HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-8-26, Page 3N v. Dr. Talmage Pins His Faith to the Old and Ever -True Bible Account. Evolution is Infidelity—Attempt to Oalvanize an Old Heathen Roo - trine into Life—Soientifio Absurdities to Qirive Qut 00c1 and the Bible, to ehlmInuezee awl from cblinietttelse ii, Washington, Aug. et1,-The questiait mein New\ if anybody says that th. ef buman Q, 30 Prominent nettif Ill )3ib1e aceounk or the starting of the hn- leierstitie aod religious circles'. is discussed man race and the evoleationat onetaint Of la chereeteristic style by Dr. Talmage in the greeting et the, human race are the this discourse, in which he also advocates same men:Ines, Os maees me appalliag, the theory that It the world's progress mierepreseetation, has come througle Christittolty: oxt, 1. Prefer, if you will, Darwin's! "OrIghl Timothy vi, 20, "Ct Timothy, keep that of the Species" to the book of Genesi*, Which ifi committed to thy least, avoid but know you ere an infidel. As for anye Ing eppositloas of science falsely, se tele as Herbert Spencer was no; omen; flailed!" at the creatleir and the Lord Almighty • There is no contest= between genuine wes preeent, I prefer to take the divine leet talitecopes pone Min, end to put him clear out of eeience euil revelation. The eanee God Recount as to what really occurred on that wile by the hand of prephee wroto ou oan,th tdoTe show e; thia evolution Iti Web -moot, ty the hand ot the settee* oely an attit erape to teet Gotlane to , Wrote on the rook. The -bpost- and microseopes and deetrle batterles reach I ask a question ‘ar Me, The bat 3/ tioul philosophical apparatus belong to moan meets the man, and the wolf ma. 'Christian aniversities, Whet gaVO us Mag. this bahOOns and the reptile neade this „ 'netie telegraphy.? Profeseor Nome' * quedrelped, and the RSA made ehe reptile, 10hrietiee, Who ewong the lightelinge maid the tedpole ramie the deb, end the inreler the Sea, Cabling the coutinente 1' Kneel ;tem made the tadpole, Whit ; [ether/ Cyrua W. Field, the Christlen. meths the prienel germ? liost or the evse t Who diseovered the enagethetleal proper. lutlenlete Says ""We don't know." °there ,tiee ot ()hit/reform, tleina mere for the re- say le made Welt Othore ray it was epees illef of human pain than Any nian ;hDt tereene generation. There Is net 0140 et ever lived, driving book nineeteuthe of thein who wilt fairly •and openly end tbe berreee of inartiery? Janice Y.. Shay- 1-rank1y laud, oniphetieelly laYs 46104 gen of gainhergh, es entinene ter piety made it," eie for soignee, on weekdaye Itt the mei- The neerest to g criteria ens1ner is tam* enmity lecturing -on pronniildest Et -31040410 made by Herten n'near in which he =Weds and ma Filithathe plem,ching *he eoys it WAS Mlde he the greet .gospel ot of Jenne annidet to the Mac,ies fa able ItlyStery.," Bre her. mato Heeler " nalinburg, Isom the unieemititie of the; with a cUp of proteplesou to eeplein "the 'any draped ill aneuenino fer his deseb, sMn. Thts proteptiem, fie Faye, is pt. and I inewd. hie eulogy pronuunced by real life er log quislity with whieh the 'elm destitute populations of tbe Coweete,'soe way bock in the eges wait started. !Science sent oevelation are the bites and WtIt otonlitem eot prat:es-tee 3:4 en- teoprano of the Fame tame. The cioi aii, ryhig. Deer Mr, Waiter. Wine Werld willing act rowledge the ceroplete e prenatal:teen harinotiy, lint lo ween white Ino text To ahew yea thee teolution is infidel I deeeribes es eelme . felony 64 celle& and tlia Iiikle arcraVz of 11117 the brute revelatien there ("3 an attemnpritaneing ion wee stertee tee *lite to the eve- WM", end Aile or the tamer muet ge under, oniette anattne a '':Ics May the brute At the loraitmt time the ale iS Inlaid rowan WI'S stereva. Male mmolint: Yen With weal and Venter:a and pulpit telk now the Bible ttql-1 1:J4W that the bias about a:elution, and it is WO tante the* 'were uniCo at one tittle, and the cattle the peeitie who be tree time to nuke th. de at another time, 4..11 the ii,..it 1mile vestigetion far thetreelves itutieretend fastener time, arei tbee eaqii beeeght the; ceolueten, in the firm pleste. ie up b titter its tint, iieelutioglee's tito and Own, out and cut infidelity; 9:1 the Froin fonr or tiv 1 primal germs secont plaeo, le is eentrary to tho teal of •wr seminal Aram itil tee lietna eteetatiste Mienee and, in the teeird piece, that it IX 3VOIV4. 111.41141Vil% toe ;. ' a.m.:awls of sp,r.irs brutalizing in it tentlenelite, 1 110 uo otinteetii, of reptile, ig nalete, ot nth, argue that this le a genuine Welt. 1 de rant four gererie-e, eeetentent 'duly ran, not say that the Mite is worthy of an? tradieting nOt Only 1,. lde,laft the very kind of credence -these aro sideicere for, A. B 0 of solonee. A elneeee never devei• other Szthaethe-but I want yen to under- ins into anything bet tee owe speeies, ln stand Om% !Monate Paine and Hume and oil the ages and ir ell the world there Voltaire nO moro C.'ossatighly tliIlievad has never been an teemation te it. %he the Holy Seriptaree than do all We lead-• tathara newer coma; of a Whale, nee the lug selentlets who fielleett in evolution, pietism of a 7ulture. nor the butterfly of Arid when I say selenfeite a memo I do a wasp. Species; nrver isone over. It there not men itterorzt Men or theologians ise an attempt ilt 1r. it ii hybrid, and the who in tesay or in eormon and withoue • Oybriti if; always sterile anti bee no de gleiug their lifo to imientilleinvestigetion c:senclauts, look at the eubjeet on this side er then Thece mon of relence tell us that 101).. By Miamian" I mean those who hare a tieu spealot canto from blur when the law "penalty in that direction and vtho an through the unieerse ie that. startnig through zoologleal garden ;xml aquarium 1» one species, it; ki op; on MOM spreien ' and astronosnieal ebeervatory give) their :end there would 1 it only four new if We to the study ot the pbysical eerth, its I kere had been near at etartina. If I plants and its aananals mad the regions monitl say to nou tli at the world Is Uat, beyond so far ae optical instruments heeo .tod that a oirile iota a equaro are the explored them. time, and 'Met OA n'i. too make lee I I put upon the witness stand living would Como enst ite neat the truth as and dead the leetEngevolutioniste-dallet N1.'llell these evoluto i'e•li oil min that Bethel, John Onvenst Mill, Huxley, Tyn- letetniu speoloo came from four. Evelio dell, Darwin, Speneor. On the witnem tion would him be. • id left out of queetion ' stand, ye mon tat soften*, living and dead, with ite theory flatly tanteudieting rill answer these questions; Do you believe 4/bservationi3 mid all whom) laad not its -the Holy Scriptures? No. And so tbe,y authors mad their Wallahs.; been so ea Oa say eel. Do you bilieve the Bible story of ejecting God from the universe and do - Adam and Itive in the garden of Edoni stroying the Bible that they will go to No. And so limy cay tall. Do you believe any length, though it lead them into 131 - the miracles of the Old and New Testa- one absurdity. You see what the Bible • wants? No. And ea they say all. Do note teaches in regard to ft. I have shown yo11 believe that Jesus Christ died to save the also what -a -solution teaches in regard to nations? No. And so they say all. Do you believe in the.zegenerating power of Aguesiz says that ho found in &Teat of e the Holy Ghost? No. And so they say all. Florida the remains of insects 30,000 Do you believe that, human supplication .years old -not 3,000 but 1101000 years old directed heaventvard ever makes any 1 -and that.they were juet like theenseots ,differenoe? No. And so they say all. now. Therehasbeen no zhange. All the Herbert Spencer, in the only address be • facts of .omithology and geology and -Made in this country, in his very first ichthyonegyhead oonchology but an echo , Sentence ascribes his physical ailments to of Genesis Arse and twenty-tirst, "Every state, and the authorized report *f that swiriged fowi after bie kind." Every•orea- eaddress begins the word fate with a big tture after ite kind. When common einem,- ' "F." Professor Henkel, in the very first eation and violence corroborate the Bible, tpage of his two greet volumes, sincere at I, will stultify myself by surrendering to , the Bible as a so-calied revelation. Tyn- •;the elaborated guesses of evolutionists. •dall in his famous prayer test, deflect the To she .that evolution Is infidel 1 swhole of Christendom to sbow that inn. :place also the Bible account •of how omen supplication made any difference in sworlds were made opposite the evolution- , ithe.result of things. John Stuart ,Mill ist's account of how worlds were made. tivrote elaborately against Christianity, Bible amount: God made two great •and to show that his xeiection of it was lights -the one to rule the day, the other complete ordered this epitaph for reds to Tule the night; he made the stare also. tombstone, "Most Unhappy." Huxley Evolutionist eel:mutt: Away back in the said that at the first reading of Darwin's nal there was a lire mist or star dust, book -he was convinced ,of the fact that and this flre mist cooled off into granite. teleology had received its death blow at and :then this granite by earthquake and .• the hand of Mr. Darwin. All the leading by storm and by light was shaped into scientists who believe in -evolution, with- mountains and valleys and seas, and so out ane exception the world over, are what was originally tiro mist became infidel. 1 say nothing against infidelityi what eve call the earth. : mind nou. I only wish to define the be- lief and .the meaning of the .xejection. livolution Is InddeLity., Now. 1,put opposite to each other, to ahow that evolution is infidelity, the Bible account of how the human race istarted toed tl3e evolutionist account ot 1 bow the human race started. Bible ao- omint: "God said let us make man in our image. God created, man in his own image, male and female created he them." 'He breathed into him the breath of /ifs, the whole stery setting forth the idea that it was note, perfect kangaroo or a porteet orang matting, but a perfect man. That is the Bibb) account. The evolution- ' est account: Away book in the ages there were four or five priroal germs or sam- ba' spores from which ail the living creatures have bine ,eyolved. Go away back. and there you will find a vegetable "tuff that might be called a mushroom. This mushroom by innate form develops a tadpole, the tadpole by innate form de - ?elope a polliwog, the polliwog develops a fish, the &le by natural foroe develop' into a reptile, the reptile develops into a quadruped, the quadruped develops into a baboon, the baboon develops into a man. Darwin Flays that the human hand is only a fish's lizt developed. He says that the human lungs are only a swim bladder, thowing, that we once floated or were imphibious. He says the human ear could once have been moved by force of will Just as a horse lifts its ear at a fritcbtful ebjeot, He says the human race wine originally webfootecl. From primal germ • le tadpole, from tadpole to fish, from fish eo reptile, trora Plptile to wolf. from wolf The Plrst Cause. Who cnade the firm mist? Who sot the lire mist to worldmaking? Who 000led off the tire mist into granite? You have nushott God some 60,000,000 or 70,000,000 miles from the earth, but be is too near yet for the health of evolution. For a great while the evolutionists boasted that thee, had found the very stuff out ef which this world and all worlds were made They Lifted the telescope and they saw it, the very material out of which worlds made themselves. Nebula of sim- ple gas. They laughed in triumph be- cause they had fouad tbe factory where the worlds were manufactured, and there was no God anywbere around the factory. But in an unlucky hour for infidel evo- lutionists the spectroscopes of Fraunhofer and lairchoff were invented, by which they saw into that nebula and found it was not a simple gas, but was a com- pound, and hence had to be supplied from some other martin and that implied a God, and away went their theory, shat- tered into everlasting demolition. Agassiz says: "The manner in whieli the evolution theory in zoology is treated would lead those who are not special zoologists to' suppose that observations have been made by which it oan be in. !erred that there is in nature snob a thing as change among organized beings aotually taking place. There is no suck thing on record. It is shifting the ground of observation from one field of observa- tion to another to make this statement, and when the assertions go so far as to exclude from the domain of solemn those Who will nob be dragged Into this mire oif selassnea,771.7-_. mere assertion then it is time so With equal vehemence against the tem - trine of evolution Hugh Miller, Varraday, Brewster, Dana, Dasviant and hundreds,. of mientists in this country and other countries have matte proteek There is one tenet of evolution, which It is demanded we adopt -that which, Darwin calls 'natural seleetion" end that winch Wallace cane the "survival of the ttest," By this they trawl that the human race and the briete creation are all the IdMe improving because do weak elle and tbe etrong live. Those who do not die survive bemuse they are the fit- test. They say the breed of sheep end eattlearni clogs and men is all the nine improying, naturally improving. N'o need. ot God or any Bible or aim religion, We lose natural progress. Not the Survival. ef the vittesa Yon se, the race steered, with "VOA- taneous generation," and then it gees right on until Darwin ean take us 4p with his "natural selection" and Wallace with his "surytyal of the fittese." and so we go right on up forever. Beautifull But do the Attest enrsive? Garfield deed in September; Guiteen survivitig until the foilowing June. "Servival of the fit- test?" Ah mai The miteters, religious end political, dying for their principles, heir hloodY Perseesitere living on to old age. "Survival of the dtteetr Five hem. dred thousand brave rerthern men mareh lam gut to meet; ‘,100 ego entre southern men and die no the hattleilehl ter a prin- ciple. Hundreds of thoneands of them went down iota the en ,re trenches, We staid at 110/110 in comforeible tigartets. Del they die hereto) they were not as tit to live 45 We who gurviven? Ah. use not he "survival of the Elleworth and Nathaniel Lyon falling on the nor. thorn eitle; Albere Steney Johnston and Stenewall Jechson felling, on rho southern eitle. Did they fell laratuee thee were uet as lit to live os the soldiers and the gen. ergs who mune bark in atfety? No Bit- ten with the frost; of the eeeend dea'h bo the tongue that 11.0'0 latter it! It is leot the "stirvival et tee litte-t," How has ik been in tee feeeliee of tho worldflow was ie with the enala Ors -te- eny the strongest. int -Miele:My tho brightest. in diementlon the nintioet? Did that child die be seute it w,v-- not, ae flt to live as those a yoitir .043517 ere eurvived.? Not "the eureivel el :he lietieir ** In all cominethirisse noblest, 01.1114 - est mill illi•1114 5-Ewh0 a luidl-sht, Whilo SWIM of the an 'meet and itr22;t fen- temptiale tete on 11 eel rage, Net "the enevival et. the Meow," Bin' in, show yen eke:, tine tientrioe is t4 the initle and ne earamon etiliee I base sane at reeve te yell titre •there tees been no natured praerees. Veit iniprvements teem antather swirest, ham ;ration you. no 'a -aeon -el ineetrest. Where 19 1110 :IRO 14011O1 111 412DF OITS111114.9 W11011 pleearo or eye and inatee rind and necl: and haunehes is worthy of being cempared to AIN picture at a bore as be rhotmenai Of yeare age h -ad it pew r.mi neigh and elaantra am bit 'lir the bae- ctialIri alaf;i4ilemoiotre:-;Tity;ratirse%wo-litepiagseotnh es that cement the m ails front :Finny to arum and from eity to eine sane re them Meng ;we the eky villein,' or 'Veneto landing without latip or r.11 Mein in London. lalk tit the great ereatetai that walleed the cleat in olden i.fne.1.-anlinals toan• Meal with whieh 121 eiee onr elephant is eet-monstere ot olden times that swam tho deep, compared with 'which our WhAle • le a, minnow. Cottle.: bnre learned moth i r 2 ahoM climbing, on i the hound.: ;uniting about hunting, total the ostrich Whim: ithout haunting, anti ine condor nothing abaut /eying, and the owl nothing about musical emieneee for 11,000 mans. Not a particle of proterisse And as to ti;ct human rare, 'so far as • mere naturalamenma Isconerriied, once there were men 112 170eit high; now the average is about i '001; 0 inchen It. starts ea with men 1iV10I 20. too, 800, 000 year., and now e0 yeera le more 1.hian the average of lunnten elighty moo -ass we have made, haven't we? I Went into the cathedral at 'Serie. England, and tho beet artists in namiand had just teen painting a winarive in that cathedral, and right beside it wee a window painted 400 year ago, and them is not a num on earth but would say that the modern painting of the window by the hest artists of England is not worthy of being compared with the painting of 400 years • ago right beside ft. Vast improvement, as I shall show yob in a minute or two, but no natural elution. Look at China. where evolutiou has bad full swing for thousand.; of yeera un- interrupten by anything except bore and there a mission station with this defunct book, the Bible, but through the most of the realm not interfered with. What has evolution done -.for China, Christian civilization goes in and builds a railroad; they tear It up. For 1,000 years the Chinese nation, where it Is not invaded by the gospel, has not made one•iive-hun- dred-millionth part Gf an ineh of advance- ment. They worship the sanin gods of red paint. Just as always they drown the female children as a nuisance. Just as always they eat with thopstioks. So in India, so in Arabia, so in Turkey. so everywhere where the gospel has not made an invasion, Evoiatiess Downward. I tell you, any friends, that natural evolution Is not upward, but it is alsvavs downward. Hear Christ', account of it. Fifteenth Matthew and nineteenth verse, 4'Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornioations. thefts, false witness, blasphemies." That is what Christ said of evolution. Give na- tural evolution full swing in our world and it will evolve into two hemispheres of crime, two hemispheres of peniten- tiary, two hemispheres of lazaretto, two hemispheres of 'brothel. New York Tombs, MoyamensIng prison, Philadel- phia Seven Dials, London and Cowgate, Edinburgh, only festering carbuncles on the face and neck of natural evolution. See what the Bible says about the heart and then what evolution says about the heart. Evolution says, "Better and bet- ter and better gets the heart by taatural linprovement." The Bible says: "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who 'can know it?" When you can evolve fragrance from malodor, and can evolve an oratorio front •a buzzsaw, and oan evolve fall pippins from a basket of decayed crab apples, then you oan by natural evolution from the human beart develop goodnees. Ah, ray friends, natural evolution in always downward; it is never upward. What is renuirkable aboutnhis thing is It le all the time developing its honesty. In our day it is asoribing this evolution to Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin. It is a dishonesty. Evolution was known and advocated hundreds of years before these gentlemen began to be evolved. The Phoenicians thousands of 'years ago declared that the human ram walabled out of the mud. DemocrituS, who lived 460 years before Christ -remember that -knew this dootrione of evolution when 4.Ae- he eel& "Everything is composed of atoms, or infinitely small elements, eacia with 4 definite quality, form and move- ment, whose inevitable Onion asid separa- tion shape all different things and forms, lawii and efforte, and (Bootee them again tor neer combinations. The gods them - 'oleos and the auneara mind erigipated trom elicit atoms. There are no casualties. Everyehing is neeeeeiry and determined r lay the tenure qf the atoms which have certain mutual eilinities. attractions and repulsions." Anoxiinander centuries ago declared that the human race started at the place where the sea saturated the eerth. Lucretius developed long maturies op, In his poems, the doetrine et tavola- then It is an old heathen corpse *et un hia Morgues. Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer have tried to gelvenize it. They drag tins ol11 putrefaction of 3,000 yeare amend the earth, boasting that it is timir oviginalley, one se wentierful is the in- fatuation that at the Delmonico dinner given in honor of Herbert Spencer some 15 Years age there were those who ascribed to him this great originality of evoludoe. There the baoquetere sat around the table in honor or Herbert Spencer, eleewing beet and turkey and roast pig, which, according to their doo- trine or evolution, made them ceting their own relations! Slicing up their own cousins! Driving it enrYing fork into their beloved kilt.lradi fleshing -icons*, tershire sewn beOatiatIng mustard over their unties and hunts! And wiaile Her - beet Spencer read a pationleing lecture to Americans the bauqueters ette around the MON with their hand* up, saying. "Doer llath it the voice of 4 Red and net Of a maul" Evolution a tee:Oben -Doctrine. There le only Ono thing worm than ngIish mobbety, end thee le Amaricen ellebbery. I like democreey and 1 lilt. grienteritcy, but there is One kind At oreey in thli:conntry that excites my oon. tempt. aue thee is what Charles Kings. ley, after be hal witnessed le !dwelt, sneleranty. Now, I ely it le a gignutie diefainesety whoa they ateribe this 0111 heathen do -'trine er evoletien to any inoilern geatictia at I am not a petit:Ott, Ilue an optiratste I do Pot tonere encrething le going te 4estrizetien. I heitero er,Tschipp; 15 gong Ail to resientprien. littt it will mit he throligh the intelel eeerrine or evolution, hue throggit eer eieriene ChrierlallitY which hes elfeetee ail tite goel that has ever heel wreeelit Ana whigh is yet to reeonetruet ell the nveons. What is thee in the oiling? A ship gone tan the mite at Cap' Hatterts. Tho hulk brinking art, crew ana past:engine are drowning. The stare is in tull blest and the barer:et er Is still -inking, Valet OM tint; shiat went? Development. Develop her lirehrt reaere. Develop her broken rudder. Develop Iter grownina crew. De- velop ber freezing psesengers. Develop tho whele ably. le all it IV411215. De, eolopment. Oh. 1 me140 a mietehe What that ship wants 1'4 it lifeboat from the shore. Lem inta it, you men of the life etation! Pell away to tho week: Steady Morel Bring the wanton and children twit to the shore! New tbe stout motel Wrap them up in :Lewin and between their chattering teeth you can pus re - 'notation. Well, my friends, our world Is an the 70eite. tied Tattnehmi it well enough, but through ulispiletage and the storms cif 0,0o0 years it has gone into the breakers. Whet don thie old eltip of a -world want/ Develoomeute There is enough old evolu- tion in the hulk to evolve another mast and (another rudder and to evolve ail the passengers and °smite tile fillip out of the bre:dors. Development? .A.b, 110, 1177 friends, what this old eitipwrock of a world wants is a lifeboat from the shore. And it Ig COMIllg. Cheer, my tads, cheer! It is coming from tho shining shore of heaven, taking the crests of ton waves with one sweep or the shining paddles. Christ Is in the lifeboat. Many wounds on hands end feet and side and brow, showing he has been long engaged In the work of rosette, but yet mighty to save - to save one, to save all, to save forever. My Lord and my God, got us into the lifeboat. Away with your rotten, decep- tive, infidel and blasphemous evolution and give us the Iiible, salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord! Salvation! Lot the echo fly The spacious eartb around, While all the armies of the sky Conspire to noes the sound. . Pepper in Olden Times. Dr. Adolph Miller of Philadelphia, president of tbe Pennsylvania Mycologi- cal Club, in a dissertation an the pepper plant, says that during the middle ages in Europe pepper was the most eateemea and important of all the spices. Genoa, Venice and other conamential cities of central Europe were indebted to their traffic in pepper for a large part of their wealth. Its importance as a Ineans of promoting commercial activity and oivilis zation during the middle ages mn hardly be overrated. Tribute was levied in pep- per, and donations were made in this spice, which was frequently also used as a medium of exchange in place of money. When the imperial city of Rome was be- sieged by Alario, the king of the Goths, In 408 A.D., the ransom demanded in- cluded 6,000 pounds of gold, 30,000 pounds of silver and 8,000 pounds of pep- per, illustrating the importance of this spice at that time. Revenging Himself on Deity. Basil Hayden of Bloomfield. Ky., who was a Confederate soldier in the late war, bas not been outside of his house since 1863, though in perfect health, having taken an oath tben that he would never again put his foot on the ground. He says that the Lord treated him harshly in allowing his nogroes to go free, and that in revenge he will never place his foot on tbe Lord's earth again, He is a successful farmer, notwith- stand! g his many peculiarities. ate has kept his vow and lived the lire of a her , mit since the war. Croat sins. The great danger in the Christian life is the supposition that only great sins affect the life. On the contrary, it is rare that tho evil comes in like a flood. There is in the embankment the little crack through 'which the water trickles aineeit unobserved, and in such small quantity that it is not regarded 'as worthy of effort to restrain. But eacli minute it works its deadly work, removing partiole after par tiole, until, under the stress of the sterna, it opens the way for the giving away of the embankment, and in a moment the flood with its ruin. How to Halce the Bed cool. Those who sigh for cool resting places In warm weather and yet cannot give up their soft beds can gain what they want by laying heavy white awning canvas under the sheets. 1(1, S. JACK TARS Indueek 0. Great Relerence 111 Tilne et War in the Teeart of A ottuadian, Weinatt Journalist. Sunday morning, and the reading of the articles ot war to the ancOies, who in elean wiaite ducks lined up to beer them. Then there was a great rattling ef swords as the officers heel them becalml a by their orderlies, and there were loud mad peremptory calls by the executive officer Mr missing Jaeltiee, vele came epringing up through trapholee, mopping their sweating faces with their handker- chiefs. To see Sfeiskie in the back rew stealing a elaew at his quid when 11Q one was looking, end twitch him roll it into some noolt inside his cheek melon the •exaeutine officer pinnee Mtn with his eye, vase to see a Lit of blessed huoine nature, ti whieh bin men, end very strong men. vero playing mboolmasrer and scheolhoe Illi over awdn. .And all the wbile, tbe anginal was reading out the forty-nine or se different; things then if Jackie were to do themweal send bint to Devy acmes' locker with a bullet M his poor haedworhing heey-e-should, for Memnon be be found aeleep on wateb, or kissing a girl -(poor jaekie. whose girl be has lefe far, far behind hinin-or doing any eif thee/ littie things he would like to do. Poor Jackie! so faithful and loyal anci brave and trite! Such a here, every ineh or hien. 43 ke geOS about hie coromon Ware unromentie dbuiee, eleening ship's brasses. online tb 2 temps, and ready, at Ares call. re ditaring to the gnus anti denote her in her etuir of triel with bis brawn anal natisele. end baptize her, if tied rei in his Littal. A great reverence end greet love der Jackie creeps into the heart or one who facet4 him in time of S'Ar; . 1 in eleete, white SOWS sTaCklo sat at service and listened tO the parson tellieg how to go m heeven, and boleg-peor fled's etedd that he is -as timer tit it, 1 h meetly lielleV11, 09 Any 10411 thee lives afloat -a -Wale Makes straight for the mixer pere, they ney, while be tatta Mame) And he gang hie hymns in the same naelolious elaortie that be sang hie love senge, awl tent hie heed tor the bellediC• 11011, and lainkee his eye and loolzeil out seewerd when Cienenti Howard, the great easEeenery eve had ebeerd, go; up And 411-11,1 abatir the loving inintinese tit God, anti eninmarall iii to the laving aindness " natties tat nhtr 3.".. TIAIlle. 3301410's um ems! rate:: ho elestwe 1 nie her picture ee 41 one ii..le ssf .3 litt10 aillver linsaet, and a tatk et her Ian to the other, and I eat :or, eell and etilree ithaut tier te Ire and we ler.WV areat friends, and he -t emelt. esetit in little silk Arnevicen ite the raieelnext morning, when lie e teeing up my leidal liamber, and he ley ant of :toy way for the reit of the lerfaae, yhyod 11,14,011l1, the villains ronl ,17 ti; eet in lile hatuir, sick. Alt. Jackie, and Min might of had it for the asking! -NIL eneplatent Lire in tbe Jungles. Witleme elephants, jungleS WeUld be irtitar ieweeeible. The great beaste art a minute" of s11en14t11. and weal:ne4:4, ui es31`.', :mei eauplieity. The petite :mull* the tinelle front village to v1ll- 00 aro nestely tr mei fruit which the in,. srlaeinit Iola me bee been out 'Ind, tr:ea'st, coldo, 44110 The 1.11`1111 soil trodden into ;a eaten muil. Afeet 41 rain, this mud is ny feet deep, and. no creature X401)' ; tin keepleint. a buffalo or rhinneeree meld trier threugh it. The elephant taaiies Inle way ler lifting one foot 41*41 e anti Inetating it deep into the eh in Moat, withdrawing another with A Suunii Lio the popplug of a huge ehanneerne cork Nothing but a ride ou am cerrliquelre mania be eompared with the seneatien of being run away with by en elephant. .A8 tor stopping bina, some ono Ito well said tit at eou might as well try tat stop a runaway locomotive by pull- ing with your weining stick on the fen- nel as seek te cheek an elephant at such 117011201112 WW1 11 912123, THE MAD DOG BUGABOO. Illelentists Insist That atter° Is isto seen Thing as " itydrupbobia." In the Ladies' Home Journal Edward W. Bok writes on "The Bugaboo of the Mad Dog," quoting a oumber of authori- ties to show that, there is no such iliedia,se as "hydrophobia" and inquiring If "ID IS 1101; time, therefore, In view of these in- disputable facts, thee we shouia give our- selves a intact more freedom from this bugaboo of the mad doge Wbat tbe neevs- papers so esseutiailY report e,s came of thydrophehen ere, in reality, nothing zuoae nor less than instances of peopla who have been, bitten by dogs end fright - e3904 into hysterical conditions to which they involuntarily reproduce all the sup- posed semptoine of "nytiropobia," IB is re pity that our newspaper editors cannot have a more careful regard for the feel. ings of women during the summer menthe and wove M suppress the report*. of cases supposed to be elayerophobia.' They make the public mind nervous, and 40 more to spread the silly noti to of 18 belief in neydrophobia' than anything else. Women hate had their feeling* played upon long enough by this foolish notion of 'hydrophobia,' and enough one eceesory suffering has been inflicted pon the dog, who is ofteu 1;1110111er nothing but a populer felicity. It is high, amp, that common-sense should ranee time we should believe the fact that there, is no such thing as 'hydrophobia,' an& rid ourselves of this bugaboo of the road dog." A toidela Tongue. Tbe Wonderful eloquente of Pericles, which Ins countrymen were wont m designate by the attributes of "thunder and lightning," Janet have had a strange persuasive power over the minds of his listeners. When Thuoydides, one of hie groat opponents in state matters, was asked by the King of Sparta which was the better 'wrestler, Perioles or binaselO he replied: - "It is vain to wrestle with tbat man. As often as I balm oast him to the ground, he has as stoutly -denied it, and when I have maintained that he has thrown me, he bas sworn to the reverse. And so efficaciously withal that he has made all Who heard him, nay, the very specta- tors, believe him." Bxeuse for Sin. How few frankly and honestly confess their own sin! They see not their guilt. They are apntinually making excuses for their crimes; the strength and subtlety of the tempter, the natural weakness of their own minds, the unfavorable circum- stances in which they were placed are all plead as excuses for their sins, and thus the possibility of repentance is preoluded, for pntil a man take his sin to himself, till he acknowledges that he alone is guilty, he cannot be humbled, and conse- quently cannot be saved. Till thou accuse thyself, and thyself only, and feel that thou alone are responsible for all thy in- iquities, there is no hope of thy salvation. Would Drake a Business Ilan. Her Father -Well, sir, I suppose you want to marry my daughter, do you? Jimson-No, sir; I'd like to borrow $60. Her Father-Wh-what! Borrow $50! Who ever heard of such presumption? Jimson-Well, I overheard you say last night that you'd rather give $50 out of your own pocket than to have to blast my hopes by refusing to let me have Mies Clara, so I thought I'd come around after it and call the affair off. lier rather -My boy, you may have her. I think I can inake a business man of you. How to Make Savory Butter. Pound to a paste four ounces ot rich cheese with a small piece of butter (this varies with the dryness of the cheese,) a couple of spoonfuls of vinegar from pickled walnuts, a good dash of cayenne, a dessertspooeful of essence of anchovy and the same of mustard. This mixture, byithe bye, if heated over the fire makes delicious, savory toast. The Cause of Mankind. Educate women and you educate the teachers of men; if the ohild is father to the man, the woman forms the Mill] 113 educating the ohild. The cause of female education is, then, E114311 in the most selfish sense, the cause of mankind at large, -0. G. Nicolar, PARENT'TITLES, idren Wbo Have Drooped rAra. Ana ?lamina for Father and. nether. "I was Drought un," said a fond father, "to say father and mother, ever drearecel or seytug papa alltt =Amine wben I was a eland, end, 1 shoulal have made awkward work of it if I bell tried, lely chiltiren until lately have always eseitl Palm and mamma. I don't knew bow they got started thee WWY. but ae the ceatset and for a Mug time then never thought of saying anything else, ¶then the older one; took to saying father and :nether. They liked these titles better, and they thogght they were better form, too, and they taught the youngte children atm to Rey father and moth and uow they all say father and mot 4r, "lhe older children soon acme* themselves to the change; the y 400204 ehildren were a little shy over it trl„r4t3" but they owl go*, pretty well „...ene",112. -"It* a*td new WO rarely hear ir "'""*. papa and mamma; it le 4 nar house mother, father and "And I must any I lit 112 . And I don't thinkit is "S tor way was broughetseause that Is the tithes certainly do i llh* though these eameee, „fla - .90111 TA me an old and ere "--u3,74n-t; tionate sound that everyp mud 322011201'eut I think I like father ...otter, enmity." artiette Musser Glving. r4e. ideal dinner company is never in'eeet six has been astal to be the mahlh entither, but eight ansi even ten am pert teeny manageable, nub in the matter of emooth service anti in the higher har- monies. Do not etintino your choice to intimate friends, but add to their plea- sure and your own the fresh experience of meeting new spirits whose =genial. itv you have divined. .A. really artistic, diznaer, it is the wee - tern conviction, simuld never exceed four courses -including thelsoffee Tbe scheme of the dinner is that each dish shall be perfect; worthy of the palate and of nee appento--enjoyed to the full for its mer- its and not be trifled with and inetantly forgotten. Tim seeonci point in import- ance Is that za dieb shall Le as attractive In appearance as it is perfect in flavor; tbat it sbould bo played upon the table as an added enjoyment and hospitality served by the host or hostess. The third. point, also of importance, is that a din- ner should be seasonable -not an antici- pation of seasons. -for every chosen article thould be at its very best. A lean, half - shriveled January tomato, which has in - borne its travels, is but a forlorn apology, for the plump and luscious summer pro- duct -certainly not tined for an "artlie tio" appearance. Corrected. A chance visitor in a rural nenthbor- hood stspped into a little and antiquated "oboe' house to see what the edueational methods of the locality were like. A eleepy looking teacher was hearing a. class in history recite. "What can you say about the battle or Bunker Hill?" he asked. After seemingly painful reflection a boy of about le got up and drawled out hesitatingly: "It was a great fight, and -and -it was here that Gen. Grant mod, cares,. I saw, I conquered.' " "That shows bow math yen knows about it," said the teacher derisively. "It was Washington who said that. Grants hadn't even been born then. You can stay after school and learn your lesson, sir." itb. There oan be no real unbelief, for wbo- ever believes in the steadfastness and reliability of the laws of nature, whoever believes in the supremacy of right over wrong'whoever even plants a tree er trusts to the future, thus bears witness to his own faith in God, whose name, per- haps, he may find himself denying, and his faith only needs expansion and to be conscious of itself in order to be the sup- port of a consciously religious life. Rey-Xote of Rai.mony. If you should wish to be miserable, yen must think about yoursolf---about what you want, what you like, what respect eeople ought to pay to you, and thou to you nothing will be pure. You will spoil everything you touch; you will make sin and misery for yourself out of everything vvhieh God sends you; you will be as wretched as you choose. The Outflow of the Heart. To love others is the true counterpoise of our unsteady natures. Towering and infirm self-love is likely to collapse at any moment. The outflow of the heart upon others is in the orderine of God, the most infallible way of securing sanity of mind, as far as right human relations oan secure it. The Secret of Success. The secret of success is concentration; wherever there has been a great life, or a great work, that has gone before. Taste everything a little, book at everythieg a little, but live for ODD thing. Anything is possible to a man who knows his end and moves straight for it, and for IS Waal).