The Exeter Advocate, 1898-8-19, Page 511 THE 111 CUBAN QUESTION BRITAIN TO CHINA. extter gOvorate, Ipublishea every Thursday Morning, at the Office, - EXETER. the-------- ADVOOATg Poet. i Sat NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum, if paid IA Advance Sa.50 if not so paid. 23-1-z-extle.teau aieo.tera csa. ..a.xazootaclo No paper di so o uti tined until all a rrea rage s are paid. Aavertisemente withoot eyeeifte direetions will be published, till forbid and eharged accoraingly, Liberal disoount made fpr transelent advertisements inserted for to Periods. Every tiescription of JOB PAINTING turned Quell). tne. finest style, -8* --equesolloneyord. and at moderate vete ne Ors ate- for advertming, subsemptione,ate.t be made veva ble to Chas.1L Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP, Professional Cares. Former WM Make a Demand on tine natter for the Dismissal. of Earl Li gong Chang. Uncle Sam Seems to Have His. Hands Very FUll. London, Aug. 16, -The Foreign Office, it waa relented here yesterdao. though the repeat as yet lacks eeadrInation. in- tends to demand that the Chinese Gov - CUBANS FOMENTING TROUBLE, eroment dismiss Prince le Hung Chang frone power the ground thee he ts responsible for the reeent anti-British attitude ot the Tsung Yemen. The e'oreign Office, it is also asserted, has heti Ander special consideration tbe question of seizing the Taku forts on the Gulf of Peohin, at the mouth fit , Pekin River. and the city of Tien Tenn I. the port of Peein, In the event of China .! refusing to comply with time demand, ; needing all until compliance is aastered, Disbanding or eu.bate Army Agreed. Upon by a Secret ireeting ot American Comlnandell OnlOan Leaders - $15,00o,000 will Be uequired for Insurgent Soldiera' Pack Pan, Wathingtou, Aug. 16. --The xeconstrue- Oen of affairs in 0111M, Porto Rico And througbout the .Spanish West Indies is feeedring nalmest considerattou °Metal guartere, and at the White House pastor- eay the President saw a number of prominent callers in connection with this recoustruction in our new Insular deeemie EINSMA.N. D. S. & DR. A. R. ICI:Nat/AN, ft D. S. D. le S., Rotor graduate of Toronto If:Inver:ate-. DENTISTS. Teeth extraetea without arty pain, or any bee effeots. Giese FallStin'S Mock., wait sile Main Street, Exeter. reltele ALTO N ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.See Ase honors Graduate of tbe Toronto Um- rsitv tandlloyal College of Dental, Surgeon* of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. 411 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot ea Elliot's law office -opposite Oentrel Hotel-Eeeter. a' A Rol ITN'', T A AMOS. itesIdeneea, 'auto as forraerir OFFICES, Specimen:building, Main St. Dr, Rollinn office; same as formerly -north door. Dr. A Igoe' office, same building -south door. Nay 1st. 1893 J. Rolline, D., T, A. Amos, 14.1) 'R. TOT. P. llieLAT.'OTILTN, MEMBER OF JJ the College of Phoolelaus and.Surgoopa ant,vto. puystelqu,Surgeou ate]. neeotten- Ottlee, Dashwood, Oat. itertal. COLLINS, BA.ERISTER,SOLICIT, AN,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Publio. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, On torte. Money to Loan. gS°N BARRISTERs, Solicitor,. Notaries, Cenveyanecr-o Contraiesioaere. etc. Money' to loan llt and. 5 per cent. OfRee-rausou's Block, main St., Exeter. X. R. Cantaxa,11, A. 11, Dtexsox. A inentber ot the firm wilt be at Heneall en 'Musette of each weekel OltetriMA.N. BARRISTERS, an Etc.. Conveyaneere, and Money to Loan. B. tr. ELLIOT. W. OrtaTIVA,V,. Auetioneers la BROW el, Winebeisea. Liceneee Ana 'queer tor the Count les of Perth one Middlesex, also for the townsbip of Unborn° Sales Promptly attended. to awl terms res- sonbelo.Salea err:meta at Post office, Win- ob.elsee.„ - - Insurance, ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. --------- Exeter - WANTED, HELP Reliable man in every tomtits, local-er travelling, to introduce a new discovery and keep our sho w cards tacked up an trees, tows and. bridges throughout town and eouutry. Steady employment, eons mission or salary, $45 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- tioulars 'rho World McBee" Electric+ Co.," Lanai:tn. Out , Canada. 2-2 Pifl NI.M11.0 11.1.1tItISON BitsinesS and Shorthand College Cor. Young and College Sts., Toronto is an abioletely first-class Ditsineee Sallee' Ineivilluel Metruetion let experieuceatettelt- ers holding highest eattlitleations. Good re - suite. Preepeettieuutilea free. Enter now. .1t. D. Niututo I'...N.P.S. Jas. Itarrimu prinebais radergrilluttto of Ter (,,,a to uiversity and ri. of 1 ,.; --- '----- - --....- - --- 7 '. 7 Cook's Cotton Boot Compound. It successfully used monthly by over 10,0o0Lad1es. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- mon. Take to other, as all Mixtarts, pills and imitations are dangerous. Priem Ito. 1, $1 per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $S per box. Ne. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt ot price and two e -cent stamps The Cook Company Whither, Otit. Or Nos, 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. lio.1 and:No 2 sobi in Exeter IT j.aar Browning, Druggist, One year in the Central Prison was the sentence meted out at Berlin to. George Eellinger for his indecent as- sault upon little Gertie Bedford of Bloomingdale. West Huron Liberals will meet -on September 15th to nominate a candi- date. Amongst the names meLtioned is that of Me Robert themes of toe Clinton New Era. A daring highway robbery;took place near Thamesville, when Messrs. Maar lee Castle and Julius Steber were re- lieved of $77 between them, and Mr. Steber, who attempted to resist, got a bullet through the hat, The will of the:late Mr. James Owrey of London disposes of an estate valued at $84,500. Mr. Michael Purcell was driving near Cornwall when a train struck his wag- on, killing him instantly. The following persons together with many others left here on the harvest- ers' excursion to Manitoba Tuesday. -J. Heywood Mrs. H. Gill, Percy Cann H. Towle, Ed Sanders, of Stephen, Tom Welsh, John Morley Crediton. The street cars ran Sunday at Cornwall to carry an excursion of Ca- tholic Foresters from Montreal to St. Lawrence Park. The Lord's Day Al- liance met in the eveniug and condetnn- ed the company's action and decided to prosecute the offenders. Fatality at Blyth. Blyth,Aug. 17,-A sad fatality oc- curred here this morning about ten o'clock. Mr. Wm, Cooper, contractor of Clinton, while on the scaffold of Mr. McKinnon's new residence, Dinsley st., fell about 30 feet, and died in about twenty minutes afterwards Mr. Cooper was one of the best known men in the metes. General Fitzhugh Lee spent some time with the President, going over tbe con dltions of Cuban ate. While no ant nouncement was made, the nupression prevailed that General Leo would be ono ef the Cuba military eormuissioners, be nanted within a few days.. A.I.B.Efalay TROUBLESOME. One Class of Cubage Wlao Will Not Itecognixe the .4414%1*W:it, Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 16,-Troultie With the Cubans is breeding. Their Attie tude 15 elle of sullen hostility towards America. The bettor class In Cuba fever the annexotion of the island te the 'United Stotes. end a majority of the inassos are ready to work. Alla accept the shelter and promotion afforded by an Americen pro. teetorato; but they are influenced by O Certain class of rebid ureters tend hreedere a sedition and rebellion agoinst anothing en:melting of law mid artier. This Miltorn. matory class a:emends and urges the recognItion of Cuba for Cubans and spurns all offers or suggestions tending, to prosperity under an American Korea - karate and excites popular discouteut. Their (taste() to the Cubans is to remelt - eta all offers at peace or a cessation of hostilities, and to look upon the arrnistice as an agreement betWeen the LTnited States and Spain An their own account and not binding upon the free and indef. pendent sate of Cuba. whose Ilitereti army not only repudiates pacification, but will ignore the armistice to tbe point of continuing to wage war and shooting every Spaniard in the field. Cucle Sam Will Have to Pay Tliem. Sautiago de Cuba, Aug. I0. -A secret MoetIng was held last night at the Palace between tbe commanding officers of the American army and. the Cuban leetiere, The striate/it sooreoy was maintained, but it can be said with good authority Ghat Gomm' Garcia was present The limiting lasted. ane hour and a half. The informa- tion obtained is to tbe effect that the Cuban situation was thoroughly review- ed, and that It was resolved to disband the Cuban army, and that the United States shonld pay the men off. Tide involves the expenditure of $16,000,000, but it Is most important to the prosperity of the island., whose wealth is entirely agricultural, nobody, planter or former, dazing to eultivate his lands while in- surgents aro in the field, raiding. and burning. BLANCO RAS misiotenna. Re Did 'Not whin to Superintend the Evacuation. or Cuba. Madrid, Aug. 16. -The Government has received front Captain -General Blanco a despatch tendering bis resignation, The reason given by General Blanco for resigning is that ho does not wish to superintend the evacuation of Cuba. The Government is also informed that General Auguste Governor-General of the Philip- pines, tvill leave elanila for Spain by the first mail steamer, giving his temmand to the second rank. • The next Cabinet Council will consider tbe question of summoning the Cortee, Senor Sagasta, the Premier, is hopeful that the Ministers will bo agreed upon this point. MANILA. 11.i.S FALLEN. 4. London Business House's Noes Con- firmed From Madrid. London, Aug. 16. -Tho Westininster Gazette says le has received from a Lon- don business :house a report that Manila bas fallen. The report comes tram the firtrz's Hong Kong agent. Confirmed From Madrid. Madrid, Aug. 16. -According to La Corresponctencia de Espania the slimed. er of Manila occurred after the last attacks made upon the city. Reign of Terror at Madrid. Chicago, Aug. 16.-A Record special from Madrid says: A perfect reign of terror prevails here. The editors of several Republican news- papers have been thrown into prison and others have sought safety in flight. The impending revolution is slow in coining, but when it does come all the authorities now occupying the scene will fall without resistance. They are utterly incapable of defending their position. Shipmeut of Spanish Soldiers. Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 16, -The Spanish steamer Isla de Luzon sailed yesterday morning for Spain, having on board 2,136 Spanish soldiers. The Isla de Panay will probably sail to -day. Rough Riders Returned. New York, Aug. 16. -The Rough Riders are home. With Col. Theodore Roosvelt and Fighting Joe Wheeler they have reached Montauk Point. They came on the transport Miami. Lightning Struck Soldiers. Lithia Springs,Ga., Aug. Ie. -During a terrific thunerstorm here lightning struck Camp Hobson. Seven soldiers are in the hospital seriously hurt. Drowning at Kingston. Kingston, Aug. 16. -Leslie Macpher- son, S -years -old, son of J. A. Macpherson, advertising agent, was drowned in the bay at the foot of Ontario street yester- day, where he had been in swimming. Mrs. Johnson's Barns Burned. Hollancl Landing, Ont., Aug. 16. -At county of Hurou, and very highly re. 10 o'clock last night the barn, stables speeted. Ile leaves a widow and fam and driving sheds belonging to Mrs. Joseph Johnson, who lives a mile north ily to mourn his lo6s, or hare. were consumed by ilre. fialf-ilearted Depreelatioo. London, Aug. semi-official : Journal de St. Petemburg, ea yesterday's issue. deprecates the tone oethe British press and says: "Russia, cedes not CCU", template fresh acquisition M the far East. Her only obtect is to preserve the advan tage recently gabled, The Russian Gov, crummy does no desire to Injure the economle interests of Great Britain Any more than those cd any other power." 3 r.g,NotEt SHORE ittataSTION. ra Chamberlain WM Appoiat a Com- mission te Settle Matters. St. John's, Neld., Aug. 103 -•The Colonial 6o net yesterday received a deepateh front lieu. Joseph Chen). berlate, British Seeretore Of State for 'the Celettles, steting that Her ntajeetes Govermuent had deeitied to atiPoint Rope Commis:sten to enquire ram the steteo affaire on tbe Newfountiletid French treaty shore, and. its to legislative or other measurer requireil to caret, out ' the treaty. C.A.NARA. WINS. *Try, Dominion, Sane Boum Firat. Beating the Vlialteogee Xialitreal, Aug. 16. -The Dominion. the Canadian boat, won the second or the international yacht races yesterday, defeating the Amorisan boat by te Minutes 47 seconds on a linvallo triengu- lar course, in a light breeze. Staten:mine Men in Trimble. Queenstown, Aug, 10.-J. W. Jago, Met officer ot the White Sar Line steam. 2r Brila;filliC, WAS diaettarged yesterday ; on the charge of robbing the mails and. ; smuggling, but was JunnediatelY re• arrested upon a warrant issued at the re. quest of the United eleates Embassy. charging him with embezzlement tmd larceny. London, Aug, 10. -Ar HOW Street Police Court yesterday Daniel Wood, steward of the Cunard Line steamship Lueania, who was arrested for alleged complicity with Jago, was released on his own recognizance to attend when called for. nit Bard by Aanericen Competitions London, Aug. 16. -Owing to the dis- quieting growth of American cionmeti- don In the tan -plate ;rade, the Welsh manutteturere are being put to serious shifts in order to maintain their position as the controllers of the tin-plate indus- try. They an now endeavoring to force their workmen to take lower wages, employing for that purpose the threat to introduce into their establishments a now patented tinning Innehine, winch bas just been inventea, and which does away with xnost of tho work of Unman, requir- ing only one attendant. This tunable is said to be In successful operation at the , Monanotttlishire tinoiluto works. It's Very Hot In London. London, Aug. 16.-Yestorday was ttio hottest dny London has known for a long time, The St. John's ambulance staff was out in fell force, and treated scores of eases of heat prostration. Upwara of 150 euses bad bean1 1 hospitals before e o'clock in tile after- noon. A number of policemen 'were over- come. The surgeons found that their prostration was due to swelling of the legs and feet, produced by the heat from the aspbalt and Wood. paving on which they stood. CRIMINALS CAPTURED Vie Johnson Family of Counteafeitors at last in the Law' CitAtehea-Catiliht ou Canadian Detroit, Aug, 16. -David Henry John- son, the youtigest of the four Johnson brothere, notorious counterfeiter% waa arres tete early yestereay morning at the house of Joseph Jt Wets earner, living two tunes from lineebeine Essex County, Canada. Johnson was locked up at police headquarters at Windsor. fle Vas the third of the falatiie to he arrested in this city within the last Week. Two of the other brothers, Charles and. Edmund, were arrested Imre Friday. The fourth brother, John, alias "hang," Johnson, in Kingston Penitentiary, Cenade, Tatum Johnson is known to the pollee unit secret service as the most dangerous Inall in tide country, and the whole Mildly were artists to their lino. The man arrested yesterday eluded even see- Pielon for the last 10.years, The official seeret service says there is positive proof that David Johnson, though only Se yeare old, was the author 02 counterfeit bills in lee% and. the authorities, have been looking for the man olio did this job ever since the Mils first carne into eimulation. The bills in nuestion aro tie ROWS, With heads of HAnneek and. Windent. The counterfeit Hancock note tante Mat 10 years ago. The difference between it and the original IS in the elenatere and, in the vignette. The dis- crepancy is so small that Many experts have been fooled, The Windom ree note was issued Aug. 4, tddl, and the illeitoo tion was diameered in ISM. Ttie dersective force Of this city has boon looking up evidotwo against the Johnsons or a long time, More than three months ago they mut to work. and the first point scored was the erred of Charles and Etimune. Saturday last the helm itt which David land been was searched, end hollow piece behind the ease board beemom panel Was re- m:ore:I, touching a spring, Mel showing a enudi teibinet, Detitetives. found in here plates and other apparatus Mr Making counterfoil money; also betwvon 67,00e and e10,000 in counterfeit notes. A letter was found in the house giving informa- tion of the death of Wethereld of Blen- heim, who is relative of the Johnsons. Detroit officers, with Officer Mahoney, visited Itienbeitu, and Maloney made the arrett, Johneon was very obstinate, hut was Anally taken to Windsor, and sAye he will tight extradltion to the Ilse, In ettarehing rho house of the other brothers, the officers found a. largo number of dies and coloring. The Amine are regarded as of the utmost imminence. Washington authorities connect the Johnsons with the issue of a number et Other Wile, including 51.00 silver certifi- cates, which are among the best counter. felts ever thrived out. Treating note.; with glycerine gives them the appear- ance of having been used, Johnson is married and has two children. lie lived in Detroit more than a year uudor the guise of a traveling agent. David Floury Johnson, youngest Of the four Johnsen brothers, was arraigned before commissioner Bartlete of Windsor yesterday and deoldd to come across Without extratlitiou papers, Dewey Was Struck by an Express. Niagara. Palls, Ont., Aug. 16.-Pred- eriek Dewey, locomotive foreman of the Michigan Central Railroad at Montrose, was walking on the tmok, from the yards to the junction, when be was struck behind the bead and killed instatitly, although the engineer tried to attract his • attention by' wbistling. He seemed not to notice it. Dewey was about 70 years of age. He leaves a wife, who is at present visiting relatives in Chicago. Killed in the Klondike. Ottawa, Aug. 16.-A letter received in the city announces that Francois Mar- leau, son of Napoleon. Marleau of Bull, has been suffocaeed to death while dig- ging a claim in the Klondike. Ho was overcome by the gas. He left for the gold fields about two years ago, and is sup. posed to have accumulated considerable wealth. Governor of New Guinea. London, Aug. 16.-Tbe Queen bas approved the appointment of Mr. George Runyon le Hunte, C.M.G., Colonial Secretary of Mauritius, to be Lieutenant - Governor of British New Guinea, in succession to Sir William MaoGrogor, M.D., K.C.M.G., C.B., who is retiring from that office. A Dive of 115 Feet. St. Louis, Me., Aug. 16. -On a wager, Miles McDonald, a teamster, dived from the top rail of Hada' Bridge into the Mississippi River and came out uninjur- ed. The distance from the rail to the water is 116 feet, and the water is about 25 feet deep. Barrie Votes for Municipal Lighting. Barrie, Aug. 16. -By a majority of 170 votes in a total of 586 freeholders of this town carried a bylaw yesterday to raise $85,000 for the installatioh of a municipal electric lighting plant. Portuguese Government Resigns., Lisbon, Aug. 16. -The Ministry has resigned and Senor Luc:lino has been charged with the task of forming a now Cabinet. Hail Destroys 20,000 Aeres of Grain. Carring3on, N.D., Aug. 16.-A hail. toortri, destroying 20.000 acres of grain, has swept over the western part of Foster and Eddy Countiee. 3IONUMENT TO WOLFE, Toxn. lin rut, holiday Clothes In Honor of the Great Irishman. Aug. 16. -The whole city en fete In couneCtien with the laying of the foundatiott stone of the monument In memory of Wolfe Tono. Delegates are In attendance from the 'United States, Australia, South Africa, enenceandItaly. There was an 1nm:wise procession to the site of the monument, A memorial car, contaluing the foundation etoue. which was decorated with flags presented by the Daughters of Erin '08 Association of Now Ye& City, preceded the promote 1 . On the return of the Belfast contingent to that etty at 11 o'elook hist night a fierce conflict ensuoa betwe.en the con- tingent and a hostile crowd, which bntl gatbereti, and was awaiting their arrival. '....itones and other mibsiles were thrown and many parsons were slightly injured, and a number of windows 114ere broken. TUE Or ErtEC CON1i'1RENCE. etr. .yoseent Pope Will Not ...Vat as Joint Secretary. Toronto, Aug. 16. -Mr. Joseph Pope, Assisstant Secrete** Of State. will not act as joint secretary with Mr. Demesne as bas been stated In the Conservative press, but will be in attendance at Que- bec during rho sittings of the commis sioners to assist them in the presentation of the Canadian ease, particularly in regard to the. Atlantic fisheries question, upon which he has prepared an elaborate brief, EXETER MARKETS. I THE PALACE (Changed every Weduesday) a...era...a...wee" Wheat per bushel 05 to 67 Flour per ova e.15 Earley 35 to 42 Oats 21 to 2.6 . •,. 'Loa\ Peas 50- to .52- Batter*11 to 12 Eggs. .. . te l'otatoes perbag 85, to 90 Hay per tog 5 00 to 0,00 Dried Apples per ih , 4 YOUR IR TURNING GRAY'? What does your say? Does It tell you of sotne e alts of gray? Arc you aasecl? DO your Meads of the saute age show tlik loss Sitopower also, Alst remember that gray Itak never becomes 4441m without lido, willo doh hair Oqcovocs gr* *tea oA• cettc Otago begins. Darn and Season's Crop Burned. Highfield, Aug. 16.-A spark from a passing train sot fire to the stubble in a held belonging to Peter Wardlaw, con cession A, Etobleoke, and before it WW1 observed bed spread to the barn. The last load of grain off 00 acres was stand ing on the thresbold, and when it was run out it was in flames. The whole of this season's crop was consuined, together with some pigs, live stock and imple- ments. Much difficulty was experienced in saving the house. Orange and Green. Ottawa, Aug. 16. -As the Orange Young Britons of Ottawa, several hun- dred strong, were marching to °buret] Sunday in celebration of the opening at the Derry gates, they encountered a funeral of a prominent Catholic. While the cortege passed the bands ceased play • ing and the procession stood with heads bared, winning for themselves the thanks of a host of Catholics. Cataract Power From Hainilton. Hamilton, .Aug. 16. -In a very few days the Cataract Power Company win be supplying power to Hamilton concerns from the turbines near St. Catharines. The wiring is completed and the =chip- ery is now beteg tested. It is said beet 5,000 borse-power is available. A. War Correspondent Dead. London, Aug. 16• • -Mr A. F. Mac- donald, who aceenenaniecl tbe expedition which was sent out in the hope of rescu- ing General Gordon from Khartoum, as correspondent, is dead, Tho depeased was by birth a Canadian. Sorry That Col. Hay Is Leaving:. London, A lig. 36. - The afternoon papers, withoet exception, express regret at the probable return of Ambassador Hay: to the United States to succeed Secretary Day. tete' yens Vigor will bring back to your hair the color of youth. It never fails. It is Just as sure as that hot melts snow, or that water quenelles fire. It cleanses the scalp also and prevents the formation of dandruff. It feeds and nour- ishes the hulas at tile hair making them produce a luxu- riant growth. It stops the hair from falling outand gives a fine soft !hush to the hair as well. We bales a book 00 the Ilair and Scalp wale!" eon may obtain tree urylotiludOsiiat awn sot Um herieata 41;0:.141iitaci mtrirfIcathe tobougiLe th° A Oreas.1)R, 41.aC. an, WARML DURABIt CHEAP •T Lorilitk11 & Co.'s mill and «bees) box lac tory at Cliesloy were destroyed by fire. Mrs. Bugle Fiddle of North Gower Township banged herself to a door knob. Mr. Jobn alarridge was struck and ItIlled by a Grand Trunk 'engine at In- glewood. Are Yon Weak and Nervous 1' The readers of the Advocate can ob. min valuable information free of charge by writing, to Dr G. IL Boinurrz 9.52 Woodward Ave., Detroit, 'Miele Only those at:twine needing help, who realize the danger oi neglect or lrn. proper treatment and who want a per manent cure are requested to apply. Address as above, Doming this paper Mr. W. II Edmonds of London wee in his office when a bullet crashed hroureh the window and struck the wall, passing directly over his bead. & K K MIS OF SIN, A Book for Young and Old. viEpyRE NOVOUS 81.0 92. OUR: RECOtib; j E514:1878 250;000 DSEADTi1 EN CURED f' • • 2509000 CURED YOUNG MAN Rave "" sinned against nature wbeu lemmata t of the terrible crime you were committing. Did you only consider the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? Wheatoo late to avoid the ter- rible results, were your eyes opened to your peril? Did you later on in man- hoodcontract anyPRIVATE or BLOOD disease? Wereyoueared? Do you now and then see some alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in yourpresent con- dition? You know, "LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON." If married, are you con- stantly living in dread? Is marriage a failure witn smolt account of any weak- ness caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you boon drugged with mercury? This bookletwillpointoutto you the results of these crimes and pobat o t how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively CUM 7011. It shows how thousands hare been saved by our NEW `ellEATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and cure -EMISSIONS, VARICOCELB, SYPHILIS. GLEET, STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, SE- CRET DRAINS, _UNNATURAL DI& CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. • etet, a t • CURES GUARANTEED "The Wages of Sin" sent free b enclosing 2c stamp. CONSULTATION ERE E. If unable to call. write for QUESTION B LANK for HOME TREATMENT. ral'e KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, MICH. A xnau Mita consider his purchase well these times; he must buy where he eau do the best. Loot at some of these. figures; Pants mode w order, all wool Leavy tweeds $24:00 Suits O.'S° Overcoats IWO Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12,00 Our S20 blacks heat all ethers at S'43. Come and 139a for your,elf, II ORM Bicycles ! Bicycles!! Bicycles 111 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a goad wheel. We can furnish you any ot the best wheels made, at lowest prim Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line, We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in - spent them heforebuying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing 'machines, baby car riages, etc, etc, Perkins & Martina THE RAL DRue I O STORE. Try IAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colce and Bronchialtrouble in old or young. ire einnufaeture-, W WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedyfor Cramps, Pains, 'Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Miluenza. The Old. Reliable, Winan,s COLI• dition Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehms on horses and Condition Powder for same MINIMIPPE=INKSPII. SOLE AGE -1Z FOR DIX LUNG SYRUP. IIIMINOIMV1211,11011.3. C.. LUTZ, DRUGGIST. Etutaiwzrzcam OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments. Our stool: of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the LOWEST PRICES and the advantage of all thestudy i of styles and of the most perfect i Itaste that we can command. S. GIDLEY & SON I Furniture Dealers & Undertakers. 111111•1111111.1•10.1...11.11...11