 'of.. Penetanguishene was sentenced to six months' impsison menu at Montreal for issuing false statements to deceive his creditors. Mrs. Thompson, of Malahide, was. badly injured on Saturday night in a runaway accident. The horse became frightened at one of the advertising signs on tho road, near Aylmer and ran away. Lot SECOND-HAND HEATERS APPLE PEARERS APPLE WIRE PLATFORM SCALES &Soil ... EXETER FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. DUNN'S BAKING P iii1DER THECOOK'S BEST FRIENJD pRGEST SALE III CANAD,.. The authorities of Woodstock Jail discovered that Middletown, the alleged railway swindler and bigamist, was planning to escape. They frustrated the plan by removing him to another cell. Marks Bros., who were playing in London last week have presented 560 to Mrs. Emerson, wife of the actor who awaits trial for killing his manager, James Tuttle, on the stage of the Music- al Hall. Henry Culverhouse, of Toronto, an aged man attempted suicide by cut- ting his throat with a razor, at the home of his son, Henry. It is thought that he became suddenly insane. He will probably recover. In the case of Mrs. Empey, the Mar mora woman, arrested under charges of. arson, Judge Lazier found that the crime bad been committed while she was mentally unbalanced and remand- ed her to jail tb await the action of the Government: k McQuillan, Gu n ship,Mr. metFranwith au untimely endelphThurtows - day, He was fixing a silo on his farm, assisted by his hired man.. He was ad- justing a spout from the carriers, and standing on the partition, when .the rope broke as he was lifting the spout, causing him to lose his balance, He fell into the empty silo on the hard floor below. He remained unconscious for about - fifteen minutes. A 7bysiciau was soon in attendance but could do nothing There was a bad wound on the, back of the head, and this, with the shock caused death. a uw.r�Y+�xa on. • 1,1