HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-8-26, Page 6Subseribers who de isot reeeive their
regularle- will please notify us at ouve,
Call at the eft ce for advertising rates,
THI:RSDAY, AUGUST 25. lta.g. f Fond of 11.0zuor7 Almelo ead Daaellor Ha
Xtas. a Penchant for Intrigae, whose,
Also ansises Ulm Feeresi—ate Has No.
Odds and Ends. ateliglos, rot X4 Wiehal Yereatile
be are 10.000 eeJs at tt-ork
Aieviaol is being need with mantel
a%mps iliamte perte Berlla's
perk, the Thiergarten„
A-istrar is the etne etenite in the
wegael which hes never lied eeloules or
*Teri emus -marine possessions.
Nape/Peres eabbege ream et Long-
wood has ben blown down. It was
the laet tree of its kind on the Islend
of St. Ileleta and the species has not
been found elsewbere.
Of itZ, the countries in the warld Se: -
via contains the most eeuteuarlans. In
that little country. which has fewer
than 1,300.00e inhabitants, there are
eeteally .175 tremens wbose age exeeeas
100. year.
The caws la Belgiara wear eertruett.
Ibis is !a accoedeeee with la -w, whieh
decrees that every dMitaalt of the bovine
spesies, water- It has etteined the age of
*tree months west have le its eer
%tag to w01 is otteehell a metal rag
bearipg a ;lumber. The object fs to
preserve au meet reeere of the Ientuhtee
et traimals raised eaeh year.
Winchester, Ring Alfred's enaltal,
bee just celebreted its mil:mit:In aa a
geauivipal corporatiom The mayor or
Witiehester lays claim to authority see
tesiating eny royel grant, Ileernwidt
hav:zig aceemed the government of the
town i Sea. It le eery a few yeees age
that the e-.1-ez ee:ebrated its hum
dnedth auniversery on the strerigta of
the chimer greutea hy Ileney II.
-eesiug Malady Ca red be the re, of
Dr. watt knee Pink Pills.
.e II^ ntl. N.B., Alvertieer.
own valaze Is reported
neneirreble enree
.1 alms' I'ler meet-
. 41, The ease is
a: of . te. . W. 51:Blar. The Ad-
e-en:Set' luterviewel her husband, who
at'as glad te relate the eirreamsteneee
see reiblieat:en. Tlt.it others :eight
read filed !MA" a reaeoly put 440Iz
bands. as it eiete "P. -Jr five years."
laid M. 'arlier, ray wife was unable
to walft wrthent .272.1 ellyeieian
ddlamoaed her Slate camas; 26.;iii
spinal affection. railer aleetors called
Ile MAIO' IlerVOthe proctyetion. what.
erer the trouble was she was weak and
ntrrone. Tier limns had no strengeb
and came not steepest her botry. There
also was a terribie weakueqs in her
back. Three months age she efuld not
-walk, but as a last reaet, after turn;
=any medicines, Om began to use Dr.
Winiamir mak ruts. Improvement was
toted in a few days, and a few weeks
has done wonder:3 in restoring her
health. To -day eh e ea n walk without
me:1st:ince. Yoii un inaagine her de-
light as well as MY awn- We owe her
recovery to Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills,
and I recommend there for any ease
of nervens weakness or general deblity."
Mr. Miller al part owner and manager
oue of OUT lumber mills and is well
known througheut the country.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eure by go-
tta; to the root of the disease. They re-
new and build up the blood, aud
Btrengthen the nerves, thus driving dis-
ease from the system. Avoid imitations
63- insisting that evet7 box you pur-
chase ls enclosed in a es -rapper bearing
the full trede Mark. Pr- Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People
Th2 Man Must Hustle.
The colleges for women are said to
te besieged with applicants for the high-
er education, with the number coy-
stantly inereasieg. This suegests two
facts—the powibilities of the rate for
intellectual development when the WO -
men are so eager for knowledge, and
the absolute necessity for the new man
to be up and doing to keep pace with
the feminine procession.
Sore Feet.—Mrs. E. J. Neill, New Arm-
agh, P. Q., writes: "For nearly six
months I was troubled with burning
aches and pains in my feet to such an ex-
tent that I could not sleep at night, and
as my feet were badly swollen I could
not wear my boots for weeks. At last I
got a bottle a Dr. Thomas' Eclgetric.011
and resolved to try it and to my astonisr-
ment I got almost instant relief, and the
*Jae bottle accomplished a perfect cure.
, eaeer - .z.trs'ra.
' Arrile'n iuggeiteci.
hockitt—Does learning the bicycle
require any particular application?
Sprockitt—No; none is partioulate Ent
armlets is about as good as anything.
Use Quiekcure for Lame
Prepared for the Wortat.
"Now, when yen ask palest for me,
be sure to face him like a man."
"You bet I will. He doesn't get azty
chance at my back if I can help It."
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All
Druggists refund the monay if it fails to care. lee
He Never D Id.
"Your adversary took his defeat grace -
Cully," said the pugilist's backer.
"Yes," assented the fightea. "I never
streak a nicer fellow."
Ifinard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
How to Cure Headache.—Some people
suffer untold misery day after day with
Headache, There is rest neither day or
might midi the nerves are all unstru.ng.
The cause is generally a disordered stom-
ach, and a cure cnn be effected by using
Parmelee' s Vegetable Pine, containing
Mandrake and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay
'Wark, Lysander, P. Q., writes : "I find
Parmelee's Pills a first-olsese_artiele _dor
Bilione Headaohe."
(Special Cerrespondenee.)
As an element or Spanish populatiou
. the gypsy is ay silo mens uniumertept.
Of the $00,000, gypeiea who weenier
and fro ever Earope, more than one-
-.eight/a make theueselvee at berets within
the Balite of Spain, stud thus, even were
they etherwise of ao cousequenee, their
numerical strength .would render them
oblates of intereee en the gavernment.
. Tao comparative nunterouerie$3•Of gYPsieR
Speen is dne to ntany circumstances,
- Most of which ere the outgrowth of nioe-
teentli earitura Same the be,
gimlet% of this century the inelosure eit
lend by teneee. in Englaad, Prance, Ger-
many and Austria has beeteme elutes*
utavermi,.and even where pasture.> and
meadow lands. are' pot ieelosed the lora,
' praetor* guard their Own rights with jeal-
ous care and refute, to permit en their
, property en eocerapirient qt peeple who
!a every couate7 Ore, in the ege of the
'Jew, vagrants, and in mese are considered
little better than eritninals, •
Wbere the inciosere of an le elmost
teltretrasal ehe gypey eat a disadvantage,.
en bempered in his treedern by tbe.
jealouse sit land owaere,„ he gladly g?elie
some eountty where be le left a little
• .ulore to his own devicee. her are few`
U any restrictieee upon his wenderinge
In Spain; hie no One end atibite
.elosely resemble thoste et the lower C143511.
a a
Speniards. The neeple are thorouglair
congenial to him, and the mildnesq
the climate throughout the year mates
au outdoor reeldenee in Spain greatly
referable to inticor life, so with a lack
of laws and a sky where loafing is a plea. -
sure, the gyre is more at home in Spain
than elsewhere, and eatISMIUOTItly ie more
ratraerous Among the dons then in any
other and in Europe.
The gypsy is best loltiNVII to our own
pulalie through hle frequent appearance
on the stage ot coma, opera, where, if the
action is laid anywhere in Franee, Spain
or Italy, he is almoer intlispensabl ills
vagrant life Muds itself readily to the
elaboration of a plot, partietzlerly if there
isa myeterious die mpearance, as of a
child, the stealing of ehildren by gypsies
being a favorite theme with dramatists
and librettists, while his gay costume,
his love of music and dencing, and, above
all, that indefinable charm, which in the
mind of the public is associated 'with
the gypsy life, hale contributed no small
part to the popularity a tho gypsy on
the stage. Oe needs only to allude to
"The Bohemian Girl" and "Romany
Rye" to excite scores of reminiscences in
the mind of every theater and opera goer,
an yquhts2 two works ate but types of
a 'plata that are favoritel on every stage
In the world.
TJ t (mg, gayly dressed gypey of the
stage, with his olevernees of inttigue, Ms
blue breeches, white etookings and red
embroidered jacket, 'with his ability to
solve the problems which puzzle all the
rest of the company and untangle the
knotty plan which the dramatist bas con-
trived, is a very different oharaoter from
the wanderer whose advent into a neigh-
borhood is usually regarded With appre-
hension by every farmer and householder
in the vicinity. The Spanish gypsy of real
life is a dirty, lazy vagabond, who, by
preference, makes his living by stealing.
and when the times are not favorable for
hie thievish operations, that is, when
there; is nothing to steal, he will conde-
scend to do a little work which can hard-
ly be dignified with the name of employ-
ment, for his industry seldom rises above
tinkering pots and pans, mending wash
bees eat meter buckets, grinding scissors
and knivee,
He Is gotta/321i a ieilbitribiis specimen
Immanity and not less so in his vast
than in hie present, for where ho came
from, what was his origin, under what
circumstances he became a wanderer, he
knows no more than other pedple. The
first appearance of hie race in Europe watt
about the naiddle of the fifteenth century,
when a band of over 100 gypsies made
their appearance at Paris, clahning to be
Egyptian Christians, who had been driven
out of their natiye country by Saracenie
persecution. This story was subsequently
found to be false, for there is not the
slightest sointilla of evidence that the
gypsies came from Egypt, but the claim
first set up gave them a name in English
at leaet, for gypsy is but a contraction
of Egyptian.
In the matter of name, however, the
gees), is more fortunate than any other
race of people, for in every country he is
called differently, and has accepted one
name as readily as another. In Imre they
are called Zingari; in Spain, Gitanos; in
Germany, Zigetiner, or wandering rogues,
a name which in France has been con-
tracted into Tsigani; in Hungarry they
are Ozigaynok; in Turkey, Tehinganeh.
They called themselves almost as various-
ly to other people name them, but usu-
ally their own name is chosen from some
one of the gypsy dialects and eignifies
"people." Manush, Rom and other names
are in use in different oountries, there
being no uniformity among the bands of
gypsies in this particular.
The gypsy lack of history has caused
many theories to be advanced as to their
origin, but the most satiefactory regards
them as the descendants of lovaclass Erin -
does who in the fourteenth or fifteenth
centuries, were driven from their native
land by the 'military conquests of hostile
kinge. It is oerMin that throughout Tur-
key, Persia and North ..efgeanistee there
are tribes hieh,in habits, customs and
latopeages, resenible the gpySies Of E.
rope. Theee tribes tire elosela analogous
to the lowest clasees of tee Hindoes, so
this theory, in tiefault of a better, is geu
erally sescepted.
The eeepsy has iao religion of his own;
if he ever bad one he has lost it in Ms
wanderings. The fact, however, does net
worry hint in the least, for when he feels
the need of spiritual comfore be some-
wlaat rehietantle assimilates thet of elte
people by sellout lze iesurrounded,whether
Cane:sem/a peetin or Mobarnmeden, does
not matter in the lease, Generally, Mest-
ere; he makes little pretense of any re-
ligiou, wad the most or tbe gypsies regard
with aprareut indifference the efforts
thee have been made by Christian 5eoele
in their behalf. The English Sedate l'ur
the Conversion of the Gypsies tuts not
met with /tattering seecess, for, o attend
Sunday school and leara \vim they
Plane, it leas been noticed that &ha boys;
and girl* do not profit by the instruction,
but as soon as old enough they follow the
preotices, berets mad, Rees of their par-
ents. Centuries of a wandering life have
molded the gypsy oh:tracker ince confirm-
ed batted of eivilized dwellings, iltdastrY
and modes of exierence•
Attempts have been made in the Alm-
tro-Hungerien Empire to domesticate the
gypsy. About efts years ago ?and -was
assigned them and stringent Mese were
easse4 againse vagrancy. The govern -
mann after aeportiening land to the
gypsy families, see; persops to instruct
them in the arts of busbeudry and took
greet pains in their edneetion med train-
ing, but the reestits bite.) mos beset min,
ently astleraerery, for the gypsy peasant%
do not relish agricultural labor, their
communities 40 not increase in numbers
and there is reastm to believe that as Seen
as possible thee escape from the cottony
To resume their wandering life in other
In Spain the gvpsy Is in his glory, hie
gins and graeee run be the direetion at
horse trading and Minting; steasinge Ira
ing, smuggling with an oceesiotiel high -
war robbery or murder; thawing and
inutile. and in one direction he le ;About
as proficient as in another. In the Iberian
peninsula the women do most of the fore
tune telling and assist the nteu in the
various swindling schemes that promise
good reeulte, but it is :stated a a singn-
; feet that in elermany the fortune ee*.
ing end aalinistry sledges are move fro-
quently worked by the older men at the
tribes and to SO) three or four credulous
women eagerly *zoning to the promisee
and prepheeles of an old rogue who is an
the qui vivo ter a chance to swindle or
il IS mere eommen than edifying.
Tins gypsy women in stain when
yeung teke naturally to znusie and dame
Ing alla when eld to fortune telling,
Setae 0 io deforest daneers on the
etnish stage are of gypsy extraetion,
and frequently when the saisen is over
they rejoin their trlisee for a few months'
vacation and a renewal of the wantiering
life which possesses an indefinable yet
perceptible for all who become
accustomed to it, The young gypsy wo-
men aro often atritingly beautiful, but
their mode ot Site valises them to fade
early, and at the time when an English
woman is in tier prime the gypsy is a bag
without a trace of her former good looks.
As dancers, however, they possess a
fascination: they have an abandon, a
suggestiveness of manner, of look, that
ramie faile to take with a Miscellaneous
(=lewd, and when a erase slitueor runkes
a SUOCOSP at all It is ;Tinplate. There aro
some vyriters who take the position that
what aro known as the counn.7 danees
soefIntaly and Spain, the tarantella, the
idilla, the fandango and other., aro
neither :4pan1sh leer Italian, but aypsy
dances- Whether this lie true or not, it; is
militia that the gypsies are extremely
aaept in this form of Amusement and
entertainment, and the gypey ;lancer,
posturing before a select company to the
musie of a guitar and castanet, is the
nedLest approae/a to the aeutch girl that
Gypsy music in Spain is closely anal°.
gous to the muslo Of the country, being
quite a different article from the MUSIC
of Hungary. What 18 called Magyar inu-
sic, tha musio of Liszt's rhapsodies, is
really gypsy music, construoted without
the slightest regard to the rules of com-
position as laid down by the great mas-
ters, the different parts having neither
connection nor sequence; the gypsy char-
acter must be understood before the gypsy,
music can be appreciated.
In Spain the guitar and the castanet
are the favorite musical instruments of
the gypsies, as of the people, but the
gypsies handle both with a chic peculiar
to themselves, and have given to the
Spanish music a gypsy individuality im-
possible to desoribe in words and yet per-
fectly intelligible to the ear.
The Spanish gypsy has not been in the
least misrepresented by the dramatists in
his ability to intrigue, and from this rea-
son he becomes a political factor of no
mean hnportance in times of social dis-
order and revolution. The gypsy bands
throughout Spain are everywhere in com•
munication with each other and are able
to eprepai. igtelligence in some mysterious
way with inconceivable rapidity. How
they communieate with each other has
not been discovered, but in more than
one splaysh_ up:49119 sy.Rlies have
been utilized by Elie consplratiirs to spread
intelligence of a proposed uprising. For
the veeptlerere have everxthing to gale)
and nothing to lose by evouti3n'find '
social disorder, and are consequently al-
ways on the side of the revolutionists.
Rioting, the looting of shops, the pleadering of hotlees, are occupations Which
very 'pleasantly vary the nionetony of
gypsy country life and wherever disorder
is present there the gypsy is also. It is,
therefore, with some uegree of apprehen-
sion that the government contemplates
the mysterious movements recently re-
ported of the Spanish gypsy bands to-
ward the north. The north is for Spain
a dangerous direction for the wanderers
to take. Th3 north is the Carlist coun-
try, and the movement of the gypsy
bands toward the Pyrenees, it is feared,
forebodes e corning revolution.
Youth end Age.
Age, it must be admitted, is often
capricious and unreasonable, but youth,
which we all 'save had, is so great an
advantage in itself that it should learn
magnanimity and restrain its desire to
rule. One of these days, these flying
days, the youngest of us all will, it may
he, remember and regret what can never
be atoned for.
Cranks on Clocks.
French horological amateurs and pro•
fessionals have organized themselves
together to search in every out-of-the-way
hamlet and village in France for the
curious and odd and ancient examples of
She horological art. It is thought that an
exceedingly interesting exhibit may thus
ItieIestaablEeicub,ia. nd ainaniadwAelitiogwe tohretur
..cthaepZi:s We Are Welting to Pres* Its
Titere is nothing anonotonons about this
was witiele Uncle Sant is waging against
the dons. Ue ehaeges the scenes as often
as the stage manager iu a Ave net border
drama. Only a week or so ago we were
gazing earnestly at eautiago. New we are
•conceutrating our attention on that little
box of an island, Porto Rie,o, f.rout which
all traces of Spenish rule are Soon O be
With an extent of only 100 tulles in
/meth and less than 40 miles •breadth
Porto Rico manages to beextrentely Meer"
esting. Physically the island presents tt
variety of conditions which WOOlfl not be
looked for oia such A modest bit of terri,
tory by .one accustomedto the larger Seale
of tAa70ougurtaaatallyraprnegv:ilriliiingsantrothmis .caeolastuttryto.
coast, east •and west,. rising in the eestern.
district .te a heigiet of ariett feet, and t1e.
deep emettens, cutting down to the Carib,
bean sea en the South and the Atlantic on
the north, are sources of innumerable wa-
ter courses, no less Ogee 40 ot. them being
large enough for inland navigation by
small trading craft.
The contetuort the northern slope of the
monutain range is as rich agrieultural
land, it Is said, as is found anywhere in
the world, raising the maximum of erops
with the minimum of •mtitivation. While
to the south of the mountains the lands
require ertincial irrigation to produca.
gotia crops. This greet, difference in se
Mall All area is all the nore remarkable
as in the "wet" portion of the island the
average annual Milian is 04 inches,
epeniards hare been .cultivating the
laud for nearly four -centuries, and they
eetermenated a paella who Were wise in
the arts ot agriculture, yet Today only
reiT small proportion a the arable lend et
the island ltas ever been cialtheted, ehiellY,
it seems, because th(TO are 00 weds- by•
whieh produce Can be carried to shipping
cept over e ride lowlands near
But eten under a system ealoulated- to
melte 4 Yankee farmer groan for the Waste
ot rosellelitive the POTIO MMUS TAISti
enortuoue anti rift. (maps of • variety Which
satisfy a child's dream of tropical, go-odies.
licro is A list :Ofthe prinelpal.erope: Sug
ar, molasses, tobacco, coffee, rice, cotton,
maize, plaint:tins, oranges, bananas, pine-
apples and a score of other fruits, honey
and cocoanuts. They "mine" and export
salt, as well as sugar, building stone and
marble, and it is known that the hills
contain gold, copper, tin lead and iron,
but the inhabitants lack:the skill, enter-
prise and capital to develop these mineral
Of the good things which Porto Rico
raises in excess of her own needs and
vehicle she exports wo take more than any
other country, even more than Spain.
The mother country takes but about one-
sixth of the total, and on the balauce a
high export duty has been charged to help
swell the enormous tribute exacted by
Besides the salt ponds, which the gov-
ernment owns and works, the only re-
sources except agriculture which the na-
tives depend upon is found in the very rich
forests, wherein are DO less than 500 varie-
ties of trees, many of them exceedingly
valuable. All this industry is carried on
practically without railroads, less than 100
miles of poorly built and equipped tracks
being in operation, and the wagon roads
dwindle into mule paths a few miles back
of the coast.
Exposed -
For some years the ladies of Canada
have suffered much lose and inconveni-
ence from use al! deceptive home dyes
put up to look like the popular Diamond
Dyes. These imitation package dyes
were sold at very low prices to retail
merchants, who in turn made immense
profits on them wheth sold to women
-who were unfortunately influenced to
bug them.
These imitations of Diamond Dyes
were never sold more than onee to any
woman. They possessed no foundation
qualities or good paints to make them
valuable or popular. They were made
of the cheapest ingredients, the colors
were dead, muddy and unsightly, and
they ruined a materials they Caine
In contact with. These common dyee
are now so despised and shunned that
storekeepers are glad to sell them at
half price to be rid of them..
The Diamond Dyes are still =welling
on to new victaries, and have Always
maintained their position by true merit
alone. Beware of the imitation and
cheap dyes that are still pushed on the
unsuspecting, by some dealers. If a
storekeeper values your trade he will
recommend you to use the Diamond
You can buy. Ask anyone min- it if this is not so. Our fence bas been in use 12 years and tba
tirst is Still AU perfeet eoutlttion, Don't experiment with the numerous. imitations now in She.
NOtle of them are egerel to tba Page.
We have Jenne Mustratedeeveresingmatter. Let ist bear from you. •
THE, rAsar wane: rearer, cp., waraervilie.03te.
AR Ontario Fanner Rescid
Faille's Ce:ery Oompound
Wells. & Rieleardsaii CO,,,
Gentlemen ts with very groat
pleasure that I testify to the value of
your , great medicine, Paine's °Oozy
Compound. Per nearly two 'years
suffered, from indigestion and kidney
end liver traubles• After trying several
Medicines that 454 not effect ,.euro,
dealded ee try .yonr compound. Befoee
using it I was so -low in health that I
eoniti not eat or sleep. I could not
lie in, bed owing to pain in Any Wei:,
and it was 0111Y by resting an my el-
bows aud lames that I was enalliee to
obtain a • slight degree. of ease, Reface
had fully taken one bottle ef yolir
mediethe1 began o • improve. I have
DOW talon in ail foerreen bottlevitit
.grand reenite. I ate a farmer -end ten
mew • woriting every day. I tan a living
witness to the worth of Painee Celery
Compound. Yours sincerely,
Sheathed. Ont.
lio E. rvitie Pon411%.
Lord Russell. of Eillowen, years be -
be teolt eler. Ives eating in eaten
whets another barrister, leaning aerese
the benehes during the heariett
trial for bigamy, whiepered. "Ressell,
what's the extreme petealty tor b'emate ?"
"Two mothers-in-law," replied Resel,
without hesitation.
Yon :wed not cough all night and dis-
turb your friends ; there is no oeeasion for
yen running the risk at coutreeting in-
flammation of the lungs or coustimpt rine
while you can get lilekle Atea-rue-
suruptive Syrup. This medicine cures
coughs, colds, of the lunge
and all throat ited chest troubles. It mu-
mtge.: a tree and Peer expectorat ion. which
Immediately relievee the throat and lunge
from viscid phlegm.
er Retort.
Etild—nlia look at that beautiful en-
gagement ring Tom gave me; but it's it
/ittle small."
Mo.ud—"Very pretty, but It was too
large for me."
To cure Catarrh use
vapors of Quickcure.
Itait Another Guess.
Wiile—Deae, the doctor says It Is
necessary for me to take a trip aerees
the water. What do you think I should
better do?
Hue:baud—Get another doctor.
Minard's Liniment the Lumberman's Friend,
A Theory.
"Mike," said Plodding Pete, "how Is
is dat some of dese people kin work
day after day an' never seem to feel
"Well," replied Meandering Mike, re-
flectively. "1 s'pose dey is started in
young an' gets to be immunes"
Colic and Kidney Difficalty.—Mr. J. W.
Wilder, 3. P., Lafargeville, N. y., writes:,
"I am subject to severe attacks of Colic'
and Kidney Difficulty, and find Parme-
lee's Pills afford me great relief, while:
all other remedies have failed. They are
the best medicine I have ever used." In
fact so great is the power of this medicine
to cleanse and purify, that diseases of all
most every name and nature are driven
from the body.
In the Restaurant.
Stranger—"Walter, let me have a
poached egg."
Stranger at next table—"One for me,
too, please, but see that it isn't a bad
Waiter (in the kitchen)—"Two peen,.
ed eggs; one good one."
Ask for Minard's Liniment and take no other.
To Soften and Whiten the Skin.
Almond meal Is said to soften and,
whiten the skin. It is usually put into
a bag made of nun's veiling or " of soft
bunting, and used as a cake of soap
would be when bathing. After. Its use
the skin should be bathed with deer
wateae—Ladima Home Journal.
LUCAS corerry,
ititatnt J. CRENFY makes Tah Shat he is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County and'
State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the
sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
and every came of 4:1.A.TARIIII that cannot be cured
by the use of Haps OkrATURS CURB.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 65h day of December, A.D. 1886.
SEAL } Notary Public.:
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
directly ori the blood And mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for tes,i:,1 free.
CHENEY & CO., Toledo. 0.
airSold by Dr uggists, 7e.
It is estimated that the. human family
living on earth to consists of 'about
1,450,000,000 individuals.
Ilafitting boots 1,11ci shoe i cause corns. '
Holloway's Corn Cnre is the article to 11SO.
Get a bottle at once etel cure your corns.
Truth wins. no easy victories.
Zeal is the clyeamite of appeal.
Trials are blessings ' in disguise.
'Spiritual hunger is henet prayer -
Adversity is God's pruning knife,
Hard on Weelc Ruse&
Sheriff Roper—Marren, parsing. Tiler
boys hey appointed me ter see ef I couldn't.
git 500 50 officiate at thefuneral of Suaky
Joe this afternoon about 3 o'clock.
Parson—I'll be there at, that time or a
little before.
Sberiff Roper—All right, parsing, it
yott thiek yor nerves Must:in, it. Eo21 be
amiebed promptly et 2:45. Tbartkeel—
New York World.
GittiltY ees ebarCed.
Jiiiige.,97-4114 are charged with eitt.
ting Jasper Johnson With a razor, After
be had worsted Toe In a friendly spar
ring meta."
Prisouer—"Yas, sail; 1 elashed
Pat coon 'veigled me into boxitt" an
uebber tole me he was lel' han'efl."
If Your eltiltiree are troubled with,
worms, give them Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator; safe, tome and effectual.
Try it, and ninth the improvement itayoer
Serlens for She ang Sian.
4/11h am few t'ings," said Miele
Eben, "me' diseourfortin' clan ter see er
twenty -five -cent young man go out ter
suppah wit A million &drat girl dat's got
em' tweety-dollab
Keep .iitiard's Liniment in the lionse.
.At the Strozzi palace, In Rome, there"
is a Meat made ot ntarble, the leaves
bring of mirvelone thinness.
Rain falls more frequently betwetc
ordeelt and S o"eloelt itt tbe morning
' than at any other time during the day.
DEAR SIRS.—I have used MIN.
ARDSLINIMENT in my stable for
over a year and consider it the very
best for horseflesh I can get, and
stron61y recommond t.
Livery Stables, Quebec,
Take Courage.
Take coinage, you who are faeing
experiences from whieli you shrink, and
which you may be conseious that yote
have net deeerved. Be sure that, 4:10.
cepted as :Teem met His, they wili
glorify your life insteed Of blasting it,
Charles M. Sheldon's Books
In His Steps :What Would Jews Do ?,ie
Overcoming, the World:. The Story of Mal-
colm leirlc .. ...... .. ...25e
i HisErother's Keeper
Crucifixion of Phillip Strong. .. . .... —.eft
Robert Hardy's Seven Days 25e
: Any one of these books sent post paid to ea
* any address in Canada upon receipt of eac.
* Six books postpaid to one address for 51.00.
The Poole Printing Company, Limited,
25 and 30 Melinda St.,
For Sale by all Leading Houses.
BOICOKH BROS. & 400.KPANT, Manufa•-
turers, TORONTO, ONT.
Have a Good Light
TER than Water
White American 011.
Ask your gealer for tho
Gen ui n e.
The Queen City 011 CL,
so,irei Rogers, Pres., Toronto.
T. N. U.
DO YOU WANT riteto the NoRTHER17
TO LEARN IT ? souusnd,s
i.ras C. n.LEGE, Owen
Out., if you want
il Shorthand or a practical Business 1.0..,ation.
Circulars free. C. A. leLEMING, principal.
Farmers of Ontario! We
want you to see the await,
and yield of grain per acre.
the; fertile .soil of Manitoba.
and the Canadian North-West
will produce.
Will be run on
SEPT. I3TH, NOV. I2TH, 1898
ESTEVAN tp ri n yp RO 11:0TE0 NA i: e E R T 1 $ 3 5
ED ""
From all points in Ontoxio, Onaping, Sault Ste.
Marie, 'Windsor a id East.
Far further motionlars apply to the nearest
comedian Paelge Agent, or to
C. E. rinaieaseRrecerti
Assesset Geeina Passenger Agent
1 ElEoST. Eniiiir, TOnoliTa. .