HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-8-26, Page 1es*
People WIVISI"q,
Millett Buts, l4ii'. and Mrs. David Brown.—Mies
Mary Bertrand is spending a. few days
at the lake, the guest of Miss Louisa
Yoursge—Rev. Chas. Fiukbeiner and
family, of:Midway, is visiting his par
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Finkbeiner.--
airs. Geiser, of Morriston, is visiting
friends 'here .—Mr . Charles Zwicker, our
enterprising rnerehsuit, is erectiu;; a
ueve aiming,in front of hisstore, which
wilt greatly add to its appearance,----
The Court of Revision, which was to
have been held here in the Town gall
last Tuee(lay, was adjourned to meet
again on Sept. 19th, because it was not
At a threshing in this township one
day last week an affray occurred that
might have resulted much snore seri
ously, and it was exceedingly fortun-
ate for all concerned that it turned out
as it did. Two men got into a jangle
over some bad language used, when
one hit the other a crack over the head
with a heavy pitch. fork handle; the
man struck dropped like a log, and
had to be taken to the doctor, who
found that the skull was fractured, and
it required considerable dressing to put
the weuad in shape before the party
injured was able to go to work again.
The participants admit that blame
rested on both of them, and as both ex -
Remember oll~1' Optician will be away for! pressed sorrow and made up friends
again, the matter has been amicably
holidays from Qome adjusted. But it calve very Clear be-
4Se ,#., 1st' tt Sept. 1 Qth imp., a case of a mucho e serious
mt tnet-
Ila and have your sight scientifically tested before he leaves, uta.
No charge made for testing at
T. FiTTO'3 Jewiior tare.
We have unlimited pleats tencle fair in-
vestment neon farm or village I.rol•erty, at
lowest ratee of interest.
incesoe 3: csetn eea.
I3arristees, etc., Ea eter.
NTALI:Al3LE V i LAO i'IteieF ;:T': FOR
The undersigned is offering for, sale that
'eira.1.. and ran:al.It• l.ral'.rtv.nittlz.ted on
Vitreal Street, being rant ai Lot et, canteen -
lug over live nerve. There is on the premises
a 0;094 l Fir l.. Donee, eon rel ei tie ,,,,tie 1i r •' H-
with tone cellar, trams, hiteht ai :end vowel-
elec t ti:.taa in .1: a frente et.ti- k ; U:•i other
r:eet ;,art• ons -Leel lings: •t , choice fruit tree,.
et Foo t tte11 of weterau.latitcr.onve•uic nccy.
Tt rfAi r,,asou.ti•a.apply attest. week, or to
severer, Pttuezea.Tun.l:.xetcr.
The un it•rei.;nea offering hie si h i..Ie.t
faun. in t1,: tttwne1.1l.jai X sawree, for atilt
or rent, let e.. .nct•SS►un 8. containing Po
acre, . T1+ere i, on the premises two good
l,arnv tnno hank'. and other good ,mt•l.nild.
in^n; K g..u.l fietmt• laaa•.f+, good wt,ll,, and i4
..l, did (Irritant, l'11ia is one ,. the Lent.
tams in t'sbnrnc. anal will be sold reason -
al le. or muted. Intending purchaser,* or
tenants ebould see this proeerty.
Apl•iv to
ifalrT. Ii:ent,xs •
Devon P. O., Ont.
The undersigned has op-
ed up a new Meat Market
Where he will keep the choic-
est of • meats Constantly on
Tahn T. Manning.
of our students have been placed in
excellent positions during the past
Our system of book-keeping
is ACTUAL BUSINESS from start
to finish. Our SHORTHAND DE-
PARTMENT is the moat thorough in
Canada.. .
For further particulars address
Mrs. R. Good and family left last
week for Carletion Place where they
intend making their future home.—
The many friends of Mr. James White
will regret to learn that ho continues
very seriously 111, and is now confined
to his room.—Rev. W. J. Waddell last
week recieved the sad intelligence of
the death of his brother, Gilbert, from
consumption. Deceased was a teacher
by profession, holding a first-class cer-
tificate, and was a comparatively
young; man. His death was not
unexpected.—The many friends of
Mr. Thomas Blackwell will regret to
learn that he is very low, his long ill.
nese having very much reduced his.
week it becomes our sad duty to
record the death of Bernard Shirray
of the 2nd, concession of Hay, which
sad event took , place Tuesday after a
short illness of about ten days dun..
tion. About three years ago the de-
ceased met with an accident by a tree
falling on him which at the time al-
most cost bine his life and it is thought
that he never recovered from the
shock. He was 51 years, 6 months
and 8 days old and was a son of the
late. Nicholas Shirray. 'rho funeral
takes place at 2 p m, to -day, (.Thurs.)
Air J. Dempsey has left for Manito-
ba ou a harvesting trip to see the
country. Mr. Dempsey purposes tak•
ing up land out there, Ile will be
greatly missed here.—Mr. Samuel
Melts lost a flue cow the other day by
aecideut, she having fallen out of the
barn on ber neck and fractured it, dy
Four days aftiva d. -T ha Eden
League purposes1 concert and
tea meeting, on Thursday evening, the .
20th lust. Alt are inyited.
Mr. Alevender Stew art, of the 12th
concession, met with a very painful
and dangerous accident one day last
week, It seems he was hauling
grain, and while using a fork in some
mutter a horse, kicked it causing it to
strike hien on his neck and breast,—
Air. W. L. McLaren, of the 12th con-
cession, has rented his farm for a term
of four years to Mr. James Rivers. Mr.
McLaren is leaving the farm on ac-
count of 111 health. Thie makes four
farms all in a block that will have
changed oceupauts inside of the year.
Thames Road.
We are pleased to announce that
Mrs. George Monteith, who was very
sal, is slowly recovering.—Mr. Wm, Oke,
who was slightly indisposed, has com-
pletely recovered,—Miss Mable Madge
has rettuned home after a pleasant vis.
it to the Forest City --Miss Al. E. Hack-
ney and Miss Elizabeth Monteith spent
Sunday at Mr. J. T. Alltsou's.—We are
pleased to announce that Rev. AIr.
Fletcher, who has beau on a trip to
Muskoka for his health, will occupy
his pulpit again on the coming Sab-
bath.—Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Monteith
spent Sunday at Mr. David Duncan's.
-Mrs Fletcher gave Mrs, Chas. Mon-
teith a pleasant call on Monday last.—
ast:Alt. and Miss Roy are visiting friends
and relatives around here,—Mr. Alev.
Hackney and Mr. James Ballantyne
spent Sunday at the Bend.—A slight
accident occurred here on Sunday
evening when Win. Stewart and Wm.
Turnbull's buggies collided, resulting
in a slight smash-up of the former rig.
Boys, don't drive so tast.--While Miss
Lena Madge was driving through Ex-
eter on Saturday night last, his horse
took fright and ran away, upsetting
the rig and severely bruising some of
the occupants. The horse kicked itself
free from the rig and ran as far as Mr.
Parson's shop, where it was caught.—
The Thames Road Christian Endeavor
will hold their picnic to the Bend this
Messrs, A. Hicks, P. Hanlin, Wm.
Hicks and R. Mitchell are putting the
finishing touches on their new brick
dwellings. They promise to be the most
handsome houses in this viclnity.—Miss
Kate Lewis, of London, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Thomas Neil.—Miss Olive
Walker, of St. Joseph, is visiting her
uncle, Jas, Walker, Devon.—Mr. Wm.
Haggith occupied the pulpit in the ab-
sence of the pastor, and preached two
very interesting sermons on Sunday.—
Miss Ida Webb, who has been spending
the summer with her sister, Mrs, J. 3.
Colwill, has returned to her home at St.
John.—Mr. A Nevin spent Tuesday
in Loudon visiting relatives.—James
Herring left here for Manitoba Monday.
Miss Joos, of Exeter, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. R. Wilson, of Fairfield.—
Mrs. Handcock, of Toronto, and Mrs.
French, of Clinton, are visiting at Mrs
Wm. Elliott's.—Mr. A, Nevin has a
patch of sunflower plants, some of
which measure ten feet in height, and
have about forty Sowers on theta.—
Mr. William Cottrill sustained quite a
loss on Saturday • night last. He had
received a five gallon keg of new eider
and leaving it on the veranda of his.
harness shop till he could secure a more
suitable spot to store it away, he was
surprised on coming for his treasure to
find that some unknown prohibitionist.
had arrested it and laid it away for a
more convenient, season much to the
sorrow of Mr. Cottrill,
Mrs. Ed. Sanders, of Elora, visited her
many friends here for a few days slur
lug the week. Mr, Sanders also spent
a couple of days Isere last week. --.The
brickwork on the, new Raman Catbolie
parsonage is now finished. When this
building is completed it will he an own..
ment to the village.—The ninny friends
of Alrs Fred Kibler will regret to learn
that she still continues to have very
poor health. It is feared she will have
to uudergo an operation before she im-
pr0veA —On Monday Chas. McKenzie, of
this place, was sent up from here charg-
ed with the theft of a black valise to
which offence he bad cuteredaptea or-
guilty. . n Thursday, , McKenzie was
brought before Judge Masson, (lodes
rich, whet) he elected to be tried by
His Honor, and said that the valise
was of little value, and not being used
he took it, intending to rend it back
at the end of his journey. Judge Mas-
son, taking his plea of guilty and :all
circumstances into Conatderation, Sent
the prisoner to the couuty jail for $
days with bard labor.
Grand Bend Park
Registered for the week ending Aug.
25rd,--Alessrs. John Arthur and J. D.
Misses Minnie, Jennie nte and Li
Cole, Georgia Brown, Itobt. Cleric, Mrs.
Pauli, Rosenblatt ;Frank
Williams, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs.. A.
Murdock, J. McDonald, Mensal!, Dr. D,
Morris, Detroit; Misses Vina Hutchison,
Ida lL I3rfsbiti, Chicago; Rev, and Mrs.
J. M. Baird, Eloise V. Baird, Corbett;',
Rev. D. E. Martin and wife, Melbourne;'.
Miss Ada E. Baird, Blenheim, J. Spack-
man, Exeter; AL B. Green, A. E. Erwin,
A. i:, Vanstone, I3, Frazer, S. 1i• Ross,
Misses Lizzie Ferguson, Alfie Green, M.
Green,Aliss Taylor, ATiss Holtz, Bayfield;
Mr. H. Butson, Goderich; IT. 0. Hersey.;
London, Harry Brownlu;;, Exeter; Edeu
picnic, number 75, Johnson pienic, Seel-
yan, numbering 20; Hadgins picnic,
Clandebaye, numbering 10; Miss E. M.
Gilman, Misses Jeannette and Christy
Stewart, Robt, H. McDonald, John Alun -
roe, Misses B. and C. Menzies, Ailsa
Craig; Miss Maggie Yates, London;
Moses Geiger, wife and family, John
Geiser, wife and family, Aaron Rear -
cher, wife and family, Zurich.
Crediton •
Miss Eva Rau and Mr. Bert Wyatt,
of London and Winnipeg, respectively„
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tobias
Fahner.—Miss Lillie 'Wind, who has
been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Misterly,
of Detroit, returned home Wednesday.
—Mr. J. Either, who has been visiting
his relatives in Philadelphia the last
few weeks, has returned home, after
spending a pleasant visit there.—Miss
Hudson, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss
Leah Young.—Miss Dina Wood, of Lon-
don, after a pleasant visit of a week
with friends in Exeter, is now visiting
her cousin, Miss Evelyn Kerr.—Miss
Edith Wiggins, of Goderich, spent a
few days here with Mrs. Richard Baker
last week.—Master Ed. Murdock, of
Port Huron, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Sweet.—Mr. Wm. Kerr, after
a short but pleasant visit with his par•
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John 1Serr, left for
his home in Chicago, Ill„ Monday.—The
Lady Maccabees held an ice cream so-
cial in their rooms above Clark's har-
ness shop last Thursday. It was a suc-
uecess,—F. W. Farncombe, 0. E., of Lon-
don, passed through the village Thurs-
day.—Mr. Chas. Eilber, Mrs. belly, of
Mayville, and Mr. Wm. Lewis and wife
are camping a few days at the Bend,—
Fred Smith, of Exeter, was the guest of
Bennie Bertrand Friday.—Henry 211-
ber, M, P. P., and Wm. Yearly attended
the Hay Township Farmers Fire Insur-
ance Oo., inBrucefield Saturday.—Mr.
Ira Bice and son, Emald,of Clandeboye
were in the village Thursday,—Spread-
ing flax is going on in full swing,—
Mr. henry Sweitzer has built a new
shed west of his flour mill.—Mr. and
Mrs. Roeder, of Hamilton, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hirtzel
the past week. -A game of baseball was.
played between the .4Rocky' Nine " of
Beneall and Urediton, Thursday. The
'score stood 35-6, in favor of Crediton.
&Ir. and Mrs. Wesley Veal, of Detroit, is
the guest of his uncle, Mr. Walt. Clark.
-Dr. McLaughlin, of Dashwood, gave
the village a flying visit Monday.—
Miss Mary Roeder, who has been visit-
ing her parents here for some time left
for Hamilton Tuesday.—Mrs. B. Fink-
beiner, of Morriston, is visiting her par -
properly advertised.
Successful Students From W
tern Ontario Schools.
The reports of the Board of :xarniu-'
Exl•eri rents with
at the
Ontario- Agricultural College
ers, in connection with the examinations 1898.
for commercial specialists, in domestic
science, for commercial -diplomas and- One hundred and thirty-eight vare
for Forms III. and I^1'., have keen con reties of v: ietets wheat . t hasis been grower
sidered by the Educational Council and in the I:iperianeetat Dt r rtnteut of the•
below are given the names of some of Ontario Agrieultural College within,
the sueeessfal candidates at the differ- the past -settle years. Se%eaty of- these
ent :Western Ontario eeutres. It is in- have bee» earefuyi_ tested for at least
tended, in the case of Foams M. and five years. The eight varieties wbict -
IV, and commercial diplomas, to have have given the highest yiields of grain
the marks of unsuccessful candidates per acre in the average of five years
sent within ten days to the principals experrueats are as fo4.ows
of high or Pubhe school inspectors. evsteht Yield
Greenwa , .Narrate;5. ,l er l a 1 'r acre
The marks will not be wilt to eal3dl years . years.
`d t b th d t t C t'f t
FOC:ID---A parcel of underclothing
near here. Owner can have same by
calling at the Post Office store.
Mr. Geo. Glendeniues has gone to the
North \Vest and expects to be away M
three mouths .••- —Mrs. Manes, nee Mies
Allin Manning, of `Toronto, visited
friends here last week.—Tho annual
harvest dinner of the Boston Mettle -
stet Church will be held Wednesday,
Sept. 7th. Special services will be held
Suuday Sept 4th. The Rev,. J. E.
Holmes, of Monet Brydges has prom-
ised to be present on both, occessions,
--Mr. 1_). Brophy, of Aurora, Ill., ar=
rived here last Saturday and is vialt
ink her daughter, Airs. W. T. Vlens...-
The AlcPhersou Alanufaeturing Co.
sold several water teaks, cisterns and
pumps last week, and two pumps on
Monday to a man near Verna. --•Mr.
41 A. W ilsou attended the occursion
to Detroit last week, and played in
Forest 27th. . Battalion Basad.—Rev.
Wiliam, a o n i d by is a
R. L. l on cc m u ed 111 fain
ily, who has been visitiug his old home
and camping lit Grand Bend Park
during the past three weeks, returned
to his home, Down Mills, Tuesday..--
Afr. Jos. Foster, of IJillsgreen, and his
two daughters, Josephine and Lizzie,
visited friends in this vicinity Satur-
day and Sunday, and returned home
Monday.—Mr. Wm. Sberritt is movie;,
the old church uato W. J. Wilson's
farm. ---Rev. Martin, brother-in-law of
Rev. J. W. Baird, B. A., who is carnp-
ing at Grand Bendy preached a very
interesting• and instructive sermon in
Boston Methodist church last Sabbath.
—W. Foster, of I:liils reon, paid his old
flyingvisit a sitlast Ivo
friends hereweek.
He and his two sisters are camping at
Grand Mend.
a es y e clear tram . er 1 ace es 1. l aeso s fFQ, 1,13. Oh CIt S +.: kaus.
sill also he sent to principals or suspec Ear',+atP1e5 cxi tswt s $ „ d ,:
tors about the 1st of September. It is 4 Im;.ernetl Au { e.r •. svh , i► 4;
reconatneuded that unsueeeesful Candi F.;tr 1 F.IE-:t
Iieietat+e.. e! , 2,...,4
dates should not appeal neat they have ,. Galtien itrof 'r 4•>. .
consulted the High scheoi priectpal. at `'• stn* -.ion Ala- ,
ter receiving their marks. Appeals, to 01 these eight varieties, the follow -
be entertained, must be mule before the ing four ;rave the .largest e,1 'Ais fa
loth September.
1898; Dawson's Golden Chaff 49.2
Retarding the value of eertieeates, bus.; Imperial Amber dt7 bas Iialin-
it will be uuderatood that the ether,eer- bis 4:. 3, bus..lama Early leuese (i;ant
titiceates required by the regulations J + 2 bus.
must be held to order that a candidate Among forty-four new varieties
have jntsior or senior leaving standing, grown in lite', the: largest yields of
Candidates should also observe the fol- grain were produced by the Gold Coin.
Miss Clara Thous,, has returned home
after working at ATr. Greens near Ex-
oter.--Aliss Fanny Snell end Maggie
Stacey have returned home from a
weeks' camp at tbe Grand Fend Park.
—Mr. Toney Oehleiser, of Teeswater,
was in town on Tuesday.—Miss Enema
Wagner is working at Mrs. H. Smith's
dress maker shop.—Messrs. D. D. Wil-
lert and Wm. Rohde wheeled to St.
Joseph and theme to Grand Bend on
Wednesday. Dan is looking for a sit
with his snap shot.—Big snaps' at 0.
W. Snell's, Bicycle Rooms.—Mr. Albert
Moser has purchased Wm. Spohns'
Sterns "bike' for a very low figure.
—The flax is nearly all in now, and the
spreaders are busy spreading it. -All
the flax pulling hands were paid up
on Tuesday in liosers sitting room.—
Miss Mary Roeder, daughter of Jacob
Roeder, has returned to Detroit where
she has been for the last few years.—
Mr. Wm. Calfas had the misfortune of
being badly bitten by his horse "Tom
Blur. "—Mr. Manson, of Park Hill,
has again been employed at Hoffman
Bros.' factory, -Sam Willert, produce
merchant is collecting cream for Mr.
Bobier, of Exeter.—Daniel Weber, who
has been attending the Goderich High
School, is at present under the parental
roof.—On Thursday of last week we
had a very good rain which was of
much benefit to the crops etc.—Master
Percy Smith, of St. Marys, is still stay
ing with his uncle Dr, T. P. McLaugh
lin.—We understand that Miss Mary
Bender of this place and Mr. Walter
Granger, of Sarnia, were united in the
holy bonds of matrimony, the celebrat-
ion of which took place in the letters'
home, Sarnia. We wish them a long
and happy life in their new home.—
Miss Mills has secured a boarding
place at Mrs, J. W. Norsworthy's.—
Mr. and Mrs. Newel, of Cleveland, Ohio,
and Miss Marr, of London, are visiting
at Mr. and Mrs. John Hall's.—Mr. W.
J. Scott, teacher, has procured a Stearn's
wheel from 0. W. Snell.—Mr. John
Goodman is home again. -Mr. D. D.
Willert, photographer, took a shot at
Mr. John Hall's house and family on
Monday. -Master Freddie Grossman bas
returned, after a visit with Jacob Bren-
ner at Stratford.—Miss Lydia Faust, of
Zurich, visited our Y. P. A. meeting
on Thursday evening and read a very
good address for the encouragement of
members of the Junior Alliance to
work more in devotional exercises in
he work of Christi also to prepare fur
the Y. P. A. convention which is to be
held at Crediton on Aug. 31 and Sept,
1st.—Mr. Fred Burke wheeled to Ex-
eter on Thursday.—Tse house on Ro-
land Street which is to be occupied" by
John Pope is nearing completion.—
Our detective failed to catch his in-
tended. A better move on is what is
wanted with him.
Severe storms are reported in Eng-
land, the low -tying districts are flood-
ed and crops are extensively damaged.
The Carmarthenshire district of Wales
• s t b tornado -
g,.. ig,Cieuese'e Giant, Oregon, and.
implies an examinations of form + ree an, anre:,
II., under the old or under the revised the heaviest sys ghts per measured
regulations. The certilieate issued will t bushel
h ei byntheS lbs.; Arnold'st8 lbs.
indicate more definitely tbe characterHS
of the examination passed. Candidates -,flea 11)8 ; Andrew's No, ; d t65
awarded: this certificate obtained 50 per and Red Mav !,051b5,;`
cent, on the total, besides.P acsiug til. UI-.TI:Ibt'TW'. +ir SLL.5 I'i .r. Tni7IIN(°
each subject.
Matriculation implies
that the ca
di• The following tn three v F. .
WS ofsi
date has been awarded, a certificate for,wheat varieties wit: l .e sent frees, be
Part II. of junior matriculation, or has mail in oast.+•half jtClma tots of each
White Golden Cross' Silver Dollar, Ped -
obtained pass standing in some subjects variety, to fert!tttirs ai++• ting fear thetaa
of junior matriculation. Matriculation . wt:o will a;;reii.nny tt t the threes kin&•
certificates have no value as.quallfying'in the set which th:,v choose, and evil'
for a teacher's non-professional stand- report the resultsafter harvest next
lug. year. The seed will be sent out in the
IV. implies that the candidate passedorder in which the applications are re.
In required subjects of this form under ceived as long as the supply lasts.
either tbe old or the revised regulations. set i.
50 per mut. au the total, betug obtained. Ii(atesele talnlcie.zl G1aail.
The certificate issued will indicate more F nr y° eni+ci
definitely the'cbaraeter of the examiu•
tion passed.
Dawson's Cill3ult Chale.
p IncpFri it A1raF;tr,
Forel IV., part I., implies that the liulata nr(,1',
candidate past in the required subjects,
under either the old or the revised reps
ulattons, hD per cant. on the total being
4('t u.
iaa•.c os (2 11,•u Chaff.
Bt- rtl-t i Winter Fite,
tt ,
:ewart' t'luttni,iou..
obtained. The certificate issued will Each person wishing one of these;
indicate more definitely the character sets should apply as early as possible,
of the a samivatfon passed, mentioning which set he desires; and
Honors in matriculation will beaward the ;rain, with instructions for testing,
ed to suchcandidates as submit proof ad the Maul: form on whit to report,
0f standing, and forward their certiti- will bo furnished free of cast to his ad-
ectes for etidorsatiou. dress, until the supply of grain for div.
In the case of certain candiatcs, whose
names aro given in the following lists,
it will be neceeeary, before certificates
can be awarded, that evidence be fur
wished to show that they were entitled
to write under the provisions of the
former regulations.
Clinton—Form III—A. Bean, A. Chid -
ley, (honors), L. H. Colwill, H. Courtiee
P. H. Fraser, E. Geiger, E. Gregory, T.
B, Hooper Chancre), L, B. Tsbester, F.
King, 3. McConnell, A. M. 1lcEwan, A.
Murdoch, P, G, Reid, G, Sheppard, M.
AI. Stewart.
Matrieulation—J. Es]er (passed in
German, Latin and Greek), 3, Thomp-
son (passed in Latin authors and Ger-
Goderich—Form III -3. A. Gibson,
G. A. Jeckell (honors;, F. E. McLean, R.
Sheppard, G. AI. Strang (honors).
Matriculation—L. J. Elliott (passed. in
French), J. A. Gregory (passed in Latin
and French), W. Y. Hayden (passed in
Liman—Form III.—L. Bradley, A.
Dale, A. O. Dixon, A. R. Ford, N. B.
Gilbank, R. J. Hamilton, el. E. AIarritt,
W. W. Scott, E. Stanley, A. T. Todd, W.
R. Williams.
Mitchell—Form IIL—IT. D. Caulton
(honors) R. M. Cantlon, G. H. Hurlburt,
L. H. Hurlburt, C. W. Hurlburt, W. F.
James, R. D. McNay.
Matriculation—D. Harper (passed in
Parkhill -Form III. -B. McIntosh, W.
H. A. Vanalstine, J. A. Watson.
Matriculation.—Ethel Bee, George C.
McGibbon (passed ,in Latin).
Seaforth—la orm II1.—A. S. Bond, G.
Buchanan, M. A. Daly, A. A. Lamont,
M. McDonald, D. Mackay, R. 1llcNab,
B. McTavish, F. C. Neal, F. R. Smith,
Matriculation—W. A, Kerr (passed
in Latin).
St. Marys—Form III --A. Browne, L.
Eedy, M. A. Gordon, H. J. Hamilton, B.
Irvine, R. Kirk, F. H. Langford (hon
ors), D. M. Monteith, M. MacVannel, A.
McIntosh, E. A. Oliver, K. C. Rice, C.
W. Warring.
Matriculation—L. Thomson, A. Brown
(passed in German authors, French and
Latin), F. W. Kerr (passed in German)
Clinton -Part I,—G. , Murray, Part
H. Bielby.
Goderich—Part IL—J. G. Dickson, I.
W. J. Kirkpatrick.
Seaforth—Wm- Aberhart, N. R. Hoff-
man. Part I.—R. M. Aitcheson, F. J.
Lawrence (passed in Latin and Greek)
C. B. McKinley (passed in Latin and
St. Marys—P. T. Coupland, G. C.
Maclntyre, W. P. Near, F. W. Kerr
(passed in English, Latin and Greek).
H. H McEachern, said to be from
'Toronto, shot himself through the head
with suicidal intent at Seattle: He is
in a dangerous condition,
tributian is exhausted.
An communications should be ad-
dressed to
Agricultural College, C. A. Zavrrz,
Guelph, Aug. 8, 1898. Experimentalist.
Capt. Hudgins r Deserouto dropped
dead while workiue at his yacht.
The five-year-old son of Mr. Joseph.
Lynch, London, was drowned in the
river. A little girl, aged ten years,
also got in, but sew; rescued by ale.
The body of George Bennet, ef St,
Thomas was found floating in the hats'
bor at Port Stanley. He was employed
on the steamer Flora, which pigs be-
tween Port Stanley and Cleveland.
The Galt Reporter is responsible for
the following : Thoedore Krull, while
breaking up old iron with a hammer at
Cowan & Co.'s recently, made a re-
markable discovery. He had just crack-
ed open a wheel that had done service
on an old stationery engine for many
years when he discovered a wide cre-
vice in the iron. On examining the
crevice he found a flower blosscm in
perfect condition, its color being as fresh
as the day it first found its way into
that mysterious place. It had evident-
ly fallen into the casting when it was
being poured and escaped injury from.
the molten metal. It was preserved in
an air -tight cavity from that time un-
til now, when it was again exposed te-
the admiring gaze of humanity.
Folin.—In Exeter North, on Aug -use -
20th, the wife Wm. Ford, of a son.
ELLIOTT.-In Green way, August 21st,:
the wife of Herbert Elliott, of ;x
ENGLISIB.--In Greenway, August 20th,
the wife of R. En ;dish, of a daughter...
—The child lived only a few hours,
altAititlAoli ES.
WILsov—BEGS—On Aug. 10,, at St.
James Church Rectory, Parkhill, by
Rev. C. R. Gunne, M. A., Miss Mag-
gie A, Begg, to Mr. W. A,Wilson, all
of Parkhill.
LouuA.—FRAL>JIGIr.—A.t the Trivitt
Memorial church, Exeter, on August
24th, by the rector, Rev. Horace E.
Bray, Julia, daughter of Mr, Jacob
Fraleigh, of .Wellington, Prince Ed-
ward County, to Arthur H. Lord,
clerk in Holy Orders, Incumbent on
Queensbury, Diocese of Ontario.
rPlLA T.SR •!3
HAMn .Toe -In St. Marys, on Aug. 18s;'
Tb omas D. Hamilton, aged 78 years,.
IeG.nasoLL-lu St. Marys, on Aug„ 19,
Justus, Ingersoll, in his 64th year. '
SurRnAy-.—Iia Hay tp, on August 23rd..
:Bernard Shirrav, aged 31 years, 6 ..
months, 8 days,