HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-19, Page 7I - q—, -V _� '"Will — - __ . _ , - , - I, �', _ - - — � .,- - � , . , -,--------- - - . %04� 4 4 . "_r�' � ­_ I . I I MR1000"111--, - - — — - MIMAY, JL;Nt INk IF24. 1��i_"_ -9 I a I . � . . ...... 1.11I.W �') . , �, " I 1111�"Tlil j� M I - 0 � - _ 1- 4 t. ­ -1 ­ �, -ft"W""" -1111111111111111111111101 I - " IPACR Parises � - 111.1 It ___ - - _"� � - ­­ ­___ 7�,� � I _ _. .Nmmmpmoltmmgw - - - - - 440w, W" sot at boac 24we eaR; "The sawavat ?be brealu, xiiklo 03 1� - .. __ - . 4W . # W" JMW Mk ft the '004"Astion i)f silup'ke "Molid, F _ , . . aho bod rwo, t* Mr. CkUSIS1114. Of tbi* 9"r fraii ik'V_ 111144 the ilac� � I � ­ �,, "01A toalt loolt wou. 0W." Wd W lerva tots IOU Alk it Wo, , "sot V07, 1 Wove. I me alsout ilia �#:Raa�ioor# i I , 0 1 1 .��v I I -, 414 ,,,, I - , 'i . I � to try ,out a 41"tit Or t1*04 ""a" Forlivit 110lors In it u0w� y , r XG, ­ � I I Roland Yorke will 40 for See." UM J40" *WWM so lead VQ.rke� T,k# �Nr,� uawi.,ia, Asit W#48%, L )es _1�t I .. ... �: _6 MO�._­ li*lk� - - "Anil 14ko as to eX ilirgWal- 1� d', writee.-Al Walk it tile, pwteosu.- Of,tIze Yorke trratoa- I I . I � tUtWill be gal",%is! " $6d"W#d, I$- � or 44 b; a tboy *to. I . I —A* Ast'r to I v &'A � I , �= a t Whet Atilb-or 4! V I . I q A -w-4— " WWI) "Xialt t star M 114110 4" *M to ,six% I A . la*4 la blank ft"sy. d .01 � .t4 graelQug!" ul�efvili Ro. % , �,.� - l $QU Attila it. vdacout-�­ � � -*-vw —_ I li .#. : 11 190t b4V9 to 4W." Ike sAllod awo SW t --Xoau It, ,. wit're a-,* ,%fow, 'Alta . o I I �� Axnr*m or "bar, 0* rooetliortot TotaraW to Nor 01414 I WAN 1VOWAt Witli Aq. X,)yA#. t1la I I 11 I4 yfa*oat'rorke U's tiol wmrt sad, aervoo, aid was so W, at ty911-uted ask? Y,4u Nuot I 1 4 .� hip. r I � I � "FAW L, Yang; W 44vantles. %*!* a "no"; . know as well AN 1 44 tb*t YQU votae 7 � I, _ , � L Tboaamolwt for ila*,, aIr# exit I oat Mr. GrWom *W% I' wwa Wilt &Wq AId f4 , aoxt in succ@Xglutij, . � I ­ I I � �, I I tbtmk that Its 114'4111414t to, Villl",t NO rJellit 1AM *llitro i Was 0*1 . , I - - . I ... �� I - PC or 1 !Atv*r- thQUillit of iti, Oliver %net, i . . MW 10111kbom"s Daughtow.", FAC. W balll*." saa after one of th"s,4it"kik � I don't want It. viottat. tilt follow; I *A SiRlig, oro"od the "Xiert fag* "aaaw o"Wilsea le ix W, At ;;A; I dgWt JA004' 1 hop*1 With 4111 Is ' - I �. I wrown, " - I � - - I - - - ..... � I'll, W_ - Id Xodo. "I wisk you success Is It." at a tim aS,I f0*141S 00 lit$ *04 WA . , . , , ))I . I i Poili"t dday Get thi's I'll 01110-0 001911111004!N _­ - . .1 ­ . * . � . . . � -1.11 I ­ I .10— . be Madly '"Id. . a wo"k liviog. I hoaff. You'll 440t well, gad hold It 14): � � _ I VaIU-44enewbilwknowl 11 4 ; 0 , , I 1. . lorbast You. Sir. A44 I'm give I I *lair *44" 010 wo ot x1mrst1r. 0b, Plek. I hope, you will", . . �'11 I W. wou * teSted. , . _XAPTIRIt ZU. Torkel"JW4 wm are. wl4k You Rat Mrs. Qroiator4w lkogp4 I MiLaun"Is , RON04 h2d riven SLI141 caught th% . � . . mfwada I` "01"kAt n- . 11: "A ltttittl" '0341411004 X01ARd. 9,t *'4`4sOr** set I 1140ttlY hOPO ,TIOU'll Rutogretcheo hand.. As air Vincent I I . . ot , ,*P0. Lotst . . . i A Tou"04 for IWAIRd York*. 11 otartlar us with so Muth afsority 44 r, Site k9wasi, stroftwi­­Ok! ead, Mri', HLUT AND "Wit heard %lit ear'ne4t,tones.'aud 1ka* till, 4i I S in dAility OWking. I Lounilat quit# book Il't the 0,14, to' *lXr0W' #Own tb* olk0r, for Us OdO-'CXVrkk`X C0101ax Wk." Q rAce 01 ii,eatilue eQuetra tuffilog ut* - tion limited. ()n1y,W , P19" . all t� a . . . it* valikly- 4 0 114 411 Its Ijulleleas simplicity. lite :. I . I . havos Audd9sly turned to t - *"* Modest lit altswer. oreatorki o" aw V" A)* ut % . � lWd- XV11ite to-doty.. *140w JlkO1s*haIr eligir. big toot 9xil,geted ,tgaisLouutcatloa ,fro* * arootorea _6 I saw I to to I ale to . 611591% L." . I .. , sit ka4w Nor* of 019 WaV, was 6064 t"t aga akr�u4iig theia � St"te""lit OU the liob on either V111CCrAt. "Whom lit It? �Whoa did tot thaa Rolslid, olato it was 4*4 " a a the hancat vyax. he CA .. � I side ot;the it*. list Mr. 1101*44 ter 4 short ii , - tilt volieluNOU that Roland bat tievil 1 If- yQ11 want the 1k)ur . it tooki? a vie I to , I t I Yorke. Uo )kid just Como bO=*,t9 It 004 old DIvk!", Who bad 110104404 to the Poor tilvA 4*4 tl*t W*y 1W 49111swilm'dopyeeivited among. them: � that wilt sive ):01W chil. . bad Came Joe for an* What no -Other NO � I lit$ Ave 4010lock too. &Ud took tbw ac- , t. " ko welat 0 � the 9040 -W now, 4*111vissitir 41w, 'bus. I4 4�i�il*A'"*f '..N-9thl11$ QalL 80AV6 lA*"JtQlJkAd' , tile . Iplo,�, r , __ _1 — I after dinner, Ali* apswerll I tg.r hiou. - =110d I"#" lot* a es6b,* " irbelor* have 11rououue4d lite 11A be .. dc`01111116 'br-Ain, body attd 011004 to Indulge In sundry rovelatt. Milliuralt.11. 4; X. pift 4"' .. L . . -Ilkrve building nutrIment,'. 1�1 -�� . , I . ' I L 'r 0011010 While waiting for It to L be t9Ok the lOttOr-whith, bcr#,a: for. J101lO 0.411t4uniao, $klll. ksld I laid for oly. . I . ,,**a 444 � wall tox*a, to )At. 0111 k1% 62, 'Post.nigrk-traw the MA444;ol"o to OAAW0. at oil '104. .9to A114 a"14,4 V*t they need -- use pariti btqNSIlt t* 111114, ObtlatMits had � r R0144414 NO W41104 IIA thil 0100tY 411*11g-roasi *.' __W C 4 4U $Qt that V am $0.11 " I 04%h , r A i PAtied, those two at tbre& do7a now; band to him. � Aud eggs' &NO Wheit ALU W OANK to bile, tola OUV XY The T. Ullbura Al"Wilit Roland's Imieral coutu. . . AVI"r. L , i I the brief toliday Was over. out Work- 401rits Won't down to sera is., he t4re ber bUrri"Irit'"i'll" it" haviloatil- . Toronto, I Oat. . ,� I $IOU, uotblug had struck n1ju more . ,,, . U, I . - WROM14 CMAft IFA.4M , * � , At open, for he V Tlk,* eab w**'w4ItIuC lit the do ka"mump 1111111111 Ill I - , , . l4g days were going Olt ggain. ecogulsed the 3yrWis _9r, , . than the choose to VAL'ont's toile. . . � . Iteland'V mood WAS & SUbdited L ..."; ... T ­q_— I Ma" "I . � .* - to, be, not Dick Torke's ,but Lord 90149d wet eager, Ant . h . . . � I The old. inluclog gNeelariap, Was %it- , . L 'COWANVo L M"U . , . .. . L 11 � A) One- CarrickIx. Olk"Its 0OW rally with blu4b-Z4 as"71; I job 11 I gone, A man cannot retain $inch I 11 S -� , - T"Op". , ) , I . I .. " � s . I � I things 4403441id to bft. more -or .,011o 'Come thovgb. I�x ritkor tAlked and held her hgaft. to have the rlXbt tvi.,vatl you to lwtlilevu brought tace - tit fac _ _ ­_ � - ill" ­ I ... L I . � - I , 1. 110m tinted with gloom. HAmish good.', said lie, running him eyes 4 kU44 It can't bo"far anythinir *140, You Qrd*V,' . I . death. , I —_ __ - i , ObAuRtAir 190A dying.' a summons liad , 09 Plain and ,spra*llax hA44 own owiAuliiabol. Holsgalugtolu4tal Welty rAsed her tl�a_ilralaed. tgco. .,,If you e0u)d ,but got W ; I . . ­ -1 Alv� I I I been "At for bla frion4s;1tile )#At i much. ,Ike his 0 -"-very , #111" re. I ) , I 1 41-4wo.vaipum SA. istl% wa. "WrIell; ties 100 -ON-baud 14P cortals, or else As "I'm going away with pa'04- H'P*V*u potted Roland, rubblu� b14 hot fag* ;: L '( ' L - 494110'aut at big trollbltal*l At 1*40t,� would bay* W4404 sad .got tolo. Ilk batter than this. .� k"W41tit to go as he� got back to his the I I . I .� � hour could not be very for offi ant eliou#4 APaL the AqW baillit ,(it theve,lt I , 4'� . . . . it. 1 , r lWaad -felt It dooply, The 04 worked 4&ylightof thom to vfiow bilgoelf by grajbtd� ilorb . '060tors, lawyers, *lid parvons­A � � . I � , .,_�,_ v by lit* brother g*rVd, -seemed A I again In Uvold eanutry!'he . he did qppola� ant) -, his *Wrtket �4ut ..We *hall all got therw In tilklo. have, had theal All ,%ere to-llay'" re. � . I I ., Role"* LIU �, I � to . ever will be OY*r In LqndoA,, divilctly, r t4i, be no k6od. Th*r*1I1_bo_a,",otty '. N'011Y."' absorkeil Much Sullied Sir Vincent. "The 4rat Man PU R1 L � ... � . to LaUt of his, MIUd for a moment. : 1, . . sleoising or Say, MIS$ R,VQ. I'll bring lifuli,biro, -CottaLkili' I 4aro"oky, Itif wall$ all.io,v- .91114"ll "but I W1611 I cOtIld bay* 900# i seat tor, '; . vrod with rQ441, And I 1111": viol twi "a", 'to after the ll,iit wax pro. i . 'Waklng' Vexation Of A gad 14tr6dugo hira 'to,you *ud,-Urs. rt his"attail. 011, Hamish, I do, tioutic4d, was -s. lawyer rivin I . ..� . I 4194reot kind was ,lisp his. Day at. .ToUsS." , I . . I tho vil-t ; � , I . . i.6 I � I . � . rament � , ,V re�'111141lt 40t ilt 1 'And Mite Aye.�Ioiigfisd. si,she log 'Ihayjp� as the doyle'lour. ,yo%lill Rot, , *111 never be out of,u eart., And time, -1 je&red, to get do I , L, tw , Ott. Great- I L . lX6 had loqkad ter.s. letter ,from Sir the ,ro6ftl L blid A I' L ,. , . . W1 � I . Vincent Yorke. Appointing him to tit* niom Vasty tuan, i4lud tr�ylnk- -thete'11i Y90C book get g tin, crown illrel, He, � I I - shi ­ " . I, will you" . . Madea short w)ill for mli; ' �, Post 'of L b4illf, and, no such, letter laugbeil -tar many's ds'y '- $0, Annabel w,bJ#Vo-.od. tb#efio**# .4'ot laureill At last, Andyeki not ifilus and it Wall L . . . a ' . - , �,,I , . . only when lbi'kaltto'tou. sum R . ter day, In hill singulue temil 1. � I bua4r*d 0. 70&r,. *lid w.0 v'b4l, be as A 49, 111410edl Giorald'4',�bla(* 'work lag* hard by; (lie I , � FLO- 1. 'L , 011419. ]Roland , ,"Perhapx ioaprWic 0*4 putialelkto doponlog to crimson, *be* would uot , to w(*rthou1!11"oAn,a , , . td#r What' Itg'P�QVL1$IuJJ% $tlikuld ,lit. ' i i. . I � . I :Wbo bad heard uoth. � The g - � I . ,. Iinilail trytair It. "I tblak 41IX4�. . eutio fap* brjikt with P. light gb4t I (Ike W flay.) 1,0416ilibered you. 44 .­­ . �., — -------- . QMMUA4 . , I . L I I 0 ths slight Accident cAyefd by 'something". self -c !id* Roland -,-'I t 14"Worlo, was t I urned to RQ- Va I t=­�,,� -1 I '' i _4-04N . , I (�: f ' ­.. . . � raid. (You x4ar be very sure Gera,14 C, utting 69 Ilia top ,09, big - ex1r* aU4 I.tillilk, AlijaAd." She added, flooding illut Of 'th . $ - 1- ' ___­ ,, imi"NOW, _- - � . bolt alill succesSor." . - . . . Would not be the on . , : I taking to' a, balf-illej,, 4)f, jugh-tilick ,40wa her pretty face. 11that I ulight. 14,04, "A better crown lawattlar. for , . " ­­�, ! � i`__];;W;;;;4;;;;� ' ' L ­ '1:214= ­ __ .. 11 , , ­ - . I 0 to opoKk of it) R .1 Roland *at, 'hopelessly, 1111tephi*.. are!p4juful gW�Vths. 11011 Lit haS ftot b#lped So ' . ' . . �. RuA11646d, the. baronet was. In, Paris broad. and, butter 4t A bit*.- �,j juoW have A #1111*01 1.11ked; akAd b* wol( `411*," he Murmured. I "MY.Lord And unable to take, In' too uitwh at all#.,*. , -'earns 0- .eoru syr%lp gad . I 1_-11� he'll riot, wout. the� will whion"t"ted � L I -,, - - �-Xaater knows how tba��,�(Ully I shall ', ,"The entalled 'prop � erty litollog 10 %V Y'8 Cora Renlovvr will rplopve eonin bile bitl", - y I I . L I with Ulss.,Trobbru. A. third Source, ,Pald tor'140.11, i, � . . . 4 I L . . . 11 . 'in the oftleO, ..- Bede , im stbout-, duAliel"11, I "That's J.Ony", sold 001404. - 'IWO SO, to. it, � I . . , but there ak and - - I I . . I . L .of 41,00014fort'-Jay b , 11 11 You, Is some, ero,(sa them, 4 . . . . . ,� ," 1.0 0", 6 . � .� . � I . , Thi� last zarsol.wgg 6&tQn,,104. Ito. might 40, with Mat, tt bick only at A - staml- ottlWAN at 'An IM k I I I . !,- .-o-"_�" 4R L 4 oreat9m, whose ,health fine* the , 6**udlu 'drod - � ing 0 - else, at lily O*n 414posal.'' With.00 , Ono' of our - JOB PAINTING AT TXx " I . I I to A0y0r'fAIJL0dl[ fered me Oui� bun 'pW9ut,qAb-hbV4o an the frosty street, excootion. ;r a tevic-gicleN I have boI, "ind, Itays that 1 ­ .- � . . I . . past few days bad signalW, failed, land WAS QU the Point of d . . Oq 14 u ii.. % frloitli�_,iands 03 -thig A, I'm 7 -I,--- . . r .., � commQ01Y close-Asted, � Thor** he 4 "reigklft""014ad that'L'Iba was bound illigothod It all ta,,you, ROIA4d__A,ud -lipping, t�is let . . . L I .. . . 'Moto, tot his savoti, I . . I t � .. _ . Avowed himisiglf AtL'Jilit 'Uneit ., . � ter - ' . , . I I I Vf� to Whl�4 lit heard Rome, 910.4 col4a to the house, froif, And no slid at fruit and 'OA 9 400:'4014YA410 '01410011- * 00 the you'll be Poor-atiough; and caused considergble aierrlwj�lj . I " -UN li 114 . L AURA001 caug)kt hold I've All- t In the . . I It I I work. AlWan extro, 1=0110'01t toll hougo an rdou stux;;sud w1us in ilia tau*- r�'Olntsd you iole oxecutor. out J I . .. I -OU his olerks., ,-,R4olgU 9uire for Xr., Yoicko, 154 stair .lie met- OM06 ,of k 001.4 syrup C CASTORIA '. I . . � I � I A Join slid Le abouie th d thought It VISIOUJI.Qf4he 'Ick try is V44,004 .." I I . I � 1. oer4006Y, slid sativ bluk yoliwill Make ibotter man; a coati I Y, It waa eVidently orapany - I** . . . I . . . before hylato! . I I arrival pf Lori;t CArr , P 1. .':0 ll�e w1thou - tteiv by ; . , . I . at _ - , 1. . , bet* shrinking fate & teW' farewell the tAiiullylt head, than 1. might.ba *,. sontebtle Ill Ueed:Qf,s$s18tAVr1 Ve I . 141"to Am COWSL L . . � q I . xxill Day had' *ell turned. hi�L ohbull& Sashed over ,bidil lie made a '4&Stk L to "It, Is jraui Grogtorex.11 , . itl "'L ' I V4 Ate, to , 1 14� , . - - �L, . I . �, L * have,' 40 '110 Wased It. � "to stick to 4*04146, and yet), Ueorbt -throw, I "Oh, sho,!,,orlod, ftolgud� fiji; piliOn- . . X S., . I L � 'L A1440 10 the lout t4a; Anil: I, , ilux truly ways than one-. �, - %,. I 4 . 1. 6 .4110 r � �axo I 100 Fairovw,"y . I ., I down, A meek little gointieul"� who tinkiles-fallio'g.'. "00 lit a togular "Oood-bys, 001ing. � Whon't comi clad that. It Is you t(_slIcce . . it I - '0M, . . . ; . � � It 1*4 SAY, dtay�borse.', '44 ruMor wJX..be14g.jPbQ � I . ) ad ill $41 min.writitig. to tell you that your 4%lwos kATO, ,.to, L . . I . WoU Ill t110- 011111ce, that Bede wu,4uta lils riau�. ". littlitoigil.Aiinabei. I1d,A9t'l1'kj,y9u , jilack Jt *111 :be ss blillift of'Suany not a' I � ' & �l " he L . I . had Art -, . . L . I I ,� .. . to -be boillio4d with be - r,," I -Aoad.11 'L. . . ,,5 11 ornlil", .1 .. L I av .60d, Whatever. . ' I - . - . .. , i L . I 9 I ready .". ton ton, Q; . out" llkilmlive of . . I . � - "" u Wuse, him-tu W14% it trgtui I dQnOt think great things.ol, Rod to '*I1--1_----_, -------7-= 1- _ 6 . � . . I, . 'iUk _,, �11.�*,It 4Aly yod?,,, � Vao. Mr. sad Mrs., B ,ato, i goiu ffi_*"A�! 4 . !��WI'11:1&:11,11:1:11!!jb , � I "', . � . I I ' : 0 Away, And Mr. ollreatoVol ad th4o 6vent4it 'W , , . 7 - _., __ - I ", � , I . 9 _ , L .1f6k . t4i depaitment In Beile'a'pla a. Ao- - r tb* Yloltor Was'Aal�adk jint. 11t.L, � .As considerably his .o.roponalty tot xpVA4IAg,,, Von. , " � ., I. . .1 . ­ I �:,­ . . . , � %Ilt*r when haWa . - � . . I . . . I ;�rvvplqg -w"'th 41sap- "She -would be',always,gogd. delay," had -been Jugl "I'Allude to his d1gooritiOn which, - � - - .� - " I . !Rallbt.� Said Rolkud,�- ther egrAtro ... . I I . . I . w Roland' slkvo a groan� I torn . rup Is no k t - L . I I. i. . 4 �Qreitoira:i wet going Laway'vilth. big 0 -ilia libuth - I *I on . , L have �1 , .1;W . *It* 19r Changi and ra$torstlou, and " Itolahills 44 ,= rflia a S4 to 0 1091 . ad# . I . ths:t Mr. Brow4 WiM to, be head of L i . - i I - I . L I I , , I I IL L land did not regard 4pect With munfelkil _ .,L -We) . . . . . , � � . c '"t J0440- - - Ro'lis --'bibuibt a 'c it Us Wire, xny,lodger, ,(IQ*,, 140 � I 1. axtIouittlidepO41ted tinood, Sir Vtncoat. ,,Ij�ojsld uld 14 1 _. L - L L the pro .4 Out. -, �. vi(k I I � . ]Pleasure OA from *.;�Greatora and a few wailrdt"t9 me to-s4gy US ., at Ill* - 4TAIM statl&#� near Suittiy t . . . ..�, L I . 1111 I . I .", . L . I ....?, I . � � .' The grievauce,that Is n " X, Itilouillolantyll . the' toad And Ave eyerr &era of thg� evtxte luort- 4 I � , '.1 L W, L . � � � Y R" took Olt hit bat while J 0 *011yerod it., ria - , 11 . - I � ' VarmOst IOU big mind this Ovening, I � I, -b, - retu i ing_i�ajav to. Malumit. At ,)Iop I . Mead, Looking ',up, gaged to a -couple of yearo:. I - think ' ' L .. . . I � � . ... I 11 . �ypu I . - , are to 4". .stouleigh An# u be ro*44.111 the;t6ldm000lipt, . , I I ,�taklllx Jana with. 144; , I � . I . .. , . I I *$is the 4116tice Of,�Slk'vfficoot ito, bagk *Ith me, t dow i , YOU 'Will be diforeat. ..Don't live be. . I . . . I . - rwory4m. . - I . I . 1. I viiii vile 911,1100 lit 011041� it You 0100k Mr.� that IC It 044MMA144'aa, obloqUon. uDcg`rt&14­'WtI0h *# bin voy, h'V' Y9,04 *901, wealls, Rolano: that's all," . L'' . . 16A&I f. r , . . . . , I � . I . � � I . � ) I . . setwettil, ; 7 . � * I I f'I'll try to - 40 lu$' boit by 'every, I I . . , , . . I I - 14,141411 li.O,had- grieved, until a � hall T,Orx,p, 1 . 0 9�W L by. 'A mon Ill �4 � I I � 1. L -AV. oreatorts wauts�1j411'st, - I lto *kid be woillid likii'Jane to b*,,Wlth Joilnii ljlm�blf�* c I . 11, . . At be COuldcrieve U6164ger, - W;?!,l 4t*4epAA -#I,tb:,L lCili one; ..AUd XkdQ44 __ L ' ­ I L 1. IF I . � I , N Site .."What haro lue Wtter-tban: . the garb-ot-i " L . - a : . �_ qr-www . . . . the rumored change in, Xba 4L � I .done 401 1 1 . I, . ' b64Y." t0lied llolaud,* ,,A%-Eo.11y-� , , I I . .. I ' ' - " -421911t Affiv'fr be carried 'out;,. I -but va, tlon4d Roland, auticl�atjve ot reorf. he'd makiii Wworth MY�W-bile.1upoint " �1 liss Pardon, att. at*, you - -Ur. in , g L OeyQid 'M,V'�!aAv%,,'Anliabel will .' �­ " � I '. . . .. . . . . . . I . - , . . , I 1 ' . 'tke $core of Sir Vincelit's 4eglect. ma4d. , ­ . . " ... ... I *?1i � . . . I .. . . I . I . . L � I qt sattr,Y.11 '. '. I, *,prk .11 .., I I I I . . I " I . - � . fee to that, god take -a or:Up@,. 11 , I . � , I � L . I , I �. I . -titere was no *paillation, L .1 ,"It is net far %fty.-iiiin - f . L' ..4 "Then. A 4n4bel. � It YOU 'd " 4- "Yes " , ­ ,,., : I 1. r cal � , � I I L . Our MAP', peaki Wore WAsh _ .1 , . ._ ., L . to that,iort, JeCt to the �Lob , .0h. , V I r Dick, it ileemiL Ito Wicked -of tile � . I 'I .. . .. , I - on't MAI . . . � I . . , � . I .. I . SIQ11 I . " . Ily of it, aj if 1, W L, - I I I . --A . . 11 � , I ' 4'I'd 'oat Ire ad teli. . i,.tb#t*V ii#t.� ,.W , I' Vo L at the dPg­cAet'hero,'sIr.10 � "I'a L � I '00sird ts .- so Stroot, fough aim r lit-biza so," grambi VIr4 I believe Sir- Vincent Vilrke,hzq� nit mbakej , ied Roland to talk cou, ore spee . . I I - . . . � . II . 11 11 I , , , I . graphed, roe y43u to. p, 40WA � t6 tied. - And .1 vhal� look ;ipnh It that Sunni Mead was clov : lllltiv��'C&l your death. . , , oprable'that a fun -grown- won or , I . I . 4010k him complaint striving'to ,And , *O, You T" rkuri .I *lAh Yould I , L , ;J1111 `1P 'him At SuUUY Usid.. - T4 4-*jP;ttjh We Ace aA giitld- *a married.. Wilgf-S. � '1-011 I , " . , 11 . L .s. ayali it the V1 to Jose A.6 li a,*�, 1. I 0 an page 0) .. I I . I . . .1. .1 I a4lf In word ' tain, I- - s6iipe4a wit""I ' Won't.'l ille it ion vl.­ ., . I , .to . . I I . 'Cane wheR* Ace '491d y9w water" a .. � . I . � � (Contifiv . I I I . I _41 Lic � . I apPlied,,'or he L �, .J,wlt , L % , "I � L At � - — ,� 1. 1. I . . ' _t , 1 - —, . I WOMOU tan itaind, onit � WithOlAt I glilt.L'be Saryj4 � my I Of tell __ , 'L , , I .L -_ . I I thought, I'd. not To'wash his baud*; fi.tuxb. blis hitj:,* I I I . Ost blood Au*� 46- . minutes, walk. f .---Iwmw,l , . I I., I '. 'y "I'L , . ... � I . I . 1. I- . . w -t th�j� gave ulvk orilefft. to be 1-�, -_ . . 11it-WKS-ce or any I , , I . . I. oils,lit write and Put,OA Sir; '.. . . , � to me. It's, all Very flaii for hita. * mJndto,l . fv4mveriloo 46i;lt Itioltbut. al4rro*11: I'll, 64 tar bfin till my �­iw.. _4 - 4 ' L doing theL rU% ' I , . " 10 kfekl befo IdIpt. to sayl touldn't I Jukt set , dawU,;AA4 ,kalt for `aveiy. train untir.'K r vpi� _1q . O'� - Part of It the least harrA 1 Tb * aif� 811w, �... I . I � I I , us up 1XII& heals in Parls, .And thV offiesi JJtt,F01 he We* .iti Arms il,00p, �` I, I ,� .77 1 ' .L IF *001� 21. . . 6 . . I I I . H.Allllsh? X1.11ke to'ter,11 liiln.,"' , "HOW 144S . . 1, I � , � . . . . .� is jeitloi oft,j:�V, ilia aou tal0'" . : / , C - I . I .dlikl" magUlticeotly,in the restaur- b has S,id#, _AA4,'­.to Jh9 '4" . Tfj ran Joftfy u I Q. !�. 0 11-1 o. , "k, . 6 *001 014% Bike or PW of. _ . 4eft* 'of I I L I'Lair" gir Vincent F­vcr,� ;, .� . fa Tilinkot, . I .. auts.-Al Partridges and ohampagn P 'a stairs sk he , bota - I I . I � It I _' fookit. ,"anxIsh Wait to h04; 4 . . arls?'! #ue - - I *) - I . I . . . . �. I . . and f ' In 'a, )low a$L'b$ If *1 UP- z*AtOiOj.'_,,Tb*,L'LJ�L er. wel#od &a J11*0 back from P . �stionto .Ro. � � e If 19,1-, . the wtar' theri in -in a . I . - . . � .. .. � � � . 1, I . I . � . .* * b, ?4_ets, , � l4lid, AV: tbty b990144 Moot, I I . 1. . ,N(iI,�. I ,Iki- 't� . I Iteli It WXA 1;0nd'. � , *Jid 2 ­. I . ., '. '. .1.1, (,- r I - 0., , . I bad to I tffLuW,JJi1_,tb* - . . t I I . I , ' r Is b0pes'; *;,lite 'on , IY,.Wltg There Wthe . I ... v.. I � , Amu a; b 11 Ah4**1Cf llicm:�$ 10-3 �,e for Miss, NO I ^(1 , ­ � v . I I., 41 _ I . . ,::,' . a i 8 vild-, remeni rA* , , #At , � Saint wooring qualities 114,00 . . I .; . . . . . . . . . I'! . 6 i I .her. I , . . I I , counter !, ­FroyA Fail%, Art ,He* tlay , I � W I LSON'S " : ariloleS �Jft L L . . I , W. "Sir.Tincent Yorke to.M.t; Opel(torez. pajlo�' like a� ball.'her eb*ek -close to . been to,14 not W01Y. ­214he accident 1 'I . I I .. .. I now, . his - addy,eas. I . 4 1 know, It a I. � ,, 6*e , " lt,,I,',�, - I . r ;IXP Ptarl Ware. Tri pot the , , I I .. I .1 1 , � "'t0ft." V ''AtO I. i th '" ' L, .. ; , -Itionil-R61anik Y6rlre 0*14, tv. gas IliA_-Rolao.4 whis, L I StQP0dd-b)* gain . . W111011, board, 6114fiv convinc4d. , , ­ - ­ `�,. I I—— t . - kno er Itittor - 0'ered Ail the-Iteluis ,.,, I ' . '. of goodL;lie)y& eXUlianily: - Idedt'2111 . .. .. I i . � . I % . I . . ", I I I, :: -, L and tell' bl' to put, me, ;nu( Or_X . : Ili firtit trala, . )wa* 0 �.t " .1 Ii never oc � , What ',Ace � - . . , I . . . r , - .1 , V� Imo." ­ . I I ! I . . . . I . ... r tau$*. It'if a- r6 ilar,shipie,ofifink -L�' ­ . " . ­ . . .. - Currod to -, hip), to thifilt th#t til , , what Ac'Maill.:,"Rolamillis, eye$ I I a AmW 1. I . . , . . I I . AS � I ,. . I . L' L' . ey ,,�Ah. I F LY A& DS � '" �� '' i . . �' L . . . . I . . .- I .. . III Aw; . *_:.,SuiII!P, Partaxtux, somewhat as, lie* 4101016d to 'tb4l Rao- . L, 1...- k I ..., I.L, � . I 'ap,glied to L their uf4lgx - with A I I . . I . .. "6�6d olit'Diolcl ".repeated " '- 'might ,turn out to - �� Ail. .. 1, . I . I not to aokft ledge It, wheh lay heart JAL Roland' . . till, castles In the - . t widtb I X it , Wlaf I I it k� T t4 it N I , I *At$ Set an - being Able to ca the, f�lla4k$ of his beajt� . i f . Atursrise, ' 410 4Sr - I ... . thought, '1161 r6r4p,mber me, 'and of Oi� old auluseil character, a LV* - 4 0 ; . ' L . . , ,*Vp,�i r,t 'A.N,y " 'L ,. . . . . :�,�� �, r rry Rain- . S 8 'i Aor SM P, I , . . . 1111h the *hearing news, before bq I , Itted Ifivt I WAN" .. I I .L I &.I,. I r. N ' I . - e4w� W .1 I 1. I IepraOhint him. like alir -scro4vL H&MISh's Wasted but 01:31 ..Lit' Wall , I S, (,( , � , (.,.! CHF I) I . 11 . died, that Annabel Was Pr0lded for. ' 100d 1100*441 And. 6L ' L ,P ,a . I . '... 11, . . . It Dick W6W4 ably give us,& Pretty .tin L.L t 'f, f to _"Cat! , ' '('IS to A1104int * :b..e&UtJfUIjgee And gat in his bloo Q&tlged, ,you Say; lir Gerald Yorkel" A Un 'M � I I � . . . I, . I . . I to t e batillf,il plitee..* Mr. i eyes ;is he ll$teiteC L . : � � L. . .' "That it w$LN.,Xir 1, I I a ,K- " . . . .1 littli cottage dOVi'Yonddr and A pan- r are *A � .. _ L , .. . .. . i, N."WI - . . . Ple of bundreaii A I . 11 . "You'll leave Aiinabol especially to "Why, holt'm . I M. -hu. ____m ..A . -_ I Alldw 4W - . . I I . ay,b6thor.­ , &MI . � I I . year, Xt wouldn't "W011-11; miy be,,' muxe;C Mr, , ale,, won't, Yoll "Well. Sir, t - - LSoW bir i. . 1*43 �� 1 '4, ". : � , . to much f6r .Dick to L � , Haui;sb*, And wish -us Accidents happen unin. Clean to h4Ud * , , I r �� � 4 give. -And , - all . '# ..., . 11UT, MkTA�N"Wn 0 .. Vd 4reatarem'. "BUtL I had fancied the 'both Joy And bappfoess,71' - - Druggisto, , "I wirm . I rr . , I I - . . up", L , e4kAtional to the Wit of us 11 observed to- rotors and 1`0 it CAL 0 1 . � . . . , I I G , . I . . I I . . I I . , I . . perve him brAVilY day and night. An- Post was, filled '110 Inlo,'StrIVIActa be #�Iite. ­80tue I 61teral Stoies I �. , =411MAL ,IV0411110=2211 100.1"o . I - . � I . I . � . I , tabel , sayq_ Oho%it'A�Y41U, 44NOt lt,� iq "I _ff.iNb"LyOU both the best,,wlsb I., I r W#8 . , #s , am, sald that; the StUtlevian didn't � j.6" 1 1 'I, Now*mwmm' -0 I - lip I Rye, 1i k -ung )Iye Dlekl I can. wish, ltolanil-­4941s blessing.?l .at' ,,. r - i - ­_ ." , _'. ___ . I � . I I It-" Precious 0014 tO-nlglltl!' did btf, 4�OMJ %LCIC.froftl FArIg?�"11`n Was the low� elirn,el *how hinigolf 4dhtg-_At handling of A —_,, , , I I � ..! . !! - - - . . Miss AYR b&4 to . . lt-aiigwer. 1,11114 , .� 11110 I � I 11 ill I'". ot - i I Me ill With:the "'I kn�W notbllkg &IJA $1 ' L � I I . _­ ­ ­­ I. t4 L - . I ____ .—v � .___­_,­..'*� _­­­� Ion I I 4� . rOugh-this life and In that ; I I- ­ - ____ ­ _. 1. I—— . � -- ­ , _­� "I _ _ _._ _ 11 I I . , 1. . A, - _1111111ililliggg"'L­ , ..ft L, . -_ ,. I miAxIl'te4-trty,� the xemant W4� 64*., eentl� recall( moke]njenix, Ur. Vork6.. to Co'wSe.1t I I . .. . , "i don't billeve be eye I L I ; I- . .___ . , . ,-. . ­­ I 1 about Sir VIA- ble-slitu t=' I , ,. . r f9bo wore a knot at t I ue ribb6n in Ile . PAIMM41 .1 .1 ., ;, : -_ _._._.,: .1 — � ­_ .. �­___ . hair, and looked a YOU had better'be gettlat to thi-Wa- AOIAnd beni 1l,18 otv,or a " . I , �, ,� , , . I , I . I . I therivise -Ilr1glite face dowA.'to out In his life"bof vowed Itu- 0, . .. .: . . 1. I . I.. � . I ." !.,7 I . ,��. 0 , . � .. , i� . Since, &,private late terIO0 Stitioni" 11AVq You money, for Nelly'a to bld"'Its,Onlotion, and be- oulofyo Roland, " "What k tool he I . . 4( . , . . I . rylow held wltb� the. ja"Ati?"' , , , L - . " � 4xu, Coming beri Hitt triot for.Hamlih *uAthavolleetir ]ROW isflir'ylllesnt� � ' I I . �' � I hope it Was no . I ,,,,�_� '. - I Mr. Butterby and deorg6 Winter. "I've, 40t xbo�ut' Seven eaco-ulf.�. ROW Ltd*MA,t6,,, ,Lk' , . . .­ I P � .1 . Channini s6weliuies �showed :9401139 On? - Vinsilre I . I . '. when they returned to release her vin�ny;iir.­ L . I like any'ilirl's . . . . #Ire$ . CLO - - , - from �ustOdY, she bad appeared 1111,� . .,And I I 1. I s0tir. �tV_ " "Sir Vincent Wig going on sillright I . . L I A different woman. nor Whole aspect Mr.. at4litoreir took A bolt 'a 1;rt ,To L A, I . elgn frf L - I )M,hlg d blill 1, . � I I 1. . . : I I . I eo,k: slid -,ten, X , "a. �. Atli io-dey, Sir;;"_JkQ4 as to the dank,I I . . 1. " . .C.- . 0 I , I - . .. .- . . . . . . �� Wall Changed; tbt mad, despairing fear 111 silver. Ilk doIL't knoW �Aoyr *its,; "Ut!" exclaimed Rolaiia'. the Sur. *$,a,. it was not lbouslit to be ageh, . . L . '. 11.1 L. . -- - ' ' " . . ­ . ,, I � . Us& , I . I an her fate bad, given Place to a look the tr4las run,'- be 000erved, "but PrI;e venaing him and his wet eyes lyth"ar now MIR It bas taken a turn . . 11 . . . I L 1. of rest and �hope. 'ItOland nad taken L � . . . . I . I . I -_ ­ . occUldon to give Mr. Butterby, A text* If YOU -,to at Once to the NtiLtt6n',;";o1k balf,upright. I . . for. tb0 Worx6. ,* "They talk . at *ry,- .... 1. . . , . . . I .. " � I .� � . . . . I will, bf Aft rlitit for the 13�,S� that "You and Arthur jointly., you Will , �Polas.l , ,..� I . I . I I ' 1.1.4 . L . I of What that g6utIeMAu called � take cart, at her Intorests, I know'." �,. , I � . ' I -� Not to the stWou, let It'$tKirt As "Olt. J bow 90ild of you! , . 1 . "sauce," as to his Incurable propen starts." . I # I 44 41 Oh­thAt'* 44thint," said Roland, , G_ � - - .sity for plivell fatuJith, kut* A, fellow Who sot eryalpoigg I It wits =dthe wrong Par- soon gg'Jt Would, without Atst stftt Nellj,'s i-iiardlau 114 the face at Port Metal till it was . I . . . I 'I, slid telllu;b. , I. ! 1 Won't. 1I take ga,40 1 . I . Sono and In return to AtivikilL ' ood�Scragndon C oal . mind his While Mrs. fortune. I or io 84 d )r ner! abd love her, -too. I . so.big &A a Vu�.mpklh, but, he did his . - . I . -own business, t ill , . I L . .- ! . I Jon6s* bad be( -n existing silica, in A ' AWAY lip thlb XtAlf'S"wilit L Haftil3b SM]Ifd. . Not her persofiii 'Wort all -the game. Tbat,x jt,�, he I I . . I I I __ I " , . . . . ! . Roland, In Search of her,plesping over ,,lardlit Roland; b(Ir Mother wlil InfatallY Oeldk, as they approached - L . .. ..� . L . .. I' . . I . � chronic state of tartnest3, for ishe softie boxes that stood -Packp 1 alemil lit to her pl'operty," , # ftoulrw� � 1146r Dicli, consusqg in. . . I . . Could not come to the Uottor , 4 in the e! thst, � M GOESTNOTLL (not. . I., .a of hall, and there he ebcouuterod Ur. "Niver, wind; it's All one. doors#, 46�106'r range"0081, which 19. a mixture of chettaut and P" 6081) - 11 L' . . . things, ind Alleths, betrayed any_ Bede %GreatorSt. it, ,was, T1144i A 1 � , Afttr thing* himself, . I � . . . . I . . v I. I t I I thin k0tir Whole It. llai4lsli, for your trust In rat'.. � 'Pitt Ins to do It.0 . . I 1. I . , . .1 � . , � I ber.9 but a readl : ness to, enlighten day& singe Roland had Me(lhftn. and '. I unj,�qro%id! A . A WhIA that Ybu U.VO4 S,, 2�_Jkl­bvd, lair 0mcb, In the I - L . � . . ,j� .1 . , . . . - . I . I: .� "Have You, seen your letter, Mr. -we saw,blin , �. It . � I At thought he had naire.� seena face Ire a .-j# girt, &JJX�j Nefly, now downstairs *"-, Where STOVEARd E009 at $1 600 *0 PER TONS . �. I I I I . ged in *6 short space or tl*4. - I Ott brotittaxtis ith " . It at' $ ' L I . . . . � I 30 than .. � - � J�,, Oeraid, I0 Sir Via. . i r . 1. , I , . � I '...o"" W. I I ­:t.� I .w_nwi. I W . ".� )._� L - 4LAt Y k 9b dog bfttdtk hjvg� no . . 11 . . . 11 ..: I . ____ LLLLL - �__11_ __==tft=. I . . . 11 . .. I - _____ ­ . I . � --_' L �, , I" . I I 'Lad to great Roland. DONESTR 4. in. Lump VoR I'll .2 ,soo , r- 1W* RL TONS . � I q I � . . I I I ­ r- _ ,�., . ­ ­ IgRoulallroly ' 4 rather explativ,gly,. I . L L I I I , I - .. . � L I - . . I I I . " . , . 1482cated African triViollor All 0001 Weigh4d Ott h1arket.Scaless. . I : . . I . . . . I . �L . I . I I . . Iturst out' with regrets On t1lif store 1 . I I L I . . . . I . I . . 1 4 1 . I - . I ' I . . . of tits ap4litext, and the *ore eispo. I I � . . . .. . i I . . . - I I I . 4111110,1iihit It should bay* been Caused L . . . . I - . . I .1 V . IAr 40sid, I . I I iL I � . . . - -_ � b 11 gold. Sir . I I I I I . I visill"t quietly. "sit do;Ar Raised, . . . I. I 9 I *tCuearto. I H, - tv I . er f ar from. - - ",09; It Was z� W Jo G A marve.; . wear I . "It', 1414f4144041bit I A r a 'ES" -CARX'DUTLAND CEMENT , 1. . .. . I I I d ain � . - I .L I . Of. Pain, and ift,4i't care to� t it it,* .. . . I I . ,ty'garlmlle*nts , I* A ... . ' . . I . Z:3 � I distance I . . L jUSt ill'i Whiell we are sellilig at N I �� ___:­;" " . I 1. . 1. - � . . __2 4o - I I I I Roland took . i��_ �, I the chair polat#d Jo'L L I . ­ I � 1. - ­ _� � ' , L, . . �, It isn't because they're so fr . aftille tha . t your crept I . . Y , � not a Yart Or Sir VJueent as lie lay, � , L L . fle I ".._11,-�1)"zD, I .1 � 1, I and the two looked at each other. I& . � I ,,,, , garments, fine silks, itud laces wCaj out quickly. 80610 - PER SACK . , ­�,Z-��:�,', . . . � � king ,of honest glignis. *AM am -jto. . 0 . .­­-- - . I I .'.. ..., -- - *::-, It's the injurious .things tontalned in drdinary - , land's too: he wax Ilkwardly go'ki*t . - -od.citn, which i'4 allowed When saicir is- retitr _.L' . . . , . , laundry SoapS.L , I . . 1 V 11 . I Sael, . I . nie& - . I . . I . . - sheerem, . ­ - I ..", . I . 'You can'.get far niOre weAr from the . Z\ . I h*kf bow Mach Wore jussince oat. ..-_,s.,;. (N _ _ . . I ald. gas"t to bring oil him. I " - I " � � , , , , . I I .11_5�_ �� - - -0;A�-Z-�, .1 � daintiest things you own -by laundering them this - . . I -1 -11000 you'll O"R be about Again, I � . � I .1 I ,,�_,M_,_�'. i:�____11 I I way: I , I 1� � I ­__ - �, , X 4`kr!, '-,4w �t , 11 � . , , VlAtOnt." . W"EL, — 1L.. .. . - ��, ,4. 1MV A 11;1 �_Iyzl­_� . I lw­v, ", -, i � Use snowy -White crinkly PALIVOLIVE PROT" - 1. I I " 11 booed so., too, u0th this Inam- When in the marhet for anythilt(Iii-NMI) "I t I .. ! I � I I I , I In. L 1� L : - - ) CESSSOAP ARS. Nothing but purest soap. 11111 .. I L - �� '1,a4,",W" Sir VJ&CO*V,s ausWer, *$Xy .9 40, I ,,, I I L , .1 � A great foara oi'suds that gently dissolves all dirt � . "I I arget theft we carry as com% , �c:4�4*1114n`e as we did when V . 1. ,I,z,, 010. was lory UMOAOY Atli last light. , f . I .­ 01i Me , � , .. . and soil -but tiever injures the filmiest fabr;c. And , I k - � � ,1 . . . . . . *.W� , -I I a? , .; , I 41JILIJ llftt At "illay1weak for tike stir. 0_ F :,__ 1, � I - I if at ything it really brightens and irenews delicate �' , . ii - I .11 , Square, and can save yo 'Y I ' , , 1:�- �,� ". 4004-' NO 4!61110, sad WA#,obJIZ#J to .� 1 � , I�MVOL - - colors. . t L . -- �­ I it#141 Is# thAt as Unfavorable eksage ­ . I L.. , , 'I, 50C. Pop PAC L I Being pure solip-n6thing eIse-they go far ,:� I L I -.- 1, L kS� L ,, .ka LA:' " I - titer � � L I I I � taken Axed; it fatt, that ditagor. . L .1. , �'J . and ple4n laore thorought. lent lo , ous symptows had list in.,, 1. VURESQ�,._�*__, ARA81INE at k1k, . . a v. That niskes III 0, . 7_1 kage Actually econatnical for use in. tfi 11, I fflil , curol?" dritif, no. " �14i, ." T , I . I a washing ina- 11 11 ut yell Qtu be ,�"" . I , . ­ . I' . L ine, for all laundering. and for all household . . . .1 .1"d, ,� . e., � . clit I , "e � , �, . * r orposes in fact. - ". .. I 11 . . 1,140, hot now.,,, I I f . L �. . � . '�, , i . . . I � 1 I y . . - I . I � I . . , I . , "I " Your dealer has thent in bandy one -pound pick. III� � I I I "Nat be turtil" "01441110 Itolaad, _e�V:,",'_..", " If you. are going to do any . �11- . 11, I A " I �_ Ages, DO get SOM64if 091Y to tty-today. I Startles up with Wilt 1. It � o '. 4" w I *,To$, 4#4 t I . I . . . I hardly,.knowlog what,tq v4dorgiond, I - - .1 I I I. . "Do rdu Mean, tkit It Vill to loot :�-T V11BIXG, KEATING I ELECTRIC WIRING I . I '. I I , % . , L'. i I ;'- � . THX PALMOLIVII COMPAMY O? tAlKADA, 14aW I , first?" , . � .1 I t I � I L , I "I . I I Twatal . . r .1 I . � . III Ateau that I Shall o4yor 041, . , I MCI, tVe- are ill a Position to give Y011 ,'ill Al joh, and Promptly. � I . �� I . �Ii - - tured At 411 Is this world, Sit *Xx ,I . . "" � I , Ra,loall, oat notes, qvittw�," I I . I P A L M. 0 IL I V V i I M . The I I I 11. . I 1, wound, regarded at Ar#, -A6 4 IrefY . :1 lr% I I , 'islaii1o, see, 1041 stpoisatly (lligilait. ­ . L I .1 IF L . ,� I ,11s W lllrovotls,�'Woll, bat takon 14 _1 turn for tit# * 11 N . , � � . I I '. #Vgg,-.X*d **A shortly . R11, "' C IF S S'SOA1 ' I ... end ,I* togth. .140W. 40 be trAltull, . -1 CHASw Ca LEE .. I . , . 11 ... 014 fellow. *%A luton. You Aro Mir i. . * , , I � I , I I I i, 11 I I I 1, I I - .1� I 1, I Ty - I I 1, I 1, I!, 'I , , I , I I. [ - 11 I -Va �' 91 I i-�,_--ig,,- 'I. , I . v � i 4 , I I' 1, or/ .. I . @l.d&&..w hitir, you k4*w, 4914111U, , The, Hardware Store at the Harbor I FLAIK/ES Roland, constrained to fatiftes, I . I �ftd big thalro St&r#&L .a%d PUllfiL at 4 I Iwo& i0o r it ft+ . "W" ," �, , . I f1whisk#rs, ant staiti agalu� 'Phonos: –tore 41yan PPOMPt and Carew � I I roroso-q *14*, tw ~*a" W00AMO .0 1".. ,, �'Vour hoirl" Houlss* 1 2 711008 order8ful Lattention. � & ­­­_ ___1.._1-_.. I li . L L . . o L lo � "CettAinly. My helr.ro * , . . i . L , - I—" Wft�� I Im"m 1 o � � , - A . I I oil= I. Thotextingeser be# Sayer, In tito IW See _­­ L , " , ­ " ' ' "' L' " ' L' L L L i � ­ .- I . L . I "' L I I ". i -- 1-- --- _g_Wg,1WJj' 'L I L I IrAWS Course at kw 1*" fttq" I"* -I- --I . , '' � L - ­ I I . - . I - -1 . . L