HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-26, Page 20 pAGS TWO 67M THE M vS OF YORE IN Da i i, �A W A G 0 satree4tftto enable the Puff Ry Of thO ts -Ahifb it reited to erfet two The (:Wklidl -StAp Of J111110'. Stores, :Lts removal Is 14 peat, nu I ew STORM W Jiltaprovtment to the vouss, ut wner of the lots Holland, tbe new 0 UA'rURDB kt the, rtfii4eace of the bri4le"s front which the building Was moved admitted that the AV, thLibas already comolenecil the founda- The Defeat Of the 1404th Affilraft VIOV 161401l- If it S "Other" Auburn, on wedoeld traw"t government hag now, the authority to I'Votill by Rev. J L Small, Charles Net-, tion, of tb� Uvw stracture, ruling* of ihe COW� of Uo4ericb, *04 oJotallows Vlanvoi PJr#V"t Hall While not unexpected the &fe4t of interfere with the appcar I that the s" Arinstroll the mission, it would"Pot gblut, Tile *S516tstits eetins OA Huron the South African government 4 nalent we, or bals WeTI'"t ao$ CAY01int YOW At tho regular M in the Intcre4ing event,were Mr. C. colobine4 National and Labor Parties gover todge No. b4d. go was a uluttcr of concern to those who timem debarred from taking - Pu --Ii ence" F ovang 4p W#Jr, of Nviar.611, And ML<% M*9910'M Way evening. tbe VePOrt Qf the -have hoped for peace in that V61111tvY "lent into Its conf'd A h Youngblut, of AOUM, Jbtu�jldioe committee Was presented tQ that thetlected repte::ent*tIVes0f tLe Rod thro��ghout the Fmpire enerallY, toe. A widely spread- Mac% and brovna orj Smuts bi self was ycople, are supre "N - TWIONTY.FIVE YEARS JAWO the Meeting, recoulmendivir the 11're-i'ller General -Smots bi 3 postal I nch lud tiov of IL ban on Kingston street at a oefeAte4 in pretokia, 1yest a sev4traf Ionic. eoptinueA strilke of thi Would ford% With Frg cost,.incladir4i land, not eXcteding ,(FVQW The 00defleh "13tALV 'Of June other eabinet, mimlstevi #380 lost their employees of this col"ttry ;%000. The report was briefly dis: seats. The Premier occupies i u'4 rt Ily be X disasteet(i business which �toe All Cussed and finally carried by the Vn- IVIrecovering after a. long struggle. of the members pre$ent Jquo positioll in world politigs, but is . tre is responsibility at� p)od-yQar �vclted. Loa- lpetpulas to, grert New Houso anjoloua Vote Doi so well tbought of in ijj�ny qe�, Th graye., Architect Fowler'bas Prepared tbef'The hall will U treettd on the )a on tions a his own country as in J$ritain Wning to all whose 410tions. led to!the Aao for the two �atore# to be. built by1Xir*&toti atr�et, at the corner of and elsewhere in the Empire. That is Ws"t �qtrike' The NveaUnefls of our ther �George gollaud on the t 9 Ing such ealami- #*t,6jde­.of the Stsilley, sod will front the RUIRM it be moairo, in Urgely I*couss he- has 1144 many very ma':hluery for a" t bee"s, Sizes 5 fo 16., tb, A ties itt congection with the public uti� Square. 'The b uildings will he It de� It will b4 Of two 8tOr re delicate problems to d0l w! emed improvement to that part 9t and have every accqm� st*adfost lities is abO fe"aled' whi4b-10 has '4100000 i oil, WjnU. Oiray to modstion for thi� brethren. Tender$ loyalty to Britain and British Institu. st $4.40 The 014, hou$e that stood, next to have 1�eeu AsUd and it is ,expected tions Ana has ON 06,12sion ;ruthlessly Blae.Eyal GOMM Haired W Alcusuls butcher MRA -et . on the,the 044fellows will celtUPte 00'114t- pqt d9wn disturbances led 4'ad faster. W0404 Indiana ,belng "Oved to the lot �1 da the, twentieth century in United Noon Is !"Ovi ed by men whose maill, �41m� in 111�- i's Explojers rel "nixg, to the I their, all. t4$, -!ePe .Wt3t of CrAIXIS hotel on Ningaton newJ, brtA'k Connection with *1t*n"- States with two. or three Woe nglist and Labor parties *Se 11oldep haired, and white aldnntil I"' The 1400 era steran 4vexed to have imade a pact wherObY idians, from the, wilderness OMOst INS SHALL SASSBAVols?, *nd reallywAnt, basoull inor town" we must show our loyalty * the boys the former arkets not to push ItE pro. P*Uamat are giving Ainother . proof ir sames, not an gram, from srit*ln Itpr that many StoJrj" which vied to be by *4ending *11 the! To the Editor 'of Tb4,$t&r- &I '.tit- lye $esrs 'tho of Uniformed W04,feW Who at lftatl I ,,and 'Men totaXt x0gaIrd04 as the t'he baselAll Wd occasion last Ofondayj evening action oldy:"On 4ite Of the peaple. wanderers, weixllt -re bosid On facts. -Xne ban ed b saw the game in, de4lgring It to be a Such promises usually have no expedition leaders ate � quoted am eat Waterways., Properly "t two "Or t no yew ago,mind are utOWIM940 -is no reason why thin country, q"4tiotL rAu arjoe ju,the­ len parties tit st I aflrood clean,. snappy X#me, mia well after elections wl dre saying that they, have discovere f er�e t - I tt coal So t4us who*111A toil 0 1 get. more of then, if everyone will along the lines which seen% to.thein maiy 'Primitive 'tyPts Of W, e Vit'b it's Own pplios . and its 44% e t great water powers should nOt 1be low loyal tl*e fortune* of 'he -turn Out�4,4vd 'boost for "good clean to be politlesIly� the oldst, '40sula. digna who Tritory has -be be ab.. tJil games 811A follow bite m 61 ce solUtely. Independent of all. other cOun- local team, AsAllhq see, Wee At b God"IeWl geousit. It doeis not follow that the clear of the civilized white m 110medleteo the' time.of the $Punjall conquer es fir light, 'heat 4nd Power. b# , tot$--, t Youm truly, South African on is to *e*jr, th's were U04OX of Uni - 'it lea�t, and Perhaps, 'be e 'two $$rae faltitful ow, *t, .1919 A ;tVAL BASEBALL FA'9 ly sei"pote from Britain. Thl eloc ntific world tore, I -, * . .1 -1-1.1. 1 . � t' , tion reoults c4n,.Oply betaken 06'a whole scis 1 11 will bo. inter, a WAWT 4 V0rIIV#,wt dmft��Set just *6 44 t, and e d in the ;fullek details of these 418-:1 t we w. 1�vz temporary victonv for reaction ate bill an 'We 'used to d0s but we w L ne) doubt,. ah0d much, 4A Gen. Smuts! party has ;still *a covdries whieb To the Mitor of The St4r. 1�rtuoate to.get Can't" Of city *200 Bruce Shaekleton,wAs ll�vay Su to of Ohe bu-11 Iii0ar r4itori.—PAm GodeV1011 largest group, should have the efftat jew'Jight on ille' Ilia W odibre: as long 0 we did, OT1141,46t; a*;- e!oafng- - . race, Appare�tly there isr a am writ'llig of 004$01144tji�# thc,elemeots,�An the ma -A very ratepayer 41ad ritigorl akl� naw, lt� *0. � !had strooger op t4y positiour work is tlle'or4er of the day ican Z a tould Mike tbep hustle to Union that 4ri for the retention of gitor In Ahe South Allaev one , to kno* it yolx �ivot ulidly inaoi� out W. row up our may* -also new. disgoveiiek base' - te -your . pjp�i, for the �aole,Pur- 4inr but 'neither � our t British connection. Ilk Africa 10t r Jill, or',p4ma-, . . . . I . -Arousing Interest (if P 10ba Vlpatrlok ViOW,*100 ossiblo) *pment tit �bo blooleal for thooth-lof here Iasi, Sunday.., been mIL4e of all ancient civilization, I Pose of een. One, The few' ary I�coort froto parls. but. nothing has been founa` to eq'W for,a "crich band, 111#00 s olle'Durolit were Ai Xxtrikor4ift in interest the whiW� race$ digcovgre,d- or tt;�o mild Jettqrs ill, your paper iift Who ire trzrlov keep the g0re 4 .,to, the'south mukioo�� the same effort, but all to. no b A philt fight fftt�'- triob 8 eek. jVhteh It Is Hoped Has No It , sit u of -As, its 46ty on -a #11% posts, in - F .1 114, ge I . 11. -1 : .111* 1* avail; and fam detetrujiled to make foisctexsoh, ftfr donly by4beev 4- dlitary report ftom- Paris god gir s doty �h'la iount 740"t A# extraox Strong Hold ovemo aim (may the arrow shoot ,,6a*qj, Id their Commission% re hard I VOA what ens them",) One thousand delcgrt�s'rc 0 Aijight) as to where, the ilftult�r 0, to hilp . .1 ... ' d 't' 'Oritain.thAt the latter', prese t- eo, le6`were, aw " ho I It toz the eir"t that. , , Uyinona V161041 ftien 0 will propose 0 ay be rep form uron county League, ountries are in, attend, lfe�;'tbat it in a0VOC'stod that .-&t the Congress 61 the - third 4n, quickly� for I Out -disk . 4 away frouk 416=1�111t'takeri an Over- guarotte German Payment 6f tepur, ilia over Sixty C ust4 thAt �th bind to.,got, over. The ]%III& otjorLA to rril-not in Vince d gIvIng'a W'Csinada has to -go to to thtng'forihe sport here, s 114hard,Tivamler, of pledge. of military asalstlance'in the. ternitionale held' in'Moseo*- prbttI0t tovm e1bly that it Mr. and Mr and oleat Britaiware included in this! Clinton for its finishing OhArn, (mu- bu t stfrx g me, Wry f Or es, visited at the home of Mr., and event of'reviewed German uggres§iptl. 'h I If a lit can ant t1littleague togrow, AK"other rep"sentation at a odnf#�epce.vbie tle Place like that Stle* 'Are, I jKrowjng.: Mrs. 1*4. FJnnj1g#n last Sunday. it I$ to * hoped that this has no WIS. sic'" -uniformed bandi tourty Us: I - k' Aq, effort Is' cdocOrned with' tho. pr6ap6rltY, and I tu%, iut 9,splendi& Chu is held at Crewe' , - in ;.what J�y"og with Goderich',?, That's reh service w lit foot., Vran�e. is ma Ing ad of Communis ihtoughout� Whetherwe 111ce it.or not *4 the. eveoll whitover*to,ox ,y berwar debts to Bri� the We ig,last-Sunday on account what I -want to,know There is no'. the.and nutiou1n, the 014.World e Of th prettier place in. Ontario than Gode, a Orange qeryiee held ill thb.skf� That bus faced. " the task Of meeting W`6'lauat face the f4et that Commlm� toynoon in Dangunnon. -,hold in. MinY"COU11-1vi6b, yet our W90 rgttrop- ]her bligations .;.With eourgge slid ism has a strons . 0 MINIUN E 'PRE 'Ile VookaberrY sold. -his 50-a out in cArs.,to other placeg fo ore, . -t the Other day Bri re it WAS scog*d I at a few fraoicliess. iuts tries. who In other. *ord% 'that t1w I tioo,%, takirg; with them their money el"- tain paid sixty-fivi million dollays in years , ago; J Reds�t� is th W Tackaberty '19, Ing, for ice cream farm here t`lko 4G`u`ev` last-wo I drink� to -other Y OPOER going to Auho it aid cool, cash as an interest inotalineut �411 her tah 4t'tvl mt"uat OUf th 0 k' n a r own,, -whereas, if -we S easy now tht-re'at 6f bis,dayt an41110 debt to thq.Urtitea, st*tes,. To ask rec onectwith even,julstores ths u N- the store property Ivilized of countries,' C6in�,, had a band? it would meet the need of �0 will move, into, *rispon'sibility t�o. r6ost el her to assume the entire ws tbskt it has . �ome' Yo -ung ,and ohl td sit under' the'trees toi, the Oermaodebt *oWilbe to irl- munism 10-iqlf'sho jog to llsWa on irt.its de6iioo on a bot.averd to & mu - 1% refusal, but one acrom- fears Of oontr4,40ti ibst �jc� .Of . what � use ig .� it to pay taxes We not only plans'j�ust be found to,,eon 04 thi,suggtstloft that France that I, as f I 'town whiell, gives us n6thing.1n "gin jtS;4uty of aelbt.paying fd$CjSWq, r Of . Which the, Italign. -- Or A 9 1 131 -to remain .here. should,b� . . - return ok 'the: deslio� 'One would rather hope 4190 11--d to it 'ake up, and talk lesq., an Outstandi igh time we v or we that in-th.e conferences Wtweelt Pre- Italy the Fusclsti band *ng, 'it, I Via. i all th ruthless detera�ivation* all find. illbur, Yburig life besti otlers MacDonald and, Herriot groui%44 wi n , - aug- bably saved 010 cAuntry for-, away to other t4w, a. Shall we ious actionby Britain and for. hArmot 'Lost a �evi things and see where ole a found and pursued to rible revolution. Signs nt& Irance will bi re Ill gaventage of both, ing, however, that -the is 4c -d Were, lamed kicking), but �an against the..' isti whic e ijon trouble lies. kirst,.the old timers Vast It. u organization bave theY got Out, 4!(WS2V1l we.. h#e no members of that 'band �f yoUnir Secret Treaty Between Jap*p and belped,to. hasten. The. r&ent murder h4pd)-.'Tben �A -Ac along, eager and e 0 fament iaJaid at edi ainest t. Play, of it member of Pgr1l This Is - an age of secret tre%MOS 'the dpor of Otte. 69 *Premier Mussolinilf; their owit music, sev�rqt their Mva jo the r ublie' raoor4 was �Aruinents. (Still"we h4ve no. b nd). and arrangements in spite Of rLinisters whose a charges According, to a few on the committee which the Peace under Are, 4od rather +xravc open diplowacy, a�ppointed;,the band' iaiantar ty, was supposed to inaugurate. against the pasciati and, its,,,work�jngs that was Trea 'Ing maCie'r . r . ; much;. but Ill.quoto the Itu$ e is asking too it U now. statedAhat $Apsn and - -are b councilmen's own statemenf, `Svft�v sia have made it treaty whereby the! fornier is to.supply htivY aftilleq* U, I$. Loy,111 . at Holmmilt . t to lit arect- laborer ii, Wortbyr, of big htr4,11 a; ST, OULP mukig- not arfli 'hatil, charm, but ill ilte nts to the �var-ships and other armame at BellodIle the; one present day boa fts price, like rent. latter in return far vast Oil ' - ' cOnges- A. Aignificant feature of I A fe* montbs, ago� -,�# could get a Je- ure of electricity.,, th��lack it T'hix hundred and fortieth anniversary, of .,ions in Russistil ttrrl ory. , would ra'kt apun r,*, 0 f cent house With, all 4dAlIficatiorig for THr 0 ndepeadent 'i the landing of the -United F, , J. of suloke andfumes, makes cook�l mplre I ;8� per wooth; todAy that same house, far. as her oil requirements are con- Loyalists lit the 13RY of Quinte di�-1 is $10 to U5 (and take it Or ItIve it), -JSjOn torr erect at , id is: ing beallt�fulfy cle4n and permits the ceraW of America or any other pow- Was the deP Losti. so js,music.' What yoxi hi i I er. Other matters rels . t�ill'lt'v vWth'alt, "ftoring" of fi�atin T&Clar*y Ltive to spheres Be e flle a monument to, the h: thing of the AaRt; it'ri von Chinese territory oft.- ' t * h , came to the distriet'vot to 8 you of influence In 8 SW 0 derful C- lectric, Range. eted by isipan.,and Russia alike, are tontiml,0 war, tut to help in the ma have got to pay to have it. Th.en a -7 reported dealt with in the trt%tY. It log of A new� country. . Canada is rich, �jsoussion arose that theUancl toaster enr the fashion of, late to an_ bad, a store, "d vould not nee'4 go McClaq,s Oven. retains heat so has be ifi the quiet. herolsm�#f the men I much; so also have some ofthe coun. efficiently. that you c4n bake for Swer V18ports of) such Orallgem011ts woultnwho in forest, 1pnd and pritrif with the- assertion that they apply made homes for themselves slid ont- 81moo, ind yet they voted th�mselvqs hours after. the Current is' turned Wages, for the little 1abov, they rend. a* to commercial matters4, B11t cred upon the practice of the arts -of or us, so where* is the difference? �N little credenco Is given to these ex. peace lft'the,fsee 44 many hArdshiPS, One -is music, the other is the gift of planation$. d%Dgers and difficolties, Much Pre- 5ee thig, Oven. xe.% the- newest I prefer, music, and 'We turd, Of tjOUS material bUritit UPrOn the deeds the tongue want a, Md, so whoever is hindering, thing and tiler greatest, fea ttel&tjonS netWitn rs it et aut or the summer will be over BrItAill 411dMeXIC41 and accomplishments of the plan" P-9 It . lilectric cooking fhe McClary'r, 3etweeti -Britain and has been: lost or" destroyeil, because W3 b yo ave finished discussing way. complicationit I efore u Zdexica: caus, e addVitolial Anxiety be- Significance was not AppreciAted. . 1. terms. See also MeClary's 14TOR-REW cause the former s about,the Only Yours truly, V vouttry of consequence which has not Recent DeeiSion of Fre0g C6urt. ItATEPAYtR, Protedw Elements. T h el y "S.torO' A recognized thi Mexican government IN,01414 Debar. Newspaper cooking h(,mtj, too. headed br General Obreton. There The Marly.parp�oe Oft.—Both in 4 has not been a British 'AmbAs8sklov to The newspaper world- of Prince is the- boust. and st*ble there Are scores' Mexico, far some titile owing to the agitated over a recent decision by the of usts'for Dr-1hoomasp Weetric Oil- pointA still at issue be(,'�"n the two. courts Which gives the light of reply Use it forcuts, bruisM, btirns, scalds, All the trou"ble of the last ftw months, and sclatlesti- the pains of ThiumAtism ead, involv- to persons ipho are critized in *0 col hroat and chest, Horses are which recently came to a It I r Umns of the press. -�A ease arose over sor6, t lumming in charge of -,Mmilar ailments ed Iforbort M C a cviticiam of tbe translation of som ' e liable very largely to British glairs. The Moxioxa, govern- - wanki ancient verses. Thetransigtors Wilt And mishaps as afflict Ind and: mint vtl*de pomplaints about him to - -are equally amenable to the healjng refused space in the newspaper to an El Brititin and aak;d that be be imme-. icism took their case to influence of this fine old remedy which diately recalled, To this'Britain. did swer the criti They also Nvoli In. the has tuadl.thoosanda of Wint friends not agiee, holding that the allegations court and won. I ng t appe6l which may, howeve4 be carried durl past fifty sea". did not fo.rm sufficient ground for to other courtso The arguments of, such aetion. 4 the village belle slid rt,or4r of expulsion the'newspopera is that proper eriti- FOttunt f1tvOts front Mexigp�*w d"Plyr resentied ill cbm. of thtatriest performances, lit time she gets almost everything ler mtel)onold and d c;xcept a husband. '1­LjduWUa Pro-vt 'ke woul books and the It lug OMMIS �Cs' colleaguts bstd under eonsid-6ra. works of art For &k L At be impossible if the POOP10 WbKfelt i! tion the Cancelling of the tnission of tbat their work was unkindly rested Z& P, 01 1 W womm M F Sir Thoolas Rohler, -who will go to the should its" the right to AIIAIM republic with a view to paving the throughtbe paper publishing the erl- GODERICH way for completo resamption of di- tjejSm, Ill that event they Plomatle relations between the two Say -all GVARANTEM I their 6aetwould W occupied by ex- PlAfttionS and defenee% to� the exelt%' sion of news "temt. In other words, Booty Parlour The Postal strike I that owners' ana ;41,torl of 116wspa- FREE AIR and WATER It would be a, strat*e thing indeed perswould have no, control over tht!m it Canada was to Stetpt as defibite unlest, to be ou the safe tide, they WA 'Ir the c-olittntion that Pavlisri�at had merelS- mentioned -that such. and such JAAW H`&1'rTriv&W",Si*g*d* L A OR NIGHT no power ever the Pvil Service Cool- a work had been Published Or fxhillit- 1* - - - 11- — ­ !�1­11.�� !'' 0 wavoil'IMA sou"44t, A(V 17*,6fif �*n*4 at First lVorld's P(wer*Coa- Adso Air Towert which tuable's you to get -air At Atly OK *&by IF fussing or ditty hose to Canada will, be well vepiestutedat TreAtment for SCOPS clime you wigb� no waltingw 40 011y Itair hILS ow? best Attelktft- 11sLudle. just StOP .*nd 110P YOurself WhOn Passing I rst world's powr. conference to t your bait �: be " in London fr4m June 30 to W6 uuilertkk6 to kov K I D N Y the" ift the belt of C041000- lWt %long the Blue NVAter Ilighway, at 4oly 14. Power in, this instance *Nomt -vonr bait, have It Oeft t6 mt�sr#, ilectt-.cal powor or Power for PILL'S 1 Industrial avid damtstie purposes de. BARKER 13R, OS*' veloped by %me othermetbod. IIY- HaCe, Near t1jeti'loUr note4 yetg. dro�eleetrical'dtveloprn"t in Canada well 4iirtpoo. P. 0. box 414 during the past flow SOIA gives thigo Lailtele coWry 14 very important standing n, 0'" Vu yen$ tat^ WI! led m and from a are n6% wa a forthn WATEM-1,111149 VIMRAGEI PATT-11,11tirs, when; such mmteys art undor -0. g L s ywhere. Advanc-(4 at (WAILds sk; WIL C is 'I" tKq re!'pttt. in tompsri�011 I, CUPBELL Un, iqn, an_ � V Op r -tb OU iome other countries. , e ba"t, st;W 'Fy 11MIYONLI werelviful pow(tibiliti" in thok dnA:eloP- NIt 00k* P10# 26 T -ITft� 0 0 0 M 04 04 0 A iri(nit t)f eW-ttk-.#1 pawtv *�fovn hcr loom TgURWAY, JUM V& 7M 3 A