HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-26, Page 7- , � _r_� �1_117 ,1_7 . 11 I I o I , ��­ W� - '- r- " ­ - i"Wr-rl - .7.W1W7W1!I"111"T111rqrrFW119 __7 �Iwr. r , I I , � . I � 71,17IFT11MIJIV71 - � ..1. - 3711W 7 . . � .. , `T,�� I mr" W � ,� .. . . .� " . . #� _;� � I , . , 0 1 . I . I I .1 � - , - '7 " . 1% I .1 . . .. � - - 001111�_ - - - -_ - - - --.-- - --- -_ - - --- - - . --- �� - - 30* U-7 " 2=11011 - ;,�_ I _. 1�� �m - - THE WMM"' *AR , . --- - , -_ - - raw � . I _;-_-� - � - . �­ - ­ - - �­__ - ___ � � -, - __ . . 1. - I i --------- = _7 _____ - - � ! - .__!-n!- toll r M _ __ ��_------= . 44j­ � Ar Z" W*6" . r --- -_ - - __�­ - -,---- 014010 . . . . *1 I �� I of the toacrets0on its Awlklng �-w rf,w ,�P_ 11 1, YOU Shadd Uso 0 11 - 11 a T r -_-m si&xva *of Ow job4w, #A%64101- #,#e r I . � � a , , k � - 1*1 &71 stwm aw,A saw t*a �-.,i*-, if ei-!" i Sunday A, ternoon i � Vor& ql"Ws Aoftt*f%�WjCA(h'-, i 11 . . 01%#00. -Alloot be file %it thii " PURITY FLOUR 11 I tr , ,-, . t bif1jQ ` i � d'�, I #V A sivat iseal vif the k,jodit (& j;� , I � - 0 Tv ISASA MAXIMN, 04J.Wch, 00. * � 0 ff *A(�:ei3 Qf Monday Iright's R� w. I , i?�, , , I ;01 -1 6bilwit 04040014 I . 1, law W Ow k,Qlr% W-fifira of 6P ;i")67.;�'l . , A I �Vl. I I V,0411AM iailllmitt*�Aq, uAluel -. UZ �, 11 0 silwa ficlig *.If W0114,11val, . WO b"n so Jong time preparjll�- - to suva%*41,06 i _t :, - Opp*111110 Out HicharilMeWbi.Jincy and Sip. ja�, Aj,,�, i 1� Of "'41(pherd'i WA, �'hi,ng the'w" 'Fit -304 bteak upon the world amid the, .... � I I � 004L- � .1 1i 0"" % �, I � I And of tl�(, ncwe, that. ii�a��r,v ta them , 0144 Qoo*"*** D Kenzie, i ft:. � I' 11 I 11 0 : � harmonic* Qf m*ie� A& tile promise ,__��= __ * 1. � � /.** � ��__ Frout angth; ill tile r.%& I It "ease V*or ­ . . �, - I �j ' .#,L ;- .1 .�, - 1� �bakomes a fulfiltuent.at.4 the hepi) a I TRZ HANDLING OF MILK i " 1.14 � k, , A . The light that showe an lletblchci�-i irealization"".'shall tten" not be the . 001141140y"""* I _ I , I , . I _ i I � I 1. ----* I , � lVilts. #11 the worM lod bow � - - 4111� V�I, � I L42F I voict, of �-Qnw, 8114 glafjlless� The 1 1,0NOW10$ are kPaltriaries by tbo . ! - �, I I A peae-o on e�;rth slingera were them In their Tlaces. 144011119 � .04- 411400-� I . % - , ". I - of Je--ms' birth am " "moveol awk* 0ow ... 11 .!� � �4r " . , I Ik 04"Ir 14�part;nrnt of rattusto7a 0 %lis 1. , _�jt"N '. ;1 . . 0. . The angels sing alway, a rd they,", eaug. rut be,44w tlicy i 1'� . L; - , . ;.;o 1�f,,' 0 , I -1 � I _41U V. VeMon. �. ti . tea* t*ist%* 9�A,(*.,.,GutIj)h.of viork doilis . I I ) �:%VOUI(16 t114,U11tW�e thU Muse' Rev. lu that � I _.�� " t I I , , 'If. 'Burt0u), . W40400II44,04 sj;UN,;,Z1N0A With balk 411d 401'44a Of Its i 14 I du.'s tow . I . I . I I PR,%TkR ,��, " bro *V4 ois 1 *"P 4 i I "I �, Versts IS�"_Tfie ShqbetV Ado 9redu,,t8*, � '. !7�� �1_ 11 � , Q God, the, Foulatain of all truth r I A� W"W I � �� 11 It will Give and grace, who bust called ix,% i4vt o � I .. . ,f .. "on- . Alr . VAIUO Of VJASt#UfbM4ft. � . I ir I N dar-line" into Thy piarvellous light A$ soon as the angel -sone, eexPed To test the value of pgsteurlsktlon I I �, L Whet .T011 ar F - by the gracious eomir,W of Thy ,gan, the angels dis4ppesred. Out of the . i as on acid )a kesvhlg� V111106, a uilah!# ! If , � 1% I �� 0 tm4bled with oaiar the Drighmess of Thy Glory, grant rilQxlet came the viOice of oue shell- 'CoudItIon %r a. long petled, a study I F I I j . � thoms 11�W,Uter,v, t-ahe. eranim Itaigs iO that we may be so illumined and led 11(rd -4$1119 tO AnOther, "Let us llo-w ". I wall =40 1b)? the DOLA-Y Deurt ! , I k f 4 N ilk C_ " Vq i � i , A �f 44 k �, I q . I � , � I the *tomueh, e,�.,(ji't,4a, 4-tr '. . . , i , 1kess. . "' .;any other loosf in Him who is .1he way and the truth 90 MO, untO Rtthtt'heul, and see thii (1f the 011tUTIO AgrIQUIMAI C011090 . I j � , . I dio& Of the Loircls Ife 'sure '".1 i;i!mo- and the life" that-gur,way may be thing whl(h I*; cODIO to PASS, which the I . k . kv Nirehuw a. I)Qttle of Dr. row. I I 4utillij July of 1023.8inAlar saaivl�s -$ iij � 1". Is everlasting life; ..through Him -,vbe, Lord hath made Uualvn untq us." I ---, -----" , I 1i . � ---,---.-----. ­ 4­ "trapt of Wild strawbor . ot raw otud,owAtturlsed milk sublitet. ' , .. ,� "O .bow quickly it "Will, "jve �v and with the Father and the Holy spirit, These Unnamed, abep4rds were L--.-. ­­ �. ­ .1111Z11*1110:11 �1 No 4. " i Cd to a teWWra%UT* of 431 to 6,40 1*1., ...."'111 � 111.1 .!:!.�.1110 ,41:1.0 . I :r.rOM YOUr be%* troubko. You tel ef In glorified, one God* In I.Wbt ever*, Ovidtfttly- devout. God-fegring *men, ' Was, kc.orfd when fr,eh%t, � I I I . I �_- 11 , Thi , closely 4kin, in� mind and spirit to . I � R2 44V6,tCAUItt%,,*k tollows: Tho raw VIlo'huiAer asand 1-4 JL WiAy piruslaw * ,^" . �Pl " I I It -5. 1 1*4 PrelfalAtion 11as .been on tjo more. Amen. (Book at Pommon I A 01*4 again attor holdliAg lu jitorggo, r � I v4 for .,tile PASt SO ­eayo a . , . -I - M I - � . IN mail% ., Order)., - IWO their, ancestor, David, who, posMbly, ,, mlIt'did not keep for twonty-four I 10U -110114e Of It 1194 4 Uvor titat towil � 440VU4011a's and 104149 *_,'I J*K . *, 118s, , , I � watched'his flod,s upon these very I I lin Inaking *1k1WsVAk10a QC %,_Adac,:� " ­' . ,)"a Fovell to *ceom , . 1 "�!�� hours, while.the 1patttUT-Ited Milk WAIi bo attributed to sweet vlov4 v. TIpj,sk� I Jb?'itt 444 out ellam Plis" f-11 _W401alm ' SUNDAY S03OOL MIASON POR hilig. While eXe and 11und vere ell;- PORT.aBERT C"C" e. b D (414111t6,01 selatin AC0 to *. ..,K -r- . 411006t instgntar.00as is will, give . JULY ST111. 1024 r � . I I aw(L't at ,Md, at third 0y. StratilIr Mutts kre strallar to thoc 4) tv; jtj I ter'mlagy jVV*rti­s,wut.%i,o t4et,zllg,v �� _ , I �I ... ,, r101231�1UN11 bowel 0904 In ,dolugtardinar$ taskR thel CriLSORAOM jualtu 11410ples of taw and pAsteurized, tollk I * 2#:*O- Agricull"ural colicl'o tjrrz . a *Xi.,r 1. . I , trouhlea., . Lesson "It. -The Ritth of Jesus. - hewts'were tuned *to hear angellt mu; f - i" bw,�etj. '40- j, � , . Mr. D. N, JjNmn" I I . --�­___ � bold at 3" to. 0- ,p.,, CM41114 and 11mterla, In 1%V twuni. Work) orslod-to 1106 % _ A.ylefford, N. a., Lisson Passsge­-Luke 2.17-20., sie anct to they,.weix'A'aily for the I . 4 'gave the to)- I ,, - VT � k . 10*14C rcxultsl. TWA4w mil f With illOVitAt lliertl4to In t4w ityn terlit an 1111;h,48 Vlio.fltlf) rnm'�_.."�Z, ' . I., w4tks -(4T'4'0 '-�'V#rx 8,90 X Avas trou- 10 .-Luke 241. message of the'*dven of,the Messiah Continixed from Pace a . * kept 0111PHOIJ or IM MAW 414d t"t, 4je, wholt:60010 190 CwMnl e'.11supt U.,�,qf.�17, . .?*d,with- diarrhmg, -aud - xo1den Text *f, * +11; �. _­___.1_­__.___.�.,,..� ,Kwe*t for less jhauArt"l I I WVVTO C.- - and thev ,kastonerl +n vow,i ., � gbt boura, I .,.,n .+ 0 6 , I it lifin. w.A� .A�kv.i, 0� ,,A . . . V We re*4 lit. the first part of this FT11 " ' W. V 4-.1 CC- CMIM IMAM1,4C. Rp It) - ". �% 44 . 1i I . -40, Tl .� I .1 I � i% in, stowach. I trioa """a ai&r. Of the Me$ are 'Mey 1,.A -h- 0-' Wh. V�fta hn." � _4�1.4­ .# +%�- VII114r0ke pasteurized 4111k wan Milli Ourl- blickinew -0A". � h I vroa= . I � .,­,� _,1 chgpter of. o decree - being published . . I I 014"t!) Calif . I I I "t XeMC&A, b* 0*.r did. Aot s"iu tq barest. .directions to guide them in congregation, and be was nelt re* swoot 404 in good''00441tioll 4t thO * bC0U.0TOlVe0O (s.4 farO 01110 4 ­ ------ 4"*-* --- ". . . I Ikeara about � 1, It"IR ISTAR Pon JOB pjwwm� I %elp lue Resilreuius* that, all the tqil,, search. Thtk,'however, found ceived. An we expect next week to . . -_1. -,.--. � ... .. W I I � " .1 . I , Di. V4wl;rls by C; I is re" ffind at two weeloo. , "rile trial- --- - - __'.. --m � 1 - - � !_!T, m '. I I ll. Uxtruot *If Wit(' l§t_iIi*j*M*' $0 I World `-5hoUl L be taxed. , llodjithl Mary and Joseph not In the inn, but publish some hlatorl�jkl reforento'to the xrtat value of p4stourixatlon 10 V"q=Z="=0I - "14101"Jan , I Wait -a bottle,ot it, ristration been con4octe-0 ffter the *116 Uld. Milk tr440 *04 the neefsalty n ... I ;__-__1:I;1:311= e I 14 an adjoining stable fiiW up for the these r4utters we are at present on - t I t�, er t . I . . . . I . . I "op 4nd ii� A *,jAort I 1�t� a I W_ ROWAA manner Joseph and ,Mary �Ver-fiow,lof these gathered for the itting to renoe I I " 0 QV 1hip a u ong the, I * .1 . .9 I ;110 entir-047 I � w4kN*4 *T my JWM . i ,rther refe . I 19 � ' � � . . I - !! ! I __ - � . . � ,would not havo hail to leave Nazarech ,taxlqg- The mean quarters and the *A feature of the ser,j�jcfa of - the, Tallk aftor pasteurlslar' - .. W A NOTABLE $0 "NOOF , , I I � �-. ; i - -- . - and 90 tO Hcth,tdhom but lout of - de' : humble tolk"did not shake the faith diy also was the Presentation to ilght milk 1preserrmtre. . � I . . � &OUR -1- __ ­­ . I � :. 1. I .. rfrive %a otaywish pimimu a w -wag .of the 44vtoutatiobut work carried out by . , ' ..... � It I , I 11 i�ado In the Hebrew tagdo, WhIgh ShePberds, for they founit.t.he 'of the SubbAth school scholars of,cer- the Departnieut of BReteriologro . , . � ' .. . ".. . . I I I I c�m* I one they sought, exactly as the angels itificAtes tot, learning memory paa- I., I ... I "I . 1. I .11 � . pelted them togo up to.the bar4e town. b,3 I 0.'A.C,. thut 14 of srtelal. Interest it) ... -0 I .� � � �.- - � - 4 ,5,qid,' We can Us! Y. think of sages of the Sicript*eo - TbQse who the,pheeoenkukers 4tud ulanaters At : i , I'll - , of their aueestor& Atid so it V61- ' - U ,, I - I I them, prostrati . .5 mmer ]Dresses � I , , � tUt Providence, used 'the iiaperial Ing over. and , ng themselves and s4y. received them were 4ttvL Quaid, F,4mk f4ciQrte0.,W0 concluded during tho J� " � . 11 - � , . . I ; ... "I ... I , I I ovet,the woVds of the Crawjo�,d, Vj6ence NcXeuzle,� Iftar. pIlst'yefi' . ?4jay factory manuper4 had I � I I I . . I ­ I I � , *01 an4,Jewish; prejudice to bring, t9 ,ang.ej.song, , ,Aliry, gs welt as jq§�P*h . , . . I � ! . �� I 1� : I . ; I � I . I � ,., I , r ,X.Mhleew exoerlonrod troublo lit keoulng tup to .. . � I . I -pils$ ]Frophee�, . . . ' :, � � .,v - . , "But thou; i4thlelleal and others, 94thered'round them, was giret Ashton, Jean Ledn'14 Stadot'a Voile Frocks, 1"1751to $12.7s * . � . .. 11 i Crawford�Uonar4Crmrfo CWX��rn._ 0 0 U dit Is I nte 0401VICS -Of ,milk -in goal . Bea&,Irl Volle Dresses . I �. 1. .. � � i �� � . �. 9phratah, though tboit be little amozig much 1111livessed by th6, conduct an, d est Cr;tw&d. -, . 0., W con 0 for tbowriod raqulmd by . Nvjth pretty applIed patterns 111 con- .: " . I , 'tho "thousands of Jod4fx,, yet Out of wouderful,Nvordp I , . 11 I . . , af the 'a bep 'he rds. on �400 a .rds Act. Tbe reAult -V0,06onal dots ot flora �ffe�tq,. 11he C.()lots jr�cludo bluk � ' �" ' 11 I I I .. . Ne Dairy Stayadr I Ie . . 0% Mary it � was a VOrrOb6rjkt1O"f bare beeft v ose,�n to. 600 present at t1to O.A.C. Ilacterlologleal - Depart- navy, Nut a6d orange: - ., I I .: . I I . 1 4 1 1 I tho� shall -he pow0forth unto m� that To 11 ,V. evening there ftust "I 1 19 ... 11 I . . "o ... . . is to be.rulor hi, Isi-401" (Xieah.5:'2). what was already known tO her and the, social and entertalumtat. Wtst- "lent Investigation Shows that not I . . � I . . ... - I . I I . I . 11 ' ...... , ".. . 1. � . I � .1 . . I . I I I I - Xnd so owthe,pages.of sacred liis-. 'kept bidden In her own beart,,but to ther conditions favored the Im t�an SIX grAluls of corrosive sub- . . I . I Girrhain Dressles, . _.. � . .1. . .. . . . . tory we see pictured �tj.ae. little com- It . . event 69 limate Is requir*4 to keupg one Vint . � 1`1 I I I : I .. �� I . I . . . others I Was'k stlinge tale,, 00'haid the Our before for the Sun- Condition for . .. ' ' .. . d ,;t. � � .. P=_ I - . - ' 441AP10 a cod forty In CJl4!Ck5'0f red, Mile, Ulaek and yellow. ' 11-jeed frmx I � .. - . . q leiving Nhzaretb, and gain ,h . .Vs I ZP The slhephfs .are ne qX,, mentioned - -vo days, It 9 amount i3bould .be use . . . . southwiird,- a. long. toilsome jour4or .1 , day sevilee.s. Supper was set 4 and d , . I . . . � . , t �, Y, . it" ' - � I I .1 , . I I . � . . . . . . ,again after t .eir return to their home platform ggainst 6e outside of the It 4110 butwr f4t tests aro made tither � 4$1.9$ to $S.7$1 1 1, 13 I . P.O. . . . . - . . . . . '. . . . I I . !ojr, Mary With its. inhospitable end. ;. Tbey:-went pralsing and . . 4 .. . 4 I . I I I , . 0, .. atid wort chuivh and Was thoroughly enjoyAble,. .Once Or twilco 4�, month. _ I I . " . ,"�� I . I � Apply.milialft -every day =4 Ing. '-.4A'Ad sho ,brought forth -her . i . . �. I . .0 . I I . , , . I . . , . I first glorifying God for the experience that - M" *Vmmtrow Putterjoilli.. , . . . , _ I I � . . . r , . V, �' . I . -borit sbil, and Wrapped * Rev. r. Gray was in'tbe-thilr anO t Wool Crepe skhts I A? him I had been theirs and ever after they . . - . . it' AsSort�d pleats lit ,sariki, gre� /nanv. . . I . . , . cocoa, whito , %V, . ]Wb ii %-'W41 v%lUa the'auget swaddlink clothes, au,d. Wd him in announced 4 little COMMUnItY Ainiing 10 the Dairy DeVil.rtnivni Of jbe Oil. . 'I . I tft�. .At rponatmtet and,he"' , - 2 eould say. Sn,the �*ords .4 the poet. , to be led by Rev Are;, 40r�m _,, 1A . I ... . I , ')k;�4Oi0:fafi4XMnUtj, - - manger; because thero ,.was no,rown, I We,TA 4.st#ry . . I in as the t&TIo AgrituItttr'll College dtIrIng -the .0 Ragular 84,50 for $3.7S. ­ .' , - - . � � I . I 1. . . on, 1, I � � . f0ftheni in,,theninn" (vorse 7)., � � . , to tell to the:nAtlons, 6Denin� number. I ! - I I . pAnt,sea!gon. a tow jotn or eommmial � . . I * - .. . 4 . I � I - That shalf tUrn'their hearts to +hO ess by Rev,' Mir -0 1118(b, by Uslug.ol(bor I I . . ;a' *� ... ­ . �Aremed�fdr,es�C"Pa,bu 11 Verses $44�i , 0 it . . .� .. . ,In un addr - r4t0sk 00tt,6rulll�t W61 j+___ . CHILDREN1 WOOL CREPE AND4 . I I . .�� I I ' tzed.�41111.,Mtlk, at- tile buiter- I . . . ,:" ., �e . . . 4W , eavaniY - Vi It* t4., ''..,right I Ipg4tent . �; . . 1. "., ­ � . .1 � I L . . . , ". . � the Methodist pastor. at Dungannon, I . `!, , . ' I � . . I . . . . . - I ry of tr ,� , . ' .1 .,ANNM.. DRESSES& , ,.. R W-11 , . . . .. , .. i4 I . � I'd, . . . i __ I ,06 the, shepherds .'Were keeping A st6 uth axd swee1neos , , be extended the growings or his. Von- Milk fr9m churulngs of pe.stettrizedi L, ,I � �, �4 . .. , . � I : . . ". .1 . . I 10 I 1, ... . - st6ry:of peace and I 0'W00t Cream, not tlpec.ed- heforf? � � ti, diffefeat Ws.froln yrs. 1.0 . . I I . W . wqtc . over their O.Ock, by night sud- A. . light ; , . - gregation, A'Ad SPOke Of fho,'IMPOrtaut thurning I ... . shai �4 S, S. * . .�O*� yrs. . vrktA . I I - I .:1 � . .. ; I . dgrily a bright light in*eloped then% )�Or, V64 darkness, shall -turn to dwwn-'� pla�p_ the countr,y Vbur�'h occupied In .. -, 1, � . . .. . ,sronl's3.95 to, U-150. . , � , . I . I . . .. I '.. , , - I . .1 . I I . , ' To tb� nallt was llddod;30 p6r cent r" - . ... I . I . I , . I . . I . 1, . . . I 1-t & and av�;ungel stood b6side thevi. OsL,t,- - '.- Ing, jug 85 per een. of,missionariet, , water, 15 . 0 - cent. i;lfItui%1 uad a uie. i . 1. � . ., I . . . . . I . . 1. 4 I.. . I .. I . i , , Ar I . , . furnith 01 1. � : . I . . I - I � " 1: , _ , .. I I %led by the'glorious light and filled And the dawolng to noon -day bright; 9O. p, cent_of, the 111irlisters una go half ottnee of rS I . Asts,for the oc r I . I �. 11 .. � r I . a t;per ont, bund'red . . . . i��e� 4" . �­ . , . .. I with� fear . �voi -ii An#� CW16Vs *great 14ngdom shall per pent...,of. the leading,men of all Pounds at miliz. .T�Vs wat, Allolved to Nothing is $1114rter for. the �obtied h jr flj,jIT the . . � I f I : . , '.I 1. I " thv heaW a CC s4ying, come OIl,. e*i-th, - - . . . .1 w1all .. - . . . . . -Pear not; -for, b0hold, I bring you I � pi. Ile wis glad wheji he island until tht, norit ruarlillig % . I , .. cloch. . . , . IV 1. I il- . . : � 17 .. other lim 'I'll . .Wape. '111 shades 6f n1auve, sand,glrey,aavy, :aud. black. 1.� , . ,, good tidings,of great joy, which'Aball The king4bw of love and light.. I e )2 I!, I . .1 .. ,,� : __ , . � . � ­ : � I Saw a vountxyp clr�r6 we'lir.'kept up� as - Was - W011Y J00ngu*,*l ed. The ,gu .. . I . I . I , . ; t, , .. . . I . I- 11 he, to all.,people'. Vor ik#to'.you 'is , - �, WORLD AIISSIONS, , was- the one 1h Port Albert. , ' ' . 1004 Milk wiis thi-n. poured into tho Prices, rangljlgj�pnl $2.95 up �0 $5.50. ,, � . . 11 .. , * -, - - ­ . . . .1 � I . .. I I I n the city ,fr , � � . I � . born thW.&Y I -a Churn and ehuruoil for albout tjypnty I . .1 . � . ... I 11 . . I � I . I . . I . I I '. .1, r David, .. C , ,. Ito � -0 � rector, niln,utesk This umde a butt6milit .. I . . I '. . I 11 . . ,('11 1...-. . �, aqw,john Vvilligois Vat"Ims wl 1 1 v. 'W,, Tlavldns, Anglica . I , , . I 1; . - ­,­ . Sav!��i, whichAs: Chris ' t thie LAMA' I - illiams, thej4n�jops mjasjojt� of slyth, vo-As vallea -on sma. expressod'. -tlj�kt 'In goo , (I eolidition. bad goof! - . � I .. ; - .. I . . . . I . . johyi w, . W I I ; , - . �� . I -Th6y i�ere gheu,gi en a sign. by'WhIch , I rer 0 Tn I .1 i , .. ... I � , . . , e. loitering alibut,bu a $abbatb.tveniykg, ch,Zchp and the old home town n - ktc. �. After thurnfug out, lot for At. in , - . 1,. I I �. , THE_pt PLEI POWER !I1Ye:-.Ph4I1 find the, babe WrAp,ped in 11 . I . . � . I . ­ . I . � 0 . I � was pirsuadeA nt, teou - �Iduutos a small - 'BOVA LADIEBREAg . FAj , I . . I 1. � 'POWE i-.. . . v ds, ,ohen pleasant'recollodel * i6t the old -fiava . I .. . I . . . 160 100, 80 - .R , , , . L . a y to tb6,S6utb.Sqa Uta" ou�i r.. Nvah 9.0100th-, and did not sepur, . . I . �� .. .. �h��Y, woula , rec�gnize � th Messiah : r I I I . . . . .. I . I �� .. -ya were ,zpe i - .1 L , � U I I V . � _ . I ... I 1. 11 .. . . . . . . , I I swaddling',,,�Wtbes, lyingAu a man,-: .to go'and: bear u slej,.� �vhjch his boy'booa da� . . I amount, 02 I .. . ,_­ I . . W . . s . �., ,� I , � - h, . � ­­­ - � - 1�1 ­ �' .I.. .­­­ -, 4 bv the $6 nimay bf the fa�es�-,were fhm4liar'to ertu", wits added.' The churning wav � ... ... . � . . . . ... 1. I �� � . I � I "I . . . . . . . I I . . ..".. ger., I � I I � �m�ti,�]t�a��,ni!�r.44����y��.R�o " , , !4 I . . . .. ­ .., I � . . 11 . I . . , ' "a' h6 h1m U,na, the 7 ' - ­ - tian Who 11101i 0011(inufd, and 1� nine 1111nutt... . .. %. . . '041OMPANY I . . . . I 11 . .1 Holy Writ.1o, his conv�rsionj 'an ounger 'Me -1 .. i U . . .0 .. .".. � Xp soonerv.was the message deliv- tile Cream bad eburned into r, h . . � L:: - .. .1 .� I _. . , y be�aW oija of the greateit' 'he lived In the De kit- . . I I �. 000 mission- come into being since'. . � . 11 I . 1. �% . . . . . . . ' r Ines., .1 '. I I ISSLOt Side "-Uptre . ­ . i - . I . � I � � ered, than ' a multitude of the beaven.� . I � . X Were ter granules which. gave it 1thelaji. . I I I . . I I I : , 4 . % . *;p " . .00DERI-cm I I * ly host, join - and -.04istd. . . I . ... I ,�. I I . . , I ; I � . � , � ed the angel aties U! Inoilern t4 Magi be could tiell whose they pearAnce. of ,,old.f4ghloAPA" butte-- I .. I , � , I I. . �� I I I I . , . � I " L I . �. - 116 had been invited to� church, hj by, their &mitv resemblance. mr, milk and was woll, liked. � MO Ck y-_--,W","fj I I I 011 I I: � �;11 i ___ __ - . , . t . ­ ,. 'Glot�%w to � God in the John Etfieredge,, -whose, life story has Hawkins is .quite up to date for 'he . , . I , � , - . = 0 * I � I I . . an earth ' ar , I - -_ I � � 11 . . I I � . conkl). glive Tield-4 Irrot I 1-1:�.*� � ­,""", , , �� 11 I . . . . ­ - - - -_ ­Z&Z� I �. ,',e' L�Ing� . ' I I ,, ­ - : - 'LEG ho h pea6, goodwill I . 11L.Allgh and I � I � ff , , IGITY tic sit -*�n -w- � I . In the course�of his � -1 I ---- I— --- ­ _­_ . ,� - . �,�_,. , .,,, ,en 0, I . be�tr told as follows, made the remark . 'Ve.fiting.. ,,kill);., - I __- o I ____ __ _ . � � .......... I . I - . . I r � . ,�, . - I I I - . � . s , , �. .� Al I I '..;A travtIleri passing tilrougle V11- jov I ba he toved the bob- . ljoti tit Cheese, I . 9 . I 0 � 1.11 i 111 - � . . .11 441t was ,bullefitting and peifectly jul address t . t . . making . . . . . . I . 0 1 . , ' . . 1 -a Staffordshire,. England, ,Qb- bed haired girl, and Was loudly RP- . .. . 1.11 . 1, . .� I ,,, 11 4 I . 11 "I . I . - I I . .- I . I . I . r , A . .. Vatry 1)VIntrWwnt .ind, tile CbtinItatr�- I . . I I . I , . ..... � .. I 11 11 I I I I � � � , .1 . natural thi tj Gospel that Heaven . stout � I . -it . ff,us vuwrled - .. R S, ' " � I � I . I'll I I I. - _1 . _� , served the shops olosed generally as plquded forthe utterance. Illytntiv. ot1t, ;�.� illp I on the Sabbath, - . . �k interesting feature came 'when � I . SURP ' ISE � OAP PINK I . � � ,.,� . � I I neml came by, at, Xr. Gray called on nine members of I)ON1111'e"It, 01 tho. O.A, Collpgo with . . . . � I 11 ".. I � � I �. � I re -"'ly a fu low 41111 high lQsting milk used In n"_ �, , ! !!!!�w_-._ - ­__ - , , I I§, , , . � : by the clergy, the magistfates, the congregation who worshippea in I 1. I - __ . . .11 le MAD I. ", . I— I I -0--. j .- W,_ . , I I � .1 P 3P � . 1 4 � - . I MRS1111INDQUIST , 1tea2dod'' t ufaptoro Of ebeend gave. r4A. . I .. I � -C. . I- I I � . 1. . . , an(r many, ofthe citizems of the town, the ehur4� when it wds first buj . suits tilat I A1141 inter.0sting to ehopni . . I I ­ I . . . . ­ I ____ � I � ... ... I , I I _ I I I .. . . . - 1. ­� I I I - !� , to whose . memory such tokm of -hat the assemblage iiatghf see these IT V-1tronfl. The )ON testin-.1 ;1 , . - "I ----7- 1 Bring your COUPO" herle WN& . . , . a' t ,ilikilk routabwd 12.01, vor 6eut. solid-. � I I . I : 11 . I 1, . I . . I... publie­T�sped were Paid.T. It - v4s victerana. They were Aot"all, preqeut. and 3.41 per (,vut. fat. 11 � , " f ...;I I I . . , I I �.4_ .. .. � IVIho could be the distinguished per- fifty -Ave years ago, to stand UP 80 f,kc.Io ., , TELLS"WOMEN OF son , ue nitdl� re�kew, iving You Two � . - . . 11� I . I I . I John. Etheredge, a bachelbir, who died to.'respond when - ca;IeA Upon, but t09th . The higii I ;ISO I ... � '19 I I . . I 19 milh contained 14..11,9 pi?r � " * - . �� 11 11 . " , , . . .. . � .. I q atthe age of eighty-four. , . I Most Of them, we ,'rioe are Mil. stfflda wid 3,62 Per evnt. I'll-.. ". AP�((E Extra Bar$ Free on b'uylog tho tbw , . - . i .. . ... I j re. These shAlick . I I I . . . . . . ... I � . I . 1.11 . .� I.. I 1. ... E 10 ' . He had kept a little shop, in which' Mr. Jas.) Crawford, Mis. l3ue.hjt-.qanj not very much dIfforonee ht,twepn. tb04 Ps, . I t 11 I , , , I I I'. I 11' I 'I I 11 goo I I "' a] I I` 0 11 I I I ) f. 11 41 . � � . 11 ... . � d ? . ADOL' .E I I I hu Y�u get 5 b . ". . I two namplf is. .-."I � i I . . . . I . , I .1., om for 2�c vi* . I '. � , . 41 .1 ;� 14 " I I 11 . he sold ir9ninongery, childreWs -toys', Mra.',AIex.­Y,ou g, giv Alex. Young, ,. . Ille vield of Olfpse por -444X_15014*0w*� I I . � I . I I . . . ,� . : . I I . I . I , , . n . I 1,000;1b.'. *If' fililic wag 89.8S lb4t. �., I 4Z r , . . - I .1 outi boolts. � M,r. James Qqaid,"Mrs, Quaid, Miss - I,' � I YOU toupono � . r ni the low te ., I . .1 . � I ... I. . � Re expended nud relIg' .atj�g IAN, and $6.84 � . ''I I . I . I I . .. , 0 , . * I I I , . . . I I . V&kt Lydlw L iW" ."d at" 8'bles ailte or ten shillings a Matildo Quaid, Mrs. W.M-.'JohnstOrk� lbs. from the higher toctIng lots; or . ,�p *cc Ing. . . 11 . I . I �, � 1. .1 :1, , k. - . I � . 1 4 . �. . I . , , . I I . . I I I I i . � week upon himselfo, and devoted the and Mr-_ Augus'GOT4013. � Iy Six pounds of,cheese � .Pineapple Agon now �.t its best (or .pk s r0 . 1. 1. i I . I I .V"oW*1e Comp"lad I nf�ikrl,t . . ; ill- .. :i _.. . � . . . . , I I rest of his profits to works of buma . Oreetin*s were 'read from former - . more per .�. � . . :1 I I . . �, ... � *111". - I . I. :. ­ . ­ I . � � . . .n 0.6uAand liouji'da of milk for it very � Beautiful Aster Plauts, Tornatcesp iac. .. . . I I I �.. .1 , ­ � Did,foir Her . � ity and 1#0ty. � ministers, ItVv. D. G. Cameron, now mail Inereato in t1te ppreentaLps . .1 . . . . � . it, . . .. . . . . . . . I of �.. 1. , 4 I . . � . . 1 . . . . � " . , I . Among other ways of doing good, of swift. Current; Rev. . fat and total solids, Thl � . . I I . . # it'sper th.an Alat or wow , , .U. Pairbairn, a . ' f , i I I � I . . . I I � . � Is lr� -1A s Is further . Have, a prize bed of Asters for Atia-fts I � . .0 . U411V01101181i MIR, 1:11ICK - ity, I he used W go out. a little before.,unurcu, .the ojaosv ;jvjng �mrnjysvcr, an Oats - ,n,(' OL 4110 11),juslice ,of paying . . � � . . I .. . . . I . I . .1, . . I I wo--itl was left in's time, and if he saw a man jQIteeing oth . I foA, niflk'on the basis of vi,pight only . � I Z . . I . I It'ahm, 0 em 4 � I I " Aer , -___­.'­'.­.._.,__ , .. I.. I I :'�� , �,, - - � ious e6nditiob aftist thildbifth I I -*-�­_..- . �j , , 11 . I 11. I . W -VI 116 dootbolUghtr about the-9treet, Would ket tat* -,con. Rev, and Mrs. 0- Gordint a former aildiloteo�)slde,rl)ng*tlitir4tstafisolidaI ! I . � ­ -4 wo.._ .-,,"-I 1-1 . � 1-1 � . - cOntPAt OfFmilli When divialng ajo I . I .. ,I ... I . ... 1.1108A STOR" Could, ever be *rj, vOi-sittion -with hiM and take him to minister mind bis -wife. Were much 4p- I 1. � 11"y I . ' � I . I lit flu t Mr. Then cum church, and haVing found him a. seat, �reojited InAheir duet. flFar Away." I aill'ong lintroxis or obees6 ractorj4,,,j, . � I . jo J., 1WCJE fr. r . I i -e . . - milk- 104 . ''. ,r . - I I I � . . . 06'Change of Lifol Would set i5ut to seek for other loit� �- -Rev. Mr. Gonan, minister at South *0191 SIAOet CIOVej-. . � � .1. I . I. .. ,?. . . WEN . I I square� and I t; � The Dairy 1)e�artme IV u � I . �� I . .. fticllt�� ... I � ­.� .1 was , er4rs. , . Kinlossi, brought ve'ry eordial greet- lit AI tj 0 . � � � . . � 1. ., f 11, . I , rod forwhot I=,- tallo Agrie tural. College made foor " , I ,, .. i Thus, lived Job in and in PHONE 40 I . W 'Squace I I I ,�, , 11 I I 11 � M1 . _ 11 .11 d� . n- ttheredge, to, Vjnga_jt�om 'his congtekatio , . . � . I I . . wm_�_ .1, I x0er. I bad I � . , I 100 I . South SI . I . I , � whom these honors were shown. the course of his remarks mentioned . WIr du4ng July whipl, t1j,e . I � . . I ___ I - . "-..6� : � I - .�, to bed at times t# . ---were pousiring on sw�+t elov .r.. _ . . . I -.-.% - � � . � I .. I , �, . I ( - - - .. . I � .. , �_', :.� several from 'his 'congrogationwho . . .. I � 11111tillik1:1111 ,, . .1 . . 7 ­ I - "..".I.."", -_ . I.... �..­ .�. perftetlyquietils Wise and experienced I - . __ - __ - I . 1. , i - � �. mId not even mothers 'bad given themselves to the life of �. `!== i i . .. _­-, � - __ _ ,..---.,- �. ,,,, . i � � -troubled i _­.�,� �� 7=t".�! - , . f . CANADIAN NUIONALPY6 know when their children are' . __ - ''. __ __ - . . -.---- ­_____�. . . . 1. , stoop down to *Ji: ' Tho,t -,: � --- - 0%ft --- 04110% I I � I I . ,�. . sery ee. . Aention of Mr. Hugh , �� I - - P4_ 111" .- � : with 11 1 4 11 - - 7 _ I I . " from the wornis and lose no time In apply. McMillan who Is going to Formosa; . 10 . 7� .� F!" � -_ - - - . � 1 ." ytbm 0 ., . I � . 1. -7 . . W! I TRAIN SERVICE to TOROTO 11 I P�. now. Ildnotsuffer.. Ing Miller's Worm Powd'Prs, a Most brought Mr. Gray to bis feet after- ' . . . . . I . . ... .. I., � � . , . I I 11 . . I . I � 00 VOW-, bylt I WOR - effective ve4hif?49e, It is; absolute in � wards, Mr. Gray knew him well sit . 1. . . � - Daily Exa'opt $unitak'y" I -1 decidedl.rile a, I , I . "*w�,�, `611W *� S100, t clearink the system of worms and -recf. . . I . . Vve. Otyleriqii 0.00 a' In. . 2�20 P.M. Fbr nearl t ." I College. Owing to the state of the I . � Eff . . li, I W Ats W" thk Way- tbritig those healthy condk�ion,3 with- funds at the church it seemed he C01114 I . f. , I ", n 625, and the WAS frAnk "loogii to tAll . . I 11 I .1 't, � - Into a.m. 2.52 pan, M,thIltFEW A6 no nwr� 1W : out whieb the e Can be no comfort f .. t . . r . .. 11 � . I � '. � Re; . trort -3.14 ]?,w. Shordy.after, this I ha ADO, not he sent out to the foreign field lit .. - TS , � I .. :` Ci .]IF � 11 ... I I . , ; - .11 6.41 a.m. I . ppened to W in I the child, or hope of robust 'growth., Oncer. but the students raised the . . . . . . � "i I " Mitchell 7.ft'o;.in. 3.42 p.m. a newspa n adverdiement 'a arm ex . money among themselves and Hugh . . I . I . p"Al of Lydi It is a Most trustivorthY w ter. . . . I . � .. , 106101111M.. I ,. "'. Arr. Stratfora 7.30a.m. 4.10 P.m. 9 Pinkham"s Vegetable Compou�k& In minafor. 11 . AtcHillon was going to Pormosa. . . . . . . . I . , 4P .1, A, . . 1. . . . . � I . 'r 8.0 r days the medleine was In the 1. � � : 111� Nitchond W aoif. 5.20 p.m. * fell Rev. Messis. Mahaffy and Gomm, . .. . ,*- 0 . . I ,I b6os6svid1ba4bernitstmand1wk The man who keopa his chin up ele. Ve �.� 'M '', G'Uelph 13'.4.,a, in. - .5.60 pan. itregular%until waswell. Irecoin- VAtes his mind. I . the jubil(rt preachers, gave a fine dueV I . I . � � , . I " Toruntib 10.10 a.m. 7.40 e, egetibloOotr .und,toothers I . . . I I J& Aj . �. * p-lu, mend e kpo ft. � I I 1, I i ... I � r , , jand had the audience �010 Ili the Chor. � I I . f Detm ning-Leave Townto 0. � Mr have the oV;rt%#Pjty�11_K � - Us. - . . . i . I . ,.. � I i3o min., , I I 1, ' ... - 00, Mo. aftpetmkoo - I . . . I P.ov. Air. Rintoul. oi .Thorndale, 41- . . � . I I . I . . . . . . I I I I I . 0 1 . -1 I I I I I . , . . . I - 12',55 P-111- 40d 6-10 P -In Ave,, - - . I �,o gave art interesting addreag. : . DrWk .Plenty Water ' ", I Parlor Cafe car, Goderielt to Tor. 111IM111111 I., TO DARKEN HAIR Interspersed among these vuTious . and'-.Ta1­,- Glass of Saits It, I - oni _________­___V%^^0V40k0%1 . . I .1 - � ­ - . . ''. rq �, - . �o� on morning train, and Toronto items were the, numbers by 51r,'Dun- . .11 ZLIP ' - . , ,i" to Goderich 0.10 p. in. train. , ,- I � I . I I . Thootigh coach Goderich.to Toronto. 0 1 . APPLY SAGE TEA can R. Cowan, advortised as "Can. I . Before. Breakfast Occasionally . I . - . T. $WARTS 0 . . I - , . . aVs Preiniex Efitertainer.'1,4�1r- ----I-- � 1-111 � . I r. P. L.A.IVIIENCD & SONS � . Gray said the conlulltte4 decided to . . � . o ack Its got thd best talent, and'they surply I ften Your ki * - " � To*n 11asmempt.- and Titketg Agents guto ind poise Ling - . , dneys htrt and your for a tiow dayis Alld your kldn.eyi =y I Tbone 8 , . .1 Nsturiil Color, alass and picked a good One. Ile and his ac- .bAck feCIA $are, donOt &et aeare(l and: 01014,1.f O.. Frut �0_ � . I I . . I I %, I , , � .- � �­: " I . I I I 111; . 11HUX I bloulek tic i 0 . Attractiveness � � 1 . eoMPanIqt, Nfiss Westlake, wcre very � Well receh�td- Mr. Cowan appeared V. .12 11491,18 Z.1119 1$ r4aw I I Proeeed to load your qtomaeh with a lot from the acid of gr;apos and lemon M&W. . . Mo$ I in Scoteb and trisli character sonas* . of drugs that OVOite the` kidn'eyst and combined ivith lithia, and haq� becia usx-A IP, jult oft thit Square I 141141011W I Common $arden stige beewed into a 1jeavy tea witil f;uIphur added, will turn aloo art,the monocled Eliclish wan and was splendid in both song and story. I I . . irritate the entire urinar.v tract., xeep for yc4rs to help clean and stfinuige We Your kidnoys clean like you kieop SEVEIAL F1*9T -CU51 AUTORREA111Y f6k SUVICE - OFT Y60 ANYWHOW. rar, ttreaked ond faded hair beautiv ,t �,lul y dark and luxuriant. Ju5t a few - . if Ile got on good terma with bin au. dience and bad the hoyA whistling your C1099ed kidneys; also to neutralize the, . bowels dean, b.v Aushing them with a a . cids I" thc' SYStem so f-heY are no long" ANO WHEN vw Wiwi To air THERF uppl; cationg will Prove a rcwtatiou .your hair ig fading, .,treAktd or gray. one of his; chorwen, and both boys; and I I raild, harmlem ults whieh help,s to re. a souree of Irrit4tion, t1j".1 -often rent*- laussaa Altet *11 TrAills A04 Patatoltibr gotilt Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphut rec. % at home, thou?h, b troublepome. cirta tryinpr to mnq with hini about how "Tommy Tucker took a tit) .i I � Inove the bady's urinowq wasto an(I ing �Jadder iveaknelq.q. . I I .The beat of red pepperg .takes', the, r I" say ASW ea"Ur way is� to eet a battle of tasty tinned torantocAY and how hi,%� Oslwnulaw thent to their normal aetivityf. Jad Salta b jnC'.%Pe3j81V40; C,annot in. e, . liouch" From a sore, lame back. It can for oil wyeth,5 Sage Cad Sulphur Compound I'molmmy" had to "rub his little tun) - 0 1 T110 fllUtlOn 0f the kidney$ J,q t6 jure; inakes'a deliglitful droweueat � � """111111th"1111111010 _ug store 211 ready for uge. my.11 He surely Inade a Wt with ti�(Ii 14 oart of t not butt youi and it axtaitIlY ends the trallwat 0!4 ortor C. PO RO tt -any df I . � torture .Ilt once. . � Depots, �, This is t1lb old-time reciN iniproved by ebildrc,11 A.q well tjg witI, tile grolvil, f9tcIr the blood. In 94 houru'thby aft4ift lithiaAlvater drink �vljjeh ,evc, JVhen you are tuffering to You Ca the additiou of Otber jogritoients. .i rlyvo�m . vet ar6uadi ju,,t try Red Pewer PrOMpt 'Service and ' While wi5py. gray, faded hair ia not 'UPS, I from it 500,grains of acidand wa8te, so 43hould take mv mid t1jen to help �00 1, lwdly , VxPrvadofits of thanks to flip vinit.! 'we ean roadHy ulldersta�d Me vital im. their kidneys clean and active. 'br , Rub 2:111d you will havo, tile Ilukkest MO Chreful Attendance. sinful, we all Acsire to rttaln our ,ull UjIlijate . � lief Va'owu, Nothing has such concen- AW#ft, gutliful appearance and attracliwitest, 1 rs wero made and llo,v. I portanee Of UPPIng the kidneya active. . op r . y darkening year hair with Wyeth's Mr. Gomni nicely OxVremed tho 4p_1 this; alsO keOP UP tile water drinklon trated,pelletratilig 116at 25 rod P ' t olor Livety am Itook Servict Sagt- And Sulphur Comgmind, no ow , Vroei3tiOn of the 011f,M.193tion to �jr * Drink lots of good 1vater--yall �CaWt and no doubt you will wend", WhAt just 44 8001, " ou applv�w-� , It 010*to-doits can tell, Ut-Auct it does It so naturally, � Gray. '0111y a now can4 or jim th(,, Con,- 11 drink tOO Meh; a1r,o giot from any . Ft Ruh A" will I'lelet the tinglin h t. * bft-411ile Of your kidney trouble and a � N.""tt.t so eveolk ,nge , ralluity, who ro nureensfully carried P I .1 -11 hitititts it wa=5 the sote 3 t, to INV= .. You jaA dampon a spc Itiv a* . - Phalwachit about four aanCes of Sad , a three r - I I ,thwo and through . 4006ft, or soft brash with it and draw (hi!i ,out tile C�Vpnt and. pr.ep,4r.cd the n1at. WA46e. By all means. bavo your r " are 00t, - ralin 2114 mr,", � Vogt listrosogo SWICIted lfit6 1011 your hair. ukimg cue "'Matt tP? for the touvpnfr booklet that war; I Salts. Take a tAblespeonful in a glas._% PhYsid&4 "AMiAt.Votir kj$lleyx It je#A . \ Aik ioY dfug � a fbr a jar of PoWlel ., . 61tall at a time; by mottling all gray , of Water beforea breakfast each mottling twice a yesir. , . '' SWARlr$ litirs b.'V,l disaPpeared, aO,,After go '11�*'D"03 Wit. fa cwkstaviledging t.he q. I . �- te. led jpeppe.r unit Be ture to ttt 016 To otber,%pplicationer two, yourlhair M expreeniolfBIV. Gray otprectcd bin foy I ;wi* the name. RoAtt 03 f" I philise 101 IK"04961 St " I . � I - I I . 11� , , teat. Irows ti�kutifulfy -datko Z165%, sOft W4 a in tile work and thoo fine spi it 0i lcl_'01 - - - .'' � _1 = 0 I 0i A A 04 A Oi A 04 - - - NA -1 0-00-A fox"Cilot, � opt'ratirm Nth of the moll atild, ,wOrden 1. - -_ _ __ - �.__ I .1 __­_­J� 1 - ­ � . I I . ,� .1 I - -, - _. ­­_ _.___ Alm aim ,. .. I 1, � � . - '. I �, I I . . - --- I . # � I ii �tl � 11 . I t I . . A 4 1 1 � � . --;pl . - � I I I ,, I . . � . I I � . 1� I , I � . ; L, . I L �, . . . ;_ � . A 4� - . I . . .. - .. _. _ - I_— ­ - . . .- � . -_1 - .......111- ­ .- --1. _1 11.1. ­­­, - . � I _. _ _ .1. 1. �. 1-1.1 ­­ - I - 11- _ -1 1. 1. . . � ­ _______.___­.­....­ ... __ . - � - , .- . - - .__ . - ­ ­.. ­­- __ , _ - ., I . I __ - - I I A