The Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-2, Page 4(
THE Plebiscite Prohibition.. 17. And, Test it be thought that the
language refers only to the disciples Abiaorate. As the time for voting ou this dues- then present, read 20th verse,
tion is drawing near, it is desirable
Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop that all the pros and cons relating to
t thepeople. Two
it should be put afore
THURSDAY, September 1, '98 of the most important of these are •—
(1.) Is Legislative Prohibition in
WHEAT 'It'IC' i PXfO.�PECT'� .
accord with Scripture
(„) Will our country be benefited
by such au Act ?
The one question of greatest import With regard to the first question, I
among the agriculturists at this season
of the year, and one which is frequent
ly propounded, is the probable price
which the husbandman may expect to
realize on the new wheat crop, So
pray 1 for these alone, but for them al-
so who shall believe ou me through the
Having thus pointed out the relation
of the church to the world let us enquire
as to its attitude. This is very fully
and plainly set forth in 1st Oor, chap. 5,
"I wrote unto you in an epistle not to
company with fornicators, yet riot al
base always help the idea that Legis together with the fornicators .of this
thecovetous or with e et uor tae'
lative Prohibition was anti Christian: world, r � o , ex
and I thiol: I aux supported by a large boilers, or with isolators,' and the
majority of the clergy; but instead. of teasoa, for this is very plain,"For then
taking rip the question myself, I will must ye needs go out of the world,"
e£er •ou to Mfr, J. T rnigan's article e•, the, were allowed to associate
eager are, the farmers to elicit some re on the Scripture phase of the question with these classes simply because being
in the old they were
found in the Goderich Star, August
Liable opinion that they lose no oppor-lth. force of circumstances to do so. But
nullity ofmt1. en ,rr,hc ,nothat ,ie proceeds) written unto
sRti'iZ'I,i63it dcr3rlid as a teener of eta. I:Z;I:>I43N'S SCRIPTURE QUOTA- sou not to keep company- if Any matt
so doing. Now and again even retire- TION 'E I"RotlllatrIOX: I that is called a brother be a. fornicator,
sentatives of the press bare been DEAR Su;. --There is one part of my or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer,
letter on prohibition which you have or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with
importuned to offer as °pluton, but d h h 'b'' h and such an cue no not to eat," that was to
rash as a:ew r:pe=r men sometimes are,
there is not one—no, not even the far
editor—who has the temerity to
risk bis reputation as a prophet among
the belle a .Cd bears 'f the wheat pmt.
It may be remarked, however, that to
these who were of the opinion tbat the,
wheat market would not fall below the
dollar reark this .ear a surprise has
certain?;' come. Daring the Leiter
boom the butte to t'•i it in tl:a vieiriity
of the t marl:. caul i.ow the bears
have puled it down to t:, cents a bush•
el for stew wkett. is an experienced
mill man of Ontario pats it, this is con-
siderately below what t'ti outicgk both
at home mut abroad justifies. He
:bias hat+ , •w of
.h.a�s ,h, t "statin farmer will not
be Justiitd iu sante this year's crop,
which is of exeepti"•naily high quality,
at the price quote ., and says that the
present low riles is caused by the ex.-
aggera ion of tea=t hear eleateut as to
the over supply' o wheat likely to be
to the neeritet "luring tenni but when
the world's reserves are again trade up
to their normal :.i,i'�ditian prices will be
much higher ibau they are at present.
As a rule, the wheat market falls
.about this time and graduaily rises.
There is certainly much less old wbeat
!sold ever than for many years, aud in
due time the law of supply and de
maud will regulate priees. This law
is often greatly disturbed by the mid-
dlemen, to the detriment of the pro..
dieters, and there is always a great
tendency to lower prices when the first
'wheat is rushed in on the markets, be-
cause they know that many farmers
have to turn their products into money
as early as possible in the fall iu order
to meet financial obligations. There-
fore those who can bold for some time
may rteeive renutncrative prices, as
wheat will not unlikely again ap-
proach the dollar mark.
called—both Jews and Greeks—Cbrist,
the power of God and the wisdom of
God. Because the foolishness of God is
wiser than men, and the weakness of
God is stronger than men,"" 1 Cor. 1,
18.23.24 25.
Would thatb
church could brought
c e br ti
to see this, and then there would be no
hankering after Acts of Parliament,
however wisely framed.
But I may be asked " Would yea not
allow believers to have anything
whatever to de iu framing laws for the
ten. v
ov xnn t a£ a canary . A r
e kh cora e
proper question, and one which l would
answer somewhat after this manner.
Every person before being born again
is simply a citizen of the eountry in
which he lives' and, of course, exercises
all his rights as a citizen, but after re
generation he becomes a citizen of an-
other conn try, eYon a heavenly, for we
are told in Phil, III, 20 . For our con-
versation (or citizenship) is in heaven,"
but he does Lot, in my judgement, SOLE REPRESENTATIVES
thereby forfeit his earthly citizenship,
one theta char to repo .fs., , but act as it were in a. dual capaelty. ,
which has received pretty severe ern!. .ba their individual attitude. Now for As an ttudividual he has an undoubted ICI
cistn, both public and private,aud whi,eh their corporate, "For what bare Ito do right to aid the State in passing such 41
I think, from the tone of such criticism,gt .ligem also that are without, laws as be may consider necessary for A;, Tsd�i� #' , 00. a `I'02 onto d 1111Ct1011,
is somewhat misunderstood, and as I $ i. e , he bad nothing to do with them'-'- its welfare, •
number among your readers many , Do not ye judge then► that are within It is when acting in a corporate fir litnnertgrelateernatarecireeneeseeesterattraerneeneeteresseetrecte
whose good opinion I value highl'., but them that are without God jud g- capacity as representing the body of — —_
would you kindly allow me space •in ` eth," I would eot:Mend these passe¢ Christ, as the various church. courts
your paper to set forth my to the attention of those who are con- are doing in pessing resolutions in
ttnuali g, . favor of certain laws, and in cote -
Weeding their than was possible la that art � 3' erring."
�m not I my broth -
their members to vote for
such laws, that I object to their. action.
Simply because, as I have already Creek
s.e.,6c„tic,a,c,9,cAc,ac„a.a..4, ..sS- •.Ar 0,-- - 4k -i g"k Ak
combinedred with years
of experience, and
possessing absolutely unequalled facilities for
accurate and durable construction, which permits.
us to' make The World's Greatest Bicycle ' in the
55,003 570.00, $80.00,
30 -Inch Wheels, S100.00.
reale, autl if I tali iu establishing my
caro 1 roust, still bear the blame. I re
ter to that part where I say, "But I
ern beeper?" In so far acs setting
worthy example is eoucermed they are,
but every than is not recognized in
shall be asked, have not the eburches a teripture as a brother, only members
adopted prohibition, and must it not of the church being spoken of as breth'
therefore bo right "? Yes. I confess it ren, But have era not been fitithfullt
is too true, and .se much their greeter warned against this monstrous error
shame. They have abandoned Gad's into which the whole professing church
was of satiation and substituted iu its in this Country has apparently fallen
plate prohibition and all sorts of human " Beware!" tais. the apostle in Ms episs-
deviees. Thepreaching of the cross .tie to the Colossians-- Beware lest any
has indeed becaum to too many in the Weare spoil you through philosophy Trod
, , i the
wetted foo➢isl"tress, eta), the vein deceit after the xtsd moats of
predicted result, but it still remains world, and not after Christ." I ask
true that it " is the power Of God, and any reasonable man if au act of Parlia-
the wisdona.of God." meet does not come nutter the deserip-
Now I do not take back one word of tion of the rudiment of the world? And
what e have written, but 1 hope to show why does he deeur such warning aaeces-
to any unprejudiced person, from a con- sat,• ? " And this 1 say lest any luau
sideration of the words of scripture, should beguile you with entleiug
A. GREAT R00:T TO TI1F. senooLS.
unloved by ,lir. X and seconded by
Mr. Y, that there be no written promo-
tion examinations in the public schools
for at least two years, and that the
promotion of pupils be left entirely
with the teachers." The adoption of
such a motion by Public School Boards
tvouid be a great boon to the schools.
It is cruel and absurb that boys and
girls g' - should be subjected to the torture
of examinations every week with
grand special efforts twice a year, to
see if they have made or are making
satisfactory ;progress, Abolish ex-
aminations until pupils are quite free
from the idea that they go to school to
pass examinations: it will save them.
from many meal of hard, dry and
indigestible facts; it will remove
teachers from fear of partial or total
/e'ilure of pupils to pass examination,
:-which terrible state of affairs might
bring on nervous prostration, a cut in
salary, or dismissal; it would save both
teachers and pupils from an exhaustion
of energy which was intended to be
used to better purpose; in fact, it
would give the schools a chance to
work for work's sake and not for ex-
aminations.—Barrie Advance.
The statistical report upon the num-
ber of ministers for presentation to the
general conference has been received
'from Rev. George Cornish, It shows
that there are ordained ministers to the
number ot 1,703, probe; loners for the
ministry, 328 —a total of 2,031, which
is an increase for the four years of 735.
Of the 1703 ordained ministers 1329
are employed in church and mission
work; 49 are engaged in education
and other connection work; 4 are set
apart as evangelists; 26 are left with-
out a station and 295 are on the super-
annuation and supernumery lista.
that the language I have lust quoted ! words," (.fol 2, 8-4,
is none too severe, but is fully warrant- But did not our Lord himself say "In
ed by the circumstances. vain do they worship teen, teacltiug for
The movement is almost entirely ee• doetrlues the counnandmeuts of melt."
elesiastical, and derives most of itsIf an act of the Dominion Parliament is
streugth from that fact, Take for in. teat a commanelmeut of men. I do not
stance the list of the persons as speak know what is, I submit tbat these scrip
ers at any meetiug having for its ob- tures prove that the church has notb-
ject the furtherance of prohibition, and Trig whatever to do with Legislating for
and take away all the Acmes having the world. Thus far as to the manu-
the prefix Rev, attached to them, and facture, importation and sale of intoai-
who would be left ? eating liquor, which is the business of
The movetneut is eeelesiastical, yet the state, let us now see what the Word
its aim is political, and its methods coni- says as to drunkenness, which is the
pletely so, even down to the all import. business of the church. In the first
ant campaign funds. I say from the place it is her duty to expel from her
words of scripture --for it is a case in communion the incorrigible aluner
which nothing else will avail --poor (drunkard or otherwise) "Therefore,
human reason and opinion must stand put away from among yourselves that
aside and allow God to speak, and it is wicked person," 1 Cor., 5, 19. Again,
worthy of remark that none of my crit. we are expressly told that no drunkard
les have appealed to scripture to show shall inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Cor.
wherein I am In error in this respect; 6, 10, and that is prohibition and penal -
but it must be plain to everyone that ty enough. But is the power given to
as the church derives both her exist- ' the church to expel the drunkard from
once and authority from scripture. that her commuuion, under the dreadful
it is to scripture alone we must look for threat of eternal distraction, all the
guidance as to the propriety of her an. remedy that God has provided for him ?
tion, And the first thing to be done is No indeed, and this brings us to pod's
to define clearly what we mean by way of salvation as contrasted with
"The Church." man's way. I have been asked: What
11r. Aliin in his communication, says is your remedy for the evils of drunk -
it is a body of good citizens, Yes it is enness? You object to prohibition,
that, but it is a deal more. Many men what do you offer in its place? And
are good citizens who are not members that gives mean opportunity to explain
of the church of Christ. What then is what I meant by saying that the church
the scriptural definition of"TbeChurch?' had abandoned God's way of salvation
The name or title by which it is most and substituted prohibition and all
generally known is "The body of Christ" kinds of human devices, God has a
"And bas put all things under his feet, way of salvation not only for the drunk -
and gave him to be the head over all and but for others as well, and while I
things to the church, w hich is his body." seek to set it forth I would ask the
—Eph. 1, 22.23. "" And he is the head readers closest attention, for they are
of the body, the church.„—Col, 1, 18, not mans ,
words It is found to the
also verse 25. The body thus designa. chapter from which I have last quoted,
ted has been chosen in Christ before the I Car. 6th chapter, and that it is ad -
foundation of the world, that they dressed to the church is plain from the
should be holy and without blame. 4th verse. Read from the 9th verse,
They have been predestinated unto the ” Know ye not that the unrighteous
adoption of children, Eph. 2, 4.5; they shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
have been redeemed through his blood, Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor
they have the forgiveness of their sins, idolators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate
Terse 7; they have the mystery of his nor abusers of themselves with man -
will made known unto them, verse 9; kind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
they have obtained an inheritance, drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortion -
verse 11; they have been sealed with ers shall inherit the kingdom of God."
the Holy Spirit, verse 13, which is the Now mark what he says, and such
earnest or pledge of that inheritance were some of you, but ye are washed."
until the full time come for them to Amazing! A drunkard washed from
enter into full possession, verse 14. sin, and become a member of the body
Unto the body thus formed is given of Christ. There must have been a.
many precious promises, valuable priv- stringent prohibitory law in force in
ileges, powers and gifts. And he gave Corinth, the prohibitionist would say—
some apostles and some prophets and not at all—a prohibitory law could not
some evangelists and some pastors and have washed the drunkard, it could
teachers, Eph. 4.11. What were these only make clean the outside of the cup
gifts for ? " For the perfecting of the and plater and would only deserve the
saints, for the work of the ministry, for stern reproof. " Thou blind Pharisee,
the edifyiug of the Body of Christ;" cleanse thou first that which is within
verse 12. "Now are ye the body of the cup and platter, that the outside of
Christ and members in particular, and them may be clean also" But more
God hath set some in the church; first wonderful still, these Corinthian drunk•
apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly ards were not only washed but they
teachers, after that miracles, gifts of were sanctified, and not only were they
healing, helps, government, diversities sanctified but they were justified.
of tongue." 1 Cor,12, 27-28, Surely this was a most wonderful
Where is there a hint hereof any au• change, and 1 am sure that all modern
thority given to the church to join fore- reformers will be anxious to learn how
es with the world in order to pass a law it was done.
prohibiting the manufacture, importa- There were just two agencies em -
tion and sale of ale, wine, beer, cider, ployed, "In the name of the Lord Jesus
etc.? And lest 'it be contended that and by the Spirit of our God," verse 11.
" Governments" in the last quotation How simple and yet how efficacious. I
would do so, let it be observed that all fear, that some on reading this, will be
these gifts have reference to the church ready to ask is that all ? They will feel
itself, and have nothing whatever to do as did Naaman 'when told to go and
with the world. But it may be urged, dip seven times in Jordon for the cure
The very simplicity
`no direct au• of his le rosy yof
although,she may P
thorityfor engaging in such work, yet the cure will cause them to dispise it,
so long as she 18 not forbidden it may and that is what I meant by saying
be lawful for her to do so. My answer that the preaching of the cross has be•
is,," she is; forbidden." Let us first see come to too many foolishness, that is,
the true relation of believers in Christ they consider it utterly inadequate to
or the Church to the world, and for that destroy the power and guilt of sin iu
purpose let us take our Saviour's own the drunkard, "For the preaching of
words, "I have manifested Thy name the cross is to them that perish foolish -
unto the men .whom Thou gayest me fess but unto us which are saved it is
out of the world,' John 17, 6. "I pray the power of God. But we preach
for them, 1 pray not for the world," Christ crucified—unto the Jews a
verse ii. "They are not of the world, stumbling block and unto the Greeks
• even as I am not of the world," ` verse
Dr. Laurier Dead.
Montreal, Ana, 27.—News has been
received here of the death at Sir Wil-
frid' Laurier's residence at Arthabaska-
bald Laurier, the re-
e o
rill ,
has been ill for
miler s brother. He a
some time, and only recently returned
from a trip to California, taken fOr his
One hundred dollars or three years
in the penitentiary, the heaviest fine in
the annals of the Brantford police
court for many a long day, was im-
posed on Fred Pollard, the young Eng -
Hallman, who was convicted of ' steal-
ing a letter containing '75 cents, while
officiating in the capacity of clerk at
the Hotel Belmont;
Miles Sinnott, a Kingston cabman,
walked off the wharf and was drowt:ed
John Giles of Portage la Prairie was
drowned while bathing in Portage
show a, they have nu authority from The 9 year old son of Peter Cyr of
the head to do so. The distiuction be- Gatineau Point was drowned in the
twixt the individual as a citizen, and Ottawa River.
the individual as a member of Christ,
may appear to some very fine; to zee
it is very real indeed,
I da not at present deny the abstract
right of the state, after compensation
has been made to the owners for the
destruction of their business andp ro-
perty , to pass a law for the suppres
e liquor rich of th traffic.
cq iii..
I may consider the attempt very -
foolish, and certain to eud iu dissap-
pointlueut, but I do not deny its au-
thority. It is entirely otherwise with
the church. To take auy part what-
ever in such legislation, is an intrusion et
P Modern Treatment of
into the domain of the state, and dist it
honoring to her head, and richly de-
serves the reproof administered by
God to his ancient people, " They
have forsaken me. the fountain of liv-
ing, waters, ati l hewed theme out eis-
terns, broken cisterns that can held no
water," Jer 2, 13,
Jolts Kasitttttx.
Having disposed of the Scripture
part, I will now take up the benefits,
as per question two.
If the Scott Act was beneficial, why
is it that it is abolished ? At one time
it was over half the counties of Qatario,
but now extinct, and at a loss of large
sums of money, and a sot back to the
temperance sentiment of over ten
years. Once Lbe 'Witted States boast-
ed of seventeen states and cities under
prohibition, but now only two. Wliy
is this, if beneficial?
This state held up as a model state
of prohibition. Statistics ;,shew that
all species of crime, wrong doing and
drunkenness in Maine by far exceed
those of Canada. At a municipal
court held a short time ago (as a com-
mon occurrence) there were eleven
cases for trial, eigbt of tbese for drunk-
enness. This court was held on a Mon-
day for crimes committed the day be-
fore (Sunday), Can the prohibitiouists
see any benefit in such a state of things.
Some prohibitionists criticise my fig-
uring regarding the extra tax to re-
plemish the revenue.
It has never been disputed, that the
rate per capita would be about $2.40
the reven-
I mean
on each
ue from all sources). The population
of Stephen is about 4000, at $2.40 each
this comes to $9,600. The total assess-
ment of Stephen is about $1,S00,000.
This would require a rate of 5t mills
on the dollar for all time to come, This
does not include the $256,000, the es-
timated cost of the plebiscite vote
either. Neither does it include the
farmers loss on their orchards, or extra
cost of enforcing.
But F. S. Spence says this revenue
cry is " bosh," as the government can,
by reducing some of its expenditure,
and increasing the duties on some lux-
uries, easily make up this lost revenue.
This method of replemishing the rev-
ue implies mistrust in the government,
and a charge of miscouducting the fin-
ancial interests of the country. Again,
if this was feasible, why net utilize it,
and use the liquor revenue to liquidate
the government's debt, and let prohibi-
tion remain status quo for the time be
ing? -
It is stated that ""if liquor is neither
imported or made, it cannot be drank."
But prohibitionists will find that it
will be both imported and made. Hav-
ing been a Dominion Act, the Provinces
will not work in harmony, and will be
unwilling to aid financially. or other
wise to enforce an Act that so finan-
cially cripples them.
To prevent importation and private
stills will require an additional expen-
The Creed Cry is aroused in Quebec
as regards wine for mass. 1 don't
think prohibition affects wine for such
purposes, but still it interferes with the
doctrines of some churches. I did
think that all Christian Churches held
thatw J
e would be subject to temP ta.
tion, but were to resist, if we wished
to grow strong. To resist, we must
practice the virtue of resisting. Tbe
expressed object of prohibition is to re-
move the temptation, consequently 'de-
priving from practicing the virtue of
temPerance, thus preventing, in a
measure, from practicing a virtue that
the Lord designed we should practice
011S1111,' ii011
The latest work on the
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An alleged priest named Saugnane
has been arrested in St. Mary's on a
foolishness, but unto theta which are charge of swindling clergymen.
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The effect was of a strenghening nature,
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A Power of Good
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jects for instance -and it might
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aur prices, which are 8o small
that you will wonder how we
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Note a few of the following
25c. for Window Screen,
75c. for Screen Door,
with spriugs hinges, pulls, hooks, etc.
$2 for Wringer with
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Preserving Kettles.
Apple Pearers.
Apple Wire for Drying.
Ask to see our New
Washing Machine,
Best in the market.
Bob Griffin, aged 55, was killed by
being kicked by a horse at John. Skin-
ner's, near Wallaceburg the other day.
Noone saw the casualty, but it is
thought that he was whipping the
horse, as he had it tied down, and the
whip was found tightly clasped in his
hand. Coroner Michell held an ingn "st.
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mail, in plain wrapper, upon receipt of rice: Circular
free. AJAX REMEDY CO,, I' Dear °,rein '
ChianSold in Exeter by C. Lutz, Druggist
After. Wood's Phospholine,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed. to mare all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, 55. One will please,
six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
Tho 3Yood Company,Windsor,dsor, Ont.
gsrWood'sPbosplmdine is sold in Exeter by
J. W. Browing, druggist.
William Fitzpatrick, farmer, about
50 years of age, residing about a mile
and a half out of Ingersoll, made a
deliberate attempt at suicide by cut•
ting his throat with a razor, but was '.
unsuccessful. Be. will recover. This
is his second attempt at self destruction.
Some years .ago .he tried to end his life
by drowning, but was rescued.
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