HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-12, Page 3FMFW-AW1PxW0WqM 9__ - _ � I __ — -, - W_ Flonw— . - - 1; '"P95199V­ - V , 11111l"WWWP_T__ I - _Wllr� - , - , - - - - - I . - , , -� f - . , � I "I 11 * I I *e� �. ; - I . . , , Aq . �. F —I . - , I - - -11 ­ . - . , 0 I ,W 7, � . I . � I � I I I � . . -, '.t- ­_ - .- � I- � 11 I � I . , �'ri . - ­ � - - - ___ - - __ - I ­­ . � I - I __ - um ! I __ - - .0 '4� - _-0_- - -,.--!!-! � - 1�i_ Tfivawy- 4UNZ U". IaL - ! , - I � ,._ _--_-� 40- 1 THE GODRRICH STAR - , amvftlll� - — __ -._____1 _!,_____ 11-L � .. _ ft-- ...i? . __ I- _i. i- I - - - - �_. - _ lw�_ ,I-,-,-,- �­*­­­­­­ I - I Nwalle 0- I , -.-,-, yp"M W __ _ � ­-". � - __ - ____ � 7 � � - . ­ - � � __ *'I .. i I . , , 0anuAlty, . TWO CROUP'S J* � I I DYSPX0*1A I 0 " I I I 1W &*He& BENLINR­Mr. UkIwol Bj%&,r, OWN LFAM . _" , , . I Ift0tQ19STION I a News %'Isteots - i�. fath4w of our town*loon, Mr, G"ree ­__ I ral 1-1 -- ­ - WANMd !L*@� : I Iloader. St. David at, pa&%d,Aw*y ar. I*a vrcup-3 have beca for"@4 in M,Zdff_%ZJM6:AF k I .. 4 � 14 I VOL hit *Wa mWonce on Tkur*40- XSV the Ituion Baseball 1,e*sw, the Noit- ,� . . 1210tit, vA tho flantrot took place on Una, I, I i 11 B. Or I i� �1, F4 li� � Pkked From Our Wes .V*gue Soitgt;g with th,3 Qthc.r . i. I It" = 1r4U*W= ft1M,rr5t,, -..---- — . I 9 I � - I I 'I %faln. . , . L I -_­­__ I � .............. ,,,, "I'll ---- � - I I or I , . , 11 — . I ­ P Mr. r was a tit. no groups are. &�� . ; I J I $041orthi Street Mrice Drviwa a Large Crowd__Tbo Holy'tivre of the towrAip of Wool,wich, 'A" cl,roup�zclintoll, GA,ricb, I .11 1. ­ -..l.-M 11� I 'L= _. _.. I . T 4 Nam Society par&de , V inton—FAeCtric ,4 "bitins born,*"r t1wiral. At "Roxforth, winglialil Qtd boyflel& ! M ; . , treeq,ls fe"W'iL fatally rnoVed to, i %� I . � I B , 0 0 D )L . Ughting for Grmd Bead'— Winghm LWW MCC ;V11141tice. ",W 6 ,roup,Z,Brusiieu. myth# Au, MONEY ON ALL YOUR GROCUM � ! 11 10* PwAh vounty. And it wita. burn- Dungannon %lid, (6krich Ap. . % . x . officem I � -1 . 1=101 was MUW,'to Barham Teami, tire given to June 16% to '4U* it*W* bargaiiate movar attract the Wifty how"wils, Sw � J I WW*. After a period suent in form� sign playeri, whieh must mWe in Sbopa where 44, a w4avy 9* halt tatim Grege, � A - Tbit's why a AAQr# 0hopL rogujaly At DOMI . ,j - 8osWo*t � of Hay Towtsohip Thirty son. 11. L� ,$herbondy. Dr. Rus aadling be retired with his fimily to, Pat- Ithe 'County, and r4sy with %he ne*r;!st #TOXXX 0v*W-w"k OW air* able to stake, a at" t; A I I _f TF RS iton, whie% wxv hii fie - 1111113 = Z _ _Sa #0 8 � I I - Yvars Aso V. R. Wilkinson, At the luticheonlix" me for teaal,, � an of their grocoriosi Place your entire ordor We, W at —.,-,A I *4 - ,_­ ,-,--- ialiout forty years, until a couple of orm . . mr-i A** S. Miller, HaModa, It. S., Mr. Nicholas Xennvl. of the Bron. Chief T. C. Ring britfl,v addressed W. Followhl;� Are tl,.-_k s4fdales that 74W Altosrost Dominion 1kom and note the 84viaxs 700 aakar. , died U*y O. fttterson, and Wv. It. W. S4ell 'I years sea, when he .And hiswife, took were drawn Up.* WN ­­% x%A*"4 for,& low thao son Line, Bay, Township I up their holp . from dyspVois, "d Wigoation. I U"d 200� In bio, 66th year. He had been' PrtSented him with An ever-tibUR _4 *with their son. The� . 0 - y Township for thirty peatiLas a remembrance from tho_f to A" Groip 400*r% wo"aae, W tablets, of all � faraily,consin. of Mr. Uprge lien&r. Homshoe SAmon, I 1b. i a resident of nil 0 �wn; , V4 . ft 3 Se r - #`a`et!fAiQ*, Wt 4* vffY littiN VOWtO yorlt. 8"forth, . Foxage"eut 14000 'Prior to his *portoro for De. � Ex 4 of Portland, orgKoft; hae 3--flinton at Sonforth, FZAY=, 3 pit XING'S PLATIC I - Vt*$ RAW#, 4 frarriaton, and Mrs. R Uelk, hne $­--vingurd At Goderkh. 4W SARDIN91, . from them I 04""ll. tamag,ftr&ek A troig, The treat of the 8"404 Charles 'Willisra, of Moosojaw; Mr$. June 4--Godertth at Wifloont. D. S. L, CORR tlL 0 0"W ShOd gitteM uWafter Wiic avie the.sills!"s of the 4extettes Mesors.1 u 14C %4*ka, v don, glAft.say, 1W 1414 brr' 44d )It*. JOhn G*venlOck- Of Amos, Tiplitir, W. A. Galbraithi. A. J. I of WiWatland, Man. Rev. J. W. Hed. June f.t-aoyfleW at Clinton. '""It, � . . J& " KIPPRIt SNACKS betser, eall "A Sit fillog ANythisit vith. S"forth, 011"Oullft the4xW6tMt0t Walker, W. E. Brgwley. fley, Paster Of Victoria street Metbo. ,luat 21-Senforth, at RsyfitJ4. . NU%% - 3 tinti, ,� - - C -26C t` I 10*31AVWX soy W ofteir, ateets. T,ean Of their younger daughter, Maroaret $44 NV. j. , IL W. 81i4nro, diqt church, Conducted the funeral ser. June 23-Soatorth at Clifitaill. 'i . I dict) , BOY". Soil's were also- vicesat ow i1ouse i� Godirich And W. .11 June 14-vineltain at Rayfielo. X"" ,-. . � .20c enoict. t,Aitoz , qn. , WiAly r000mmeod S.U.% to *11 *he Use. to. Mr. Charles Arthur Butter, refideretby Messrs. H. L. $herbovd,y so At the graveside PRUNES, a lbs. .4aw ftff . June 16--Wi WHITIt WAR ' 31% iXft&X%fft�tUrtd Way JiYL y0mger son of Mr. And Mrs. Arthut and Dr. 0. U. Ross. in polme;rston. 14,11ant, at ClInton'L I - utlerlr. of $t. Catharines, the =at, 11 I County,# 0, L June 1&--%Oforth at"Goderich. *ZZDL*8$ , L rISSOL to take place the latter part of ,d4*1 1 VMS. for - - -04 JAM - ()At 9; for" WONCOTWE-IDAGIBN-040 otHu" SC RAISINS. 2 )bi-' , -24%, t . "M 0a'# rAWhA'Totoite`# The W. U 4, tit Street. Dancre. too 4ulne. W-Balyttld at whigham. ftNCAXX VLOUR 9. I L L ____ L , . Exp" I L Avoldents P41*04 to her � I I . . 'Jullok . I Seaforth people, ll;*�% Tlw I- etertiskI rewaid in the pfteoa QtL Mr% lone 20­1004trich at sayfield. . 11 M__ I -- - . . , 0=1 0- i A �wrxx ft I,--- , - . *iflghasg High, School Cgd�t lmpft_ *or, had all jokting of IVIiat to expect i7soo Dmoghlx .Glgea, wbe died ;up* June 23-clinton at Goderich. I "9194t, 13AZED I ,�, . I .,S__C tiler ]MYSIC1411. I . by way of a crowd fieut Augus JK)derkh at $loafortb. I lil�XRZ , AKE -- ' rnstlt. A. xzlp�� - twA . twhen 244P At tLho home Ut her 4%lighter, Ktif. June 0 1..AXj4 LJ.F es.,$Un aillets or . N. Alteltewn in Wtughem. Dectotiod June 27 -Bayfield at Qo4trich. SANS '(vftth (With . � 11 te t Iowa MA Me In" On Wednesday, May g8th, the the 014 Boys' Association M10*11y a A t a rp . W40 bol in AtW40*116hire, aeotlatild, July 4-Statorth at wilighant. 0113. $# 9C e 0 I I I lk"entfoo to als"Ses wingliam High school Catictp`%vere Opened. the now pavtotent on Mail% ,Tulyalst, 183X coming t park i6a Pork arid T . J . . 'with 4 d4o" o�% Tuesdiky even- with It Rr parents 000 year ,&ter,. to. a , C , r c I . constillallon ft"* inspected by ,Col. - Gillespli, a .Street 0 tblf' c0u"ty July &-C-1111ton at Rofteld, 0. SM414. sauct). medium .1 . e, r L (I U Andrew sts. ec"4* Ing, June 3rd. AlthoUgh it, rained the m* . -Godoith At Clinton. $Aiuc T` 141c 0 . to . - Aning July 7 .I I ". I I .1. ­ ff . . e . . , a shov4 time In the'MostI)etore L 30, . - 14 Aell(Ottill li*nfed by �Gen- Kim 0,, C. TNI.,D. lie. greater%part of the afternoon %lid cow on ,ortb, - - 4.1, I ,A . Ing to nut (�,,Oinit$. A*ttliag in July I-BqAeld At Seat . . .. . ... - - .,; -4.�.-�,�.".��-�.�--��-�---:ML���--��l.---- 1. The boys gave an exhiWition. last- L 15 -Ox. Pitt SZZV I � I � 11 I I I I of coremonial, c a half ""Ons'stIng Its, �the weatherAI4 oot seerill to have XmWet St. Clair Co., vile-e'ahe're. J01 L_dlnton at lVinghom lowss IRAISINS12i" PZANUT la , . Ing all hour end well up to seven o1clocU in the even- G04erldh Township. latter remOVIOR to 'July ll--�Wiflgbarn at Seatoth. TOY PAIL -^^^-� , 1 29c UTTZ it 25C ' (�, I .1 oln Any drill, platoon any.effect on the attund'ance. Every 001ned toe tijitiod of tell yftrg* I*- IV iC � . MOUNTAW C"ST ftol- 4 -lb tin RASP. or D't- F J- "`- r"A"T"r- � drill And Squad drilt. guird *ountIng, t "W* Group CORK, Z Ona, 4XV, 91114, VOW� ,or"A"T. I own, And vmw in the county Was toraing ag4ju to 114ron CO, , where the - I . . o4 I ro STRAW. JAM - _. 6k I I 1. Late Jlou*o Sure'"n. New Tot I * Vthal� alsfialling and imbilance work, after balance Of 110V )Ito was Peutt ,sin - All olunt -4-Goderich tP. at Auburn. - .. ORANXFORD "� , - I -lb. Jar HARVEST ''L W. 00 Aur assistant at fooro- wl,14;b they werf addressed by Geller- re seated, ,Every street adjoining About $I V survived bv,mu June r�-Brussels at B . PSAS, 2 tina, . . I And OMen bq%tar4 , eaft, She,s , lyth. . I 2004", I X14711tet f0f %; 1rA3PDXRRY JAU' 25c hr's Ito I . � Ono". Etc. I at Xing, whoL complimented them on stTeet was P*Ckv�: with parked brother. Cho%. vointosil of Rullot Town, june 6"Auburn atDongannon. , a 1� I 1 Aft , . t- So Stratford T616- theit'llne *ork A cars, while Main street w44 P441(ftf RhIP-080'"tx children, Viebael DODO* June 10-Auburti At Blyth.. . 4W I . , Rol rid on the wonderful' with peoPle. The' asphalt pavement hue Of Ph1l*d%VhII6'PW,,CAP1;. -Topeplig, *atft Cheese "I I . . ..'Godolch., jrote.Wect. ocore 908 out Of* -posoiRe 100o which , June 13-- .. 4345C . , . Brusaels- At � Goderich tp. I I 11 a , une, . at'8 P. hi,, to Thurs- ,tbey�.asdLe in wilmil made an excellent d4z'4108.1loor And of ]BIlifoI6, TWO- Of lloy city. xr�h., June 13, -Blyth At Dungannon. . . Win. *A4 ma., XCLIllonam, OJ Detrolto V M . I .. �L " .... 0 t P. nu ., . - COIWL Chaleap Cup. Br Spew re- - tb,! music provided by,thii.fligill'and- Mich ad Vt#, F4. Altellea011 rf WIlig. I I ,"Luzit 0OLDUJK NnW CIZZICS9 610 - I — � . 11 I I I . era 1, Band and '(hvhestr4k bam," a June 1"oderich tp.Lot Blyth. . . , �m . I - I ' I the Crescent 1% -SANTA , . . . ir � i quest the girls go;,vro an exbIbItion of ,, cQu . fte was.sk deVoted =embe June , -Dungannon at Brussels. . CANNED 440KC NO, ASY PUBLIeft 9M ` I I � 14 not, have hoon, improved on. of the no . 0AYSIDZ LOMBARD . a . . __, I . __,*V111-1.e.1-117111111.0� I their work in'Phyakal Culture, which � mxu� catbollo, Chu'rell. June 28 --Dungannon at Auburn. PUUIPXIX 1* , I .15C And Q. Q.1PLUMS 14rK 1 7, . � JUL111. . , * ,The band played for the old time dart- Deceased 04dafta the b%rdshIP0 Of Jute 26,tloderlok tp. at Brussels. PZA,NUT UUTTM ftab . . I . P . C , 1 ce's in front of"tb� Book -of Cow, Merc . C. C. SAUCE I I ToPeOvil greatly to their credit 411( , L P I OtAorat cotiveyeaciNg dona, I . . L I and -the oxcheatra a!lppHed th . theerful, lovelil[e disposition. nerkmony ft a . lb. * . . * to theefficiency 0; their teacher, Miss , pioneer life li'oring "er burden" '%vltb a ,Tulle SO-Aubur t Gooerich tp, � . 40C Bettle , - - & .23C . 60od Co,"Ift a t6s" , I'loran, .. I � I .. I , . . � * 6 Music July 4 -Dungannon at, Goderlell . 1. I . L . . L . 1: I � phone 0 x1rocopw Stteet.Ushta� L . for the looderAoiles in froatof D.'H. Pleads will regrot to learn of tier dotillAo. tp. I I . 0 I � ., .1 . . I .. . plilee NVOdae I . . I . I A-ft.11. .� .Electric forAiind Bend StewirVsp and The toneral took .RdEty. J* 4-BlYth at Auburn. , . I . '. I 108CAU CA111" . I I L I the street. did not secra 11,7une Q. � with servIbas at o o,cimk at, July 0-w -Auburn at Brussels. . I I. SPECIAL ME N., 4 HiWR*LL ,, , , . . - I I., ___._ . - at citizens of Grand Ugb to.ae- LS I I 11). L . . I ---6_". - , I I , acrad. Heart Cht1to . COPPE14 I 1� , , - Corr,% t,.33c I � . ,,�- Selld now boast . Of an ele I otric, h In Wingham. uly l0o-Godoilch tp. at 1)uag " . llfts� $4 � I oomingagto all who.ttled , Ise We . The eAterpriol wide enough nor long ino, I , J �111111110111 . I . I E. I.— I t % � � 1, " � wo—SR.IL C, call to - (141100- 14tOtAkebt 10 84 040(ok's Dometry -at 14uly 1 4--Dunjannon at Blyth. 4' , � I I narrlls!m. Solicior.,�-A119"W" folle street lirfiting laystertu the -wor Out -all had a thoroughly irdrid, timp Goderich', RICHAIMLell V1rk1%t:r*1rr** Ir . . � I i and av cer i . $ . I 118$ Ch Ltp, p4yo) I lb�l - I TZ -,A W .1 : I �'. , , lb. -, . � . . . � ., - Onle6c, Court. House. Werl being generated at Mr. arentlerla gar- until vidalght, And then ANDLUtSON-Dythe, death o Ju Y al -Blyth at 'Goderl . COP F I . ,rL . . ft koopi it up r 11". 'T. I TUIV 17 -Blyth at Br els. .! . ISOC 'Ift. 1C!J?"'L7A$C age alid Was switched oil. for the wantiz faore� There was a, - huge __ , -Ir , - . � . . L 01NO AND. L NOTA^Y . I Qo� AbI1480", %Yblcll occurred fkt the � . . 6 L r I NF- L L - - I . � . I .. . 1 4 .r 1 ,� . first time on Paturday .night,, May $'Mount Of fun illd botHers, but, tile faluft borae, Ldckaow� L 26 --Brussels at Auburn. - L I . I I- r . L - � . � 4 : "4190401111. Z­'oR=NSL*01c..evAq1d, c� I crowd­wao ourpris I In -early on Sutifty July 2!�­Brusaels at %D41;,g ' . . RITU 0001) (for utor - I . . I . - .. .oa� $lot. There are oty-640 Jorge lights gly orderly sirld], warning, 'Tome 18111. Luoullow loal; one of r annon. W, . , ' I L � ' , I 1, I . , alWay g604 fttjWred.'.Lr L . '111RE'S I .. . a44 boot love .. . , r . . 0 .1 �v I , , . . is vW & I ". . .. . . , 33c . voyalieltir Anti notarr, Mite. installed, And the vlllag�� is well ,-r L I its Most leatoomed wakiitg)-i Small - * GING74IR AL9 I I I I . r. . r I I r . . � . KILLOW J% L Hol, �_ . . 1. I I r . . . I aldent%'L Thi6 Information that , te.- � BAYM �: r UIT9000D L 11IRVII : L "UPF'OOT, XE$ ed 1A tho'capacity Of light, , `ile r (fo Beer ' . *Died In NV1418ele,y . AjWotsbu had passed away 0A,mO as , . . ­ tgt . . . r �, I . 1. r . JL r ftX"Ilt",. 00 I 1141tors." *64*08 PRO! Death of .Hufferlt Township I I . I a . I tl#�NVSollb p4Rt'. AL I I rA*kf#i)'L la PA.— ROOT: asxR. , 33c . r I . �L, . - ayllel(� � , I .� I . I . ,. . . life Me, I � . L Reeident Manly old frienda la deafQrth AnA Onip4so to friends -of the totally, for .Addition,k) 1�, � . . L ";J.L I . . Zftre;:�;a ,00 I& . in theLLdefith of RobtS, MCD . L L r though. It was know . 'RITZ10000 STOUT � I I . . o6nikta� Ind door' ft. m onald, ViCinity,LwIll re , thathet condition There passed away, succumbing to... . . 4nA PORTER . " . 4 745 - r 1. . � ' . � L . I 6=111ton'streat Go rien, . . t. gret t& learn of the 'was serious, sho appea. � $1 , , 1 private iQs 1G, loom at lowes, rates. which:,occurrod on - May ,24th red tote,m4hilig, ptleumonla, on Monday, June 9iii, I , toot, Ic 0. . hl�mc In �theL VIM 1(t his death . . anipbello a f ormor favorable progress to a temporary , " 7 p at . MaA,4 � " . - r . .L . L . . , ol Rob 'J� re L , I r r r ., 'J�.0 P�LoliANL FUF4. ; JU,T� that Vi(!Jnitk, Co . L .. In ay el . L�,'' . w, Pnotibv V jAOr,XEq i'ta . go, Couitwright lost -well known rOsident very at- leaat� - ,nd appears to r I I ib 0 _ , . . , ., JUr. One I The c a .. ill B a dotao'ther of"tay. ..� . I I . 1. � � � . I r 's $rand old plonors and respect., 111-1 - L . . . - ­ L , Of *oSt respected Citizens. I Which locc%irredL at his Mine in �,Volse� hava been gue, to�ll._,Lrt fello.l. _,%.j. field malchloo Sficeld Neon - 296 r . . I—- � __ __ fm�" ­ . k2t I -..-*I . , , _u4s ,, .. , I. , xljj� I � .0 c I I I I I !%A'ARis,rI�*;"R-r . � . 'I I ­ - P I . It. CrltAvp ,, ., P C ." k. ,. I �,1,11 Y,Qft�,%J . , I I � I ... - . !��M,ijWil*r"U,fy.�rMli 1� . I , � .. , . . � : � �:::;I�-.;::!. � . I * , ;;;; , " . , 1. �-- 1 . 'AUCTIOLTNEB'ItM'G�- ­ -- - 'r- nmiuouas UP4, il � ,AT* , - - . ,. � " A " , -i, I V ... L.tv* *t6q* ilifto. oettel-al Anptic 400'. , Haninioni'lreat 11040keft., � fWss roads �iverywbere witi, all oirolets . *W& 10, Ive. y4d. 41totartloll. � � . 11patArwillf- 000, - flops- 41F4,rot"tea; 11--, , .1 =:. . M � . I W.. - T . . I I Se , - "W" a" . I ,� �, 1KWaLLOP MUTOA.L M& IN30".NCE . 00 . A— iron W4 Isold"'Town 'Prmw %8"Sur , Value OC WrIefty Insureo upltlloy Janla . i OW a 00, W I I I I OWFl&9XZi6e6 conoll astdont, tiodOrIM. Sao. Evans, �, O -Pr Idesil � I d"cliw000 ; T. Z.. usys, Sec.- ".. 0 . gom - I �Tz (=" P. Nedreffor, seilrottli.. I widthrop; WqL,Wrin, Con' ouloca.. ONO$* mccanoey, Tlickersouth; R" Ftrrls, Iltirlook- John . , , tionneWiSg, Stomidliagan; Xurr�ik � (;ibson, Bruce,. field. . I . . I I � � AUNT". W.� Y" V - ,,-;d0'46rl � 8 Y�clt , a: fAitch'. Cl1fi1oA4---VM; cue atZ 4. lltnelday� SillatorM. - I 1161101, Holft* 0AW,pily tbeir, assassmento ft It. ' Cutv$ Store, Go4arleb.4., 4. U6r- "a"" ta StAr% Minton, or 1. IL I - gelld% - 61 __ , ., . ­' ­--hikk *iR -.1 ___._­_= . . . VRANCF, � kave it.#t6nded, to. by the WEST WAWANOSH - NUMAL fIK 1118111RAMCE CO .. . 11 . Established 1878 . I Ifead -Office., Dungannon, ont. NATM. VOEI#TVOXVTSP*lt'llON00k;)COLILARS ' I I . Jno. A. MeXenzie, Kincardine, pres.'; Harry Lt, $alkeld, ,R) It. Xo*1 2f . 00eriell,, Vice pres.; directors -Tim Grillin, R. P" No. T, Lucknow-, W. P. Rood, R. R. Xd. 2, Luckno-tv; H. L, Salkeld, phone 600ril, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson, Luckn6w; Witt,-Wat- sonA Jas. Girvin, It. R. No. 6, Go(re� riW, WM. J. Thompsono Auburn TUOS. 0TOTHERS, T. - 0. ALLF,No � Treasw Secretary, � _�.­---- " I . "' " ­ '=] I , .. - ­ ­. I I � . . . 1. . - ,. -.- . . I I . - I . . � I . I . . . 0, I . 99MAL , 4 . I #1 . I I I I I . . . I AYOATro"D. bmr� - I ( - ,prepares young fildn and yo�ng women for Business, which, is,now Canado's , kreatett profession. We -assist -graduateg to, positions and they have s, practical ,train. ,I ing which enables ,them to sneet With suceesq. Students are ro. gistered each wgek. Get our free catalogue an4` learn something A. bout our different department&i. I I I � . 1), A. Mc-LACRIAN, * - Principal. 9 I I ... �. ­ ­ �. I . I I . - __ __ _11,11, ...... .... . . ... . . "I r BMW., BF09,110" GoPeRiCH i, I ThO L4400 . � ` NMI Dire6tor% I . and Whalmers - . . Orders carefully 1100nae& .. , to , iti-All --hours--ilfifut" & - 'gas'. . � . I . I � ......, _..­ . I .. - , Tne pan passing of -one so early in 1q, Saok.;OA May 276.1, . . � than t* tAb troob)o for ftj6h:sh� 044,or� 6d citizens, Mr. Jas.. Howard 49481 , . . . . . I � 1. . . . _. . I I 1 . life Alid'so dearly loved filled full the went All operation a few weeks, ago. Years - And -t months, at. the � hormno of 24 _ I . cop.of sorrow and wounded the"hoartp. Death of rrank .' Freeman, . �. Vs SAW $A4r1,Srrr I Vt. . . . I . . I I at. Auderson Stid-blill son.. Wilfred have.! Mr. Gorge Castle. Mr. flo*sird had I . I .� I �r I , tho'b,yhwathy'of the commatkity in - the . .. . . ... � I I I . . . . ; Of The desith oc�nrrW.at his home in, been a resident of Bayfield��quite all . . I � dear ones-. whith4line alone I � , * - I I . . . I hol. Deceased was born .in - Lucknow-on VAday, Diny 30th� of.Mr; loss Otgwif,6 and mother whoso first � � ­'.. 11.1 , I . � . . . i ' ' I 'nk- P.1'reemim; *for *fnany thoughts W./ere ever for the -da his: life, having come from lrol4od, . . I . I . . . I 11, -_ I . . I 11 � � to*nship, * Wn�. ,the Qy years 4 bap:*01nels of, their hoine. Before .r.a. Couilty.'Farmayinkh.. about 15 years , I . . qon or 1AIrs, Tra , fro 4*4 1 . I - .." s . I . I � .. � I I I . . . . .1 .. .1 for� 9lf-y respected r�- olgrriage Mrs., Abdarq 1118s'llor. - Ago# � . I . . .. . . " . I . I . . .. . ... 'rilerlY 'Miss Margaret Badoui " -"- - "� - . : . . I . Aw, . -Ar. .�,J,onald,and his wife:WA :,,, of VNII 1610 'o . '012 wSo . with JJis - pprents, I who settled, , , , . , 11 I I � � . I I . . I . I . . I � I , . . . . .. I . . eld-elit f S 4;f�orth�l . tha'rentland, her early )ionic belogAti here AM 0119A90111il the fAirdihk busi. — 1. � I . . �w . I . � . Goderie'li i6wliship., � , . - - ' ' I . . — ____ --- I I I . I I , . . . 'Death 'of MM Inkley I the. township Of Ashoeld. ,near ,Dun. llles%, , WhOti quite a Y.Pung lad Mr,, .... . , �­ '.. I , I . , � I . !" . --- ___ I'll, . . . ... I . � Holy �Name, S.6eiet;Y ilarade in, ClWOA gallnou. she -will be gveatl3r migged lloward�..hdd served: as gove �mont . for. Catarrhe-It is Ono of the chl6f will fina. that t On u � , tic. � . .� I . Having Only come to C'Ainto � , . r) ho Oil wh ,, .. . . . In, a few. ftortl tbasocial 11toof tbe�vitlwoan4� recommendations oE Dr. Thon*e ro-. 0ordioK to direettona will give prompt . . I 1. Loot., Dublin, St. Colurallan, igea- ys ago Mrs. Inklo, -wife of Mr. A., from the methoalst 'church whero" � mail courier on the, tia'.11 between Ny- lfttric oil. that it can Uor . Abe Aold and .1%rnia, .v, Used intom- relief. Many s forth, Clint6n and,jatyth b,r,a j�l - of laktey.. the ttoliblo =An , theo it � took three uffereft f6m this' an. , - - ­ � lilcho . I ,­ I � 0e'lloly'l I- 1� I of the 10ell "ge'ver helpful 'w'*4"holf audtli#1days to itinko thc_trip on horseback, ally 'with' as: muA, success as It tan me'liv have found relief In the � OIL atid � . �111 ,�, .L1 aj�e 4:86ciety held A.eburc)i Tolophorle,CO-p passed ttwAy. on Dion, womeale work, The funeral ivag'va . outwardly. , Suffliilrors � tronj oatarrh.ha4e sent t . . . p4ra& in Clinton on SundaY'after- da " (if list week. The. deZe" Wvdaeafty. aftcrnoon� juna 4th� service nearly TO years ago. Later lie, eylgag- � I . estbirloolials. I f . � y . ed had I I , . � 11 11 I �1 III � iw!. _. I __ I . 'Ll. . . I i hoon. .The, proc : being held lid the Lookboit, Mathodist Odi� forming ot.whlch1rado liol�obk � ____ - -_ _. I i "Sion". consisting of Men "2011 'health for Rome time, -and : ObUtCh At 2.30 o'e . I � � 0 - i . . -W-,— - --., -"; -- ­ f I �. I I I sev"]iruii&od men and boys, form. bad only left the Stratford hospital. , look tolloWing which 1.0001 of his 11f.'e. Whet) at quitlol an 11 I . � . . . � . t, I . � . ed up -in Recreation Park,#rid,, headed Besides her husbandi olue Ji survived -the rikwa.its were Isid. to let4t; An Greelp advanced ,fige he. married. Wistros*.4 �.� I . I . . . � I .. I . . . I . . . . I y the'Riltio'bIlInd, proceeded. to- St. 'by CL volin bill QemoteXy_-.113ero - were many Margaret MeDool, of Dayfield; . .. � . ." . . . I . I , 00s6pbla . .g fimilYo. The liodj.'Was ;beatitiful floral oouWbnt1b4i4. . 1. , I . I who, .. . 4 -1 � .. I 11 . .. 1.00 .. . .. � . church,"where a service was taken to Stratford im,it, ent, , -- I L - M . I predeceased. him some tow years. ago. . . Itew, . � . . � '. % . � . . . . � .. I— � IK—d - . -6 ,, ....'� I l-,,- . . . I— . � . Tb� deceAsed is survived by a half - , . . � I .- I ... so, A - A�� AAW or . I :, 4 �. . . , I . . TXLr_M4aAb . TION - Conquers. Asthma. -4T6 be rellcve4 brother and sist � . . � ; . I � � � I . Nia. HURON. DEANERY CONVEN from the terrible s to Sr.. and Mft� John Polloizk, of Bay. . 0 I . :� Forniek Exeter Resident Dies iff, uff0tating duo . or,: Mr. Goo. Castle,. . .1 . . , � . gora-Falla, -�N. 1(� I . . I . � � . asthina is a great "gF but A , funeral Nvas.held.on Wed. ... � . I . . . . q I I I 1 116. Benjamin f , Held in Clinton June r�rd,, pull Sleet. s4f. 1 4 . .1 . � I il - .1 ;.", Owen; it tor'llier . e.�tiardod for the fut I . . A . ft I . . I e is MIX nogday. afternoon, June Ilth, lit' 2 L , , , .� well-'known-resi6ot of Exoterp passed ' Ing will l5e, In.W11191114111 . ' . greater. -Not only does Dr� J. D. Y - I , :- I . . � I . I ''. I I . I ­ - I I � *let o'clock to t0field,cometery, .and was I I � . W I , , . I . I away at, Niagara Falls, . __ .. � � I 1� . . I , I . � ,X. Y.� On Sat_ � � . I , " . � I . logg's Asthina Remedy bring PrOMPt conducted b� Rev, B. P. '0010100$h, . � . , - I I I urdayi may 3At"111% his '74th year - The, sel."t-antioal Votive 06 .01 the rilief, but it introducoil a opw cro.,of rector of Trinity Anglican church, as. � . . � . 11 . I . r 'be,,On4octc, 4. * Deanery: of 'Huron Via eld in St- life for the affigicted. 8yst�eniatic I I . I . . . I . I I .'' Vot*11flihk yea a d' ii 11 A i I I I I �J vat I a P` - Patil's chvich ..Clinton. On,Toes4stv . it, sisted by It. A. Parkinson, pastor of I I . � . . � . . . .0 bAnk1n Exeter, which he,illspos. -Jiltio Brit. The . proceedi haling of. smoke ok fumes fr9ni the tile: X# 1.0'. . I . , . � .thodist cliurcli, � � ... : ,� ed of '.about � . .. . . '. . � ... � I . . . I I. 'j. twenty'years ago to The with a celebratlon'of.fho Holy, Coin. romedy preventg re -attacks and"..often _., . , . . . I I I . . . , . I : � . � now 11'eftinct Sovireign Sank, a �hort WUnldn4 the fieyj S. s. Ilaidy (it effects a pormanent cure. I . . I � III, ..... . �. , ftM=trt__ .� � I . I I . � . I'., I . time aftiftards moving to Toronto, Godbrich 'being. the c6lebrant. awsj$ted - * - . ... 1- . . � � ,_ : . 1. I I i whore he 114(d sifice�resided. , _ by the Rev-. 0. �Lte%voilyn 1111ke.y. At Keeping out of the -frying pan is' � r�,:.w., /,,,,,,,,,,;,, I " %4,11"'I L� I I . I I . . , I 0 . .. I ) - . � ' J I I I . � ,..0 � . elevien o'clock the Wom3xi & Auxllla,4 the first stitell, toward avoiding ttlie. � : . � 0 . 6 . I I I * � ,�' I A Crimiftill. Offftee of the Deatery met In tile ebnrcl� and fire. I � . � I � DOMINION EXPPESS ! , . . 6. � � I I . ,�.�,, Wingham Advance Times: - The the PflabtrY Chapter An the vestry. the . I . � :. I . I I '. . I 11 I . I . . I . . 1"t � . . r - . . . I I . .. . . - A. Tiumpar, and the latter bi itev. S. . . Cry * -i twnir Q I - road between Winghaw and NVhite A)"t"t r be1Og,Pt081d46d over -by bIrs. A. . � Child.reU -i MONEY ORDER � somm' , A, E. colbo K 0. OW1100 church w s I ; I ; . . . . wr with broken glass S. 11aidy, rural deanotHurou. x1gal . , FOR FLETCHER'$ . � I , .1 � t= . . . � a strt�' , ("nR STATtON', I . . ., ­ . -, , "' , S!rw . ,: I I . . ;ind,tucks for a distance of about qix L. 1haoc, InIssionary r " furlough fro I 1. - . 11 I � 1, � DOMINTC,14 EXPPF�',q AGFIJCJ��, �� I I I l"101110" I - . . I . I . . --- - - - I I I . � - I I . . I I I , and Instrue. -r 6. R,� I A ­.�-. � , . . I I . . feet. A few autes were held up and JaPau. gave an futerestfug �; � 16 A s . ___1___J1 �. . . I I . . . I . .1 � - , -_ I " - -1. - �! ,,, � , , * One of the 'motorists took, pains to tive address on bet- %voi k there. . , 7 �.., I bit ,,, III I *W"NWAW.""l111111: III I 11 11'', lil I 11 , . __ ­_­__-� . I �! ' i'T ' ! , swee�- the road so that. others might At 010 Flyterhoon sesiki6ii Rev. W. B, I - .. � . I . � . -_ I 11 - --I--.-;,-- ��­_.., . pass in ssifety.� Probably thp Hawkins of R ythi e.1pi ice Ott tiAV.Htlr­ " � 11 1. . . . . . . I "... I . 1. I.. I � 11 , ,..e, . . I . . .. - I .. I � perslon (�,(),,(,ge ;l on .. L . . I .. . .. . I . . . .1 ­ -_ I , , - I . I . .. " I atillee Clampaign, %viijoh is to . Ir . - . . . 1 __7__ 1_�___+­ . "..­, � �­ ­_­�� I _. . � . . who Put W6 13tuff on the road Is not laufietied next year, tile object of which � ., . . I . . .. . . . - . . ­____­A_� I I I . a;#are that if eaught '-he would be. 14 to; ralpe the sum of $160,000 as at on. I . ­ � .. .. 11 ..'' I 1. ... I I I . 1, . 1 . I . . � I �. I I . . I . �.� lik . I . . I 9 . i,�17 to spend a couple of weeks .I'll dox�nn.ur fund. Rev. a. W'. sliell of . ( . . . . ll pen at Poderich. 11 I Wingliall? fwt tortb ,tile advantages I . . I . . . i I .G . . 11 1. � F;st Wawanesh Clerk Los& Drothe Offer0l I)Y tile,, Dlocoad Sanitter . . . � . .. ­ . 1 4 I i . r 14c!h(jf)l to be . . I . . ... 11 . . - I � I - -0 I I 1. . bel4'Vext; month at Alma . I . . Mi., George Povterfield, deputy post 0A)Cge.. St. ThopAe, The Rov, Canon . __ . I I I ,� . . � I . I master of� Zrandon, brother of Mr Verway. D.0,L-4i tbe, Secretary of the ­ I I a &Am S/ UPE, R . I . 1. W . . .1 I . .. � 1. I'. $� Social -st-evice Co, 'huroh of . . I . t : ... I Alm 13orterfield, clork of East Wa� uncil of the C . . . . . ' . , ' wan6sh, has: passed, away. He was J!"11glaild Ill Canada,- tollowed with a 11 11 - .. . . I .. I . ,.. , Most Intereyning. survey of its Nvovlt. . - . - -_ ­­ . I I . . . i, � a son of the late Mr. Peter Forter- - r . ,_ . . . � ,� �!, , 1110 statedther6 iverettiree dennitions . I � M I . . . I I � I i. . � . . . '-� �, , � field, of t, oat �Wawaoosh,_ And a, high, Of8oclai Service, First, It is Appliod . I I . . . . . , t, .. � pw� 11 . . I . lY r6sPected citiz011 ,of Brandon. Christianity. Second, itisthe Gospel . I � 10 I , - I I . .. . . 11 I 1. . � 11 10 About twetty4lve years ago he clerk:,� litactlop. Tbftd� Itisthe Eiciflicoand 0 . I I MOD -ELS . . I . . I I I bd in the late Air. D, M. Gordon0s art Of billilao fellowship. It hau a . ­ - ­ . .. ... . . . . � I - . . 1. store In wingham. , Mrs. I F,MoSt throo-foid Work to.#o. based upon the 1. . . 1� . � I I . I 11 . I I � I � . I . - I I I Geddes, of Belgrave. and Afro. J. . 'L. examploof Christ, namely Dmaching, 1 4 . . . . I I t Goddes,.of Waterloo, are I teaching and Voing good. To aeciiin. . T HE Utiliiy Coupe - has over 14 tu. ft. of sisters .of Plieb Chia it must have eillcleuey,l, ttg1n. I I � . the deceased. . I � I I . . I I .1 I poace in Tear deck, . . I 1. fog and ' AYmpathy.'Although ,(he I � ­ 11 . 1. :. . . . Anlatetii'%Atfiletid Association Formed Council i14 still In Ito A atafiev it bag at- . . . I I � ' � . , , ..'' in Wingharn r.eady u0clertaken worlt la t1 e follo%ving The doora of this 'Model car'i be' locked as . , . . .1 . . departmentg* . - 'An Amateur Athletic Associatioa 1. lAterature and 11,11tillelty; 1. Ivel. .well as the rear' deck, making it an id ' . . eal 'car hot; been formed In Wingliatit and in COMO and Welfnrc of Nowoomers; �p, I iwl*,� m4king preparations for a Dominion FamIly life, and SOCIal Relationii; 4, 1 . where parking outside for long periods is ne*ces- low Day celebration. The Association ir. Child 'Welfare; ry, ChiiAtiatilty and in. � ... L 11 sary. I I . . I I.. . I � duntrial Relationship; 0, Xaval ind � I . . . n at the bank of Blilltary Hervice. L 11 �V 1� Elm L I . . .. the'oldiDoniinidn Day spott.il eoninut. Captain the Rev, (1, H. Budliland out. . I , ,- 0 __ Wide doors make getting' in and out much ' . tee. ,,Mr. 0. L_ Brackenbury is pre- lined. th0136clal 8,9t7le"eigg ccotnp� � k� _ . ­ . , a *ident of the new Associatlon,� Dr. J. lished by the Province of Ontario em -4 . � .. I easier than in most other m4kes. A. Pox first vice, Mr. Frank McLean PliftS12109 bsPecially the brothers, i I I I . W , I - . I :saconA vice, Dr. 0. W. 11onson see . . . 're. Allowanee Act. tile Juvenile Courts and � tary. Ir. B. Elliott, treasurer. I Inatistrial Schools" . . New SUPERIOR viflity ca,Lpa, ,;� Passenger I I I .. .. � I . Ab7.30 ga". There ww4a service lit . __ - . Wingham: 0d4fellows 11old Decoration thb ,ehure wnducted by the Do,. (,,, � � : . . I Service Llewellyn 11111ROY. assiRted by 14ov. i:., - � 11 I I I .1 : I I. I 0 I - Wingliani, Oddfellows hold their de. ri, tiewin of Brusgels, Tile hermon was We are full�, prepared te) 11iol-t ys,)tlr reqlijrel11e,,lt,, j,1 - 11 I c4ration s6rvice on Sunday, June lot. delivered byltev.,Canou �'el,aon. willo I � . . I .., - ,. The Witighani Band utarebed ahead took Us bla te-23 PFa1m 24, verse 1, "Lift \ ,M_�!& . I 't- . up your heads, 0 ye gatta. antl bo ye � TIRFS, SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS I Of the WL'�Ssitln and PlaYed sovoral lift,up. ye q0t1asting dolv.4. Arit the I %lections on the m4reh and at the killgot-glotyalialteoine Awl, . I I - I - . 19or .40_p5r, ­ ... n "D.1 C-' IM� &_&, I A�, � tW. - T_h-f, ftill ill" -11f , vq " fo . . 1, , " . ­ ." 11 Qr attil" w(mac, 9 vi ,.�,J"4d,(),."I(q)air�t)-cpart!llellti�;4n.":�!,C"�,,�r,. t,-.MeE%Tyi-.-4,Strockoll,at,,.��, _tlat4 41 t- r ' , P01ift. Rev. Bro. Clarke, of Drusselri, be bold In Witiabillm.' expqrt inechank of over 15 .wav' experienco, "tild we call give �0'u 1�00__-__,, I . and Bro. 11. 11. Mliott asnisted tv;6 flir., IVP0 Iff S'nevieftw I ��, _­_­ - ----- -1 . . I . I . �ervice, tit the cemetery. rainloin ind perfect in their action, I I - - 4 ! Aliller's. Worm Powders are alway�q a I I'll � __ - 4 ; n Winshatirt Lion% 0ect officers safa and.)reliablereme4y for children �1 PRICE 0ELIVERE0, Including Taxts. I I .1� - � ., . I J. X Vfteeler Tile Lions club held their annual who sb 6W symptonin of wornu c. I � olection of officers on Vi4day evellint, 1hoter symptoms sire ea!5ily rj�c-ocnio�. uflfl�v ('.Oup ............................... $10015.00 I I May ."Ith, Immediately sifter their Funeral Director and fo able lit a feverish rtstles3neg5, ire- sedar .. ............ l, ...... , I .................. . $lo240*00 Now SUPF-RIOR Wan, 5 Pawapr e followifig, quently ending in eonvuloiotm. A . � .. ­ - . � - I ­ ­ I& . . . Embalmer aro the no-WIF oleetcd tracers: pre$. Point ef notable importtiv.p is t;iat ,��. --,---- _­­__-_­�� - ­'. �_ - ­­­ � ­­ ,.. ­_ �­_'­ ,__­-_� �­­_­­_­ ­­__ !!!!!!!!�!!7!�!!t._ !!!!_!.!!W!:!!* _!,!!!!�'�. I J' W' na"A" lst Vice, 1)r' 't- A, FOX#' after bfiller's Worm Powdem, kave �� .1 . - , � I W To M. DAVIS � ' Goderich, �'Ontado ' and vice, c', R- wilww:ojif .' ,rd vicle, ,,vened tht,wortils. the stowvh and 1. , � JO!511 UiT'83t; geeg., J. W. MeRibbon; h0*015 are tf)0td up into a vt,iry heal. nA - 14rp , trett%, .T. A. Wallace; tion feamer, A. thy c9ndition- All CAIS protaptly aftlmdod to friplitilf . . . day Or night. I "". tail, tvq3t,er, L. C. Young; -__1-_-_-0-.-_____ 11 : CHEVINV Ll AR 1, E' " ,­tw dlr(,4-10K­� V. RiV9. T� It. Gib�an, A Wend, is out wh can forgive yon - . Phone 83 South, Street, Goderich rhofteq� store 0�5; HZIMO ".#D L' Varstone, Dr. Ross ari It. C. Mile. for everythi�v 0 . ;1, ,_ I .g except elilrbir,3 at,ov,:� �_ _� �_�_._�: --- �__ ___ �� ��_ ­ � ­� - - , , � _­ - - ­_ - - �­_' - - - -1. _­ . _ � __ . _ -1. - . � - - � - - ­ - � .. - _ '' t4an; 111113it conimittec-T. It. Gib. hislovel. . .. � ­ I I � . 1-1- 1 -11.-1 1.1-1 "..1.1.1 11 � ­­­ I.. 11 I—— .1 1-1 11. 1. I.- I ... I.. ­ .I.I... -11. ­ - -1 I - ­ �.. . -1111- � ­.. "I", I � 0 - ---"- � -- . 11 11 . 11 � � .1. I . . . . . -1 - ,,� , I I I ........ I ­,1111� .