HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-26, Page 3.. I " . , "I
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I � lNeworhm News %e t i� .1 I L 'I 1�
I I ' ' � I " ti'l � ti n's I
Celebrates jubike � I I It 4: vs 0
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. I � - Nked F I ,� , "'. i �. I
I., � in Our hchames, ,� , I
I . . r � AL AL nVI
I .. . , mpfiv* -Yvaft so" &. A***W*,% rr"Awma cu"a W04 &fttw I I �
I r 144 muvo A"V* 96-4". W "d OC,C&" W" !4" tVy4.##ftW 3WVk" L i . !
winsham win c,oulwomi JW ffl%�.drNLIC,w""F I . -- I
. *"Q""Pl�tty, � � ,
8WVv*k.--9j**A%*ft %W r4bwalk of a � .
Tot* to PA"Mift at I 6L � ,
I N" T"o *f 140 D"ONOW 4t rwti. ---.I:-*-- * . ,I I �.�
----- � 11 A FM SPINT OF C04"MATfo-N hkh-- .
L .1 I FroAk. ,,, I * *"*h -w0*--# MANWFSM Mc LLOS I -&---,*
- .. .1 ,
I -- 1-81 . I Clis*aPlams Velobtatioa for Aug. *1 has bad it brilli*nt jkt,*dejuie 4L*reer, Rov. Moon. M .k,l& Jw- wao- -
I . "r, _okoft *M, -Comma pgo#h- _V*W*
_" 3"%*0" on
&Maot IF*~-4V"1W
Ing won two Blake - ochoUrshil.." -%a&y-;A Fics, 39eW rwwig.xaeda�y N*ba
- Clinton is,making preparations tot, 114v, 1 _ Wow
I kwpfa� I I
vnLL ora yw iiuw . 4th, *Ad the Govornor-Genersrs tnew . 11 �
I . j(M Q. R. whit!,� 44g n4rwwd A holding a big Celebration on Aug . dating his Iftivers' .ty course. I% oc- ";� F/1011,.Af a I -01111i � lloa �.� 1; �
IfW$�*, 8, C,., Writes. sr? I � T*xtkar Ewettr U S . � A 1,
.�4. 1 1 IWO dy tobtr be goea to4ohn, Hopkins Vni- .; uWaY wto Monday War,& groat; The Sabbath wait cfw of thew in, t
� ,1. *W1 SU my lifo, froit . Aftor * lingerbw ftts.% extending dit)rx in the bbtOrY Of St. AndmV4 #titutiqw� The skioto;� car w** %44. 11.1t 11101t it) Vour 111011th 1
. � sick head*ch". to special in r7lassical Archat- ling PWPI# *,W*y froM the OlWarilanCo ' ' I - . I
of valois *Aylwd at t# tao Over =!1y '. ft**t*rian vhureb, Part Albert,
IL taw . Wkick, i did, 0 a *ulubor of vionths, the death I � - � I w1a A. L - 3- -0, ZZ H "' I
DWA l3it1w1% f NIV. John E. Dignum took place at : b4ir the Occasion of.the JuUtes An. Of the Sabbst atte iinet at colt11*"* .
aid I nniss� i Forot" 01040 wy Dies "Ml* a C. DO*%*
haye, ak.yor guf. bev home In Exeter on June 18th� I iversary of tht vorigregation, Spe. Aureb. Mr. Atliffy exprossed his . & C. W400
" A" taking � It. vial services �Aoaourt at ,
k Tho�,4e*th occurrvd id S'e'.afortlt Oil " .� wert hold on Sunday both be It -till ehurch. ---"- , --. � � L. L � L - - I
, wath of Vabome ftbister Tuesda . J�ne, X7% of Margairtt, w
I f4tod fr= � jah
L � . r WAVA itive .V. R. 1;. 02 � j.h* eft4it for , .. — .
.1 e,
6 ,
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" �
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4WjLj%t it bU, tjoile for iae.,, !ft M01111nit 4*4 evening mind the vhureh Ill which )% rtcognistd Aniffica" and � I I . I
I Mr- J&,*- 041149, On 'Did and highly of Mr. Jik�. Watson,'w,ho lijis been An., I --I-- -1--------- w"
1340ock Ulm . esteemed Pioneer r,t,sideut of Usborne,r jlt_beaj�, to the 400rs on both oc. , 110hodIA4 *4 wen sia presbyt*r1anyto ---- - -
.1 jor .XOMe I . to .... ---
4 Ditters has b0ft Ott time 41110 10A == t1ke morning service Ito J*od t# thinkof the friendly f"I. becau" her *Q)4i*yv Wert trained in Me? Did orter ever otep to, th
I the %X*t4 for the "A 45 p" , s4a ' Passed away ,on Tugsdsw, June.17th, X". Watson. was Q'It eldetitL daughter ReV, I" X. ?4#1%jiffy, B. A., of or#VX4.,11 ing* �44*�"# Ink wut . I .
- *
�' I durift that lame, hi 15 years. . 1� � the rhumbex, And ox -la sense of duty. The Rotalialts, Xi-fone owed to the church to have bit .1 ..,
� lwa Wx1lufactuxed aged , of the late John Leslie, of, 01wtor'And -Ville, wilit the Preacher, and for the prtsw his feeling for union, It he us .
. ,only by The, T. Mijbilm i0q, 14ta.#, . " Witimitt-Taylgr 'spent her childhood and pirlhoo woulang, Oddiollows, W## 011-1beart strengtbontil�
� . I I . . I ,a in evening service Rev. Gilbert-Odmin, bad, his VOY All. the Protevt;aut chur. alAtoint", oil War* stimulat 'At the evewins" service Per. Mr. L . I
I .01g1,11, �1`1:1'1'4* Gepreltia Frances Taylor, both of and also in Se4orth prior to Rer 1har low,04% Ut there was no o I le 1, I* loomm Preached 01% tho love of Qoil,
vil�041�. 'ill 11 Mr. Ronald F. witwoi�and missothat town. She taught S�hor)l t'herd uo,w of pine River, Rev. Xr. Mg. thes WOU14 be united. Goit. bast
--�--- , 'erl the
- -
. —i- . -I haffY received Ilia vitrly ingruetion day when thib viturch,would be rgstor. 1!g,4 n I 12: -
I . Few6jr, 46* , I , , tio* like tht church to foster Ival tOWhing on some of the ewst h6tory
� 11��,,11,1 .... , V*eter North, were tnarrted at the r1age but since that she haa made hCrAn the Port. Albert Pre�byterjjjjj ed to the bf^Vts and ionections, a the ItIlOW81110, Was there anYthing talof the churkh and the. varjouA ,awtk I I
-111, a ol� .
,nn. �11i, x ,I ,: ---�-� Grauton Xe home in Seaf0th- Mrs. W. D. Fairolchurch, his P*riiif3LbeIuX enmett In 1*0010. People, thought thev could take the place of the coramunion. ta. I" �, - , (0antinved on, pav 9) .
. I R -A pria 1101"'I'll, 115800001110 M,8100A. , thodist parsonage June
wate Des Motnes StIII.W1 � ..
. .10steopath, Iff I M . 12th."i, . Of ,Clint9n, Is a sister. The funeral .the Milling business In the village, buy away frorA church with -out 194. I I -1 .. .11 L. - . . I
y. Licentiate 10*4 tall te place on, Tliursday afternoon, —� � �--�---------!!9!! r,!!!%�!�� . LL
�& - Elfri ... Mw
state 000ds. ,Special attention ike sea Des,th -of 3�obprt xw;iles, 31oxillOp ' And Rev, Mr. Gomm is a former Pas- Ing anything but he asked, "Irave I " ,
,. � I461twomn swr eh ld"-- -- � rune; 19th. at seikforth. i.
I I I .1 hildrea. consu tion I . - .
. ce c4ruer yemmon a% St. re , . , �. t`Or Of the church, so that their selev- your-44ughts been on Qod vilile $ou I — moo ON r4*, 0" �
I succe so- . After an illneii Of. aevqml weekie , ,tiou iamt the Jubiteepreilchevs wjlspar. were looking on yout st;44� at ,— 7 vu - . .
� uccessar sa iw. .uejiciminj� 11 Wort the dq4th took-plaw ou.,.,S*tur44y, Drowned at, Port Frank I d crop% , I 0 ..
. '"'". -, -�-L - �--7�-- 771. huo,14th, of Mr. Robert , `1jo Mes, ML py, as the occasion -#-as h . Is V L OL .. ��
��%,. --- I � I , * The Pranks of an airdale dog wero �Icul4rly hap L, ,,or when you go fort with tile plenjo . .45 111
I . _W-- bis"59th y4�ar. Boiz in'McKillop, on for the 4rown- Had' not I N 1111
. . NrEdiL indlivetly responsible I'll the, nature of.gk bome om 11 - 16-02
. I Ing for basket and theiouring.car. � !
10 AM a L
It# free . I I
Alld w sts I
t 9; h 'I I %ft
. . FOR$TJ1fj. - . I - concession. 12, sk son of; the lato Mr. Uit of gdwaW Lloyd. Rindeit*s *aged 32,1 b.o.�h of theml. I God been reted4, farther and farth. .&OW -I'M . 14 zm%m I L I . � .
. DX- F- J, R- " . , rouch, �
SYZ, fait, voss. TIMOAT"-" - WillUm Holmes, he bid'spcilt-all bW at the Mouth, of the rb;er at Port During the "MOraing servioex Mr. er from,our thoughtsT, . 1* � I
Late roose 811 - ri , lit , 1P . . I ; Frank ou Brup ,Gt.*y, the Prosent, paAor, w1jo , The church wax- stimmi,ititir, tJjQ . I , "
, - VVOR eW YO 11 Oplithol. . q in the townsh .. L' June 15th, * Kinder was the . . . ' eA4
mic all -- Xuril no n L at �Nlnoro 1, I tionf. . timil . - , . ..
061d'S Eye Ifog .101W. ossiats I I '151rationavillo Wedding C,'Pt AXV lit opprAtor at the sta I is serving for the surnmer months on- Qonlmunft� spirit and, s lating tho . . i
Tbroat n0plial. 01W16 an Got(len ,.�14144re . Oc� , . . ,
". , I � . I +
. . 63 Waterloo " A "%Iulet, but pretty weddipg took , . -to fie 0 all Y ..Vritain, won the -'s I
. .� I t. . at C4 00andi with L' L. Narthcott, ly, JutIM41119 100 return In the fall nsQ f t - ivar . 00 . � �
. ., 01tons W. . ., 81 , Iror4l Telo Pl�cd af the ftwondville mansi on 2110tored to Port Frank for -the. day�,s I Knox college to resume his studies the 90bd ladies of the congregatlo,4' - L L � 4
. I
� .At - aedfor,tt Hotel, (lotlerich, froin Wed- Wednesday, June 18th, when Rev. W, outing, With them theX'brought an, read the greetings froln Rev. Alfted had their. hands fall. The tables Were �, YeL I � . Uk . I .."I
I : "Oseday, Julie 23th. at 8,P. ill., to Thurs-; airdale dog, which w*is to be their . Gandier,.the pastor ypodeizktor d,1 .the sot out on tile church,lawiland ippe, .1 I
,,day, June 26th, at I p, in, I , . . D. NeDonald united in'xilarriaea 3�va i Gen0rilt Asselubl$�, which 4ropa'bilsh. tites were goW. and'the'tootj was t I . I .
. - Ase"it'lece, of Xr-'4:nd� Mrs. Oto, X. OOMPaniolk�for the O*Y� The two Men ho � Ipp" 44 * $A I
111 I'll, �� I - 'van the rive , tten out invonnedlon wIt)v,tllA an. bU$Iuc$S Also during the.oVenjug. ' 81( #V V- rAGOS 4* . I
C. .'- - .Strong, of Tuckeritnilth, to Ur e and wiint paddling in'
L . NOURT -,P1*0f4- —Wri secured a 4no t ed In' tile Jubilee Woklet which was best. A refreshiment booth did A good 7"Alv k 4-0-co-wi" "
, 1. 13AIM--- Roy'rotsyth, oilly son,of Mr, and. Mv@. r# taking the dog with thal. , .r . I I
, . . A, I 3, X�nry:Fox*th, 'Near the mouth of the river _:�L sary I Tile iii0gralix . was given frol" - .
I L . KOTA - . L , wherf I In ad4i - I I . . .
W . Alf �Unv� I tj .1 I I � i I �, �
aeneral 'Conveyancing done I I . the water is between ig and, 1,6, feet ')n to the regular ehoir of � ! � ,
'I -� .1 , L . .,L
ii,W!Wen, . . . . A iurloi weddin, 0gall throW,ng �tjck$ thovgurt)h, a quattetto from ----- L- I . I *�w
. � . � � Go an . � - deep, Kinder b Dungatt. I . 1. . I..... I I L I I L, - ====!===���t �-�,;---- ..
. , I fto ,lo * , ' - L I . I ..----- 11 I'll
� � or 0 erIg chit. -4:quiet iv�.4dlno took PW6 Ift the frov: the c I non assisted In the rservicep of the 1. I .1 . I 10. 10.
. - —1 I ahoor Which the, dog would �.io I . - - � - � � - - 0 0.1- 11 11 I . I.. I
.. 1 --7— I . , . . - ,
. . . LROAL QAW* & , �L L Luth�ran 'Parsonage, Zurich, on SA:t,� IsWim, out to.. -capture'. Just to be *As , daYsr consisting of Mrs. A. Davidson, I . � . I .. .. . . . . . I . I . . � . , . , . - I -Po 0- 41 -1 W, - .
I . . . �
: L L A � . � L . � L I . '. L . .
. I I I
. . .. . . .. . . L ,T;- 1. .. .
1. . o ---� � 1. '. - ,urday evening, .June lfth� when Rev. throjAng, one of these stle $,,b 10 , -11, Mr, G. tf. Me- �� .. .. L � ,.; I
s L Alrb.44hn Caiiipb, LL I .
I I CHAS. S4t=K, X. c. � � -ale Itombe, unitod inholy wedlock Mr. h1a balance. And lqll f k 0 st Kenzie and Mr, Thos. XcLoaro At - . � � ... . I . 4.*# . �,4 . I I I .. � L
. Barrister . ,roin the canoe . . I I . . . 11 .. .. . � . . . .. I "I I
I I ... . I .. .. I
. I i 4 80011104, 144um Polto Qeorge Hess and Urs. Arletta.Wil- into the water. He u the morning service -. their sele ti�n L .. . . 2-111
. ALHAA nVeyancer - , I I ever camo to the p . I b '. ' ' , ...
-' -'
. OMcO,',, C0113 464n, awerlob. lert) 4aughter'of �,*- and Mrs. �Daspoi surface, was "Secure In HisAKooping, c . I .. , , � N . .. ,� . I
-Afterfirst sinkingstorn Night; and ol� . I I ... , -% . . I . . 1. L � I
- I . . .
EYAMIKO AND 'WOTAAV,; I Walper,' both -contra0injr parties There.is ;%L Strong undertom� at this the ovobihg service they gave, two � I . . I . . . . . . - I � .. L" � .
. . L I
. , .
L CO" I L L I . . Wilg of Zurich, I I . . I quarteitc, Aolectionv, "Was . I . I - .... I I . I
. L — I . L I Point Ill tho river And this is believed There Xvor . .. I .. 0 . � .11, .. �, I . . ... I I I . , I
I :: .11 "I'M N�', ,I � .. ... . .. . .. 11 I I
., . I Ito L , I , Owe to . . ,
I . oxogils. P. dAXXNS"DXj - 00061d, 4t;i12- : I A Usy Townshio wedd tit n qrhi4 -tailure Ltd C Sweeter WusieTll -and'113o.Thou Ndarl", , 1: .
. I Temethc a 149*i Pub I I I . , . , . I . . I . . 01 I 1. 11 .. .. . . j
I !! — An interesting churchwea4itig. i 11116 sutfUt. " Kinder is survived by -a These numbers. *ero all well rendered . I I . . . - . . I I . . . . -1 . � . 11 I 11 , . . �
. . � . . . , .1 I
I I .
, I itovoeociT, xjLL,o8Ax HOLMES, plac I LL Wi4ow , and and rery. Much aPpreclated., At the . I . 11 . I
� * � i . . I I L
. I? "aftisterb. solicitors, 146 e atAbe Amish X�Anonite chur h two Childfou residing in mornin . I .. I . I I . L . . I .. - . . . . . . . . . I . . I
uc. 1910. . tortes "10- on Tuesday afterno0n, 4=4 t -1 Strathroy. . I I . .' L 9 service too a utilque feature * . L' . � . . . . . ' � �, I .01
: - v .1 �, I . . . . 11 ,:::: 0. I .1
I '. At . L Was, preoeuW in the singing ot two' �, . . . I . .
I . omee--on the'. tkitiore, ftd iloor trom I When 'Was S;rAh Erk. daughter 9 ' r' N , D�atli Of Inufon v ty- i6iteer., I . L. . , L ,f4 ,in . I I . . % V **
traet, 1-11�w.'Wu. . . � . 1. I . . :- '14, , ,
. L I 11"111.111101r,41t; runits to loaq at, x0*62. rajm� and Mrs-4,0kn Gi Erb, w4s;uhited th I . . . . .members .of the, Smiths - !till ehiir6 L I . I . I
I . . . One of the pioneers,of Hurd 4 :. � - ... . I I �
I., ": ,Annn , A, Music 61 t1le O - � L 1, I . . I I.. . . I ''I V� . I , � -:
� , - %C:..� ', , , , marriage to' Mr. Aaron.Gengerich'L ty, in th4 Verson o . . %AV R ` .
� � C Ulm , P L '
..37.jAO%3DVO&, 1 1 . %10"'
18 ) COun- who't66k Pak lit the P . LN - DE In!" ' '
I .. , ,N- 1) DLEy B9LMg$j -of.1%jr* and, M. , 1. oblilson, re-� I eiling setvices ot the chuLrch.over I . . I I I . . L � . .. - � . . � 1. . I
I,L�It& - jUr. soA . I I I I . t . I
' . � -A rs. 'Dan . Qe , , half .. .1. I . . I I . . I . . . I . . L . ... I . .
I L . I I I Aggrich) lict of tho lite Wm- cantelon, of Clin- , s� vat't-4, . . , - Fri. I L .1 . .. I I I . . . L . . . I .1 I . . . . . . . . .. .. � ,,, -
. . - I . 9 h9 19 I I .. I . . I
� ? tMI , a . M $ % I .
; , Cw1ptirs. &.5 . ,
. B&lm6T`9RS. ET0, .. I
. I .
.1 �' ' . . ..
: . . R:C�11A*$.�,' '.9�0,ftAV4.jia,,U,A. .
* 4 1 . I .
- I , . :, ititailtotttO),Lr"t�.V.4d6.rieli - ,, %
I . 9 1 .
11 'L
— - , - . t
" . . AVCTl0X8P,nIX0 - . ". -.
9 1 . 11 I . .
. �
.� r"HOMAt0UXDAy� ,. : , I ''. ,-, , .
. I I
.4 . L' I I . 1. I I
. Live Stotic alia beneral.%notionew,
9 janultOU-Sti-001, 00dertch. :
. 64169 Iftdo everyw era nod tilt* eirorts
L 4nade W Five yoti sot stifetion, - .
111 I
jarn�trs $mile notes 41seounted. '. '?,
. .
I � I - L I
.. I . . INI SURIANCX, - .. - L'
. I .
I&OXILLOP. XUTU&L r -ran xm$vn&scx
CJO � ''' :� . I,.
trarm Wd Isoliled To4on Propirik'jawrek-
Value of WerlY W]Iredup %Jid ,
I - , 007�
dl& $3,049. .00. . .
. 'O PICIMS-4wiltg coaoil;. PreStdislit,
430d6rich ; J83. . E aas� ice.ptestaeut
8WIM00W, T. H. alys, Sm. -Trent, - fioj�'
tortli. - * . 1 9 . . .
0=001118-D. F. M�Gfetor, Seatorlh ,,
4. 0. jGrIeve, winthoop., Win, wwn, can.,
I 61411ce . George ije""ne Tliftersnitth ;
r (I r4
I 10114j,fitrIC Bar ock ; con Hennewl".
Bro . - agan; Aturray. Gibson, j� e.
. Me,
field. - ,- 9 , L , ' * - '' . r
.4. W�' Yeo, rxo4erjdb��
Let". 0113on ; VM ttiesoeyo ujolrowd�
5. litachley, Segrorin, L
Policy, Holdero 'Cift -pay their as 92"ta
at R.- if. cuft's sto", � !"l Xw-
rlow$ 4r
s !1 awtow, gor v IL
Ikeld'si . : '. I
j.- ,* g ===—
�, IRIC. .1K CE .. :
� I AUV6 it attended to by' the ''
_ �
. 'Establishid - I
. Head Office: Dungannon, 4but.
� J110. A. Mckonzie" Kincardine, I
pre$4 H4r L. Salkehf,' R. R. No. 2
Goderiell, Vice pies.; directofs-�-Tj;�
4Griffin,, R. R. No. 7, Llleku%,,;.,�%t� P.
Reod, R' � ., X. No. 2, Luckhow; U. Li
Salkeld, phone 600kjI,; Goderich;
Alex.* Xichol[son, Lucknow; Wm. wat.:
son; Jag. Girvill, R- R. Xo� 6, Gode.
rich; -Win. J. Thompson, Auburn -
,Treas. . Secre�X,
- I , 4ry.
=:�- -9 1 . - I L L
, . k ' 9 L 9 9.
. � I .
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I .
'r 8�#TAAL I
. L I .0
. I
. arg^Tlrosto. ONT. .
prepares Young Me . n, and young
women for Business,, which is''Aow
Canada's greatest profesgon,
we assist graduatos to positions
And they have A,,praetical, train -
Ing which enables theot to me4
with success. Studentg are ro.
Get our froe
*st md each T& I
g d lear g at-
, bout Ce daini 'rout departments.
. Principal, L
9 . L I .11
- -- � 0" LL ,,, -
. - ----
. . I I �-- !- . ---
ail of 1pe Bronson Line. flily*. . . . ton, Out'., pai;ved awa � . Lft . --- Weill W1qrV AL I - . . . .. 1. . . . ; L .. I . - ' . - . I I I . I . . . A 'V : " . I 1. I ,I
� . . , . V ' I f .�
. 'young, . . . . L I 1, ' . . , L
I ,
L jolu : . .. I
I . ..., I . own, W.J. I ... - I . o Ito ... I'll . � I
. " I L L H4Mb)YAve,, Toroutop Mondays,'Uew Ina trio, which was r�uchaopre- .... I . � .1 - ,
- Jkev. Mr� t!Titco;� i aanrL a r 10 I :L , , �
I 1. of Bluavale and E,� June 18th, aged �*94 Years,, $- mo:ntba,'eiAtejf,,-i brr, Delohor Also f I � � . .:. j
I - The,AeceAsed,was,4-iuo0i anil'-fijS sinking W S . . . . .. � . - V41 . ." I � , 'i
AeY�'Xlr-'Tate N�ill Rera'ain a -� I Y At the , . hOA10 of. M. Win, Walt�N and Ale;c ,Q 'JULY 11
. I . t 111jue. her daughter, Mrs. HP911 - StOvOA$On,,' And Mr. V. 0. Belcher, of t ,
. vile : . of ,29
41& OongtlegatiOns, his decided t4.;dc- aiiii 444ya .1 .TUE. I . A
� , ,.,�, i
L cline 'the call'. ' A much eujiiyed, I 1. I . 11 . I . '. .. I - � - . , ... 1) 4 1 .
0 . I - .1 I . . . .
fr M ,Craiiprook and velutirkable WOniall, c4eUr of intellect 'At thib. *mornlng sm!6e the full �Jidlr, . . , , . . . . ., .-. . . . . . I �
. . -
Bthel,axid will'. remain In his,.present tQ tbd.elld; Of, that God-%64ring rAde':rendergd 'tile ,,a thi " IL W i . . . . . I . I.:. . . I , . I .1 � . . '. .1 � I I . .1 I I I . �, I �
. . . �� I . I. . . ;
arge. � , L . , n M � B 0 the . , i . . .. I .. I � 011�111.1 1111111!!!I!�111!�tt!!N - . .- .1 . .. .. " . - . I I I
. . I . I I - -1 � - 'L r
ch. . 1. . 1. I L .. I . from tAP, north of Ireland,. With hej, and in tbo: �,4ni ' the-�an. I . I . . I . , .!!" -11-1-Ir -��---?'t�,--��--��:-----�..�",%L�� . . � . . .
.. WAlker4ligglib . . oxi-the Parr Lin%,.- Yr",u :1 . ng�. I ...., - . 11� ..... ,,, - . ... , , . ., I , , '..., 1: , � .. � ,. �. I � , I I R - ��v . . I , I
- . Parents she s�ettled . . L . , 1� ,,� e, ". ,". . " , , r -j., . 1- .1� � :: I � 1� .. . ., I.. K" -�
. I . ' � I . Staulay towil them 'Magnify the LorMd�', The' , . . I 1. I I . P ' V � 'L . .. . - I . I- �
, NJ I . � . I '% L - . . � . . . �' .11-11
Years. ago, At i1p,, Huron County, 19 a. L ' I ' 0 S' L . ' ' . � .
,A quicit, wedding. was solAi , , L 1h6 L
. I . � I .
. , . I , .. . 10�1
L nized on , cu . I 'L :� ' � L . : , , , �;,
WpdneWay morning, June iath,'at the, bei� then age Of fifteeA, solves. I . , I. , � . . ... I 1. 1: ` - I '� . : " . '. 'L jllo"Sl- 01 .1 . ' "
. " . . . I ... .. .. .
. I I L - A.41 loren ss -Girhe . , , � .. ls�
IL 1 years. , $11e koew ,"of ' ' . . � I 1.�'. I . . . 11 . L aw . L I I . . 7
ing am - ona'age, when' , & Luis '4nd I X I ne I � . I . . . . I . .
P 4 Leitti. do.vus of, pioneer life, . . tin 0 of God' and his rieed Of .. . . . I . . I . . . I . ., " I I . . . I I . . . I I
aa foll ' ' , ' ' ' ..' L ' '
Xerle,,youngest daughter of 9-j. An4 I . South Hurkin, xristjtutjoLu4'T17i,3-t� Zie veli�ion visible 'On th ' $ '9.3001n�. Prizes ate , �. . . 4
L , now'.4t - I- , e: , q,4�re, com e iilig at o6red ows 0, . I I .
U%-.`Zl11Ah1ftXW1 vi�kha, - wiii cklid*10490d ''to be the best ,aiid perman ,mw - be.sn' I . . In qCL, . . I . * .
M, . .,�be .1 . . . . I : , .. L . I . . .. I .. I I .. .
qnt' lit id to'be I I L
�o Xr. Gordon .farming; dis"t In 411, Onta . I L .. I . . . ,t . - � . . .
,united . L rio, Nks .Rev. Mr. Mahafy's' su�je . . . . ..
. . Oliver Waj)�irj' ,Lin patei;e& �,6f ct at th I . BOYS , . .
'. . I e � . I . . . . I . 1 11 .11 I L
I . I � I . .. . . . . . I I
then a dense . . . . .. :
. . I L I I . . . I . L. I I ; . .. ; � � .
L � I . . �. . I I
'40), of Mr. aud Mrs. George. Walker, . , forest. morning prvice. He quoted the text" 1, , I � . , I L ., . r
of TurAberryt Rev'. 0. E. Cragg. offi. clearing here.and therej the.scaftered'. recording the retu I - tV . . L 1;. 1. . L . . . . .. . . . . . . L .. ... I- �
� .
. cloting. . . .. . pioneer,lLere ' L ra of the ark . theL . ' I . I . LL . :, I t�t *-Itid , � 3rd . . r � . I I
- . . I . I . - 169 homes and . Xsraelites* ezimp. I'le recalled the cli. . rl()-yjl�,d raev, 0" year's aild undor -� ....... r.. ..,.. . #.,. �'L * . I . I - I . 4 - "m Avo; a . "Ill I �,
; . . eted their I , I .
. . . .. ' 1. - . .. . .1 . . 1 4. ..... 4....-0 ..., .6 74'.... . .
. . . . Does to bis hoLareri? minds, 50;-yaid rii�,e . I . L 1� r, " I ' ,
I . . I *or, two, OXen and hbw the ark had beer[ taken and the .i r.,; ... ........ .... ... ....... .... i..�...,-. - , " - If . ..)(). L ., ,)�, : , � .
At Woes, etc, -A ..)
'Mrge Afasonji� ,Church Parade plinted a fe�r bushels of *wheat,'po-'eumsta , 8 Y�ars 6ild uxtde' ": : 100%, I
1. Win fiam . I . . cow . , .
. .
19 - . . I lid the - 100 -yard rai,(�j 10 Y(iars aod eituder ..... L� ....... I �... . . ....... �.; ............. . "I 5 - .* - ; ,'15 . ,
. .J$b� MasduSL * ZbeeP canle in their turn, Hoinespun 'Phili.stines prevailed a . - . - .� . . - .14) .� , - t.
. Over ' were.in ifn . wainst the ls� . 110-jard ra�e,'12 yeariiand. tinder .. ......... � ....... L ...... - ............. I. - . I X6 . "74 � � . 40 , .. ,
e for *oollen clothes,' flax and linen, for th� iaelites. The glory.* OF a a . I ... 1, . I L .
the, parade - to' Wingham. Methodist w6men knew theart$, loarned in the parted - ' liglon WAS go L Three -logged rd4w, 12 years and under'.Pt.4i ... iji-.......... ..... '..k.." . I . "
church on Sunday evening when its re . I ��, " 1.(K) , - -f 5 11 I
. , June 156h. Old Land. Anfi',Robinson saw all thid The Ark, while t4.OL P 1101. .. 11unning Broadjut 'L I I Yvar.4 nad jjjj(jt.rL I L . . . I I I-- ... .,A, . . . ;
, WitighATROU Jul ISt . . billstittes kept it, I . � I � . �. rip . . 4�;, - - '� " ' ' ' - ', - --I.- " . it) ..r)(� L 'r�() 1. I I
. . . . I .
.1 1 y I.. in the early days of the then . .: : . .. , I I . . I I 1. I I 11 . I . I
I I . . . bnc,,-. brought pestileuej. It was solnetimei . i..;." % L .. 11 I ' . . L . . � .. . . . . � :
Tlih--Guelph �azz band and Wing. woods Of -P.Wd4. Ber*4vcZe' %�as. that way with ?�Oliglon; it all d e d I �, \ I 1. �. : GIRLS , . I . . I . . . . ,.
, . I �
haML ChiXens' Iiand will lead�a depor- her lot. Ver firs . t . husband, At John LCOL 00 ft _ 1. . . .L L . I I 1. I . L I . .. . . L . I � I
L -he Way" one reg4rded his iolig. . 1' . I r ilr�dj, I ... . 1. . ..'� . 1. . I I .. ' .. .. I . . 11 .
: ated, -a*oMobUe, '.bicycle !and call. Boyd, die& will Lon I . i . i-W-yird ram 0 years:aild r' L .... ............. ;o- � t. � .. ........ #. .... $ I ,"4) d. �J'r _�
I L en 'her family of five,46n., ,The ark to the ts'jaclites.Meaut ' . I I I . . . . fl.), .. . . . ,��;�k �.
* ' I I .
n(W LthL I I � io
'* � r.), . I
. I . - . tables Of j')().ydrd Me I .. ... ... .. ...... . .. . '. ' ....'. - - � . �. I 50 i . 121) . L � I I
I , it e6fital
�thuhlPign parade at Wingbaw at 10 Were Yet Yoling� LnUt 6e remains, everything : , 50-yarll raee, R years and Itilder ., : , .
o'clock July Ist, -with gam _Q.; 10 -years and tmde�.:."'*-' I
es follow- Mrs. Rukh Stev011sqh; the others stone,, Airon's rodi'tho pot of maniiia: . ..". ..", 4,� ........ I...--.. ..... .1...-:. .7.) -, . .i,)o , .v) t �
ing. huthe, afterno6u Clintpit and have Passed on. About 35 years'ilgo, -with it they compassed the walls of Ui.yard raeo, 1� -y�ars aind *11,441tTr, I I I L' I I r 'L , - 1. . . ...
...'.... I ., .
. . . ..i*.�.�,.,!...,.� ....... ... 1. . . .50 . ! , T) . - � �
L �
'Wingliam, baseball. and Vast.,Wawa- she m4rriqd 'William -Cantelon, ef_ Jericho; all SDAS of associations'Wo . to . -ears and un(lor- ,... - - !. 1, .... i., . .......... � . I .j ) . -I.., .^" I " I .
11 1(0-yaid race; 14 j I 11 4 ..... I .,.I-.. ..1 W I
flosh Thrt�. - I . I . I 0,-� � � - � il*. .
* Clintbil ad.t ' . � ." ....... L I . i
.... .................. ... �.. , 4 ,.,A � ..I. _
and Turnberry, will have a tug,; -, 'who has also passeA on. tied up with it , It stood f6r.40me. . ho-Twedle fael 14 years wid under '). .
, f � . . I , 2 ,11 A , .1 . . M . I - . a L .. I. -S.T
of war. .An open Air : Ftew i: L any are left of the first se&- -thing A ra�e (hieed , 2) .V( L"i at utid , ** ... I
,10oncert and lot.�. of -the SaMe teeling that was L Boo r4foes), I V1, . �; ....... I . ...... #... , , . , .. t " ' "J�j�) - . '�')t I., L .125.
, are Announced f6i the.61renlil . The deceased -was a link of called out by Milals'l Angelus, tbut I I - . 1. . � .. 1. . . 1 4 1 . . � : .
'L I ii . - I
I I .. . I
Deserved ProtnotloR r�r Br -y the )),-Mt With the present, Probably Picture in which t1wee, of the funda.' I . . No child -to' r�cejve rnore than,two prizes., � � ., . .
. ussel!" go 8),e wa., the last ol ioileerS L Mental things it life were shown, . I .. . � .. � : . 14�`
, . Of the aCtU . .
Mr. George N. 'Edwods,;a Ur P In- 11 : . . I I .
. I .- . L � . I � I . I
in,#L&;# aagjS in . 11 .. I . I � ., , L . .
boy, *ho .has bwo-teA1% u$s*lN -Of !Ve-%f017l 004440' Inter '.cut was bor, love and -religion, By the story 4 -- — I :- - � , i . I ----.— — . , . ,.- ,
� o made at Clinton. 17 . . . - ! "!!�� -w �r �. - - . .
tant At Tecumseh achodf, London, has .. I I Of the ark we lonrfie;l man's need of . . I . 1.1 . . . . I - L .
I I �, . . . I 'L L I .. �. . . I .- I
been appoi . God and his need ofitiLstitutionq I .1 . . . . I " #-%114 0 . . . . I .. . I I
I .
uted to theprincipabilip of , 14ard and s4t ccrils both yield to make religion permanent a , that I . -L L . . . . .
the Rectory stma school, lit the sayne T1ollOW,%Y'-q . Corn Remover, ,which, is n4 visible. L . .. "I . . . . I . . I
city., , . L I There was .Ing moro its � Baby. %.onnic . I I I I
. .
I L L.
On .and, 116 than bread and bank necountsand I . IL I . I ". I . .
I ... I , antiroly.safe to use, and Ort surely sorngth
SChO41s,',Chuftites, Etc., at Hincar4ine sati-11actory in its action. I . L � bonds and material prospgrif . Baby I Clinic, co�ducted by, %V. J. .. .
Closed on Acooiint ,or Scarlet revei 11-�-� �,. The At 10-30 eclock, ,on the. Square, theto will be. a . . t�:,
. 4 L , . . soul had Its thirsts, its hoart ..:Parch. . . Tillman MD.$ ofthe Institute of Public H th; London, Ont, assiswd by Lthe Alei� :�4-01 AZ.1------4
j . cat 0 . .
. .The .Xln�ar ine Boara' of H�alth- . 'InSTVIRLD. I ings, its soul aspiration, Man needed andra Hospital Nuises, Altimna . , I I . . . . . � . . . I I
Closed 411 schools, Plac6 of oln%e- Dr, Jiis. Camplicil, .of Dficidgall, -has, God badly to reinforce his hi�her. be. I . . q. , - I , I I . I
I .
. I
.ment;',da.uce halls, etc., on,4ccount of been .Rpondink a week in'our vicinity. li�fs#. ! "Are YoU4,oatlsficll with pz,o.,,, L. L . . . I I � . . I
Miss Ada Stackhousei of Blyth, I Perky Vy asked Mr. � Mallagy. , "hin't A 2nd prize, $2.00 ' L 3fd ize,. $1 .00. 11 . . I I
the Prevalence of . a mild form Of , I st prize $3.00 , I
t feVor and . . . 1. . .: I pr ,
. I I .. I 7 I .1 . I
Searle Als6 reemmiblided spent the Ive.ek-end with her cousin, there, a hunger for r�ality?ll I I . I � . IL ... . L I � -1 I I . I L .. -
the discontinuance of church meetings Mrs IN"in, MeDowell., L' . . Our life was only complete, when - . � --�- - �! :, --.-- - .- . -,�''� , , I .
and private assemblies, . nto, h,1L I , . . . , . � �. .�t� I �!! � I
Mid the chur- ' * we tdok in the Invisibl: , just as tile ,�,� " I . . I I L I I . . I
- % , e .. .. I I . . . I : .
cites hhve agreed to, act upon the, re- - Mrs. Aikens, of Toro s em cr.esctrlt Moon was only completed by I .. .. 'Ij S11* . � IL 0 re'' M . � I- 10 I I . * I
commenation. - visiting her brother, , Mr. RO ert u- I I \1 . -
. � chanall. the past two weeks. . , 1the invisible portion. We needed . .. nveiiing of " Soldie ,L , emona .
.. : GibsOft-Cfawford , . I God to restore the soul. The io. . � . - 41P I . . .
, '
A, ' A number from Around ere oo . I . .
Very, Pretty wedding was solem, in the ball garile last Mon fluetice of the world Was corrupting In Court House. Park, I. I 5 p.m. Address, by*ke�. Or. CoOv.� of Toronto, . I
uized at elglit o'clock on Aloud' ht and tended to make us yield to cheap , I I., I I . , I . .
' AY between Auburn I
morning, Juric" 9th, in St.' and Dungannon, sta6dards,, ,The artist studied nature L ..! I . i . . L. I I .1 . . . . . L
.e Cecilift Congratulations, boys The score to,ki!ep up,hig. color iono. We need. r;!!!!r!-1.---�- -—-_1 � 10 -0 0. owm- � I
. . ��4- �---�-..-.-"-,.-�--��.-!!!!!!-!�--�";,�� =.1 I ... - - .,
hurch, Toronto, when rielen Marig, was 19 to 6 in favor of �uburn. J ed the standord of Greenwich to re,,;1j. �� . . . . I . k
oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs -Day. . I . . I I
id Crawford, of Dublin, formerly'of 11OW601eld S. , S. picnic,'which. was late our time. And we. must took to . I . . . . . . I I , I , , L , ' I
Clinton, and Jos6ph*Gerrard Gibson, L(; Id an the grounds of Mr. David God to restore tile soul with biqll id. . . I I Baseball Match . . I . �
Of 101 1'Mille, Avd., Toronto, artee, WAS 4 great su2cess. Twoj eills. This was true both -of. the in. . I - I I . . . . � .
Joined Ill WY ,,,t,i,,,,, by,w*r" ball games Made the program -for the , dividual And bf the nation.; riviliva'. I .. . I . . . .. I .
Father Petrie. I I Rtv� afternoon, 'the We.�tjleld Juniors ,andltlon inuot fail but for righteou.qnesg. . I � I Stratfordvs.. Pu ity Flou , 1 L �
I he victorn. It was by a �cdolute support of the in. . I ri . 4' r .11 . . I .. , 0.41
10 At. 61i.80L Wednesd4k afternoon, r1t stitutiourl which r,favo visibility to our 'At Ag'elcultural Park. Came crillid, -at 4 P M. L
Pt*,y Wedding in Stanley Townsh' Dungannon Svniorq being t
. . . .
'Tugloside Farm," Stanley t01VA' the home of the bride's parents, oon- religion that We wete helped to. re- 4 . . ,
shjp� Was the tm6n, e high Ideals. , , I ..
I Il. SD -A-- Y
e of a .Pretty eVePt cession 4, V.-Wawanosh, the marriag*1 tor I I . . Battedeo - StfatfOrd--YOU; and McKenzie, �Turity Flour """' . . .
X, younger daughter of Mr. of Violet, !!�- �- , , , i IL - .t L - � , . - L . Ij
WMilesday ,of last wiek, when Zell., was . quietly solemnized 9 Haines and mitctiell,
J. T. Keys, wag united in mar'tud Mrs' Youngest daughter of - Mr. and Mi�% ffor Uvor Troubled Her The Stratford pitcher isjock.Young, tho former Goderich noe, whom. his ad- .
riage to Robert Duchainin, to Mr. St,2liley I
son of Air. and Un. Fred,rlook,
W. J. Clarkeo Oder son of Air. ap.d. Cook, S For The Past Year - mirerg, in, this distriet will'be glad to set in ,-action again, Stratford b in the Southern
Mrs. Lauticelot C�Arke, Of the 601 con.,,t Wawanosh. llov. 3fiss Pearle U zinek, VITP-1 ("Ornor, counties-teagut", Where hiffight: baseball is played, and, the game will b..' a first.clit$s I
- . '
A BrIllikat Student . Mr- Balles officiated. The house Ntjiq T* Sq WfjteV'-`1. 'AA.4 aWfully tfda- exhibition of the popularsport.. I .1 4. 1
bled with my. llvor, this last yetirbaelt, . . .
H-arbert X- Couch, Who has juot gra. Prettily decorated with spring Onw. nn'l ,wf,d #A . 6* d'j.11 A. is r . L . I "Pi,
duated from Toronto, iv,inning the era. The bride, *bo was given .1 -way b -,Y. 01M U � I I .
Th4 Ladino �Gold �kdal in Classics. is a laon of jb ber father. was prettily dresced In ' r1ould have to nit dovm W016 I was I A W163101ft 0. Adultsp 35c; , hildren, 15c. , . . 1� I
'' . - � ,..
�h doing mjr work. ru tlioi inornina, when :!!!! � T-!� ! 1 1 1 �---" 11
romral Directors "16 11ev., Isaac Couch, ,Who is known Ite crepe do vDine with trinimiligg I got up, my I tongite wa.'I — -!!��!!!!� �! . �- W.T!!�!!. I �� - "!mr�! �!�!!!!�!!! --!!!�� . 11
. to 111allY liercttbout5, Ile is also a 'beads rind riblion and, " epated, and . . ----11 I �
. and Embalwrg Of varric,l a I b4d a bad taste in, n, y moudi, and I..
I . c(illAn of Mr. Ptrey- Much, of tit. boaqw-t of ophelin ro.jec; and ruaiden oftentimcs I was troubled witli pai�it Clinton Kiltie Brass Band and Lucknow'Pipe Randwill
1� 1-1... . . Orders ear6fully Mtoudaa to� cheaer,, and Mrs. W. X Ross, of Tor. hairfern, After tbe,ecremony alfsat ill ray sto"W'li, � k , -
. at #0 itoum-uighA. or -dar. bnto? for � I salvered ill. this VA�y until 0, *1034 . '-1 I
. . , merl�v qm.hlton�: , Up. X"011eft dourn to- a sublPtuou-14 Ulp=st. Tile � furnish, music during the day " �, 11 11 �
. . ------ , .1.1 I �--- � --- - - bri& �Wd6 the' rpcl�16nt,& rma� bo'ab. - 4Z zlito -Xho htd�JIVJI. pxtr , , � ". , . -1 . I . �. ... . --�Cv
I � I— . . - . .. .� '.', ,:'.� �, ` �,, , WiW*WW - .. I �
I � fiful giftt;, among thoul being a tra� , MILMIMIS I - -1 -- - � - � !�-�.��w�4!�,# N I I 1!!��:i��!Eftw� - - . I , � I ,
. . I . - � - ,�- .
, ; 0 0 !A ft— I - 04 SAM AN* SU and- pyrex casserole froin ,h,clr S. S, . . . I �'
; I . . W"A - 11 . ra teacher and class. The evpninfy �vzto , I . . I
i 8,1er 004roy FOR It . , 6.-. I �
- �ent in singilig and wiaial ganiol. af. I L
, A04CMIMEN s � . Band Concert ...- "I
11� JI.A. Whe 0 ter will'oll the bappy 'cotiple left for . . .P. I t
the p raoin's farni, cth ,colj. FA. Irav,,ra. I .. .
k Fiord Director and n6�b. ng id Showers of colle"ratulution"; 1��, On the Square in the evening, 8 to 10 p.m. �". "I k,
Embdutor - 4MLIEWS And bett wishea. . Exhibition of Hip . . I -1
W014" ��-� *414 me of having tl�,4 them. I thft ,hiand Dancing on, bandotand. I 1,
I � It Bid% 11'sin &Xone.—Whell 11rue. . doeldotl to W, mire ana.try thmv 434 " I .1
I ran truthuly %y that they .� - . I .
Goderich, Ontado alria rackg the terves or lumbaga did Z115 & Id of ,VdA t elm,, '11"A"I'l'y ... ."?q.-'1)1
POWIDERS ,�- W. F. GALLOW, Mayor of Gwlezick �
. � .1 1- cripples the back la the timo to t#:),., A row -I' I , � � I - ,`�,��--,-,, (11!
� �
I � � . 1! ,,, .
I AbVrAtft 9W l000di . r ex e;� too higb,ly to ail tho$6 Wf-1) � . I .1 'I.,, 1.
All C311S PVOMPtl,V 13UOIAC& f6 - &A9ftY1r,W.eN�V$wXjLVAN6 tho virtue -0 0 Dr. Illontm, Voeor;e ." I I . I
I � . VWAftW**ftWAft*VftW, . a X1 K, ' . . .
,3 0 aly or "iAzt. , V""0LW*.Va*-*0ifttV0j oil. Ive-11 rublJ0 ia it will DWI Mo I Von �-Rn ,pw,ttra miltmm.rofs L'v'& GOD ,SAVE prt'E ftING
Phones: store 335. 1101"m 3!5%, 1 A*V"WrA*#,ft" p*521, and P.toduee a cpw,gtfo�l G? c3co t% tor AwaV-73. I I- . 0 � "
. I .11 - . I- it tfl W,7L A trial of It V,:11 (,�"Ilnb,4,0:41 Put ap pely by Tho'r.,AAftm ice", LA%0%0%0%0%0 I . I
-P,- 0 in it. . I 1. 0%.. -L'-11L -11, -. -. -11-.-.~ -- I - - - - - - --- I . A 04 0 .
I 9 A' .. �, - UDAW; Toofito, Oat, . . . I ,. , . 04 04 0% -04- A - 1. A. � I .. I �.. �. 1 60 1
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