HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-8-19, Page 4THE
05xtter Abrocate,
Glias, . Sanders, Editor and Prop
FRIDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1898.
THIS "Mal IX CO\:uI.t:Tiox Wi'rIi THE
GoDBItarlt HAIMOR 1i'tanl;s,'
So long- as the Laurier -Tarte -Si ou
combination coutiuues to administer
the affairs of this country we may be
prepared w hear of boodling galore;
but we must confess our surprise NIP belt
il:;fornaed that after letting the contract
or the improvement of the Gederich
barber of $ni ,t OOO and after spending
upwards of $30,000 upon the work this
business is businesscombivation had re -
let the contract at Q >?,OWO, and the more
surprised were we when we learned
that Daatiel McGillicuddy-, Editor of the
Huron Si;uai bad secured the new eon -
tact. We venture to say that we know
more, yes mewls. more, about harbor im-
provement work tbandoes our confrere,
Mr. McGillicuddy, but we fancy what
our Conservative friepds would thinkof
US were we to ask for such a contract
and +e would think: mighty little of
the tloverunlent that would award sueh
a contract to us. True we dig and
delve hard enough for the little of the
wor'd's goods that conte our way alud
rue too wewnuld a ppreelate $15,000 j ust
as highly as our contemporary but we
have never been se hard up ern lost to
our owu self respeet as to sell ourselves
body- and boues to n ny Government as
it is evident the irascible* Dau has done
in the matter of the Goderich harbor
contract. We do trot write thus in a
;spirit of eu` y. for we would ,gust as soon
see Dan rake off the $1S,000 as any per -
sou we knew and we believe that only
his very desperate eircumstances, ren
1ered all the more desperate because
of his niauy disappeintreents iu the past
leave created in bis hungry soul such a
desire for tate sweetness of the Bowers
of office and ea great a dread of the
ugly little thorns omnipresent in the
dull life of the impecunious editor that
like the Tartes,Pacauds and Langelier's
who by the way were also editors of
newspapers and priutere, Dan has eat -
au of the bread of wickeduess and has
druuk the wine of evil.
We do, however, condemn the govern
merit as every fair minded man, Grit
or Tory, must, for the glaring and
wretched fraud that characterizes the
transaction. We know, every person
knows, that Daniel McGillicuddy has
been after swag for years. Out of his
own mouth the confession was wrung
by M. C. Cameron that Dan would take
anything from the P.e;istrarship, to the
smallest office in the gift of government.
He was out for the stuff and had his eye
en the tangible. Cameron, corrupt and
bad as he was, could not stomach Dan's
ttvariciousnessand they quarreled. Tbe
result of their quarrel was that Dan
became a sore head and a squealer and
threatened the government unless be
was squared with. He stood as he him-
self would say four-square to all the
winds that blow and ready to tack if
the wind did not blow his way,
The Dominion and Provincial Govern
ments were in the hole in West Huron
and both Governments realized that
before the bye elections were slated
they would have to placate the implac-
able Dan and they have done it with a
vengeance. They like men of Dan's
kind. He can stay with them along the
paths of unrighteousness and can fol-
low them into the ways of darkness. It.
is a remarkable thing that in the many
appaintmeuts made by the present Do-
minion government, they have chosen
men most unfit and unqualified and
have paid the highest prices to their
most unscrupulous supporters. Every
person in the County of Huron who has
ever heard of little Danny McGillicuddy
will say that $18,000 is a most estrava
gent price to pay for him and that he
sold himself for about $18,000 more than
he was worth, We would advise Dan
to get in his best licks while he can;
finish his harbor contract before 1900;
and have his swat; all landed before the
change in the tide takes place or his
name will be " Dennis.
The wicked Tory Government will
tot allow a printer $58,000 for work
that only a thoroughly practical con-
tractor can properly perform and they
,vial, we know, block the $18,000 steal
as sure as his name;,is " Dan."
Dennis swallows himself and
Gomes Daniel of yore.
Some thought Dan a Bengal tiger.
when in reality tie was .only a singed
"t Dan" is true to Grit principle and
determined to grab all and keep all.
A coria -screw politician can work
a crooked government for a harbor
contract and a big rake eV much more
easily than eau honest, upright, high•
principled eaptaius in polities.
Dan always stood by the constituen
es- and Daniel McGillicuddy.
Never banal on bottled ended poly-
wog or scalawag politietaus when
they are after government prog,
It would be fortunate for the country
if good men like Dan McGillicuddy
were in the minority.
If it were not for the bad men in
polities, like Tupper, the good men
like our honest friend Dan would soon
own Canada.
Now that Cameron is out of polities,
what a carnival Daniel is baviug.
The difference between Cameron
and McGillicuddy is like unto that be-
tween basswood and mock shittim.
Not an ironclad in the navy of may
great power was Dan, but a wooly-
iron-brosved Cotswold among the *locks
and herds pastured on the wen kissed
plaines of East Middlesex.
Dau was the flower of the hock and
in early life his esteemed contemporary
was T. D. Ilodgins. They grew in
beauty side by side, did Dan and Mr
Hodgins. Gambolling over the hills
they went and had fun, or perhaps Dan
had the fun and :tar. Hodgins had black
and blue spots at points where his sys-
tem came in contact with the outereas-
iug of the ram's peerless intellect.
Time rolled on, and when. Mr. Hod
gins was old enough to think about go -
lug into the Legislature, Dan was too
old to be turned tete mutton.
A Grit neighbor offered, so runueth
the campaign lie or legend, an old horse
and a load of scrap Iron far Dan, T. i
D. Hodgins took the offer, and the Grit
neeghbor took Dan over the hills and
far away from the scenes of his youth
Again time rolled on, and the farmers
of Middlesex bad. yearnings to see the.
Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph,
with its celebrated free lunch attach-
ment. T. D. Hodgins joined the pia
grim band. Round among the sheep
pens light hearted and gay went Mr.
Hodgins, but the sight of a familiar
figure brought him to a full stop. Did
his eyes deceive him ? Not a deceive.
There was Dan, high up among the
whoolly aristocracy. Dan was equally
surprised to see Mr. Hodgins, and would
have gladly returned to the blithesome
usage of early happy years, but Mr.
Hodgins, with his store clothes on, was
in no mood to be butted by the play-
mate of his youth,
Dan stayed on the Model Farm and
T. D. Hodgins went back to East Mid.
Mews and was elected to the Legisla-
ture. And now Mr. Hodgins would
like to know what the government paid
for Dan, and will proceed to unveil a
large sized scandal unless it can be
shown that the Minister of Agricul-
ture purchased the ram Dan for a few
scraps of old iron,—Telegram.
A petition has been forwarded to
Hon. David Mills, Minister of Justice,
praying for the release of Charles J.
Reid, ex -secretary of the Windsor
water board, now serving a four year
sentence for embezzlement. Raid's
mother is very ill, and this is one
reason why an effort is being made to
have him released.
Noen--We quote a few of the many
. aphorisms indulged in by Mr. 1VIcGilli
-muddy at the. time he quarrelledo
M. C. Cameron over the postmastership
in Goderich, and have supplied some of
••our own which we think quite appro-
Israel hath prepared a feast for
Henceforth his name shall be Daniel
,.not Dennis,
A despatch from Ottawa of the 12th
says:—"The Government has awarded
the contract for the completion of the
Goderich harbor works to Mr. Dan 'Me
Gillieuddy, editor of the Huron Signal.
This work was undertal;,en by Luke
Madigan souse years ago for $50,10).
After speeding considerable newsy- ou
it he threw up the eoutraet. New ten-
ders were recently called for, Air. late
Gillieuddy receiving the contract at
458,000, an amount in excess of the
tirst eoutract, 00 whieli at least :10,000
was expeuded.
A few months ago in a neighboring
village there were one hundred appli
cants for a Public senool position, the
remuneration attached to which was
4'5O annually. And this is not by
any means an exceptional ease The
eitteheila Recorder says the question
uaitttriily arisos; t.Are. we safe -guard- -U 'd
iog the interests of our children in
eiv.iug them over to the care of those ( Far -Seeing people don't need to
who do not consider their services of
more value than is represented by
that for which some teach re are will-
ing to work ?'
September 29th voting will be taken
an the prohibition question. Temper -
once people are preparing their forces
for the barren victory that wilt be theirs.
There is little doubt as to what the
plebiscite will result in. Similar votes
have been taken in. Manitoba, Ontario,
Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island,
and in each case there a vas a marked
majority for putting an end to the traf-
tie in jut aicauts for beverage purpos-
es But iu neither ease w'ts the pre-
sumed declaratiou of the popular will
followed by any legislative adieu that with spriugs Wages, pulls, hooks, etc.
authorized the plebiscites. In the case
of this federal plebiscite, it is quite clear
that no action towarde legislative pro
hibition is intended to be talteu. Mr.
Laurierhas declared that a verdict of
" yes " ou the question will not neves
sarily be followed by the introduction
of a prohibitive bill iu Parliatnent. The
liquor iuterests plainly see what this
oaeaas. They are ostentatiously re
fraluing from takiog a share in the
contest, which, if their opponents bad
their way, would destroy their trade.
They van do this in safety, because of
eonditious which all but the earnest
plebiseItiats understand. t'ntil semi
mega in this matter is chauged, and
there is elected to 1'aritament a major-
ity which are prohibltiouists before
everything else, plebiscites will be use-
less, and those who in them vote for
prohibition will simply be firing in the
air. --Mitchell Advocate.
Greed always overreaches itself and
brings its own retribution. The man
who stole the sawmill would have been
ail right if he had let well enough
alone; but his greed led him to go back
after the dam, and he got caught.. We
heard of a man the other day who suc-
ceeded in getting an allowance on his
bill for shortage, thou an extra discount,
and finally refused the draft on ac
count of an odd fifteen cents. It was
the last straw, and the camel refused
to carry the Ioad. The paper was pro•
tested, sued, and the hog had to pay a
nice little bill of costs, This he not
only mourns, but the fact that the
whole transaction is out will make the
results of his avarice rather costly
This disposition to squeeze the last
ceut out of others is a despicable trait,
There are men who appear to be de
cent in every other way, hut are afflict-
ed with a strange mania for exacting
coneessious in settlements. In fact
this evil seems so prevalent that few
are free from it. It is one of those hab
its that few realize as being practically
dishonest. Of course, as they say, the
wholesaler is not compelled to accede
to these demands; but when a pistol is
held to a man's head on the highway,
it is idle to talk about his not being
compelled to hand over his wad. De-
cent men, iu thinking the matter over,
will see that the .practice is neither
creditable nor honorable.
look through a telescope to find
bargains when they visit our
store. We have them on all
sides. Tho telescope is all right
iu its place --locating small ob-
jects for instance—aud it might
be all right to locate things like
our prices, which are so small
that you will wonder how we
sell so cheaply.
Note to a few of the following :—
Mc. for Window Screen,
An Ottawa despatch says the Licensed
Victuallers' Association will not take
any active steps to oppose the prohibi-
tionists during the present campaign.
Members of it claim to be certain the
prohibitionists will not secure a suffic-
iently large majority to enforce pro-
hibition; and also that the Government
will not attempt to legislate against
the liquor interests.
The abundant show of blossoms last
spring pointed to a large crop of apples,
but subsequent conditions have com-
pelled a modification of first reports,
and the prospects are now favorable
for only a poor average yield. As the
crop in England, Scotland and Wales
is very short, there will necessarily be
a big demand for Canadian fruit, and
the prices will likely range high,
A nation can declare war and mur-
der thousands of innocent people who
have clone it no injury; but an individ-
ual must not strike his personal enemy
with his empty hand or he will be
dragged before a judge. A nation
can act like a common hoodlum and
retain its " national honor," but an in-
dividual must carefully guard every
act if he wishes to maintain his repu-
$2 for Wringer with
double cogs.
Preserving Kettles,
Apple Pearers.
Apple Wire for Drying.
Ask to see our New
Washing Machine,
Best in market.
Madoo's Great Fire,
fffeladoc, Ont., Aug. 14. -The most
disastrous fire in the history of ,atadoc
took place this morning between 12
and 1 o'clock. Fire was discovered in
the Windsor Hotel stables, on the east
side of Durham street. From the
stables the fire spread rapidly. Tbe
burned portion extende over the whole
block, from Durbam street to Elgin,
and the total loss is estimated at
$50,000. The following are losses and
insurance : —P. Sinclair, loss $2,000;
insurance not known- J. L. McGuire,
Windsor Hotel, loss $10,000; insurance,
$6,000. W. Mullett, loss $8,000; no in-
surance. T. Mullett, drug store, $1,000;
no insurance, W. H O'Flynn, loss
$17,000; insurance $9,000. M. Bristol,
loss $10,000; insurance $1,000. W.
Orr. loss $1,600; insurance not known.
Methodist Church, loss $10,000; insur-
ance $6,200. A Sanderson had a nar-
row escape in descending from the roof
of the Methodist Church. He was very
severely burped. No fatal results are
y. Bis4op & So.
Hugh Coulter, aged 50, a farmer,
who lived near Tweed, Ont., was found
dead in bed Wednesday morning.
Ed. Rutledge, an employe at the flax
mill of the Perth Cordage and flax Co.,
was working on a thresher Thursday
morning when his right hand was
drawn into the machine, and the nail
of the first finger was torn oft
An attempt was made to wreck the
construction train on the new Ottawa
& Montreal line of the C.P.R. A plank
was placed across the track, and stones
were piled upon it. The train ran into
the obstructton, but only a few ears
eft the rails.
Hensen: Dr. Sellery, dentist, of
this place had quite an interesting ad-
venture while returning from his.
weekly professional visit to Zurich on
Monday last, Meeting a friend ou the
road he got out of the buggy to speak
to hint and while doing so the horse,
started off and on the Dr. catching
hold of the bridle rein was swung
against the buggy in such a manner
that he received very severe bruises,
and were it not that he is a smart, ath-
letic young nan he would scarcely have
escaped as well as he did. The horse
continued to rut for some distance,
but it did not injure the buggy or
harness and was afterwards caught
and held until the - doctor came up,
when the journey was resumed . with-
out danger, mishap or advent.
Mitchell: The stench from the river
has become almost iutolerable and the
Medical health Officer is preparing a
report thereon, and will no doubt re•
commend that the sewer pipes laid last
summer in the channel of the river he
continued about 800 feet south, where
there is a good fall, which with the
rush of water from the overflowing
wells, would carry alt sediments and
poisonous matter down the stream and
away from the more thickly part of the
town. The cost, no doubt, will be a lit -
tie heavy, but better do this and avoid
an epidemic, which will soon come un-
less something is done and that right
anu mechanic
Who has no axe to grilled, what he thinks of the New
Gaged Bearings of the Brantford Red Bird Special, as
shorn in the accompanying illustration, He will tell
you. that the principle is mechanically, correct, and
that all friction must be reduced to a i111fim m.
If he is a good mechanic and knows his business, lie will
tell you that besides making a wheel ruts easier the
new bearings will prOhaabLr add many years to the life of
your mount, as a reduction of friction means a correspond-
ing reduction of wear. The Red Bird Special costs more
than some wheels, but first cost is last cost.
000 D 13ICYPLE CO.,
Baa, J, T Q1ir1', Orr.
PERKINS & MARTIN, Agents, Exeter.
Western Fair London..
SEPTEMBER 8th to 17th, 1898.
Entries close 7th September. Space allotted an receipt of entry.
Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits unsurpassed. You can see all
that others can show, and to better advantage. Royal Dragoons, Prince O'Eabe'ti,,
Japs, Sie Haase') Ben Ali's Ruffles and many other specials, the best in the
country. Fireworks each evening. " Blowing up the Maine" assisted by all the
ring and stage attractious.
Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p. in. and after, so you can stay
to the fireworks.
Auction sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday Aug. lith on the grounds
at 2 p.m. Prize Lists, Programs, etc., apply to
1'i e,.:Vonf, Sr o'Told ry
A fairer land than Canada,
It would be bard to find,
Or one w'th more inspiring scenes,
So pleasing to the mind,
There may be other scenes as rare,
As those we see to -day;
There may be other fields as fair,
As those of :,anada.
If there is any monarch loved,
More than our noble Queen;
There may be greater wonders yet,
Than we have ever seen.
For have we not as fair a land,
As one could wish to own;
And have we not the grandest Queen,
That ever graced a throne.
Her gifts are free to every man,
That comes to man's estate,
With all that elevates the mind;
Or makes a nation great.
We have for every immigrant,
That lands upon our. shore,
A. homestead free for every man,
And room for millions more.
There is to -day no fairer land,
On which the sun shines down]
Or any monarch so beloved,
That ever wore a crown.
A good son loves his mother,
Though devoted to his wife,
And would defend the honor,
Of either with his llfe.
So Canadians can be loyal,
To Great Britain and its throne,
And yet be just as loyal,
To the land we call our own.'.
A land of peace and plenty,
And with every blessing blest,
Where the maple leaf for ever,
Is the one we love the best.
Where the Shamrock and the Heather,
And rose trees fairest flowers,
Can all grow up together,
In this Canada of ours.
Lord Aberdeen describes it,
Ass a nation great and grand,
No wonder that Canadian boys,
Would love their native land.
Mooresville, On.
aScxEc.-►l dere. llicatica8cat5cy&ca&sa .s c.ca -ft• .eti nacnlia.r c r -Yea
The Success of '93,
CLS (.
The highest type of that which is desirable in cycle
$55.00, $70.00, $80.00,
30 -Inch Wheels, S/ 00.00.
H. A. LOZIER & CO., Toronto Junction.
�"�rl� .r'ar-Baa-'sso .5..'r IV' =' 'SF,y �Ra '�'t-1.1""-`.:-.'g° --'40 Nar�g> .
ryv3' " 7�� i:.Z77i �:1 i . FOR TWEE' TYnSEVEF YEARS5
Who would prescribe only
tonics and bitters for a weak,
puny child ? Its muscles and
nerves are so thoroughly ex-
hausted that they cannot be
whipped into activity. The
child needs food ; a blood -
making, nerve -strengthening
and muscle -building food.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod -Liver Oil is all of this,
and you still have a tonic in
the hypophosphites, of lime
and soda to act with the food.
For thin and delicate children
there is no remedy superior
to it in the world. It means
growth, strength, plumpness
and comfort to them. Be sure
you get SCOTT'S Emulsion.
5oc. and $,.00, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto
'.RGEST SALE 1t4 CAtvAo:,.
8 Lb 7P6rro1Is Dia,caa.a—Failing Mems"
ory,Impotenoy, Sleeplessness, eto. caused
by Abuse or other Excesses and India•
cretions They quickly and surety
restore Lost Vitality in old or young. and
Et a man for study, business or marriage.
t '� '•. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if
; m u tune. Their iso shows immediate improve.
tt and effects a CURE where all other fail In.
Mat upon having the genuine Asan Tablets, They
have oared thousands and will ouro,^ou. We give a p
itive written guarantee to ect a care ,5% in
each case or refund the money, Price sa ���la, Per
paokage; or cis pkges (full treatment) for 62Oiroular,60.. SY
mail, in piAainwgryappar. upon receipt oiprice.
t�rae. AJAX a[ L E DY CO,� bac (cigoa1L 's
Sold in Exeter by o. Lutz, IDru;; it(
Before. After. 'Wood's P11oa11hodiae,
The Great English . Panay.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in longe.. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. SU
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive nae of'1O'
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $i, six, 0. One will please,
six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
8n'Wood'sPhosphodine is sold. in Exeter by
J. W. Browing, druggist: