HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-12, Page 10- - - �W�W- .. -Iww mw�Twqrm �Wwt pqllrl"�' . 11 - - T­�- 1 --Wl - ­. , 7 fm�, - '-% -- - �­ -- PW � I �4 I � I I 1. I ldku&Vmmm*AONWMWAM 1, — ��=- — ­ W-- - ­­­­­ ­ �, ,� rAGX TAW - - , ­ � - - I -rwr-wow ,IT--* r1 ­9"W . ---IF, .� W- - - THE I GODEWR STAR � I ... - * �. I , , !'�,T ,� . . N . , .41�itjtI " i V, 0,0, 1 , .41 I � . ,� I I V - I -W!, 1. . — Z--- -- II I I Z;;,� - �- � ­ .1 - 4. ,W,,�—­V-., � ­ - ----� -;Z-�- �-� . . I AU)BURINK N �. 11 I -- ­ - - � "None � now — - — ---- - --- - - - . -.1-111, I .� - w�.-,-,----i,�._,._._—_ =;% I f iA! . ' Xo1f I '' ­— ,� ­ .. . --:I-- - 1-1 Na. War'-acu 1;�:,qg Ni'l g -A a v,tv", 11',U�,3 1,i;�Ta S&V&i,-(- !,--� 401�91�` :�idaa Car N'st wca,- romil bv5idayo iwlstratf=1 I , %NON 0 owmWomm" - , . NMI' 9 Goo V A LUES '� 010 C 11, q * k. 11� . .14 .. PHONE 06, PHONE go 0 . . ,.�� . A�� '� :,�, Mr,�, lNrLy AnTstrw�q is in (3,,4,u- �jtp, IV. 11. Maize ani UPK, ,�, . . � 11 I - I � 1; 'W" 'Balls "Fast Ffillit",` p � , o �e.lfc-,-`I-,; cou- t�.,.�o,i 1�:-.�t ­;�, -( 11, "t­r�4� � �' ftiswc�Loglthl)�U . A Eric, of Torento, ar vb�t�r;,- fW47:k-­1'1 VI(h . r$ , - � 1A d M . W01, llaftracm, of the U.1 ilia neighbarlive , ,�,6"C,t','t '�10;1;5111`5,`Wef - � ­ -,. I ­ -.-.-- . � - - � I I . 1. 14N " I '! I NEW, KNITTING YARNS I "I "U (1 ­ I I S . ) w4i wic,,,)�)% o, -.i�,,,, 20c cneth, �, "Wtoir-Eytir,"at-,t.l,c;,,,;�,(,.,,, ter- lat'o. wt:3., vl�­itlr,- , UnI.D.MuClUT fLU1,:31i.�;-;.*-cn1: viia,'W� . V. fricni0n Gait. , a day or t7wo t ti wc�'% T-ith �V-.'T 4,;'n- � I � . I I 0j I�Ujtt,q , f(2 ,,,i,bt,, jhr, I. , i§ yaVGS ikk tV;Q an I )JIV_Ply �, a Iker,�, ID � , Wo Lao ',(1274viag ia ue* line % all s I )i.tisigm* to Unit. Theto a'o folixtort vf)lora -to ell 030 frim. KNINT UNDFIRM I - I . I I ��. lat mlao �!k eae't�. Last,wCtu our I'L"ceball club paid �1 te,7.­54,4. 8. stadier:, " . Wcc� Favit Lira quite eas�7 . . I& * hAll or 2 Lolls for ."Se prico I ; ap, I IQC,�.-,.',�i��l)"""RtID*t,', "Dimple," I I VV,:� W Duegantion and In a c-c9ro of , Mr. arA Mrs. Roy 11"Said ;anfl fam- e j+. Surday UU2)t-..3 � 7 t,, 1r, they Caine out cc.eor,cjob llyg Of UsUatf4d, W070 S - , , - ­ - ­ ­ - ,--- - --f .. ...... . ...... ........ ......... ........ 0 . ............ ­ I � ­ � � - .1 r I I " - "'* -t- -1— awl "Ilaek Domiso", 55C . . faf"h " Car $3.90. , , 31r, Jcrenjiah Taylor abd, Dir"I ,�d Wo. T. G,Wlen, ', log ,NJ FO ar Lawler aro takmg in tho Mve� *No% -on Ster-lart and Wo kbal- I . I HOSIERY I a evillpano taly 114;rk '. - , I , 1. i; I bw otio sio-cial fire kini vm wwey a largo �stovk ef theni. Ask to �see, 01ir now 8pirt 11084, I . I I I i ­ . �, "it . ew scilty", foe e,144, tSandfqrd Greyll',wild trip to Detroit tl . lk� week. drev, of Washing Territory, are vis. . Beftite, pu'ri'loiU, . I I 1A.,",�it���%;t,tia;luuvter-igoi� rib. oF silk lisle 0� cnd lit blaeli,i nil M096 only. r&,0$1.004polv, 14tig I i i " � � 46 ,liviA. Colonel list Riot,"' im . . " itin;; at HIE! 110140 Of 5lr-,Un'J 31M, �' orilffe Was, no acrOce in t1fle Metbo� . I I , ,I in Andrew Stew"'att. I � 11411st church last F batli ou ig to dw I � � P I ... I CHILDREN S 'HOSE and SO4*S, I . , . nat luto"ng, $1.40 �).v+. . .1 He V. 1% I Mr. and Mrs. John �Grabam, former." 'Ir. I K, ng absent attend- I I , I . I I 107 ties' savuqk in #Uk auil sill, lisle threjol. in six colors, toaltkvv, Aasaili� green, white, butter- ' . I , . . I i I � � ni S. w Tem" BaU '� �lig Confereackv. - ly Miss 3jory 11*9ae. of Detroit, ste. re- � � ,Our village trustces 04eed ' a 110W nowing, former acqualntancesl� here, G call, vadvt lj-�ve'qlld black: Plain 0:. flkii!v top., -Pricc�.---� ... .......... * 50c to 75,c it vakir , miss S. NOIBLIS'A" - , I ,# - . pa If OlUdran*,�, I'll't', lif se iu Ana &lo iih, an-Moeh,"'wbite mR, lxege,sizes OtOO, 50C A4460CA if, � I - '- . . I � oyll aviiig come on the ,,,jtr. r oup,l;L, light �A UP tai 'Of tile hill b0id%w �0 h ' - . * I � I I I I , I ''. I "yWor", sk 1, �" the bridge this wet,k- It wM be wilib h1r. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson alla bliss -- I , ­.- � 11 aww*wl OUSE ORIESSES -� , . I - I I I le* I. , H � - . . I � . � 6051� tooter," G$g " �1 an advantsgo to the public. . Kathleno Recd, of Elora, were week- I fl, Lapt Fabbath vvenlav the WestfiWa , Cod guests %t "'SuhriSe Villaoll the -4, I , - -- I I ­ ­�=!�t-----­­�; I " %, , - ­ Thpqp 'DrvsN:� are ul-leo of goolt 4jU.1lj,t-y �ittsbaql, tast, eo��Iir ar(I ve*, veat atteras. We have NILIP , - . ........ . . I ' ' . r".1 � I I TENNIS RACLETS - jrhoiti, toak cliuge, In the Pre-4yterion borne Mr. and Mrs. Robt. I?avid� 00n* . . 1 ...... ... w,i-,'--."..,-,.,.�.......'..,,;,!,....$I� #46. to $5.00 IvUhN . . i all, size:+, 3I to �14. Pflecq . I . I . . . . I I I- � . h . I I . I I . $1401 $4.0010.50 i V o , . . jehumb. Tbcvo was a large attend- "ee. every ueat being. occupled. I The Asbfield 'eircult will -hold a Aw F sloca ­ " .. 1� I -0 M Aft , .m - Dfl"' (9 -o- "011edge an" f " t . . � I . 'f � I . . I . I ,.I = I .. I I- lm�� 1. ­ ­ R 0 4-1 R _wWw"". Sunday with frIonits at Ulleaever. . I � - l, $7.60 Up, -.1 I ;i - I , 01-t Wednmday ov*ning of Oil,- weel; gafden partj on the lawn of the par. I , Luck . the nlyth Wom�,P'a Ine"Ituto will have lionago, llear -now, on ''Thurslay 'raectin I . .. � STOIE�IE ., Tito Nile W.U.S. beld Its 'Vegular 11's . .�t I � I - � gat olo humeor mrs.'ro,bb )A . �- il,,� I I COW RNE.4 K- .., � Q . wi, . I : I 1. I . � I . , - . I I I i Olt entertuintn6nt in the Fort-iterst evening, Jy"o loth. For partlettlars 1;4"t L . Hall o'lltitle (I "The Colonot'a Maid." Fee bills. I . -.4130", Tuesda;l'. I - - - - - I " -t . ** " 1J0UP:0',-',1 0,111 ­RMIABILLTTY" � , , 11 jl�. and Mrs. t7. U, Coxq Mr� and Mrs, .. ), I . 1111 I , 4 - , , I . �� � �1 I . , . 1".. I I . . � I � . i . 11 11 � . I . I I 1. . I . I . 1 I �" I I I . I ''. : I ), � I - .. A good time ji,expected. I The, annual garden party OURrokine I . There will be a meeting Of" the Presbyterian church wtil bn �hefd on Womewo lnstltute� next Mondn,y ev- I the manso lawn on Alridwy, Juno 27th. " I I 1. . . � . I . � ,. . , GCO. I'leagau and, fatuity all%, is,i . � . � - I . ­ 1. . . . ­.- . I 1. ­ Marlon Ityau were. tbo visitol'ti 1441. .,-.I,. . . I I 11, ,!, 11 qwwww�wp ­ � -- 41. ­ � -1 I.. . � . = � . � I I . I . " 1. y. f I 1. � -1 I - ; da. I ` I , —:------T===-1-;;_ I �­—­� . —, �P, , 7 . ." � 44 . & . I 6. . . . � � . � 1� I I I ! I . a spicy prog - lu: M ., :1 : . 'V raw will he reudored, w1r. veo. JL,. UlTrY to servied ll.� the latl'ies of' 60 churt1l.f.' . I . . I - (ming in tile *rosters' liall, in the I 111). . INIptlttay froul lVitillsor.,' wbere he',' ASHFIELD ' � I . , .1 I. 1 , , village. 1,oQvsb6r# Institute wild, IV41011 for bills. iontland. I . cittentled-conf�Vpm, t4s -4eieg�tq from An admission �of &ft,,aud 25c. for I 'miss M I . I . . � I I ,.�. ll� , . . , I I , . - -..., - A9001h St 4 yi� the Institute here a visit at. tbat " Miss MAT9-IrOt m'sunle4 the Nilo Circuit. . . I children is being obargelitto defraff ai�ga;et idueLeAnan, is bomc, . ,, I . I I - I . , I from Toroutv. ',. . 11 ) . P. P, 0 . ,. ; ,. I date. her work as teacher at Carlow thid W44101or, ,bells are, vloging, U expenses. I " I I w., �".. qo 4.."� 1 . - , , .. , P 1, . - I .. , , 4 —� I week. Wo,am pleasea,,to report Mr. I' Ur�.'Mr.) R4ymoW White, of bm. I . � '. . ­­ =��'--,' Tito WOMOUN TrIbUtitto "W1111 met t ril i 11 Two ot' the Nile YO11119 � lailleo AJV � -"Ni I , 3, A. B. Pentland's Continued progres,,i l, hct)gjt g their names. We wish thou & ', - lqago, is visiting her mothei­ %'&, . .1 mou'lay. .7111no Intl' - at, 13. P Ill. In I Ill, .WESMELID 1-16.. . . I . . ". 11 i . J� . ... . TIPPERARY An%xin Uall. Nis. llatleran. N Gradm- 1, tow4r4 recovery�fvoin his recent Ut-, llaig a,,Uappy and proisp�rlas voya9v Listen for wed&�F bellp.1 our, MacLeilwrtt, of Laurier- ' I . t ' .� . . - . %Vp itle 1�4vjurj uettot weather P w 0114. out, will give o lecturi-. A eordial nose. . L I . . oviirtha si�a uf m%tri � , - Beckett 'and'*some-. I , I L tuQ lgloorhoo& -, ' I . I MISS -Alberta . I I � - .1" 64-P, bnmv Plowing Mr 11 Olt- Invita .11110 0e,%. ' �. &.-IRIrit passed rie., ' t'fiai, '. fr1eqs froin Go4eitch"visiteilat tbeil , . l'oklut .tion lq extt, 0 to 1113 T,j Mrs. R. ,T, -CraNHofj and Mrs, S, L. , Air. 'and 'Mrs,, A r 'y on V . I o ivileat. F 411,whoat amid Ot her gr4as aro boro bunch to atteud. - I , 'X` are to report , mist; I I , I I . I Sanderdon are visiting MrS. A. L,1, t1irough our vilittgo 140 :V % , Milt" , . . to I)il"gantioll to attend the hietiticke Lot boMe of �tb� formees. father, on .Sun. L I . I q t , Gracer Re= IS, home suffering L , ". . . . � .. I � 1 tt . ;011ujog gOQd uroallo bere. The beginning of this week Mr, Willis at Windsor, -having made the tlivrlieisi'es,,� - I day,. � . . . . . � �� � . . ry Wagner, Mrs. Jacob Wagner tbQ Wouica'a twititutd. Urs. KIM 14 from an atta* of . I - 4'. F i , �i i . I � A quiet iveamug todivoace, at ('1110tull, Ron amer ,Greyhound. on President of Clio Clinton Wome"'o luot"t- Miss A� Fcrguson� 'of 'Amberley 'k ­ :­��. trip on the Mo, - here ' ] .1 . 'Li I " 'j " I � oa,T,j;jUo I'th, V�Iht 1.1 .'Uj9-4 4illlie CUL 11hol and Dliss Catherine Wagner went to her return Mrs, LSAnderson will go, to $tlt,., . ., ,4 . A largo number from around - I � . -: � I jr4rrj(d t�) 4jilg rt l'outt. - Alter I . . 1,� 4oxit. the week-ond as,the jK I , ; ` L. . �. Aval� L ,nd tile -Wth -Mosi;rs. Lavis, and ReCitbo b4ve, took in Sunday evening seryleps at - - I . 4eit of ( 'i , ,,'�! L , waldlun the hfApIl.y coul 1(3 Went fol. a 'Xitebetter to atte funeral of 4 WoOdStoolt tj)L spend some time � Mas XMths(ritia Mad-Donold" i IKIA'- I* 11 a Aull4hed their �vork of dIgglag,tut, cr,bL,. Auburn, when our brotherho", took I. , . . 74: .. � L '' I I . t . . , , . . . ... Motor 19111 YI.Towatu all%# N149310, OnP wh(t was formerly 'Miss Ma"Ad "relatives them. � , . A. r ., . , , I ... � I I " ." �, f . . I T-Wifi. I . . Lomp, of the villoge. W Q L .1 -orn, --r.% 1- Ilurr the well for the .Ntl.j buixokil. A Charge; of' the, MW14, , . t I . L I 11 I . le, - ­ . — I I ;P I , � ­.. I I ". :. 4 ; - ­ - . HOW -OR APARUBM '� . . .. � I . . I , : '. . ' . , I .. .L I A0PZENTor,,.,.- .. p �' . , '. F .1 1. � I � I I... OR SAU� I � I 1. .1 i. .. .. � -i I ,Iowa very, Mtraetiv;� prices., � 41 . . . " . , :. 4 1 -, ,,4 , I - , . , '. r .;., f . '! � I I .. jL . I I , -%'T. CAREY&SQ'IN., I ol . � nllilll -"O, - � ". Ustak,raqu wjj� - : I � . � 11 . � I I 1. I 1,�, '. I , = P. I I! =��. 11 I I 'A -A : I I 4 , - I �p . . . . . . ! , I "' � , � - , ,,, . I .. I . i , . I I , , - I . , . I . � . L I I I I , ­ U.. wi W,V .h, ­ y.1 - lvtrs� John A. olacL I I . I .. � " I � w..­49­0�-- I . I Last weelc there. was almost a ser- the - 's v " ennan. and Chi - L, " ", � � L I I I t ; .I . � fzw�vh,6 any, they - - ,to will. bo Sabbath School anal. 91judsDOVIV O& Witter hi Ituiv In "10 Well. Afr�. drot . cry ably tclok�eh4robf' , L" ­ I ...N-Foft . , - " I . . I . , and, Miss, I CLC1104�1":A)f L. �4 - " I I . I LOu Of these lous accident At the bridge. * Mr� J. ver-sitt-v hilti ,Itativ In 'thi MothodIllt, It's Cribbod to ttlo, Qojli"i�t. blookys and the jservI es at our cbttroh Sunday` dr'e� ATIole Ma 1-.. I- - ; . � j ; " ' � L , . '- otne O., � � ;7 1� * �.. , �. ,,­�11 11 LL 11 I I . I . � j� L V�jjt to school L Caret Prove it� , .r - -hauling a stalled car� church.. 'rhere will be -a 0041 UmNio licks 0-'OeWePCO0VVr. 1ho hutiOul a"d - 04nes, .Who Toronfo,.�,ary visiting ,at the b . . , , I I . I . 1. . .. . , I 4., ­.�— Johnstoti was 1) r were a)% lost in,the abseMe of Xr . I � K, D. - UkA,,orman at Laa�ivlc.` � � 11 I . �;, ,I . —­�.�­,,��-,- " . , do by'tho coutractorm. i P .1 . I . . I I , I � I *, when Mr. R. Phillips loot him with lils by the, soliolarp. and llev...C. F'L Ceagg� COVk1 . is attending- �Confemnce, I . " L - I .. I , � � , ; . . .. ---.&--- .. or . - _ L 11 . I � . ;11�.. '. " ­ : I .11, F!-MWA ..... � �, horge and -buggy. The horse ran 11- A-, Of lViO111110,11), Will i)l`OftCIl- 800441 - (V�0111 another C VO -V011114110' Ux, and Mrs. Robert Bucha . I -N I � � -- -, = . � , . �, . L I - L ' -- . I 8 r, I . .. . . .. I I - . -7 '. ­ i, . I . � , . N` 'L . . nivay and h�oke.tho sl(Afts, * Mr,..,Phil. offedu;4s Are being asked for, which wjlI . - entered out inidst �e the , engagement , I "'l!" "ir � �111 . I .., . . L OU �� '. 4L '. .� .. Death has again 6t '14 L k 1 , 1, .L - noune I . .L '0 L.� � .1 .. writo. litirmonizers," $Ingers, ., lips was thfown out, rocelvirg several bo.given over to 0o Fidpport of Ly from us a� life-long et, to Mr. Manley "q , - It, I - . I I 11 I - , I . 7. . . ; . � . . . .. (!.on� L brUl. Lveryboft ; I , , . , . . 4L . � , Mitt I I . �� " I I 11 .. 'S. � 'he daughter, Viol . , � ,� �jiifijcInn% AJOR011g�16ig; L . sabbatu'solloollWorU. I V411 and borne awn, . �)O � I � , :P I '. -1� , ' , ' ' I � .1, �� . . . .,. I .�'a I . . D � I, I ,: . resIdOut of l4ile. ill the pefoon, of Mr. BOA Of Mr., _r .,Ook; the .Wheo sh porhko( � 0, . r I I I I , bo,welcomed. . _and L Mrs, F ed t I , e �40ts, 4 ' I I t, ,, i ' , . . If L Lewis, I ­ 'or K one . . . # � j � -�� .L . jilroro, Vte. Will feature Your -oalog a little girl Mr. jo� ."Gleii ,Commenced , y1or. " he..*AS fa, �L -pl4ea-Vir-1haft part ftfI, _)G4t$, �-4.L ' ' ' , I . Last Tuesday mo . .the. Lewis To marriage, to, i4ke orher, Wt thim - 0� '64rf P#10, (04 1 . . - �r �! , .,. .. I parties, , I whs observed. , going to cross the, strept 11 W,11arly � called by - his friends, was of - June,., � . I _ , g � . L " I .1 . . . I . . ,� � . 14 I 1, t'� � "' .. I I . 1. cutertaintlientlis garden parties, ' wrecking. of 94 3., J. Ryon's Mack, . . " S or I . I I ; L . . I I I . . . . I . In the village, Turning around she old, Taylor bomestead,. the 1 I "Ifie kind that -'- w., . . .... .. 4-, ­.. ­ . 11. . 11 , I L i ote. 60 aoYWhOrC, . . L d I Smith. shop this Wick. (iiierations on born on, the I Mr; George Ho.w.att,,. an old vlesi- � . . plea . ... i : I I . . � I tr 'h,: passed I L ,L L k 11 � d; S . - - . . Observed 'a Car Coming 'n Ong onvel- the Ilow,coment Structure will be be- Dbine of his parePts,,%vh.o hud the dis- � t � Of tit,t Wan . ,. . 11, I ... � .. . . I . � I � . .den L os , . I M Ro.: SALLOWS qflom! Hair Trimitia jjige4t., I � . I. -, , " . I Arl fee terms to tbd man- 0 d In 'dust w tion* of being among the otirli s4t-. . . . 4 . � I . i ­ ith tbe,speed.N It the gun: as stion".as the old- building'is title peaqvfully away. at the home of hig - , . . , . `. % . I L I . . I � It . � I . - . L. . " . , 1, I . � i ,� I ;W�ved'�jnd' §.han� 604'. . � ! -1 , , L . . I �11 I ANDMISON, Dungan- '. - river of car No. 166-201 *would drive 4 tiers, Pf tbis township. and whd. Carved ge ft ,of Motris, at 42A. 1. I . I I , . , . ., L , I - . . . . - I . . own.., it is between 30. and 40 `year$ - i lit William Hi)wa , . , . " , , , ,�I� I 1' ,. 1��� - " ' I Zut houlos for themselves from heav . , . - ---- I I I . I imb. � . . , � a little 010 or,,bs colall .=� . - I . I '; ' I 6 .1 ' 0 - �/ L I . .. I L I I . I � I . . . in villages, gince, this building was erected. ,by age, 6of' 92 yeiis. , The, 'funcrar I �: , ': ;::� . I �',-, � [ L, � � ., . %, ,: I I 'L . . ­ 1. ., . L I ' er,3r I -1 . %bled- Hitir 0 sk" - , , ... * ,, . 1*1 L . 04 014 04, A 04 014 A 04 MOP P AFF4 ---- it oild biF. otter, , " , �. : . . &'Sioihero; of' Godevf0b. * tilnbere4,fams �Ad heI90. toanake took plhoe. to 'WeAtUeld -cem,ot "' on, � . I . " L 4 . ,��_ L,.i, . . Mi. Stepho . I � �L I fir- A- " t..'L _ � ' � J:� _� I I �Of Lthe ill, " . . I . � . , '. ' ; , , . � . I 11; ��1111 Ill I 11�! �11 WN1111,01 Ill ':' 11 I � We are a I 'T � ffido _ tbIs community lbo,progperous Place Tuesdhy-' litst.'. ., L L I— . ID I , VVITC �, � . , I . I L . ., 4'1`1 1:! L:1111 I 1'.110 n ould - Dfr, Ryall'is continuing his busiA09% it-,t,ow is" His,own ,farm, on..which , 1. . " .. I - X ' , T - -, . , � , ... �� ,- Mt�---. . 'L . ' reatrieat for Scalps,avabry and � g 1, 11. 1".1, - . L certainty Of . life by the dqatit of Mr, as usual in a - �uildirg ,to the rou of I L, - fEA ` ` . I I . I L . L 'L , . � L... I I I .. .. 11 430orge Howatt. . Deceased . , . h�,hud lived for. ixetkr� -ar%As . . I L . I . I . 4laXlcd, A I .1 . I IL ­ . ! . I , *.%; I , . y forkr 1;4 I ,L oily UaO h4s Our best ate I. I ) � . I was b6rn the, blacksmith Shop. I ., . . 11 . I � .1 - . I I . ... . 11 , I t ,� .1. � krt.of the�old hbl!l�'Place, Ais,111- . I ..... I G -1r, 0 . W . L I,?- - �1 .­� '' .. ­jana . . .1, Z' Wellorses. 'in.Aberdeenshire, Scotland,. ,42 years The -june meetfny of ,the t6galliloft P' "' OMER � ' ' L . . , � . ,ortake to keell'yoor-badr . . I �, , If I 1 04 '. . L 11 riesu ,was o0hoit dur-4o�,, lasting FEEJU. D11 I .. �� I I L I L, . I in tjAPL best 4C0AdIXlO1l.�­1),6A1t, L �L - ^ . �:J­ �� � L ago. Like many of the y$uths of his branch of the Womell'a Institilte is -to , " I ,FW " r . . _bSjr;'he�Vejt'SQeULtd " I I I 1. I :.� . � L I I Volt HIRE ' .Lnative JaM tkt�thcllagp of�20 be sailed 143�'.n of Zid, about three weaw.. Although, attond� 'IN F " HOURS fok ihe'jan& Brj4fa at ' ' . . Aeglect Your � I - i , 11 1. `0 "L � ' . . I . to be. Wd on the MrS.,R. D -Ai4a= iiilcl loving: - I . I � ... ' ' at,10,)).0 -b,:y'10VdrPh4,nd8- 10100WO' , . " - � , . . I for Canada� r . � $J�ith-,',r k � IOU A � k i : � . � , 1, , : ., , , � I k ' 4 g ed by skilled PUY ' IO e ..1. 1� ox ­, . I I . �� . � �Iq ,; I '. � NZ W 1) MR'N . '�j L . ' . - ' I . . L . . I , L� ., , .; - 'NO, :COST- f i . ­ - rt Store ' . Ll I . - - ' . . I ( , , the t6wriship sO.n.(wo;ttjjer pormitting)l, on Utisday, Arl*ious friends, Wl vroynd, unavail-: ' ' � ', ` ' 0 ' . I . � , 1 , � 4, . , . I , I "L' . . 1, . of - Burford for a. .short W6 he took June L 17th, . when gh(?. bralldhci- IrQm .. I , I .0 is. .'. I . , . - . . . . � 11 � , . . . � . , , . Ing" Ae passed, to, thatlourne'from, ,,, . I . ., Piett, , : n4ve:yotf ttriild our Abtea T�Ws, � , L 1 4 .' d . I , . , . I " 1 I I $0,11 it ST,, 009,410 � * �tp: bfo,i, msidence there-,' lie . tter" r,intail 'in S.t., A-1gustine,will be etl-.� . . . —f Aptistifealty Framd. res , , . . , I . - , L , L .. L . ­ ., ., . no", ` L �, - 4 ), I 'i ,�� �,� ,, , . I "�, ., 1, I .1 . / I., L - . ' ' wIlloW rip. trwel . . 11 " I . ,W&dj L , . I V 11 ',` " i . ­ I ror ,wards Came to Wawa�ilsh, where he. tertaincd by the Dkingarinon, branch, l6r 'em returns on .. look J%JS ' L' ' . .. , . volf Shopp "ni ,� I I i I (P)OA. mltal)ie drIvIng, 'huroes. j Mondaj,, ;une, 2rol, lekvirig, to� �xouvn- ThIsk Is t116, t1me Of 'year wbelt YOu'r j , , ,�­ I C "K - -I "') "'L � , . , . r I I ua-�., C., illpot, I " I ', r , . I : ,;, vale fit all, th'aw - L L . . Spent most of his after life. Al" It'llding the Qecasioa,of thii.visit. from wi4ow (formerli ,Mios� liver becoluds IslaggIsh Aud your Intes- I � . . 1. , . . .. ­ I lx�# . .1. i I , . -1 �, . . I%, k; : I I . I . .. . itbough quiet'and -unassuming. in his his loss his ; 'tInes beeorae'dlogged:uj� With Poisonous. � I 1040 sticki 1 � I � . I 11. - . L to, 0�46r. - - �,:,. . 1� . . , 11. I " 4�lsovors"%Io-.-Ilicttvyolydeq(lale� I t6 summer 01jealorl:who, will llddre�$ Rattio DQda, ' WsOL Ot X, . . � 11� " � I ­ . ­ -,: 1, j, , L -%), oii� bio- - . . � I . I . - . k � I I . �, ­ .�i �,, . . 001�,,3­y . .., . � , I , , . L 1 014 11 1�,,!i . I � - 'L, Abit ther Naltev. of DcirZit, thrce�slstorA . waste, , Vo;jr liver, does, not propetyly . P61tory , ,�: . . I . . � ; , , .- , - I �i . . . tots *14i we kg,1'400 Ills. eitillor years he took quite an int4rest the gatheii6q. A, cor(livil invitatiq� I Ify 'bloott that 110*6 5 to V040 149ii- I I,- . I � W10 . C , . . I ELL -I' I I . �, . I . L CA1108. .I I I - I ; ' I ­ 4 -- � ' . % (,,;;oil vtora,,o tot, Cow by doqv. . I ' wi, q06fich-i'�,W0- Tho restilbis salloW�00100141oup 4XVIk . . Stfktifia�ry ,-, I.. L , �, I Nvooti in general affairs (if the, country. � Ile j$L'CXtontledAO'ajl-thb eoj�milnjty to bo' .put I I I - I � - 1. , ' . I �was twice'vatried. He Mrs. J`�, Dust6 o$- I j LL�. "�,­)Lj, I 1 ­ ­ , L . . is s0vived, pies�ntj o ' . ­ . I L' I , L I.. .. ., , I Bennett," I ( , , , '' .�, , . I d *044ara ',of 5le . I . , ppos . . � rw th. . . "ro,14:Uffs.� * 0 circles &114�01mj ,, s,. As theie po6ons . . � . f,� - J�� , L . , , � o 4 '()At ' L L I 1, � I � Ito Posiowo - phone,26 , ; ... . I , I I: , . I � . : I jo .m4urn Als dec'e4* the ­ JU �j(r ot'bey*�.'$e- CoutIOU6.to�.Ljlood yoUr systom - yo v ., .. . . I : `0 . . � I I I �, I,' � ;, t, A .: , I "by t5no Son, '. Nowe lof Aeath Of Berths Ara-, alcotti. I sides 0.4 I I fa h. chwa - . , , . I . - Wi4i4fil, at liolne, And two daughte . � �, � '. 6 , Wand, . . ., - I I . ;;;;�;� - I , . - . _ 4 I 'a , . . L � !: i,�, , I I � 1, ` Auto and Horse U�&Y,,, . " on feetilu. - - - glis , � zl�� : I . ­ ..... I ..... I . a tX4gk"Git $ . I'll bolla, Pentland, wife -of Mr. J. G., I y - I'Vered, y . .i,., , , L ­ . . . . . . . .1 � I ..... 1 . freed Stla an ' L Mrs. Chus. Whitewdil, and Mts. iRob. - , , nd- = , L , . ­ sor"wing friand1is roristaxwe Is lb . j , I '. E*hrolihn4 rdtows aA4 - ­ I � --- - —­ ,, � T - , .;� . 1�,.�� � '"' �, L:_ .1 , . . or$ f ue now, a e A 1, os, Veil as- ll�inF a 0% "d-stak. - I I 11 I'll . . . . . . ... . .1. I . 1. ... Li _ S, ni L '' C-6Ijtft$ ' '. L � tll . ­ . . . I I . + - - , Urn ert Z , 6hnsion.. One -d -liter, Mrs. as a su*rise to r . an' fri Jovilig huebllutl, I . I . I'll, . .� �. . , .. � on, ex U. P,' -P. , .1 L " � . p ;1 �,, , ,.� , . .� . ,, � .. ' I ' I . . au. On 6" aft4L brother, - ho was aike thl tostf�(, auso and t000,your, "i : .. . �: � � 1�1 ' . I . , �,*;-j`.. , , . . I 1. . T,X,.�DURKIN ' L Phillips, died about tw4 year' 191. this 'iteigliborhood, 'for Ith6u it ji. jdnd:�WCI10ACn(1 U.go,od neighbor, liver u4th. Dr. Tijache" aver wad . . . (. , , �1, � I I I �:� .1 ..... �..­. 1 i I . .. P . q' j . . . ''I . .. I i I I i Lost TOOMAY his. mortal remains or to ditlo Bloodsyrup, Quitainil' ptlft lagr0l.- or X, , , ", , . . ­ . , I' , L:* . , , '* .[ L' - d bvLa largo'n ' 'Was 'was - 1111110 euts pro-omlbetuby, phYsIo Holm o0lit i i fthd let U-s'sliow Veil - , " ... :: �: '. 1. � , ' L: : .�kn�wfi that �evvr readj, tw Iona, * helping, - ,C - � , ,j � '. - -11. .I., 11-11 I .1. I I ".1. follOW4 L lap% ' . .... � . . I . � L L I imiller of SCHOUS 'the appeared' to be making- *h0mv& qnd 'whei i�ltppr Gifts for tlit3 June 13ridk A.10.1. ....,!.. . .., I I . - I I 0 1 . `:X'�*.'�i­,. . � ... L I 11 P, ell a I ...... ­­ .......... . . , , , � W%A^0#*^M friplids rOlatIv9A to Westfield favorable, .prop,Tess towards a - tOm' sh6he best, how,imer, in his own ljonie, 'tired and Nve, lln,v 'W-11 b w'll Plen O'L he .�'.,*-.�:..,.:.:..,:.,.�,..7.:.-.�.�Yi-**�� * yi, , , . I -11 � , . I ,and ovex"needed. He nature i,fteilgtheu 1 ur at-oome*, o6o0U,cl � ?� . . I " '. � , . . I ovor.taxe4. nerves, braot-, I F. , 14, . ,­ L , . . , � . B r. @?v,4. . . C*Ometery.' HIS L,throo Sons-in-law, L . ..� - ­ CIL 1)UVIf. 'yo I . � L . I �...-......---.-.--, ... ... ... _ ... ", f, � i ,� J� � . I L porary reeovoryj at least. Sh� had where .he wAts evor -art imiable anit ON't0tit an f Or b1bo(L NqOce 1, I . . I �. . . 5 " .. . . "` " "' .:.".:.::.:..:�,.,.,.:-�-�-�:.".�.;..*.�:�,."t* -- , I "T .�.-.-.:�'.'.'�:i:�::.-t:�.,i.,.,: �­ . a :you'Wok hht. -t .'-�'.-.`%, .F.-IXG., I . ;, �:, I L . Mes'�rs' 'Toll" PhiftsjL'Anht' 3ObUstQ," gone - to, H it jovial ho,st,"aa aH* *111 testifj'w,hd quick diff"Oneei'i V y ."`-.".� , �, a: illton some.four ruoliths .--.,.,�1%."�......".-..:�:�':O- . , .. , � L : ..-..,- -�.-.',K,.­.-� 11 I I I . . . . . and r -has. Whittlintru arid three noph. is. . . 1-.. I , . . , � '. ! � -.. . . ... .L t . . I . I av to undergo an operation and af-� ha�e ,Spent. 4ni)ft9.' p1bagant hours "leep and fool. Yam.tacl, wil,11190 -Ptk .... t . SMA, S kt aw ,"A- ..... ... ".... I � t 1k . .. 1, . :1 , . terwards tQ-Qs awa. 0 1 Phone IPS ....": ­ . . I -1 , ve V. Howatt, James How. h ' to be with h r , ibere, I 111 Teligilllt' T'V,Wtl�S L a Meth'Q� ... r . nall, I I I I � - , . t , � elys, Geol . flea. as. i)thers have,, Or. no, co t. i . , L .11 � , . antl JOhli R ]Dr. Thael*Vs Is sold oAd r 2�sl sli"t -, ,. .... ...N . . I �-.�. I .- I I ....i � �i � � ,�.. 'L. � .. att Ow4tt *tte"s P411' sister, Mrs. D. F. Johnstou,o�etoroiitg ,p,. A. OWwpbolll in God a : , . I �, . I , . I , ..., � . . . ,1� . I L bearers I I L � . L S2 , . � � " . ,,� I dist xi�d, vi�bile, aXe .ttll Uarjhe ser- ,ed,by , el joh an . I , I!,- I . . I I . I. il . vice� attended hfulyr I I I L . . . ,� . . . . . I . . � Of :, i i . . . to her home in' Luolorlow'i'64t t.wq AOW­chur�ch, 'fit . by leaditig'4ruggists. ift,,40very elty 1% �, I I .1. - . L. � . ­ I I I :11 . A Uttle, Child Takork.-Tho� Coin- ,,N-toks pm,Kousl.to her death, 'X"� �Of late years . I I .�� � I . ­ . ... -n--' 1� I I 11 .. �.q 4 -i, � -.418 hotiwthg.�wtls 'Very towu�, L .. . I . . : I . 11 �, 4 . 1. . 11 . I . L. . . I I I I � . I I., " I ­ . munitst was deeply s Ockcdl)n hearing Anderson was A. .daugWr bf th4 latti, L . I I L L �1� a . I 1 .. � - , , i I I . I . bitich impaireif; Iffe shall ri�jrsg himl . I . .1 :1 i . ­ .1 � ­.- .1 I , , L. . . . .. .- �- �,-, , � �, - , I ' . ing of the sod eveu�l � . . I I -1 4 " -.-_,_,_..-. ; !. .L. . . - lk P L ! ,-� ' ' L L L . . . Which o6C.Urred Alexander affd Mrs. 'PntI;%ua,.of Ash- but we 'k 7not as .those `,�ri - - "I ,.K.......... . . � , I � � - � koh0^0 W060~%opa - - ­ ­ , I I I I . . at Windsor; Ontario, mour � thout. -.- -- 40W ko 0. � , 0 ' L `%"..- ..... -- . I . �� , � L . I . . I On Xay'27� re. field, being born Septbrober 27th, hope, for ttid, vie, ' I . I I 1, I i . . I 11 � --:R: . . . 1, I . � ! L ,', lo, ; . I . c *,cry $6 blessed, . I . . I '. I . . . . . . . . . . . -Z-; I lul , , .1�1 .M. I ­ ­ I . .. '. ,. . I r I L . . . . . I -1 - - 1"1411 I a;'- : I . I L . . . . . � L en . ­ . . . LL -- 11 - . . I.. I 'k, . . . . -1 L" '11' .. .. . 't "", I � . ­ L . 4 � SultIl)9 'ill the deatlY of Norrian,-Se. 1872'. She had IJVCdL all her life near So whoil a good Tali . 91" : . . L � , , I . - . es .7 �j � _, L'� - cond Son of Mr; and llr,% Will. Medd, Duaga.!Anon and at Lueknow, where For years bqyOnd,.oUr I I It cr, 1-1: .� , .W JAR" . hi � '' ,�!, , �e I 6 * .... i � : '' "­*. 1. . . I . I . I No. 0.4 , :� I , . f r - The littlt fel- she will be greatly rpissed, as sbe,was The 'lot heLl'dirVeS tehifitj him "as " . . 1. . . I I I I ............... . . . I . 1 �:Nlv orl�y of 'this. place (Uttwof QWOi� - .... I - I , �L�� ; . L- - ' L ' . . . - ( I'va I O . . L . . L .. . * . ; , , , ­.­ ........... t . . . . � . . L � .� . . rcturning home from s6hool a valuqd,melnbor of the choir and aig , Vpon the paths.917 twn.l' .1 L, Ann6uuees- �bak Ime Wis. opoped n Ur .. . .. I I . I . . 1� .... . . 1. . are , for. when ho,was. struck by on automobile of the worilon% 6Vgaujzcitjojj$ Of Ta a ur Ileavenly, Father L I . . � . �. u --- e , �, .. . '' i .. . ' nift . the , We p X th to f . . . I . f " it. .. ­ " 11 � . F . � I I ,, . . � I .. ,�. 1: , , � . , ..'L RIPSL . up -an . * - I 11 ... r 11 . . . ...'� .. I �� - � I I perb you not and be died iii Grace hospitol, half all MOthodist churche .She - lettvdfi to will gr4qjously,�suatairt 4na tib ' I . . I" . I '.1 I . . . . . . . . . .... . . alit. I . I � . . . � I I , L ' . I I und L . , ; , , 'I.P..... - .. . ­��. . . I 111, [ I . I �� liour later.. Norman,, Who.was 'only ber7hashand aid one 13r comfort -his rMow � in, her p-T#46te Shob Itepair'sbap , I . . � 5 1 , . . . , m6urn her loss . great loss U1 ., . �v of Used.remeniber . t�. I ,. . ­-`..*:- . I . nough, to owo a si.,, ,!cars old, went `ivlth his .parents . . Ne I I I .., I I . . L� ' ' ' � ,.. .. . ' L - 1011ate e , son, also several brothers and sisters; and thut,, she Allay copscioust,,r, en3o3t eo C6161*6 stre�t - - . I . I L ' . .� 0 1 1 1 1 1 . ­, . . I . front Auburn Culp a few lildnths ago, to wliovi the' sympatby L Of th� cow- � the pr6tection of Him who has, prom';� . . . .. .- latont's , Film* �GL i`- ,,, f X- . ­, Dn is L . ' a,� tile, I,o$r at t1l;6­ Bank of Hkold. 'Bloc 14 4 , ,� VICTI U -:—hut have a lie W48 a bright and loving little. boy. L . JEXPERT EANINO AND � , &.� - . . . L A%1V .., hIS SOr,MW,n.' PaV611ts juVilit3r, oittended., I The funeral, ised to be a Int0and.to the vidow. un- twe t� 't 'n the Broa& , , , - , . L' ''I . . Besides _ he 'whiCh. wa, -coniale an& is prepared to ,� a . � .� �! I - I It W a held 'from Luckn6w Meth, tit they 4m eteritually,vtLYnIted iit Me I . . . . 1 . � . . � or, hodl, ., , . all lines of � , L way of- C44W the place . . . � , sl� chureb, -was largely attended by tl;at better home above. do I 0 � , . . ,; Se L I ­ . I L I , � �k �T... , . � . . - . —aid the MO.. leaves, �o, mourn their loss one broth ., I . . I I er;,.�h is I I I I I � ''L ."�� I - , . . ,� . I L PIR110 I yj Vert, and a vister; Dorothy, %�bo will Onipathizing friends find neighbors, - I - . I --..�- . -and Repairing ' . ; I L . . to 90. -, . .1 : - #1140181#01 , . . I � I ,� � . .10 ,at"'" Pay.' , miss zrlbvin�, brother-ana playmate. The many floral offerings bore silent GODENCH TOWNSHIP ,� 3hoo4okiog. . . ." , . MAKU 0410110 so quo"; at NEW ' . , 0 , cyoolleard .1he . Tit. � teStimon to the Cate . . ' I I L � I . . r6m4ins were brought tOL the em in . . I It it is a,sto�fo you want Wd. . . ,; ., ,� , , L . � . . . 1 . I holue of his'gratiaparen ' - y whiL'Il the Miss Myrtle Carnahan Acton IS Avend. . L I I I �. . I - g6 Stash k�, looks b66'you'lllm-rcI4 r . . "I I L ts, .Air. andq6teasedwashold. Theremainswere, ln� ,% , 'w&!ks Vacation vith bet- !t=�:­� ­=�-t=,.=:!-.1-­t­---- ". have Aft. *1 , , � . L .1 11 1* -- * * ' - know tha difforonce. Tho 1108t,dross-, - 4 V *, . L . . . Mrs. Aobt�, Medd, Auburn� *honce the interred in Greenhill cemetery. Sister Mrs! vred Bell. ^ . � . I 0 . 1� . � " I . I . . L L I I Ifil � . & I of St. Vaur;s Ur� and . UkK Carnahan and frlenil%. - 1 . Ilj,jklU.L'4 I,- � L gely attelided, 'Internwilt; wa 'DV CU -1 Thisi " _.'�jj. i L � I 1. � . . . neral toolt,place on Friday 4ast and The' A. Y. P, ' 1* jir4iple in Godoxiol follk who 'JoILV439 . � * YOU I , oll.gootl tU,.q e'..- " I M was lar, of Acton, motored, up and rpeirt-the I . n is r Store- -9se It - ., I I t use ,, ' � I I .,� Church, Dungannon, held their- first I I , .-- �", ' 111, in r � V. . . I I=. . L I . jou esm gefit fra L e. Idt, ogll's c6motexy. The pall. annual iiieeting on Monday, June 2114, %"�Ok.ewl With Mr. aud 'Arts. Fred, Bell. IC - . , I , L" : I � I . BA . K8 11 .., I . . . 11 . I I I , I . 02"100 FREN0 000LEAKING - . .." . . I . I . . I . bearers were u0ghbor bays. Hilmer 1924. the pecrotar�N report reveal- Nisllipt; Jane rjovv, %tie Hymnors and . tundred . . I . . 0 .. .1 L I , , I . L; , . , � ­­� ("ltiyton It t-11 .; ) tv �. . I I I I I - I � � I . . . . �- I . .- . DhWsolis evoritt Younoblutt, ed thtit much good work bad bi en done Ullymbeth Cowilo and Tllossrn., Lome- S, �C, W(lli L lltlrll� 1 "* ru 1 ' R 0 BLAUSTO E, :' WORKS SERIOCE - . i . it' .and ' LoVeXtarenco.%mith and Nelson (!O*, � . Ilarred fto0i%:,&10, Per 11 Ild0d . AROLI i I . 111obortso . ii��;rird, Yourim: dqring tile yesar-, Twehty-flvLe regu- . . * atitk=se it rogtilarly. They know it , . 4.- Flower bearero -were Colin Youn - an Motored trail) Atwood and 9POt tbOL imr. brewding stork arn, 01 f , . , I . , I-',, lar mectipw; were hold, toveral. aocial ,veck-e0d with �51t. and M If-aV layffig strailw. 1well ,,. Uu,rl,,�, E . . � eith Young, ?Oiimi*,' Lawler a rs`lohu-131*'� I $1.12'pils, (I. A, C. aw I s, I FURNITUR EXONA GE ewm�sL money. , . jL,�')j. ":. '�"'�`4 1. Xlo JN n(J loovening�,A open to � nil young p ' ( It Vj)(,IametN11� , I ". � Ne*,ton I e01110 The (jetlerielh Township . Hospital I � �It� .. . I -'o%iier- Thl-- niany bellutiftl 1 ,scre given, also two concerts silld '411'Arautee I '[Wr'rent.sa.01 (jell- i Onthe AroadwAy of 6640ricif 11 I , J, H,. UNMAN ., . . I floral: trilloWn. included cl� broken tirele b�.,t 44 A Auxillavy will meet ot the bome of Mrs. NV -P . - . L . I . . . _ 11.1 I Rest Bank lii,Ctiam . .,Oel. aNy, Deacon G. IV. Anilrows. DaytieIX Una& on ­ 'lg2 ' L I , , � I I. .. '.L L etc* � .11 The A - at Dun. T-bumday, atme io tb . vpr�. , 61jr PrIev NN111 1P, * - 1-1 1, . I ­ ' I Own ., - I . lNed st"et --,------ ---- . (It'. - I . . - 1, I * I front tile W�MdOttel Stre�t tzellool, j Dubbz," wa' , rese e& twice L" at 121.10 P.M. A Aft"', 311111, I, . . �, � I j­,-,­w"w-,r-- ------- Windior it spray, from tho kj�(t. 5 s 1) lit . W..* -L L � I .- and z Ilet, ellirk II)NIV mder kit on I . I . 1. . ­­ ­ garmon, alqo at Tort Albort, Atiburn tell tent tea,tvIll he served. Fwerybo,ly '16 L —= I i ... ka" 1. , ­­,.­-­­--!�!­­--­ �. ! ' 6 - rt I . . ft ---1--""" I ­ 0 tol a It 1. . . !� 4'4 w. ergai' ell collool to Vvbleh Norman had and Xintail. The - total reccipte for we)061010. . - . I L � L � L I .!I . -E. 30. TREWART14A . � .. . I ==201=M. L . � ) I . I I % . gone but n few wookm, a spray from tile year .arlounted to $265-51, the :"' . . . . . 0 . I I : " . . . . s I . . � I I ,Mr,.and.Mrs. Adittiq (Ind Mr. and total exptaidituto being $N-3.10, leav- . mnirm o-itiril. 0 . I ­ I . : - PORT ALUM I'll-aw �2-411 ( I 11"llaesvillp. Out. 0 . ' "' I . I . .1 .�. . I � i . .1 . I I I �trs. Will Ferguson, of Windsor, a ing a balance in the bank of $39.42. V11'349111DIA Welt�()u vlsItC,4h(3r..pAr- . I i Q*splay I I ;0 rar k�% . - I L � . :1 Speeial i `q1)rn'%' froln "'bn�'w "ll John' I' 'Obett" - A plano w4s purchased and : �. *21M 1110bb all sauday evening, , !!1114�- 1- .-- -7 I I ., W- h ite IL I I I . son, Auburn, a beautiVal gates a. ' itts a n6mbor of "t; oling p0orle fl, m . --- I L . - I � . Jar,�a,tl, ,,,-half of ita cost liar, Won 4,11 . I. L %- . . I - . - ,it;hborss nt Aub-lpaid. Twenty dollar� were donated . .ght ., . , . of now modish - from friondi; mid ne arountT bine tc.ok Io tile "amoull(' ', . 0 . . sirin , ath from Mr..and Mrs. P"09. * towards the interp�t on tli,- pari,41% S311" on U61143Y ove"16:4- , , , . .. ... � L I . . L , i wre� ' . L , , . I . a rl , ­� . - Fullcr Goderkh., - lla,�Ffronjgrand. ao deei&a to defet- The NN%X.14. of .1R. Altilrew's chuirb. I . � I : . 1p, parv!02 , s and Urvith froat t;nrents. hall necount. L It v:.. 1) lutillent 4TO mCetIu','q,t1&4 ThUtsklay artetuoun. air - I . � k , , . .0 - I 1?'�LL I MILLINERY 'Hie fun'Mll �-,OrViWl Were coothteted i� .1 I ; to 6P ,,, , , 0 "ates to tho Au. ox tho bowe of SUs. Bliebaiians. I A coinplete nCIV StOcl,- �OfjadieS� White Shoe$$ , . I H, 'X - --ootoe . ., B ABY C I F . . N -v- W. 11. 110%,kiml. of Bl'yth, t1s. I. I .. Uv 1, Mr. 't�nd Stra. Thowati ,S�fandlah of . I lj�a I in 'er ,Re, eol t be hold rit ,r.tcv . L I . 'vV . ,%vr.tl.,r, visitt,ti at tilp beine of t)lvIr -ar strip aud sandal, effectsl' . I I I o ciqt�ll 1)"D;4 1, - P. $. Mine,; and Rev, Alma' * , Ilene, St. homis, Ont..^ ir J&ur THE EARLY HOMO AU the popul L I . ,liter. Urs. (1p � I 'tie luonth Qf Inue, Xv., J� Alp. Of 'P. Adaula. tor 06 few . . . A( - t .. -, I froll'i J U 1.,� , - I � , . � � , I a dkitanc-P who were prt,,zeut %vt, "rice . for I Au&lrn. I ThON- ,. The f0lowit- 01TIC-Ors WrO 0- driyo. . 1: . L L� , -, - I r . � .1 alldswulner sea -soil. r,, Air. C'eted for the, c . . PULLP'T is THE WINTER , awaits your inspectiou, I 8 - A.re vuy I . �1.1 ora Mrs, John Ilaekett, T,u&no%v; Air. 11, Dining Year: PP40A- Mr.q. Allicrt, Mocove attendea tlxo - . ., I =ctnc, LAYER seasou. , 16 I ent. Mr',4. 1'. $11111(ly; oee.-tr4e,jq., MISS of her r -Mt&, Nips lloelob I 11 reasonable this , I I ; t, . mr, . 11, o, . I d for 0 . . I � . 1 4, . I '06, 'I Drown. , " (� Mr. 9mitht of Goderith, on arLd I - - ruller, C,011L .L lot f . Z fro. Iwn q . . I . . ,oil --tdor2ob; Mr. anil Mrs. Tile annu,11 district njec,tin- of tlic, Tnealay 1vtoomitig. Ridgerest Stock is 110to I , I . . r, *I, ,Friday and Saturday W. Nvil - vi zJb, The ,,�,,orrow. Wost llaron branch of Woin' o wenabors of the 1:401c% Gnild . " ., � � ' jutt"�� and 7th Ninl-p 1'(v-1P3!to3t�r:c't19- '81 Wo In- Th of its winter ptoductiolt, . I I I tl=40 4%L'�,��Ynjpjtjlv (,f n tile pro:,- - Chdst Chwirelt nipt tit Xr8- Itarolil .. tIlk, I :A.. ,stittitog, which was hold i qet ()-ur Circular and Prices Fleet'.%Fodt I I ,-� . I L�ilnlllluqity. I , t18 on weaftet-day jot last WC*k. . , 1� , - ---!-----4*�-- � byteriall 1011tirchs Dungtrknnon, on Fri. I � . � . .� .?Za Theset hatS, !reflect the � rt`�I�yl intelia baving k 98taca Parts in 'Hatter�c,(Wle, .111 L 'A ,Lj` . . j � I And It 1�i alraost a g�ira jjiat,t�pr day of last "vook, attra:eted a large 'Itliv. L . I - a flv�! I I I I erowd of Indles, there beirg, about , " ick. . Rvn�ninol ary hr oes . : I . - ouf sh . � .� V � dtintifleSSI�190 66111WSS t','tX"1 VWMMUM 1'01',�" IRT hair, � Mouibers of' St. Andrewa churels. I � I . - -CP - I . � -11.1.--- � "1100 PrMent. After tht ustial buol. I I . - -­­ ­­ " �`j Port Albort, are quite jubilant 'Ovet , . ; 1, " .. L of sumnier and aic trillt- 8 ,V%O - 0 4 im - 0 , - - -, , ncss waa., trantatted, Mr. Patna , -e foi 'for all'10ccasiolis,' for every tuember of the ' - I , ,,* , I - - - - , 'erintoldtnt of We'llon's # I , . 'tit I '40'r Institutes' tile eoming juulee serviec% to be held NW Wive lsokllo Spai! " � . family; &tnething, new in a play -Shoe for ; .14 � med ,,&,I lomwers. ribbon, * delivercil all Address, thig being the OnJuaL,22fidaftd.113rd. vorlllrrvl��- CUSTOM HATCHING, � L � f(_ . S. ' � . : I.. il ,�A�trj& anil haudwork. Amateur - Felshillff fivilt c-c-easion n6oA Ubleh he hsd�be'en; tor,4 and frien& are exr-cetNI fmm hone, call or %,,?f'jt0 L J,f obildren, Canvas Oxfords with leather sole ' . I _ , . I . I Me,, prcetit at a district meetlazl; in 1��StAistsknt Nino' And pre*4-,tWq stv 1) ,, . You will like.,theni. . . I �eing made t�i accoramodate a largoq - � I I , r4ir insp,ection "I Our DevithPixg tiad Priatist Is 'Ifuyon� An Invitation was exuntl6f, _,,paee. , I I 'es to, hold -- 0, , thd I per I 1 13Y the Gederiell U& � . * Sunday and-, * cha"t Se. "S . ji., a )&wa Amial to be held ell tht - 't the oervite3 On * . ' ' -T invited. Of fit Ittlet tied I � S - I . mcaiRg in their town ne-Nt yCar. . vt, v .. 1. I.. ­.- . .11'.., ­ -—L . \�, - %Vh�:,h il(hq heartil ceept.'d. foUgwing i4ay., Rev. V. X btahafty. -Illo, ---,. I �1 lllillililloiiiiiiowiwioa"mww 11 --­-�.-­ I 0111ARMAN'S " HOE STORE . *dftki"� 0 I L ,� of OraTweviw., and the Rey. (1v*t. 0n , — 1,�,ia%c%:Ozl?l�,t[fj,lv�,:Ila�,,�4f"�,, 11 I � V - ­ = -­ � 4�,It 01 L I , , �� I , .1 I I ! " I I, I 11" I I t � ; I., i - '. 8 Y, P I ii � 1. , 'S 1k �� ! I I .1 I — I I lot. . � 'I 1'. 11 !11 11� , 11 "I I �-, �, �� )4�x',l X�mlft aml r,t6inpli "'Cl-vico, - FACos are tat'ily made up but fig- Gomm. fit llhfitiv,er, aref e,xj*0td 0 i nPOFST FARM, W. Rog. �'Sharwaft -1 I aim* & JN`t'� ,,!�,q c'nvt, L" L,0 uye!k reve lie. cordatt ,,%*rv)W on 8utiday, Junk, . . � Ihman R. COV40. Can. CODERIC" I I . 1. ffi­ , VICAr 11`1w�, alal j'Tk1tLint?, wa', It childron 0 , 12m, Mr. I PHONEISS WDERICH' miss � , "" I ry OX.s, prem-i#r bntettiriner. vWl he f I "" " " "' � I . �, i-11 9 VON FUTONEIVS . leading artilt M the jubilee entett " Kisrsta* Street ,"" 187 is T. o Ain. ". movz=z:=�!ROXUot=*."�otso====Ogxo ­­­ 0 R r%eilt at the jimn tocial. Tca %ill b,,� *AR6iiiii1FW4VXWW I I r A, . 14---, - . .. A Mr Ai A F1 ---� �', CAS"rO R 1,A � I . 0 ------L .. -0 Owl& 111VA01 410 - - - -IN-1hrr- 0 11 �, . I'All, I 1, 11 . - 1, ,.,