The Goderich Star, 1924-06-26, Page 5f
7. W
011111011100=01f *t*�F"Iftt &A"She is not t4ow a rwQ- Raw"
'ut Cf (;QdVrkh,,v1W, from r. X. md-
od$ -r, X&Ai.115t Sidt�% Aik USt"AM0114t "Itwx THE We Quay*"
Yes, 71"odet Go lid Que firom Walter Htiwvulift COME AND SA (try Value
i4gainst incou�e asseFAMenti alw one ry
Rev. Cavan Ilia oil bkChalf vt SEE YOUR FAWULY IF we itwsys fowi4l im MDRAW3 CLOTHO
elf a,
are very much a. ldwz nd Ekvicval reiatives,
A 14&tQv from thw wdi4ire ukta-wr, OLD PALS
Y40V HAVE ONE 1 ""'ll get ll"10 ' ';"k � ";U "e—lllie'
the Vain- �, W 11
,;Aotta Vkli�ii!%Ni Strn,--
ial Committee volled attentNn to thc
*,,e here e of"ibe flalinces of the luellior' Al prkas $1,840 to $35.00.
cia ty -Eta
an;pointo., out that, ' whize colh)VAe, 3pftW OVAUS $30.00 to $0.00.
We and Goderlich townsb;p couTwits bud
'reialize ill loilet
I Made, .3 Pwr;tut, no grant had w, �Vet
goods',"just as m -e S�Qc- leell 111ade from the municipal trea*-
ialize in tuedicines. Nat. GAY "1 0 t^n. avid S:Aicitcd a grant. ATTENTION a Coal Summer Furnishings
T1zS1111tVa21 will-
uralloy we ba:ve a large refermA to Op L finance 3tr*w NO$ $1.75 to *3.50 -
Mr. J. (;alt lyroto resiving tte po. %t*-4&tthway1* Ilwtanlw. ForsyW's
stock and wide variety — �M
I Fbst,Sattalion Veil! Coot uoian
rajtiQnL JiS 'One of the VolinelZ'4S rep
and hi%ve here listed some sentatives on the ru
Wo want evory M" to be on hood for tho R40*1XIliork Of Croam Roma T"WW" for "Kwto ww"go **".up do"
of dur mos,t popular
The finance committee reeormend. Ystermm of t1W
sellers -,-Vardley's, Gay v that the Mileglate institute gourd First In-foofty 1341ttallonIC.E.F. to be. hold in
ftthilsw swo (or WA04 "d WW4 40 WOA $3.60 W6
paree" Garden Court, be pold the sum of $1,730 on 192,11 Chatham on July lot.
I lc.vy, that the, Public Library awtr4 be I
136neill a, Three 'Vlowers, paid the sum of $300 on 190 levy;
1. The Chatham Old BQYS Will be on at tl*t time and YOU &to
an Un Ai that the Separate School Board W W. -C. PRII—WHIAM & SON
pompti, r poid the sum qf'$60 on 1924 levy.
Iteported tibut, t"'Water and, Light
saime, A.Ury Garden,
In Ow now atom vext to Bmk of NicatrW GODIRRICH
Commission had ng& it further
Armand's, Cal -gate's Lima up tboom g" in your vic4*y and. game
sum of $5,300 for Intake -purposes, a
U the demand, pote for $,),500 having been
Petals, Houbi$�int- Issued to the Bank,. of Montratal. you to the ChIldrin's I)ay service ston,at 12 W�lock imme"ttly folum-
.(This Is the third payment and makes
S cly F,4*1 ft. Ano., next Sunday morning sit 11 o'clock. lug the regular ehurch mviot V
a total of ;21,800 paid 4ver to %he
Redotea- Pr;rn in Gay Par" detneii eopimi-godott. for this purpose), Floral decorations, bright and Joyou4. W -ft, "The Meonsge of the rkwitia'",
T� 7he� 44)e of ;2.00 Hydro bonds, as ffarlM "R Chatham music, and the happy faces of the Strangers and visitors I alwmp, W.�-
s t.00f Face Powder. 76c -75c',Cold C feauf' join in ppsi*e and come.
issued under bylaw No. 86 of 1923, to children as they
adoration to the Father 6f all. WPI At the Baptist chureh next Stvidx�
75c. Vantsbbig Creani..'.So.c 'T. alpUln Powder CO.'
V. Ames had been surely Cbeel' *44 914dden Your heart the services will be In. cbarS*'4fA%r-
received and the amount had been blef capstove,,, though, this and make you feel that It to a goo(I oilator, v. w sit
turned- ovir to the Water and Light MASONIC SEhICE, say this "C Re 0. X., X)e ey. 4�,n
in the masollic ritual. Mr. thing to meet together in the, Rouse s�bool at P o'clock. prewhim 1*1-
M'ethln Ne -in-S-tationery. Mid. elo$td With an appeal to, Of OU): Qod..' vices at 11 a. In. ond 17 p* m*
4ey :��;4xmls !on, and the committee je- was not
W, commomded that an account I>e pw� per, Atr. Mcnermid Pto*chts on the Meller
pared 19'r all Costs incutred by 'the Irrincipleg . Underlying the T Rilching the brothers to begin again in now North 'St. Rethodist,chureh; k low,� loeh Corners sit 3 P. m.. 0. Y�-r. It!'
H- f I . OlArY �loyalty the living out 10 a. in., Men'§L. C, I Ob ; meeting Monday nightL 4 a' fsock4k.
1ILLSWORT VELLUM council ir� C'on' 11"tion with this issue 4rvas in'�404jt!ft�(46-r BUJ!d!0K. ofthepAticiplifs er Sunday:
and forwarded to the 0�misslint for of the Order to which they belonged. Subject, 1,,ftat is Toleration slid bow Prayer Meeting Wednesday rIg1A;X,
We have jU$t received tbils fine-qfferiugiwsiation�iy PA . yrnerit. one hundred and forty members of Ur-$- F. Sulluders rendered a solo far should it go?" Introduced by �tr. go'clock.
ingL great - amount a at the service in g9od-voloo and in the W, C hur�
Ow Of th*eVisonic Order, Ra Pridbim. (I
n all sizt letter, pad
ivAndi, g Bee tArgs, OWe anthem, "The Roseat Huts of Early Mission Band., 11 a. m-,J1OwerSer-*
'f�xes being paidi the-sendfig ol#,of -U� L � D of th 8 t Children Cry
-you od "iSitors #
J)apetries, envelopes,. etc Let' us sbo* this 4% bills had'beorl. consid�rubly de- ge XO, 33, and S. awn' both Mrs. Sau'ders and Mr. vice; program by sebolars, 6 Sun.
-kh� eommittte xecolninend.: from Morning "Star�!Iodge., attended ThomSon -had solo, ports. day School. Beghmiiig Sunday, �Uly VOR FLETCHM
�tatiouery apa the moucy-saving 0rkj.pLn&we layed'a�d z,! - . I StOL R I^
t the'time foj'4JIlQW1ng the 2 tJJ'6annUoJ. ehureh service, Whi rotit, and continuing until AuIO. I
e4 tha ell "WAS CAS"r-O.
yotl will be sidre, to buy.:. per cent. di�co -even. AMONCx THE CHURCHES t 1:82"day school will hold their-ses-
unt og'the.,first.ihstal- held in Knox churchon Sunday ADVEIRTI.W. 114 TRIP. STAS
-Rev.. Jim.. It. C� McDck- 1:11 :ill 1111 11
st KA - - - - - - - - - - - -
menVbei extended 0, Jun*.30% 1924. Ing to when
And, t1lat the matter, of �fkjrfieat of Mid preached -On the principles of services In -the Xictoria Street who���- -
sM w, R vnmmws v1s1T OWSTORE,
arrears 'on rAbk94ge, of-Ahip: Gbiltolch, character building e- Ingdatid �y� the Methodist church next Suuday�wlll be
'Organ Gb�'4wtuken up,W�th.the,fin-, order, taking two te)ets,orlt from the t*kon by the pastor., An open so$ -
Old. TestainentLJ -toi uIldi
ance, committee. ' * ' . . , -y of' the b ag sioin of the Sunday Sebool,0111 be hoI4
Thiecominittee dith oftha templ� lit vilich- no sound of lit 10 oclock, followed by a special
recommended the 4,�IternouC.T hammer was heard, oAd the 'other 6wer service at 11. Evening service
ICH ada Flow Mills, Co.,'Ltd., be-gi�en'st from the New Testam
pHd.NFss0 The Squa� GOD arq At 7, subJect;, "Thankful for'Every. f
L of,la�d off the WCSL'
lo' thing.
"%OoLaion' of Harbor Park propo#y ., Mr� McDermid� The servicesr in Knox. church will be
piee'6 builders together with God."
tern reesillk the fo
and -below tlila'bill and adjoining the tion Of Masonic tO in,:P glalld in conducted -by tile minister, Subjects
proximately 14x24, frame, cedar C e 'great eath-
TOWN COUNCIL. ompany's salt works, to be -used as the, tenth Centurzt- "Th of iermons, 11 A-'ntj "The Gospel in Va&Tourinx Cow im stood rmaint order wi&
shingles, estimated �ost $200; from, $t a -4ite. for 'twQ Jroh brine storage edials were builtLbY these men- St-' Trust;" 7 p. M., "Lessons froril the Wyp air, will' 4*11 hody md chAt"i L s ",
Cluff, to.jerect frame grifage, on -Con. tanks, the 304se to lie1o' t Paul's Cathedral was the,
ffirieff "Session. Last Fmay Night— a erm of and Sir 90 k of Ruth," Sabbath' School a�
L Cron i ve!l
A TOWS tot it"t CO3MLng In Well street, estimated cost $30, from ton years, a0ir which 0 L Compatiy Chrlstopher.W Wag the Iiiatireat 10 00'�JoCk. L The iiiembors of the T.#,
Knox Fresbyteftan church , to, suit4l� tot
patch is to and vae pro- master Qp0rative masori.. The intro- 0. B, A. Will' Ottend Divine Service several 9004 barrels
brick ivided duction Of the clar URAhIC $t 7 o0clock.
�he gular meetinj of the town roof and patch Work at -oorherst 4 right of�wa:y to'be aptre sic forinof
y, d, the*�enoi$Sanee inta'at Pulloys.
o=cJI *,89 Petitions for roa$oil from,the fol below the bill and thq an th�`qnd,of North'st. Mothodisi Several Wood %lit.
&(Ad on 9�iday eVenin ProPoXty'
lb ing !Wore referred t(I the public 0.VM to 16e, i0donnified froni' any operative m4LSQVry,L but the, lodges School *111, b unday
aniage, L th4�.Co 611 :� to pi P. aelighted to. -welcome
june t6th,a4l tho members present. -w . . Ladies Bicvlel
por.-t works. committee.. From Property d rq u y cost of continued with'an object of con�
'Th tax* (fOWctor xe 'ed as 101. , �re. to And,
e, ers on'146ith, streeto.frora Nelson $1.00 tinning th AJX6L thost uoiag Talcum, Fo
troasiiirep, -since :Aune* lat. survey �axi4 14ie ientai iS,be e idealignii CM
street to Bruce street; from property per year.
"to date (J.una'20th) as follows. owners on Colbornsi.'streqt from St. Thj� celueto Th� Bible - was . filled, at I uns, Tdoet Wate* Hair F�*Parat;oas, c"
1924 with: symbols
_ry: afid paz+,i 6ominitteo U. vonstrliWon, All Moral . , t1oll *Main sann Irani' us - of the. very boat, *WkY
txies,44742i.54, 1928-taxes,4702.4 - 2; Patrick street bile. block; front rted. up follows: 14,11te matter' was eoikstilletive in characto-r.atul all Model. Reat
repo and xei coriii4rabty -J
1992 taxes,. $200; 1924,d9r, taxes,V& perty owners More for yo%r money.
on, Orqce street from of the request of Mr. J.- Benson 'Cox immoral aetton waa� essentially
tow, 1$48;3731196. Victoria street to North stro.t; frowi for a vault site at Maitland �ewetefy, structive, on operittivemOdA JUN.6 30th to JULY Sth
The following applications for build- property ovq�ers on Nels* stred� we reC6
mmend upon p and, jry ceased -lit -was sougbt:to
ing " perwil 9 were -received a�d were. - s, '' el' L -lans* ' And': -011trat ;r
from Waterloo;.from pro )ecifications b subinjited and the 'implement', 4)
.-refetreil, to Ihe fire ' mmitt4e 'Wit), perty,owneri on Newgate street from approved. by. , N, C
e Council, a. 16 -foot building and to deduce ideal and sug-, A
power to act: FTom -Rol)erl Xdhn- Victoriastreet to. Cambria road.
UM'drame, fire Several c6i . n the.;qtro.cture to b, -crectod t6ations for ell aS�,tQ�Jipply h
-rect vi4lt Aw U.sdld�' 0 Mr� Cox for $40, gracter buihling� Tbe la a dvilamic'n aerworld isn anufadu Ltd
�agairst the as M 6r M
ston,,to,e Tordh, 4"41, 1 Ulld*r tile 9.bje of Masonry t e MAN -OF ACTIOW
prod -6ofing oftimbOd �ment'w*� �rof6irid to",fhi Court istgetion of spiritual idea of -the 16plemento of
ses re supervisign, and to the sati &I Ch
Bank -Co
from, John SEzq1, to rebuild fr4me a Revision. One. was 'row the your building to the ='ral Llifo� and- every riatle wetly
-�bid jadjolnirg pre ent . Idwelting, in V .
of Comnw.rcetomplaingg of 011shles's The'puhlie works comillittee recom� -Mason should afin, to become a Polish- "MIDNIGHT :BLUE
10im paten�o roofing$ estimated - cost. assessment on the: old Bank of Hamil- mended that , the commit stone im,the building, tounded.on
tee be pm- ed
425; Ironi J,ohn ;R6bertson, to re 34 ton property, which : was -not . now ed to cut tops oAr any. trees on wiidom, oktCd,:w1th'strCngtb: and Weane3dity. a a Thursday,�
shed L-adl.dIning present. -dwelling 14x being used for"business purposes; an- power banks thut, art obitructing'tho adorned beauty, because built' Oil
:L8,. franio,, ceifor Shingles, estimated Y JOV RV "rwRNISI BOOT
other from. Miss Reynolds;. now of: vie WARD KIPLINGS
w of lake or -road, and reported the foundation of -brotherl 0 -
cost $200o, fr4M J. A. Wilson, ra re- mitioll'of the Al- that it'car of "Rotar�y had been placed The first - foundation stone in the V 4 1 mous Story. w Ith 40cluellue
Hanover, a former
'buila leitc -to PreseAt builldilyg 'P', exa�ara Aospital,, against her income on�Vlctori� street To4dway. On X son's building was faith in God,
of "Rotar" and one tar of asphalt In , thig-be was followire. the princibles Nlye Ila e just recelved. a large �5hipnlent of *rr1V0V
OjJ4 '#11,GAr, 0OUDDY
road had. been placed L on other on wliich.-all enduring institutions Iing Goods.—TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, SUI -f CASES,' Etc,, --
streets. The committee would have stood. Ausincs.s'Lrnen tried t6.-'ereate- ."365,DAYS" b* L Ve in prjc�. J
the engineer prepa e fo TravOling Goods .1 he�n consideraIll'Y reduced
re the cost reports confidence as th undation; and our
We have a, large assortment to -Chmr,�e froni all t
Aday awt Satiirda� J
and special assessment roll' for the holy religion stoo�d on Cho- some fun� Fri t v
council's approval. dam The first. question
ental basis. Ji0OT GIBSON Li
The special c6mimttee reconimend. the Mason had to answer was
ed as follows: L believe in God," and'this faith stood A' Hard Riding 116ugh Action Western Wel*rjVi e YourL InSpeeii
't on of our White Summer Footwear
That the police be granted. holidays not only at the tfireibold but' -was
d n into the warp an "DOUBLE DEALING'
as re4ueatt , and that the making.,of wove 4 Lot Of thtr Dy
arr n in r
ts foil temporary supply wb6le Masonic. teaching; -the Ma�olt's
Ie e- obliggtiotis Were taken on the serip- I Reoui ing as Usual
!efgt!w11nfi the chairman. of the. sp D6NTO'THE 'SHIP, TOtSEV 1
Buy Regularly Save. Reguladi, cia c6minfitee. ture.
Every vi�ckfinds a new list of thrifty housevirives ikdded to That. the moving picture theatre ll� The next great principle was-bope. 'T L effic Makos Good'
ation; and tile third
the Zteady STORE$. 'Theyare fin& - cense be left as tit pre.serit'and that the liope of sal� 11180 Norib SWO
Matinees—Tue., Wed. and 8 'il Squart
I fftg Out. g� ca=tItss otbers haVie fouhd� that `19picials" 'and Mrs. Laude charity to all men— Charity did not a. 3.00.' 43 W# HERN.
r's license be renewed, W
totpricts" doesiet nitan a, thing to their po&etbodk. Rogit-, The fire committee reported having call on one to condone the -wrong doing k7oming—INorma Taunailgo ha
MaSo "Asbes,0( Vengeance"
JarL,day-in-and-dayout savings are what count, and the Imst issued the, following building permits: of anothei"brotbeir. for nry v�as
t6 -obtalzi ihem is -to shop regWaL t
-rb� -Ft th6t. mi&94 based. on justice, but it was based on
V .. - .- P.. R. Humber, T. Jr Anderson,, C, V. Was Cal
Young, P. Spain,' Oeo� Wilson; Mrs; charity too� aodthe Mason
CLARK'S 'PORK A 'Annie Mu "Mrs. J. P. Brown, 1). led on to be quick in his symp4tby tof
VRAXXPORD Or" BEANS, Ile; 3 rray,
29c C X PORK J. Curry, IV. F. Saund' the foibles aficr follies of his brother.
CREST PEAS, 2. for LAR ?S ers and J. Juck.
d Ac These reports wore all adopted. There was a Jorge, element'Of truth in
AYLMER ROSr.. SC Chairman Munnings of the public the old French pr6verb, "To know all
19C Works committee.sV Is', to forgive - allf" - It wv-q sl4d.
VEAL LO" gested waiting a Ity shall cover a mill I titude f
tow days W see J if somq niore pet!. 'frh'kri
CREST COR 14' b,e Te� sin
S?�Ljust like tbt- atonement ninde
tions for, road oil might note a e:, o .,Dresses
Cox - a. The - petfikojig; already i:rl by Jesus� Christ, or the atonement
Would use onlk about half,it , - mad.(� by -the high priest, in which a
Nape eaf or Dominion Matches - I for 25C 4COuncill'�r L Rofines broughvit to th, I mantle was thrown o . vet Ans and they
DAYSIDE GREEN attentf6n, of the conneir that the On- were remembereil no more. Did: a
GOLD BAR 06 . tarlo Motor League booklets �dld.rpt Mason's charity ad,that?'
CRUSHED Ho6se Dresses Afterrwd Frocks
HAWArTAN HC credit Goderi6'as having a tourl�t In addition , these three
.27c BA(VASI'DOE"'BASKru!) camp.�, The attention of the 0. X1, L. -prinelpleo the'llaso added othOr ele- ade of tile best quality g1ligh"1111 ill&
PINE APPI, . E We are clearing out this. week all assortlllelltL M.. I
LETT'PEARS 23c will be'ealled to this. mentg in, bin' teaching. There was daintily trininied with organdy, collar and
DAYSIDE 15 -oz, SEEDED The Mayor brought up the matter brotherly Jove, The broth�rhood of of liouse Dresses and Hungalo%'J Apron�
LOMBAI marx'was-dne ,
zD PLUMS 1A., or SEEDLESS of a. wreath to be placp made of the best quality print. Regul,
'29e d on - the, Sol- of the object of Mason- aLk eirft; �I'Ills Is a speeial (offer for this week
. (in Heavy SYMP) - JL%P%- RAI$INSj. 2. for, dfer�' monumint on tHe ocCasioo of ry. It had been fjoid that the church
st.25. Cleikfth& only.- Clearing sit $2.06�,
11 (Pinu) LA. tin while Masonry limited that. brother-,
Ic its Unveiling ceremon� on Donifinion taught the brotherhood"of hUnlanit at 98c.
Sunflower or CasciU Salmo' Day and the -special committee. wvo
lety. The answer to
SuMflower or Cascade Salmon (phk) J 1h.- -tin. 2 for 2 1 C empowered to purchase such a wreath. hood to the sod
#�-- In connection wifth the unveiling such a statement was both yes and no.
DAMT,V LUNCH SELECT BLEND Ceremonies also it was proposed that The mason, whife learning in his lodge
DRESSING (8 -oz LEMON CRISP and Goderie'll and Colborne towhshipc; tile H" WEEK
MAYO.NNAISE .) 31 C L COFFEE, lb. - .59C the municipal councils o4 Gotitrich the principles.of brotherly love to his
brother masonsi, shoald1e taught SPECIAL'BARGAIN16i T
go, S Bottle LUNCH BISCUITS, lb. . .21c attend together, kps , ee beink reserved thereby the better to play brother
-Z L I V,%S INGER. CRISP for them; an� .66 Mayor asked the to those outside the Sacred circle.
QtTr N 0
2 for � I . BISCUITS, 2 lbs, -25C coumil-to meet at the council Cham. There was the. element of relief-,
No. 5 Bdtile 19C ROMAN, ber to go over together with the oth. that wag a large order. Wfioiq bath ummer Blanhots;
STUFF8D OLIVES MEAL - er councils. this world's goods and selleth his bro-,
ther 4ave need and, will not,give unto Made of soft flannelefte lnMllte of grey and trihiined with eithvr pink or 14tw Ivorderi.
Councillor Platt laid on the table
delicious 79C piano and, specifications for public la. him, how dwelleth the love of God, in They are the firge site. Regular S1,5o per pair. Clearing this Week $2.95 per psir.
vatori6s at the dock and gave an ap- him? That man wa.q not a mawn
PUPPED WHEAT .2 BACON *)JJ proximate price, exelfinive of plumb. who hild no sympathy for the aere and
2 for 9C Machine Sliced, lb. -&o7C ing, as $500. The council left it with yollow leaf and penury.,
PUFFED grCn, CANADIAN Then there waa truth, both object- Fine Quality Sateen
2 f6r� .35c PRAMEAL BACK Councillor Platt to get further dato. ive truth and tiobjective truth (oi
B The council then adjourned. 'in We have a fine assortinelit (if fine quality., lingerie s, (tell
Nj�,W- - 111RD ACON (sliced),lb. 38c truthfulnenq). Trvth ombodied A which are exceptionalIv �,00wl
LHJ�IONS. -25c CANADIAN GODEgICH TOW Hlp Character was one of the high ideali. weight for Illooill&s ami slips, the width is 4.q inchass. �Spetial this week 59c a yara.
TOILET Were wo building up into charaettr
A 'It
1..2- g-- . 'L We sho' 41—.1
5 of Zion autellf uld
.rite'' Lddloe,4Aid , ,
Taylors' C4rners, are h Iding a Atraw. alm to complete our ntructure in'nyra-
metry and order. When God Wilt a
flansem Junket 2 fOr. 2k berry fest1wil, oil Thur8odast, July ard, snow6ke Ile built it geometticalls+. -New Voiles this Week
(in powder 6V tablet) 1024. Suppor wx ill he corved on Au8* When Ile bUiltLlt star Ito conottucted Wo have received this week alYout twelity-five dres(j lengt I Its (of Bodfil"I , Voile in Ala&,s of
tin Sturdy's grounds, 7th con., at 6 it in . symmetry and order. I
SWkET MIX181) or p. m. vollowing the aupper a 15P"211* Mr MeDemild roUfted to the vig. Hack, n, -IVY' S,411non pink, nile green and powder Nue. Buy them now' while the sestos
ORANGEADE avid SWEET MUSTARD did prograw will be given. Admie. f6 '
LEMONAD9, 2 -25c I PICKLFS (larse, qion, adult!j 11,15c, ?Ijildreti 20e. n In the book,of 'Reveliitioll of tile - is early.
I'diniaL Bottle), 35.6g. 50C city, whose length, breadth and
SOUP. MIXFD or b0ght were all ctioal. Th� lf�nkth
HOW PICXLES Might be takon to bi� on* viain Iftie,
RALISINS, 2 lb,, .25c (large , round Bottle) .40 CASTORIA I& utpirations axd Nab. ' Breadth
myKgeaftA fluit love in mighty.
th hr
26 Ife2ght—other fojudation '�an ila man ast Side hoinwe
Pot TAfkaft *Ad Childres
ill U" For &"ft �* Yea ro lay thap that i,.i laid, Jonua Mwilt, of Squam JL
he S., A. GRA /Co' oil'
AlwAys beatil oblef cornolvGV04 The
ge did not co will fit In in 31r. Nel)m-
'Ta r4ther 06c, lhligfat�
44 4 # 1050� uu -------