HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1924-06-05, Page 7W Intl man low JOAJUl &W= WAL ............ KER S ANNIV.E RSARIY SALE Hilg e F�urnishings Of h QU y Furniture and Ho'm lift THIS IS THE CHANCE. YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING" FOR I TO THE. PEOPLE OF HURON COUNTY, U to'me here propored for hargajus-prices have beau slashed to iho limit-' we 'are 'forced to cut th stock 11 haye to hurry for many of the oitra, specials, will 6 is 119 Day; Solllnj It in -half dtWus this big eight day sale- 4' sol� during no 8 tha,ilopeniai days -them prices, will ma e a, quick clearaim, and remember, XMIM F V W d a better stock INA 8011tol".4 you fin RV W ,wv W WV W of hilik quijity- furniture and home for ishings-we urge-, you to come during this big 8 .144 Apiliversary Salo* Floor Govirlogs Weds of ENE BER SALE ..S�TART",S. JUNE, ith ind END$ JUNE 14th 'on THESE BARG SEE .^OR Smess %ashed -F ST Lv - P-deesare FT,. We Mean B PRICES CUT ON EVERY BRIDGE AND TABLE CHOOSE A CHESTERFIELD SUtTZ NOW.you CAN CHOOSS LAW SWMPINO BARGAINS ... WALNUT TABLES I only Bridge La ut post, with blue and 901(f shade. n:p beau ed olld wal� YOUR OWN COVERINQ A Vt Sa1e74cef1$i2'6.d4.s OUT'T"EY GO, IN THE ANNIVERMS 3glece Chesterlit1d Suite, upholstered III' firm French tapestry, I only Bridge Lamp with mahogany post, with lovely rose shade, full spring siat ushion, and back CORStrUction. This Is 1A strictly 111 CIA$ Anni I only Solid, Walnut Tabl= quite 'and absolutely guaranteed for, long wear. $old regularly 'a 5.00. iversorY We Pike $24.96, 1, . 1, . . I . I 01� 0 'Aaabrersary Sale Pj4ce $1020500, Aanivmary Sol* Price $29.7S. t. 46 I 'fable Lamp, -in mahogany finislij wicker stand and -shade. Asiaiii-, var"ry'-We Price $6.7 Reg. $3*1- .1 only Solid Walnut Chesterfield Table'o I only Electric Ma.hogany Hall Lamp, A lovely. Iamp. Analverwy A=iv�rwy Sale Price' $27 ONLY KITCHEN CABINET$ TO CLEAR Sale Price,$9,715. .$S. Out they go, and the pricer, will,s�ll them. t: solid oak, porcelain top" 'net, built very conj I only. Solid Walnut Chesterfiela Table. t�eg. C. golden oak finish cabi. - i al;,", Bridge Lamps. plete, olden, o. oril mention a few of the lovely Floor and Nickleold top, fully'equipped. The�se must he 061011V We can You will Anniversary, Sale Price $28.98'. See our have to come in and see thernr All �wlll �he sold at some price. tlnls' Anniv�ctivs�i!y��,,�Sale price tickets. 4 "tively Must b", tumed tnto cash .25 of the flilest, Dmin# Room Tabies and'Buffets'poW e nid u n so oak rni stion 1 8 We have every style of fable a b. ffet thai is'being*,shown I tables i lid walnut - quartencut oak',"' fuin�d --- old English brown is i , . oak . fini h with buffet's - to-. m, atch the. tables - The Anniversary Sale prices we have marked on this line of furniture is in ' a cases below cost -we must, this stock in halL M ny cut DRESSFAS, YANITY DRESS9RS, AND CHIFF�OBES, SOLID BEDS IN WALNUT,. IVORY�. OAJC,�AL L BARGAINS Here is a,,�llahce to furnisli your edr9om wltji ., a - Dresser or Chiffrobe in Ivory,,',Walnut, Mahogany or Buy Beds during Ihis.A nniv�erssitry We have a large stock. that, will be sold. at pricos nevqr before offared. bi �8 Oak, a.t. the lowest possible ' rice. Every.1-ast pie6e Will be sotd:during this Anniversary, Sale' 'for7these higli class lines, lie flnish�and' p workmanship isabsolutely' ed. Conic lonkirig for a bay -gain, guaranto SECTIONAL: BOOK CASES GREATLY REDUCED WRITING DESKS, CEDAR CHESTS ON SALE MIRRORS AND PICTUM-EVERY ONE ON S 3, only complete Seeflonal. Book: Cases in Walnut, Fumed 6 ak- 0itt.they go at. almost wholesale, prices. If you need a Ceda� Bath Wirrors, Bedroom' Mirrors, Hall Mirrors, Table Mirrors-' Mahog:tn Will b in.fact any kind or style you want greatly reduced. durillX, this, vile. P1 and sold1n. individual, sections to suit yout, needs!,.-�' C.Ilest that is abso) t I rpoth -proof, or -an.v style or linish ill awriplig - 'dt about halt prlc�, and (here are hundreds to �hoosiv- f 0 1 doting, u e y iur�s go Come in Mid. vt a bargain on these lovely0jeces. unity to sav� dollars r n Desk, this is your opport the.Annix.ersary Sale. n ins 4 his'- will b -�­ev' th We can ot 6giuf to mentioa: the hundreds of Ito I are: e e i'regular'sea of bargain$ erY ing will Anii hays4.o iversary'Sale ticket,�O,wo mhj#,,ciat,� the i6ock in-Aalf BATH�MkTS RUGS RE ANNIVERSARYSALe OF, OUR EWI' D CURTAIN STOCK_ PAINS ANNIVERSARY PRICES n TU BARU We filgst clear o.4t every small Mat- in -our, e J: 11ME. M ST U"`0'j&'RE stock regardless of cost. -,Dozens. of patterps'and si ire -S 1AIDC Buy Curtains duriog this Anniversary Sale. No to. choose from, �,Get our prices, matter what kind you need we have them in plain net & falcy Patterns. B�ngqJo%v styles and'.scrim with C04FORTERS OF ALL KINDS. Here is,a'chancib. to save dollars on 4D inatress yon want I X frilled eges. We have. cut the. prices �ofi every. yard only Coniforters, in stock ft -t must be t'sold N. .7.5 SIMMO SHIQH every pair. Dozens of fine patterns CRADFS MIATTRESSM �$.96 12 -ONLY PURE FILLED COT MATTRESSES, $2.05 during tbjs� anniversary sale. to choose fro'ni, some down filled, Here is one of the best barjaIns in* the'. whol Buy, seve'ral Cot Mattresses for �suhimet'use, % 'Jar Anniversary Sale. Alf Simmons quality 'Mattr.ess'es These are all full size and well made. - Sold 1) ligLkg AND ROCKERS regu LIBRARY. TABLES-PRICMSLASHED made with the.purest filling and covered with fancy art $4,50. Anhiveroory.-Salle Price $2.95., 28 only Library Tables; solid . oak, in fumer finish . Covers of good quality. Sver4 oiia must be sold, 2, only llctd Rockers in best finish. Sold. regular at 8 .15. AnWv rsary SallePrice-sio.'.164 SAI 895 that We are forced to teff" regardlass,.Of cost. These Anniversary e'Price, $ - simply must be sold. and -there. wilf. be some rare bav-' .SIMMOMSPECIAL LAYER FELT. MATTIMS I only Reed Llbraf in a very pret , Y. de JL g4ais during this A-nniversary $ale., $16.40 sign.: Sold at,$2.41.0(k. niveriitry Sole PrAco $ji PURE WHITE.'LAYERFELT MAIT-RESS; 96. These are our This is ..a very special Simmons bestv quallity 1, only Reed Rockers in golden. emish,' Z CHESTERFIELD` 1 $ 50 Slinm6ns hi I well made a Mattress of 4VIlite -laver felt with heavy air covi4, and tinished. Anniversary. Sale Pike $9.95, CHAIR'S re"ll, Ite n'g;'e',r%el't lity Mat -tresses filled With sanit y pure whi Beautifully.Upholstered Chesterfield Chairs, mtlde la �Comes-itt the origillal'�ap�r bags right frni.il the f.1.1ctory th rolled ed9p.. Anniversar y Pe Ptice $ Anniv.eirsary Siole Price $16.40. wi 17 with high quality imported Tapestries. . There areoif. ly a few in the loit.. All,have full'spring seats and backs, Sold regularly af,�55.00 ach. Anniversary` WOOL RUGS, ALL S112IM-BiRUSSELS, VVILI ONS ANNIVERSARY COMFORTERS 10 ONLY IN, THE LOT $3,65 Sale Price $34.195. AXMIMSTERS I 4ER"OLID OAK; FUMED FINISH SET. DO 'clinfor tors. All' We hive slashed.p.rices right to the bed rock on, to (inly cotton and felt tilled G have firl aring coveri LIBRARY CHAIRS ght good Nve n, ev�cry Rug in our store., ­We have some'viry beautiful, This is a, rare bargain ill la-�full set of Diners- jnadk! in plain And con� pair Library Chaits, fully upholstered ill flile asting Panels. Worth up to .1 0 each.. Anniver. French Tapestry., This is an- patterns in all of the,'above makes of Rugs. Come fro!n solid oak in -lovely fumed finish. One arwchldr (f . sary Sidi Prloe_$3,65. extra -special .-bargal.v. and see them. Anniversary Sale -Prices. and, five straight chairs. Sold remalarly it 15.00. Anniversary We Price, each $14,96,' An 'verso so. $ale Price $21. QL!EEN AVX DINERS S -PIECE LIVING R9OM SET OF�tOLID OAK. IS PAIR FEATHER PJUOWS Th'g is L I lovely PAIR $3.95 I full' set Queen Ann Diners of solid oak, fumed s4'�f -Living Room Furniture in OAK DINERS finish. All have genuirie'leath& sliji seats. This is solid oak, of A. chairs and table in dvery pretty desi�ft, 6-plece set of Solid Oak Diners with le ather seAts, 15 ooly. p . airs Feather "Filled -Pillows with best \,one. of the best bargahis of. the whole sale ana* are beautifully fiiiished , This is' reduced almost, to cost. Have beautiful fumed finish and guaranteed solid.don�, art co�crings. These. whi tie cleared regardlesi greatly reduced.' Anniversary Ssille,prioe $3S.S0. A�Qverss;ri grade We Price $38.794, strucrion.. Aaniversary Sale Price $32.00. of price. Anniversary Sale pair $3.95, igh, Chiir 160 Curtait. Rodso Round tcwdreft,s Hi Club Bap, Anniversay 3 only Iron lUds, reg. $15; Sooetat $3.50 or Flat, eackjoe Salo- $3.95 $18, $20, Sale $7.95 I coil, 'd SEE' THESE 6 only wel aru�to chit- S.,Uuv. these while they 1.4%,- s t BARGAINS I A rare special for thoge wbo Iteaular $15, $is, $1.10, Iron drares Ifigh Chairs., tpeli with . ,, i the regular way up to BASEMENT need a Club Har, for perronal Bed!,, 3 only In the lot. - Thia is good sNed trays. Annivernary, 50c,u pair, Anniversary. Sale 7 only Golden. Oak Rockert $3.95 use or a preiient. Just 12 in a barivain that will. go quick. Safe Price, $3.50. pri0p each loc. 8 Gkily Larte UphWatered Chairs $6.95 the lot, Anniverqary Anniversary Sale prieb 'A SpUiidld quality dolden Oak Rooker. Has Thhj is a basement bargain that will demon�tratc price $3,95. big value. Some of these are slightly shop worn, all -$7.95 Hanuolftk Couch $1"S appearance aind4trougly inside. Worth regular Iron Crih, Dr,6P Sides, I only Simmora W $6.45 I oftly Simmons Hammock 1;16-6. Anniversary Sale Price $3.95. upholstered in, tint zilk finishea and sohrup to $20.00. 1 oWy Baby CarriaSt $9.96 Thfii in a genaine Simmohs Full size Children's Iron Crib, .. u Anniversary Sale Price, each $0,93. I -only Ivory finish full size, - Co ch. Una wtill upbolstortd. has full drop sid6s. ThIg 11 a Quality Iron Red. Well made very rare bargain. A seat awl "drop brick. Anniver.' I only Solid Wallaut Sofa $23.00 Baby Carriage, full runilf"V, and finblied. This is a real e Price $7.95. nulver- f;ary Sale Price $19.03. This Is a -real bargain. Sold In the regular way, Axi4verarywe'Prices on TOO&$ gear and -adjustabit top, scau- silap. Must he cleart Anni Here, is a chance to fill the need for a good Dtrong, t1fally lined. Annivermary Main, Anniverwry Sale Prive 8a at $45. d during this sale. - 'ce $9.75. 1;. . I verand1kh Chairs versary Salo Price $9.1. full size Tr�nlci and they m wt be cleared out. Anvi- Pri $6.4, C Bed Sprinits Verandah and Liwo Furniture vervary Sale Pricea S6.0 to Stix)o. I only fro Bed $4.99 ChOds Enan*l Crib $4.50 zens of sets of- best t1uniftv in almost every kind that is 12 onli ChiWreiils Rockers $2.75 SPectal Salle Price on Congolleum Rugs A, reaulgro $8.50 Iron� Bed, in I only Child'a White .9namell, Coil ed Springs, in double and iieeded, Every lose piece will ebildrmes Rockers and Chairs in Wicke r. and congolom Plugs lit every size apd patteta. All white enamel firdsh, full double Crib, strongly made and'beauti. IR UP 140r-amw ld�zll Sold UP to $5.50 each- Annivoradry are thrown into this �jc sale gt prle, very -rittle olze. Anniverearsr, sate Price fully finjohed, Anniv p, r sing)6 bed sizes, to,_be cleared be sold at Anniveraary Sale Golden Oak. .8 at Anniveraary $.ale prieo�- Prices. Salo Price $2.73. above coqt. Pee the Anniversary Sale Prices, t4 Ms. Slate Price $4.50, MM WE WANTIOUxv COME IN AND LOOKAOUND SEE THE YELLOW PRICE TICKETS A DEPOSIT"WiLL HOLD GOODS UNTIL WA-NTED WESLEY,, WALKER. FINE FURNITURE. ."VDERICH I This Is an 8 -day. oppetoolt to Silo Starts Iriday. June 6th Sale nds �atqd June 4th WESLEY,, WALKER. FINE FURNITURE. ."VDERICH I This Is an 8 -day. oppetoolt to turelsh a 1`60M :Aqyr homs a w Ngprount. 3. Z j - -- ------- 419.