HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-19, Page 1F I ; 111111 71" -,"t".7" W ­ I V,11,41 1111�1� , I . 1` 1-1 .- , .49 -- I � 1 i-VIW­771 - � ��fflr r7r' � ...... '1777W`17 ,-,-t--­1W-TV­ ''I I ­ . 7, Irr"" I -11 �-17F- . � - ".., �., ! 1� . .! . . r 1. 1. . I , AA.:;4 , ! . ­.*­ I . I * �, .- I-4.., I I ­ �4. � , *24 'F7.r"-.., 1. I!, -, . .1 I .: - . . -- - � - � .." � ', . - - .- I - � " 0-0 � 011i _- � --W-aliiiw�- - -- --.--- ­­­ i -- -- I - .... ,,,,-- - ,h . : ­" P i T! ! ! - I I I ii, -- - - - . I .r . ;�­ - � -- ;:!II;!0!P L -.---, Am! 0 iii — ---!=1!-!!! . ­ —­ '' ­ I . , , . W'l . , I -­ � . . L I ?(: I I � ' Adver-d " - ,&-.-.& � . * ..19L AL I I ­ "il --v- SW4- .1 .9d,111111111163 QuALfry r1NG­ W a mercl*116 01407 , 11111, - . I . ,"ho in d -w 11= Ablift The Star It jHJUIPPW to 40 40 **I* 'I CA� Mercham XkVWS T4 . 1. . b .. "I . stack,Up on Your st.111011tiry, A I I , !!f W"W "I � " I . -- GrWzzl 4"�,W� drawd W4. t . (b 0 of hinting, ftom * tkil 10 a b,,A, % - "tc4 ;V.t(tr --- I ,1-1 .1 . . . --TRY IT I I . ,#jr05W0&k*41W4(GWhWq - ­ ""ON -00.l I. --- —'-- --- ­-­­­­ ­­­­ L ­ '' 1-. I f I I i. ": Yift% fts 1111113=11114 aW. . I MWM. OTAX11. CAUN. "URWAY, J91419 19, ifn4 - WT404 - -- — I ,..-,... ­­­ . ---.R. - ==4-- ;- , "' ` I � -� ri # 0 V us , -­­­ Godoi& WiH Celebrate Domiman D '; Soldiers monument "fum " , ja --- 'Win Be Unveiled — � � � ' ' - ' - L - — " . . - — - - - — - - L ' ' 0 11ukjj.4jjr#i'V �,%!4',T-s � " 14 � % I t? T #V fit A0440, L -------- — . .. t%,,riihil . ,=-- al'''',, ------------------­ L kg Blue, Water G , , , -,; , L _ �- "'' 09 and Country Club . I i . ORA1160r,011wkia— ­ - - — - - ..,� . � . - ­­­­�, ., ­ 11 11 . r I . ­ � I. . ­. =- I day volt, -tw% urd. on Thviaday Medical t Z====-=a�� p L, . In T�ro . I . . , 1. I TOWN T0111 . thik 100110 so to Sesforthfor a xome rrotaletkt for Some Ume. Or. parity Hear W - we statorth I i , .'IV. HOW% coroner. decided an juiluest ; ­ J U B I L E Ei — and oil Frway 84yakiii, will h.) 124ple Was net riecAtlisaty. The ruvity Flour teAM 'matalood I It I Next W*W6 $4 G*vw W ANY the Purity Flaws. ONer"Ch 1 their VeCOW wi unbeaten thts ~a 0 � " ,� , -W-24. 1 1 VDAW bailitbol 14401 wilt 44clo wilt iW the montime mve Inot tho 04mitth boublies Tourassuest Sitfforth 4 the %#4j,� y4doiRbIle FMAne"I'd Knowledit 1868 I luthe'9*010with, . 11 ' rolt tM ft*y Y10%w bulavb at sayf*w w4m at the 4outhera: vil!44e, f Yestvrdity Was the SC(Ach douties 4coltur*l grounds here IA,4t. bight. %%k �VMVA'k *'�� Ot *A $4000 - W 00 0 110 00 "W411, Vft- on Mott, , . agricultur*1 gr"Mit here, tkw, FrWay, two fth. *9urnItment s)f the (v,04tl-,-j;h bowlij)g The score was jo to,�L; and *t t St. Andr,evVs,Churr..h 1"' . L . I I luiz the wr it bal*wsbo, noolm * 00" 404 ot "000W ftiotw. , I ftw­­ 11 I'll, Ns 0�lub. but as only Some,L three tcguls not have to 9V*r.ejW " I I . IUC, )N ,SAL= N( V. r. a. T100 Twit por 40*0*W8 O%MA" " , t* ft$! i , 0 *IV I -,,,� = .,� , iton outside players blade elltry it was de. 111111113 I'll, Lindsay, 1pitehe4 all but L I , 00010 .1.11 PORT ALBERT .: I , Qj thelo-ItUV3. )I = 10" . -" *6htlob is *itvm to new and the lost tw , . 4*414 us. '. �; I I .N.K.-TI(A' sm,r, OF ILAY IN FIELD. PrOV0 cotin"*04 to and kidod to make the CoUtestputtly a to. Q lufflots, When Allhoo , I fron' CA 'event, four SaUlts to Wplayvd, Ivils 10"Qu A trY Out. 110 1006 like it ., xw"Ao "t tb* wwo%0" ""' ot 0"Aftom" no*, I June 2243,1924 , � 11*i"'lt*A vl* <'t""Ant V01fie, Of- the hightit plus w,pre to count. V vOming Pitcher. Us sm,-e b)� ia� L -W .-,fit. jA-%jt'.s w.m.-4 I lot" � I - *111110% to , I a I 00 44W 0*04 *0401101" 01! 11 I W10 8"It bV Public -Auetloll, at Lot 4. ftctivt KUY 166, 1003t. ' i *uUnty, txift3fo We - fMWgf'*A' ^""W410"4 ji[%0Wk4"L I $r N1&17, W. b. i,Qlborw U lulle Nyvst 4-4 Ileave Uunt and T. Melk.rraott; -j%,Qxt firaj bingS WiS ,05 f011oWa� I 2P Is at A�Tbve 'VICES. L IkV. oil -*-140010440 I I 1"b" If ow"W" to e"ry oftlbw 111"k ,tow . 1AUNMY . . WIM, Chay. Black and F. Weis, so. Scaforth I " . I A , . V1111% %. GodYb �40 a.m. 11ainlit.. In An . t�­A- -1, a, ,M ... 1* Vona Ana J%. U010thorpe And . i . . Alti.1jr, T. Tj . Ma -0 I 4 Q 0 0 0 0 -v I ­ , # L I I a.'M., Rov.1f. M. Mahaffy, B. A. . i"Imalk'neinit, it * o"Plock- 61jarp I 11 1.16 P.1n. 41 UZ ,+,M. jor thi . rd. . : 7.-30 p.m.. Rev. 0. C 4 1 acreg fit two cut UIN14 . W a. I I � . . y. 40 bo It at, 00dftloh 2445 V.r vowth In AWRIPItr AOMM.. � " )d In lots. italilto" J.,,k5 U.r I I J'f:ft,NjS.­--Tjjrk,P, fofptlk,j� erp(lit wit wil"etultv, C,pinft I tr. Cal"Mall Domigl4s. a ya ,it of gli I - " " , 5.40 p.m. 44 � N. ( UNGBANK I I Spvqlai juvilot Music , 11 10,65 p", Us"IMIC slad Nt . , ut : � Trilln, tjM#P 'to 44nd front To)ront. ,10)#L ftniCS $Vars" Who 13 A I he given on furnistfinw 4nnroW,1 tirtint 'I C . . OroWtioner for the 11 I . . . . . I � . V.: U011% ,or a (jjt;eFjUIjt jt L rate of em per remain as alt present .1 Owing to the date X"ted for the 141DAWY ]a the Toronto (vqnfercnice,,�. . � �i I I bad thit� -honor of preaching tot the I .. I 11 gentsetung rAncle Club picnic, June Re%erend OFICANA" " r� f. GARDEN PAR T. I R,(,n& rwr jaylint allovtP(I fijr vash. Vountl Dead'o" Fitra t, � .L. I � il L NOW,$ OLENNI T. 11117NI11W, , " 1101mes Ill the Norta street � M- 1.� 41q A 44 . . -.-. i. .,A .. 0.5th, being found to be thc,� a4mis jk3, � I � , ; 1. 'UH !�- , . 0 , I I . . . - L. � . . , , , . -, I '" . I, , L.., � I . � , , ,�' Be& I I - ' . ' .' . I :' " . I g* fror �L ' I 6ases tile � " . . , ., I � � I I I . I -load 0 1 � - "� . L '. - � - �twijlght- . I , �.., ��ndfiejtl L ': 11 �., . ': - I - I . 484 . , th.e�'be 10 . I , "a.." sp"'I ". .. . .� , - ­ ­ ­ I .. ­ . .1 . . --1 I I 1. , , "CAROk . , . -.-,----z..- -11 . .1 0 .1 : , ­ vlih­�W­i I I I 11 .. . . JOXIL4 Tre, . 11 marly' frleiii]90 I" t!P4jjjfQI LAQ%V( L . ­ 164thy-ftnt tit I . . ,", ladd 40ath or 111 " �,,� -:1x10 dojUltte& I I L ..,,. -1 1-�----�— � . jr'fAAD. OF TI1 ' ' I , Y'Creath� and i L all Viends and . A�Atltl� fir XW4 ­ ,-&-lisjoix"of X-09" . � " *4d.s3,MP,%11&V ? � L , , po!�& -jind 'Ims'sy ;I' . " � q - - lovinx- 1plsbafm � �, �,,q , I thv hiany flort �� . -� -M " .� . Xro. ath, ,Sr�,,a .. � � . ",-, Me-lltl�;. � i;ir *htr ­ , 1� , I ­ . Is ' �, . - A 10, - -I"-'-- I . L �o I , - I . '10F L I I ' ft - 4.1-4 . I , � . ' . ' I " � . I -1 - w1th 'L� , - . I . ., ., I- STAQ*3 L I 00: . 11NOW . �, "I", r ,, - . `]"P,�Iwvftl! . ­ , it;., AXIII , , rQO , " I ­� f6ouw� ,for I ,� omco,., , . -,,- . , �, � ., ." 4:i* � L � , if 'F, . . ----- -- LW , ­ - . L - M I""' ---c . VO i " , I I 40, X outh L . � .1 9000, dition, I , 011,21, TON. Ua� . .jj � & I I , 'or N*ja,L Au WE' L , . .. , % 'F- � � FVVT.-N t, I I X 0 P . I . ''. . .. I . . , . �011 Vgj� I , " I . $61, tile. surnip't � . . ' I I-AlIg., sept­or'l . 1,L �, '� for willtv . . In 1, ", . . .r 10,01111`8 4W . " 4600 Club 4nd . . I I I .... -4cre. ' . 29 .1i I IALOAVay, 2"fall . I I N'toom 111oft$0, bi 1. yfit;4 sofirls, Nra, ., . L �barn; �Plums, 0� I ,� k I , 4V S, pea - rs or . 0("NUS, All: -­ ... 1� . 1. 4L — . , . . ti6"I apwt-i . L . . . 1.46 L of I the L late , AlbPrt afla Brie � � L � NVOUld fet 'furi 10 'A , . ST?ly to', NV) j v- .IS XUH. , I I I ­­ . . ­­ ­ . . A. � � P lu SILF.- 42 rle� ToWn - , towh. on 'Prol-IT . 1. "Frol)(Irty is "). � , . 1� ­sWry Trami, ill', * -pltl�llplar tit! , % 'a, rults. I WIN,, 11.111 11 . ,­ * . . To RrN — . on WIJ alpilths, (Inn . Hotel and La .... � . tnonf)i or ,V( I 11 1%1'�'Plllblyer � . . — . � ­ .— 7=Z-,- .. .. � - == !.. .. . . . d I . I , I I . I .0 . . I ... , - �', i . I � I L � . . . - , " � " L-7 � I � I , . I I "O. � . . . 1. � . . 11 I I . I . I I I " I . I , - L".. . .1 I L .. .. .. I IXVWY� "�. # I'". I mv 94H (Ir. � V iw Inurning Air, t MeMloalst churvit'.00d4ich" Wt sun.", % X W �W� ' jeo. Melt* that selected by for At Masonic jrilejjjt� 1 $441PIRARM.060 T,XftH,.431Vj=jf-&r'-- "iValnek Goderich towtiallip,'wa, day night. I . I .�r . � - ­ . C,, In rounti 1 . . L I 11 � DUNCAN & COWAN U V11101M., , SALN, or delidon the farm bear tbil bank where under the Skusplep'% L 'of' ' Blyth and Ills Hubject, " � The IlighwAys of . I . = - ­­-- , jtf�l��i'j; 1tF1FU,N1i** qPROV81ITY t tN - -11 L .,L IlL ( MIDMID&O Star lodgesA to be beld at Ljf(,p %Vag made interesting, ,lot 0(t. ­­ I , . Canp,da% Premier Entertainer - AND 111.4'sill X.�i$, h l had been jitlt . . - 14 1 . --- . ending tQ 'i's cattl(', Menesetung Park, the Canoe Club boa � ­ . . I NellWaine ,Wa$L . � . , . 4 his death being due to acute Indigos. P08tPOnt(l Its Picnic to Wednesday, .Continued on pag,,, A I I . USj,Z, Rea,41rip QLnd SCOWN I Rill Itistruotoll by MV4. George Cooli, t1owl. Air. forty-four, July fith, tile pit I to b b ld t I . . . I . r fleld to ,selt 4,v Dayfit n e a e R I A I I i . .14.1---"&-"- 11 . w ­ , Pipes � - . plonNe VubllO.Audlon Qit tht, ,mrs of , 188106Af Canad. RL" M ", .. .4, wirgoo $t _*ge'L was not Marrietj anAt 'Id. I . I . Won 1618TRU I I I" L I U I I L � I � I I I rk'�ct 004460h, ('Tx was living with hl'$ Mather, Mro. Rob. Urk,sk bro I I f Y, WNLI Hot ert Mellw4i I � RATUIMA 8 it SATURDAY, June 21st­-Auetion . k.N% jum *1jNSU"KZ 1 .,Bjrief Addresses and Grettinigs from commenclus 4t, 11.00 lo'clook 'sharp. � ,. -- L ==,, ' ush R044way I . 8410 Of eli*6 resid 11c.0 prowrty **a L , I 1� I Iqllllllllwlli ___ le , I -.1 __ - , m deltv"y truck hounelloul L _� I , IjW oohanS, � L It lift$ the r z I I Vi$`lting c1craymop. L L A good "Inefit block N-t.uA,0j,e(j ljou,;P. � "e' ItlintiI bee"' 'taking Mr. L, Flick's I furnishings, at the prk-mix-, j aort_ ,, 11 . I thoroup;llly aodem. t,out.,iijus larg.- . broke through tho,roadway on. Novth es, �Vjjson street, c,)nnaejftQI"g .*t , , �� ates our f4the seNed feclIxii 4 to 8 a�cl x - street jv.tst around the corbor, 4ft the & 1 13% oWlitk abark. Xj�& ( a I Sul children. -It , ,,, ock living room. folag room, Se"VIng r0oTjjL . I . ; . I . . . irk, �ktse of *jju!bjLj ,0CXF1X1 6 prointletross. T. GUN. . ,-, U', rid filith �,Zl carries their � .. . and h1tobea, 4 bedxiooM4 ,%Vlth elolite'.k ne* Eureka We Clois. Square yesterday morning nud Otte of' C fvp. jjR a . �- 1 �'3'1 btlarmy woAthor the Con- Nwio,ts, 3 pieve wthrtti,nt, tjp�irgia pink" . 4 # .,Ili --tik"111'a .be -no lon -at . AN Int 'oors. 4,argl the rear Wheels %*jontLAl0'A'n to theg' -, Auctfonev4 , , X6 C , dicti Cert I be held in the. olhuri;h , I'd; )yklild 4., ,# . . ,.. a , -ov L 'Mit , , I . vit-randah, *,- ,it, pnij fut,11,1A.P. will liold % &le of hub, This was close to a. Tp4ter by. I UJAN . I � I.; 010 his,8vorking days, ie.� eir 1, , 4 I '. L .pieudid Ve,IL , . I I . - , . . ---" L '' " .1 L . All electilic lixtilres %ld, igh,ltleg trl ­­ I I . - ' :, . ,,� I -to wj� . It drant. Toall aj)itetkrancc� the groun(f I 'I L fi'llfe'S =tet -with bousP, whf0t 14' ll"vl,- dee=tpd, . . Q ADMISMON. I , It yoii'd Vol by boo* I& train, f6f you,all�p I . L . I i d' n ondtir 14 . 20c �,11(1 In- At e0l)(11tion. .: . I �I Home -1113110 BakIlIg '. 100kitil solids in fact the truck had jimt. �Mu� thin ever again and, aga1%, I . L . ,� the above, * -�Why. I Mults 50r, Ch.l. re A This propocty mav, -, be L 11 . . . passed over the spot, b%It in ba0dilt;! the tune of ,Ony,old terrtlia, .1 i�� . I . L I '. . I - I . bour-lit.for L . . on L TO � ­ 131)t Ott f. . 0 , � BRU6E'O. GRAY, Ili -is 1,011AW4, I e of the wheels, as alroody stat- 0141 �buy tuy �,rilnkS Jill r .. I r" ea."I or terals, NVIII bt, g1w . I .1 JOHN 0$JAII). 'j`(.jt pei"o,'111; Lf�f PlIrChUS 'droppp L * I 1AI I I . I L 'C' t)j,jee it. Y�j' i ,rl,PS St L . I I . f4stor , . ed, ,d down gUddtnjy,L . : I'L. L . J9,b4rn)Atj'S.*P . :., . . . H. A. Lo"00 0414"geat Stigilttary I I , I Paid 4 tlin0 ,D'f'1SAIP. b.'Ar,14npe j1% 14 4,1,J)*8 Saturday, 1�e 981h � Dorainion. Day It% Goderleb, � - I . . . .. 11 .. �� . ­­­ .. I—— ­ _ . = or Rour buivirt,t), (IIIIIJI'.4 ea.'4, 'at jInjP` �. . -1-1* 11 -- ::::::;:::;:�= L ­ � ..L - I I I .1 . - I -- . I . . . . . of sale and .tbe balaupt 11UP `Aenj "It ft:$ . . I . ILI - , - L lorgaulzation for it Dominion ' i I "Olm . . L I ". " L I . - - - .1 . CRA10141 S - '� Or montl-, w0l, -Int6"00 0,� 1% Per tteDt. I... I 1. . - . cel Da,v I Itk%h".%., At Nilo. In) .Nril v 21th I , IW.I* . - I , . L � � 1, . ""AMIc, AM -W^ ssrATR. I ebr4tion In. Goderleh was -�ffected . 11 - )0"%-_L_.,�� PPr atinum pa-abli-6,ory six uldlitils. - ItHil 'Ors. ketillie sook-'s, I soa . , tL , .. -- ---------------- . ,, OOL$ I �.­ 7, - - 4'. A. 11, ` Gpxery -Store evening Of last wtelt and "' ,ll . . .. 019% USTA:T9 AND V%Wft�-NCE T,'NN aticl­Watorrati�4 tipportioll,�4fl,om � I oil Tuesday , . , . . L . . .. usqsi.�-86ws�&, . I . _FOR L SAtE� Op I %- date of 1�),p. VroOerf.y 414y be jaspe(+ . ----- - - - . - tile committees tile I Ill 4,1111*1141 Iltilroi%. � �'. : , . . .1 K I .. 1 7- . L I I - - , I . I �- : �� !- :- 11 . - -11 11 11 uppoirited will I - 3tA­a.F4jjP '�' . I - , : , � . 'L L I �To RENT", '140 A'Al Any *ftPPQO0II Ofit`t? J61w'211d. At - tonight. .n,11114 . "Ill . " of tj,�, �;;��, �', " - '' L � 1!�l -t ­ -- meet again. . ­. ren,.q, . . . . . .. . , 41.1111114il. 100 010 Ot *%O half ern 4.2.3tor-4ey, �franle� *ht.ft6rAid the Aame A -low all 11WL VoIll(Int . . X1 U, 0 F1141b. 811*11111b,"­ oil. " . , �-, , -what It w.oa% twt . you, to li,"­ I It hoWsej , ,, newly dee4rated $h;0U0h6ut, hilusel M111 ,1W, sold, vonsisting of the -- I am "I n the morniti* `b`V a, do. 4,uttl, ft1h, ,ut , , I uogday, ) . I I jolloWlnit: L I I .1. ­­ .. . " . � .,,,pqss; 1. will. be to-, yew� weit ti iiii oxi, . � .. � L I L L .L � � , , * "wo �,,,sltlolleo j1`f­jh6 '­ ' ' � , . ��. ­� be- I I L , !44:4! MOO* porAde and 'a baby ilpiqvios, pttjq�t,. Ijk$ jjft%-� 'j. NJ two lotsi corner Sputh'Valild Wake, S,ck4ojr'jVP.d fitilitt'' '; .. . � . 1. . *,�L IlAtib";ii . , ,. I 1. Wit jry 9% *roiv on I tiw� i� �.IPcos, r4ry 4 10101W It I I �., . 1 3.P= 1 � toy I 'Anis *,-sot of ,reed. furniture, ' " orf,14"$" _ijf j"(IjjjtWt.jI6%' t I , , ­ �, .ye �Mliixti., rties Streets, , � - - - : . I �� . Ah outside Mott Oat% be jot M. A.,' Agotw, sliN.iiid (jjIjj�ehtt*j* ,(it Ift tyvaiiiy U"ns.of . $" . , ... , . , i 4 , I I . ; , , �­ . Ult , . .. " I I . � j . � . -tylIfte 13114, gold Illit,1411^ I � t6 Oct as Judge, are proposea. � Tho hill) ­%Irfi� A. Af 0 . . . I � . i I . � . . I N . SIUMUZU ,0()TTA:G1$S-T0 Ull'.% * . I reed I 11 Nome Unv illnP of tile .,soldiers' tt�etnoVint -NIP, Andersoyt. �Njuajro,IAI. (of fipti,oll !11,*. 1 40 AX611 - e , 'i . , I . T .. ,viablb0t: Othcr ,9mall reed urtjtijeq*� . ­- I I . I . .. I I . ' . 0 1 .. , � . , . P �. '1'11�� - . . . I . . ,111 NNIMUC4,21 I . . , in tile afternoon I Ilf,111. 'hN' ffi(�' ,,,, L ... , . . , . , . . 1101iltZli'lan L P"N . . . , . will talte place early. x�jxgxv.�x, t � ,N9tj,* L , jiind Tr6wra . ­ , I . . . ., 'Irdle ., . a 'L . I . "; i�­ L _' . . . i , 'j(#"t. 'j. "t&.. IL I. . * r , .i 1'0000d4i I OW11 Nvall)"t Uble, I ,slft - ;At. the unve ling of the Sol� ,rhil�,411',... JAill1j, 1,W11t lfg"j I"Pitak a * . . . . �11. I , ."614, L ' 4S rollsi ��CW graulophone, 10 and possibly, adult gomi lstcr�ov. , : off . � i Milte IWO. .. I . I Jf. � iv, . I AeVv-, M`Pfcui)), no. worspillan I I . N j(­f1.-jmL,ilT, 16-i'VATH -- .. - AND t . . . . * " Dominj * � . flaoilltAin. to I . ,., .,. � , . I 11. 1. ��­' , I � ., IN - 410s': f4prnoriai on to .ft 11 - Ur AIIIIWK - (;,, . � , - FHR.��11 toard; I Ilawallan gultal., Ns%il case�, ,,,, suectlisful Stmiie4ii ,,, on; , IG'r.,.,139,111, hok , � "D , NS 01 ME.T.W­ 11 ,UeT ... . � �,N- _ . . . AN U ,k"FWN i . ­ 0 1) - 41nall Aablos; 1 Arop -joat I - , , . 011 , I : � L k. , . ,� . ,11"F, *(St7.X I"U'PrI, ACCIURNT .A.Nl) Itil, thought to b , ajjile, (; din , . I We arethpleas . I Pj8j)L , . �� I r. I 'U6T ,�� � N'Va V M4 ote, tile. h11:11, . , I I I '! . . �' ." . � � LK . : , I 111-6 l,NbT1nt%N(*' . ? � .L Cill ,tj,c r ave jn9't%tklrg*. 4 Rltth6f Ohalrii, 3 roetil� -1%* It t i's ., � , , � I I I . ,end Of Lf;Quth Crown Huron runpe with..,tv if , Day, seats will ,bo keserved for standing, 3 tloan r4ticEwan XIOZIIATIL --At qodp .; -t I 0. 0 ­ . ' ' Pn lost . ator jr�ojjt.-, . L . To -ItWNT.-Vor two'or throe mo)ilhs,1�1,0 oa( "I'liursday I joll,noe, , , ,. Uh.h. on Stitt- .. , , , , , 4", J�A,f,l brielk I , I -, I �ug, "y fep d. in horothird.year course In' ftj�'.'Aini'j� jajlj� 10.4,j, WIJIL114. Jilt _ jjoj,5eL,,II .6011 Ilatbor", All �t� 1, rok, ON'l - direct relaiiVea : � i:, rrf�illl July iA, N� I I . dot, tho swlcr�. Achieve - I I I . j ,is� . it Tbrnb�hdd. f 10 k , rill fkare -at'STAIA 01" ft, 6 - 30 toPt ,-'track ,and banVrs, ,for - 11 I I tho VANtrsity, takla� 06j,gja"aL h I X0100 , , � I . I . :wboao nanleg a' L , I " I .1 on. 4xitath. in UN,�isljl We'll.. I . * ; . *, L " -0,.% I I L - v(0.1 ront:11116,11, *N�711 11 TIM�* 1* - .- ., gatap -door.�� st4fr. ajl� cloth j .t. s q I ,- I I Fully AWAVI'll 0 pvd. . Loeated,ploiii .1 kiiltik� ",M,(� � , . . �, � .,qtjilr,j re n Ofbed,:.on or$ in Modern! "hik -C . � � � ­:�'), I 'yOff,, UnAleUm', ,i'bed 44ftlap a4d tklaf- . I I s and stAriffing, thefg 116VKH�­A 66&�Ojv )� 'jin .,.SO4ftyj .. * in JVJ r, 4 L , , ingot 41611 "*. 11"ar 'Iakc�- front, �,tlpp(,d- pariksot, blulsh- irc4ses, in good cottil tion; 'I , , Ill. University collep, winning, . ti ano'.151.11. AW0. -L11 8 VXN� * ! . . * ' �, .1 Ju. �, t V,4 I ' . � I the" rainlument. - .,NVIII those $0 , ,i�h6larshlp Ili 'rhodorl�$. It! (I " " , . , I L (W�mef 1 � . . . She. stooAl 1 .�' . � - L, I Aull(AW.. * , , I ( UYST-1yory ost " -wiavUstand, 4 mail washst . 1. � . I , . 1 hN 42nd year. L - � - , , , . ­". .,.�. . I ,U , ... , , . reeft eamTd handlo. I .- w0ell 4nd � - omds'. j . 1, .:. , I I .A. I ­ I '44VEX f,IPrj It and 15. S. No. 1, 4�ojbornf-.' Irefrigerator, 1,Slaqvir seNl�jng m,achIhj,;"1 to 'seats kladly:jv4,su, i . . . � ,� � 140 I ­�N V.od.housq 14 exc(+� QO I I , ,�ntltlod. M . N&%%iS - __ n ',L,tj§.f . . .4 � L . "" fiii, second In the UM4ergity, the. first . eff,i . .. t 0jlPPjt*h 4;yk . :� L 'I Potlffltj� �.. 1)jC#Xj,VL f1j'CoVate(I Elec� 4 r4+d'fernery gUtilds; A 'Ni . I � .1. I ..* ' . . "ill 1 )41 Sultable. reward, riudc,r leave PA, STA it .Ater pilwet- Xbejr�nanilt3 - X*#'vdII(4S1UN,,� jons t9th; j"24, 00orgli .84' . L ' I .1 I (H(� IjPjlt�(j,­j9V4Pvvtl1iwr yery �dalvftl . 11 �- I . . . .. WQ4�lltix movallne't * Woloe , at Once wjtb�. Aj� 11) PlAce soing to * victorliA 4C0j'j:QXtt 8tul , . 1� - ` I ,%ft Y (TVICK �­ : '�' � � . , irob; I I , L , �'f.. . I �11%,V'uju"Ift hN, Vitb,yecir. ,, I ., .. L , 11 I � Lj�-"4 . �, , -at.: Ii')?t.4?'4,.o4jL (jf�. . V- -1 - - . 'L � - I ' �, 1. . . *-A- e-.----- I 4ent. Allso lKolithalk WOU400 iahqo h44 MAMN-k-LU: ,At (IodPrjxvW,­0j - � NVLCL,f .! . . . It".. ' . ,­ ' �. '��': _ 0 ­ -­ m- � ­ ,walnot Ath"t. of tlr*%,lirg� g,!Oedroofit 1140ONRY), soctitary, � of. the ,� . . I .110, NVIU1 .. � , it 'XI'Alble a . $ �j , , Ahi- , id,­i�j, . Aovs, 'Aiwer , '. ,I L 11. �­ ' ­ ­ .. v*h0mr. i Qq,0­4 , � ­ *jFda% I i L Z� ll*�r %* , uf, xil"Pt, .. ­ - ­ ,i# 0 -,utr . Vt , �­Irduw+, ­� -il. -1.-1 . -,�.­�', mp!�kl�-�A.4 of . . - 1. 11� ' . ' do4i W6114 P"lling h" Ablid y�o r With � .. jUilij , -- _---�, - - �' - � --- .. � - I W01.,wr. : I � . I , 41, john..,N13%, � , Ott- ,, -lib - ( '6. - 10"M I ­­- '110,� IM. '40. ,%,ril. '. . bwk,m j6i%ig , iftyler ilfsbo *10am. * ! ,*Ititmll LIA : ,� . ;6;t;! . 4)11% Othg!r L ijj$bt* 'a' '14, - I ] . 11;,, '. L I ift-b"detost, - Abjt�'� )tjss %ar.' � Th; � funetal will, Ulto plaeo r A . I 11 .' � �6,00 T-6 10-00 vxu . . 0;001444.0�mt� � , � T OM, h, , 1. . ,.L. . . mr ill barn. pow frult 4irchqrct 400 I'm AX - , 014 $ giiij�.%"'� . I ti"'Pt"iiiiiPlIefif ar"CA `Strt!#!J� '()IIL F'r ji�' "L � '' ,jv&(.-t. or 'llintI.L" � � loll. ten, his Wmed her ,se, 1.4 ' 4 L , �oivatetl just oiltstdo ., For you If voo will q(talify �vrlligor; *1 qopppr- Wlt!.r.�g ,I&,.,LA t�bsl� . . . . . ay,bwissoed to tben&L L . Nfalt1jilaa L ­ I , � ml9killf.11, , I I . for W PQ* , . . . oraWris " tin", a _ ­ . . .�p� 'Mon %& g tiori as'"ll A, O'N lileft. N -A mow- -�-- ' L . . . r,ujio Will. at 'glL.110 Wrluck 't . ' I ' lj(ii. . (1,0, Pridl, 0% I x " I ut MeClIR010, ' , f Put'"I(kin Utehob sinlik. t, 1.3% -­ " -- I . I StiM4L hf.� =0 J-jnphlr�*, ..�tvrvjve,14t thi� 11 it 241.*� . q. I Pernellf �Uiy#wallc from 'Squaro- to = - Ignition,' � 13 ttt,Vr :, ., er", I.-Iftwil roller" I $teg la1&A�1",.m,t;tvr&n, -am .. - I . I . WWII a . L , * I I Y - 'NWAUM4 - . m I, " .. I and che - . . 'I'look. . � I liourte.'Town delivery rnall Fe�v .Avpok j*qUje(,4j _to. lodyn, -� tools,�%60 feet of rt�w Osilt whPolbar- 'L !b#try' ,. , ­. ,. . . �a 1 . . ., ._ , . ­ . . 4 " �r .��, . , �, . Phooetlr-'deslred. - ,Nlaill�,.* towitt"014v1- .W&V'b�t ' OWN,- Cent-,4'�';Ad' 4161ir L I !- —­ ,. ., I . �. . . % :L I sia � � . I 0. Ift " I ­ � .1. I , . , I . . . . r, ,,,�;. I account gg),4, 11trou,ai �uur tralning. L Expert 1 " ­ � - - .. , I ,�",,L , , ' . , I - , , , " " Orr 66r. 1Prud!tjcq4-,tnRjrdn . L jg� .. . Allyllf 1 lr6w, --4 )0'tL-of"fUP-­­­ W"1 -R!,: I , .. AM141% I %* . �­ � i Ifles, with farin romfort;:- (in uncontrolihillt-- conditions It'& v,4ry to Will on. 610)I)fIgA, � R"011 W.1" 1"q 11"111 pq . . i . )WOrtOnt to '-,oil qt' once. ThIs, pro-- manit (;ot st.irt'd no fo I.. r a ? � Thig-Jli'a spieMid 1. . . . I .. � I � . - . . . .. I L .. . � . � . � -. , "*� . �,� 7 . . . - 4 ; , . W I , ' ­ '... . . I . . . I I . . I .. 1. 9 , , , . PtIrtY ls'offmd at ,a big bargain t6r",and a brighter fatur(w * , rr, ) Nvill all bo ,,qofd V41thatiV any resiMV. " � , ­ 11 , L ' ' � . . I . . . , . I . I I . . . 1".. I I . I 1. I . L- � , .., I .. .. � , L . , I ! I L �' . � . " I . .� . I . . ..., I � ­ ilitlek -mle. . v , I ) . ­-C,451jo - - L ' -',� " 0 I . -,, . . . 1� . .1 . I 1� � L ,atg " I for our'vp,�elal. IT.r. It 14 11 TVR'Nlg' . 11 ': ,: I I I . I . , sc.e 1. NN" . L 'L L� . - � L L - , , . I . . 1. I I L . � .. " . , - . , I 0 � ..., . For all Vartiou � L AM[- -1r-.0'AlQT'1YX,­ � INE I I � .1 'E) T. GV�MUY. Adch4hei�r;,%. , ,:, :.� . .. � . . I . . L., I �. I I . , I I . ';1440NO, aboye, Parsonil Falr, 13G.y sn, ,�q�,Klt;-! St. W broatv,'.� - , I , . . . I . �,t " - . I . . ... ,. L . � L - I I. � (Aodo,ilett, ()4f L , . I 1---­�" I 1, . � . .. a . � I � I I I . - 11 1 �4 t I I �­ '' . . , .. ." � I . . � - � I � B L, L-1 - 11 . - - -­ - . . P.,J)'"No m4itiv 410tiv­,,mall or I , �, . . . . . L , I I � I , .; , ... I � I . .. . ,�. -. I . . K . f* ffj(' P14j!'o 'j%'fl lj� t� lil 'A'oU .. A-ToCK ' 'Y'N,41U.�IEXT:4 . I � I . I 1, . : 4W ' � . , 1� . 7 . ' . r I . I . . . I I . , ;' � - NAI-11*1%alr L 7.AND , , � . . I C I Y . I No . L _ '.- L . I , . L - . L. L' . , t, . - Zrlm can'=k ()110�1.�(' .AgPjjj Ii (,ll:,4,1I(ji,K� F1' HNITURP, , I It 11 I I I .1 " L� - -�� e ,III . .4 OUF ifeil to - . .. . . 11 . . . ) L . � , L., I — , , ..... - - I .L . %% I I. . %( r - I I === 14 , I ;I, I I I I 11 I . I I , I � . I �1 . L I I L , I I I � L I , . , = I I � I -- - now A A * . L 'V Wr , . A , : I - . . I "IN, �T' I F. - Balvllold. twenty-fivi-dollars irt'A.My for.'any lady I at'. , . : . I * D"' N"N" . F, . Alf . L I I . U,',jj.'P�qprj�-Fl) "U'r."Ov- FAIOC! " T -,-h il' S O' I � & e, r , � s . I . %1,".. i � � I . -;, , 2 to , ; er Avltb Al,few lioum to ,spaie. unit doulWr miRv T,v%,1�4-TAN%f . . I , "', - , . � . L I 1,, I . !` A opts i ,X� to s. "'do plie. au�tloh (ti, COCI 43'. "I . . . I , Memorial W . I I . , , , , y,jjIL WVI --w-11 bY PA . I I . GtIlt, sturts r 11 wd L , ,QSt N, I �0-� Inest � � . *vaet I I . I I I i . I I � n; 1, .NN . . � . I � L . . . . . . . . - . 9 I 11 . L - .. a . flours' by ai­. . I 1� li I . . . � . 11 I . . . I - - "� s . . . . . . - law,wsll Ho -all * 1104 L:� ' - �'� . � �: . L . : - I I . gji.n I . I ., . . I 11111ML k-: . -,. I ..., . � I . - ­ . . . . I . I . . .. 1P .1 �Z , $118 I I I I 11,;i , ** it Niaiit�,d Irf,twevy, toWn ot'Nile"'Ala , . . .. . . '"", �,�� �- L I I I ., t . ­. . 1114 1, . . , - , I ft h � ,,, L'� . I . ), 1; )w orders for I/,iLj!(,%- Jfil'011SONY', JULY -3rd L U, . . . I . - - - � " . . . .,. 1. �.� ; 11 I L 4-- I I 'L I . . ,', .. , _0 *, I L 'L . � I I . - � . . . I ��.� . . I � . I I 11ouso Prf,i,i�,,-, j'4jrClIL .�P.rujls" ete­ (fir, .j . . I . � U-KT'O-'- A L ' 'Birmt1ow, Aflj0.LpN .or. a(,. . collimOldrig at, "sharp , , 1. , . . .. . ., . I � I . I L . . � . . .1 .1 ..,-:L . " . . .1 I . I . . . . , .1 � ny pitnqan. ignoiAiig '3L e 4)lcl��04 . 1) .":, - . I - I .w. , -��, . � , I . L I . . .1 . I I 1, I *i -nu Mantitacturer 1V Wintn;r. NN't, , - , . � 1 - �,Orl 6 r ' get . It., v , � ­ , I L 4 . h. I . L ft I . I r . I . .., ,` , Iress or wIlereabouts of Le%vls Buxton, Hoist -4 , , I ..y . , , � ) - ja jo 1:0;, ". -N dh � . . , .�- doill,Npr and colled� Spiid (.1114S linfial' I' '.4ij, ­ �. � -NioKil .1 . 'lij 'of .tlhaft .40illngs,­7 an(! 8 : Line, I . . I . .,. 't .� . - fir saillp � If Will 0 . ,; f Adn of'the latp 84rah V. Hdkton r le outfit�lknfl shakiijiatlik ,,vith )'0';jr..j olil.,aboot ,fjoo,l)f�.* J,. �,P;(jj (jf . L . soldiers Mom III r t . of � I , , , klKan, M- ndlY llotlt� the undprs"gnelij 13,L. J.&Il' N . ., I . , U do' . $Ueee' ,4t; I L (IV., .q�ttj� '& (, . � : ­ - -a � 't l.. I . 'n . � 0 * . I � . I I I � *.,� " CHAIIIA',S H11,k1;P,TT 'Admlnj.4­i;�. 4' , I grvy IlPreheroa sreldinot rislok .') and nA th" T,ft .� : t r11L I ­ W 11, - - . - f "Aartill'L.11. ;VIP li�j llig"to. ',,,,,_ -malim,lenirvi- in 0?u,,PJroeh4, Par,,-a!t. I 1. at 11 .. I . ..Pw I , . -4ii.."­ 'gowler, corneiror- tho 9stilto, o .. ,e , �6,)Tll,11.011, I - - ro,,ids&.�.r � goldlog ri.sing 5 . . Twig p U 601 Orne � , :kp.t", Watirr�Vre4,4e�r­ le. � ,-Ared ,by 1WN.t,r .Lbh,,I�son, I *th -d , I icill is e �� E- , . I., t , ". � - I.. . dwf: , . . .. � I I I � 11 .. I - . . , . 1. 4,�G,11.1. Nv-tt-%1%f) to to to Lontlk-For gol- �, , 1% . , - . . . I 2*..,� . I . , �elt' ftdly 171(gle44 CcWvd, baliglev.'Washingron, . . � . I I . )l : . � .." 11 1 4 1,111r.", �ow. 7 yea . M of, �. I � 4 '� r -unfifrillihod.1 I � . I . .. .. - .. I . . .... ­ --­----�Z.­­---- .L-—, ­_ I . . .. � NVIA." f1litit 'I% " L ' unveileA . 610.Z FVHXITVI1K. —'A .� ,7. .::� 1) tit .�L P, 2V,J." - . � , .. .. I wi tie ceremony,on Do I I I .� Clr.imn pcti,E� . ,, �,E , ord? 13OU60% L, iL A -ret , . , minion Day, " The - ,I k, -1, * . � .!.� I � 10 I . I 1, . . XT 4. ce I , ­ ­­� ­ — . . ." 4nd o 11�' AIM he , I C ,, �lflrt, i 1, dap, lu � , . I I Jill LIF ,Ommjssjnn of be -oxiterl, lVe NO . wit In , 00 . I , . e . C'� .t,' . ., I i of land, ",.I (I'lTe- I Ifile NNiior a Iht t, . ODIC ,ja oZiryt 1. jityrr'Alillia. e4*;w 4 Wal'i-old. .1 4rooze tablet, � for * th 'front of the, granite pedestal , ", .;, ' � ill 6 Town -of (;Odeple. I want. to purohasi� Ilonle. .1119h wago., Nvitu. jartre fill) tj 0 1 olled Ajlpll.�' M . . ' . 11141 , I . -'*1 �, wroe nl;le�, from ght Pt ; .if- arld peoprAnen P � � row 0 WM4 old. dull In .� , . I fjl4hwa tth tit(, W few eedar poles-ftir eleciric it I%,- ,to thi t Inuos I t i on to reaps ill Januar�,:�l jl,u)jed ;knpnis �owj I ytturs, and I the largt, bronze, Ug"re - compldt . t . pos's,# Pole4 to be ffils'pil ovp� tequirvit. jou . I I . � � I to - ; , . . r A 4 1 .2� or, 3o rept. to,14 '-f . I . � 0 e the 'Mona . . fo�!-hnlf, , . . ., 'IV, I It.,flor-01- .- i, . I . , , I . . , F, f nmee�, I , onis anl ( V, I I 9 I Ayroohire holfer rlsjnx3 ptars blil: i " 'eon . Alth 'Sevell-inell. top, I I ­ ­ ­.— I I --- -1. �, -� I . � ­ . , . 1grey lieltPr, rising,12 yttars. a yearlIng 14 I ment have arri i . i"A"'t UY Pel`8011 flaVIIIA' WIN` Slli�ll pi ved , n town an, . . . "aln 119 ` I ah's 1r) X(;EPTION'.�j, 0 -ij l4tof rs d will 4 pjaced befo , ,iv , Vj,,)jjTV,N -)!.:�N— *, ,l se.ring ralvea; I gow Arld J * , ' . . 1,�h NVOW(tshed It, 2, si-P.; Idnillp write or plione 11 . I 1, . re. - � barn 42x% ijilif J, g. Ijj.,,LLy. .gjIpf:, . � . El lol ill , Ififi,cTil. and Brilef, ! NO,',". Own ton woelis Old,. I NfeCor 1� � . . I . I . .. . , . .11r) a* odf It'valkills IN) * Alfiallt V i6vk hindt,pi 4 -ft. cut: l.slassoy niow- , In . I i , ,�,.,lo Ill, Sall' � 5 t the day of, Utivel * g. . . - - I .1, .. U4 tity of ,p- Goderleji� 0n,L L. .; L. G K N CK S e e I v.. IN ... llil,,� , er, 5:ft- eut; I Nfatose.v Ilarri.4 hee'd. dril I I . . . . � . . . . . , r � . � . � . . I . I . � I I I I '. . I . . � ... . I , re , also otlwr - ;ift.11, I)III . ;1­1�k.s 141i'leeall(tilt 'Alionvy-makin � I . � I . I , —.. . IWO$ 1. i . . I . . . I I . . I I to � . 4NIM.H. . I , ..-----11`4C- hitsinit., i: "N�*lpfltl's.'Iurg(-,4�',f�t*,to�.y. to I ".611"Ic fart'ril,% lillng plaw; I Flour , .1 . I .� � � .6 � . � . . I I ,,!� ;, ---� S1Q ; . N, , I` . i . . . , 'o. 2i� I %val tliume Iiahl.�� � . . . . � . MU - - -Ing plow., I 'i . e contract pric * I . 0, I , eriell, 111. I —­­ I I 01.6ijill"t, ,4,61 orwanizaticlit j.stabilsh- . N � I . Of th I - ­­-- PI10F W, ft. JACM,(.3.N, firganfst,wt. -urs- *.Surt1tIes;'ri,quIre4l. NVrlti- J:Sol or5-soP.jj.1rryWs;j bil '".I.-iot I . e of $7,6100, theie - � has , � � . . & .. Wxhil"NA wir # I . ) . ��, 'hous to rp"I � Ueeetor of Mugle, NotItIl 1,5W, I I I pf dloiblo leant b.aness, I set . 41 een. . . '.., 0 I t ;i,�,��,-­-,,,.� it � f or X1 I partlew . . 9114 slekdo . . . . . I I iT I 'I Ili Iri'l �, wl. onjtirlo� P'�"` '\ *I" - 1)" P t' haloom: t Ivair 11-irso esillars. j r.wing paid to the couiractOr $1,04 leaving � 4 for tbe sliAll1w.f. 811-411(itilst I'llurelt. 111strurtlop glit'lln 1.1 � , already b 09 . � 4. Nesp ­-,"!�14 Volre �Icllltorp 4' ft, ,,�-; . I � � rart. ,with nv%N Ilrest V rwrtr siletxr� I I I .. , . irgall'. Militot,' viorki. .=� ".", .. 11 ­11­.�. . — ­ . � : . . ,,jPlll4-. pr­-A�: 1 ellItIng box: 4 Nf 1. I a O" I . . I � , . I - 11"Iralre, �7,3.jlee 0111lar. ThPoryp eW. I .1 - I. Ill $4,560.still to - be p�ido l he Ireasurer , Woo, Apply to . ,Ijile4q, stfy.,j,l ' Twojs compgny thre - ir"'a etow(l 11111111"tvit lkbutt,tl ere4to svpark,,4r; I . . . ', I ,�t, . . .1 Studj() al)(1 r esjdvneiy� t, � . � I Itt 1. W' ,in,( rmill: �� ellnItIll,tt. L . . . . . I . 10hoop, ral� .. . . . , . barn. M) io: I s, .t 4" r.. J. L� I I # . I "I I . o ) xour js an aildren"e, � ­ . � . . .., r.. . �� t., . I . . ­-��..... ''I .�� . ,I bedrown suj&�,,;, Ijj,.,jtrj..�si1s- an't . 1; Zk a no Vasa, ana Donds, which, with , ,I I '.. ,' - ... -7-- I. Nprilla": I new f-allwe jijlj�: loll0si-ts: I , .... � ­ I. - ­ ­ -1 -- — ....... I - . "I'll, . I I and roll I I � i, . .1 a , I , . . 11 . 0U====-,�0-0====C1 .1, , Jo,.%Q I rau Parliot jilirl riors: ft 1pf-vttirzi- I the.amounts pledged. by th6 Township- Councils, make - � .1 .1 - It . � . t#=0Ut=l quills and Ufflillon Ktnkels . 1. , , I I ?1� � &7.ZUF--1MWE1';;t� g � I 14 . � - � �� I ;jW-4k,%1T,;. ­. I I 1.4111 to -alt -d vljajr�: .3 rijehilig PjIttirk: I ' 4' I . f ­�,,� ,I , 4' � I . I efluel 1% - possible a further payment of $3, . 5.9 *a �, I ; 7 � '. ,;, - 11wk 1?7W � 'A 1.11M � -A .1.4 . , � - 1�1 1. -'� 1 � . I , I I . � , I 11 , 'PF� � � 1 " . 1 I . I L: 2 K). I ala%� j'jjfjj)$QrjI: j 26 81 leaving the � � I , -1 'A -4 . '. I ;,I '-f . . � " . I I ". .1 f �. 1;1' " � - 11, " ,,, . . �aljlr.'61. limix 4tove. and boarth, I Idlelloo I . I - . � A , Ill ". � I . I . . , � . '. 1, �; % , .L , �, .I- � � 1, , , I �l ,,, lltlwm, lifirm.; I \11. y lul,q, 1 . , I 11'1� I " I . 0 1 . ­ . . I I .;j . , � � . 1, " I I �­ ,. I I . . I I I_- ­ ! ti)tir,, - 1. sun, of $1,294.02 still t be raised. , , I � . . L.: , 41 .. t.l � " I , llitlWr bowl ajj4j,t,j,Ijl-: I 10 � . I � � .1 . I � . . . : . . . , I � I -1- - .* '' . .. . I I I . I I I I 111.1� . , %xi4flinx alaellillf'; filellut". 111'.114.* . . I I 11 I � I I I I I . .1. � ------ . I . �� - , I " . �. � , I jvot jar,�. elsastjll�r jmll�. hillij,Q, llilW% I 11 " I ,., . L I I � : , , � �� � I . , � I I gritt It, V,alli, alld J1111 I. uv- . I � 1; . � . I ntlAw.V,l;l4 I A number of . *t* ens have promised contribuit , , % . I � I I . I � "I .. � � .. 11,11 I . " I . I tig-ITS. � . . I kft til, . .1 I cl 12 � . I% . I . � I 0 jjlf,rj� %%ill llfFj,111�4.1%. jt#� lift 1",if.rtp. , I I I nq I'vi-POIlillu a4wrIly"A 11111A Ile thpi I I I ." - I I ,,,�,,,,1,",11,.%,1,�14.. - W .�.111111.4 -it *I I 1) ;1ItqI 1,1111 . M L � ,tSlt: jjl.�t I"r . . 1. , 4'. (,%I r 1. '31111t I I ull U 111#110,11��, I 11 . I , erf,dit ,.Nmt i;,. ght-11 ,in rjjrjjj,jljIjL; ',jj Im ­ - te. ki� '. tillinell j1piltj 1111I.A. 1% fliqp"I'llf "r ..11 � . rwr 01-11j. �411,1�A.qj f"r t�,,411 ,g) p I ITM ,4111101111141 . . .. 1.14111. 1 �,. . .. . : ­ I I M111t, 1,%,A%"I% 'I'%11,111t. I . . I . I I . .. it ,4 proprivirv-, I . 4, %flill'. ,.� :� .�..�- X I Atletifill.,or.. .11 . 4,-.-.-- - ­ -- ­.- ­ ,- , --- - - - - . � - ,., - . 11 (11,EARINki %T:t.j,I,,% sNij.; iq: %, . . 0 OKW11,11 i)r t;1140 11111,-4L rui , I - - - - , NI-111mos'.1 � I I ­ , I T1.1wrt-4 tit Ill.%, N�lq , , " I foj�,,--t I I , .. "41(l at th'. T*.%IjIvn;14- 4 .All'. �1.0"g,l,"". li I li� if,�,4 14., I iffelpr*1,11. 11 I I.SWI141M. .11"NI., '2*4111 1, I', W IM) Wrbleh, Muleit I Flit, li,.1�1'11 i�lA4lIjj4­4: I P r,.ne' I %almit 14thsoff, . o lid'h,lv of . I .I� lntl�m. 1lj1bfP,�,flj.%e It.1P, -- 1,#r 41111'..'Xit".1111111 -�%IlAlrtfl. I tIj.I j,,jl�- � Ibli wilkni fr,roll-4 1W 1"l?. I vagg.�tj. 1. I � 0 t0l" , , .11MI, ,, f�tfilhlp v�l'rd . I i, ,4 � ,4­10� $4 ... - I . - .-V 14 i "Ifairst" f1111,114 Plle'y4 *--A% ., I U00S and no doubt there are others who have 'been 0 I . . I awaiting. L t.he completion of the .1nonament before . . . . . inakint their contribution. . I I . I � . I V r"T . � -� 4 I no Com,mittee asks that a I - prow-ised contribu. � . . L I tions -be now Paid at once, an also that ill' other I citizens who have not already done so take a share iin providing this public Memorial to the ,great Sit acriftice , � . 0 made by tko noble. men whose names are inscribed on , � .the monument, , I I . I L ­ I - I 1.1.k* . L 1, � Coritn"butions' '�' L OVUM be, handed to the Treasurer. 1 �' 4 L THE PA VILIONp Goderich, Ont'. �. 11 . . . i A Ail -, iv�alfilji lNijilix I hIsr'. I tll��*Vawlsi ilopp- 140�414 12A.Uh., 4.1"Nilli. t (.1dalit"014 r. J,614901tl, IR Mr. Geo- '" lerich, I 0 i Ws"lliams CaWian BAnk of Co M-merce, i � - -- � I � I (NEAR SUN5j-*.T IJOTF,Lf -L' I'v-01"14, 2 t,,,It,;ls,l,., Ii,,,r,, Ill �, qt6fl-W, vilatir"104Pq .414�i Njtr�ntq. 1 4"O"", I'll loll L, 14jils"I �-s 1-4. %A- vi"ll p!#'o4"4 41" irft'-%,� W %104 L� 'Aw , . . I I . — , Illod"InIg f hp,,p M. fl . �'. I . I 1� � 1, h, 0 � I . . *-. §031F 'loll ?I.,t-4. . I . 0 11 11milloq, Ill %allnils.�, ,-a ;46'ejrj,- (.y4g! ' � I I 1-1��- - , a %liattliol, Isf Enllhsla v.1rEwtilt"'. I t; 9's"44 I - . "(­Fil��, nmr.N U�%t %,�,,Io�%-., �.,�`i4l!41 ,I, W. H, - HOUK . E, R. WIGLE, i, * ' hvUh-.4 InInt4-4, C', ('�. -0s, ,III fivww'10 . . 'ednesda ' ` ki,4414-. I jk,r-rf-04j0#,j . - 6111pa, L, �wjjoe 4) I Ckirmis *eftrial Fafta Commille" y �� AD New W04vome .,-t411 a 1jll1qt.�,( r '1101:1i . Chairman 90"MI CoNswit I 1TI'lla ldtpht.al%ai,�., (116RI. 9,Tqpk�,��i. � . 0 . ak,.,5,��z.�w;t, lainvq. utiviv. huny tirwiliv, dav NI" a . � ts Music .1 :41W brornhe?j. f '1jtL'j1tjjV,q J;pjgj�pg 81,1 . 'GEO, WRIAMSt Treasilter `"I- #oil ft,1110NU4 ;,,U1Pf.1?P,t. eirjai.n3 16V 11446 �aa,l roomr, r,, -u,4 "A I I Y I 'T-1 � " ,VV qr-',-,11,��, 0 � I . . I I ...-I...'.., ....1-11'.. 1 8. t , %juu C"I n:j J,01�001­! Coil a"'I. P, T,�-C? aw va �.­ ,41, %Ir�-i UIW6 %Qi��, �­) I", �s 9�,i tl�alj I =--==*%Xj==��0*j0X====C' 0 161MVZ, - I . C�Ia, , � ou==Zt - ­j,l 'I I 6 I 1. fit3, GVNIfftlil" Aut,Uiirl�-� V, I . . . - I I � , � A. .. - .--. - ­ ----A,&. -i- - I 11116-0 - - - -- - - .111114410 - � '. ) I I �1 14#4041414 I%* bmw 01 ,4 ft * /0% .1 I , ! . .1 '. � I ,� � # " : I $1 �,�p - "I . � . , "I I'll ,-,.�l U;11 I 11 � -1116�-- . F F. � 1*�' I i . I �. U