HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-9, Page 11
k 1
Peeple wil4 lefective NIL
Remember our Optician will be away for
holidays from Sept. 1st to Sept. 10th. Come
in and have your sight scientifically tested before he leave:-..
No charge made for testing at
untlersignel has ultra Fer id fun lit-
tle couching Tigs tor sale,
Jou M.
London Road
T e lessigno- 1 lias tow g..rn farnriri fom
sak cheap. Mfoney 1.‘03.11« L14,3^ terms
rtQlt. Enet4e
We have inelimite3 rtivat,, tau Is for i
ve-iment upon tam or vaigo FroTert3
low, st vitas oft inttr(“4'.
& Cant
rilArri7,tt - Ext. t4
)7A1-1, . ILE VILLAGE l'11011"131:71' Ft')
nu.ier-ignel ring f,,,r -,ule
valualle rov•rt v, ,itizatt.4
E• uro» Street, l'arr Lot contain-
oser o tier, s. 114, ro, 41, Cla ?!...01, 4 rem: ,o
g.nnl Zkhouse. -,t1.414 ym,pp,„,
,r1-43., Izu raine 1.1tein 41.114
•olied tavlio di a irainto staile anl otlit r
rzert-,rigry out -i r. frnit
P. *Hpt soiceit opi water 0,114 rottlividence,,
at tisi-...1V14.0 or to
The untierNigne,1 koif.vrilogLf. zijki4s
:arm. in the towitooltilf,i4 l'-dterne. !for Nah,
' If r,nt, lot 4. tntt.,in a, eontainit.g ol
..11 Vroni,t.r. two goo.I
la.riis ;Cake bank o. 844 is*1 aieelentenita.
lege; girtH1 fr.itoie house. good wtik mad a,
-,olenolitiorehat,I. 41111 is ono of the loe,d
4., to
ttnauts should WO this Trout rty.
uldv to
'MAT r.
Devon 1'. 0., Out.
kin, general agent for the
orthwest Transportation Company,
teg brolteu caused by jumping
buggy attached to a runaway
Lem, Ihnisilat, et. mug. The
rver jumped, leas ing Mr. Askin iu
he rig' without any�taus of guiding
animal, so he was cemeelted
:tunp, with the above result.
(1.E Reliant) D.IVIR4 late of the viilagn
of Exeter, yeennall, deceased,
Purquint to S. 28 oi c.litirter 129 oi the
?•ltevisetl Statutes of t intario, is:17, notice is
libtreby gi•ven that all eredito,s awl others
having eiaims against the estate of Richard
Davis. late of the village of Exeter, in the
r minty of Huron. yeoman, who on tor
about the fifteenth day of August, A.D. Ms, •
are, on or before the first day *I Oetolior,
Ali., V.114, to send by post, pro -laid, to Messr,
Elliot 8,r, GI:Oman of the said village of Ex-
eter.Solicitors for Mary Davis and Joseph
Davis, Executors atilt, last 1,Vili and Testa-
ment of the Ileeertsed their christian names
and surnames, addresses and descriptions,
the full particulars of their claims, a state-
ment of their actounts awl the nature of
securities (if any! hell by them, and that
after the day atorcsaid the said Executors
will prnceed to distribute the assets of the
said deceased among the parties entitled
thereto. having regard only to such claims
ot which notice shall have 'been given as
above required, and the said Executors will
not be liable for the assets or any part there-
of, to any persons or persons of wh,ose claim
or claims notice shall. not have been received
by them at the time of such distributions.
iDated at Exeter this thirtieth day of Aug-
ust, A.D.,1898.
Solicitors for Mary Dayis and Tose-ph Davis,
k NEW -4
The undersigned has op-
penecl up a new Meat Market
where he will keep the choic-
est of meats constantly on
John TMiing.
Stepten. School &Allis
The following is the correct August
report for 8. S. No. 3. Names in order
of meria—V—Daniel Sanders, Ida Jory
Edwin Beaver, George Sanders; Sr.
III—Stella Penhale, Chas. Sanders; Jr.
III—Vera Sanders, Frank Triebner,
Minnie Triebner, Asa Penhale, Roy
Parsons, Homer Bagshaw, Herbie Ford;
Sr. II—Laura Jory, Clara Beaver, Hat-
tie Willis, Viola. Penhale. Sadie VVillis;
Jr. II--Jeenie Sanders, Minnie Sanders
Willie Triebner, Nelson Sanders; Sr.
part II—Herbie Beaver, Edith Parsons,
Violet ,Woods, Eddie Willis, Mitchell
'Willis; Jr. Part II—Lizzie Sanders; Sr
part I—Lillian Stanlake, Harry Par-
sons, Garnet Craig: Jr. part I --Samuel
Stan lake, Tommy Sanders, Gladys Bis
sett, Annie Sanders, Fred 13eaver, Her
ry Triebner, Ralph Willis, Vinnie Cook-
son, Cecellia Ford. Average attend-
ance 35.
R. N. CREECH, Teacher.
ie following renote-; are attending
fare at Tereine thi 11wk —.T. :VI.
Case, 4, erv.,-4., Jeckell.
ed MeTaggart !eft Tuesday evening
for Londou, where he will attend the
Collegiate Institute. Mr. Albert Mc-
Taggart left Ti 4;y for fioderich to
attend the Model.— air. Chas. Jechell,
who was visiting Ids parents, returned
home laet week.—Mr Jeeele, of Mmirts,
N Y I• hert dils
week. --Most fanners are through Sow -
lug the fall wheat and the recent
rain has helped it wonderfully.
Miss Robinsn, teacher, addreseed
the ehildren of the Letigue on Smelny
eider, laet, on the life of null. Iter
diseourse was deseverdly praiseworthy,
and was listened to by the children of
the Minot with much interest.
DDsTROYEIi ny FIRE.—Mr. James
Stavey's stable took fire on Saturday
afternoon last, and before anything
could be done the stable, a quantity of
grain in stacks and the dwelling was
levelled to the ground, together with
nearly all the entants. The fire was
supposea to have origivated by a spark
from the chimney. The loss to Mr.
Stacey is cousiderable, with no ham -
Usborne Council.
Council met in Elitriville, Sept. 3rd,
as per adjournment. All present, Min
rites of special meeting were read and
approved. Ineddy—Hunkin, that the
following rates be levied on the ratable
property of tbe municipality for tbe
current year, viz: 1.25 mills on the
to raise 82215.65, for county purposes;
L5 mills on the $ to raise 82781.12, for
township purposes, and .85 mills oft the
$ to raise $1547.63, as a general school
rate, as per Sec. 66, Chap. 292, R. S.
1897.—Carried. Hunter—Delbridge,
that the several amotmts required by
the Trustees of the different school sec-
tions be levied and entered on the Col-
lector's Roll and collected with the other
rates, after deducting the amount due
each section from the general school
rate.—Carried. Hu n ki n—Hun ter, that
by-laws be drafted legalizing the levy-
ing of the aforesaid rates..—Carried
Orders, amountiug to 866.20, were paid
and the Council adjourned, on motion
of W. Keddy, seconded by A. Hunkin,
to meet Oct. 1st, at one o'clock.
F. MORLEY., Clerk.
Hay a0i1001Report
The August xeonthly report of
No. 2, is as follows, Names are in or-
der Oeft—IV—W. R. Angell, E.
F. Johnson, Aimee Deugall; III—J. E.
Gould, W. E. 0?Brien, Luella Munn;
Sr. II—R. F. Northcott, J. R. Moon,
Maggie Sutherbe; Jr, le—w. W, John.
SOD, W. W. Russell, Mabel Dougall; part
II—Mary Johnston, Percy Clark, Earl
Brickwood; pert I—W. Nertncott, G.
Andersoo, B. Carroll. The best spellers
in the monthly spelling matches were:
Dougall; III and Sr II—J,
Munn; Jr. 11-51, Dougall;part II—M.
Johnson; part I—W. Northcott.
Stephen Couuoil.
Crediton, Sept. 5th., 1893.
All members except Reeve present'.
inntes of Jas meeting read and
eigued b niesere,
Schweitzer aud Sandera to atteud the
prelimitsary meeting calleel by Mr.
Campbell which is to eartVefte Sept. 24,
at 2 (Meek P.M. On motion of M.
Winehelsea Wiogban's *Ir. John Pettereou,one! Sudden, Death a Seaforth.
of the oldest aomost respected rest
P. T. Halls ia in Toronto this dente of this twenty, died at the resa,
d -
Seafortb, Sept, 4,—The citizens of
week combiningliklishaess with pleas- denee of his son, Frank, on Friday, af- this town were this evening greatly
ire -.Messrs Jones & Halls have clis- ter a very sbort illness, he haviug had,
posed of their general store to Messrs. a paralytic stroke a few days before his
Couch & Roy, of Mitchell, and woe death,
we have much pleasure in welcomine
5/essrs. Conch & Roy to our midst, we
very taloa regret to lose iner old
friends Messrs. Jones & Halls.—Mr. R.
Robinson was in London on business
Saturday. -51r. J. Richardson has been
buying apples far Messrs. Jones
Halle. Ma Fred nunkin has also been
buyinr, for them. They have con-
tracted to fill an order for 10,000 ba-
rel—Mr. Norman Jarrett and, nfies Ida
Upshall, daughter of Mr. Geo. Ueshall,
drove to Exeter on Wednesday of test
, week and were there happily wedded by
Ref. T,!rfiy, rector of the Trivitt Menor-
ia We wish the young eottple
every erosperity through life.-- Quite a
' nurtirer from here are takIng In Teton
„ to rale.
Hicks and M. Seeders G. Brown was
reappointed collector same salary as
last year. Council to meet again
1st Monday in Nov. ;:aftern000.'e O.
der grained U. Seilly lumber and
liauhng,820 30; J. Lawson, buying
sneep, ante: F. Either, box cut,. 82.50:
W, Hasten, grasel and work, 843 enn,
R, Ilalidford, gravel contract, 812.S0s
U. Eesery, gravel contract $62.00;
• • Ckebh, work, •
Prouty corn. N B Meeks 112, 810 00:
B. Quarry talaing M. MeCartby to II.
Refuge $1 tin; Were Dearing rep. cut
2, con. 811.(05; J, Tenant eorn.,$+1,00.
C. Pnor en, Clerk.
tlay Connell
Connell met on Sept 5th. All pros.
eat. :Moran ot Aug. let. referring' to
raining a seat:let tax a $loo on the as.
sesement Ilay Swamp Drams wee
amended by otehieg the stun tetO0.
The several SUMS' due to the Town,hip
under preceedings of Dinettes and
Watercourees Act" were ordered to lee
, placed on the Colleetore Roll with 7 per
cent added. The Clerk was lustructed
' to send a cope- of a motion to the Head
of the entiaielpaltty of Ilensall to the
effect that the corporation of Hensall
have :in ertgineern report for the drain
In g of certain lands an the South
side of centre road amended by
the eugineer, as lot 20 in con. 2, only
contains ilea aeees zi-oa *tot iod as sett
ed in saki report, aud that Hey Connell
cement pass a by-law until they have
received an amended copy nf said en-
gineer's report. A entree; to dig a
ditch under " Redmond Award" was
let to Thos. Harnett for 81 50 a rod.
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid:—S, White el Son, printing,
811; la W. Farncombe, Redmond award
825; F. Hess, Sr., Redmond award,
$3.90; Geo. Parker, work in gravel pit,
815; elagel, gravel contract C. R,
$119; C. Aldsworth, approaches to
bridge, 50 75; Jacob Schroeder, repair-
ing culvert, con. 16, 83; Mrs, R. Aubin,
charity, $3; John Taylor, gravel, $4•021
F. Hess, Sr., extra work, re S. S. No, 10,
812; Wm. Caldwell, commissioner work
C. In, 516.25; M. Geiger, letting con-
tracts, 11. S. D., $2; A. G. Ehnes, do., $2
Wm. Battler, do., 82; Alex. Thompson,
do., $2; Jehn Volker, do., $2. Council
will meet again on alonday, Oct. 3rd,
at 10 o'clock a.m.
Dnegns —One by one the old resi-
dents of this place are passing away.
On Tuesday John Cowan died, aged 84
years. Deceased was born in Galloway -
shire, Scotland, and came to thie coun-
try with his wife and family some 52
years ago, and settled in Tuckersmith,
and had resided in Bayfield about 15
years. He was married about 64 years
ago to Jane MeNay, who died about
two years ago. Three daughters and
six sons are living: Mrs. Andrew Mc-
Bride, in Hamilton; Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Donald, at the Soo; Mrs. Wm. Nicholson
Bayfield; Peter and David in Warsaw
N. Y.; William in California; Alexander
in Michigan; John in Stanley, James
at home.—James Pollard, proprietor of
the Queen's Hotel, died on Monday,
week, at the age of 42 years. He had
been ailing with consumption for some
time, and his death was not •unexpect-
ed. He was a member of the Orange
Order and Masonic Society, being bur-
ied under their auspicee; he was highly
esteemed, this being shown by the
large number who attended his funeral
on Wednesday. He leaves a wife and
two children,
P. Hnss, Clerk.
Killed a Farmer.
Jolla Gillies, a farmer living nett
1Nairre was instantly killed duriag, the
littoral which prevailed west of London
Friday evening. Unties was worhing on
the firm of eNeit McLachlan, on the
,,. town nue between Lobo and East Wile
tiaras el,t the time. The sterna eOlilitig
Oat be el goue in from the field, driv-
' lag a teem of horses ahead of hire at-
taelnet to a farm iinplement. Between
shocked as word passed rapidly from
one to another of the sudden death of
Mr. George Ewing, sen. Mr„ Ewing
Ailsa Craig: After Many months was enjoying his usual health, attend -
of illness and confinement to his hOMO, led church this evening, and after ser
H .
Mr. John arrison died Tuesday even- Viee8 expreesed his interest in a sei:
nag at seven o'elock. Tim occurrence
was hourly ezpeeted and many were
even surprised to see him lioger day
after day as be did. Deceased has
been a resideae of Ailsa Craig for over
thirty years and was knosvn by almost
everyone. A wtclow is left to mourn
the loss. The funeral took place Wed-
nesday afternoon to St. George's cern-
tery, London township.
Liman : Another of the old settlers
of this neighborbood passed over to the
great =Pate' on Sunday, in the per
twee of Robert Guest, who had reached
mon on Psalms 40, 7 and 8, preached
by his pastor, the Rev. Dr Macdonald.
He went home, spent a little time in
reading his Bible, then read a para-
graph out of bis record, and after
handing the paper over to his wife ex -
&ed. He wised away without a
vrarreing• His wife and daughter were
alone at the time and cannot realize
that be is dead, it was so sudden. Mr.
Ewing was one of the earliest citizens
of Seaforth. and for Malty years carried
QubUSI13e$8 bUtCher, hut eigb.t or
ten years ago gave up bis bestow.
the remarkable age of 84 years and He was about 70 years of age, a good
menthe when the summons came. Be neighbor, a, true friend, a good citizen,
had lived for some tirne Loudon a Wad and laving' husband and father.
townehip before wining to Lucan, and Ile W38 a °4tI•ve of Claektuaommsbire*
t one time owned considerable proper- S,00tlauflt leaves tWa Sons and tsNo
tv Of late he had heed with a dello., daughters. The merest sori, Dr. Frauk,
ter, Mrs. John Ryan. Mrs. Jobn S. is at present at Brooklyn, B. C. George
Hodgitin of Strathroyge
, ie a daughter, is at Rat Porte. His elaest dangle -
and one son, Robertasurrives him. Iter is at home and has been organist of
Mitchell: elitchell is about to sus 1 the Presbyterian Church for garde
tain another severe lose by the removal0tvears past. Another daughter, Jeanie,
of theWhyte Peeking Co. to Stratford. i es a nurse Kin New York.
The firm has been looking for a more -- - ne—
eep More eep.
central shippiug point, awl where they
would reeetve more encouraerernent
. the twine+ and the barn he stopped to . tbau Onto received in art 10117 m I There are two stroag reasons, am
c r.
ruahoee able
m bonen andshile in the act John Wfiete. ire made Stratford an la"Y others, which make it maim,
the for the f3rreere to 4eel) "eel' (4
deetny halt fell. The horsits were offer, and at a meeting of the cite come 4
on the farm, eheop
Wrrifik I, and bolted forward, but were ell held Friday evening., it was untied; the live staid, kept
stopped ny Mr. McLeelaltu. He then measly accepted The company is to ,staud out aleee'e all othere as renovators
" hurried to assist Mil, who lay pros, get a. nem of $30,009 for twente rears, i tli° soil.Sheep will eat a greater.
trate fee the ground. To his horror, , to be exempt from taxation for the . arwt:' °I Pluots cattle or horees,
late Me:Lublin found that the man nella • &WO time. on couditions tnat they eeeet "a e°14seclueutb. 1214'13Y klucis el Uoxi-
ti1:1:4. He had been killed instautly, a pork packing and eurinw faeiorTtas't"; oue weeds ent eaten oa' gad made to
i he linieteing left numerous traces, up. a cost of $100) to 8;a0,61) and em l preduce woe! and nautteu lusteeed of
ripened seed bleb failto the ground
n the bale' of Re course, so disfiguring ' p/oe- (rout ea to 100 men. - es s
le este fl .'skate the butial of the re. c.. 'ftss , . , to come up the fellow -bag year mai din,
Inrtilit! 3ft; tufty morning. Strange to t rn,t°11, : 'Esse't., *I'll" a “"erleh / place the grasses aud growing erops,
• say, the le wsee were not injured. Ile il• lau "Pm" °4111°. awitihr t° th' For thie rensou alone, if for no teller,
was aged eetweten forty and fifty years.
. e growth of a cataract over each eve, ? t 1 A * r -
. every earit'r on a aurieree acre nava
A w idow aid oue child survive. The first of these made its appearaine , slimed keep liE Zeasz a dozen sheep,
two years ago and destroyed the .sight I
In additien to the aood qualities of
of that eye, hut the sight of the other sheep as retiovettors of tbe soil they
Around About Us, renvdning unimpaired. uo attempt was help to en:detail] axed increase tha fer-
made to remove the zanee of trouble taity of the farm. They are especially
Lately a second cataract formed and behelieial ia this regard on hilly ferms.
If the paeture lased is hilly, sheep at
night usualle get on the hilly parts of
the field, the portions most ite 'acted of
the oldest cataract and ha a few days the mauure, and. their droppings help
will perform a similar operatien UPOU to inerease the fertility vtry much. In
the secoud eye. MisMilkir ic getting , ether neepoete see pao valuable on
'tion liitt.tiy and it is 4kh:pt:.ted. vi1ieveto farm l 1 ttl.mtis of 'increasing
have her sight conapletely restored. the fertility en the lazal.
Woodhain: A man who awns a There is one point that evens- farraer
who keeps sheep ehould bear in mind,
and that is, that a really first-class
eheep will make as good a renovator of
the sail as a poor, mieerable artimal
that is neither a goad wool producer
nor a breeder ot ti 'and of lambs that
will command the , ,hest prices on the
market. As much :are should ne exere
eised in selecting sheep for the farm as
any other animal. Quality counts in
this as well as in any other line. The
farmer who intends to keep sheep
should select the breed that will give
the greatest return in meal and lamb
to the wool produced in
this country, it may be well to point out
just here that Canadian wool has the
reputation of being of that coarse va-
riety which seems to be a drug upon
the markets of the world at the present
time. A reaction may take pine soon-
er or later, and this class of wools may
be in greater demand, but it was some-
what doubtful, if the present tendency
of the market be taken as a guide.
The demand for the finer wools is in-
creasing the world over. The market
for these is not subject to the variations
in price that obtain in the market for
the coarser wools, for the reason that
the finer wools go to form materials
that are bought by the rich, who do
not quibble so much about the price.
It may be well, therefore, for the farm-
er, when procuring a flock of sheep, to
select those breeds which are producers
of the finer wools.
Ailsa ertig: Ou Tuesaay Mr. Jun.
eNaughton fell from n. tree awl sprain.
eti bis auntie,
Hensall : On Tuesday while at play
• it little a :twiner of fl Beek tripped
Iover a t.ire and fell breaking ber arm.
of (1:iii:1;1;cheNtr14::1)11;i411111:s Itioa141'1.181rtil.
, Case & Co. of Seaforth, who take pos.-
' session in about a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs John Paul of Loring
Parry Sound Dist. have been the guests
of Mr. and Mrs Hy. Eilber the past
week.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morlock
family of Aurora, III., are tha guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Morlocka—Mr.
Joseph Heist has purchased Mr. Adol-
phus Hooper's farm for a fair price.
—Mr. Bloomfield, our new teacher, has
moved into Mr. Wm. L Levis' dwelling.
—The Rev. Mr. Heist of Zurich held a
Quarterly meeting in the German
Church Sunday. Rev. Wing, of Ber
lin, who was to hold it was unable to
be present owing to having sickness
in his family.—The Convention
of the Zurich district was held here
Wednesday evening and Thursday.
Solos, recitations and addresses were
delivered. Miss Faust, of Zurich, act-
ed as chairman, which she did very
gracefully. The Convention was a
success in every particular.—Mrs. (Dr.)
Rivers, who has been visiting friends in
Sarnia the past week, returned home
Saturday evening.—Miss Emma Fiuk.
beiner, of Exeter, spent a few days here
with her mother last week .—Diphtheria
has started in the family of Mr. B.
Brown, Jr. This is the second ease of
fever in the village.—Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Roedding, of Zurich, spent Sun-
day here with friends.—Mrs. Harwood,
of Picton, spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mars. Samuel Eilber —Mr.
S. Brown and H. Either are attending
the Industrial Fair at Toronto this
week.—Some mean 'person has lately
been putting rails across the road in
order to have the bicyclists run over
them, We cannot see where the fun
comes in, and if the parties who are
the authors of this low work were giv-
en a touch of the law it would be to
the satisfaction of ourl citizens.—Mrs.
Dora Link has returned from Toronto
and London where she been attending
the millinery openings.
Miss Miller lost her eight, altogether.
Ono of our medical men tool; the case
lu hazel aud one day last week removed
farm. it this eternity takes periodical
Bleinsbard ; The best crop report
that we have heard of this seasou trips to the Stone Tower and indulgesin distilled corn juice. Yesterday he
that of Eggleeton aIeDouald, 10th cothi
was promenading through the streets
He sowed 11 neheis on five and a had with the imagination that he was ste-
ams aud threshed 223 bushels. pointed chief of police of Western On-
tario, and some wag had him dressed
up with a volunteer's red tunic, a pair
of lacrosse knee pants, just meeting
the tops of a pair of long stoga boots.
He also wore a white het, with a black
band around it, He told several per-
sons that he was only four hours on
duty when he captured Teeny's mur-
derer, and he says he will not give him
up till the eity of Lendon gives him
over the 8500 reward offered."
Blansha rd : David McPherson, a
hired man employed on the Balkwill
farm, base line, was on Tuesday morn-
ing putting on a collar on one of the
farm horses, when some of the Beale:will
family heard a scream. When they
came to where McPherson was they
found him under the front feet of the
horse. He was hastily taken up, plac
ed in a conveyance, and taken to town
to his sister's, Mrs David Pratt. Dr.
Smith was sent for, and upon examina-
tion found that his right shoulder wa.8
dislocated. He also had a bad sealp
wound which required several stitches,
and he was otherwise bruised. His
condition was sueh that he was unable
to tell how the accident happened.
Clinton: The other day while Dick
Horsely was getting some cedar out of
the bush, his hand caught between a
piece of the harness and the tree, and
the horses being uneasy, tore the back
of his hand severely, breaking one of
the cords.—On Monday while a little
boy named Hibbert, who resides with
his mother on Albert St., was up an
apple tree, he fell and broke his wrist.—
The other day while Fred Rumball was
doing some work in his shop, the ham-
mer struek his thumb behind the first
joint, and split it open.—One day last
week while a son of Mrs. Mitchell was
ricliuo' on a milk wagon, he fell off, and
the wheel passed over his head, cutting
a gash that necessitated the services of
a doctor.
Wingham: Sometime ago, a peti-
tion was presented to the council ask
ing that a census of the town be taken
in order to ascertain whethert here was
a sufficient population to allow the
fifth hotel license being, granted. The
petition signed by the License Inspec-
tor. and Chairman of the License Board
was duly forwarded. The Lieutenant
Governor granted permission for the
census taking and Wm. Robertson was
appointed census enumerator. He fin-
ished his work on Wednesday with the
following result: --Ward 1. 497; ward
2, 429; ward 3, 547; ward 4, 834, Tot-
al, 2307. This is 141 more than was
reported by the Assessor, and is suffic-
ient for the granting of the additional
this double loss. The old man was license. The largest family reported
buried at Exeter on Tuesday afternoon. consists of 11; the smallest of 1.
Lucan Mrs. Blachford's little °ilia
14 months old, was badly scaldedat
Mrs. Lift'S on Thursday, by pulling a
basin Gi hot water off the stove. For a
time it was doubtful if she would re-
cover, but she is now improving.
Mitchell: Mr. Luton II Weaver
was married on Wednesday morning
to Miss Rae Mavis, of Elora. The cer
emony took place at the home of the
bonen uncle, Mr. Isaac Modland, in
the presence of a large number of
HenSall On Saturday one oi our
citizeus was summoned to appear be-
fore Nair° Smilie on a most peculiar
charge of indecent exposure. If the
facts are as stated, the man should be
at one taken to a lunatic asylum, as no
sane person would be guilty of what he
is charged with. He settled the mat
ter by paying $5 and costs into court.
Goderich: On Monday we made a
call on Wm. Warnock to enquire about
the big squash, says the Goderich Star,
and were surprised to see several big
ones, each of which must weigh two
hundred and fifty pounds, and they
are still growing, Mr. W. thinks each
of his pets will turn the scale at three
hundred before they stop, and there is
every reason to believe he is right.
Tuckersmith : A rather serious ac-
cident occurred on Tuesday. Mr. Jas.
Robinson, of the 2nd con., Tucker.
smith, while hitching, his team to the
roller, had the misfortune to have his
leg broken just above the ankle. It
appears that ha had left the horses for
a minute, when they started; he jump
ed to catch them, and in so doing was
struck by the roller with the above
: Our readers will learn with
sincere regret of the death of J. H.
Combe, which sad event occurred
Thursday last, He was one of the
oldest as well as one of the most suc-
cessful business meia of the town, and
during his career of 40 or 45 years here
has enjoyed the fullest confidence and
respect of the entire community. A
wife, three daughters and a son are
left to mourn the loss of a good husband
and father.
Hay: Another old resident passed
away on Saturday, week. Thomas
Blackwell of the Parr Line has resided
in Hay for a number of years and was
well and favorably known. Just a few
moments after the old man breathed
his last a telegram was received from
Manitoba, stating that lais son Thomas
had been drowned but a few hours be-
fore. The family naturally' feel keenly
Fall Fairs.
Western, London, September 8 to 17.
South Huron, Exeter, September 19, 20.
Huron Central, Clinton, bept. 20, 21,
Hay, Zurieh, Sept. 21, 22.
Ailsa Craig, Sept 22, 23.
T-ackersmith, Settforth, Sept. 23.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22,23.
Turnberry. Wing:hem, Sept. 27, 28.
Parkhill, Sept, 27, 28.
Mitchell, Sept 27, 28,
Godevieli, Sept, 27., 28, 29.
St. Marys, Oct, 1, 0.
PAGE.—In Exeter, on Sept, 6th, the
wife of Wm. Page, of a daughter.
JARRDTT—UPSHALL,-111 Exeter, on
Wednesday,' August 81st, by the
Rev. H. E. Bray, Norman Jarrett to.
Miss Ida Upshall, daughter of Mr.
Geo. Upshall, all of Winchelsea.
MUTtitAY.--MOSITDRItr —At the Manse,
Exeter, on Sept. 6th, by the Rev.
Martin, Mr. Peter Murray to Miss
Mary C. McSherry both of Hay town-
PoeLoon.—In Bayfield, on Aug. 29th,
James Pollock, aged 42 years.
Gunse—In Lucan, on Aug, 28th, Robt.
Guest, aged 84 years, 4 mouths and
20 days.