HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-19, Page 3— - ­11111111� �_, __ - . I -1 . - 711�1 _ "`��. - 1. I _!! ��! . !! — ___ - . - - __ - I I oi,oimi_iiiiii"iiia�leii..- - . -_ ­ ­ I - -11 - -0 ­ - - -_ I - _! '! !!-00-01 I � i i . 'M-�= — - I � ­ --- ;1; �- ,­­--.­�!_ . 1 1 11 ­­A�!i - i ____ -1 I TRUAWAY, ALN8 U0116 11P.04. THE GOVERICH S -VAR � =���_ =_"=!2TMM!= 11 ­_ - I , ""! ii- - - 011,11811111 , I t Jill 01i1!1w!0 I ­ .. -1 --- .010=1 P"X " IN 41 . - - - - ­ I— ­��­ - 1.� . I—— - .. __ _ _. It -, __ - � I - - - ""001101-1,1111 I I I . W You $4WF= 0 I 0 0*0 "DRYS GIVE IROADWAY ' ' - - 4---r � f SLAM I No a%& mil -11 MI I I WNST JOLT IN "IST00111 I I I . 11 I ; . . _.- P"m Ne rhood News .rgets — I I in . . I "New iork StatO f3 *i�k- Wit— . I I ki Burtiot i\ 7, rrom VA161%n9rft& 0116 * iust as wide as ill the IDU �*r dap*,11, I I I Thw 60,3 the "Ardi;' aW, powriA. 11; � . ficked Our . I R%W 01 46 Rue, tho 1110atck.s.", "whoQe croo i,; � I , I* . ",to with 1w fbilk that vlakt� the mo*t . ! I I i )&. Jok. 0*, Twkgnb�� a votw** BIAMW ^W � nvisel) re�echo the 'Aaricr. . I � I I LOOD 4 ' "' * - ; L I , � I . wel bwd of Trs& Me, YootiezAay-107* brid "4 , It is tylie NeW York, City 6 pri,-em. I -1 ,-J- I � ".. I ffi� I AA11iV4r"Wy__ChWM P11010lie Grodawwo Jow � . 'ntntly the "KGRISIN" Of 00 &Akte I I . k �11 , 04111, im Tri" W"*. I � I.. � I � I I and Notion, YeLt tvtn ia tjoi-I liqw;, fdOet of Us Have to Save � 'A I . I . , i . . .; , � 11 ,� 1. � � 6 rtdoubt+ there is 01111WARL *ViJtAC(1 So*$ ".***,at* luicky-like �' ITTE thItt PINhim - illion and inare "000 Us � B � do,ii4wavor, Thatv h 1; dtift Uv* to says. 340st of *a . RS I I ion ia a *"%t improve- .460" I I _ . -A I-Wiftew AvsUcan CharcitCleltbriates c�lvod*ivord �vcicutly of the de fill" I Inent over the old bar 4*yW A num� ,� I AtOOMIAM41,130"MS, "her* the "viagtt no sto4ft ' . . Fiftieth Antilvars#0 . . '14, Brewertou, Wash., on Julie ath, o I I bier of "missions fo.4, *Wlkoirde h&vle -0000* I .. . ;1 11 : W" 41V9 T" MAW �qt, Peter's Anglican church vk;le. .sister, -Mrs. Robert. Fulton, .follo, ;1 M . .1. I had to close their c3ori fsw, 14,ik ,)f :114 $11 to 44litz , , 440" i i o-10 I I I - 4 ­1111--l"Whom"W"41 � I . Um Q. H, Wki* 4" Bsrw;ra'Av*, traQt*4 Illness.' Her , husband � - - i . the raw materiaL �Qtkori, -�atilt ria m. * . I , , , Tom*, 10. t,,(, ,writoa:­� I I have aut. , *.. a Cold. comfort. subli4bit. I � . brated the fiftieth anniversary of the & Pro . 20 N" &AP 3%t,97i*;"* Pearl �Castll*) 1000 . � . 1 fo*4, on YA.V I fol, 644 Ole opetlinir of, AuglWaiii -services lif the predeimased her a ��eikr-aeo. ..­�,, two 11610 West 40 ca,mbray StAtion, ain't" say they 84W f4w and 10 � I ! _k k%dock". � - %vithout 443, worliiai,� the train" con. roong'. but � intoxicalte(l - I A Itiond of luilij "" lne W t#*4 village on sun4gy" June .1itiz, AvIth i An zgett'r WC441i0s, � they prewnt thcaqwpel 14' * I 11 1111RIGGRIt's ORAXGU No. 3 Tin An,. ,, i' Butd0ek B104 Bitters, wil4k I did, very large rongftations. Rev. �Ua. Z, 4 The ,rriVitt $,�Worl&l ChUrch" V sisting of 13 Cars,, "left tho Wick, '01 the tgrace Qf God�_fqr $kit lieC4 His MARMALADE, � � � . kit X nuat loy th" .1 have.never sef, on Guano-, X. A. recto? .%e_ ,bump4 an the ties f4r some dlitane(z, $Orgiv#,"em, � 4.1b. tin . � . .67c . Puas 4*0 - Aw �, al Of - Che'A ter, was the lactole of a quiet bui hap. I � . . forfid'A-M b"464" mine$ takist it. 43urch, Londo�m,.was the piieacher for A`hd 011011Y Plunged inte'the ditch, six I XXXOGNIR's ORAN= ._1 � 4OV14AZON SRAND - PY Jtiao,weddivw at 4.44 o'clotik an cars Ulag �""dlnta the ditch, the TO , Ur4r,04"d '*�]iat folloWa it - MA I BOCXIKYX I I%,&- . I Nubt SIT6 D. R. B. oll the creirit, for the d a � . IMALkow . . I lteyly' The keetor''Of the' church "�'3 -Whtn passenger, 909 P , I jar . * 27c salloff. it.w - 3w 1. Mr. Andrew X&Arlkne FWQ� was against, a -h lielng hurled U MuNt bO tXPIA1140 that thol United .. . vrlat it ItaX 46ae for me, P -*' !, , , , At"n #y After'"Al June 9thi Ilk C4 L'Langforil, MI A. � � 11 '. - tilej�aph pole .1 � I 1 404 into 911 84tti Dry Law's de4 1, Blardod; B� 13itterli. IkIA beft Qu Brigkt, Lvtkno` - Mu4tats fiel _dIJ,_" aria, I$ "21142 Axxtk ftp* SOVI&RIZIOR *RAND ,� t1w VArket for the p4st;,A� ,years, itua W , , I uaittl4 jo umirims to Misit',-Mary adjacent (1, I XXA emit, 2 tot - . *, I , Miss' Fralleel spent:e and )&, Stan. Uu1se Moe tltrallig -1 comPlettly "the Closing inlut%016' ThN is u,s- PC 1111k. I , dtkribg that time has bw,% at4utagtured Webster, 44ghter 4 Mr. _ ovot, ii� It% g4tht. �,� ,� . . I . W , HNIN 9AXZD .SALMON, !�i..Jb. .QW . . 'i 1. . , i hwk OQ., Ud ley Uivevs, both 01 Lacknows, were And Mrs- Thos, - Webster, -Xxtter only Against 1148:44t viqlatola. 0 11 i " , I 1. I only, by The T. Ull , , I , McGlyan-coity wediilalii IT MrIANS THAT TME PIRRIMISF X Irc at iioadiva -19C BRUNSWICK � 25C 0 a . . T0_14111;4� Out. , 1 '$ the � wirlaers of the prince. of Wales North. Theeej�mQny ove:r they root- , � so .. nuuNcTiElf, . % 24-1h. 8.49 WIRtTX - SARDINNS, 4 linipi . . 1+ loinoomm -, , _�_, , \ 00000,, gold me"I ^nd, thl) prilieq of Waleq orW to Ooderich and left on the Grey -4 119ir ,&net* it. 0. Church, $t. , 18 CLOSIRD TO SATIN V1140111a *W 11 . . . " -1 I �, -mil excursion for Detrolt to spend arlo. was, t a Acene of iii BVSINE88 FOR QN. I #J*_ o,1 ' I I . I 11111111, .... . . 11, 11�11.1`1'11� �'', ,':!,� 1,11.1.11111111 0 1� W , 801*,114 � — Silver Aledlil In their final art,* 4sm. hot on. I % Thomilai Oat h . Ph FULTA YEAR. . 14b. *Tht 0. #, Z, I SYRUP, 2.111. tin .&QC . I , , � :: .. ''... , �, inxtioba iat Toronto Vuivorsiiy, Uisx A 40vt �110110YM pretty wedd.ing MWnesday, Juac, the . (10ght at flao I MAKING POW.D" WC 1 LY1,218 OOLDIRN � V I I 1, ,, Of""Okulic FOYMeW , Spence standing A.rpf In `* � class �f 4th.at9g.ra.*,.vh'etiRel6n,,ditughter Tho-Thomps , .1 , ' Di", ''I'', I'll" '111"I"111 , Moir-Mitcliell I , on-814VIA omblittatiou CtIOICIL MXATV Ak . . 11 . I 11 - GtO4406 Des NOlnek SIMI Q0116W of 891 Una Ur..ItjVerj Second- . . . I of rs. lion Cagey, wai�united In, .2% SYRUP, 1.1k. tin . - I I Pauly, Licentiate low* and MIR own the Palais Rq*1 and eight other -A "� , . W 11rds. Spei-t4l,attentio If , . A very pretty Wedding tbok place m risit to r. James Itedmond-mo. cabarets'. , PRUNX#* 2 lbll� '", I CROWN SYRUP, . 1 (11464ses " I . , . , I , a &I'd thilarbill. "It . I uextb of, Mr. D. 94rar., Luick4ow � at the homwof'Mr. and,girs. Arthur . 'Xvtr,VbWYAW0w they per. I MONARCH plexxts . 5.1b, tin - . . . 4 - � � . � Cor ...... 13"! A A st . .... r IX, I The 4"th of Mr. DI I G , son-ot tHe late'John and Mrs. i1stently gopted tbe Prohibition law: 3-094k. $our ti- 44b. 3r RASP. '39C ll .1 re r ..... Pr 416 i 9 tvla S�erl#' Of Mitchell' 'Exeter' on '$hturdayk J4'e McGlYano bf'WJ0x1i4mx Ont.)`by Ron. -but t $fe_ I ,,, � e . � . TWekubwo on, Thursdai,- h4e,15th.- waii Ith, at high noon, when their On)* � , I 0 get the proof WAR the Vub; Uixod or Chow . AVC* or RRAW. JAN 4in _," --. - --- ­­.- �.___ .- - for patrons iand eloploy"S'were -I"-.,. � . _4 I . � . . I _11 . � `;"--­ " daughter; Ila, telle, became, the brido sighor West. � , MUM. I I . 1- . . I .. -1 _ -7= scarcely * su'rpristi to his. 1xionds."as q -several W0061 ago 160 disgruntl -_ I I 1, $. WErUmilOr � I . . . 1. I i06__1_1__ . . I , he hod be�w,con6nod to lit* bed1or Of Alvin $101r, BOA Of Mr, *Ad Ur. - ' :Rnxarovo�ltt , I 'Ni. 0 0 *6 � - , for Ze . � b�Y�L' , ' Voter Moir, 9,f VXOtor- " ROV, a41110$ Thq clagagemenj w4t&s went oil strike itilid t Juklet - 2 , �, 'i'�Y. J �' - - -, '18 11"Se'us" , �" . . ! A , ,, . " 111010113, With little 1160 .Of ImPrOW-'- Is announced Of cc$ wem Allod. � Here heir Pla. . I I 'TlIfi0t was -A mine of ..4,.__._ Lift Po!!*24� table � I I . VfO; O.O. 11080.� .T. -ment. For the p4st.00 *Ts,he , 'A Foote, of Caven Presbyterian church, ,.Xvelyia A�l Edpilo second - dauhter I—— 0..L=Onod*,. Or" .441 P4wdorx . L414' HOMO* SUrZ06d l(OW YOI* 46pk 1 . " valuable evid . � I . Wit. oncel and Colonel Ilay. - � 4" . tha,4 ,been a gut' offiolotod. - . of Mr. , 4xid Mrs% 4. A, - lEdgar, I . . . . alla and Aural SO 1411 "Olstant at Aloorn. . Nrer froxw "illeutakti . AMd. 0oldev,'.,94q41r* . wood (Enforeement. officer) w.jt� not MAYPILLD SACON , I 1. - . 11 - v . """ . 65c, I M40dat Sliced, 1b., ,2% � J . Throit U64 T, - g, in -West Wawanosh in 18�0, 4 b"T" I Theie'D " eA away at It Ono son, X. Headon and the ­ I I, 00""43" 01-114. 114 - 0114. . ;4414vs ZY0 U04 ITO Re was born lon the faiilily,,howestead ': Oexth of Da (4 11titchloiwit. ' Wingha, to Andr6w It.`Head. slow to avail himself of it. I . I . . . , pusi, on4on 9a 'ni 11tIrtz 11 I I . .� ! FA WXterloo 'St. %,.* 041tor-4 'tele� -, . 490 is bome, 0 " MOODOrd �Hlior - - . 11 . . years after,his parents, 0.16 plineors, con. 15, Stephen, on.'Thurs.day, late, S. Heado Says Thi Trlburte.-_ , ItICIRMUL () NZAV C"Unso * 11, . . June n; Stratf4rd, Ont.,,41lel Corm ,nt.lb. tin, . 04C - lb. - - . o" .23C . . GO(JOIP1011,1MUINWd-� bad ,moVed into the 6q'ah.' Vorti-five. marriage to take Place the* latter 4 "At 0 o'clocl; I)eputies Neall 4. . i' 11 'J ll� - yellin � , an , . , ;4a$,�da �n 42 _-, at 8 P. m., to Thurs Oth, another' i of the, tow4BItip's mlost , I . . .� . � e #I � . 2940 he went to Luo4a6w*to.r�.' - � t Person of, phrt ,of Jua% � ., I Arn3 started on up Broadway, p ,--- .... . , 'I t'94h . I . � __ � � h, at I p.m. 1� tiop"ted residoats#'in,th . Tito. - . 0 . . ��� - �.;_� MT. . carried .4 ,Pape ­ �� i , I 04 and tnuch,61 k1a tbus",wits 4pent David . , iyxd.M;rs.4*s.T..Reytl,-Clintojl, r sack full ,oi he,Av3t, I . I I P i � --- 1 � ' W. lTut.;chlason, ,4t'thv. ago �d lappounke the . Kippered . $11ack's , - - ­ . I ". AATI '_P1MLl0,_ Ltr� ; -_ as a d0Ale,r It' SiAlu ,410d' tb SQ1110 *'-V 74,yearo. '­ . I . as Padlocks, hasps. screw$, , I 1. . 11 I.. .1 11 I . W I . . . N I . � tilgagoment of their 1IMNIn"41, acards 'almo i�l � I . . . . '. UrAN1. .8ARMA � 7'�-- ' '� . tent. in 141obor. For 0qr yesrs,II4 -. . $0 ' younger doughter"Della Rose, to Wit. t4o 4 tins for #251 C . I I j4AUL4 , . I - . utk Ruiou'Liberals � A une*w vlos� . 1. . . I 0,�. , � 1W _ "� i o' a 3 a" U I liam 1. Clarke,' son of, Mr. and Airs. ure. The -'first Of fb6c plapardR. . � ­ 1. o"I" - I. I'll � . . . I . ,�, �;41 - T P LIV . - , s0A meiAbor q1 the vil, e , * . I , . , . � . . I . .. � � , tivey.4nons don*.... I council. In IM, Ne. way.marrlid to " At the anAV41 r"oetinfil*f th"Out'it' 1atmolot Clarke, Varna, -marriage to done in black lettering on *Its . . I . L . � , . res . , � . 11 on oci0lon � hold In. tuke�plaoo the latter .Vo - ... . # , M44 as ZUry Ann diabitm, ,who.- w or Liberal Ass SY AMMONIA FR AY 2:CXTOS . leb. out. Mi I 25C.. C011NI: . . �. ­ .,-,-. . 00 11 leb I pArt of June., - white cardboard, greeted the c)os� of . WDUR (Star . . 1) IIFr , L ' . I . - I ­ - ­_:�� , on . .V � . .... 1: O.. --- family of"one, hon'Fad one aillottor'o i I sall, od.'We4nesdayo J"e ' Ath, �, - s. prised Broa4wayltes, as they pis. and Houdy) . I . . , , I I �� . I . I . . , , - . I I -there w4s, a good attendance �Of dole. , Mr. a.ad'Mrs.,zas. b., Forbes, clin 'Ar _V 1. , 3 foi. , 12.0g. tfu - � . l .0 � . 1 : I t llouno.e the $RAY R . *25C. . . survives. 00) �v .engaOme e Moulin -R.060o, UNTOS - . . �. 'I � at of 'sed the entrahceof tb '' I . . _`oC�­___­__ - - I . i .. . . I I I . . I -I---- I - �. -,.- 4�_ , , , . .gaf�k lr�m all parts of Ajbe constit. heir eldest d�u4htoro, � , BEEP 1 - . � I. I . . � I ACH45. sq-kelga, IC., 0. � : ;�� tl� St I t Hilaft M., to near, Forty-olghth street, CORNIED 16-0;. nottla1unicti tin- . ,, ,.!. I.. . � I Seo'for . re6t D&A. ft to 130 ROP00ed -efier. ,Dr. J. W. -Shawo, of Clinton, Norman 'U�. Ty�dgjl, son Air. and 4,This placard andithe , ' .37c ,- - ,� I I . -44rrx4jor *,souci,,6r , 1110%Fl�- PuWc Seaforth. %d Boys, Reunion. com� :,�Tesl on ,Oc�u�ied � 'Of . Other eight -(Sllced), MI. 0 . I QUEL. Ll .011IMS. .41W . - . I ..�� . 1. � . . . ... 1. i , � . I , inix' 6my6y.4pe-0 - - d t� t4l khair�" -ThO Mri.,Lorao� T�ndallj all of atillott ,the placards read., . � I I I . I � I I . omcb:* 0". Roose nittoo - intend * tq ,repeat. ,the. 9troet olection of &%cors-rosititeld As. follows. I . 04 � � . � - 1. � I : I � .. ­­ 11--o 064i"011. �, I � . marriage" 'to "take P1400 -4uletl�', in' TRIS PLAR CLOSED Volt I TEA . I . I . I . i . , I I � 1740'�V,Z�4tihMd AND NOTAlky � 4unw:'oo 4huisday evening, _Jopo.7 I 41. I . I I . .: . , . .Jtme Prosidep, 01 , � , I *�11 '' � I � � . I ' .to. Dr,,Jo W. Shaw., . . . VIOLATION OF 'THE NAT(ONAL SpnCIAT, IJL,&Nr)--(;*6,.-'AqC Rlcaftuw ". .790 , , �r ' . , � I . I - k;) . . 2.6th, by ,iNldoh timo, the .ne'w' px*o- �,Jco * � . - . ;, , . , 811:611011 ii�;,lwx, , 'AD I I '_,pr6t., o.* (;01g,cr, Honsallt fey" -Studtat,'Who $u 1PROUMITXON ACT,SY 0 . . I . . XSL OW id. 006- vlent�wfll b� completed on:AorthWain. W, T.�.tatsytbor,3Kippvn;, AreAs.' i led "t N , RVER Op siELEcT imum'.75C. ' � , I Ir A I � . . I'lly4wills "a. ,VV, " . j I 4 � - , ., _ PPIl � A4`1010t"1 THIE, U�PTVV , ISTATEP DISTRICT I GOLID1911 TIP . .� .Sft �, , . " . . . stre and. wost-,Godorloh- street. � -proctor, zurich;chairulan �;df 'TAuniol-, �", ..*.,, Ordained 1 , ,. ", I ., . . , � jig _I . I I I . piaitioa,',-W. 1. ' � . COIJ11T. � � I . 11 thing Is more 41sapral . 11 � 1. : �, � �dfiWVFOOT. '�ILLOIUN. ou MRS. .-' , Surgess-Vtos .1 . neamiewVxotero 0 �Aw ,. I V 4 earroter .4 - j , I , 0 . . h n tneo.wW ,%s �, I)oputles ,14 11 ( - inting, or letit dxcu;iiibli� than . 11 . . ,.s. '. I ourvelvea on the MC64 of out � I I $011011orso rlss P190- d XgLennan, Clio " . . ea and Aros unpalutdibInvtoa. 4 Pildo � '. . Ile ft .. I . I . . - - recently- y reached the, Moulintouge and P01418 call an ,te catp;xrisc W1.01 the best in tit#$ country. , I . � A gilet. 6t, j�qtty wedding toolt itoq, Chais.� Viitz,,Zur. ,,Were Ordained at 'Gait 'b '41 I ­ . ' . . . I . ,,, 1. zwe;�-On ,11he Boom., 1110d., 400v troin place in IUO Usptjot.chu I# R. StrasN Biyfiold,, R. - S. Ifays, Right Itov, D*v!4 Williams, . : Ulther iced or.il,tv,04 VIP,,, I . I . � - Rainaton streal obbe"ca , . rch, Owoaa6, "I , - - I , 1) D-,'Ift- Aoyal tho,working st4ff of both'�cat_ O'holt, It Is.4411ghtful. � I . I . . . I -,e, RrlVstq,fQsFWsn,atI6w90 rat4, Mich.,, Ott 00�2e 4th, at high noon, SoifOdh, 2ho quostiol:l, of. holding, it 4hop of Huron, was Mr, Digby Dietc. Ablisbmonts�,_slngo�a and , , I . . . . . 1, 4or I .1 . . . . , . . ,� , ,W. V . 2.01101MOT, " , . $oil, of,)Ripley, * � miksician9v � Lot uq help you, ptsm yoill, vAgrjtj6o, - 11 I . ... - I . I . when Migs. Beatrite ho wh I . , I- during the sunimer wAs discussed and donducted services , - . I . � ;. +- 10"Oa8N, -Imitrs,- Jur, May, *Vr6Sti monster. Liberal, plenic at Grand Bond doliters, wititors, cook$; and dobrMto, W thot tbero vIll bo no . I . I 4&15y.. : ht Miadleton inoonveniencas to Put 11pl,y6th *111hor at *your jununer coititsor . I �� . I I I daughter ;6V16: and Mr�..R. Vrogt� . �-_Wero-streaw&ig'in for the evening's , "hub`W' bai"ibing a ,tam � . . � � '! I � ­ . . I � '. . Of 8,vafortb,"became the bri4e'of Mt. an te6it will W mado ,to, get the thuroh prior to moving to Ripley. . wark f . .- I I Ask your. slor violkser , 1. I . . , .. 1,1� , ,�� - � , � � , 0 � 0 ;' The, atolouncenterit .Of. *what , out sommer tr4coty plin. �4 . .t 1, � . I ' I . � . I � I., , . Howard F, Burgess;eldogt son.zf A6. ptinlo Vlnlate'r And: - tiler Cai�inot Clinton Man Falls ft;m Roof 'I d"thow. but the , � r � . I I , . . . had happelied, §t�ane . . I . i . I i alltt Mrs,' X, Burgas, 'Of OWOSSO, � I . . . . ... . ,� A1405 4 ativs .. .'.' Ministers. to address.1t. I . . I . 4 . . , � I . � I . . �' 11 I .;A , 13,kA1tts�T81k9, 'P.Tc. 11 11 I- lfle) 'Aft, ' All'. Pen Cole. Cliutono� had a a 600%1000 $aid Moving time hi�d come ., I I . � .. I I �,r 1. . . �� ,� . .. � � t. -4 �m short�-h4neyrnootl tilp Dieg $,W( � � 3 1. . . . � , lAeoly. W,01%j Visiting 10.5t W move." I . � "r � : . I . 9.4, FRAYS , ''Rtc.11, , _' I 19:910to; '.6oldont oii N"40,dileaday of OR, and but everybody began to � . I . " �s- Burpesi will reside in "A 4udd 'lath took place at the when he tell from' the rool'of-Mr. , ...W".,z'*,. - I., . I . XV8;JR")3..,l,�' Mr.avd Mr , � ., 4 . .. I ItAW16,1gocet.00derlow " .on de � I EAd I I � *ett tho Catal " . . I I I I .1 ,,, I , . . " . ,Owosso; where Mr. turg, ' # 0 � I , .. , . 1-11 . . .11, I -11, " . t .1 ess has . a holilb of.kT. Thos.,diatke, in E�eter, ,gar Armstrong,$ house whic�,he Vag �-"'buringtall the excite . .. I I I . 11 .. ­­ I I- ­ I I I � , , I - ­_ -_TT kood,poitzo, vdth,�tbp, Sit.'.ClAir. -�n.'Sunday,-4uae.-Stb, when 9 ,n meat a crowd 4A I I � I I . ". 11,11. I.... .$ 1 1 IdTIONESUIN . V, ,�. . - con"Ity, .., , � . '. 0 1 .1� �. uritic b.155 back. 1 that -Jammed the adjacent sldewalkq, . I . il i . . . . . . . I - " �sls& ' 4 # I wtsez � , M . I . . rs. fixi g, severely Inj _�. Iro, $4 � ! . ", . I . MHOMASAUMAT. ,� .; ' I 0491(6'4�� ri Aft$ Moutray, of ­.�, stOQ by And looked on. . ' . - - . . . � I . . . . - � . . I .... 1,.,_4._� , , . , . . i, �. ,,, - . A Wtiran .13 I wyqe � I . I . � , . A . � � I I . . I Ader-aiQ Ss' Alc'Maondo Nick;, oWed away -At t'ho ,CHI ­ ­.... .. F 1 4- .. --- :. � I r 0- . t. I .. .1 ; � ': . " . . 'Tho, ralall 99yal 314nager wan . . Liver and '0"'O'rAr Aortkneer" " ,Not:. msim - - do v_o& t 18, Yatkoe.Al)�t- elev�a. eclociz - I at, it ,� I . V ine�, h-v� -to Ake 6 LOW) fW"Wit4rok. .1 0 ­ " . .. Maude says he' huslknd dlAgritt-jW04h trip Was in Ql(J..st , . . ". - ,, . � - . . . 11. Im"Wo" 01,;;it''oodeelph. ,- , n, 6f, t . shity-two, . -In"111W , . at a loss tn� 1knOW WhAt to do with the od r Ory to them, I � . . . owell, 11aft everywbet"o : Z41*4 stj #Zrorle, agal 6 �91p6 *kjild In illt �21101r*g 064�0aded` 444. gone f, : . . ; M140 to FIVO you saw ,� 1 � ,.� - -twg" hft'Oft 0161t hobaYW000. , b t In, t as , I �' , , � �oari'tb�rckftpri Blat,,Vr,johti� t6'tho cellar Ah.d"suft"A,a. strokt, Ott , 001134104t6a' �blldron' tan ri,�a, 30.odd.cots about the place. The De� . U lit o�$ loon as they Went "'a I.. . ' - 0*1141. Orollipt'nlief thrqUgh the � Mae. ]OX. PutY Marshall siM they'd bav . I I -,,.� ,. F&r06"' MAIO 2100 4111W'llfilo 4,11ow?" boArd,his polaW to a row of life. , �'. ". I '��;01�; the-f6ot-ofjhe�eel -0, b $ 1 of 0 to go I I 1, . I - W, '.� 'yucRq9mIth,' bas ha4 sucj� � I - S .4 *4 "On tba' stetimer sbo Wanted' tile I buoy,q and Ahkodr the gaptAla Wh I . * ' :* , . . I . li W- - �. - . I . � -­ " I V�,s 00 rb� along �rith the rest. �� '. . . I . � I 11� Ovm',T,!,�104.', '� The Toblet4 '. I . . � . q som - aq -.of 19 -h - undousclo" a . are 4V4041 . . I . 10'ace. , At iho , *ben, c rQ a-1aw � * # .* Ift # othor pss,scqer$ to ��tki k. jbitt an I #19 Idea Oj #11 tho extra tire�i 01k . : I I � V . 1. . I "M , e e fiaiAj4 Aii ova ,� I I I . I � � . , - . �%', : � .. .e �W_-_­_ . � �O bay barn for hls'�4ther� the obo *11l1lites 14tor and, rtm4ined. so until mild but thor6ligh laxative wkith - , I . . .it . . . , 1A . � 11 � I , � . I I . other iiboti Ai , -­­ r � --_.__. _­ ". . I . ... I � , . 11 r . lite 'T revef fail to regulate the bqwjo1.,A und "B611dWAY Wats d . 1, � I DoiC,,aI1d.1To1k_ 'Owned by big br .two I -I I I , . ,� . � . - l(COULLOP AWTUAt,:.vout 4 $t:pAl t mmer I - - I 1� ­ I . . Z% , , — . � , 34 P o7oilo�k, in. _ih�,' afternoon, ryer And 1"M I I 1 �4 1 . 11 - _­­ � -_ - _­ ­ . -1 I I . . I 016 � pa ead Isolated ToWe Pr * ..a W. M. DoIg.. , He e, ' ShOl passed -away, . I . #Qbiac�. thus driving '.pqt toh.e,t1,b;R- !xat Mght than bver' before, Tit - _., - ­ .. I - I . -7----- ------I-- ,� i1i I 11 � I I - � I _Wrty losur . made - tli rafters, W.9 . I . C* 11W"!!!1110�� "' L ' ' I � 4 1 . . I .1 the b .__-.1 .1 � I � . . . . . I rty 111sulreo up to � ,� ' junet d cabarets were . -.---."- I .. I I Malf"31.1 . . I P 11Tges.. 4tof a rJ I from' round Poles hewed *It o " Ile tion AU4 iudigestton" in � Value ot wrow , eoldo and stin. e 1. . . I . 11 . � i "Ir I , o , . I . ite side , - Attacked by a Bull. 10 'favors. . Concerning ' them Mrs, and brightest. an 1.4"large L I . . . . . :0, � , 1* I I � . P. � . d constliote( I .. I I .. . 11 .. . 0 F1 Zlk"41243 N C011101t; piosident, tood the storms. and I .�4 I I ,�L I . . I.. . . A -little son of Mr. -aticT,Mrs, Jos. H. Gaspard Dalcle, Domain, Qiio,,.vy1,4tos - I Pill't Of- what ih kno*n as. New yorho4, a _ , , . . . . .. I . . , IloderIch., Jtv.: Evans. 6-Pre3fdaisi. es- of fill, those :*rs, and a - few : , . " I I I - - � i` I . . � - ,, Val , �W . .. �... e, of ,81 L , .atson, . — , , 11 . "d " - 1 ':W, 11B4by!s -� 40twzz ,Tablets have beer brough Wit m9re evil- I . I 1' � � . � .. ,r(M."04 - T E' H4ys,. . .-TrOas- 8Oa" dasrs aco$ at tho,,ig �1 the 13oundir,y Of Hibbort I . . of 'light life, T .. 9 " . . 4 . . .1 . DI JW . , . - sawed' nc* ,rafters f years, he - and -Usbothe was attacked 'by a bull great. b.en'ofit toL My litble bo , who I Ings, theYVill �e darkened antf de. I I I . % I . "I ... I . RZCT0R$-D. F. o0revoito SWOmi, Aj , � . 7 '11;_X11M_.__ S I . " - ; 11 I tb"Pt Win. ."A, co As 5 11 . . ON., _ I L , , ,�,-07 . . I 1,0 0plevo. W1 TePlace* "th6 on Tuesday -of last week and was, b d-. laert�e, by order of.'the United ,9t;ite:q . , '. . . I � . :, �� � I . . . 1. I ;w* 0 n". ones he made whei a youth g2 a from,itonstipatioA and f "Rqw, A ,ai&- , . ., . I A soilln 'Yearn ly used up. The,little follow.re Indigoll 64, . ey Ou I " C&P0014, TuZIMIAtt) I � � I .. . I .. I Stock: ObIl etmewlso, ,ago" and will agair . quickly iolleved, Everyone Ocemed willing to - . . . . .AD" .1 -no. Bruce- the 44�t bu'ilding that he I In. bb he a in the ,. e th .- � I . I . . Broadbagtit; Murray Gib." 1 Put "low To9f 6n ed mquy bodily wounds and lacoiV." *. I b-st of�,gr, 'at the 01 Ing of these nine ' � . _ .. .01d., I I - . . . . . cera� All ( 0 �W . .. . . � I .11 ' I , . I . fin'shed­ tions that required.1111mir �Itb." establishments' I , . � ­ L, Ar" I . xr�,Doiv came -to Tucleliromith OUR stitches h . he Tablets Am sold by t' 6nstituted the great. . . . .. 11 AGSNT9-4. W, VOO, Godorlctt: ,Sttn4y with A es I I . . �: ,., . � , :141tell. 014140, Win. criesnoy, 304forth., hir, 'Parents, *hert a W,* 'of I to close. The wonder is that the. lit. medicine d Qlers , it giligle st"A made against I . 1. . . 1, , ... .ge .. � 'tdn years t1'B follow was not killed, as the biX bo$c� from T e. . or by mail 4L 9.�c a ji ,�clilng . n Now'. y6rk,s iquor � , � ... - . ..., � . . L I 1. I 1L,,,Jinc%q wor . - I ,f ll ly. , '10aftt-6 I I � 0 - White IyaY.If 1 . �. , I '. I 4 � , I . , I �o. , ,,� ,. 0 age ear's-agoo from Dr. Williams' Medicine � I . # , . I . .. . 01% ol enreah7pavothitf sjtVm$M#M , ., , I I I . . I . . , ,_ . . .. � . � I W.1�,,�4C='6,0tO.r*,.W4er1cb, A. J, idor. then Lower.CAV8444,now, quebec,land, brut6,,o'f, a bull booame- very vicious,,.. Co., Drmkvillej Ont, - *, I W. i - - I r . " � I . # rothrat I I , I . I I. . . . � I , And -it Is almost a g IV I . , . 8 g� the: ca 0 . ______ � rave, matter .. I . I : R#I4'#,%.R4y401& . I p I , - , � t I when grandma bobs her .. . . Z. 4 . . I , Store, .010ton,.or $. IL gig isted in cloarin faxP�� and er- . � Narrow Es . . . Old colorba'Mamnly&-.01se wan s.a 1111116'. L . .60 i 704 - .. 1, I ' . .� I � �. . � I . . � . .1 � I— 7-:-j- . ­_­':'�m�­.,::,�,.= cetillg'building thoreim and his resid- Master .. 19ord ' . . ___ � ...., _ � " I . NSVRANCZ, '' - ed In this township 'ever since, Dur, sO11,01.�14).z.,nIld Mrs..C. H ad . . � !!!!14'! w !. � I d . . I ..... : � . 11 . . . TiOkot-Agent.(after ton w . I � ��. . - 1 � . . ''. . I . I . . I .. .. , f1kt­ii . ell# the five-jr4e4r.-old tickei fo' Florence." . . I m . �, . I . , , Sa efs _­ � . ___.. � . � I . . C" = , . . . . . It attelidedto.,by �the irl"hat time'Ite.--has 6rocited a gi,�jt Exeter '64, i - I pary raln- - - . 91, , . I . . . , Have I ,% Sbr � 4 ft* I I . 4 , 0 . .. . . . , . , $ a narrow oscapo'from UtOs Of thumbing over r4flroad%guiaes 20 A . . . I . . . f 40T WAWANOSO NUML FIRE INSmIANCE c9 mal'Y' buildings, both , houses alid being instantly killed on Sunday, June .�-�'vhere io vlorence?,t:. . , I p 41, A W . 06 .0, , -.Jlllw � . ... . *' _%i . . . �� I - �. . - - - I � I I.. . � . I I 1. �. I � Established -1878 �., � - thai.will' long remain as evi. 8th. He -bad boon at Sunday School, IS T I "97W -V I 10 r" �' c I .- "I I . . I �, 111" io­ _ old Colofed Mammy -0, �1 � "afy 'M . . 1. 40ift'vlow, ,.� . I . . Head'0111clet Dungannon, Ont. det"C' Of his skill as a mechanic and and uas,on his waYbome, and when d4r on do bench.", Utin.1 over . . � , . � I'* . . AL ' . � �� . Wit: rogiorr.atlirs #j*#u"6vj* ooUkitil hoilder. For upwards Of4irty yea�s I about to cross'ther road was .4 :: :: �. � * . unury p ap�6�, � 424 m:i, � 0, . . . I , . 11 . � struck by � I 4 . -C a DER 1 1 ,. ,�.O*W � .. I I I �� . I . L -Tno, , A, AteXclizM, Xilidnedine, lie has also bact 4.sawnlill and cut a lVf,-, John Taylor's car, Which was ThOrt's a time for a girl"s eoming 1 . . . . . �.� �,: . � . . I I Harry L. Salkeld, A - * � � C.PP STATIONO, I . . ­ I W . i , ..,R. No. 2, l9rgL.qqantIty Of lumb&'eacli and ov- 'n- 1, 011 1 4 � . --- A - I . I pr"4 ' to) .I -, the corner near ,Mr.. Fred � to but ,nobody knows When she'll ir,oww" - . . . , I � . " . . 9 west. The lit. � DOMINICN CXPPESca AW �� i V � I ., , ,ko-'-i�', � . . , . .. Goderioh;' vice pres.; direatora­­Vini cry Yoqr, and this year, despite ,hia BaWderx's home, goin come in. -. . . 1, � INCIF. — . � " I . . .. Griffin, It. U. No� 7, Lucknow; AT -P. fourscor". ars., is atilk on the. jol� as tie fell6w was struck by the bumper, =4 I'll I I , Lmi " -- . . -_ . . .. . , " . � Reed, R.. It.. No. 9, Lucknow; 14. L, lively as ever� , ­ 4 ---- 1, . . I . __ i I , 1 ­ - __ I . 11 . I _� . �i , . - � , which, he immediutely* grabbed � � _�_, ­-­�­­—__ I . . I . . . --- , � I ==� ! I 11 . � 1� I Salkeld, phone 600 r1l, Goderith; ,)it. P.ober' I bung ion till t, . nd � I __ 101101011 - __ -, ,. �, . . � I . � . !� 1, ,--- -I -1 . ­ . - ­___ . . . t VrOV09, lVio9ham, Loses I Ped, of- . . . 11111111" ., . he car wtts stop I - -_ I � . . � . I Alex. Nicholson, Luelmow'; Wall. Witt- '. . ,."". Unclit. .; . ter being carried some distance. "! " - . ­­­ I - I I ­ . . .. . . son; Jas. Girvin, R. R. N,6. 6, God,!- I . . I . ­ � . . � . I ---�-­­r-.______�_­_­ . , .. . . . I . , . . I . . . , Mr. Roliert Groves, Wingh h Strunle to' 94Y he b8cilped without , . . I . � . . I " I I . . I . .. .. � rich; Win X. Thompson, 4Auburn lost his uncle, Air., . ..pm, as 1+rM slightest injury, fifil.piesonco of � , . . 1. 1. . . .. . . . . . . . ., . . . , I �..: I ''. I . I . Peter A'Vilson, by min(I 111. . I I I . � I 1. ... . TAOS. STOTH18RS, T. G. ALLIEN, death, at Detroit. J&r, Wil, to hang on to the bumper saving � . . . � I 9 I 9 ;. . I � I . a son had.a hiz� f I . ,. . I . �, � . � I .. I - Treas. ,1 ,A Secretaryi blacksmitlt shqp'in I,6w6r Wingham, i'9111 Wng thrOlvil'under the car, . . I . . . . I . . . �t ­'. —_ I .. .1 . I I 11 � � . � . . � . - 1-1 0- ___ ,"�­� ­:" f;Olne Years, a-0 and was a' member. of Former Zxet,er Resident Dies at Boly- I - - .. _. I ­ I I , I � . . . � . . . . . .. .:. .. .. . � ., . ; . I . the 1V!ngham"brasi bond. . . . . I manvi . . . . I I . � I I . I , 11 .1 . . . . - % . . Ile .. � su. I ., .0 . SE* . '. . I 'BEA I . I Steel�Phelps � I I Mr.q. ,John McInnis, a former resi .. . . � . . �. . : A , I I '. . A I . . .,. IVAL mi OL . .. I . I . tie Margaret, d dent of-Exoter, died at 130manville at . .1 -1 . . I . I I . . I : I . . I 41 "In aughtOr Of Mrs. � I �....- -1 � . . . . . ' I ' I " . I ,Mary Phelpa, St. Thomas, and Ed. the home of her sister, Mrs- (Rev,� � � __ ­ _____ 1. I . . . I I . . . . I . . � I I I �( I . I I . W:�Vl , I w4rd Evans. Steele, of Zurich, ivero SPArgOt On FridaY,'june&h; and the I I I . . . ." . I I . . . Wr"AT1001UP, ONT. . married ' . _ ! . �.. . . I I I at the home of the britic 1. 22,111 I � I I I I . . . i's remains I�OrO brought to Exeter and 1. . .. prepares young' men and ,young mother," on Tuosda�j t7unco 3rd, 11 interrc,d In the lExetdr cemetery,. . 11 I . I . �.' . . . tev. I I I . 1, . I I I I . women for Business,. which -is now 1 E, Newnham officiating. I . . Exeter Hotel Changes Ifailds . . - I I � . I . . MO 0 ELS, . . I . I . I .. Canada's greatest profession. , A Brussels boath � � , The Gentral Hotel at Ex' . . 1. . . I I . . j,4 .. . � . .. We assist graduates to positions On. Priday, June, 6th, ri, I ' ' the past thirty-five oter, for . � - ." � . N . . ... I N . I I . I , . I � and they. have o_ practical, train- likabeth Ybar,q.owned and . I I ' . . . I Tonnant, 'r6li, _�. I . I lsp,ve has over 14 cul. � I . Ing which enables them to meet 1A of the late Gilbert B. conducted by Mr. W, T. Acheson, haa I THE Utility Coupe fc. of - : with ouccess. Students are re_- Stevensy Passed away A the h6mo of been sold to Air. Chester Lee, of Pals. 1. . . . . � in,rear di�ek . . . I 1. . . . I I .. I gigtored'vach week, .Get our free her daughter, Airs. F. Wilkins, Eli,a ley, hfr�' Aelieson and familv I -All I . . .. . . I 1. 0 . . . . . ", � , both streeto Brussels,. A& tile Advance' 11 ,Xeter their bome. . 0 1 ' . . I ' . I . catalogue and learn something a. _­ � d `() tinue to malce F . .. I I . The, &ors of this ­rr , iodel can be' locked as . , , _%, . I ... .1 . artments, age of 87 -years, ., . lVidolv of Poriver Uxeter Pastor Dies l . I . . . . 0 . . well as the rear 'deck, making it -an ideal car , ; . I . D. A. McLACHTAN, Blyth Mom, * rial Hall Anniversary I . �, f ; . I The anniversary Of',D)Yth Memorial .Tile death,occurred iti'Pilt�rboro on wher6 parkillgr ouudde for- long -periods ig fl4eC I , I . Principal, llallwl)l bt held this year oil Jun, Tliesloy. June' loth, of JAIrs. 1. ; ,� I � ' ea- :� . # . , ., ... - - I I I I . . I I wiiil..* __ I I I Butcher. - sary, I t ,� 1. . - I 11 .., _. - -C . I . t w— - �_ � ­­­_ 27th and 99th. The eommunitZr at,,. rolict of the lato Rev. J- W. Butcber� � _____ It �. . , . I . Worial mrvice lvill be hold on Sundit"'y a former well known rosident of E,x,,. � �� !! 11 11 11 �� . 1 , '' �V- I ,atagoof97yj ,.'� Wide doors make .illlv. 1110 290i, at 7:30 p, In On the 14i�' ter, at the gr( . _%arp Tile I � gettinqr in and out much 4 Rev. Butcht-r Was statione I I I BIPAn 6,0 B,pfl * (lay evening preceding thg IVItirles, d at Sietbr - . . I 4 .. . I.. ter t - I .. 1. . .. . � i I . . 4'. e a's, han in most other makes. Playera, , f Seaforth, tvill present the doling the time of tile Biblo (,11ristion f . �. I I A, . ... . I I I . . . "I I I, 110H I us$ ptoy .-Julietto." church' and waq am6ng the ,ljoDt . - I. . . I ­ � ­'. ­­ ... �W 1-1-1 ... ­­ � � L . , ',-�' . ". I �. ­�� I . GOOERICH � N(1W SUPERIOR Utility C't.pe, .2 Pzssonger ____.­.�O' " . Listowel Hikers elteented proAcherwot r"Xetcf. I I � - . .. I .1, . I I I T110 Ltading I A hike of tile bu.g1at.qs MCA of Ljs� . A Clinton lvtddiag I . � . ­-------qk-----�---� . . I � . � . . f, . I 101rel vva� Arranged, for June 18th. A quiet wadding waa nolomulg,cq nt , I . funarat DhOrS The jrIve cOusista of nbout 200 rnen tile home of Mr. and Mrs. A,J, Nor. Ave -re 11111v previred to n4,;� :pur requirentents ill � ly . . I � i I and Embalmorg I in all t 60 earm' Liqto,wel w4a seke� rish, Albert, areek. (Ilintoh, on W,rj. . .: 14 .. . , ....I., , . .­ . , - , . 04 to be left at 7 01. ill, and Brw I . - �� . dul Ou licaday, June,11til, nt t,�Velve . � * . . ,. o'dock, v . 4 , � I , .1 I I � .� 11, Ordprm cavotally attonded tp � SQ11-11 reachtil at l,55 and seafortli at Wtion Allsa Mary 1-1�aneea Ofinnioj � TIM, SVPPLIFS' AND ACCESSMUM Or- ALL XINIDS' - I . . : .11 I V, 14 I 11� 11 "I 1 IV— ,11 - ,I , ,,,, I , - ,i, .. 06b'' 4 ours-titAll or ( ay . '55-4.,in. At 'Onforill lt-iftq­prd,.� A111 swvr�a�,,e.-&-, A" , 'and, - - .." , , , , � !" , , ji ,7 1 . � . S ,C00p-r.Twq,-U%itC ""di, , 'Rerysir"I'lep, . . - . 1. 1. 1. ­ 11 � . � _�, _ PorqM to make a stop of 20 minutea, , Ivilffam Canipbell Urnwri ajt�o Of "" ,tnitie,ill.�t-,!4i,.'ctt�it,c,i!"tqf-Ut, f:4J'f,JrJ&'aj-6"C&0,1J att . � _.., 1-1 0 . f ___-1. __ and the barld whiell govs.Witt, tile Clintoti. The Rev, Alcuander Stet�- expert Ineehank (if over.45 .,,�,=S* C%periolee, Alia V,'�! all A It 0 a I , 0 � . -'-----'-- visit8ra gave t few rjd�ctions %,,1111c, art, 0. D., of -Toronto, pe .- t ilia berst ,of t,_,rV*1C0. 4 ..... . . e g vo . �_�_­ I � .-, . � a � I f6rmed lip - I � '4 11 � the ,ears lined up opp6glte tile towU corehlony, amiatc1d by ,trlLl 1�'ev. J. T.*. 11 I � . r, . � ' I I hall, where the Aiayor,xelcoaled them Hoige, . . . � LL� ­ - ___�­� ­ I , I �� I I) , I , iff Re W.W heeler and V�Pli" Wore Mado by the visitors. Clinton Nursee Graduation . 1, PRICE 0EVIVERED, 133cludinx Taxts. * I I .� . I I IJ ,V, 01 I i Fro . -1 � 1� I &Aforth the hika,; procetided Tile graduat:*011 egor *gps ill conze t"116ky ("oupa I 0 - 0 ...... I . . . I ................ I :. . � . I to London by %,,�ay of. � (�, . �: Ftmeral Directol, anti . a, . $1,015.00 . . . �. . I 11011'1311, Exe- V011 With the rlinton lfo�pjtaj V.,ill Ic3 � Sedar . ........ �. �,�#. 0 , or S ........ � .... � ....... 41,,245A) - N_ -W SUPERIOR Stdan, 5 V� * 11, or t" Au'd Lue"- AftPr 1111101 at Un- h0d on Tlmmday cvInning. jut �g - I " I Embalut I don a a t C 11 tlw � " -_ � Oease7. - I :!!T!�'!! 'w ­ - -M ' '! "!!!��� ­ ...� , * I, ,"­­. 1.1 11 - - 0 I tvag M:340 for J�OMC by at '9 in' 'Clo�k I" lVer;I'Dy 11�11' ­_ r' ­ ­. � ----.r-----, .1_ _ �, .1 1.11'' �! " _!!!" , -!!,!,��� �, , a vvay Of ThO I- -1 ­ '. Ir i I ­ - I � 4 ighbo N I I B 36011`_�Mforjh i I I ath , I 'I', I � - 04160 1" 100 n to W WOW emu 1916A rrft 104" " Atka u "" 40M4M4 a 90,40'sk, TtA sdoys � 1 1­1141"� S"X It I 11 I AXT&K 0 1 5 el CQ I Oi (VI I . , i I. I I I . . I 1.� I I I I St "'naalo 'qrk'a St' -Varl"'- C - _!!" I God rieh, Ontario Ir tf r'l 1,1011A GteXg, Sestorth, Aftoiig Six rn� I . I I I r �, 1� I rA, lor, "141�1 , r1ttiched in f1wo for , , � - JjJg'#d i TrAift Wr4t9k",J*ar ­ . . i .01)PIlt, anA tilen hallit, by wor of Mit- '" Lifirltily ` I I -alptN7 i1tt%n4ni, t�' C',�'U anil Attwoba. . - � , All 0-alIg lWat 't A P day or ekfit 3fr. jo�tl o.regir, of '"tafelt-th, Wa3 To Mo DAVIS 1 4 k, , sfafkr of 51ts- Robert Bell �of se* I HEVROLET GA' Rut - W ,e . I'tiones. Stare =; 110,&-�A 311w "I tortt,, 1),e., , I *1 ono of iiix men -inStived in a tl,a*211 � 3 * � I Phone 83 1 � 0 u -'r-1. Vr4 ­ ��_ �.____ S3-uth Strect, Gadeoij" .. . , Calm, a�4e. I'% V. rraigetl tt,,ajjj� JC,� �� _____ �_ , : %A0%0V%0%0%^A0%01_'%04 A mi A Mrs. rwkrt lk"11, (if � tV9:C-Qh �Iz ThUr-MMY Of 13S" Weole, when . .. ������� _ , , _ r_ - _ _ ____ _­­ . .- 11 'I rr I trz, re. tho fthekn � I -1 � __ _ , r . , , � - . - �. . � ___ .��. � ­ -1 �­__. -..-.,- - �, _ - _ ft ­­­ , ­ . .- � r 11 11 I 10 - - ­ --.,--- a �1­ I �- ­­'­­­..­ ___.. I . I . ---- I 11 4. - _ ---.--- I 1� I '. . . 11) I A � -1� - __ - , — I - - b _-A .- � L ____ ­--�­46--". , - , . " 11�­, IF '40 , " -.. - "